(..iiA'ii.r.sToN, S. (h, Jun. 2, 1860. t Tc the lion. Charla Sumner, Washington, I). (,'. Sj u,-Yesterday tin.lured people Of Charles ton mid pinces adjacent met lo cel?brate foi Vin* first time, the Kimutciputiuu Proclamation ni Vjiir late President. Abraham Lincoln. 'Idie heavens were ]iropiliuus ; lor, though it ntt-s liver! raming daily (or the past fri ur weeks, "not h drop tell yciitordity, (?ut to-day the window's 'ol' heaven are open, and tin: rain pours. The people gathered to the tlittuhcr ot at least 1 fi,OOO souls upon the Knee f 'ourve, -'- Leagues, .schools, ami oilier associai ions. - to hear thc speeches and learn the pmpose of the fjoverie merit concerning the land iplestion, alni bi rela tion to this most vital point great anxiety is felt. The meeting was addressed hy (?eu. Saxton, Mr. French, (len. Devon*, ami nth'r*. ('mil order characterised ?ill ibo pro t'odings. and I saw and heard no drunkenness, profanil '. or brawl*., though the reli?is have boon .'"nu tho cpininiinily will-, rumors, thai iusurrection lind violence was ni the bottom ot this adair. I am elated. I feel proud ol' the ?sober, thoughtful conduct of my jieople The phil of all the speeches were lo lld? effect : thal the (io Vern meut I ad no hind to assign tu the trcoihiion of this State, and thal we mum li?h?vo oursel vos, go to work, and buy land. Tl.is advice is good enough, it it wen- onmpntaMe with the state of things uliotil ns. which il is n'ot There1 stiltlil hundreds ol'men and w omen hall clad and shoe' less listening lo llmt enid coi.dort, who c sons, brothers, husbands, and lover? hiv, with a millet through their heads, before rebel entrenchments at Kori Wanner and on every other battle ground in this Slate. Now, I gue>?, ?is a I,luck Ymikee, (lint muong the ot'jeeis prop, seil liv n good government,is i.> make ti possible for ihe poojil? to behave lin ni sei Tes. 1 work, to educ.tte their children, and to buy land, and the government to carry mit faith fully the pledges und promises made hy its atlltiori/.od UUOtlts to I ho people at liligi'. How about Sherman's order mid pledges io us coti 'cernillg the Sen Island- ' Ti..- r>-!>- ar>- driving the people by hundreds ? rom the plantations vi here they raised crops his) summer, and many painful niiilors o.xivt of violence, and mou. women, and children nr.- t" ho seen tinily coining int" die oily, seeking a sheller, who >.iv their earnest wish i* to sun in the conn I ry ?ndenlo./j,,, kind, How plain is ii. maj if this state ol' thing? coutume/; that h?indrejf!, hf l:tmilo?s pi-r*ous O!' ?hisclfciss will bo fnr'^il In live in povoity and destitution m th'-o, Soutint n cities, lolloivini: i-uiu/lovmeiits, ?U^ptlgiiged ill thal tieice str'n.' ????n?ii :i n~iT-rire.xr-t. nee ti.at ulwiiys ntl. Inls had legislation, mid thc lowest strata of ?lociety is the grojitesi sufferer. .Mv friend Horace (ireeloy. inls ho ill Siiyhl? to tho colored people ot the North, W -. do mu not go imo the country, ami faun it ir. independence' Why romain in the large cities, and eiiiltlle t'n' Biuibs and privations incident to sour condition 1 I will briefly answer : When slavery ? as nhol ?shed in th.- N'?rth. an ii wise system ot' legisla ti. ti was inailguriUod. whose declared puii \ ivii.? to keep the colored jin-pie poor und dependent, in order to tipjio se the prejudice of the Smith, who was threatening tor years tn dissolve tho '?-'tuon. The linn-came when tuon saw ti e dis ?rtilv.intiipo nf an undue proportion of etd ired peo ple in iii.' cili?s North : and then mani ol' .mr preachers bogan to say. Win mil tn lin- cun t? v ' ii-liv stio'- in cilios ' and ?aid mani- unkind word., out ol' sheer pel ple.xily . in their anxiety ni reif.efiy tin- <-\?I. They ?.-te ivriiiu; themselves in the (irst in stance. Instead iif deiiiandinu every ri isl, I for tl ? . .?oloied people they claimed tor them-.-!ve?, tiley onittonleil lltoin.M'lvos with hostuwing nj ion the ? colored mini a nominal Iroedoni. Winn lins hoi'ii die result ! 'Do not SOIIIO ciir-. s .