The Charleston advocate. (Charleston, S.C.) 1867-1868, April 20, 1867, Image 1

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?. : g I % \ ? . \ " ?_ j S 3RD wcmld that ineu"??il?d ?o|^you, do vooven S^QJ?K^. , r ihe DMwWiVlon ^tivoiMvtc. I:,r:,,irlv-i,,n- N-v-- ir ?.... Hft-ty 4 *4 Ojiio will >1;?K,. oUl tin- o!,;,,c,?,,n-. \v??r<| p, .' : L" ?' ? 11 * ? ii? !. ? ol tl: . m ora I bi ; . |,(, . '?? "i.Uvf iiul?h ,,r i?.,. 11, .i 111 Hud .Mr. Lin- I.,. A. WlSlttiTKK, KOiior. ?. 'in -mi.i timi lie would. t?'?.sili?m jw ,j,? IL ?<\ IRAN DOTYTl?, > Associa io \ .: -t : ?/. iim -lawry, oil! > ,i,., lim' -i:!\? iy whso,dv. t?? u- ,;..>.: 1-..v. mi T \V IJJAVIS. > WditOl'S. ... ,!, 1 ??'! i. im> l mon c..aid nol ?.?tkcrv ?se Lo : """* " (/.:?.oiw-i. AljioLihifj kiiiU i.Iial Net tn- ' A Km.imot h ANO Lui.n.vuv LAC?::. .Vin sialciincil; AiViloiv. ilmU'ditors said j run.tsitr.n WIKKH AI NO.. IV? Mht'.i i.ltiiinji thc wai- ?siiow r<To?tte?l t<> f?.'rlil\ Ai ix?, sim :-.T. Ni: \? rx, l.ttot N. . ii iv.-.- Southern c.? ?il Umen iii Hie ??iii , nv ti??l:?- 01' lii.'ir !.;> .daws. Tim ::?v:?i ?.L-' ti. ,iriu;t?: Mind:!:, jut;-. i?v!.;.?u?i/. io ..-nn-.d the noliro s TKI?M- i?K MAW (ill ?iii?*.I'S : ! )'" nt Su!;llii; :;'"! ,!'^ W'mS *'x''?' Of. ;j. Vear'- mixiibi.. hi leWaheo, );M"?!'i';1!:' Hiiins? I v?s. ulrike out lijo ?{?', , ... rd '. while;1' i'rihn 1 ethiio Shite < oil ll.:,, n Three M<ib<h1.1 " '. tV -I ' ! t .'" ?Wo'??, sho'tht (ii diA'' . m ?.. , s |..jiah|i?-;i"(i. . irifrooto't'. I ka k-Uox io.1." ll A I i> i'?H! Al'V l-'.trrt.MN?-. much l'or iii?' j ?>!i? ;. ?.;' Hie . ?.?, Advcrilsifmohts ?iii I-.-in-, rn ?i ai ''mr. :?. '>" right, li's vy4*11 its .in'.. . lo d' -o.v I NTY-l Iv e. Cl-.NTS |ie'.' --,'!;..!>.. ii" tili - \\ <>i?t. |t w a-; alvvjtvs a a ..piare. ..h $ l?gl)i ol/:" th ii... i - .:i. ?nu Hi -pot I,,,-.,, 1 V ,"" saine proportion. 1 ?ant . . -00'1 ii- ' ,'" mehi ol' lindil wooie and upward-. > ,. n '" ii is,, t.cs|ia<s i?|..?..:r,, ?.iM-p.-r -quill rot i'd''.iu .??Iv- it'.- manh< >? "i. a \ i.-ial iou ? i' I ile ri-j.iii s ?,f, .ni , ^" nieiils nl'.-ix ;i:\ii II|.A ar! .. i>>:;i\ 1:? ?. ;:.L. ?;'. ii "lyr?diir '? !,ie!t vye sh??u??? luis- j oj' ?ISIS per .-il'l.ire : ii,. :.: ia . \ ? i v io...1- t? 11 l?> redo. I?'!i;i .?i Cries ou! rii'aiiist h'ehiU' r<Mpiiii|d in a?i\.ii..- . ?j. ;lli,? t|ii< -ai diserepaiu V l.titvyiieli 'he'.,'. lV..|'es>i?.n:?t lind P.udilesi ? apis, ia-: '. N- ' ('<.n?t itilliot, and tile i aw ?'.ft L-l diouhl V !J1 l l ' -1 Vii i I" '?;1 ' 1 ' ' '" ? -a! onee Le eli ?re?L '., upon ., di?MU<_? Wi ???'??iliti:: live Upes. MU a y.'.tr. Mat lia,-.,-. l>eiitii-i deli _i .'i- i'm i !.". i iK?ti?vs. net es.'ei'dln.rtivi' Hai-?, rici Y?:I:N ts . ' ; .;: ejieh ?,? seri j? ?a. v '?'isil rieht, and :?. pl ST hei'.-iclf Nit pnliiieati"ii relie, lin- \\\<>?H \ liv .ii e.'ija' : -I"' ?0 i*? ?llttll? ?ll With Hie na! juli lt fi 4 ?le!? I- Mill lu- .. le ,\\ e ! ? . . 