? _ '.?^rri 1 \ ' . i in ~. III i I ll m. m mm mm ?? il ll i)JBail^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^_ | . _,_ ALLEN COFFIN, Editor. " Kii-.^i tho l>l;u.e, l;hon thu (j nv, nlof 1.1 uU 1.1 ic; lull co IM J ?II tho e.-nv'-Paul. FOUR DOLLARS PER ANNUM. "Vol- T. ( M l A RL lsSTO >T, S^TXJKpA.Y, JANUARY ( >, LtSGG. X~<>. I i-. SOUTH CAROLINA LEADER! PUBLISHED ON SATURDAYS. Al 430 K ing-sirool, Ch ii float o ti, S.C.? T. JU KI A\Y cv < ( ). Subscription I'rico:-Pour Iiollursu xor, iii vu ciably in advance. Untos of Aitvertisiii?: Por uno S.|iiiirc of Ton J.mos. tino insertion, ? J 00? tor caril sub-, .piont lox ll i nu, ! .no. A liberal diseouiil hindi' tn yearly, ba If yearly, ami 0,1111 rt-Hy advert inn s. Adi. rt i M men? ron-pniu t; sly il in piny cd hy special 110,1 renient. j?in LSI M ;< "rt LS Pt ?it un; South Carolina Leader. A Weekly Journal of tho Tunes. Tile 1.1.Alni: will le:., i i i"' lo Iii- I n tc re.-1 of 1'ree Labor anil 'n,"IV'1"' ',V.m..U?n,-(* of la. :'? Inward.: amt ? e.'H. v.n-ec'! ", iiv,at. |.ob. y t.ovar.ls Hi Ls Si ?ile xviii ci. s"utlll., ,,>onl? and .lonies t ie I raiiMuilil v. ..i i . 1 . K tiii'\ent:iitieu Timi Mdfevf;v . -lt , .",. .nial.I in ll.. 1'. lo. tloll of liol ..','il.leM.e. . Ill-it all li.vll lire er? .it. I etina lc" ivilljic slei'liitslli mini rel to '"H f 'd' iiie.il e.'erii.lt xviii -five its enrue-t (5|tppoeV j( v '''jmpoi tant publie Illou-bieS ililli pr?eiJ cul in.proven.eins. Wh Uti fearless m it- riil?iicac> sf Ibo ri-flit. nail frank ill Ita .leiiumi.it ion ol tin \\ioii_-. it- ioluuiS will never le nenio a channel ?if .i->. persona I nhii-i lt xviii deal xx uh priui-iplci rather iban m o. ion! allow the lie. an.I e onleI ili-CU-Sioli ol al! Sith jeets i>erta,i.ibi}! to the public nohil. In -.trix m.: lo make this cinphulh allx a piper tm thc peuple, we eoilliileiltlv look io Until for Ho niueaini ot -i hs. i| t. ni incl a.h. 11 i-iu.: jiniioiiiij;e wlllcb tis xx ort b 'hu uni -. ti ii ri: u. Y c. ft i MK AND .MKS MO JJ III SI |N s si'H?OL lot .Men anil Women is ii| ell Iron, t ii clock lill ?, p.ni , mal ... t.. V in lin .x. iiiiii:, : I the .S..nu. Selie..I, Si. I'l.tlllpV .-'|..l. Self'.iii jiiMlk? ni lil-t.. ?i . Turins moil ittie. NLv. I.-ii-o LAW ?.EN CE & F AU LI? H EU, tfe'O ix i i ?ir siivri, (Polo? 11 ot'.hack A ney,) < 'iltllTCSlutl, H. and Windi tm two | VI>.IIIS. tn..- li In luis tm i'liCUIlibriilice ol lou.;, pl .Tel I rd. Apj.lx No Mi Mat I., t St. V.? ll !? A S 1' l.'k NI) 1 ll A SSI) ut M i : NI' < > i . \ ( inn KKK Y tor sale . bi-np :.t . Nov. ..'