The Charleston advocate. (Charleston, S.C.) 1867-1868, April 27, 1867, Image 4

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ALMOS I lil KKK. . I nu almost lhere.'? S?liO i ?Iv ill; I'hUll, \ - he ii|>\\ ari looked A ni sw eotlv smiled .. l h" happy hollies i >? Hu- lil? -t I see. Ami an ii ? i ?el lei i el Aw ailie;- lin' " I am almost tie iv ! Hut ?lo hoi w eep : lu a Sa\ inn's arm ll i- sv\ Ci't sleepy' Ami In- closed Iii- cv Ami m-mly placed Hi- folded halals Across lili lucr.-t " I am alums! tliei ii ! SWIT! .lesii-*, how," And lin dampi ol d-alli OYr-prc:id lils lu iv\ : Ami his brightening features Alm-i-t -milr.l. As we vi cpi beside iim ill lug Mid,'.. i '. ;. :?.< ti <..'. '/Ult (ft i Rei?tarka?le t'oiivmion. 'rim lolioWth ' ii itmrjc'liiic sthlohVont is authorized hy D'Aubigno and M. do Pressense : A rhgiineut of i'rem h sol dicrs,on their maveh io Um Crin ?Cn. hailed Tor simm days at Toulon, in lite south ol" France. While tie ;.- a col porteur came ambit rig I hom. A youno, soldier, pre ending lo he (hitch im vt ', by tlie good man - exlthrliiiliohs. asked Tor a llijuc, Which wa-, of course, given lo him. Tlie soldier and h'm companions mareil Willi huighleri toiling Hie colpor teur (iud it Wa S all a joke : but the sbl dier ret'u-ed to rot urn Hie book-, saying, "Il would 'lu to light his pipe with." The colporteur replied, "lt ls a fearful thing to lal! into the hands (d' Ihe living Cod !" Killeen months afterward the saiiio colporteur st,,?e.v-d for a night at an inn ..ore than I h ree hundred miles from Toulon. Tito himlhuh was in great distress, having jiisl lost her son. ol whom she -poke in ti rum ol' the most tender filfcclibii. Ile Conversed Willi hoi for .u few moments, when she withdrew, bul soon returned, looming a little book, wilie!, lier -ie 'eased -on had le?'l lo her as HIS precious I eg: my; 11 was much mutilated, many (. . inside Ol'? Kl'- 1. vtitltcll lil l.o-^e let (er- . w a. tlie folloW'ing iUsorijitioii : "Uoooiv?d al Toulon, on the -, 11* ."ni, Despised at ll r.-l. and badly u-c ! : but ri fl erward read, believed, ami made (li?instrument ofnVv salvation. ,1. 1... fusil loci' ol' the fourth company ol' the-regiment of tho line." From (lie 0()i|dili?i? of (lie iii ile A ? ?lu nie, it was plain tim: tin- young sold i Cir had made usc ol' tho missing I? ave- /<. liijht his pipe, as 1m had boasted In' sjioiihl. Hut, as he had related 1 his mother, this WpH? of dos*;ruction was stopped oh tile evening before tim battle, in Which Ids regiment wa-, to occupy tho perilous post of thc adv ance guard. ! !. stilted (hat a' this juliet u ic serious tl., ii}? Itt sj came into his mind, in a very strange manner, ami rill of a li," words of ibo man whom lie had trick.