1 < '?Ja ?CCER,; 3R1CHTEK, BETTE I ABVEBTIjSERS 5 *? -CAW .HfeACU-f * ?' Tb? Colored P?ofilo i}f South ?^f X Carolina qnly through 1 . I TH E RE O ORD E R. | I WIRST J?JD1TXON. TH Published for the Elevation of cr vr Hace, VOL. V. NO. 27. COLUMBIA, S. C., S REDUCED RATES m IL mm. I SUBSCRIPTION: | ? Ono Vonr.$K50 jj J Hx months - . - - - ?BS *T1 ? Tinto Mouths - - - - fl) * ? IN ADVANCE, ?j Exponent of Republican Principles. FOI'NI IK l> IX 1893. NIX & HOLM KS, l'n bl bb ors. AY. MARCH 10, 1898. REV, E. B, WfiJK, State Agoat, DELIBERATELY DESTROYED. Army and Navy Regist^>t^ibl?shes This Information WHICH SHOW THE CAU Of the War Preparations Made ins the Past Few Days 81 THE Oil Olds for Shot and Shell Opomcd?-Tor pedocB foi- Key Wcst-I-Th^ Now War Map Made Up-Noy'th Carolina ls in tho Division of tl'io Kust, and South Carolina lu thc Wulf Olvlslon 4 Missouri und Abolished. Tcxas| Departments I Tho Army and ?javy Ltyegiator,- in its issuo of tho 12th, says: ("The Reg ister is in possoBsic/n of iriformation, tho correctness of whioh it pas no rea son to question, thalt certain evidence, gathered by the feourt off inquiry ot Havana, has CO^Q in a/1 semi-oflioial form to tim President fronn two promi nent members o? tho bojard. The-in-' formation has been in th? hOn^s o^'in* .President since j?unday a;ndJiT.: >'ci'T-'ti for the occasion,; ofsiub Xi?tfBucil activity^ duringvihe pr?B ?nt jweek.i "The fnfo?m?'fjtion- ia tjULt ? the Maine j destroyed 7?by a government subma- " f miu4, pla'.ntod iu'Jftfana harbor*/ delib?rate! .y oip-o-:'?J Dlr- ?. '.L ?UJ fy moored in the vicinity of the and that the explosion occurred' utA'moment when tliie ship had been?, opportunely carriod by wind and tide directly over tho raine. These facts have been Hinted a?*? und written about in dispatohes fc/om Ilavuna and Ma drid, and aidibng tho varied statements made th*?// actual conditions have been touched upou, but nothing authorita tive" bas boon permitted to escape from 'the court. "That body is understood to have completed ita work, but nothing is like ly to boofticiallj-'promulgated in regard to its iindings> for a week or more. There is obviou* reason for Buch action, tho objects of which cannot bo defeated by indepsndoni newspaper statements. There can be l,'mt ouo outcome of such a report, and preparations for the inev itable result3(' ure being industriously and indefatigably prosecuted. The work of the vj/eek shows that the gov ernment nt / Washington appreciates the situativ md will bo ready to meet what bas . \v ceused to bo a mere emergence. ' Nearl ti. ,J1 fan i.j antic roops j vent ?' Order, .o thou- . .J oar a 11 oil a "tyar biepni for tr?nspo. made. Th i . actio ! )KRKD KAST. tile Regular Army to I Jo a;ht to Iho Atluiit.if. on - (Special). - Substan wholo regular army of tho itates will bo brought to the aboard with all possibla valry, artillery and in lio moved to forts in the At ult States. Only sufficient ie loft in tho West to pre -ssihle indian uprising, lobihzo tho twenty-four . ued Boldiers are in pro will be issued by the. nt as aoon as the plans on of the troops can be I f the authorities fur nr. . ?. conclu ??'..-. evidence that tho gov orui nt hus nd mu ced beyond tho stage of \ paring - r trouble as a precaution ' ar \ ?easure. ?ow anticipates trouble ai' xpcctB it I'he annual appropria tor transp * - "tionis-wbolly insum i? vu : s groat body. It bas et o minea \ .ofore to draw upon ?l'filions ' letica fund for this betn Mee .*d that Gen. Merritt om m and an ? e.tlitary forces sent a by the Ui lied States. Bids for Sh : War Depart bids for one ol ; and shell foi 'iven, incl nd) },' and dei ells. id Shell, at at once will >largest orders avy oalibre guns armor-piercing iereing and tor THE WAU MAP. m Hen, tl ni . tors of the Army, Adjutant /Gei\e.:>:'s Office, Washington, March Jlllii, .698. /The following orders hate boen ro j'oivcil from tho Wnr Department and ?or Hie guidaneo of all concerned: "War Department, Washington, March j ll, 1898. ' By direction of the President tho fol lowing changes are mado in the terri torial limits,- designation and head quarters of geogrnpnical departments: The Deportment of the East will em brace the Now England States, New York, New J?rsoy, Pennsylvania.Dela ware, Maryland, District of Columbia, . WeRt Virginia, Virginia and North Car olina, with headquarters at Governor's Island, New York. 2. A department is hereby established io be kuown os tho Department of tho Lakes,' to consist of tho States of Wis . onsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, ?Uio? Kentucky and TonnossG, with bei . (quarters at Chicago,.Ul. t,.. Thc Department of Dakota will embruCL- thi St.Vtea of Miunesota, North Dakota, Bout!; {.'