- H js HEIR TO.-These ills ? THE H'LS THAT r u ^ the gea shore safids re almost count>lcss'.^|fr amongst them is the curse j multitude. FrOI*??\ wfcicS blasts more lives than ,f dyspepsia, a scours^ ^ war. 3ut dyspepsia, like , rvcn the demoas?its remedies: and, amongst those all other evils, na surpass, and few equal, the rimfire agencies* "uul r * , J 7 Ai r r ?EL'S GOLDEN BITTER*. These are celebrated ii L~'LiC-^ not quack specifics, but legitimate remedies. They contain no mineral substances, but are composed only j the purest herbs, which are preserved in the purest . best of imported Jamaica rum. These bitters are us?ful also for derangements of the liver, are frequent ly prescribed by our leading physicians, and never digappoint their expectations. XHE wife of an ex-negro trader inPetersburgh, a short time ago, saw a freedman skinning a live ca:?>h in the market, and expostulated with the remark, "How can you be so cruel :" ? Why," baid the intelligent contraband, "dis is de way dey used to do me, and Vs gwine to be even wid somebody.'' ?< Now, CHILDREN, who loves all men ? " ask rda school-inspector. The question was hardly put before a little girl, not four years old, an Bwered o/iickly, 44 AU women ? " The reports presented to the Quarterly Con ference of Bethel Methodist Episcopal (?uren, south, in this city, Rev. T. J. W-^^g were ot the most g^^^^? iona?w?S^r??efv??into*?c church bv letter end otherwise. Ten were admitted on trial, aud sev eral conversions were reported. Large congre-, rations are in attendance, and a -Sunday behool of one hundred children and twenty officers and j ciail. for young ladies.-/ amtfy Record Weather unusually dry for the season-eis- \ terns empty ; Artestia ' Well stock rising ; j water carts in demand ; treets paved with pul verized particles of infin ssimal atoms ; and the Citv Fathers are amusit ; themselves in throw ing'dust in the tax paver's eyes and Miller's Almanac speaks of rain about the fourth of July. In ( Marleston, at er institute, on the 20th inst., >>y Kev. A. Hvebat* ir. lienjamin Ward and Miss Putney Lindsay, I of Coarleston. At Spring street church, on the 21st :n.ct., by the ?ame, Edward Roberts and Miss Leanor Watson, both of Charleston. In this city, on the 22nd Inst., by the"same, Theo- j dore Dereef and Eliza Simmons, both of Charleston, j Ia this city, 22nd inst., by Kev. T. W. Lewis, John j H. Edwards and Eliza tte d. OBITUARY. In this city,7on the 11th of March, 18-53, of ? infiltration ot" the Brain, CHAULES DRAINE, in j the 62nd year of his age. Ile was" a nat ve of Antrim, Ireland, and came to this cr?u try about thirty-six years ago, and at the timi of his death was employed in ! the Oirbe of I- dian Affairs, Department of the! ^Interior, whxc position he held for twenty-eight . j vears. An honest man, and a. faithful servant ^to the Government a::ei his adopted country, he j ?.vas dearly loved and respected by his associates, in office and less intimate acquaintances. Those who knew him be>t loved him most. ? He was fa firm and consistent member .of the Catholic [.Church from his boyhood, and enjoyed in his | last hours a Christian hope anti consolation. He bore his pains with resignation, and looked j forward to that crown ut life which fadeth not j away. He left a wife and several children to j mourn the loss of so dear a hnsband and a father, ! with whom the community deeply sympathise i in their affliction. The Lord giveth and taketh j according to his righteous will ; and, although j sorrow now broods over that once happy home, j ?till it is consoling to think a pure soul has been ] called from Earth to Heaven. May he rest in | peace. j In th? land of the blessed where sorrow comes never, J His spirit shall rest and be happy forever ; Though friends ino?r^ his loss, to die was his gain, May they meet him in Beaven together to