-,I out of lim book came to bis recollection like a thunder clap, - lt is a fearful thing to fall into the: hands of the living ('" "And if J Midd ft U into his luindi/" This thought hillinted Idhi, !m -aid. without intermission, tho Whole of tho night ; and, in cons? - .na-it became light in th.' morning, he took from ids knapsack tho hook which appen rVd t.. have become his licenser. The verses which lie had read in tim dim gray light ol'thc morning had been brought home to his heart by the MoiV Spirit. In the battle which ensued ho Was severely wounded. Old tilings had pa siled away, and he now rea liy. ed tho truth bf thc faithful saying, ..Ycriiy, verily, I say lilith you, lu- that he.'irOth my word, and bciievoth on Him that soul nm, hath everlasting life, am! shall not come into condemnation, hut is pasiied IVoin death unto life." AftbV removing from om- hospital to another, he. was brought back tb his home about K?X Weeks before llie visit of tho hidpoltour. Tlie mutilated Testament was scarcely ever out of his halal during waking moments. lt was the only ono he over possessed ; perhaps the billy one in his ii'n tl ve village. 1 lis mouth was full of tender entreaties Mint Ins dear motlier and friends bligh I embrace Christ and ids salvation. To his very last' breafh , he ceased not to exhort them all to accept Clod's offered mercy Iii Jesus; and not to1 run the risk of falling in an unconverted I state ''into Um hands ol' Um living Cod." CIVE YOUR CHILDREN nu .ill. un S'l' VNI< MIK t>i>i '. THE LITTLE PILGRIM, I hu 11 li io Li KAC'K UKKKNWOOIJ . r- Ut -i !? u ?idhi?; matter. <>t a lir'tui <|iialiiy, id fbi'?I smaller julee.limn any rilli O'S M M'A'/INT. Pl . P.l.lSl 1 Kl>'. Ti UM? : Si \ h Cr.NTS \ Yt Ut ! Sc lid lol- il spccinirii ropy, linni" ('lilli I lil- illili li ?I rt pl'I'lllitlltlS, lil J .K A N D1 ".!! K. 1.1IT1 N< ?'I T, No ?IIH Walnut si reel, Imihidclphhi. JU3T ISSUED: A Mos i . iNTKr.KsnNo FAMILY AND SIMIAN - si 1 ll i< ?I j HOOK. THE CHILDS HISTORY Ol-' A M I ".K KAN ('< CN Kl.KT : Ol' THE BROTHER SOLDIERS. uv Mus. MAHN ii. i;i '? i\. ' >N. Pi irr ". "i I'Oiij/h Wo l.ecpr.Ml-lantl?. ol) ' --"..d: rpo ni .uni hil oto.. ir?,t P.o..;. s lt ni ali ihr 1 '. ;!>!i-!:. I'l'Si Nl.TlBBALS&CO., N< >. 1 ' I : i. K. i v. YcbK, 1?M?.?N1ll. P. Ni. 1.1-di AN I' < ? O'. M 1.1 h IA I. N ll? MT* KC ll O O I. ,\T Till'. Mill j'Al.h 11AI-1 -, KM'W N A s TUM MANION SCHOOL I W?'iN IAVOU l ll ST'. Mr. S. P.. Helot, principal Ul'111?' ( liailr tou Chinnierciiil Sciionl Inr over -Kimi vrar-. l.a- opeiicd a School |\?r colored mab 1 ' . . elti/.cns over ipiirleen >ooN ot ayr: o.vcr,\ Monday. Wednesday, and I'ridar cvchmg;? froid 7 lo ll,0'cjOcK, lu addition lollini-u al brain-he- of an aradnui.. Oild'sc. |mpil "jwi?lir iliproiijriily iii-tin.