?Vota, Montana and BO much of Wyiiru.u' and Idaho as is em - braced in tho ! ciiowEtone National Park, with headquarters at St Paul, Minn. 4. The Department of the Columbia Will embrace tho State of Washington, Orqgou, Idaho (except so mitch of "the latter as is embraced in the Yellowstone National Park) aud tho territory of Alasko, with headquarters at Vancouver Barracks, Washington. 5. The Department of California will embraao the States of California and Novada, with headquarters at San Fran cisco, Cal. .C. Tho Department of the Colorado will ombracq the States of Washington, (except so much thereof as is em braced in rho YplloM'stono National PaTk), Colorado and Utah and ? the Territories of Arizona and New Mexi co, withubeadquarters at Dourer,'Col. 7. The Department of the Platte will embrace the States of Iowo, Nebraska, Missouri, KaDsas and Arkansos, the Indian Territory and tho Territory of Oklahoma, witb headquarters at Omaha, Neb. . 8. A deportment is hereby eetab- I lished to bo known as the Department of tho Gulf, to consist of the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala- I bf/na, Mississippi, Louisiana and Tixas, with headquarters at Atlanta. Tho Departments of tho Missouri and j Texas are horeby abolished. The rec- \ .ords of the Department of the Missouri will be transferred to-the Department bf -the Lokos? and thone o^th^iieparfc meat. Of. Texus to the Doparthfentof , ?*1 Gulf*'' 1 "? i '.' '. ' 2&if?^.eral "chi? *'. Bn^?lii.-.-'] nr^i T ?- ti- ?ikw?rr?rsr'ti?e^?pfe. <.-, ment of ia?Lakes; and Bi-igadior Goa- j :eVal WiU?ii? M. Graham te* the eo*n'-^! ni?n&ofyttie Department of the Gulf. Tho officers of the several staff depart ments now on duty in theD.?PRr*men*B of Missouri nr?d of Toxas are assigned to like duties iu the Departments of the Lakes and of the Gulf, respec tively. The transfer required under these or ders is necessary for the public service. lt. A. AiiOEu,' .Secretary of War.' By command of Major General Miles': H. C. Coumx, Adjutant General. Talked Peace. On the 12th tho new Spanish envoy Don LU?B Polo y Bornabe in presenting bis address and bis credentials to the President expressed tho hope that he would bo able to cement more olosely the friendly feeling between tho two oountrien, President McKinley replied, saying ho would do all in bis power to "draw tho two countries more closely tcgethor on a friendly footing. " Ordered From Fort Riley. Orders received at Fort Piloy,- boat Junction City, Kan., dirocted tho send ing of throe batteries of artillery to the South. Battery B, of the Fourth Ar tillery, Captain Anderson, command ing, will go to Fort Monroe, Va. ; Bat Jery F, also of the Fourth, Captain Taylor, goos to Savannah, Ga., and Battory F, of tho Fifth, Capiain Riley, to New Orleans. ?. Torpedoes for Key Wost Harbor. The at earner City ot .Key "West, from, Miami, has just landed two car-loads of torpedoes ana torpedo buoys at Key West, Fla. These will bo laid in this harbor. .? ? - . Strength of the Spanish Navy. The Liberal gives the following as the y resent strength of the Spanish navy: Proteoted ships 17, unprotected 20, gunboats 80, torpedo boat destroy ers 14, torpedo bon ti 14, transports 3ffc . Loan of $00,000,000. The American Embassy in London bas received information that Spain has raised sixty millions for the purchaseo? warships and that this amount was se cured from a London bank. Plenty of Ships Available Tho latest from Washington says un office will be opened at 20 Countlondt street, New York, nt which owners and ?gouts for ships will be invited to make their proposals for turning over to the. navy such vessels as are of value for war purposes'. Tho naval officials say there will-be no difficulty experienced in obtaining all the vessels that Are de sired aa there are hundreds avaUable^ .