South Carolina leader. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-18??, January 13, 1866, Image 1

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ALLEN COFIJN, Editor. "Vol. I. _CIIARLESTQN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1S66. No. 15. SOOTH CAROLINA LEADER, in&BllSHED ON SATUBDAYS. AtftSO JEiafij-streot, Charleston ?.C., nv X. HURLEY S& CO, *8doaoripUon Prico:-Four Dolkv?? !?r, lo?? Ratoa of AtlvortisinKi ?or ono Square of Ton Uruis, un? iuscrtlou, il-W? for r?ch ?ubs*<piont Insertion, .LOU. A liberal discount made to yearly, half yearly, uud quarterly soVorilsers. Ailrertlsepieuts couiplcuoii?)/ displayed by special ayrei inent. -pROSI* EOT US KO ll *f UK South Carolina Leader. A. Wookly Journol of tho Timo?, Tu? I.K AO KU will lw ip-roled to the Interest of Kw Ijibnroinl general reform. The Keilira! Government will he sustained at ?til haiard* *?d WC hope that ila ultimate pulley towards this State Mfill ensure peace, prosperity , aud donica tlc tranquil)!/. That self evident truth, contained In lhe Deri*ra. tloti or Independence. '. That all nial) ore created equal,?. --ill t*.' steadfast l.t aOnorcl tn. lu mat tew of local concern, o will t;ive Itsi'sriiest au|i|>orl to all important po bile nie**?*?* and pracn cal Improvements. While fear les' lu Its advocacy of ?lie right, sad fraiit In Its dehuueiatioii of the wrong, lis Polutas will never bc made a channel of coarse punning i abuse, ll will deal IT lt ll principles rather than Mle?, .nd allow thc free ?u<l cuntid ill-vu*sion of all aub joel* pertaining to lit? public -? la striving lo make this emphatically a piper for thc people, we eoutjdciitly luuk to llieni for the amount of -uti->.-iptiand advcrthditg |nil rouage, which Its worth demands. T. IIUHLKY L CO. TH K h KAI) KR JOi> nti?M ?Mj Orr lui!? ni) kl ^ stree!, Oil \ ?1 ? ;RS'l I )N. S. C Thf .. Ll aili I " flfiee I i I.t |,ti-d ?. r< i riiti i vt i y di ad ipi toil ol Hook, Job, and ( ard Printings th .lie hight?! style of thr ar', and upon b linst eitM-tuetoty ii un-. Our uun.eioii? fr li nil n lin kan not hiietnlnrr been ah!? '.. uh'mi (heir ?.ok lunn thia ?-tHei-, ?til now iii ?J o o'* facilities . qua I -o any emergency. FANCY" PRINTING, y\S'e have onrivnlltd lld villi1 aire? fut producing , ? 1<jtHI i M ni k m Gold, Bronze, Velvet, ulid all lin- Vt, tied e.olois ihul ic, H j pirate the fancy ifi?o /?ijract thc ?i?y.?,id<i?*r. ?tara Willing. We shall nu te eptcyl ? rTurt? lo excel in tili? .department, and continently anticipate a liberal ? hare of the public pauiniafa DS1.L-HEADS. CIRCULARS, CHECKS, NOTES, RECEIPTS,, CARDS, LABELS, HANQJ-BILLS, PROCRAMMg.S, POSTERS, ETC,,, KNIGHT & RANDOLPH, JPholographistsA /inibrojl;j^st? lipoma, apo Kin* Street, VI7 ILL take all kinds of I'icluree at ihe cheapest rales, sud rularle ?n. iindj.of np*( f?tnr*?- " Alec /t.jra.u" LAWRENCE ? f AULKNER, GFJEUAL J'JlODl'jCE mW, 180 ?vm/? Street, .diclo? liuribaek Alley,) ?3m Nov i-~) Itt USU? AN6 DANC?NO. j'iV^ir/VV has Cine ,g,uii'wilh his ii-ani inn?, mid No. .tr ll KIN Kt KITA tfritKKT. firle* HM usual. Jf/H N Tv llVI'kig!*, Ci.Ani.KST.iN, Oct. ai. A i:",wrc" l?SeVt! MRS. T, VVr CORDO?0 J^espoctrullj aimouqcc? m Uer irdepsfa Mw* *he li prepared to tflFU I.K8SIIN8 ON 'ff / K riANii-KiJKTB. At lieasonable Kates Be.ldenee ~Cli..rlott? St., p"e drs> e?st ?r A lex ander Street._^ Ih-,,,,.; WI GO & CO,,""'" RfEwr A u |< A. JV T 9 No. 65 Market Street Al'l_ .. i. , , OUI S S, C., Where the I'uhhe will HIWHVK ?nd on |,u,"l, or ?ot up io order, every vmieiy ol Uislm, ?I "he shortest not ive. A. fl. Wioo. j A. il ivioo; s^Tte?2& . C""' ??J our Terms mod "___J_^2__ 3m Out vt :i To (Be CdofM I'eople of Soutb Cirottu. ATTENTION" TC) Al,!,' f?ILHEHT WALKKK i- "re." ,,i r.,.,iv.' mmmm Cnfi-rs to Charlea ivn.i . . t kliarleaiou p.o. r?U. S, C. K'u"ltl wilder and Israel ?iulili. Coluro Ucl. POETRY. From tilt Loudon Punch, AQtt&BiVU LINCOLN. FoVLLT AsJASBlMATEO. Amit. 14, 180?. I Yotr fay ? wreath on murdered Lincoln'! bier. You, wle> with mucking pencil wont to trace, i l!ru?