-ii l in W ritiiv.: I ( "Oiiunririal ( alrliltllloiis. Pi .u ti. al I'.ndn. ?.? . ? I'onn- Ac. prepiirini? ilion iii once for Uh valions tt?ttit'SAil' Meivh.intilr and M. rliani I cal pur-nhs. l'?>r tn ni- ,\r.. apply at tin Hall on Iho nigh/* spcchlcd tlhoVe ol'iii inj . Dav School corner Meeting and llascll St. j ur ?A io tm- i o-i ? MIK > . j. .? ???>Uii tin- llooK-K, , ,,!,,., < la-- w ill | !...i-' ilpj.l.i .-.i . ?ETI 3VI TPJLJ O ^Sr aVT E 1ST T, ra tin; \\ \\[ \{\ v\ \\im\m co! il olin - Hiv HI - I 111 s r i u n m mi l.'i - ; JL ni .i.i.i. IN. bit tat, < st. M>mt Coin '!>.(.. . I in Hi -1 h i t - i i: \ i i t. N \ 11 t: w. Iii-rm:v. Till: lii:sT \\V'I!K i)S 1111. Do\l I - it. A M in AI. In i Hi -1 WoilK ON ri ii: KA KM w t> < ; \ ?MU s . lill. Ht.M l-'AMll.V Hill Ifl H.rtr.. ole Tl I?' 1 ir ?I Tl-rhl.S and t ?ir 111..-; I r li.11 dr illstlUl' iloiis lo Agnus. Address K. <;. s lui:KI:, puhiisiiiiig Agent. Auburn, N. V. I j_ _ _ 'nu: DAUA I.KADKIJ. nm.ADIT. I'lllA SA VS <>K "SUNNY BAiviK:" "Th" in un'Ton- admirers ul" M arion 11 ar lan.!'- hool,- W ?1 hr ?dr ;-...! to Irai llol illls I'lcAV iv?:!; lioin In-r chaste and gifted pru. II r.pial- . Miriam * in t?>!??. and delhleililiiti <-l I l'hararln-, and Ihr phil ..f Ihr stoi'y i- tillich moro pi rf .<.[."' rijici: -i 3. p ^ET?^^SLL & Cy. ? ADVERTISING AGENTS, .i: CAI;K KOW.OOI;. HI.I'.KMAN sTHKi-iT. ZION'S lUCFl?liSiijNCi SlloWKI.s. A Ue\v 1 {(. vi VII 1J ly mn and lunr Honk, coi). (?lining uciil ly 30U llyinus ami Tunes, prhi ripally t'seilby Whit ti-ld. Wr-hy. I\na|.p. NrillriMii, Kimmy, lani. I Inuiiimutl and oth. r Jvvangi l/.-t ?. in their revival iiirclings. 11 i- ollr nt Ihr best bool,.- ever piil.|j-hn| l'or well services ?is well as for Smnlay Sclmols and Soci.'il Mceliiigs, Prirc, I'aper I over-. ,'{(? ( i nt-. s.i.-.>.. per Do/. ii. .--j.", per lon. HOiiril ( 'over.. :>.". n ut -. s| per ! >.., rn. s:;o prc Inn. i |h(h Kilihossi .|. Cip. M? (.eilis. .s."i p(>| J >o/0||. (??0 Uo.r J"". Malled al thc ,lp tai) J'ricc. ( om|ilh>d by lloraci' IViilcrs, Author ot'-s. .s. p.| t ( '.. Nos. I and J. ' CllOl.'AI. 11 \ i:i?." ..DA V SI lloiil. Hl.l.l..'* ",\ I 111 S . I. I Ml ol I li I |oN, ?' '*( 'lilMSI I AN M lil.OI?1ST.1' A . . ' .liisl Issued hv C. M. ri.'KMAINi:. Aprln..U. No. Isl Hroadwnv. N V, \\ I I: SAIO-AI'AUIU. V I > o ooiueiiii:ii. -I .\ lrti?*t "t tii<- i)li<??i5?i >*.!? i, >" ?omluiu'il ?iii' ott?' rr sub-lnnec- ul i ral rr alterative ppWOi' ?IS to a Ho i'd an cMVojciUal amMom iVSl" iH-i'iisos Sarsaparilla i-i reptiU'tl id ethe. Sib-hare- : lin dy is (?uroly \\ anted hy lit?se wU?'sdflvr ^ I'foiit Sil'UIUOllS i.