-p Finishing Up Cannon,' .v???% jj ?? the Washington gun faotorv'ther? are ? JW in varied stages of construction nd less "than :l?O\ guns of formidable oliaracter, on which work is being done night aha day, with a view to their early completion. No new guns are be ingjstartedj but thaentiro e?'orls of tba devote!! to finishing those aval officer uai? for probably 30 moro auxiliary cruisers,1* should BO large a ileet be found noces? pavy io supplement the regular ~war Bhips. Perfecting Plans to Moovo Trc Tho governnipnr ii pSifeV plans for tho movom i? of trou.u. coast defences, ot dors for wb been issued by the "War Doj>fti and published. A conference held at Washington by i tentativos of tho following rnilroaio . to arrange for the transportation of Hg*.1 artillerymen and their accoutrements: Tho Atlantic Coast Lino, tho oom norn Railway, the Seaboard.Air Line and the Chesapeake and Ohio. . . Florida's State Troops. From all reports coming into tho Ad jutant General's office nt Tailahasseo, Fla.. and letters from commanders of companies, it is learned that the Flori da Stato troops ara now recruited up to tho full local standard, with offers of enough men to put three thousand more in tho held in a week: In Tampa and Jacksonville especially the war feyer is strong, ?nd tho commanders of com pan Li there, both infantry and artillery, report offers of hundreds beyond thoir needs. Spain Will Not Provoke War. Madrid -(By Cable)-The view hold in official circles is that Spoin will not provoko war, because if she did, she would ?nd herself isolated, but if America gives the provocation, Spain will not be alone in tho struggle. The general opinion is that in the event of war, Spain will not need to attack American territory. It -will suffice her to pursue a war pf privateering. AB America's commerce is . seven-fold greater than Spain's, American inter ests would suffer most. War would he madness, benefiting noither nation, and good Bouse, therefore, counsels peace, Working Day and Night. At Wilmington, Del., the powder works of the E. I. Dupont-DeNemours Company is now working day and night l on a government order for hexagonal\ powder for the big guns. In addition, i some of the buildings "are being en large (1 and additional mach i uo ry is being put in. The daily capacity ot the j works is said to bo 10 tons of hex?* gonai powder. -T- .-Tf > ?.?> ^ oernoy*? ?,:Ji<' ? . :. * '? ,tr?<' ' A-.^"'R %?"VJmJTOD.." 1*0. k, Of C.v.-rn i who ?B one of the ten or more candidates. | for Ur. Strait's placo in Congress, has issued ?he following platform: To tho Democracy of tho Fifth Con grcs.sionnl District: Believing in rota tion in oiliee, not only in respect to men, but also in respect to thodiiForent sections which aro represented by any officer, and bolieviug that Chesterfield county, which has never had' a-native born representativo in Congress, is en titled to Boru o-consideration at the hands af tho other counties in this dis trict, Pjtteroby announce myself a can didate for Congress 'from the 5th Con gressional district, subjeoVto tho Dem ocratic-primary. I shall stand upon my record made in tho General Assem bly o? South Cj?roli'i?? diiriug tba past four Sermion?? of '.bur, body, n ut hereby declare iuy allegiance tu thu principies set forth ni Ilia l ienioerivt?o pintiorni a3 adopted nt Ofiiciigii i i >: ibo < 'mwiiluiion of tho L?nil?.I Staten leruntiing the ns K?;si:i)Mit mid collection of un income tax; tim i ?-.sTrlction of tho turill'so that it will only provide sufficient revenue for the economic administration of tho government; the curtailment of tho extravagant and outrageous appropria tious for pensions and for rivers and harbor*, and tho destruction of the sbamc'ul and minons system of gamb-. ling iu futuros, by which tho sfient ef the law of supply aud demand on tho price of cotton and other agricultural I products ha? been dostroyod, and hy \ which tho gamblers of Wall street have I been enabled to iix*tho price whioh the toiling receive as com pout at iou for their labor to a large extent. TUF. COLORED MILL. Pickaninnies Learning to Manipulate the Looms. The colored cotton mill at Columbia, says The Register, will be -opened for work about April 15th. Several looms have been gotten into position already, and half a dozen pickaninnies about 15 yeari old are industriously learning tho di.f.irebciw?Mjn *'vtrp"aujl.'