The people's recorder. (Columbia, S.C.) 1893-1925, December 21, 1901, CHARLESTON EXPOSITION and CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY NUMBER, Image 1

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EXPOSITION ?i4 AY NUMBER ? TIIK PKO. XiK'S 8TATK Pl *'i R..PUJH 18H '. D IN TH t iM'KRKa I UK COLUKKD KA<;K...A XiUBNAL OK MKW8 AN?? OPI?Y.OJ?. Y(0l. 9. COLUMBIA, S. 6. ?AY, DECEMBER 21. 1901 No. 14 FREE & ACCEPTED MASONS Hold Their Communication in j Town of Winnsboro. , Grand Vaster arji Officers Re-Elected. I Grand and Enthusiastic Meet ing Throughout The 33rd annual communication of the Most Worshipful Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of South Carolina und juris* diction was held at Winnsboro lust week. The folio wirig Grand Lodge office ra were present : :.v :l;Dr. C. C. johnson G M, Rev. B" P. McDowell D 6 M, T. L. Shiver G S W, J. I. Washington G J W. fi. M? Nixon G TA T?, ari lawyer G S, Rev, I. D. Davis G L; C. C Mc Rae G C,i?. G. Davis G P, T. W' Williams G Marshall. A, J. Johnson G S Di' HW.Hines O J D, Dr. D. Moorer G S S,-Rev. E. W. Allen G P&^wi^ B, McDonald Raglh llljp^ , J. Le*y D D G M, J. C. Jackson D' D'G M, There were present .also over one hundred of the Masters ?nd Wardens of the Lodges in the State together with a large number of visiting Masons of th ts and other States. Tho Grand Lodge convened at 12 o'clonk on Tuesday and after the enrollment of the members and the appointment of the various com mittees, the Grand Muster delivered an appropriate address. At night a public meeting was held in tho A. 'M. E. church where several able and eloquent addresses were made to n large audience On Wednesday the different g.ranU officers reported and the anr nnal election was held. Dr. C. C. Johnson was unanimously re elected A public installation was hel? at the A, M. E. church at night in the presence o f a crowded audience. Mnch business was transacted on Thursday and at night a large and enthusiastic meeting was held and the repoits showed that during the year over five hundred of the best men of the State had been added to the list of members and that the outlook was tar more encouraging than .it hus ever been in the State. The proof was clear chat the bogus faction ia only getting those who are, not able to get into regular Masonry. Invitations from a number of dif ferent, places for the next, annuafl meeting were ?eceived. That of thc city of Su uter was accepted. The recommendation of the Grand Mas. ter t o hold a great international Musonic Congress in Charlesboa on 7th and 8th of April (1.902 was a dopred, and tho thousands of regu lar Masons from all the States and Territories will be invited to attend this great gathering. *????M? Hi 1 ? ??I j * ? ?? * j * Hiiliilin ;tX4.4 4* 4 4.4 1H,1 * < ? 4A4,1111.1* O -11 -1 4 .VI HAPPY MBEETIN GS : 4.4. Written Por Th?-Recorderiiii^.; ^"B?okhart. City Collector W all m e happily greet thee-one and A merry Christmas day ?While Old S'aint thee call ij| Hear what he has t?'say, He brings to you a pap?*deAr ?ECOllLUNG the.uanV?s of ail, The rich, the po.?r, they uev?r fear ' Nor let tl} a bau uer fall- < Look up with cheerful hearty, be elad And peace this day, .'* RemembeM this and don't be sad1 A Mefry ?hriFt.mus Day.* . V We hope for you a merry time.. Thia Christmas Day you seeri'.^;; In umort ?efc each'heart combin?' s Tor Him who mudo you .free, * While Christmas comes io every Hegj^4? To some it.bnriga a smile; But still it never slights the poor; ^VJ-' Nor shun the smallestchifd*.= :??j^f,* Flower? hu ve drooped their; J)tt!e And whispered ull goori1 njglit^^^ v While dew drops on thtejfriutle beds':;y; Greetipg.Avithall its niigh'ti ^ . ! \ Be member DOW tbevChr'st^ Just'ho.w it came Abo?t, ; Arid ag we eel eb ia terrae may TM' it without a-douiit >&*i?le??'