-..me home to robs! ' Lei itu- pi?' t'.uir years it h s wi r. ad,itiu| all panie-, while and colored, will he wiser and happier, for the people ill' Soifih "r'nroliim will then know that ile- Federal |>tfw<:r ls tho sil l?n me ?aw ol' the hind. .Your*-, vi;ry rifpootfully till S ll ll IN I ' (? lillis ('lIXlll.K-TnV DKI'I 2.1TH T. .V. llay?i'S. /-.'"/ , ' 'h ai nh nu Vamntititt . i Ar rangements Kmaneipation t'ilet>rution, nml ot A rr i : (. KNTt.l'.MKN - I haw fnvn informed this day that I have hecu chosen a- one ni the niiirs-hals . d' the day for the procession i? take plac?' millie 1 ?t of January proximo. I regret much that I was not appiisod of tho fact i-arT-vr A? il is, previous ongngoiii?'nts, of II peculiarly piossiiig nature, precludes tin- po>. known us Fritter mil liodep Nu. lofil nt Crntid llnilod Order u Odd Fellows, and tho following named brethren vrore duly ^illilitied mid inslnlletl ns thc nlliccrs of snitl Lotlge : M ? CAMVUXS. N K, Piti?; M?CA?.L VOINSKTT, N 0, WM K M A ns u A l.t., V (i, A .1 If ANSI Kit, 10 S, A K O JVfcll.t., 'I'roiiiuror, JAS IloI.OW'AV, f) Cl, ?SV J UltODIK, I 0, ll Itouni: NAAE, Wanlen. JOHN DON UM. Conductor. ..f.v.?r. Itonr. M?DOCGAI.I., F. N. K. MARRIED. In Hil* city. I>y Itcv T. W Lewi*, tum. 24th. Julia winiam* tn Jolm. Houston, 28th. Krank. I'litterinh Iii Itclihci-cu Simmon*; .Mat, .lilly Lloyd, to Uh oda Gad .Iis, yiHt. .lulitiH Martini to Ik-Uey Uro wit, NKW ADVIil'TiSMK.NTS UNION; I'KI KNDSItll', A X ll LO VIS. Cr. G. A. O. Swirt Impel il makes llio coward brave ; ll ni o U. OM a fri om io ol Um stive, And tod- ilie s Inboard tin-, ll lift- il worm nf carib on li li; ll, Provide, liim wing?, and linken Illili fly Tn mansions in Mo* sky . I,LAM) CLOSING ll X 111 III ll? i N Ol' King Solomon f abornaclc [Yo. it, Ol' tin- ?}.<;. A.(). ol' In rt hers ?iud Sister.-, of hove mid I h.int y, AT MILITARY HALL, Wentworth Street, Monday Evening, January 8th, 18G6. ADMISSION FIFTY CENTS. ? ti.-'' For i mri mi ?ifs, .-m.ill bills. j PRIZE CIFT3; f?. \V \l' III.-. AND .1 KW I.Lit V ..f nil . descriptions t.. Le sold, wainui' rc U^'?iwi-'ar.i to \.i.oe. ut .Vi ( KN I S cncli. No. HH i Alillb?N S I KKK !'. .Tau 6 :iin, ll t'liiiriestoit, S. ( ' Ft u: Janies, John, ?: Eiriis.o Island* 'PHI-: Ino- Infill draft ftiMiner " MAM." ha? in-,' 1 uiade tier lirst Trt.il Irl?, ? UL ?m and aller tli.- find ? >r .lan I--.., leave Cl, i so I tn M Wharf; Wi-I Ki..I of fradd Str. et, dall? , for .billies ? lol .lelo, I.Und . xc?lii WciliusiUys -lien Slit- will leave f r I'.dWtii l-Lo-. I. WM PAKT Agent, Dee 30. tf Ll Mark Howard Steamboat Co ! I MtiL . Td KISRATKP GOLDEN BITTERS! \ Piirtsly V?-|_s-<-t i? t>i?i 'Piinlt-i Invigorating; find Stren?theninp; I-UIJTIIIK.S I UK S VST KM A ?IA IN SI MIK Kt I i.i rs Ol i NWlluLKSOMK WATKli. IUI K IlKS'l TONIC IN TM K WOltLlL-they iii ? uorati . stri iiolheii and [rive tow life t . Hu* sys- j lem I'hey work ?ike magic, iud will eure nlle.isesul l'iy.?|ii'l>sla, Itet-ility, Intermittent Kiivi.T, lliarrliea .I au n.lu e. ficr-roils A lb ri lou-. Liver Complaint, Lo.? ul' A|>|ietite. Itcarll.urn, ll.linus I idle, I rv, Cr and Ague, Seu Sickness. .Sic. Ar. y Vi? v Vonia?i .Vo / 'oi.-'oiiou.' Ijru'f I'ritltl.v Vi UK tx m. e.. - 11 ii i it ?. -t t 'eli bi. (?olden Hitters lire eotn?io.*c 1 of Gentian, (.Lamons ! : I:--.', ?Vdd'Cherry ?tark Anis.-. Orange Peel, t al.- ! tiya Uar!;. I 'oiiinilio, Mark ni SusittViLs Kind, Sherry Wine, Hum nutt Hark, faraway S?i'.l, Velliiw 1 I lindi, I hiudctioii, ive,, a'.l j re-erycil in .Kima.ea Ku m. , l ite Li u ut Cure For ALL DISEASE* "/?' THE STOMACH, i.i i 'Eli A.\'l> li??'E/.S : : I in" Sick and sulT.-ring h ive alway- fell lim Ucee.? ?I ty for a -ute an t Irilst wot ll.)' ini-iliciue: tree from calomel and other corrosive mincriils, ?hieb, while ucl I ni? gentil and without producing iniu-ea or pain, would MI IhorwUghl) rieuse, elrrlillieii and regiii ne th.- internal organs to enalde tlicin lo perform their pr..|i?sr tuii--rt.ni? without continual resort meilical aid m*iiriKi.'?3 sui'Kiuoii >if.r. ('atmict Urandy (Medicated,) AN t\\*Kttt5.tt.liltl1 ltkMKI>V KUH bia r rhea. Sn tn mci i 'nine Li i tu, Colera Morbus. G riping l'iiiiiti tu th.- llnwel'.. Colic niiil t'broni.