'I' cod : -. I .'.li' : . le ?na lided ?>f i ir . Siiutli. pell.-l!' Wllt'tll? W il ititi li 111 lu 'Hy >u s rv - u 11 \ e> i e ..? ii ,0.1.. niue yeal;" . ur ri, .ni, ni ,,. me pal ,in > . 1 e. y.uili.: . .' ? . i tin' t!.' ?? " .A :. .. iU'lildl .'it . '.? ; np-.MI !;.-'.-. . . it) in i that if tlieve was inore v\ ?,?;,. i,!.?.l .. ? ?.. ; ..'. .. ?? ? ?.-, ?., ; u _ ? y. ?;?t.,.?,;. ?. . iil?ck. then tile r.i r. oii liir-.iii di uiii -p iah her-,-i;' id !!>,? , p. :??i?'' ,.?'a ? ie VidiiS it lloWed Xy'iU wli'le in ti.?.! .. : -, 1' tr:', -ii" w. -. oh thai arri itt !li, refused of: thc Cotist'itution : i.". .li 1. A 1 i', in-v ?. 1 IntU-ion ;!?> liiji v?-diN'-.- f??r il;?1 v.r? a i h o'i" ivii-i-linj '.vCiV tine. i!,. .? ??? li ; Jv :?c. pd ' th.' his Vote OhiriiiiCi! )ii,|i ea-e. |'. ?v y'.'j?vs < ir?? ?': i .: :;....-?e ? i 1. j. lol' ! in ; :i. ' ! i i ' o\ that has L,cn wi!h ( ?ino. tl.,r. foie. Ln' ;? p. 'i'? ?| ,,? j hu r???i MU. n t iud question of lim. nui of^olof. Li'dii'.p. ??or i ,.!h ?...nd.;?:?? I. : iv'.l.? Melin -Jj N.. one vvho lia-! ?en ah!,-t., s, ,.fne :, ., d ? t'htirrh. i.fthcv hit ve inti Seat in (hir Leui-l::!urr is fool Ctl|?iu>'|i to I -jti;!'v ; ?hi?fi'oi'H wc sl'.ouhi i?i '!.' (pii-sliou t!:e ult i 11.ate tiiuini'h of man- ioh?hi-'i ano ideal est in ?ihr i-nhdciiiihilioh liia otlU'r pai'v purposes eau Le suLs.-rvud. iind fd Lima, and ?ilher ?d' ?itii- U'IU?.N?-.. j?'i;l A strinj^le lin- hi|guti 111 llie Sohth |or no .-tnienl li.t< LTII ivie.,i on jiCeoiuif, til tile l'av?.r ?iud vol?--ol' Iii?- i..-.'.).,. Mv... ,.fc ',,.r. tiiijy ?isi ( '..nun. urein.-ut a j rar Win? iised lo stan.! ??vcr llie i.?vio w Uh ?1 , 0! >i'e 1 y..uu : lady re. eiv, i a tiipliilijiti : i| a lasli. now siand Iiefore liini. with their ai Lima. iiupi'. --ed v. i:'n ..f Lie hi.Ji- Hm hai.s nuder liieir ai in-, .-wlieit'mv 'ni- v,,,, . ,..;??.,u rs of tia1 institution. We inc dei Thc IH'o'l'o is evidently the man <.[' Hui iniorimd lim!. I, ai i:,;: I In-.. iVi yoting ?a- an I'.our. At a recent nieeiiiiji in ( ..luinLia. mildil Lc val??iie|.h'utn. j-?nie iieVvotjs |iii' S. C.. \\ nth- .'lampton ami ?.liter di-iin- whiles, of the gia i.mliu.. ?.!.:--. Waii- in, "ili-hed (A'-rcLcl.s vvi'i'e lo'uid ahciiia; ?m.' ed ii| M>?I lia- piinmpit!. vyitli . . eniii.o jilt? with colored speakers ai a po'.iii. ai ne , :- ??uN?aHj t.? ki,ow i;' La- kaeully would of i ind1. I', was moic a m,etu? ; lo lament ..dvc i'm,' h<?imr t<> a lidniv... Mea -med htr ?he di.-!'r:uu iiiscincnt of whiles 1,, (jjejli tin- <-?ilv wn'v to pr?1 ve h I i' ?.vhs tb T?i rejoice ?.vcr tlc ciiiV?iichictdiieill of lli? oui-lr, iv lui'-oii-el hid'. Al! honor for j dil J'ho'ks. aiul in Hie ??.'oiioii ,.f ib;. ,.|:,',,ir.- 11 : i - t . > (liai hs W. lb iinctl ! If tins jiff, !>v Hu- i ?-l-nat ion of , ]... foiner !o 1 ln-ir i,,M ,'.,jj. :;t pj| .;;sl?ilid i- linc, we mu-! Im- r, iiriVilcvies siiolild he demiiiKlcd off.,,,. uij??ai?j'i?t!y cbilli s^ tim! i'Ciist.' is ?ti li,e len gres-, ( imiv'i." ! 