TUE CAPITAL CITY ITEMS. Grand Order True Reformers Tobe Organized. Vliat Has Happened, and Who Has fis Ked the City During the Past Week-other Mentions. A. W. BERRY. Local Editor. -No paper next week -Rev. E. R. Roberts of Flor . enc? was In the city Saturday Warneka'a Bakery for fresh bread. -Rev. O. W Davis of Sumter, waa among city visitors this week -Dr. Chas. L. Waltoo took in the Charleston exposition Ja't week. Ibid pap?-r is on exhibitiou in the Negro departmeut of tho exposition al Charleston. Van Metres is the place for poor people to buy fnrnitme. His is tua cheapest furniture store in lowu. -There will be no paper from thia offlcu next week. Look for her January 4th,T902. The ward One Furniture Co., is the beat furniture store they seil .by cash or on UP: .'it. People in this ward should pu mize thurn. -The State Excjcuti?-* Commit '.tee ol the Baptist .State Ccu Veil tt OD wai in sbd.noa at Zt.ou this Week. -It is reported here that Mr, Buller Dilbert, formerly of iLis city ?diod iu Washington last week, if true," we hope bc is at rest. Call a physiciau quick! Well Dr. C. C. J on usda is capan le, courteous and attentive. Courges reasonable Call ou htm. -Mr. C. E. Stuart of Greenwood linche city tue other o from the AJa^ou lnuaooro. tes spent last Satur i^^^ff^#???U1rg de left again -yuamnamiqpwBgp&t city wu ire no goes to look after '*S? ?ta Claus ucd nij intere.it,'1 and his store there. Go running you and your beys to the, Ftag. doming store where you will ba politely treated. Jil vc ry thing fur Chi.stma9 very cheap and satis factory. . -Rev, Rioharl Carroll has been chosen as orator of Emancipai iou Day af Aiken Januar) 1st. Look for a good elation, as Rev, Carroll is a noted orator. Editor Holmes is invited'to be present. Farticks line of liuo dry goods, clothing gents furnishings and ?hoes are things of beauty and jove for ever. Try him and be eonvined that rbis is the cheapest dry good* Store io the cit) . -Dr. C. C. Johnson is being con gratuled by his host of friends on account of his re-election aH State Grand Masler o? thc Free :?hd Ac cepted Masons at the meeting held at \Vio..8boro last week. -Mr. Anthony Hamil ton, the famous colored jockey of America ia on a visit to relatives and friend? here, Mr Hamilton has the distinc tion of being the only colored South Carolinian who ever got a salary ol #10,000 a year. When your loved one die be sun you go to Rev. D. Cooper tho un dertaker and let him put them a way nicely, i/o will not chargt yon a cow and calf Tor it either. -Mrs. Elvira Holmes, mother ol our editor, is quito feeble. IT e i . many friends hope for ber a speed} and complete restoration to health. She is a blessed mother,- untiring in her interest and love for bei children, gran dchildren and friendi Everv hereon in this city and statt who need" tho attention of a dentis abould otko their teeth to Dr. Har ding, thu painless tooth extractor. The best work lor tho least money ii his motto. 1316 Main st -Dr. J. A. Ligbtner is arrang ing to set up a Fountain of True Reformers in this oily. Tin? is one of the best National organizations of colored men in the land. T b e True /informers' headquarters aro at Richmond, V.. where they have mammoth busines houseas Wo hope the doctor will succeed. Sunday at The Y. M. C. A. < Mr. W. A. Hunton will speak at the Colored Y. M. C. A. to-mor row afternoon at 4:30 o'cloek. Mr. W. H. Thomas will furnish instru mental inusie. Messrs W.E. Green and Wm, Johnson will each hing a solo. All men invited to be present Not? in The Souial Y,".! _i The young pcop?e (nod . . ... - too) ol" the di l?en -it Su lUh ; .:" are making arrangements for their Christmas