- IlLirrliea li i- highly approved by the Meilical Faculty for cb.tuirc ul Water and Hie! t'sell with irreal success III tile Army ll..spit.ls in violent ruses ol Chronic Id.irrhcu, Tins preparation ir ? i |V]<* And harmless, un.idulteia led, expressly for rflcdiciual u-e. ' 30K? IS ALL PA HTS OF TUS WOULD y r ceri!ral lieiiol, Atncricnii Lxprrs, bini.?mg. ii Mullion sired. New York. Munufii.-iory corner Wa ter und Kerry St re t-, Hudson, N. Y. JanfilyU t? K.i. i'. 11rIMIKL & CO., Proprietor*. EVERY MAN HIS OWN PRINTER? Iowo'fl Improvod Trinting prossoa jr are the hen and cheapest porlatilc C?nl and .lob Presses ever niinlir,and bave been awarded Miter M.-dnls. You will find a pres. a source of pleasure anil rrortl hy printing for yourselves or nrl?tibnrs. Many persons ure SAVING ANO M A KING MONLY hy Ulli nc-me at their homes or places of business. A* comfortable living may be obtained lu any city or YIIISRC, ?lin a ?mall outlay for press and types. The pres? is so ?lintlle ahoy or girl of twelve can do com mon and fancy printing with ease, ('?rd?, bill-heads, labels, receipt?, rumiar?, etc., can bc printed ai a trilling exprime Price nf Cresses : $10 $lfi 521 ami ?30. Price of Whiting Office?. Including Cress : ?15 $is $40 Sisaml 171. Head fur a Circular tu the LO WK FKKSS COMPANY, 43 Water Street, neston. All Information aa to Ihr abor? to ba obtained at / QVyASWNGTON^TiN: Malu1, Your Own Soap with PURK C?NCKN MATED POTASH; Or ItKAI'V SOAP MAKI.lt: Wari:itit. .! .lonnie Iii" ( i-trchgih nt cohhiiou I'-.ta-li. uni superior to atty ntlu-i . sipiinllli-r '.r I<> tn tin- market, pul up in ratlin -.t I p..mel. pnumts. :i p;, <"".<>. I?, id, ?? ami 71 Washlngton-sl., N;Y. 1 ?I.KKATUS 1TTS.SALER?TUS IINGTON S?N.Y, . ir vor WANT iik.VI.TIIY Hit KA ll. esr. it. T. iiAitin rrs iiK.-T M I.lil' I N.M. I SAl.KltATU.S, " uncle tioin common sall." |ii;i-ait 'In n made ?villi Un- SalerHtiis contains, when Laked, nothing Inn coiiiitioti -ali. tvaicr and rtuiir. lt. I . HA HIM Tl . Xii?, ill. .?.'.. CT. '-?. >??.. ati'l ; 1. VYahliliiKtoii-st, N.Y 11KS11 1 *\i i;>ti UM iMruovKij $5 $5 TUE EM noni Si EXT OF PRACTICAL UTILITY ASI) EXTItEStE SI MP Ll Cl IV. i >i lelnVH patent'"! M av 1:. Iv.'; Improvement patent ed .lune ..'. l's.; ;. i h.. ei-li lu att- l I'uinllv ?? .Milli.ii-lrtn-tv I N-.vi'rllv, ls ti-.1 -- in np.rattoti. list:.? Hi' siraiptit VtM-itl-. .nil ??ilks horizontal, sen? ?in, i|..iiiit?- iir simile Ibreuil .?t all kin.I . Makes! Hie rillillitii'-.-tittii Illili'- perfect alli titular I ililli tty li?ti'i. alni ? Hil ''Xiranr'tliiai-. rapidltv. n.ui,' is' -?\t.. li'stltch- ? .- t. .nli ."...h.ti.i tl..- ?e.<-l. Will ga I dur. Iniii.: .mt;.', -ii li e. I nek. inn np hie?dlh-, Ac. Wari antill m it j i.. i-. t ...H ..| i.r.l, r pi ti,.. ? . i-a?y it Ita- laken Hie I'rt - . mn.rn ..: Slate 1 air . am! r- > . lt ' Hie appro* ms. XKYY SKIRT FOR 18(50.! The Great IiiYention of the Age in MO O F _ SK IR T gk j ./ li', li RA I) LE Y'S .v.,,- ?\,t,nt T)UPhl:.\ ELLIPTIC, fon/...;',;,; sr ii I Xi: .nple.\ Klliptie steel spring Skirl fol a ni,:!.' .lay will never aller wards willing], ilUpynae with th'eir u.-e. Kor chil li reu. misse? ami young Indies Hie?' are superior to all oilier?. ii.e llt\o{t>\ are coTcrcd with ? ply dnnldi^ twisted threat! aiid tsill ?ear twice as long a? Hie singh' yarn cv, ritu ?tile!, i- iiseil on :,?| ?Ingle steel hoop skirt?. Tlic three Lott,nu roi- on cwrv ?kiri are a Hu iloiihlf ?leel. am! I n t.r dihihl? .-.'.t er.-d lo prevent tin- ,-ov erlng from weitrinp oif Hie r...|? ? hen dmpghn: d. wu stiiir?. -tone -i.-i... .ti . . .s.,. u lii.'h lle.'t are etinattiiitly , suHiect t.. when lu lisp. I All arc linnie nf tin new au! elegant corded tn pf* and ar.- Hie hot tpiulity hi evert part, glvliif; to Hip 1 wearer the most graceful au.) perfect shape possible and ure unouesliouahly the lightest, nins! tletirehic . ami economical skin ever made. Kor Sale in all first class More? in thi* cl'y. and throughout thc ITultpil Suttca an.) Canada?, li** na de I'uhn. Mexico, South America ami the Vt psi Indies, fsT Inquire fer l)u,itcx Elliptic (or dnnblr) Spriuc; Skirt. .lanfi lwl4 ^ ^ Imlncllalcly relieve Coughs.CoidSji ^^vi"5*i - ilnarseiiess. l.i?'