reign. Washington, D. C His youngest brother and only surviving :ember of the family, DR. WILLIAM DRAINE, IRS been honored by the Department cf the interior Pension bureau with the appointment fof Examining burgeon And, as a hare, whom hounds a$rt horns pursue, Pants to the place from whence ut. rirst ho flew ; He still had hopes, his long vexation? past, Here to return, and die at home .at l&stt. GT His-Office ii 131 Meeting Street, Phin's Drug Store, where he will be on duty from the .hours of-3 to 5 p. >i. His residence is at the Citadel, 430 King Street, where be will be pleased to receive sll calls from his old friends and the public. NEtt: ADVERTISMENTS GRAND FAIR. ? FUR THE BENEFIT OF THE Africa* M. E, ?toch. The Indies connected with the said Church will open their first Fair on the third day of April, in their New Church, in Calhoun Street, between Meeting and Elizabeth Sts., /Rev. R. Ii. Cain, Pastor.) No pains will bc spared to make this one of the most tfcasent and agreeable entertainments ever <*iven ic j this city. The ladies feel assured that' a liberal pat ronage will be given them iu the effort which they are ?waking to elevate their people by erecting a building itor divin? worship. The fair will hold ten days, open everyday from the 3rd to the 13th, at lOo'elck A. M. TICKETS, I5c, SEASON TICKETS, $1. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. ^?.s. REV. R. H. CAIN*, Directress; Mesdames Maria C(fcn, Elizabeth Nesbet, Sarah Gaskin, Ann Creig, **.>' Michel, Charlotte Gadsden, Cecelia Carrol. Cath arina Grant, Mrs. Howard, Eliza Ready, Catherine * hawick, Pleasant Jaekson, Amelia travis, Catherine *rorost, Daicus Richardson. TRITTS??:?.' Messrs. Robert Cattel, Climes Price, John A. Adams, Abram Adams, J, F. Russel, and Moces Vandeehorsi. rr PEERY DAVIS' VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER. - Voluntarily, conscientiously and with i mK?ch i>Ieasure' wc recommend t0 our "readers the * ^ ^med.medicine. We .peak from our o*n ob servation and experience when we say that it removes I ?n as if by masic from all part* of the body, and is ^ ofthebest medicines in use for checking diarrh oa, and remov*^ premonitory symptoms of chol hta.bc.t effects, and tone who have .once used the r ^CMVOttMn*il5iD^ b^ithout It constantly BOARDING AND EATltfc HOUSET R. SPENCER and R. HAYNES, have opened a? 55 CHtBCH STB EET, Charleston, TUET HOPE TO MEET WITH A SHAKE OE PUBLIC P-AT?RONAGE. JOY TO THE WORLD. THE INTRODUCTION OF PERRI DAVIS' TO THE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF this age has relieved more pain and caused more real jov. than anv oth j er one thing that can be named. It is a ki Balm for every Wound-* j /^vUR first Physicians use it and recommend I \_s it? use; the Apothecary finds it first among the j medicines called for. and the Wholesale Druggist j considers it a leading article of his trade. All j the dealers in Medicines speak alike in its favor, . and its reputation as a medicine of great merit J and virtue is fully and permanently established ; ' it is Xbe Great Family ^f?edicine of th? Ag-e Every Volunteer should have a- Bottle in case of sudden attac/cs of disease, TAKEN INTERNALLY IT CURES j Sore Throat, sudden Colds, Coughs, &c, Weak j Stomach, General Debility, Nursing Sore Mouth, ! Canker, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia or Indiges tion, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach. Bowel Complaint, Painters' Coli'* ???o?