\mi'y'- 'While quiring o'er white cliffs of years M >3 I The blessed tidings comes Beyond the walls of Bethlehem A woundrous light appeared So very bright it seems to them, They must now start with fears^ Yet lint-the strams of music came Upon, the still Mght air, "With greetings of toe Uoly^N ame ? Who had the cross tobear. There \vas another greetinir heard ? There was a-choral song. By one with shining wings-in words f. '.. ' "Fear not 1" a greeting tb?pug. " Behold, I bring to you he said >..??? Glad tidings of great joy ^ AVhile. peJce may ro3t. upon your head ?oodVwill men may enjoy. v -?ud spffcly floating out with cares wi A^pice thiat gie eta, welcome. ?.way back ?r?^ Wa't?b'ed; nie .?VV: Still floating out upon the breeze ^it^ ^lad ringing.Christmas bells" . I0j'?$?p?ice>- good will, we greet with ease ^ '.^^iaxi tidings still it -'teils. . ! I r^&mfyi^idt good will embodied ali : lt : iwfiile^you .maj read aud think, How hard it i? for us tp toi 1 ;'i p Or satisfy with ink,. vf y to please -you all- we. can,; , :^ii2?^-&^ctiog:ittNi?t?^n<. ^ ? - BP?8?S*? tf^lT&wH ajael .eal ies.igi ????? shel ielr eyes. " IHN F DKI yt??'Heaven's speed. - Whatever ypu ?? io work - br play, * New~iife-newjyear you lead. ?r r ?v?Tt ???'t?n rrivrnif -rtT* ???:?? rr rr;? ir vt v rrr r*. * ? ? trrr?rrrr? ? ? rr? rr rr rr-rrrrrr I Bedaoed Bates Via Southern Ballway ' On account of the South Carolina and Weet Indian exposition the Sou thern railway will 6ell tickets from Columbia, at the following cheap rates to Charleston and return. * ?5.85 for tickets ors sale daily, from November 30. to May 31. 1902 with final limit to Juan 3, 1902, in clusive.' 44.30 for tickets on sale daily from November 30 to May 31.'1902, in clusive, with final limit of ten days in additiou to dato of sale. $3.25 for tickets to be sold on Tuesday and Thursday of each week from December 1. to May 29, 1902, inclusive with final limit of seven il ayn in addition to date of sale. The Southern railway op-rates four trains a day to Charleston on the following convenient schedules. No 16. leaves Bland i pg Street station at 1.35 a. m , arriving Char leston atv 7.00 a. m. and carries the Chariotte-Cbarleston, and Greenville Charleston sleeping cars. No 6 leaves uniou depot at 7.00 a. m., arriving Charleston 11.15 u. m. No. 8 leaves Bland mg St reet sta tion at 11.40 a. m., arrives Oranire burg at 1.05 a. th.. Branchville 1.32 p. m., leaves at 1.47 p. m., stopping 20 minutes for dinner, arrives Sum merville nc 2.57 p. m., and ari ives Charleston at 3.35 p m. and car ries the New York, and Charleston sleeping car, beginning JDeceniher 2. No. 14 leaves union depot 3.00 p. m., arriving Charleston at 7.30 p. nf.', ?nd 'enfries the'St?' .?fcouiV and Charleston car, effective December 3 Foi.., Pnltjnan car space tickers, ste, ??il oh K. .JL.'^eay-r U. T.. A; .1513 Main 6lreeC. ' ? .. -,-? ' -- ': ; THE Negroes gets hotter.protoctioi in Africa than'fc hay do in America Last Week a merchant ?ye'i; then named Witt.eubarg. was Sem tn.?c ec .to fi ye years io the penitentiary Cpi; i m'pfc? in g a VN egro ? 6'iv.a ram-: rod A merchant, named Kelnict wa sentenced for.three years for pour inj petroleum on a Negro's hands ant then Hefting him OD fire, and i MISSIONS IN SO. CAROLINA. Re?. Dr. Boney Tells What The People Are Doing i He ilso Speaks o? the Wort of This Pa per. To Leafe for Africa ^ on ?annarj 14th. To the People's Recorder : I have beeu pleased to read your ? columns,' ami observe your motto land manner of Editorials-It truly hus th" right name "People's Re I coiUor." Io keeping before our uyes, tho record we have' made Bince ihe war closed, and culling our at ; tuntion to the fact, that we are raak ! ing a record currently-You are do ing more good than you know of. ; Y 63, you are build i ug grander than you know. You will, brother editor, never know bow much good your | editorial life is doing until heaven's record, in the final ?ay opens it to you. Negro Journalism i s bard, but you seem to be facing it like a j man cf grace. Of course, none but a man of grace can "advise, counsel I and admonivSji" successfully, I n fact, none should lead our people j but men rind women of grace. ? You sing j?ut for morality in no j uncertain language. That ia right, I for eur yoting people . .ought to be better'than their parents. ' Bntatter all,J;he growth of the people d? pends upon the leaders, both ab to quality amd?quabli?y.'