1:1 wi- ui-st bhhlly .'illiiih tliiit ?. i They yver? th? incn (d'i.biliiv m Lue pVi-sfe is not ii/' lld't Inifch. ll is un ex- ??ha South, il un- <d:iiin?d. and il . li- . r., ,.., ,e,-ucc thai mn-l i?ihi;tj?e fiiir IVdnhHf ... ; could not spare them lr?iii;piihlie ittihirs \\..,\ ,,, i;, i':| \\ 1, r? uioVcd. mo They were not sifiiligei'S io limn loi inci |hij we i|0 no! Ifciu'Aeiial !. :ot. >ti? liiat , Ihe slaves, but had been their associate; siitd. W?- did hope, before t i:i to ?j ec .mm (ll!) throne.Lout lile, ami kin iv t jichi, :>n ..??.-ia! e?intra?lh'l iou o', : lie cv i! ? ep.u l. : w h und were known hy Iheiih a- n<? .-lian- jiis?iop SiiiipsOn's coiincctioii with ihe bee piers could Le. itidittliloU i- ?jU?tc nom?lill. Ile Im-. 1:0! ( ?im staple arouineiil u-. d on thal. 00 f,,,- m. nili . Is en distan', ami even An casion was. those Xoitheimr. iv? rc ut- |i|,r??ad, willi Iii sick ?solb Iii- home i- in Lia tcrly insincere in their pr<.:'c-.,d iViemi- I'hijitdidphia. Weifh.'ill wiiili ijonmiiiilij; lip -!ii|. foi 1 h.- m.?.. rn. IiiOljio. und ."her more than iii <>liieial rei;?ti?>ii (? tIii!* iii- Ihe Slates in thc N.nih. it wa-.-tal. d ; !,c ne- sllliiitiiVii io liolv? Ihm respoih'S'ilc l'or .-o ter pro liad long L? ?'ii. and was v el. di-li i.u- griiveian^ idl'hiise as lin* ?me ch?rgeij. ll:, chised. Thus our dehfV to edi on t!,i- lini we hii'lhie to iieliove iliei'd Wefi; nih- Viii que- lion is bleeding trouble for it- in tins o: reasons ti ;.n the om- namt d for lim im.: cition, oj' v\ 11 i . * I i Iii" Hiv .dui ami >n>i, r l In- ||?lgpf his nati\li ! si ti? 1 : it . - l?steos w..iil<i isitit silent. Hut may- '"I. iinlttst lion .. ti tul pohedul ??ti/ -o.a1d mc. Wi'thodt explana! it'll, flay ai?- :m in" i'Hi;*iit y'otVr--\vli> s?talUtvif lio ??j ': ?duijse eoiidohih? d, and Hie ci ?hudwill palled hy thea \\ rebel scarecrow ih'tj ivnionihercil ilU'aihsl I hom in a hun- Uio freedman will noi over ho a i'Ouseieu 'I ways. \t aj? ovoids, wc now ph Ige Hun-; jnr.if, a capable mugidta.le. atc! na r-. i\c of all !i -]i..ii> in lia*/?Vii?ig?ttotiod'??^?sla'toiTlioINhvOf that .iiiViN, roi Vir? I llu'i'iirlii-r ?liiil ituii'c (lillichft p'i'olu .>- - lcm-; will as providentially dispose ? ?I' i ?.t; M I:?: i l:? ?M- i M ? ALION A i ... Ups.' ( :.\VH'?NA el lev m nt,- Phlhuh ?phla IV --. ' , i j?? j* ih . A-h ...-a',-. ' ; W AH? i M ;i ON. April 7. lo'.'.'. INIUIKSIINU Mri.rr... AS?? Si r.t;i iii - -". I'la' ,.|l -?icdliers ol' t harl?-lo". (,"?":"' < .'IM/IAS. M l.isn.iit.u S.e. ; Uh (.'iivojmad tonic-.iii" a IndV ii.o i<>. Al <l mass m.etin?> ol' Hai !'i\ c bc."-.; a' i ! >iv.! m.-!! . li etd.;? ihi-tii- 1\c . to ol'. ?IccilNill,"-. HiyliUtlll W iilia'.n . '.. a M | ? ; li '? nh I upon tjjj , .. ,?,t ??.jrdhov han:: i ir.: I1"1"' 'I I liitp'hiiih, nial Pj/ank Ni i lilian . 1 I'i'll t?o pr<;?i?h?ov that -cv ital of thc oVi'H Hp-y, Thc m vt iii:: viii* theil a? jd dmrn S'-ile- w!M !