-;~ CU-L??., TM arrhoa and Dysentery. APPLIED EXTERNALLY IT CURES Felony Boils, and Old Sores, Severe Burns and Scalds, Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of thu Joints, Ringworm and Tetter, Broken Breasts Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache, Pain in the Face. Neuralgia and Rheumatism. Pain Killer, taken internally, should be adult erated with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar if desired, or made into a syrup molasses, j For a COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a few drops on sugar, eaten, will be more effective than any thing else. For SORE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain Killer and water, and the relief is immediate and cure positive. It should not be forgotten that the Pain Killer is equally as good to take internally as to rise ex ternally. Kaeh bottle is wrapped with full direc tions for its use mM7:3m24 FIRST PREMIUM j IMPROVED ] . ts -85 THE EMBODIMENT OF PRACTICAL \ UTILITY A NF) EXTREME SIMPLICITY. Originally patented May 15.1SC2; Improvement patent ed June H, '1803. Tiie celebrated Familv Gem Sewing- TCacliine, With Crimpiug aUarhmour. a most wonderful and ele gantly-constructed Novelty, js noiseless in operation, uses ?he Straight Needle, and works horizontal, sews with double or single -thread of. ail kinds. Makes the runain^-stitcb more 'perfect and r?gulai" than by hand, and wi tb extraordinary rapidity*, making sixteen stitch es io -each evolution of the v.-heel. Will gather, hem, rudie, shirr, .tack.:i*un up bceadths, &v. Warranted not ? t>? tcvX out of order in three years, lt luis taken the i're minni at ?State Fairs, and re'cVivcd theapproval of ail the principal journals aild those who have used it. ** For the dressmaker lr i> Invaluable; for tlie house hold it supplies a vacant place."-oW*ry*s Ladies? I?oo?. "With a single or double thread, ir si len tly yet.very rapidly, with a common needle, makes the ruiiuing stitch exactly like hand-sewing.**--V. )'. Tribune. Single machines sent to any part of the country by express, packed in box, with printed instructions!, on receipt of th . price, $.*?. Sate delivery warranted. Call ;u:d examine, or address orders TO T. HURLEY, Sole Agent for South Carolina, Jan G tf 14 CHARLESTON". LEA VITT SEWING MACHINE COMPANY MANTFACTfREIlS OF IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES. Originally Established in IS53. Get tb? Best.-Tlie liest is tlie cheapest. The Stitch will not Rip or Ravel, and is alike oil j both sides. STRAIGHT NEEDLE, WORKING Yr.i?'.CALLY. These machines are manufactured by authority of a license from ?L$AS HOWE, Jr.. (and others) the original inventor of Sewing Machines, and embody all the essential principies of his invention, to which are added several valuable improvements, important to the perfection of Sewing Machines, secured exclu sively to this Companv by ampteojatents. THE FACTLY M?CHIRE. . ls superior, in ail the qualities of a practic? y.r.seiul domestic machine, to anv others yet presented to* .the public. It is simple and durable in constriction, working without noise, or fatigue to the operator; using, with equal facility, silk, cotton, or lineu thread, in all varieties ot family sewing, from thc j lightest murdin to the heaviest, cloth. I They are made in every variety of finish, to meei I the wants and tastes of ali- The faithful friend of the hard-working seamstress; the elegant, useful ornament ol the lady's boudoir, and the one indis pensable thing to a w?:l-kept house. . THE MANUFACTURING MACHINE, For Tailors, Coach and Harness Makers, Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Rubber Goods, xe, &c, performs more and better work than any other. Especial Attention is called to recent IMPROVE MKxrs'in tWihrichines, particularly important in the manufacture of Boots and Shoes ; among which is the . fact that a smaller needle can. be used that by any j other, the value of which will at once be appreciated. ? Particular attention has been devoted to this branch ? of manufacture, and, it -is conceded, with unrivalled j success, especiall v fur .'Shoe Binding, and Fine Stitcn . ing ?& Patent Leather. , , I The Company flatter themselves tint the result or j twelve years' exper??