/..'.. I g<>i back tof'the old state Oct. third merchant was "eeofenced to eight months ia jail for destroying the eye of aNegro chief with a whip.-Ex. "/ . ' ?: ... ? ? i . .. ?. ... 1st, last, representing the Foreign ! Mission work of the National Bap tist Foreign Board. I have been re ceived very kindly by the brethren throughout the State, I have re ceived the fol lowing monies in the St .te Zion Baptist Columbia, 8. 0. ?38.49 Upper Wateree Association 42.73 ?ntiock Association 6.20 Gassernane Association C1.45 Church at Irmo 1.00 Pee Dee Association 60.10 Old Ashley Association 30.17 New Ashley Association 28.03 New Ashley S. S. Convention 6.25' St. John Bapt Ch. Crosland 3.78 Rev. Guinyari, Charleston 1.00 Cash Charleston 1.00 Orangebnrg Association 34.30 MorrisSt. Bapt. Ch. Charleston 15 00 Lower Wateree Association 35.00 Dr. Gilbet t Central Ch. Chas'tu lU.OD Mt. Maria Bapt Ch. Camden 10?20 Capt. H. Williams Georgetown 1.75 Bethesda Bapt Ch Georgetown 43.60 1st Calvary Bapt Ch. Columbia 6.80 Bethesda Bapt Ch'.Society Hill 40.68 Macedonia Bapt Ch Darlington 28.05 2d Baptist Church Florence 5,00 To! al $500.68 Through yodr ser^icable columns I reflect my thanks to the many dear brethren .for their aid' to, my work, which lays heavily* on my heart- - .-. ' " I will sail from New York for Liberia Africa, Jan. 14, 1902. God. bless you for your personal kindness-'? I am yours for poor pleading Africa, H N. BOUEY. P. S. "St shall, D. V., be your pri vilege to bear from me when I um over the great father of waters. THE FARMERS'OPPORTUNITY All Who Haven't Homes Ought Purchase at Once. Some Plans by Which a Farm Can Sac cessfully be Bought and . s Managed The latestlenrlci issued by the Bu reau of Nature Study cou tai na, a moog oiher things, tito following valuable blots lo for lu o rs who tic sire lo secure a Dooli of their oWfi the first step tn bite direction of helping and improvins; their con dition : We ^feol that the fermera aro no paying enough alten ti ni to buviug land and building home?? for them selves and families. About the first duty of every farmer should be to have a home of his own. For to have a home means that you are ablo to protect your famiiy. Ir, means that your word stands for some-*- , thing in the community where-.vou ' live> . It means that peop'e ? a n corn? to. you, iqstead of yosu^atways ^?^j^i^th?'m. It 'ni?^ns ?''place, ', ' J? ' ' abort, it means.* fch$t -you. str^^S^^^^ better position to serve, yourself ?nd family, your country and your God. We fully understand that it ia not an easy thing in these days of, low prices of cotton and other farm pro ducts, to save moneyjon the farm^ The family must eat and wear. Tho doctor must "09 paid. The preacher and teacher must havo their pay. lt's hard. I t takes good heads, good hands and good hearts to euoceed. It takes a good head to plan right. Ir, takeB good hands to carry out good plans. 1^ takes an honest heart to stay away from the courts and jails. Our peo ple lose thousands of dollars every year going to courta. The mau who works hard every day, stays at home day and night as he should, is sel dom asked to attend court. This kind of farmer can buy land. Now lot each farmer without a home, set his pygs^to buy one. We will name two common pegs,. We will also tell you how you may drive them down. We would name the first peg GOOD TRA.DE. Find a healthful place for your' future hom?. Buy land where, yoa can build your houso ou a hill, or a place where water rims off freely, the'phalu of titles from the Indians on down should be unbroken.;- Get a goodjawyer to look . this matter i up. Bny a good (fertile) farm, if ; possible. However,.if you are a- good ! farmer ye? may bo able to make a good (fertile) farm out cf a poor fa/m. Don't-bargain for more than fifty aores. unless yon haue some money -with which to make your? self Be cu re. Let ns name the other peg, BAFI PAYMENTS. ' A very Rmall potato may choke you if you try to swallow it whole. Most-farmers have to buy land 00 a credit; or rather on the install ment plan. Tbqn don't, take tri?