.-> c.\ I:IH ./..'s STiiKKi KEBOSENE OIL., One ilollai iiitd nf I...I- l.x lin ?all..;;. ..! Nov 2?. l'A 1! lu i/( i's i ll PA P lilith KUY. MRS. T. W- CORDOZO "D espei't fully iinii..in.ces ty Uer nundi thal she Is pr. jen. d lu fjivc i.KsstiN? ON lui: PIANO i'<>irrte At ICensoiiiible Ihnes. * Ke-bleine (.'hurl.il te St., ..ne itf.nr east ofAicx ander Street. Nov. ls-."in 7. WIG G oe CO., li, JZ STA I ? li V IN; T . No. 55 Mitrkct St roo t. Cl iri.rleiStoai, S. C., Where thc Public will ulxvuys lind mi 1 und, ni yoi un tn order, every vain ty ol Dishes nt the .-hoite.-t notice. A. ll. Wino. j ,\. P.. Wine. rr">" (!i?e ns ii Call, lind you will tin.I our I el ni- mod crate. _f".jj lilli lld j I li "\ \r IKKiAM WALLIS'S CO M.M KU li AL \y Si I I < It 11. for t oho ed llols, will le ..[..iud on Tuesday 'Jud day ut Jnuiiiir)' Isi'.r., m h iii). Street, corner ol Monis .Street. Terma, ... S.? por Month. One-ball paid ia advance the first month. Dee. 21. :;?u 12 Tu lin- C.'.ml I'.-?I- if S .nt!, Canto. ATTKNTKKN" TO AI vi,: f \ ?LI1KKT WALK KU i- prepared lo rViaive \J and sell all kinds ,,t < 'ni .\ I l.'Y I'Kllhl'i ll, mol Kuy und Ship finnis ol' nil .Ic-priplinus lu any purt ol Ibis Slate w iib prompt.ie-s and ili -p:ileli. A.lrd.ss I. ll.UK KT WAI.KKK, (Tiarle.-lou P.O. Kefcr.s io L'huiles Wittier and Israel Smith, ('oluin bbl. S. C. ( ?et. 2S- I Ransier and Farrar. 4.-00 King Bl ; :\ DOOPS above II AVK Cnnslanlly on hand a hun assortment of .L (iroi'ii us and I'nnev eonds. Kr otu us Hie pub I Ile ?jail be supplied with thu eboleesl lens, sujiiir, can fruits, bulter, lard and Hour of Um vcr,' bpsl ipiali ties, nlsii menls m j.ickle hom the Norlin rn .Markets by weekly MCnlllfrsi llercei;|l also he I..lind tl.le bruted 1 renton (Tucki rs, n. i|iuilitilies In sult pur chasers. All I bose who are lou.I nf li i.e. up nice parlies will du well lo ?Mle ns n cull before plircti.is iiio elsewhere. N. ll. Our priers tire ii- Ksason.ihlc us any In the Clly. ROJ3E11T STEVENS, FAMILY GROCERY, 44d King Sti'oot, Wishes tn cull the littl'Ull.lll nf the publie lo his (inc Klock ol ??ouds. They viii ul wax - lind alai;,, II-.-ort ment on liniiil, which will he Mild n- lea.oiiiihle a- ut liny other lliilise III the eily . (?Ive i._ ., call, and ?ie the stock Pi molli iillenlieit iiuiU toidi. '? Od. H. If. l'OK?'li Y NEW V L?A K'S ADIilihl?iS Ol'* Till (JAiliaiv'liS OL' 'i'll Iii .SOUTH UAliOJiLiVA i,:;.\oi;u. A ^1 l-l it lt S N. iv Y< .II lo ynti ! Tin? high, lin- low, ilii? great, lin- s tn ttl 1. 