-?. .-..nt;..?led ,-u- di\--od hy H. Williams a- follow,. : .ly hy thc n-vroc afc doing all ir, / <//ow ?.///... ea : Nono Ol' ts lu!H fi.'-, ir p ?wer to make inc\ if.!>lc Hie very "'gill aro <h'al?.is. nd cannot expies,, ul*, til y scold to.?read. Pit ll \ aware "Ur-cl\i-i deoaiilly. or i|V<'|i prop il;. : ?i e fie ! l'o thc hiiicks arc in a ma- ''"I u "'i'i lure a . tVOullieii. \N c itv ?,?| ? will - ion he in lull comm ind '?g'"- "'?'l I'liuleges "??'oll \.e lad ci i'll die political -dilation, Um local anthill- ?dV1 ,H-'i'"u-^? h:,vc !l ,'u,a u? v"'<' ' I ... ,.f (hui!, .;,,!, refus*' lo aiiow limn ; ?. I1"' pndhyo ??:' ltd pi I lg t" dot ride i,, tim eily ears, and <]?? so iii j ?>ili('hi;i. \yli.'> shall make iii tvs for Us, and ?.ncr calculated aiid prohnhly iiitoiiiledt1 ^i"1? ^'.V ?'?" |" understand who pio dieu d,;. popular di,i url,a nee-, ro-|?c? hp. b b nbs, ami win n I io dn> ? OHIO-', ill; not iced in (ho dcspalolios pf the1'' jd careful who he vol. > for. ,oda(cd press, there are thousands j We are exposed lo enemies--wo|\c-, ? v ...i.?,?. ,I ? ?ntelldent peojile ol Ivv 1 'blue ?II -heep's dbUbhg, audi w ill Hy r i:> I haiie-toi, and il- d.idly. ami j'" Hull us fl? M ii .mr fiictids-we liuiSf bi' a !' v. eo:.o,!U-a:ive|\ w cal i hy. nm ? yoi ' very careful. Our conduct, if judicious. j :i re' i'oiiip'dled io walk for miles to wi i I keep ?ihr liphi'd but if ii:-ti- toot wei : pj? . - ot' I usine u while Hie lo'thl '?"'.>' lose lliein. I.. t II-he untied and all pal on Hu' cally s< i..-ion inovdniMitsjfiU/utis. Weare under one of thc ] ,,i 1 Cpntiioiued ffedy of their f .num s goveriinieuis the Sun ever-h m- upon. 1 lie '.!' honni;.'. |o tho r?i> 111 11 Iti? i'l'l'l'l- ?Ve Will:! CM'l'V l?lltl to lt ll. ?el st il 11-1 ?li - I. :: o-.ipeiu Htdf i:,o|c?poly of t !;-. I'o .':t iou. Tho lliiti; Hull wa\Cs o\cru ,\e: v'.cr ot' inuit te ?mjv U?fy lt he. Svorld tb train|i|cifpou it. Wiicii wv reih-ct H.iat llu d hi i-? or mei'po-i :S. >u wa- Ihai , t' a lojio imau upon thf' wi io waters, wiiUioilt h i-oi piiihlle, v.h.i'.e upai' lilia v.... .:i ail lia- gle.i.l iaiiouhls. I'Scbiy of liiiuiiln Ih'iiigs wie? inighl ii' !ic-c ?i'a'viVj'si if e\. ho-e. put a ('tadd lb jil Ills liitlhlsi didi en .i:,,? VlJ;,.,', t, tliis ic- dli'V ?lid iiot ch?'O-c ib db ?1.' wi; i-.u, i iht' : . .,' \ H.o sucii " '"ly farther ri'iiipvcd i Vol n lb?' poor ? p. opie itghihid theil --i'.''? a pit 1 doctor Hie h. a !- of ?i,,, na il is Unthill-.; nu.'.v Hide! 'vi'"'?'' Ul:,c? ill.g ... il :::. un . : 'i. .. j,}. i,.i,,d i i, fai liai ' t .ii.. -vii !? \ ti?' words "po pa di-- your t-wii i;'i nhhualt: decisioii -nv.: Wi' lie?v hutdi t-bU ;t'oout wi. . a ?vd: ti ir ei?i?lsl ifi'ai ;iiiiiiitloti Uib ivii hover had any i dht s bi' \k\> ??euc-. 11 I - ..: '. . th. ' " ' ?" ' I' - I '. h li: 1.1 Huey would make a dil.?e Throe y. ur s <v.. ........ . ; f j?'. t.;, 1 iii d llclp ' iicniM-b cs W it! -l Ol i .'