?s ?if. Vnipe. llrotl chill-. I.assimile.Thirst,.-iii.! ever) : s\ ni|.l.>ni ..!' t he tlr-l stages ol' Pul". inoiiar) Consumption. Kor Wltiiiipll?s l'oiieh. ( rntip. lulim II !>!i am! ul! alli eti. ii- ol Hie Lhr-'at linn.'- nilli chest, the rfl.Mn ,\ A I .K; HIP not equalled li) any] medicine hi thc ?orld; hiing no?1 : tisc.i and prcserlned hy emin, et physlelan?. .lc., thc} are rapid!) h. coming the Lest cprltpanloti in evert lio'nsl llidd, c oup ami calin. In all civilized roniitil- s (iii the li.c. Ur Skinner, fer I nant of ?pace, refers lo "lily a lc? nam. - of prominent N?'? Kiiglnitil ni. ll who haye "?ci til? l*illiu.onfll>? ?Uh narked corni MrMiils llev <>i Walker, I'n-ior-ol thc ilo,v.!olnKSnu.t.c . hutch. Heston. Mas?: llev H \\ Olm ?tenth editor Walchman ami Itcfltcior: Hey'III pliam! Hon A ii Hrcwsier. cuiiMllor. ;?i i'oiirl-M. ItostOll : -.UV. y White. 3ri Division. Mil Corp*. I S A : J Skinner. MU. Host.m \tiil huinireds of ntliers In every department of life rr.'V^ed hy BIWAKD M. SKlNNf.h. M l' ai lils Medical Warehouse. '-'T Tremont st.. H..-ton, Maa?. Sold hy I )niyriMs cent rally. Jan 6 cow I y M DECEIVED HY O'HI?AU ? to l&o euell S?.VJ Ludios'HoM niidKiinimMlediludl iug-eiisp Watches. Iii to 70 S'KHieutn' llVe-ciise Sil'r Walene* Si tu ?0 stijy 11 i. 111. . > 11 . 1 King*. ;,Mi, too .f;oli| Vi s! nuil Nthh Chain?.:.:.. 4 io o-i it?) <; halli liold kings. I to I'l ,l>|i) Chased .' . 4 to lt |ISS/) Stone 5<"t ntid Signet King.-... .Si.Mi tu lo ?l>,?i() Cnlifoiiilit Dlnmonil Itinr?. 'Jin lo .V?l Sets l.ttdlW .Jewelry-Jet,Hold .'?lo 10 ..-fl" " ''I ?iiliieo, l'iarl, Opiil iui'l other Moues. . 4 to li ?CXXI (SoM l'?lis; ?ilVer KM. noon Holders and 1'cnciis. 4 to 10 1?VM?0 I,nhl l'?lis k Cid, Moiint ll'ld's 'ito 10 '/.fl " " Mk rt nston " 1,*. to it sj Ladies' Lilt k Jct Huckle-. I, lo J5 1 * .j " Hair liars A. Halls 5 lo 10 A KHAN DA I.K & CO.. M?MI AI iriiiits'A<;TS. No. IGT Broadway, Ne? York, Announce (hat ah thc above list of ro.'d.? will be sold for Our lh>H,ir r.ui'li. In p?ii>enuencij of Hie great stagnation of trade hi manufacturing district* of Kurland, through die war linyhi|; Kilt oil the supply <>f cobon, a lari;.- 0.11.0.?itv of vahial.U1 .Icu. Irv. originally liitcndetl for tin- Km/. Il?h inarkct, lia? been .-..nt ofT fur .??lc in ihi- country, iiuilMI.'Sf UK sui.H AT A NY.SACK I KICK! Under thee circumstances. A I; IIA N l'A I.K .'s CO, acting tis amenta f..t thc principal European initliufaCtureVt, h..Ve rc-OlVC'i 11(1011 il <*'reat fi itt Appoilioiiiiicnij to he divided according to thc following rcg?lMtf?li?j . i ertillcatcs >.f tin- various articles are pin hito en velopes iinliseriiniiiaiely, sea I ttl up. mid when ur drretl, iire '.n's! n nut without regard t.. choice, Mid n ut hy niall, lillis idiowiii" un fitvtirit i?lll. I In r..ipi ef Co- cert (tillite; yon ?ill sec U lint yon ur*- to have, and then it 1-ai your option to rend iii. dollar j >.r not. I'lircluiMT.- may thu? obtain a (Joh! Watch, liitiin?ml ltln'nr,or any sei 6f-'Jewelly'on our list for I i lue 1 ?>.liar. h?>ii?t 'tn C'evitn r??r <'?'Pt Micuf?? lu ail I uni'ucl lon- hy mad \\< hltiill chaine tor fer I iv ir'lii x I 'ic c.i'i li cafe-, pay In" po s 111 ifi- alu] lining the j l.ii-iiie.-v. '?\ ?VIIts eaclt, which taust lu-eic "....cl nhcii the ccrllllcate 1? -'-nt for. Fi?.rlilicate* u ill h. ?? tit for 51.. '-vi r. f..i f,-, thirty fol ?.'1, sixty-five for ijlu,ouc iiun.lied for ??iii. What thc Press say of us. Thc Lafayette ( Ind.] Haily ronner, Mar. 1685, sae*. .'A helter selected, timi e varied or fashionable ni ?ortiii.nt ofjcw'elry cinnol bc Itiuinl on Ute conloi- ? cul titan Arr.ni tit: k Co; are nov titr?riiig. Mcsars. j Arrandale .V 1 ... oceui?y A lligli|>ositii.riincoihrnereiiil j cireJcs a? lie u entirely nboV? tlc- roltituiin trickery of i trade. Tli?ir statement., irlay ba* iiuplicitly rVlieo "ii i liotli .1- to lite cli.iracter of their ^ts.iU ami the niau- | uer of the tlls|M>.-al Ladies, ..-pi-.-lahy. niall paris of the country arc realizing handsome profit* as aven?s, and if.'ttiy of our lair renders ilirlre tn hnpreit tht'in s.