-ninplaiiits, ami thal uno w Idell will accomplish i lu ir oiire nnisl prove,, a-? this has. of ?inmenso -miro to lids liirgu elliss Of din iilllieled iollOw-?ill??ns. Iluwji i-uiuplcteD llii--- eompuiiml wilTiln it has hoon | proven by oxporhitoiil oh many of (lie wbrsi eases to lie found in thc follow iii?! complaint - : Scrofula. s. ?.unions swellings ami Sores, Skin piscases, Pimples, l'ustulcs, HK.iches, Ktuptlons, si Anthony's lue. i{ose or l'.ry -iprlas. Teller or Silit Klleina, Seahl Head, lihigwnrm (.;,.. S'tphils >./. I'I m i i'll Diwane \< expelled hom the system by tho prolonged ilse ol'Dds Sar saparilla, a: il Hie palicnt i- Ich in coolpara iive lieu 11 lt. /?'. niai? i Hst .'sis- iii'0 i'titiseil hy Seromla in tholilood. ami an- lllls often sboh cured hy i 1 I .\rari ol' Sarsaparilla. I ni nui discard this invaluable medicine, I because \ou hiive hi'iMi litiposed lipon by I .sniiielhiii'j pretending lu lu- Sarsaparilla, while ii was nut W hen you hilve used V. i it's Iben an.I noi lill ihen. w ?ll \ uii know I he vii tues nf Sarsaparilla. \:"v iniuuto par . tiouhir- oft lie i M-oa ses it ohres. w e refer ydii Itu Ayer* American Aliiiaiitic. which thc agent h.-h'W hiimed will fnrni-h gratis io all w lin ead fur it. A vi n's i' \ ri i A ut m lb M ,s, i'm- the cure ul j ('ii.?t}VcliOs.s, .lauinlier. Dyspepsia. Indiges tion, I>y.sentery. I'oul stomach. Ilcadaehc, j I'llCSi l.'hCumatlsni, Heartburn arising lunn Disordered Sioinncji. Tain, ur Morbid llltie Itioii oi'the bowels. KhtiuleiiCy, poss ul Ap |iClllc. Diver <'ontplahil, l>rup-y. Wurms, (.m;:. S'ohraighi. hud mrii [thiner Dill. TticA air ?' enaleil. xi (hal the nm-t . i.-iiM eau take timm iiloiiSidilly. ami i I ley ire iii- Dosi A pi ii. rn' in ihr ivorld fur all Hie I m |,M.(.. oj' a family jill?, sic. Prepared h\ ,i. D. AM iDv < .... i .dwelt. M;isrh ?t.ijil -obi hy all Driig'ilsis. VICK'S ILLUSTRA TED CATA LOGUE Of Seeds, and Floral Guide FOR 1867, |s now publishi-il. lt eiitilaiiiS nearly 100 pag. -, 100 ibm liln .: ration- on \V00?l of ( '/" '.' /-'?o'"i rs nud 1 'i <ji\<ihh .s, mnln l\,a vi il'?? Colorai /.Votei r /We, Foi* iront i-pi.-rr. Abu di'serlptiiiiis of iiui i Kl NI - I I"! i iW I |!S AMI Viol I MU I - grow ll. ; I willi toll ami phdti dircclloiis for 'culture. .1 '/ .)" Se'id id'tiil AVIIO desire, postage1 pa?l. . ior bVceiits notjiiiiif tiie i'osti s-oiu free tj . l illi Ul\ ' UstOl?lCI - ol' ISfiU, Without bri: .1 foi. Addle-. ".? '. ?' ? 11 l\. I.o< III - Tl I.-. \. -jj ( Iii 1>i\ llpSity wAlhi i ; i : i 111 : it will on-ni.o, V m .. ICM; . O.MIillll ll"N- III lin- . "11111111- ri IIII: MKTI?ODIST, I I I \ s I - I ISO I ll-' l?yilni(ihll?) Silliums ami '.J.ntiiii Hanni 7b//..s," hopbi ied i spiVssl.i i'm I hr M ij i'lli ?I HST, rey!soil hy Mu. Ih r. nt i:. ami protected hi rnp\ rhglll . A i I nilgCliieiil - arr al-" being linnie lora -i iii - ol' \ abiabte SijkMpx.s hy eminent pul j pk < >ral or- ol tho Mclliuilist niid Oilier! hunch es ? TD K'S!S ? :. J..