/J for the urti complacent fullish .near, HU leuglh of ?ImiuuliUtf limb, lit* furrowed face, j Uti gaunt, (runrleifhitnitl. til? unkempt brittling:hair, III* garb uncouth, lil* bearing 111 at eal?; ll I? lack or ftll wi- pride aa <lrb<nt;itr, j Of power or will to ahiuc, of ort lo pirata. ! You, wboii- traart pen harked up the penrll'a laugh, JudKittgeach Hep, aa though the war were pialo ; K?cVlcm, to lt rooiil,point Ita paragraph, I OfchlcPt.perplrxlty, or ponple't pnlo. ' lind.le Ulta corp?*, Hint benrs for whldinif inert I The Mara ?tiri stripes h? lived 'o rear ancir, Delveen the monrnert at lil? heart ?nd feet, ? ay, acurrll? jester, li there room Tor you / Ves li? lind ll red to atlante inn from ray meer, Til I ame my pencil, sud confute my pen To mike mc own this kimi of princes peer, This r?ll-t|dttier a true-born k'niR uf men. My ?hallow Judci-rncul I hart learnt to rue, Nothing how io OCVUMOU'H In-Uht li? rose, How lil? H">?i"l wit mu.I.- lunn.-I rut h seem' morn trun HUM, iron tiki-, Iii? lcm per grew, ti) blows, How blindai*, ?rt h"w hopeful he rouhl be ; Ituw in liiiifi furiiiae mel in ill thc lumt; Kur bitirr In HIHTU?', nor boa.I Till lie. Thirsty fur gold, nor feverish lor fume. Ile went shout li ix work-snell M-ork SB (KW Kv.-r bsd I tid mi heail and heart and hs nd A? uno wini know.-, when' there's a timk 'od ', .Mail's honest will io ii - ( heavens unod grao?- eil II? ni sud ; Win trust* the strength ??111 with the burden cr???, Thal fl Oil make* Uutriiiiieiit* to ?vori; ttl? will. If hut Hint will We r.iii arrive ID ku<i*. Nor tamp -r willi lb* wygilla ofirmif an-t ill. S ? li- weil? forth tn hatti? ~? rh . ld . Thal lie felt fleur wt* l.liierty's and tfhrhl's An in hi? f>-.i-iltl' liii/llf?? I lie hud plied Illa ^nrlitr?* willi rude NuiureN Ihwarttai: mig ?..?<? Th? iineleared>t, the uutirokcii toll, flic iron Imrk * a' lunii the lumberer's ase, The r i|>-d, Hut o'erb?'urs the lin itmuii'-i tnil, r:.e prairie, lin? the ia ii? I w.m l.-r.-r"- tr.i.-knj The ambusher indian, mid Hie prowlltit? b .ir Such w. re thc aced* Hint h.-l|.i--l lil ? i li lo ir .In; It-tut:li i-uliure-mil suell li. |iirge fru-t in.iV, tr but their nock? h.* of ri,; lu iiirtii mt ?rda. Kn lie gr?'W uti i ili -lin- d work lo .'<>, And 11 vi d .<. .i-i i ; four 1 mg. .uir-rhi^ year lll-inlr, III leeliiiii, III rcimrt, hvi-1 through, Amt theil lie heard ?hu hisses chunge I lo cheers, The ti. uni? In trih.ile, I Itu ubu-e tfi pr.l-.i-, Amt l<.uk bulli Milli Hie eulin' un wa veri Uf uinnd; Tl I, ?? tie ruin- un light, fruin darkling t|t)'?, And aoitliieil lo louell Hu- ??mi I rum wie fa lu* stood, A lr .m had. between Hu- ?oul und him, ?teach".! from hell i lld hi- back, ? irisher pratt - and thone perpjtigi'd nil-l pillent eye? were lim, Thu?e gnu ul, loni; l-iburiiig Innbn were laid to rc?l ' The words of mercy were upon lila Up?, t-'or^i vene-s in ti li heurt und on hi? pen, Wheo ihi? vile murderer brought swifte?Jlp?e To thou?;iits of peace un earilt, ?joo.l w111 to men. Thc Old World ?nd the New, from tra to aea, Otter one volee of ?yinnniliy and al?ame . Hore tirari, tu stopped when lt at Inst bent high ; Sad life, cut short jutt aa it triumph caine, 4 deed aecur?l ! Stmket llave bern ?Iruck before , IJyilir natsaain't hand, whereof mun doubt it more .if Horror or dlegmrc they bore; djut lb T foul crime, like Cain's, standt darkly out. vVlle hand, that brinde?! murder on a ?trite, Whate'rr il? gr.oundi, stoutly and nobly ttrlvea ; ?nd wltti die ?rarlir'* ci own crownest a lift .JVJlh tppraise, little ta be forgiven .* lUfciso -Dancing^ just the music for thc fet-r, the tuu-ic for ><iuug J?gVi au'l is well called the poetry of motton, ? n nietyher a story of a g.iod old uMi-burgher ip tri inter. ?It WHS io the .duys when donchi* was held ty be a great tiq, and to be deajt M-ith by the sessio?. JriHje, a cornily ?nd &9ud Bud Ojii.t\ic young worman, S B d' a great {?vhffte wflb .rile minister, had been guiltv of dancing st a iViend'n wedding. She was ntinitnoucd tit-fore the sessjon Jo be douall wini -the gr,<n old fej^nws sounJy concentr?t ;III? their eyes up m ber, a? sh? aujo'l trrinbling I;I bet niripi-d stunt g/?Mii and he? pretty linked feet. The dut-tgr, MIJO W#* one of the divinity, und u deep ? grea'ly pinyin*, said. "Jes sn-, my aiiiiiHll, wire yu duncili' } " "Ves," iV/'il't-d /..?sie. .. y - rn?un e'en promise jiev?'r to daffie agnin, |e.