.?VvPo? and "combs"' i ? i. 1 . IUB.;: The ex pert mill men tea-' ?? : thom declare that they make apt scholars and learn the intricacies of the looms readily. The question of the negro's'capacity being settled, the next which suggests itself is his "stickability. " The'negro in, _ as a rule, musical and rauuic loving, sentimental and sensuous, faithful to others biH negligent of self, and. hie cup elf happiness ia easily filled. _ Bat the/ ri ogro race ha|? " li strides in recent yeara$ MiijW?s'many of the ift? ???tiO^bf the ??yan1r????ffl ?rye. Can Obtain All tti< We Want. < THE AMAZONAS.1 A' or Reports That Autonomy lu l!u>.*a Is a Fuiluro-Preparations foi Pefonco Gola?; Forward Rapidly. .ishingtdn.-(Spocial. ) - "We arc p\. M ired for war," eays Hon, John D. Li Bocretury of tho navy. 4 Tain iii i ?nterl in saying that wo can obtain ad tho warships wo want. " Jle added, "Sovoral war vessels can bicorne ours at an hour's notice. Wc hive concluded our plans for trans forming merchant vessels into armored eliipB, bat wo will not take possession o| thom until tho necessity for them aj-ises. Wo aro fully prepared for war. " ?Tho United States has bought thc battleship ' 'Amazonas, " which will bo transferred and placod under thc Anierican flag us soon ns arrangements cou bo completed for turning her. over to an American crow. Npain hus bought the Chilian battle ship ^'O'Higgins," and the Spanish flag Will bo hoisted over her within a few days, when she leaves tho Tyne! This ?B stated on-authority. Senator Proctor made a report to the President on tho 14th dedaring that autonomy in Cuba is a failure and that thu Maine was destroyed by design. H> call ed at thb war department. 'Jiho developments in the Cub-... >i ? aticn have been confined dur'iig -he pusfc few days to tho contip/a .' .of ac tive preparations nijitre by tho war and navy depaYt ? -ftfcs; preparing for a pos M'MS coiinio? , ith Spain. "i.'i;1" Biujip negotiations with Spain h' \?i been practically suspended eince tho Alaine was blown up and with re UNITED STATES < (3bft 1 . iwn as ft comrceroo destroyer, me; : Uo marino rallier than to have scr ? aid only tho very floetest of Col . lui? Just benn ordered in con1 gard to tho, general^ question, Cuban freedom, nave not been renewed. The President was hopeful a few months ago that by this timo negotia tions would bo brought to n hoad. Tho blowing up of tho Alaine interrupted these diplomatic negotiations. Unless thc roport of tho naval board of inquiry is hastened it will be imprac ticable for tho President to briugf the controversy to an oud during the pres ent session of Congress. Jl?th branehea are rushing through nesessary legisla tion for tho jmrpose of early adjourn ment". They will let tho President set tle the Cuban question. Tho Soh;?ghticoko Powder Company has received a r-trah order for a hundred tons ot powder from i lie government. Tho works are the larget*t for tho man ufacture of powder in this country. A big consignment of shells for Bub marine mining has arrived at Key West. Fla. ;\ The work of transferring three hun dred artillory Wen ordered to Sundy Hook - . began on the 14th. Preparution^ v w.ere commenc ed early at Ports'Hamilton arid Wades worth. Dozens of eifjht, ton and twelve i ach nt e ol rifles arel at Sandy Hook ready for mouuting. * When engineers are through the forlji fl cation will be among the strongest in the world. AU tho women anjfcahjkl^-Under IG years of age have W ?WkW from tho Hook. J-A^-H A hundred masorgBBBB?feffi8' ftnt1 other m a chi noa aro wft St? flf& tho ad ditional quarters foi Fatal FIro ii Tn a fire at ?Jew lodging house, fivo men jloatu, and twe^k^tt cut\? was old! Hon. hw, in 4?:ja%? !'togriita$ht Distinguished bneral William ,..r Itedondo, Cal., ^oi jg away peacefully u is Bon and daughter. [.-"Hos cor ans, and sever of frieni family. Rosecrans bid a "in the civil war. Hf served ter to Mexico and??s in m Bowejrj ly ..rea ds - (anta, ino oi Gon. WilliaaffG.' Mad nt Alexnndja^ Va./ aV bom at Mortsm?nth, auu of tbe??rsecesBi?ii cony GRAIN IN FARMERS' HANDS. 