1 'or I'.i'.'hti in Ms;. Killi i- gillie. Alni Sixiyi'iSix i- i-.nulli-.: Oil. " J " i 111 ? . in it.? IM r viiri'iiii* mund, I? niilii-liiiiu iii il.li mu .-minti '.l 111' SM i'l'l tllU-io ni lilli -pin res, Tin- I lei a ld- iii revolving j ni rs. Tlie I . 11 - -v nut ii ins i i-i ..nil lali, .Alni S'llllih il|iip< lil r ililli in! [vii 11 l.'i.iiii i!i tie i- win ri- iii iiii'y huger..., ll'liotieli in.iiml ?ii Iii .itli'.- il.-i-?lilli:; rin gers. Tin- liiiuiig ii/' life, tin- 1.um.in ti.In, 'i ii.il pours it-i ll tn hird ly pride A Ililli: ll"' et mi .li il tl .ti k n| tillie M.ti IIi.ik. - niii| liistiii-i sul'lime. I lu- chick 1.1 I un,' mu? ii il tin- liotir, i'min In nvi ii-'- ii.,nu . tin- norlil'.- high iiiivijr 'Ti- m. lu - lin- niiiliiinlit .-I' tli? .-.oil - Ami -t... nu I i I li ni - il.ii I. li mil. Ami i in :iinl ni.mi tin i.i.ii t'mu. -"- :ii;i- linn IriilU lin- -oumlitie; -hiire; Win m uiitimi- lire iii..- 11 ls e.i-t lieloii. ti.V' lim ni il..- I.i-i-t, I i.H t. i I.. ;it:n : lin lin- hillie, I lui-.- Iliin lui linne'.. - !.? ;!ii- gliive. '.' lli"l lilt'- lilli ililli gell ti? I lin ?el ! I nm ihe f o tier ..I t? .- /. e. I'tiii i.-iiiti.- Ililli .H.ii i.iiri! lin tiini-Sj . \ tul i ni m t ti-, il in ii i itiii^ t li \ m. - ; lilli ll ill. i -I li ii- ll 1 .I-... I "I lin- ni , du,I ..mi iit.it,k?:, iit-k. I ne ?Itu .-I l.lOliglltS ll.?il I I .III ii:;, r Ale iuill I l t nil !.i| Ll, ...I ililli huiler. A iiil'Hf 1 ii iii ty, et. ii ii I u. i ?SM 11, in I? li ?i I . jilt h. m tin i 11,m. - , hink, I \ i i: -i 11 > il \ 1.1. I.i 11 liliii i ii ii ?i,k, \ lill i -1 -.i ii it li iii n ii -1. ' u, :- -, 11 . H.. . ',., 1 . ut I ?UI ll. ll il li lliit ll; I. nu! A 1.11 M. li. ii illili I lil lei i li lin I Ol' lit - .-til lui, A Clim ni t .\n \ nil'11 m ii i nii.if Ni .'In I ill lin u el ul tn (-i.ui.t-. int I h li. I Iii 11, j i - u 11 i M - 1111111 < i e 11 . 1 ?lue A ml wi .ie t !,. m m nj | . H.. |\ \ \ \ me A ii il lu-p: ii ii iii iii i l.i tu t, : i , i, I, v I "i i .lil i - ihe illili ii i.i (ti ??pt..} > ile. l i l li V II I I I. II. I ii I i I. lill (ile I'l III 1 ll), Vi gut lt M.l-l Ul i..li . Although; mi I ?ii . lie. Von lii?st I.now ll..- li.l.t ill'" 11 tn J. I 'll...1. -in., ..- 1. gi.il ?.iii- pl.,,'.'. At l-tl.-t sn ll.ll.ix lt.. lui.Iii .1 lllCi', A- I ht } lilli I.lill lu lt!.'! n' iliglits W it I,mu liifiiiiiiiiiu n hii-' ii^li'-. A nd u 'ti- ut i. i i.u.e i.'