-sje ?" - J willi, mr. I wwii pro iftl'ii" wiih a euijfrsv, " Now. what were ye thinkiu' ri'. J? ..te, when fe were dancing ) 'IV 1] ifs iruly." Vatij^sin old i)der, who )jad been a p.inch, r in hij youth. .? >?t,. ill. 6jr." sobbed out ila- dear ?pile woirpin, "Then, Jessi?, uijr .yoinan, nye dance " ci i.-d the delighted d'ioTiir And no nay I, ti) the e<tc|it ?hut MI lnr)g as our fpiirig liirl-i i})ii|k "use ill," they ri)af dani.-? Ui> ir fii-p- fill, And Hi on with all I hf mund nf ihe sunshine u ;d Dowers (ind liss ihrown on u|id along f|,e path nf his ch?dnii.- t)t. ?t?ion Ut} Health, --??n-. The white pitipi? of Wilmington, North Cor ilium, nu'l viniiuty failwl to get up a fnniiidnute negro riur np Ubiii'oius tlay, and we ma iinfonii ed that i h i-i? -ifeurs ufan insurrection ire subsi ding" Nemesis ," not Wh ri vengtttii n? they had SOppoHed. Theordei n cent I j isaiied fruin the Mar depaii; '".un, uiuntt ring nut 37 regiments, includea 24 colored orgu .izuiions. The aggregate force inustered out is about ?0,000, COMMUNICATED. ? j SAND-BANK JOTTINGS.- Wo. VI. ! Mn EDITO*,- Tliii ls holiday week, nnd ta variously observed. I IIB vo not been able to look much into people'" private and uncial relation*, but the public demonstrations have berni as A general thing, anything but devout. On Monday then? were at various points the ?ho?' loathsome exhibitions of dru nannies*, at tend -d ?iili lighting nnd brutality. One ulHeer bad u Huger shot oil wi q'ii'))i"K n. man was ntsbhi-d tu the hue's;, und another ir; tt.e bowel-. Ia spite of these loathsome scenes, however, iii.TU wt re some who pus-ted th? d?y in plate ful enjoyment. It the occasion iiiust he characterize I hy enn uin i ihat u sicktmiiig tn ali lovers ol order ?iud propriety, the day is more honored in lite breach than in the observance'. I am not ?iee of those who lay great stress upon mere observances j believing that tithes iii inuit, unise, an cumin should give way to ihr weightier matters of the law ; yet I web-mue oe, casions hallowell by pleasing assticltttinnii, b) meet i ni; ?>f friend won friend, by family gather . IHK?, lint] Mieiai re-unmus. '< I -?ould uni diminish the nu'tiber of mich oe ea?ton-, for. ?hen nulli ly hhHi-rveitl, they Millen ui'.r rough natures. Welcom-1. then, Chris ima? hiiluiu) - ! l'h~ las eimunis-inners are in town, lea-ini; i In-lan is tor ?be neat year. Soin?- nf the . dor. il prop le bri np un co ns ol rt lily that a irw white tumi sh Mild it s ? s i * . s psi I i a*?, as they ?cali :, >?i many itt the plantations. The uoinuiis-inimr-* pursue tjii'ir own emir-?? in ilu- mai tri-, li-inu resp?msihle tu the (Invert?* m eu i. We are in hope-t, however; tn pitr?n . ;o.".'--!V-' speenhilton, hie!;.-., by ihe mi r-ori i>?if 111?: ]i p?r'ui II'. Vf a uro in hopi's ti? ?e .-uri-ru l'u?i) lauiiu'.from ti-u to twenty sen-sot laud f bat i u?-y c ni (imvide for ibero-el vi>a V her* ibis ft'irse 'his .?eeti p'tr-?|fd h.-r-tnfurr- ile ??.?.pl - alu itvvch h. iii r off {han w hin- tiny ?j tr w.uked ny lilt- Itl-ui'b. l'It?r? is naturally a non-I d'-al-of snxieiy i-jhlii^ 'h'-Hi ?o know who sr- fi bi- tho'lilia I j .>?.., of llti'-e Thin, ihr lund- h?> ] . i. -ir- in r\ -ry it.oiu I ra ion of ju*'iee un nhl ?1 ".s'iti.? will imi-.t. ti r-tin?v th-veln-n then -. mi Iv -i-'-l piTrtis'i illly on ? li r- ?-round nip rum j - . u r. I'- Uli I r ittir u -1 ; .III I they -? ill cull r ? nos M tarli il th-j- un- M'iiheid. ll nins i he i.-u> -mh .. d h ?we ver th -t priiinisi-s tif indi viii ti. al -, un i I'rm I uiia-inii ofOviu-ral in ihe un dd ie ire li-ibb- io ful unless ri iti-"l by positive en. st: llleii's, by pioprr author itv. It ls hoped l|iit?rvrr, that patience and t me will brinn ev -rv ju-i riuht. .Som.