-h.'s in thc eiitci*|irise, thct may ila so will, perfect | contldcuce. flkli.vT OI FT 111S rr.l Itl'TlON.-A rare n'rp'nrttiniiy is eil.-i.-il for ob ta itiiii.; Wiitchfs, chains, illumond ri tit: ?, -liv. r u ure. eic, |.> )l"?r-. Arrandale .V t'n , ;':t No. in* Itroadway. They ..?ive an immense stock of arti cles, varying tn value, .111.1 aliare nil'cred ai otic dollar ?...h. Thc distribution is very fairly .iou.-j. ? n?fee to ti.kc a cert ni.-.ile of n certain liri Ide enclose?] in an ?IHTIWI.', ?11/I nr.- not rc. | ti I rel tn p:i>' v.iir ?(tillar ?lo Ici yon ?rc .,..iisll...l ..itl. tl... article, tv ll lc ll will Jisi tautly Lc worth lliore' thntl t ltat a Ul Ult ll I, and mat bo or 8I?HI. An excellent linnie this of invesltug u iJtdlar.-Suntlay 1 unes. N ^ 1 itv. Keb. ll?, 1603. Messrs. Vrnindalc ?V Co. have tony l?een personally kllOWll to IIS, and wc believe I helli lo lie . ? cry wuy worth) of j.nhlic confideucc-N Y Scottish Amer .1 mirna!, .1 une ll. TsiVp. Wc liav? Inspected, at the office bf Arrandale A Co's Agency. f'>r l.utopeart .Maiiufacturin^ Jewellers, a large MSortineiit ..I faehionuble ami valuable Jewelry of the ne?.'-i p.if'.riis. Wc'afio noticed a lu ree ?inai? llty of silver plat?', an:i undtVltatl I that the whole of these newly imported artifice an: to Int disposed of on a novel priori) ?e. t; i v In^gtrat a.Iv antares lo buy er-, .uni ntlordiuj: . xteiihlvV ?nif*\oynieiit '.<. agents. WV know th. linn tn question to he respect..hie and thoroughly worthy ol public jroii fule nee, arid recoin nieii.l our fri. mis "10 rt ut! their udvertihciinnit.-N S' Albioil, Sept. ... It'd. K.MPI.i'it MKNT Foi: I.iOtES-TtteinOti r?tetele pn.f ItnbtO employment ?e have heard nf for Iniin-- is ike salo of crt ni.'.ties OT the (?rest (lift Hist rilmt ion of Arrandale k i.'o. A lady ot our nctitiuiutaiiee bas been ivry successful in th'- wny,ntit only in flllitij! lier nu n purse, hui also in .louie a I;O

>r Arrandale & C?|. un i by r?rjiiest brought some t'went vitrlieles sentit- | lr i icos for lier ?gi'ticv, to tl.if ntriee for lns]siCtioii, ant wltlmtit hesiUtti'mi wc Vin si?lc that each amt all ot Hie arl ides were worlh tn hie th.- amount ?if Hie recipients, and some of them si.V t!lll"<. M e have ?..mc vcrv prettv fpecilheiu nf Tattle and Teaspoons, Hold Watch, s. I.idic-' ? (nins, Pin*, Hr i'elcis, etc.. which have built -cut bj Arraml.ile it Co. to this pine?' t..r si ?MCh - Angelica Uidibrter, S Y ?tate, Feb. I.S. ISO."'. A C* E.Vf*J*. - We want noctlis in rieri rc^'iinCtit, and in every toun ?nd rmnil> in thc country, ami those acting ns such will bealUiwel 10cent? oil ever? ceriiticute ordere?! hy them, pm? irte 1 their remittance ninon 11 ts io one tlollur, also olin r induce incuts which eua lie learned <>n application. Agents u ill collect .'.T penis for every t'ertinCrtte, ami remit lucent* tons ?l I tn r in ?iisli tir postage stamp* Arrandale & To.* Jai.6 3rr.l4 167 IMOAlAVAY, NEW V?IIK. HOLMES, GOULD & CO , .12 PLATT STUKET, NK'.V VbUlv, AND ISS ilAXOVKK ST.. ntlSTON. Healers IO every variety nf Walnut, Mahogany, l'ose W .....J ami i'aliited ClIA.?X?lSil. SUITS; Also, till styles of rp ir or. s i .MU; n ri rn s rr rn /.;, Which arc offered at thc lowest market rates. January tf H irjgT irarncinfcn' ri S'wrf awi Pei'ih'nnrnt Vl&e tor nil kinds of Pil?v?. Leprosy? 8crAfnla- Salt Kheum amt all rtiaeasps rif thcMftlJV. All dealer* will re turn th.- money In. every r?*r of ntlltire. l'rrp?rpd ; by HUNKY I> FOW1.E, Tl Crlnre Street. Hinton nhl everywhere. Thnitsntid* of Certitleates front abroad ann in thia cnnrilu bf nothninhlrlg eurea liv i:? USP. No failure* In I'llrs or Humora for tb? p^st Stpar*. Hewart ol linli.ttlfirts. 1 Ire 2.1, ly, fi NEW 113 JE As Thc neatPft and moat compact artirlp for Stnokprs ?c, is a rielly patented Hub reta of a VWt eallrd The New Idea." for late In? H. OARk?Tll k CO.; No. 4.* HanorcT slreet- ?IIS H .SPLENDID Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. r[ MIK lionsc of llooafi<,uet, GI mini it Co.,' Tarin, have J tin- pleasure of aritiouncliig that they hate ripen* .d au Agency in thc City ?r New Vurk, tor the nile ot" lliclr wl.lely known .Jewelry, Watches, A.c., and for" ihe pur].ose ?.i tniikfnff their ?oo?