. Im k 'I I.i l I. u t m ilntiUt r ol lin; Im k. I In lliiillt ? ll- ?titi ie lol ningi I HUI A- M. i, kimi huckin, ll.? tnt Voil, And t!ii\ in ni-jlit in- linn i nn rn- . t Ali! j... - - i: - li u i.il-i ti pun the sttci I, Ami ili?niih ut iiiin - n little -li!m-." lt M..I.S ?hi- "nhill loll..?" do -o ino. And it- vtihick hoi -i x" it li-iinil in tune Uitll illino? u jtg l?y the h^lit o! thu inonu. We tie lin leiisiili Iel n inu-r, .Alni ll til. U .- 1. ri ki il lip ,l fuss A lin.iiI I'iniiiicip.i i loh (Iiii". This1 t'liigjj'ei" 'li t(l nml '.u HUH}*. Iii ? ni i.? nv el tuul ii.- ir .. ii il lin i; To ?.. I.' I. illillinna liny ot killing, Ai il ? ill. u iii e. i oiiti illili timid, To li.ve '.il pinci" ililli ni! n.md. ind. ?Mun Hunt- hut litile !.. i. I.i inn. Nul ll lilli- ililli little long,"} nil kiioM-, Anil -.i n lin luiigc.-t uni inn. Tl. nt ... inn'- nil.. ? il hi lu nil tl' -un, Then .iii i.u* phill u u K-ieli'-Idot'iii, A /hui ii > j.iii.n.ii lo ihe totlih, } ii? li lid ot I.min.i ?j htiiiuip -I i.-ms, lil On.lil.il.I ll I - nt ll ll III lt II t) ii ll I'S. A lill IIOlV, killi! Il ll.il I . lille tl.I i* M i ll l'.l ii ?lit lli-t Hill?! hil ilk tl e-| 'li Thill h. .li ll il 111.1 il ll] lll|; 1 i ni t to ilti'C 1 li I he -nit il I i nth? Ol' I ni '?} . Alni though ne ure l ulu..! to -ny inlicit. lilli' ll lilliI" t?i.?k Ul 'll .I, li nell' And drop ihe Lciiiit'r nt vom door As Wi- hun- ini i! .in- In-fore, Iy up th,- i u-lt iiiid "lu ie'- ymir mule'' ..lS.i-11 Vt lil's liddies?" or "A pt tl fool" Whiitevei min.'. \i u ph use to tull it, Di u i,:il< vii tn:, lieht i i il. So i ou lut gl't u e i .o i u :'? thy nus Al.d he tie in. kel Iud of: d lilli's. N U Ii li 13 II Y ll ll Y M fi! H I1'OK TIIE VI ME i ur M mu? it-. (Illili um! Lee Went mil lull -ie, 'I n .'i? ii hiile i laughter -, Heim fell duwil And hr? ike hi.- e ri in il, And Lee caine tuii;l>ling after ! -nu I-Ii.v-i i IM rios. ?M?OSCV. goosey, gitiiil?r, \\ l.i iv -hall I uauder ': Soi I the re!u'l | resident lu !: - ereiii i nuiimiudi r '. (un M'y. giio.-?'.y. gander, It's time in ini'iimlei' ; I ?ut ol lu re you'd In lier ?ti er. Said the grcal i ilium.unit I'! l l I ? . 11 I I il .M l I", lillis. l here un- a mun m l?i hiiioii 1 tonn, Au l Vaiil.i i s cullie I'? noli lulu ; Ile i '.nml' lip tn ti e Chltllllt'} -top Ami sihv they mcaul to gmh hun. Ho lie got dim ll nu I'nllier sllU', And then they couldn't lind liijn, Jle rode as ta-i tis he eon il ride, And never looked lu-hintl kihi ! i II ic A m u iiiiii ..