- nf itu* plant?is nu the. main. land t onie to the agents of th- Bureau to fruiiish them h?lj , g?i'i?rally on shares or in partnerships. The p -upl--. li . >vev r tli-tnisi them, owing to ilu-ir lively i?ih?. iibruocei of the piisti They cinty this feelill?; io ex'remes. One mun ?nid hewould work for -ix ceut- ? day eleswhere rather than work tor a relu*), lt may be nrturul io is ?n?j ate rebel-, with whip* am*1 elisios, sc kn nw |hm on} plantations these ure reiu'/i?tj with their accustomed cruelty. Hot ea-sinve| and ex-.-la Vi i eau in some cases, meet oh friend ly terni-, mill enter into arrangement* advautsr Kemi- to both. All planters are not llends. Sonn will make s good arrangement* a-i they are able. Tln-T hu vt- lund and the Freedmen have no*, hut sijjr i'w arid m i-eles instesd. (Jun ?reas tuts a sn lenin duty to these men. Will they perform it? Ir is nr>t an uiir.-usoiiahle privilege to ullow them to cultivate rhe lind under protection, anti enjoy the benefits of their labor. Several Ue?iir.eiti8 are io tie inn-tiered out soon. What will ihey do? They wau. lilith Tney are already coin plaiuiug that they are ahbt out of govern nit;; t lands by white inonopol.nts. They ore impul sive, They have not the patience of Job. Toe}' may be unreasonable in some cases, bm what is right is right. MALTON I1JC*O, Dec. 30. 10G5. P, Ma. EiiiT"?.- It ia for the interest of my I face, tli:i| I beg itu/ use ol'one pf the column* in your yiost worthy paper. 1 have noticed, hi ser erm ot il/u e 1 in thc Daily ?YaitfJ thc asser tion nimh-' in regard to our incapability of laking eure nt ourselves. I policed how il wus blow mg us beeny xe we have not Ind, agricutturul imple menu, medical sttuudahfu, provisioiM, clothing uinl shoes. South ?orolinu would hu ve f.n-o enough lo m.ikc jiu lil ie auch faut i. Jon < hita Kc of /-living u people, uuutUmng over 4,<KX),lrtjt), lu bor ing for '/il rears, und if scpdruicd today, we I have m/1 u lout of land lu raise, a gnni) td' eura ?n, ur a single hoe or u dollar td Jijjy oiiit witt), This si-ante lies not un us, hut up the h.-ird-h urt eil whit*.' people und [Ile r ungodly lows by wniol) we wuru forced into slavery ami u.'iupel|et) tu : Inlior fur them for I hui long pcriotl ; arni al) wo got tirir our MM waa one pcelj of corn and oriu I pint nf inoltts*t's per week, nnd on . suit of clothes ' a year ; and in irlany iiist?r?eus *e were not ul ltiived lu raise even a ehiuken.' This is the nuiic ol our uni having the tilings mentioned Itv tbd Kditor nf the d.tilv ?Vites, ami he took particular caution not to give the ruute. If he know* tme thing he most know another, und it is ajrungo that he never "slated iMs, im|ps8 he means only tod. grade IP, tud it'so, I don't see why he s.iould do it, uilU'us S is (only to hayp his press palron ??ed, I also noticed that he claims that the whit? race only arc to bc cbristianixed, and wc tue kft In a Ktaic of bru narinn. 1 will just hen- Ink? a view of i:ivir christianity : 1st, tliey'lia ve stolen us from our native Un?! and sold ns drib .?lavery : tittil breaking the eight commandment, fdr Omi says, "thou shalt not stvnl " 'Jud. they Intro emu peilod our mothers, sisters nod wives iii sacrifica their virtue, to satisfy their (christianj lust; thus breaking the seventh commandment, lor find says," thou sh >lt not commit adultery. " 3rd they huvc taken slavery to make a gotl of. for they have forgotten everything else; thus breaking tho first commandment, for (Jod says, ?" thou shalt huve no other God hut tue," 4th, they have used thu name of (hid ami hi-?- Holy Scriptures during thu war trying to prnvu hil? 'hood, flying llial it is ?hu desire of G?t| that we should be ki pt iii ?lavery ; thus breaking the ?ccoud cumin md mei. t lor (jod says, " thou shalt liol take lin; hittite nf the Lord thy Gird in vain." Olli, in many ca-es ihcy punished ni so severely thai persons have tlicl from the cllect; timi breaking j he >i.