.. ioiap ,:ln., Ol' CtH'pOt I, ?.a g; '.h- ta. 1 prt.?l'crilig llteui ?he ? ou- ' hal, now wc have a /b r- ?<./, .e.r.. al a; - .. 'i'?ice'df : he t ?IMO W 11 - - Tl pltUistv) and i ii that Ihtrpail ; her,- a: ? niji i, Willi., ahlc !.. take 110.111 |.\ theil- a.V \ T"\ ?sion-, for ||:. [,{.{ f,, ).. ?. . I-, s-uch :; -od -, o -e ( -ii ?-an- diem. ll i.* though! hud -aid by r ,.ir - . ali lim! "ei.ero-ity which is -imply tlm,t W?| call never be :m\tliln . - Ihai we ii'.b a man w i mt is Iii, own) would ?lo d'*? :1" iofo n<|l* rae -, and bf ?io d-c?.ili|it t'h to pi-event j he voici-, frtiii) |'?j;t ns H'df?Vc to ho lt do ? 1 ii it'd faiiiitVil i'd ii. ?' then .-ives to oihee, and. inore ' ?t'/.eu.s a- Hie country can hoajj.t? il inyili'iei ?b". i<? -how thal Mr.' Wi i.s..s Cooa thu ad bessel Un? | ide U-mip" . a :-.nd his coni'edei iihd op- inettingiis foi hov,. .a- l\.s belier fl h ?ids .?'the colored itinilV of c \ j UV--i Hg I il V f- ? ii U.V. s b> Ut IS e ;'uni ; heir ?.ii t.-iielici - and t liidb-id- ioi!y of'.'(.ntleint'ii. ll is Ult' lir-t lime 1, win. have'od,-,I and iVdghi bi -t ? ii thy life t Util I have liiid Hu? p??d?,-..e ;.i free. These genlleiiicit shoillt| tilt-1 i > 1 c\piv--in.r i.iv IVelhigi it: pd 'ha ,-t am!'. ha! 1 he . li'caut ol t hcoi'le-i -; Who nran?cd us lia-,a privilege's ? Iii I Heil we are living? in Hm realiii of dir I .e-.'.ishiture al ?hsdasi . .-? l|on gr?jill i . Th. y !; \ c h.-.-n ?!nuien-.dy !'iek\ us Hie-.. rialils'r 1 Hunk liol ? i.ut fha i raping willi tin ir li? cs and properly hes! fi ieii-ls v,v have in ?lio worhl hdivo' ?r makim; I lair toiinl ry lo-e a titi 11 loi Uiein lo us. I lc vet Iv Na -li -;a .-. our I-,--1 ii\? -an I ti\?'tlioiis-ind million.-.oftlol fribinls afb lilia -.ide ot tee IV'toint>.e. I . L\ .'heir expcrilin'iit of rd'teHhih think not; I ??now Ihi'y arc m.!. (lui plead lluil ?hey lili ve any rights mad former masters x/nul-l be our he-t friends, ?..?i io the blessings a-wholly forfohe?. but arc tiiev: The Seriplurc say fi ive their tren-t?ti tis lind' wert! ??:on?'roUsp iniist pioiie Uiein. .Mr. Niislt says i.. !. nc 1 hy I h.-( ;.,\ernmcnl -i, :.ti in-i- had radier i ? list masters limn any ; mock, ry. Tlie iva lilt ol' the Ait tint tip oilier men : hui where dil limy |ofi\T;i|s! ? make il-elf felt . and the ai lelllpt " \\'h;?. li? tin mini. We milsl lea-oil ty oi' to .h iv il will pilly niiike Ila- .s- amono oiir.-clv. s und dci'id?' win. arcoiii d. tey ot' the majority sterner aid he isl friends; ns Mr. \\ ???am.--ai. I hot'u e re boniplete. If Hie colored mim ciel me, In, wai'e ol w?dves iitislieppsichdhihg. i.?-?