*ii> idhi Vf.A lt. pnyaliie ||i iadvauee. I .ihr i .il l'? vi mun I - or I 'i iluiili-sion s air al ; lo\\ - 'I !<> tho-r funning eliihs of -nh-. iIbers. Address. ?III-; MI; TIIIUHST. No. 1 1 I Na-.-aii Stn rt. \. V. T!ii- 1- thc didc-i Meiliodisi new -paper ht world, li is |iijiiiisl|cd h\ Hie l?<?sn)\ Wi - l.i:v.\N AssiM'iAi'iox, eompos?il ol'1 Iwentv iiieiiihi rs oi'the .\!otliodis| Dpl-copal ( 'hiirch. ami i- th.- rccngni/eil l?rgii? of oil r cliuicli in Xcv> Dng']<\ihl. Ih" A--o.iaii"ii iindi'itake tiie risk ami care nf pilbil aiinii -uhlv for thc beiH lil oi'the Mothoilisl ('huri'li and tliC ciiu ii ut I lui-!, without receiving any fee or rO w ard y\|ud^vcr for I I'n like inod Other Meiliodisi iiap?i.s, tiif! il?:rat\\)in*i in*vei* r?i'?iVed any supi'di Inen ihr Hook i 'dnC?rn, ami i-. Iher?/'or?, eiuirely dcpcmlonl on ?tl own patronage. D. tilicr paying tin. a.,-, -ary cxpoiisosof piihilshhig, any proliii, ar. nie. they arr paid io ihr \rw Diiglaml, .Maink. \rw llaili|islilrc, J'rovideiice, N'?r iliohi. ann I'M -1 Maim- ' ui i ' l'-m ..... I. I hr llplSAl l> wo.bu itN A/, i's publi-hnl weekly, al $2.f?0 pei" year, inriirlnlih' ia ml I'oai.'Ci All Tray, hm ?. Tu :,. !.. r. in lin- Mrtl,,,. .li-1 Kplscopiii ? 'hiir.cji ure iiiiiliori/cd Ageiiis. lo w hom pa\ u;ret may hr uiailr. Ali .,. uninmiratinns designed for |iiiD licalioll SllOII 10 bli ililllrCSSCll ld lill.' /.' /(,'..;'. ?un? Idlers un husiliCsS shoiihl In- addl'cS. eil lu tie' .1;// I,!. I. All biographies; am.mus nf reviv?is, ti nd oilier mailer- Involving iiiots, must he iiccompanicd with thc name-, ui'the writers. J,-,)"- WO wi.-h agents t., he parlieiihir iii vyi'itethe names of siibserihcrs in lull, and Die name til' liie I'usl ( ?Uh r tu which papers arr lu h.- Seid, in aeh iiiiiiiiier tba! thei r ran he ie. mi liltidcrshiiirihii! - I IT I ST A K'S HA I.SA M ni' W.U.I) \r \\ > ( \i\<:\<\<\, lms.> i..Km uw.ii im Y T nearly Ilull'ti Colliery, willi UlC UlOsi islmii liine SUt'CeSS in ? ul in;" . 'Jb?glis, Cold*, Uoarsonuss, Sore Tufoiit, lnllucn/:i. Who..|.ing Cough, Croup. Liv LT ( onipluiut, lUoticliitis, Dilli.ailiy ol' llrcal liing, Asthma, mul every ailee! ion <>| Thc Throat, laings ami ( ?ieSt. CONSK.MRTION. which carrick otl'iiioic victhn-s than any other illsca-e. anti which hallies tho skill Ol' llie ] Physician i?