\th comm-4 miment, tor (jud says. " thou shall nut kill." plh, ihcy Ituvo found din niiw that wc ure u? free us themselves and say we are un iiccoiilll :ire lazy und wont work, unless we have a driver irving td make the whole world down on ut by tlieir f ilse mod ; thus brenking the ninth ruin, tiiuiuiinciii for Gui] ?.ny?. " thou shalt hot lichr false witness agnin-I thy neighbor " hi* useless io mention any thing about the fourth 4? 1 tenth cothiiiiiniiinciits for their violation:) arc too (veil known. We tiHVe already gone through tHi? process of . lavery, sud have acted our pun faithfully. We lui Ve answered iii nil your csll-, met ul] ymir demands, supplied your pockets, ?tippiiricd ymir families, psi?! nil your tti*c?, nod lisvr tuen thc chief cottier stone of youi country, lt i* prop-r that we should Int ve -nine recntiipess-e j tor our lahor ; ruft all the recompense tliut wr ii-quirc lor our "?47 years' labor 11, to be .. let , lilllie." (j-id, in his h!?-wi?c goodnen?, h BM thought it piudint that out' rice flioul.l lint continue my longer us slaves and ha*, Ihercfure, used 'he ?United Stutes u- un instrument in lu-. hiiiuls 10 lil lng about thi* "mut change l#et us hudniit ?o hi- will ela ertiilly ; und ht humanity, and mutin riv love, HUI! obedience to ih? luws nf ynd ev. r continue to emt in our hearts ; mid, ?1-0 ?et us try. hy the help ot our Creator, lo Beep ihat cr etti und unod and appropri?t . nun. tush ment that teaches lia to do un tn all meit a? we would hare iju in do tinto us ; nod, hy so doitiL'i it "i'1 pot un-wild 10 nil of thu pr jii dice. If Meure found nut io he ignorant ant incapable of self-government aim of Uiinj the ballot, it is uni (Jhriniiniilike fm ili- iii to dc j?ia.le ui continually un 1 .to legi.-lale law? agituisl us ut keep u- III ignorance, und, in a sly way, irv to force ui back uno -.luvt ri ; Issie ru ttier let I he It-gi-lalive body enact such ISMS J will nul us in cmcrgjitg from this (legra ted ami {..notant stale that we have long tuen in. Coihi nut with Christian doctrine, ami lei u* kiinw that (rod i? ?tili ulive, and that hi- M ill must tu done in spite of all that human p ?wer eua give, j und thai hi* pimple liiust be l t ?o ; und M hilt they ure doini; thin, we will nul 'h.-m hy prov ;in?{ to tho world tnat we ure Worthy nf tin rinht ?ntl privileges that nelone, to the universa faintly of man, This is our requisition. Kepictlully, C. II. P. IlE.iliai'AllTpsll Iii S. FlIHCKS, ) W'ntcrttur??gh, S.C , J.-;.. 2. 1S6C. J To the Editor of the South Carolina L-ader. The late Presid? nt. Ahruham Lincoln, slinl lung be remembered sud never be forgotten Otu reifirnent Maa engsgetl si the battle of Od luster. Fis., Cap?. Janie? Armstrong, who tis been Milli h{s company since its orgnnir.stibi cheered isa on by saying '-Stain) by the Xutiwi al Flug." We stood by the fl ig and the hnnti of ilse country, nm) proved our loyalty sud ti. notion. And HOM-, will not Congre** allow 1: the rights of citizenship in thai country M-hic we htve helpid 10 snye from desi mci - iii right to vote for thoie who are to rule na? not then emancipation has not done 1 ju? tice. Out of seventy-right men belonging lo 01, enmuanv we have only thiee sick st this linn fielt. Beecher told the citizens ot Wutcrhtirnug hst the aged sud infirm. Mho Mere not able t wink would be kindly cared for; but that tho who could labor mud do so or they would hn\ to suffer the cons?quences whatever they nut-! hp, J suppose thal ihr payma-dnr ba* entsrel forgotten us as it is about six months since v have seen him. If I have mada any mistakes i this article jchargc st rn the circumstances of m idtuatiqn. Yours reeU?uBlflllIyf Itt Bergt ll. I). DcnL?.?. C i K. 33th, Ke( ' " POST lVha>iTAL. ' ' 8?*?4te'*v tt*. H. C., Dec. 26,I860. DRAR SI*.