-Ive, to ollie?1! I hey \ y til ijxCfeis :> Ho careful you cast yoiir Vote's not red rigid : and ii' they exclude S'cji to cut \oiir own throat-. If \. ur ..hi he ?nen a-, I lampion and ( "rr ?? w il bc master conies 1.1 you and draw s a had .ansi' Hey haye been dearly lillijltl pict ure---and lid . you w ha! will happen ! o? oh Iii lcd it ihc tSbiillibrn poliliciats. in ten years- -sou he very ciirci'db Tic dwhat linn? |s ?i soceriaiii I lint ilnhi rcpulilicttn iii W?lsoii (,'ook's friend. A i irk men v iii make legislates 1er all tito rej>iihlicaiis haye done foti us, ll Hie m'ejhly leaders win? ai I vt .caed di.dl we say they ?re our Oheih?CS ? I civil w:ir? (?od has adjusted ihhy had ralin-r bo lakcuotit in soiuc old ?HM rih'ie coinplical ?ons w dhin a few vcjs. and hu ny fud. ving made Hie black mau a faithful ar- I have offered $i?()() in gold for me ll even w hen Iiis rebel ty fruit was ??gii- self, .-md they said Wilson ( 'ook, thai iluV to kbcp him a slave; a brave sol. br . wi il never come but (hal day eil me when 11- ji e*i**?*tum>m+Mm.m* i'tth+m?ma&H???r , , ; . ,; . ?md id ripe wiiWd : . I iit'g?'h IhiH boen logiillt\ dollie*! with ?, 1IU ? th H :ii t W i.N'i i'i ( li" fights ?d' manhood, and Unit tint ,, ., ,. ? j, .,.. i, ?h?y I-'.'>.' h?:M;,nt> "f (lit- people :ti<' iiKiuiiV'stly linn ??i:ii< l?. <T?l:U). iiud lMiW shall 1 Ittri) itt tilt ii' : ll'., nuce io ti?.' principles ?I* ;.,,;'; v.!,., pl hid o' i t!ie ....1 li!.nt ?itiij u'-!;..(.. ll is tllsp gratifying l|;:.r J, ;. I{?iHuh1 //'<<?;/ th", ie? i'.li ' ? progiO'is which tiiese prin* . v. , . , ?y-, . . ii?\Y v.e ?uv IV. i||; eiples hil Ve made during iliO past year. . p,. : , i,\ ,u|i;.'?>unt ry. I lue Veal1 ag ?. Hie loy til people ol'Um ' ebehave count rv were va -illa! in-' hf weeli hope ' , ' ' " I' ; ? I j . - 1 . .j ? . ; , i. ; >-! . ? :r. r".i - mel doubtfbi il' mir Congress would i t:,.':..-.,. ", iiiev'!id Ve Wilie prove ililli ami equin to Hu? emergency ,. , . ; ,' ; . . , . now iloi ip. '* Hir?neall which Hie country was then pus ,\ . . r .. i ': \. ! .i Im . e le'i H - ';'- -h.- : ? el should ?I so prove, if il would ?\\, .. of e'i'v 11. . . u .1 ;t i ned a ' the polls, "Chose ure point s i H tii-ijh es io thc sine; eoiieeriii rn: which wc arc no longer iiux .... . iy .ail for whai .' iou-, MoVoover, Hie prospect ol' reeo'n ^ .. \\'i. . i ruction iip??n :i I rue iltid loyal basis ia i . i . . , h? ir, i ' i Val wp. particularly ohirnti rug? tig. Unionists, holli . . : - S . v iib 'Ut while iiiul co'.?reih are organizing in all We arc UisiiU- farts oil he soiillt>uiid obi nugi o despiser* jib, j -, . oin : twav. aub ami I nibil haler- a re furred to eltiiiige (Pli j; dil ,;>..:> i j i o in tiii' I'lvcdhhtn's Uieir, tactics, : . . jp i " ii . , cob' for, un i ' Vn'Olticr view of the situation brings v , .i , . unileful peopli i/o obi' iiotlee Hie fact-, lluil a vile and ; ' . ? h\i wh a Voi itiprinciplcd mau occupies the Preshlon '. . would Hal chair, ilia! many of tho participants i a r. :. >" tu the recent rebellion are still obstinate, . ,i , ??.i.' ail if wi i liie with Hm I . ?ind Hull allier a war. waged in behalf ol' th :. iiiv, c death he ('onsliluth ll ami (he equal rights of muh. in which ibo , Hand bf (ibd was mah i; .. lintj, ?. adopted bv lite I'Uioij lb l|vs( scarcely less \ i - i I ?Iv Iban in delivo ii i - i h?rl?shui, ? t o Were i'liig (lie Israeliles from bondage, many . , ., ?, ? ; t.