> a greater extent than any other malady, orten? VIKI.I>s TO Til IS KKMl?DY ! when all ..iiiers pro ve laellectuali AS A M Kl Ul'I \ K. UAi'li) IN UK Kl Kl'. SOOTIMNO IN KK ' VIA T. SAKI: IN ns OIM<U<AT10N, //* is r.xsatrAssi:!) i while as a preparation; Tree from noxious Ingredient s, poison . or minerals- tmitiug -kill, science nilli medical knowledge: com hlntnli all (ital is valuable in the vegetable kimrdoill toa iliie chi-- of di-cases. it is. . IXCOMPA RAtifiRl and ls elli lt lcd?, mci its und receives the gen eral ( nilli"lenee of thc |>lilllie. SKA Mol'K TIIAiVllKK. M. lb. of llernum. N. Y.. wilie-; a? follows: - " Wi ST A K'S lt ALS A M fVi-" Willi CliK?tUY .?ii Os luit\ er.v.d sali-miction. li seems lo eure n Cbiign by loosening and cleansing ihe hines, and tdhieiiig irritation, thu- removing thc e;ni-c instead ?f drying-up thecough ami leaving tim ctius? hdilml. I consider the Ihil-ain a- good a- any. ll'liol lim best, Cough incdichie with which I am ae.|uaintc." TTn^ol it'il cv 1 Ti 'sliinony. ! from UnY. Kn AMIS 1.niuo M.. Pa-l.r of ,iie I South *. 'ongregatioiiiil Clujrch, itrhlgoporl, j Conn. lUtlDUKl'OUT, .lan. I. ISiili j (ieiilh ineii :-I consider it a d\ity which I lowe to shivering Immauiiy to hear testimony I tollu- viliUcs of l m. Wis i AU'S IIAI.SAM Ol' W11, o t i i ran; v. I have used ii - winn I hit ve I oeeasioii f.?r any remedy for Coughs. Colds, ni' Soie Tliroiu -for ina ny yoiirs. and never, m a singh! iii-lanee. ha- it failed lo relieve j and cure inc. I have liei|il?ull.V b?e 11 very Jioar.-e .ni Stiliirday. ami looked forward (0 Lhc delivery of I wo sermons on i he follow i 11 ir Jo wi;h - ul ihisi.lvuig. I?m I?y a lihotid lise p.di'i.liii.Vvivi.'ithd v iiae/-"irA.!li?n(i11i\0|,'v|,,,'1l,l ttl. ally. fl e. nuiieiid i. :<> hu tir?>(liri .1 in ih f \. and lo pubhi ne .ly ii ? a .- |,ei rccriaiii : whick w Killin nmiiiuh any w ay doc-' liol ICliuO is w inch \ on ch muiis iikers! |?o|ii?rj Hy. lis a ol' Ile' l-l. Illa! Ilollhles -o eil I ia rh IA;.d ?iel:. ?. I ?.?! I Voil Ibis le-li yoil ai'c it lihcrly to U.-O iii I ifoei a!; pOr?oii lily I." tl'SciicS} mini-lei "? lia; .1 \, ; Kia ? Vori lrhl\ \ a l' rliiijis tim Kalsaiii dike, lilli i' alw ay -, am! li; ? liie for t he 'i -. Mm Sabbath. li:.\.\i is Kor ol i i. Ku fl hoi1 t ' il sol i, -i i < .< 1 Ti v-t j Mmiy. K.xiiu ll 1.0. Mc. April (SO I. Mc-.-r. SITH W. Kowu: ?\ Co. i ?ciillciiicu : - Seeing numerous certiihallcs in the Main.- Ka liner eildoising thc morns ni' hal t.i resit laing 1,'eiue,ly. \\ I STA irS it A K SA.M CK Wj K?) C?IKK??Y< I am in.hied, ami I lake pleasure in giving pilhl'clty io ile greal cure it iicconiplishcd in my failli- ' ly in y ear ls.*,i;, I lui mg 1 he -ulimier of thal j lem- my soil. Henri A. A10I1?T. im\v Post- 1 j iiuister at Kairihid. Som'crsei Comity, wa- attacked v,'uh .spliting bj lil,.,..I. coiighi, w eakucs.