^b rh the manufacture of Sew i ?og Machines enables them to.present ? machine pos* : seiner aji tjie qualities of a lirst^lass machine, to j greater extent than any other in th: world. Information in regard to the machines can be had hy applying to T. HURLEY, CHARLESTON. S. C M it\I\(; OF THE xWSEOI LETTER FROM MR. BARNUM. "NEVT YORK, July ?4, 1865. Messrs. Herring & Co, GENTLEMEN,-Though the destruction of the Ame rican Museum has proved a serious lossto myself and the public, d Jim happy to verifv the oldndag", that, '? It's an ill wind that blows nobody good," and, con sequently, cceagratulaie you that"your well-known safes have again demonstrated their superior fire proof, qualities in an ordeal of unusual severity. . The safe you made for me sr me time ago was in th of??ce of the Museum, on the secoud floor, back part of tlse building-, and lp the hottest of the fire. After twenty-four ?rours of trial it was found among the debris, and on opening it this day has yielded up Its contents ra verjrgood order-books, paper?, poli ??ies of insurance, bank bills, all in condition for im mediate use, and a' noble commentary on the tnis: ; worthiness o? Herring's Fire-Proof Safes. r Truly vours, r * P. T. BABN:VM. ; HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION -SAFES. [ The 7nost reliable protection from fire it?? krf?&it. i . Herrin? & Co.'s Patent Bankers' Saf?$, with Her ? ringf ? Floyd's Patent Crystalizcd Iron, the best se j curity against a burglar's drill ever manufactured. HE3?RING & CO., No. 251 Broadway, cor. Murray St., New York : FARREL, HERRING & CO., Philadelphia. I HERRING & CO-. Chicago. EVER & AGUE & ?Cl *? These Remedies ?re i?fallable for the above complaints. ?iie to three boxes will cure the;; worst cases of Chills or Ague. They are sold at #%per box by all drug gists and the proprietor. If it cures, then pay only is required. No money in ad vance. No Cure, no pay?, MSEBIIL 3 3 m I? 1 ; 1 These are different from the above, and are 25 cents per box. ; ??ts /, . J. Cure Diarrea, Dyspepsia and all Bilious Complaints* jBnrns, Sores and Cnts. : , ' ' ' THE CHEAPEST & BEST FAMILY PHYSIC IN THE WORLD. One Pill is Generally a dose ! Two Pills are a Full dose ! ! Three Pills are a Purge ! ! ! TAKE NO MOBS NOXIOUS REMEDIES, BUT MAKE USE OF THE HARMLESS BUT SEARCHING REMEDIES KNOWN AS MAGGIEL'S PILIS AND SALVE. : THE MEDICINES 1 Are prepared from Vegetable Extracts in Vacuo, and eannot hann the most delicate female, or the youngest babe, if taken as prescribed. OTE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN CERTIFICATES . Are noW on ?le i? Dr. Maggiel's Office, all of which have been attested ibeforQ $ NOTARY PUBLIC, ."j Certifying to the Cures these marvelous Remedies: haye effected: 1? most IK flt mmt ?k?mwmh One box iii esuch family will be the most effectual preyent?tiye. of disease, and will make Health and strength return in all?cases yr?iere it h?s vanished. QNLY 25 GEXTS FOR A LIFE. ?or oYcr forty year? of medical practice on the western coast of Mexico, these medicines ?ave been used with the grea>e$ and most beneficial effect It was .there they earned the naree or title of .. . . El Asombro del Mundo ; . OR, IN OTHER WORDS, THEY CURE CHOLERA; YELLOW FEVER & TYPHUS FEVER. { Any one using these pills or salve will never take any other. T^? ?remedies may be obtained of all respectable apothecaries or drafgists 'throughout the United States of America. In Yera Cruz they are sold by Picemilh Y Pbrtella, in Mexico by Sr. D. Van Den Windart, in Lima by ??zen Y C?staznini, in London, Eng.? John R. Brown, Strand, EJC in yalpara?? by Rapel C?rdezo, in Peki??, China, hf Smediker, Halpin & Sons/ ... : . - r- . SOLD AT 2 5 CEIVTS- jier BOX. - - B% aU Druggists and KING- & CASSEY, Charleston, S. C., and /r ? ? ? .:.//, A?fc DISEASES >OF THE STOMACH, f LIVER AND BOWELS ! !