* ari exteimirely - known and appreciated in the Lulled Staten- ua they lu ware, and have heeu' for seventy year*, in Kurope ; Ihey have deteriniued un a plan by which pour mid rich alike may hare the udruntage of tholr aplefidld ?ivies. AM H preliminary, they would reinarle that iheym.. a u fae tu re und teil ho imit?tiou Jewelry or VVatcllui, but ILL Ai:I" WABB?STCD COLI? OF Hi. FI.\?S1 HO?K?lSSBir. Our cUbtoinere will alau have the great ndvutitni-e >f a co tu taut Hi?cceBiiioii of new ami recherche stylen iud pattern*) with which we tdintl keep our New lurk Agency supplied. We hive Hilupied tbe jdaii of pale, tow HO popular, if rtinrgltitt a utilform p dee, mid lld- price will invar iably foe ts'i fdr each m il de, no maller how curtly lt maybe. Ibo expense* ul conduct I Hr our N.evy Vurk Agency ute paid by the hale of Certificate? or Cou imus representing tin- various urtich-A.- These Certifi ?.ates are sold at UH cent* each, ur five f..r und each Certificate will show lite bolder lin.' purtl.-hlur article lie ur sile ls entitled to, on payment ol'nn ft'ldltlonal f'?. If the article named on tiie Certilleiitc I? nut dc dreil, Ihe holder will oblige us, when be rellim* thc i lerlilicKte, by statin? what other article of the sumo value he ur site may prefer, and lt will be sent with pleasure. Our ulm ls to please, sud ntery uuiitis to Hutt end will be exerted. We solicit n trial fi otu every une who leads mis notice aa we ar? confident of ?fiv |U|! tue utmost butiafuctiou. Th? Mock i ompriscs Amongst other artltdeft, Spl?n lid? lockri, Gold and Silver Watches. Itiugs eel wttn Uni mu nd?) Kubies, Pearls. Carnet and other Stone*; (solitaire and lu clusler.-;. Ladies' set* d'" .Jewelry coiiiprieihg Pins und Kur ringe of tie- mua: lufcliion uhlc slyli.-s, set tu Precious Monea of every variety, together with a large it-sortim tit ul Gold and Kim* iii. Ib d and Pearl S>-t*. Cold itjlutls and Sleet? Huttons uf the must beautitul puttetiiri, (.?rula' iloaoui and Sea ri I'm-, and an einlief? variety ol IlrnceletK, t'liains, Mu,leal Hoxeu; Head Pro-s.?-, Cumba, ''h.innis kc.- In eise any ul our piitrotis ar.- mil in wan of Ar I idea uf Jewelry; and wiinhl prefci ."silverware, we ?ill send, tor A S'Y Certificate rtturiied to us, a nellly engraved Set ol' Cantors Or Huller lilah, beautifully dinned and plated. Agents nre vrnutcd,-In ever* part of the fluted .-tates und Provinces, and to alf such Very liberal Itt - ducenieolri ?ill b-ull'ered. and, .ot application, a circu lar of terms will '.e lurworded. We pieter lunney sent tu Post 41ttl.id? rs ?here they eau l!r obtained, i r by hank lindi to our .ord-r. Address all orders to our Agency, iv hu b will be euudu Med liv 'Messrs. J Ay L KT, S IK lt Kl MC * Co.. Jiu f. Um H Is1.' Hr'a.illw?y, New York. Headquarters, Depart, of S.C., CHARLESTON, S.O., Dec. ld, 1805. (Jr.NKr.At. ORDERS. ) N., $ fpl?F. A'ITENTI?N ll F ALL COMMAND bc Olficeri is directed tu tin- migration of Freed men and their ramilles to thc coast Itt the expecta tion of receiving lundi, rations an I nther fjifte trnui the Government of the Uuitcd States. Whilst no Improper restrains! should be imposed upon illly of thc inhublliiutri, humanity suggest s tba' nli proper me-isures; hi; taken to iulorill these misguided people thai they eaI| only ac. ?ni rs lands Ly fuirch?si-, thal the tluvernne nt has nu Linds in lins department for aale, or to !.<. pren aw ay, and that nu rations will he In-sued any-where to persons able tu work. Th? influence nf Commanding f lift cern shnulrl Lc efficiently exerted to counsel, advise ami assist in ma king fair contracts for ltit?ir. nilli to admom-h al! con cerned of the livVcstdty lor tlie cbllivatlon OT the soil and lin resutnp*'.bu uf Hie usual brunches of ludustry and business. If they w mild avoid th.- losses, privations and -um tine;, which III lt ?I Inllow idleness on the one hand, and harsh and itnn asoenhle exactions on the uther. When lund; and property L'?TC bren r.