- of lune-, ?md gciicra) de'-ilily. so much en timi mir family physician dee I a rial 1 him lo have a " Si: vi ll. CoXSI \il'fl(>X?" < Ile wa-limier medical I i catiuciil fora mini- ? her of IllOlllllS. hill l ee? ive,] no lu llelil fi ,,m j i'. At length, from the soliciliitimi ol hini -il' mul other-, I wa- Induced lo ] tit rehuso ' "I. ' hettie ,,f WI STA ll'.S ?AI.S \\| I If 1 \\ IKK CU KKK Y, which benefited hi;,, liiueli Ililli I obtained an oilier hollie, w lileli j hi i -hm i lime restored lum in his iisiial stale ofjualtii. I think I eau safely recommend Ibis remedy to others in like condition, for il i - , I think, all it put potts pi be -Tl IK (?KKAT KI M. lth.Vt 1:1 iv rou 1111. TIMi:S ! I'he above sliilemcnt, gentlemen, is ?ny voluntary offering lo you in fa yo ,. of you I balsam, ami is al yoiir disposal. \s ever. yuin -. ANUKKW AUOIKI!. i ./'/{/< /.: o x/-: DOLLA li. i HOTTLI:. I'lliiPA (inn uv ST.TII W. KO WI. J?: ?v SON. ls TmiMOxT sii.i.i r. Itosrox, s ASI? ron SAKI: nv Alii, iiitrooisTS' HyVKKKK SKWJNC M ACI11 \ KS. I h ice : Riain linisn, ?.'!.> ami $n() ; -ft- Villi exlrns, ^Ullo $100, Tlc. on!> lli'sl ia-s licenser] ?iud warranted machine sold c-u lian vS">n plain. JOHN I>. ( KAPI'. ACKN f. UKI TliKMoVI . liosYoX. Klh-ral ternis lo dealer-. The new Amogiiie Kuibroidery .done o oroa. nm tv. a i tmiiMnMH ?pfy ij js'? ?HH'*11^. !'W,I"..'V lie 15th 'iMiourf MM (I NOW READY OF TUF I N N E R; feijll OF Ono Volume. Prico $2. HURD & itOUdHTON, PUBLISHERS OF sTANLALI) JU V li 'S WA') A NM) MIS (T, LL AN LOL.S HOOKS, NO dil HHO?SII: ST, XI NV VoilK, PUBLISH SIX MONTHS AT THE WHITE HOUSE WITH ABRAHAM LINCOLN HY /.. /:. v?lil'iCXTKlii A UTI ST. I Vol. IGrno. Prico $2 Ruad AV hat thc Press Says: ..Hi- was inure t lia II a painter, l?r ho was a rouih'? ni* liiiinaii mu ure ; ami lu- studied |li? eliaraetor ni' tin' ili-thiguishcd subject of Iii- art lilli ll In- became thoroughly arijiiaint i'il willi i;. Woia i.Miai li A/r.i ri;. "ll presents thcgrcnl mau al homo, hillie YeoOoiil iii* Unrest l'iihiod intercluirse: ami nu nioU I lili j lia- linn published alunit hint will . ive jiosieriiy >o accurate an iilea of Illili as ms."-llAinrOttb Liu-tss. l,Llke a nioilern Itoswell, Mr. (.'arpenlcr li-hi's up his hi tit, plain ami w illi all kinds I'.sauces, wc have him al?tue. iillo. nilli bll v. in his ('tilil not, peaceable ami ii ni agonis le, a- jillige, soldier, lawyer, rail-.-plitler. iii ie ul Fi nresi ami I tooth, uhlor hini.-elf. iigi'.v fa lier, ibo imiiilgoni husband, iltcslo v-leller ... lu hint s w hal the honk tlOOS ul o il ol' Mr. Lincoln ls probably nut worlli ?-j i ig li'ltl."- Xi.w YoitK KxHirss. CARPENTER'S BOOK I.S A MWmk JILLI) it llOlkiilTON, Ll'HI.ISIIFFS. nil Hm ?OMI: S i nr i: r, NKW YOKK. NT CV MAH.. I'DSIAUi: OA I lt. KO li TWO l>0l> lilts, ?lgei i ( s A\r?i 11 ( (M 1 LL OVER THE COUNTRY TO SKLL THIS HOOK LIBERAL DISCOUNT MADE Til IO I T? W.10 S MW I NO MA'JI UNES 699 BROADWAY NK.W YORK. .'OR FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURERS THE HOWE LOCK STITCH. Ti l KS K WC)li Ll )-!