trees during the approa ching holidays.' A Three Nigh 1.3' Carn ira] far . benefit of the Taylor Lane Hospital and Training School will bo given at the Y. M. C. A. hall beginning January 1st, 1902. Emancipation Day will be appro priately observed in thib city. All necessary preparations are being made by the Lincoln Memorial As sociation, and tho, day promises to bc a ?rand one. The 1) ixie Queen Comedy com pany's concert at the Lincoln Street hall Monday night was not a suc cess on account of the tree/ing wea tin r. They are to repeat it during the Christmas holiday*! . Prc;'. J. //art ford Armstrong, j Magician and Impersonator, is here arranging to g ve one of his wonder ful exhibitions ac au early date. Tho Z M Zerick Est, /.amens fl.f?0 fl/Us Ida ECowau Heston Mao? 1 00 Kev 1 S Monee Oa?dw?ll 2 00 W M Bowan n ' Bowmans' 1 00 li- v 1.1 !) Leophard Norway 50 Wm Baker Ner-ees 1 00 I Ii Purker Cordova 2 GO Dr Dan Moorer Oni?gehnijg 1 fiO I. W Snell . Middle Pen 1 (?0 .V. iss M. J nfcDauiei Own?gaville 1 lfj N T Bu rr 13 Sarrutt 2 00 - "I enjoy reading The People's Recorder ami lind it Worthy of our attention. 1 hope it may live to be old, and when coming down to die (as everything must die(?) itt head may be white with honest toil f o . the Negro race IV (ML?) ABBIE E. G?EELf. Concord, N. C. i WANTED-One good ?gi j at once Colored man prefercd . Sam I pies 25 cents. Address \V. H. CU ESN KIT & Co., j 12.2l.4t . Laurens, S. C. j I NT R R V A L 1 i EV E ? N R SE UV ICR, 1 I DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA, > COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. ) Columbia, S. C., Dee. 7th, iOol - ''The following described property ' I having been Baized for violation ol j section ;?4?t) l? S U S. any perso:; ! or persons churning tho ."ame nmsl ; j give noi i''e ami file bond ns required ? by sect ibu 34f?i) li. S, or the s a ni ? j will be dec ared forfeited io thc Uni! , '. ed Stales viz.*Six jugs said to conoid i in :he aggregate 0 galkfu? of corn . j whiskey seized at Sp ir tau burg, S C. Ceo. K. KofSter, Collector. EiisonJotoson Elec (Incorporated Under tho La OFFERS FOR Shares, 810 par value, present Address for further info Hermann Zadels Box 1H6. So GuKETiNua li Wo wish our .reders a iiierr} Christmas. and when they see Sauts Claus - h o pu they will have hi'm;frenew their subscript ion, ioTyjhv v?j??_?o tue People's Recorder^ Our eity""i8 somewhat lively and ita.peop'e. progressive, ener getic :md hospitable. As a rule they i>wn their homes, and ure begintimg i o acquire property. ; whidnro^jof the t?rst'requisites 1 to civil confierai iori. livery un?ti ought to strive to ! got a lioqa^i^Jiis earthly para-i di?e. uroupj which altai his fain . ? ?.' in v holer sa tel v and w,-,ich j UH >;iin.-i.^y.. 1 even ut tilla; i We h a vi?' 4 M?UUI bo protected pBf? of his lifo. ||n the city four colored churl'h?es where our people worship regularly, and givfc Cod homage anti praise for Hie blebs inga und dnine guidance. Oui school facility is at nar with the i-verage. The Hotie Graded School, w i 1 li R. W. j ?!ance,j!.|prih?ipii-;..ana Misses E. ! C. Lohrey, ? .-.'Ii. i Neil an.I I. young njcri. a n d women have' goue out from this school and give much i promise for active! labor, tu join the phalanx, no-/ I cause o f Negro viljzat'on, Store is the pluce our prescription? I d many ? here. j |k. doing a J fvork for our boys and girl's-1 j The enrollment is 51. Bible j j study is .conducted here and also j j inslr :i:tiou is given in sewing by ! hand and in t ruck- farming. ! ! This is a new feature in t?