- I improve this importunity ? vi-niiinij you a few lines upon nur own cnlortv race, persona wh-> werr stolen frmn their fathei Uhd. sold from their psrc:>ts, and kept in bnnrl aer. that they might toil for the wealth of thei oppressor*. Hut I thunk the Isurd that the yuk is broken and thu oppressed set free. Until th present hour I know that tho 3.5th Hairnet ,h*ti d nie its duty as well as any of the bru? boys Who defended their country'*- ?ug an their country.s honor. We want to lei ?Soul Carolina know that ' wc enlisted ss men an shall come out of the service as men of in raj wisdom and rapacity, unwilling tn be erinair ?.red fool*. Wc fought for our rights, and no we aiH that wc mar receive them, promising use them as wise and discreet men should. r rf ..,. !.. I". RoilfcT WAL*an, of U.8.CT. Secession Gleams. Curter Hil* loud we aimil repubUUi weekly,oUracU from ?oullu;rn literary v.-<irk?, pr"'lm-i"l rturing lins llcbrlllou, UI >t ?ur ri'aileru ni iy judge ot ihe liiitnbil III-NM ?t Southern prophet*, n> well ali know what fite awaited lh?* poor an-1 l.'ilioi in JJ danie* of tin' Smith, haiti tho Coulcdero't KUcereded. SLAVE TRADE IN THE SOUTH ERN CONGMES8. TAKK?* ?'H"M '.iibrfilKltN I i:T:MRAAnSORH;" UICIIM -NM). Jl'NK 18ft 1 ; lion. Joftn I'vrkitiii lielfjfat?ferin IsnHtiitnh : From tin* nb?trnct bf the l/?n*titiiiibn for the I'm vtMomi I floveiiiiiiieitt it appeal ?. lliut th?' sin vi' trude, <? ?ill) the .-?ive Slate- ..t' NIM?h America, sholl bi' prohibited. The L'on??re.?i ihi'ufiri', not rbiiti'tit w ir li the 1 mi M .>t ide ?"ie United Stales UK II in-'t i', ttliicb. i' i- t? h .. sullied.-w.-re ro-cntlcteil. JlliVe um. lt. ri.My li.neH ihe su J-' t liv n p r oe i-um ul lin- Unn-oitu'iiiil. fha! jiinvis?bii, for reasons . qualli cnnclu-ire will llolllltlf** pu?? the L-ollati'Utioii '.t thc Permanent Government; The prohibition, there, fore, w ill ho ?dniier lw II qti>>tinii "f j?<?1 ey, bur ?ill he H cardinal principle the Soii'ln-rh Confederacy. . ? . . ? '1'h - riouth i" now in ili? furir.niioii <>f a Sl'iv? kepublic. . . . . Th.- con teni i* /.ut between the N.?i'h ninl Sou'h :n ?ei?. i*nij>)ii?nl Kenton - for helwreti hitch ?eetiiinii. merely, there eui he nu e?ntri?v?r>y--nor be tween the people of the Xiii li un?) the pt'bple nf the South, for our reliiioti.i hive been plea >Htit, unil on neutral g ro il tul ii there i? ?till un thill;: to i at rn tige u-. . . . . .VtnJ perhapa t( u not the Icu at ici?ark?hie III lilli connertioti. that, while the one. ? shape less^ org?nica,;, mete run-* of social elements in nit definite rvlatiori ?o each other, u> lo.vttl and eiiiogtacd u mi ?tniida tile ideal of the HUI' ; I lie chef, comely uti il proportioned with Itt hot und lirectinti, muid mid muller iii jual relation io ?eh lltlli-r, pre.-i lilli, c Bitalli^)' til thc vt iv i??hcai development* in anim tied ii?iure, ti mid. tiijie.I and reprobated, liven we ourselves ;uve hardly ventured lo ailinn il,- ?hile Mu ck cri'W'ii. ttl fu-'i, ar- ?.-Ul lu llcliy ii, - ami if u nh,ii! nut p ri.-h tm the emus nf immun ?llgmMOl, lt il.nil he lol Hie lea-ull that Ult {rent K .unil ha? pu ip j... 1 that such anbtlnr gVut ot his ? ill ahull not come io ?Och exet ii? ol human ignominy. . . . * * . The ptineiple that nil men are eq l ti. and quill) ililli, wo-iid have hero UUvllve of ?In? ry ul the Suuth. tl ?Ch rc quo ed the element Milted lo Us .lueiul nature. I'iie tint ut al expah.-mn nf Ute (Hie bec II tue en. croaelmiellt on the other, mid AU the ?vitii itieviluhle. R-puliale the doctrine, I \io>, will, hut ?i ia j rue; miJ sie Ward und Lin coln, in the.irv al iciiat, are light. 1 realized thc tact, and ab announced (hat duct linc, jmii. heiufi: either vcitiuied tb ad'iiiice it. . * ll the loicign ?luve trade hud never been sup premed, -lave aocici) have triumphed; ll extended tu the limns of New Eiii*Iniicl, /mri jiaitu. ?uh em inmuta fr bin Europe came ni?ve? iront Africa. step by MI p. Mir i?u in union inuicheo Upon the West, and ll ia lr killin btv certa ii, hud ihe memii lu lui Mu r ?ilion lit en idmi ted, iliat so th-i ?u?id fiitve cohtinUttl ti) mureil upon the We.