{Ii X ( )W N Kl) SEWING MACH INLS ll'erc awarded the. highest jtrcmivm at (ftc )i'orl<?\<? Fair in London, and six fast the N. Y. 8tate Fair b/18, GO, and Arc ccli lu alcd Cor (loin" Hie hes( work, ttfr in?- a mucli smaller needle for Ihesame thread Uiilii any other machine, and foy the introduc tion of thc most approved machinery, we aro now able to supply thc very beni machines in (lu-world. These machines ure made ?t our new and spacious Kaeiory at bridgeport, Conn., umlcr the Immediate supervision of lite President ol' lite Company, KKIAS IIOWK, .II:., (he original inventor of the Sew ing Machin?, Th?y arc adapted fr> ali kind? of Kandly Sewing. Anny Clothing, anti lo the use ol' Scants! restes. Dross Makers. Tailors-, Manufacturers, ni' Shirts, Col Into, Shirt.?, Cloaks, Mantillas. ( 'Intbing. Huts,Caps, < tor sets. Hoots, Shoes, Harness, Saddles. Hilton Hoods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upolt silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods w illi silk, codon or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, (ell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species Ol'sewing, making :i beaut Md and perfect stitch, alike on both sides ol' thc ?rdeles sew ell. The Stitch invented hy Mr. ?10WK, and made on (his Maeh'me, IS the must popular .1 .'......' MM ?Si wttitf Mnehtnet ure ?uh et h. th?. \\r\nciptc i mu uti titnj him. S KN I) l-'OR CI IICK'KAK. AGENTS WANTED. 77o1 If owe Machine Conip?ni/i mut HuoAow \ ,\ Con. Korain Sr., N. Y, .'linos, CLERGYMEN arc furnished with rho Illustrated LMircnological Journal; evoted lo Ethnology, Physiology, Phi'eit logy. Phy.-ioguomy. IMisyeholngy. etc.-tit lui? rates. $1.5(1:1 year-Single No.'.s 20Cite 'o others, $2 a year. Premium--, ol M clo c?os. Chinos, Sewing M achines and Hooks re given by S- R- WELLS. Publisher, ?J80 Broadway, 1ST. Y. brimful ol' delightful entertainment fdr vende readers; .-.tories, fables, charade?, buses, enigma-, and exquisite wood eiigrti nus. It i- beyond comparison the best jv i'iitu inaga/'uui ever published.--Hulkiin spross. livery hoy mid girl in America should have Tr.KMS : Tw o dollars a yent", Singh) or icchnen Nuiitfoer, "JO cents. pulled nott' Ute. i'teh and w ide Held of eur it foreign ll'eriduro. Vrotn thc. Inuneuso ?rehouse ofKngh-h and < 'oiith.onlal inaga ics and papers lhere have been taken the idcesi short stories, thrilling advcnliires. luisitc poems, historical sketches. scleidL articles, racy essays in hiogrilpliy and lh i-m. The selection - ru e al! m. id" wit ohjecl of iiic?lhig I lie I tl si cs ol' American tier's. . t'hita Imiuiri r. TUMS: Single Nlimber, 10 cents; $5 ir. OKNOB& FIELDS, Publishers, BOSTON.