- e! i I i schcol and bids fair to be of mush i service to the recipients. We cali parents' attention to I he above schools and trust they will 8purn, with much foro thought, ignorance inebriety and tutored idleness. Lay aside self ishness ?nd personal differences j and give your children a liberal education that they may become respectable citizens and a Mussing tn colored society, if you ne ; [ g^coi. lias duty when they become ' ! old,decrepit and beyond the reach I of these attainments they willre . fleet and simply look uooi vou us I . . * .. their tutors. ! For Christmas toys for the chil dren and for glass ?nd china ware j cheap for cash. Goto J. W. Whites China Store. HosellH.it cheaper. Tho Firm known ns Daniels and Williams is as large ?nd in viting as any other colored estab lishment . in the Stale. They ! have on hand at all times u full stock of groceries and will sell yon the same goods you buy elsc^ where for tho same money, and iric HaMfacturUg Co W YORK^^ ws of the State of New York. ) SUBSCRIPTION pi ices 8???.6D, rotation Atlanta, Ga ix;roes Building.. with equal satisfaction. Go und see Santa Claus smiling in a col ored store. Remember Eichelbergers res taurant and tonsorial parlor ou Nance street. Ile is ever i cud y to serve cullers and gives satis faction tn both department'. We ure delighted to inform our readers that u letter from the sec retary of the colored department of tho Charleston Exposition, brings intelligence that the New berry exhibit is i u tho leud. White this speaks well, our peo ple have not done near ro well as they could have. Wo ad viso that ton do not, gift? t?o much heed to sycophants and obstreperous wi;-? tneu. These obstinate characters are over ready to oppohi?ei spent last Sunday ar. Abbe Til i 9. Mr. ?SnimttfOU 'fuvioll, our *uliooh tu nr? lii^inj who tua ae'woii nu i term in tin* army, is hen? ?(baking ( hand- willi r? ati v??.? und friends. 1 WP aro glad io s.-o him. ; The Xmas exerei?fci? ut. Brown*? ! chapel promis . t lo be giand. \E IC H ELBERG ER'S j ?A. '?,li5 ?p-to;Date Restau -> ? ^^?srttnt and Lodging House in-=^T^ I t ho Town of Newberry). .... I" ; . Cakes Pies ' Cigars.and.Tobaccos BARBER SHOP , m connection. Hit- publics' trude solicited. Clean i < weis. ! J. D. El6?el?6rQ6r,NKw;r; j .CO-nt: TO. j Mayes' * DruQ * Store j -NKWIliaRRV. fe?, c. j Por Drugs, Perfumery. :: and ail things found in an i up-to-date Pharmacy, j Hair Oils. Vaseline. Cos ! metics. Lamps. To I bacco & Cigars. Garden j Seeds always fresh. 1 riv and .GO TO. J. W. WHITE'S Jnst Below Jamison's MEWBRRY. S. C sis s williams. berra. So. Garollna. Toys, Fireworks, Raisins, Can Dearies, Etc. ? j riMn?.'ripii?Q, please *:end her tile ; paper. I Mrs. Lu?a Gri?iin o f Sullivan i ?treel, wno hus been quito i!l for tho i last two wecke or more in able to be i up again. Also, MM. Annie Pinson j in St. John ?tree!*, wno bas buen j down for a considerable time id a ; great deal bettor. We ie*-] proud to i say tbi t'both of these were uedtT I tho. moat abie una t-fficipnt treat - i ment of oar hastling colored doctor, j A. E. Boyd. Wo ure piiiBiiadfd by YhU treatment of iheae two 'canea that j be koowa hie bu?iue?s. Go ahead I ..Doc.'' 'i Ml*s ?vi? 'J'cHsb?.y of Hartwell Uti. iaceompanij'd by Mr. Roheit lF?:rd ii:t in the city t?.is Meek visiting he?r sister Mrs, Cora Bowman. ' Wo all ' I hopo thom ti pleasant stay iii the 1 ? mountain pity. Our muoL beloved pastor iWv. J. ' IA 'Pinson loft for Columbia Monday I where he goes on business relative ? to the convention as inj'ia a member ' I of the executive bonni. Xmas is righi at hann even nt lb? door and ibu iittli! ones* are loo!.ini* . vitb bright eyea mad- \omrhw .mnoi . i yvi?.'Cfu fv? tjunti* Ci?iu.i lj T.. r?. KO ? UiV. 1