-', - that ?Live lub?r ?i.uld tl it Vii b??li tl.tapir lhall hui 1 iii j{ l?bor, Moil, truiisceiiding U^rieiilibie, il ?ould hav? ixpniiil? cd (o thc arl-, and thal tilba one llbiliojji llt'OUi ftirm of ami one liuuiogeneiiiia lotiu ut auciety, unq iistioiutJ hy one ?inulc di ea mer, and cheriyhcd ul home and hoiioied utuoail, ?nulli ha Ve UV?rSprvud the elli Ile available nil la tc ul the lute- L'ultiU ?liile.i. . . . Such, Mien, being tile nature of Mai colitcat, thia Union has betti di-inptid wi Itu- cUort ul ? lu Ve aOCleiy to einunuij-kte ii.-ell ; .-.nd the mb? iiuniuu.- qiie?tiiin now tu he determined ii - ?ililli thal ililli t be nUCO illili . Thal Mle Rf . ?.ubi?c:?( thc South ?il, auatain lui indi-peiid? tnc-Miete i? lillie qiieatioii. The hom ul nur iuciety la too pIL'ijbiillt ul llliellectual leaoUlVt-s and military ?livutiili io l?e subdued, if, ni .itt producta, it il ul nut huid Mu- hulula ul' amit)' and pVu ce upon u'i the lebdinv; nallona ut the wmld. . ' . W : iii t hat pcrlcvl ecbubiiiy of renbutcea, that j i-t upjiln-u. lion ol powei, that eonci iiiiiilii.ii ni torcei, that ncu;ity "i otdt-r which ic-uiis lo slavery lio.n the prr-niiiiiui dirix'lioii bl ila beni liiieiiigilice, lhere la nu other lunn ul human bitloi Hint eau Kiwnl lt; und it ?Ul hullo il .ell a home and erect fur itself, NI. tbiue putin wtllun Mv? p; coe nt ininu ut the douiiuiu blutiK, a ott bc (gre of imperial po* er ano gruiuhur-u ?jUbi. UU3 Coi.Mc^erac)' ot Slalea Mlal will aland ulutt and kef,*VV 'ul Mi** uuud thu uiuiichy ol Uttuo ?I Sc lr* jtliat it-el uiuuud it. * . . . . l*he s).-lt:i.s ( mix ; ?nd ilma it ia thui slavery, like lin 1'rnacian lturae letutinng Hum the h. lu ot VlCtot), ?lill b?ais a maa lei on lils back ; und, having achieved uuc revolution lo e.cape deinociacy nt the Nori:., u muai atili uchicVe another to eacupc il ul the South, ib .i ft will uitimutely iriumpb, none cun doubi. it w ill become ted ec m ed and vin dicated, unit Mle oui) qnea'inn nott' lo be deter mined la - ahall llieie bc uliotlicr revolution lo that end } il in nut lieccnauty, Slavery, billiin the kecvtlillg ?tutea ul least, ia now rmancipai.,), if men, pul lorward ui tu agenta, have intrepi dity to realize ill? luci, and ?ct upon it. lt i? free (o ch om- ila CoiiatUu'.ion and ila policy, and you and other* are now elected to the high of fice of that determination. If you ahall elect aU*?ry, avow it und affirm il-not aa an extat? io?, (nat?, bul M ?> lmug-punclpla uf ?octal ot ik't. und H.H-ri it.? r?|*ltt, hol to toleration only, Inn tn extension mid tn politics)] recognition ?n.uni? the nations i.f ihe eurih. If, in shorts inn i-lnll i?wn slavery MS tlie source of your miiriiiriiy, nn<l net f ir it, amt erect, as yon ore i-nmitits-ione tl *" ftect, uni nnly n Southern, but n Sin vi- 1 {... j > ii f . 111-. the iurk will he uccnmplish? erl. i'linse Siit'f.H ititi'tiilitti; iii tr jin ti se mid per? [ielust? tin ihrtitmion will enter your Confed enitfy , timi.': that do no', will .not. Your -re* publi? will nm r-q'iire the pruning process of another revolution, lin'. poi-t-d upon Its insfitu timi-. ??il move on ?OM ear', r ul g-r< st ness and 'if uhiri iiint jijirt ii Iii nov nt lief nation in the world. . . . . . Hut it-, policy i-, ?putinu-, H.-. principle is {?UP ,; . lid liu-t me. iii"' ilieil who live hy .?lriv<;ry will . il iii.ali 1) -porn .iii act which ge* jt a* n . time rn purclm-e -liv., . . * Opinion.-, when mei I) true, move niowiy.; int', wh?ii approved inquire piocliviiy. "Those., a- to the tiuhi nf -l iv ty have lsi-??sj ti ne merely,, .ii far, hot tn-y came upi Ut to rul'iiinationj. ! wu? the ringle adv en >. nf ?he shiv-, trade ic IS.V5 ; it i-> tiow n I] iestititi ol'ne.-t u.ouer. tous .input t. M itiy ?if n - rein inlier .eden we heard ?la vi ty tii-i declared to li ' ot th - norti.ui cnn. -ti'ii mn ul -o- i *\ ; few ii..? wll titre to dita tittti H. rii'i-f opinion-, iiuw roll un ; ?hey are o.u? mn only iiiie, hui ate f'iinint? iii he trusted; they ' nv.- H,- -. nu- ot.- of the State, and nen w ho v. ill nut luke Hie t::i|?ul-c nod a Ivmice . m..i p. in the ? t tek ul their ail vitiic?ment, I't.. no n.le rs of yotn C niveni|on linty tni.-d.rect lite ititi veulent-th.