120,000,000 UusholB of Wheat, 783, 000,000 Corn, 272,000,000 Oats. The consolidated returns of the dif ferent crop reporting agencies of tho dopurtment of agriculture made up to Mnroh 1 show tho wheat reserves in farmers' hands ou that date to hnvo boon tho equivalent of 22.9 per cont, of last year's crop, or about 121,000,000 bushels. This is 33,000,000 busbols in excess of tho farm reserve reported ono year ago, but the result of tho special wheat investigation made to tho depart ment last fall would indicate' that tho crop of 1800 was larger than the depart ment bad reason to boliovo at tho time. Tho proportion of tho Crop of 1907 shipped beyond country linos is 00,7 por cent. Tho corn, in farmors' hands 03 esti mated aggrogntes 783,000,000 bushels or 41.1 per cont, of last year's crop, as against 1,104,000,000 bushels or 51.Oper cont, on hand on March 1, 1807, and l.C/72,000,000 bushels or 10.8 per conj on March 1st, 1800. I Tho proportion of tho tf ! ll crop shipped out of tho couul'.y /hero trrowu is estimated 21.6 ric? cant, or abotit 412,000,000 bushel-, 'ho pro portion of the total crop J ?rcnantablo is estimated at 80.8 per c m.. Of oats there are ast: atod to bo about 272,000,00r bushels, or 38.9 per cent, still in f. ij?rs' hands, as com pared with 3ir . .000 bushels, or 44.2 percent, on jh 1, 1897. The pro portion of 'ir.t crop shipped beyond county live, ?j estimated at 29.2 per cent, > /Thc Enemy's Sltlps^Comlng. I ? special dispatch from Cadiz, Spain, "announces that the Spanish squadron has sailed from that port. It is under stood that the Spanish warships aro go ing to Porto Rica, whore they will wait the orders of Captain-Gonoral lllancho. Enthusiastic crowds of people gathered to bid farewell to the war vessels. BRUISER COLUMBIA. ber mission being to prey upon nn enemy' ii placo in the lighting line. She has triple tho oceau greyhounds can escapo her. Tho imtsslon.1_ BRYAN AND M'KINLEY, Their Homes to I5o Reproduced at Omaha Exposition. Senator J, M. Thurston, chairman of tho Sonate committee on Expositions, recently suggested that tho McKinley home at Canton be repro?ucr.3 as tho Ohio State building on tr?e grounds of tho trans-MissiBsippi exposition afc Omaha. Tho board of man agers approved tho idea. Tho build King when constructed will bo nsod. ns a place of reception for Obio?aus and it is proposed to exhibit there in many mementos of tho luto cam paign, avoiding, ns far as possible, anything savoring of partisianship. Noting tho action of tho board of man agers, the friends of William Jennings Brynn lost no timo in putting a pro position looking to the reproduction of tho Bryan homestead at Linooln. Tho board of managers have unanimously voted authority to tho buildings and grounds department to allow the space for such building, making n proviso, as was done in tho McKinley home stead, that the exhibits bo non-compe titive and not for bale. Reward for Lynchers. Governor Atkinson, of West Virginia, has offered a reward of $250 for tho ar rest and conviction of the lynchers who hanged a negro named Bailey at Bram well, in that State about a ^month ago. Millionaire Joel Killed. . Wp.ojf Joel, tho South African mil lionaire, nephew of Barney Barnato, Was shot and instantly killed by a man named Feldtbeim. The murderer was arrested. Mining Millionaire Dead. E. C. Bassiok, who located a famous Colorado silvermine, and by it beeline a millionaire, died at Den vor - A Kansas F iv. Yali I. In tho United States Supremo Court at Washington, an opinion has been handed down by Justice Harlan, in the case of the Missouri, Kansas A. Texas Railroad Company' vs Churlos bor, affirming the constitutionality 'dity of .the State laws of '* iting the transportation e ulled cd with Texas br a civil action infraction of . FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Proceed I npjfl of L?otli tho Senate ond IIOIIBP I>ay Uy Doy. THE SENATE. 08m DAY.'