\ l-'fiinix Williamson. (Sec..) hilve failed to lie d thc lessons taught. , ; .fern i parti?tiliirly to tlie I lil. flier i ? a large paru which accepts titi) is ne- of the war with extreme reluctance, /; , .? >. That wc w'Hiiot support any and would, if possihib, rbi I back Hie wheel h j )| i f ,. \\\ r wit iii i.ot ? p. ititi of progress which (bul hits, by his prov ;l,p ?; and defend tlie priiici i ?enc-, been rolling forward, ll is only ; ,.x \.. i nio?i Ucpuhlicnn ' ?I few ..lays since that one of Ute states 11 ivin - "! "'ir own New F.ngland gave its verdict I p.p. . i, he r?iiiavkcd; ? ?g?iii.s| Hu ?se principles which every true I , dh ni I M ? - : .,\ th, y aie on, illul hbeilv lovl?tg Auiei'icati iiofds dear. IVleti l i - :'. r us tu decide, ?ludging from Hie charactt.-r and spirit of. i, . , i'lv'iii - ? wi liow enjov would nevei' ?he foe with windi we have t?.? contend, i i ?tra lt led I -; by bur fernier wc inu-t expect to .subdue him completely all ! n w by whom t ii, \ liiiily aflora, long mid hard lou^hi. wiliest, ii-,, o ?.and il eins io nie niightt Ile may change his mode of warfare once : .. n. ! h.-rn fri "n I . and ag'ain, hilt he w ill yield only willi io ?bea'? a- .. Heverlx Nash*" lins|exiiviiii' rcluciaiK'c a dngle foot of the ' .. . ! . no ilse Ir.iili.lig' Willi ( on. re--., territory now lu'hl. .. !': Ihnl ..:' t! .. I 'mied Sta!;--. WilhdUl pausing t<> in^u?>:({: whether iid.'veio all his lulls, the light or Hie shading of Hie picture . vpn '-'.I know who to vot? foy w illi1 prepohdunitosj wc have, all Ulinga consi no i lb . i .. - - ..!* vi - yes.) i red. -real reason lor encouragement, i ., si ru r. libbi iisiin lheir Iii spite of :dl tliiit luis been sajd, we are il vir.wi'i in I f. e the ,Vd at bi i e ,e.| t.? c eichulc that our age is one ol' I'i - \\u\i o ti jie !:.:. i. I? we InH'C liie marvellous changes. Wo should have boen Sit; po .-. iv .. .',.r,d -low to believe, had ?I boen lol,I us seven i :i, hon!-' leave lite SbihvAvhal good \ . at -: jigol or e\ en -?\. when Hie first gun -, jihl iht . : ??id d . tht'ui llitd' cannot ot'thc rebollput tjvafi ibcd, that williin so ?.. .. Wc V.illii . :.? lill . .:. tbi' h"it a period, thc institution ol' slavery : \. AU they liavh got ;>. do to ,-. hieb Incl ui own up wit h our government j rt" . Wo h i .- a righi ind become firmly riveted to it, would . vu flier.i-., mi i will '...te hiiye h.-m abolished, and the negro us :' tho .-. . . ; t. Suppose a mau far asth.-n iHonal gbvei'liiiieitt isconccrn j fif? I voil dovrti ! ; . nc v.u. and auoihci ,..|. enfr?ndiised. Such, however, tire, ijian should i-ohie' along iihtlditkb him ?unong the changes which have been ,iyiiinh " ?'j I .'