-i iii iv 'tiip?iic the movenient they tnuy pu divirt it thni nnoihi-r revolution muy he nee. s-ary ; tm?, if lie'cessnrily that other revolution come-:, slavery will stund serene, .ree', aloft, unijue?tioited HS HI its rights or itt intejiity at so?h<: puint within the pi us cht lim itH of the Southern States, mid it is only for present actors HI determine whether they will .-ontnbute or hf crushed to that result. Drag* steil to hteess on. ns many have been, without due t-otieep'ion of i'- canst-:-for ?tn paramount und vital cause ha- not been -.tated in our pub lic iictr-men may he anxious to be dragged no I'O rt hf, H?id in ny pe?'k t'i cut thia further move-, ment off hy vigor of the Constitution. But th* invention i? a wi nk one. The movement will nul .town nt such n .lidding. It will rise, with ..irt hicks, it uni y he, in wiineK? of the tin niittiriil niHiiiier of i'r taking off. Thi* feature ut the iiislrnilleiit will he .spurned : the law ac cotdmit with it wilt he industriously violated ; mid even the lesson ?till again repeated, that the Cerements nf a constitution can never perman ently hind the spirit of a vital and vigorous ...cinty. . * * . ? Pv.rpectfully, your ob't ?erv't, L. W. SpaiTT. Prosontaiion. Ch?rt.?ati.n, D c. 30rh, 1865. - I'leas" accept tnis Manner, ai a f-tlilr token 'if the high apiireciation tn which your Association is regarded by one of the hum ble d-ui-'htern of Charl- -ton. I hope that you will tiing it triumphantly io the tireeze on our .-'.ttiiovt tiloriou- li nainiipation day, sn that all u} Carolina's mn- an?i da?gh-er? may behold il ind i S IHIMI- .. We tru?t in O id." VVi'h Ililli regard, I remain your? with re - peels, etc.. SARAH PHASER. Charleston, Jan. 3rd, 1S65. R KS ri: CT ut? MatttM -The Mechanic Associa timi hi ?hi y appreciating the motives thatpromt -d you t>? pr?sent tin m wuh ihe beautiful banner (hm vins uiiftirli-d to thc breeze on E n-tneipa >i>ni day, would nike I hi- method of tendering to you the thanks, winch your n--iutiful gift so richly deserres, IV? a???ircd. Mi.lim. that the Mi dinnie Association n ll PVT cherish with pride iluii banner tis a memento of dear woman's approval of i ur endeavors to benefit our lace. Acc.-pt, al-u. our thank* for ibu noble motto ir.-.cribed on our banner .* lu (tod we Tiust." And may that (Jud, in whom we trust, crow* vnii with los riebest blessings, is the praver of your humble servants, \V. H. f ?r \! -ohmic Association, FitKtiF.utCR\ IViti-J L\<i. Speaking of this well known c dor.'.I or tile N,-.v li.*] lo rd Stt.-idard s ny > : " rwenty-sfvett .140 a fugitivo from Southern hun 1141! f.niu I his wi.- ti th'n city. Ile received here Iiis !lr<t eir.ii'l;? a? a fro* inn. Ile nhl tin -1 einp'O; in -ut in af ? 1 1 !r.\i;i I iv!rile ld ?Wini ttl? VII 1 vs h s .vet v . -j i t . I .? 1 th-s in-w-piper -lip ?tuck up li lore him. from which ne was -trivilli? to o'lt.iiu ku i.e'ed-ii . Vt'nr toil ino li,.n- for a tow y?-ars. uui'inirttgu,| by n fow ? ho recognized in tin* capacity of being roora th m n inert? day hihorer. ho went to oilier aod higher Nellie of toil. Two evenings ago that fugitive si ive lectured he to ru ide .argea! audience of thc .season, listened to attentively hy na audi ence compost d of thc best dais of our citiaona. Tiic next morning lie breakfasted with, tlje gen tle... tn who p iitl him the fir.ii iriiiuponc-e. fte earn ed twenty-?even yo.irs previously. ' Christmas was darkened in >? ir folk and vl i-iniiv hy atoriea nf a prnj*eted negro insurreo-? i"?in, hut the ii host' of J ihn Hrowu kopi quiet mid th - tlay passed off pretty smoothly. Io Nurf.-lk city, h'iwevcf', a policeman and a negro lind i\ mi-<iitiil-T-?t*ntling, which resulted in tba de'a'h bf the latter,' . Mr. Sumner hij in'rodiiced in Congress . hill io confirm the titles tn grant? of lands in the Se?\ [-linds and Florida, given under general Ordert if Sherman to the freedmen, nearly a year ign. A colored man mnird Jihn White, died at ihe alms house in Colebrook, C?an., laet week? Kc ww aesjrty otra hundred yeaxt olsL