-slorcii to fonner owners, who ure disposed tu gvie ii fair trial to the system uf free labor, niurh can t.e done by lilli cers oh duty in this Depart meet to pmtnote till- de sirable object, :.nd Hie Major General Commandit?; desi res and expects their zealous and faithful ro-ope nition iu the dts'.hargc nf tilts ilUly. Auy officer or sol lier whose comhltt tends io IIIH courage or to prevent the cj'mploytiieul nf laborers, ?111 b- arrested and punished for such nels ns for a military Offence. And when this is iluiic Ly persons not iii the military service, r> j.ori will he tri .id? nt once HI these Ili-adijuartcrri, and Ihforriiatioh funiiah cd lo thc ay.mt of I he FrecJtnen? Ilurt'Au. 'Hie interest.- of Ki'fugec's aittl r reclinen are more especially cuntid, tl iu the immediate ?'ujicrvlsio? of th.-. ine.-rs and agents of the ilurcau ?f U Itefujieo?, K'.-edtiu ii und Abandoned Landa;" nevertheless lt in witliiu the province, and is thedtlty, of all olflccrs ami soldiers of the I'nlteil States to eo-ofH:rute in the measure' sanctioned by thc llureau for Ihn wrtfurc of th?aC ?hu hilve been committed to its charge. Itv command of M-AJOR-lKNKa?t. I). E. -ICKKK5. w. c. sr. tn-i:-.i--.?. Assistant ?tljutitiit (.Vncriih Ori'iciAL: ilXI,1wiij PERRY I>AVIS' VEGETABLE PAIN KILLE H. \V,E ?EO TO CALL THF. ATVEXT1 ON * * ot lbs pablic to this lone tested and un rivalled FAMILY MEDICINE. The rRit.k.illcr is a purely vegetable compound, and while it is a most efurimt rriricdj for psln. lt ls a perkily safe medicine even iu ill? most car kt! ful hands FOR SUMMER COMPLAINT, or any other form of bowel ?Israel In children or adults ; it is an almost certain cure, sud has without doubt bern more t?cVcci iftil in curing lb? Tariouf kinds ol o CHOLERA than i ny ether tn?a i remedy, or even tits taos! ski. lui physician. In I alia, Africa, aud Chins, where lhi? dreadful di re? so is evrr lour? or h>ii p-? v J\] en t, lb. Pain Killer is cnns'detrd by tb? natives, as Well as Burspoaa ra sldents tn tilosa dimitas, A SURE REMEDY. Ai a Tonic for the Btoin?rli; lt ls uurOs'Ued: A few doses w ill relieve sc vere cases of INDIO ESTi?jSf, a!iJ lt is eflen a perfect cure for Dyspepsia' ia its must sjjrsTutcd forms, lt? tonie and Itt mil lsiii.e proper I ie?, arousing the system to vigorous action, render it a mon effectual cur? for COLDS AND COUGHS, When used areorillux lo directions. \ For external application; it iv uusuipssioil hy any medical pr?par?t (Vin known. RHEUMATISM; - . shd Neuralgic AtTerlloiia, arc quickly relieved aad often cured hy il. Any Soreness- in the Muscles or Joints CHU tie rellcVed hy lt* #ppl ian ??lu. lt rurn instnutly Ibe most vioh-nt ' Toothache. i- \ ?' ' - - - * .? . Il should Always bs kept heit at hand, to ba si s wt in esses nf ??vere - .. BURNS OR ?CALDS: If applied Immediately, a?rofilhig to directions.' lt .rill t,'i?e instant ri lief, and prevent bl?litrlilg. NOT. IS 3 sn-7 KNIGHT &. RANDOliPU, PhotogTaipUists & imbrot) pists Booms, 330 King qti*ot, VITILIJ take nil Uihili hi Iflijlt?rft Kt iii? ciiMpcri rut??, f nti ?r^Arge all kinda of ?mtfl rlfct,ire?; Deo?!4,'vm,l2 ':. . - - . OR HARRISON'S : . 'rf PERISTALTIC LOZENGES GQSTlVENEaSPILES DYSPEPSIA ; HEADACHE. ", '.v. . ): M ; S.?LOy?V?R Y Wfi? f?-EXr Costiveness tho Most Prolific Sourc?? of 111 Health. . ' ? ! '*'':[' ?it causes 1'11-K, Headache. Dizziness; dpprcaslon of 'omi. Sour Stomach. Palpitations, Flashes nf tbef 'JWJB, Cn in In tli? Hitch nnrt Loin?, Jaundice, Tclinw iicrHK bf (lie tye'* and Skin. Coated Tongue, Liver (.om pmi in. l.OPP of Appetite, Dyspepsia, irj'or ??lr by J. o. Harrison & Cu., Proprietors; Uoaton, Blas*,, or will lie. malled on remitting 00 Ct*. Dec Ul,ly ,12 LA' FOltME'S PA TENT ' ?.' S ni atiiy Btjttl*-. Tbl? rtottlc is ttt'c from all mctnlie substances; M? , liijurithi? to milk, heim; The ?^^of??5: --.?de ei, fi rely frotn robber C. TUP clan part nf Ute Tube I nod pitta?, lu Whettver In tb. Milk with thc rubbtr o? position held, tllfc tleXib'e, ?ha end. I tube i> always In th* fnllk, and the child cnn draw no air, as With other bottles. M. S. KL'lt lt fc CO.. Proprietor*, Dec ?1, 3m 12 ?in Tremont street,- Dosten SOME THING j^Evt yoR THE \ T C) r 1, 5$ V i MADAM liAfilKRE'S EXCELSiv^c?