- 11 ' ,;' .' ':'!' "''?'i 1 f Avrblig'iir, In fad. nearly all the refcr , ; o'.. . ive ku??w .!.!,. -.i ?')r nip- m - tory movements of mir time with which c v. tit v :.; -i were;,;!,..!. and the world is ?icing blessed, ?is Missions, . . aa 1 so : kind i?- no d p-.b's m .,;". teiuperance relVirhi and the Kahhath .i. .;'.' ' ; !;c ??li'thchan tl i- vylio w<>ii.ld -eiiool. arc of comparai ively recent origin. \ .'.t rall f h?td the one wlh| pul \}>< .r. ot-, (j,,,) only knows what is in sbire for Ids \ :': ll .' peppin diiniig Hie iic.xt few years. Cl rea t ii "..'. ?...'". I ii* V?* h?k? ti oil .m,? ni-r-clioiis changes foi- thc better .h. a-an-1 - of hat i i edil -. W h-ai - ?il you m.v |", ;;t liahfi. dudging Ute fliture by .f-c H 'o'?' li ?bis or lDt luocia!- i < ?ur >\,.. phal, we have reason lo believe they i'lvi ' !l1 ? ?.. vlis'di every bili illili has , ;,, ,| v.orks through the iiistriinten hci'e.t otjeit i iii oui welfare. ( \ ogress, liddy ,.f his servant.-. Tlie groat question Hiv lb-publican pit: lsv l.i.iiVe pas-etl iheni (hem lo decide is. whether or not, .?vcr ?ii- veto. Tin- is why wc ar.- ?tl- |?".v ix- il! jdhce Uiciiis?ive.4 in .^lieli a pbsi lo-i ; ii? iiieel !; iv, niel cschi'dig'e our ji,,,, thal lla-y may be Ute instruments v i? , like men I > V.,- c ...u li. i>- j,y which r?tese '.-'..inges shalt ho iitvoiijj. foi' np pt??.ilieal .M-itemen'-rbu'. ht'c??sej piisliedi-Af?hitfv'f St?tP, wc v. :-!i tot ie-cr\c bur fights, ll'pi ac- --.-?o.?-..... i lea'?I o ?Vir would b?liiihlilly wi?h all our l-l \ j >t ?t I it Mt I s otfho heart -bu! we mu : lake ?;nie sitio ort he Rotuli, ?liier--wc htufd l?e (leciiled like loeb. Thc men of the south are re \\ h.. shall make law-. !'..:' ; \\ iii \. i ni?it'k.iii?l? Ibr tlmir teiiacicy ?vj/X vefsatili votv 'br li 1 id :- 1 :' I'1 lia M fills ty. I: : very hard for t hem tb abandon i miiiiinpns cries lor /,'; ? '. mily. au uutlcrlaking, ami one cnn hardly S'olcdj I'his is i Uepiiblieah iiiecti! '. ^ue-.- i , ;.b;. hand w liai may he the meth Ull il AUli U l i !.l SMs, ( lairiuan, od of the next liour.-Tlicir energy is as !''li.\Xli Wlj.l.l.vMs. ; Secri I il ry. j-rest less as it is alu,minni, for Uley have ( irceiivillo. s. C., Ajiril I'i:. l s' * ? V. never been acciislomed to work it oil in .;-???-' t!,e staid ii itel regular ways which obtain . I* li< ' Two Hill? s <-ril>,> i'ii'- "i New ivhglah.h They scent to have in t u!'.-. herited Hie idea Hud to rule is their Ibmtioii aid their destiny.. TIlOV UV* 'Wi!' I'oibliUoU of iillairs iii mir eiatnlry :il-^It".1;,t" Hy (he grace ol' Hod.' Ami pie.cnt- bolh a layoral;.!e andan unl'avo- j,,,'?,(i, on mis snhlect is not of '.d'!" ??? -P?"'?- l.^okiiig at thc -ituaiioi, t)|at ^.,(1,.^ S?itisl??il, self-reliant, sort Imbi i? p"bti??: ! si?i?dpoitli. v.i- rca- ^ ?s ^./hlmii ivhii lor thc world to son b) ivjbice (hjit tl..- day of war and ,,.,,.,.n,/e .",.1 properly inierprel the sym ; h::S;' l,!,is' '' ? -? *' bois ol ll.eir M.prc.nacv. They are ill