-Tho ftenato passod tba emergency bil), carryin?r ?1851,OOO fop deiicieucies, and placing at the dis posal of tho President $50,000,000 for defence. Tho voto hy which tho moas uro WHS passed was unanimous. Sixty six short, sharp and emphatic npoechon wore delivered in favor of tho bill, each one being simply n, ringing "ayo." during tho roll call upon tho passago of tho in cus uro. Not only Sonator presont register 1 . favor of tho bill, but for ev member tho authoritative ment was made that if ho w ho would voto aye. Bacci mont to tho Hawaiian anncxi*.. was under discussion duri} ocutivo Bcssion of tho Son The nmondmont provides treaty shall not become ojiei ratified by n majority of th? tho. Hawaiian islands. ' .>!>TII DAV.-?bo Senate tra !.. i nss of vp?l importanc jo'.'i . d until ?Jenday. in DAY.- ?Vjiug (iv.- II its every ito ia ihsent rance resent mend* treaty e cx oduy. t tho i until ?ers of tod no id ad iu of nade on bills pass .horizo tl Tonness :t a bridge turco hours, tho S^'T), pasto ', a con siderable number "u *F^rj? ;'om the general calendar, ?'V /.v ' CK number one authorizing tho struct ?otros?, oight now reveille cutter^'iot exceed ing an aggregate pf $i,03fi,000. A resolution oflbrud by Chnudlor, of Now Hampshire, authorizing tNhe committee on naval afluir?.'to send foi\porsonn and papers in tho courso of tile investiga tion of tho Maine disaster was adopted. Among other hills passed Vero: To increase the pension of Mrs. Letitia Tyler Semplo, a daughter of Prosidoot John Tylor, to 850 a mouth.% Ol ST DAY.-After tho posBntjo of nu merous bills from tho calendar, the. Senato began tho consideration the measure prodding for ni tional system of quarantine tie beyond tho reading of tho was accomplished'."*. .Sonio desul discussion occurred o? on am?ne but no progress v . eral bill. Among the following: To sac?la, Alabama :. road company to < the Alabama- rlVoi p J Witcox Ala? : to establish wJl'pfM \ Pitch bf the.C^a,i.:4%^. qty ,m^?oo^tf^'xtenu tu? uBes of tho mai service, the plan being to adopt the ro turn-postal card of tho. United State Economic Company. THE HOUSE. 03D DAY.-The House devoted .'nelf to routine business. Tho legiaJative, J'ndicial and executive appropriation >ill wont through its last stages in tho adoption of tho final conference report, and tho remainder of the day was con sumed in the consideration of the Sen ate amendment s to the Indian appro priation bill. 04TH DAY.-In the House tho Senate, nmondmont to tho Indian appropriation* bill was voted dawn. Tho naval ap propriation bill bas been practically completed by tho House committee ou naval affairs, Bare as to tho question of increases in the navy, dry docks and armor plate. There have boen fow changes from tho estimates, and tho bill will involve in the neighborhood of ?80,000,000, aside ?rom now vessels, dry docks and armor. . (15TH DAY.- Tho bill to pay the Bow man act claims, aggregating SI SOO : ti) for stores and (supplies furnished Union army during tho war, was ob.ore tho House until 5 o'clock, but beyond completing tho general debato, Utile progrec was made. ( >f claims in the bill fow come from the dilatory tactics wero to prevent progress with tho bill. ; In a speech favoring tho bill, Mr. Gib Bon, (Rop. ) of Tonnesseo, said the claims wore distributed LS follows hy State3: Alabama, GO; Arkansas, ?50; Georgia, 42; illinois, 1;Kansas, 3; Ken tucky. 06; Louisiana, 532; Maryland, 70$ Mississippi, tOi); Missouri, "01 : New\ York, 1; North Carolina, 12; Ohio. 2? Orogou, V, Pennsylvania, 4; South Car olina, 2; Tennessee, 190; Virginia, 00; and West Virginia, 40. Tho House then adjourned until Monday, GOTII DAY.-This being the second Monday of tho month, -it was given over, under tho rules, to the consider? tiou of business relating to the Distr ' of Columbia. The District bnsino was concluded nt 4:35 p. m. A few Sen ate bills were passed and at 5 o'?loc tho House adjournod. G7Tn DAY.-The House agreed to corf sider the bill for tho relief of the legt heirs of the Maine disaster tho postollico appropriation wns taken np in tho House, it wnj'. During tho general * postoflibo bill, members et advnntago of the latitud* committee of tho wbolo tho Union to discuss vjj questions aud tho covered a widening^ The groat Euro] France. . ; iv^n' -thc c< ni .and each Uuca Qt was ever noel noise in the his ls now thc vic! toward wit ii cov< ble is just begin* day ns though bel every groat Kuri maud ii si y lr c. Ul ls no po\ tho SOO odd all but a South and -? resorted to":.