^' ti new mid beautiful Preparation lor?.i^.i L . et, whieli impart.? a fresh, fair ami liealtlty^iiut.? the complexion, mid rentiers thc skin 4r>ft ?itfa smooth as an infant'.-: ami rymoveS all blotches, tuns,. , freck lei un?! other impurities th?t may nris? from \ other nuises. This preparation li int?'ttded itt frilt?. the pliicc ol tt-.e ol.I inferior artiti?s rtf pbtt-d^f Hint have been so long in uscforwniitof home-hiiiR lict tet i inore appropriate, permanent ami aplictibleto* the Requirement of thc Toilet. Madam's Peavi Dn't'.v, unlike the powders, remain upon the faye a:l ?lay, and do not disappear ut tilt first symptom* of p?'V*ireration. neither is it entirely rehiov?d Uv every little passing breeze; but after one thorough application, upon dressing, it is unneetisary UJ use ,t again the fame rlay, unless ii ?fi th? wLsb ?l" the. ladies to do so. Tins preparation' i<=, for rimnji;reii .-otis, fdr superior to ali others now in usc ;_it? f'.uli eate pink texture, so nearly resembling flie'rosv, Ires li hue ol' In nlth, and the wann, bright pl&W'thiit t iinpnrts, wherever used, makes it ur.h v?ltrai>hx ami hcncticinl, as a bcautlllcr mid a preserver pf the complexion; Unlike thc dry preparation, it never brings thc blusih ot' chagrin and tfmiynnce ttl the <. eel; by being reminded of i:s use by liitiir; ami insinuations of dill irefijl kind? of a.-sociuttf ????ti eoinpniiioiis. The quantity erich battle contable ?nil the durability of the Pearl drops, milken it thu. clicapci-i a.- well as thc i e.-t btttrttilier rn existence For >ale h.- all diugi!is:v. f lee 33. Sin 12 ' LEAVITT SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, UlKRriCTI'KRRS or irfpitovr.ii ST?XJTTL35 SEWING M ACH?N ES, Originally Established iii IS53. ?-?-t the? nest .--1 lu- ir. ?t is" {he < it*-uji?.st The Stitch tri!! not Rip or lintel, and is alikt-tfA oath sides. ?TllAlli?IT N'KI'.tll.k. WoKKISfc TEllTlCitLr. Theke rttatrhSnci! tire m.tniif'ctttrid by autrmrity of a license from Kl.IA" HUWK., .jr%. (?od otheral Ol'* ..VicrO.,,1 Itireiitor of Sewing Macnliie*, and embody all the essential principles of hi? iiiveuliou, to wtlfolr. are milled ?cvcral vilnalile imprnremetit*. ?mpiirtam to the perfection of afiwiug Macltiiibs, occured ?xel? ?Ive;.. :o I hi* Company by ample pritents. THE FAMILY MACHINE 1* superior, m all the rjuulltii.-S of t. jiraei n-ully hiern 1 domestic machine, io any otlm-e y?-t presented to the |>ul.lie. lt is simple and durable In cn ?.iront inn , working without noise, or fatigue to r lt? oJilVrator u?ing. with equal facility, silk, eottop, or linpn thread, in hil varieties ul family t-Cwing, froio the lightest inmdiii tn the heaviest clot lt. They are made tn every THriety of Uni?U, to meet the wan!? ami I ll flt ?* df alt- 'Tile hticlllXil friend Of Hie lutrd-workitig n6aiit?trei a rv. ll-k'ept IIOUKT. THE MANUFACTURING MACHINE, Cr Tailors, ?nach ami Hnrr.es? Milker?, llopt and Sin..- Manufacturers, Itubber UoOds, tte, tkb., perform? more ami Letter work than atty oilier. K-peeml ?Itenthill ia called to recent IMPKnvi: MI.NT- in lite machines, particularly Imbu'rtaut in til? m..imhe tare ol Iliads atilt Hhoe? ; ?fnntig which ia tilt ia et that a ?innller needle can lie u?ed thai hy any tuber, the value nf which will at once be appreClafcn. Particular attention lia? been devoted to this branch of manufacture, and, it is conceded, with unrltalW Kuceess, especie ll)' for Slide Uirttilu^r, and Pine Stitch mg m. 1'atei.l Leather. The Ciiiiifiiiiy Hatter Ihmi'rlrcs that Ole reault of I I welt e years ' experience in tile iiiauiltnoturt. of tictr ? og Maclliiies enable? them tu preSettl a Qiachinr pu? searing ntl the qlialitie* nf ?t flh>t-clas* mai"hlne. tc greater extent than any other itt thc World. lliforniation in regard lo the machines can bc hud by applying lo T. HURLEY, CuiRLttta!?','8. c J*IT!JSSELL SPALDING'S HOSE MAL^Y N BOHHi-tt- Wi M Mi n pr Spnldin^s tio.?;<5riiV. ll. Thorn, KobmH'elll, J.li: MbulkM?i y f ' AVCJCAOJCC %VIMI?ia?H ftbbert rt'ells, Stewards. H. C. Parions, I UMiard MoutgoixpiTT, Samuel Percher, | Samuel Fraser, ,., , Nor-^. It-ft ....