>:. .h il', ii a- a cunning dog, ,htl. un- a lille! ; < ?i a l lin- rogues m rein :.loin Jet!, iva- Hie i lill i. Put Weitzel neut tu UicliiiiOiiil, And then .li ll. lied ; I : i he Vanl.ces ditch him They'll elm;, nil' ||?- hcitll ! SOM. or run ri ri/.i-.ss. We are nil in tlie dump-, Fur Viiiil.ee- an- trumps; And t'hilaire'.- goiie to thc willi; Jell. 1 'ans is lui, And Lee's in it lit. Amt that is tin. viul ol u- nil ! ) ML .il Tili: CONTKliiti, ? Ililli ?i i-n ut tall ; Ali tiiil.'.s In,i-. > an,. I ail .lell'.'s iiit'ii I ?ih',l I ?lit Iii?: li'iimp-n together tt^'Vin j SCMM M.V. ('ntifod. rali* < ?u n ly Wa- linn. ..u M m a hiv, i lu - i-t .-ii. .1 on Tu.-l .v, SIcK.-iifl .m W .-iliic-l iv, V. i v ill on Thiitiiiuti, \\ orso uti I t i l iv, iuV.I ..H ^iitiiyijiiyi lim t- l uti ,r . An,I tii.il i- ti.1.1 t 'I l i lli, ?!> I..ti- (j| ini,ly : -./. a. s" COMMUNICATED. Aif.l- - Inf.. i t. il lin.t.r ttii? i,ii,i| m., written liy . i i.-?...i.I.ni-. tv,. -1... : i hV ?| ,i| tn, j.iil.lidi nun li Mil-Ill lilli.* I'l ne ll- Hilt i|.. lli.t liul.l UtilM Itu I-,-. LETTElt PROM A SLAVEHOLDER Iii in.i. h y.? i rj sl.ii t,.?? i" .li-,?.y. -.Ii: Kiii i?iiti- III tilt LIM. ti Idell I I,.pe you r?c.:v. !. I lui-l!y n th ti.il ii... duty -.1 fumer iiiti-u i- n. tin lt- . lim. n. ? ,th -...nu' g t i ral n tu irks ..n ;i.. ?u|,j . .. Y .ii il -it. .1 iKilt tho p . . - shoal I !.? -hm t ; I,, in ? ? I h ive nvoided o:iu vi--- .it r! il.iui.tiuni i,- ot, 11 lm.lv timi Id Ililli u,.nt ,,f il., - a jn-ut |niI:. i?-:ti id'.iitige I,'.- no??- laki'n ni u e, ilti I :.'-. y titi', nn.v ealli-il lijioti til -I.ott '.? t Lo ?tv:;id tl -it the hillel, mun i an ?il .[e ily ll|. 11r. - ? iile th I '? - iii:> nf fl e, dolli j mu? tt hil? he n j.;.itie*? tv lt fi ut. il >.. ell ll, I -I:' ll hu political clpitiyp', thtit li is ti1 .til itu* I ,i I e.elfe t',: neut tun, i wini n tn I t t -.I lli li. ,n l tl.ns picpan liietn hu the IV-ie'i--. of ttl -'Uti it,le pill ?I ? >..-?; l-'t, > ,1 m-n ! don't ip'gl -t ?our former ni>i?eer.*i. If ii ../ hi- li!-. I you willi ?iieity. hi; iii.iliH .hit t u ?it.- tn n*o it tt it*-, ??t*.lum ; nt.I, m. ?teilt! iii tinning iitviiv, gath, t around th. ni in 1.111(1 ii'iiuuihttillt.'e 'if the tune ?'.len all aili;-. hm'.,-.I this juyiie* reii-on, mol hil ahite Llijuteil lin h!v.-siugs ot the,liv, -??h u -.1 ?viii? n uVu t'u(l und thm-hiuinrrd eu-tihn tu mi el ?ho SUil njlnn the u|illllltl ht \? tt, ami hail xv ttl. delight uni--o.r Uli ri.-'.illus m,un. Meei voin formel musters un the ?i?:iure j confer together hOiic-tly fir the fin ure; eiitm into emit mets foi mutual l cm lit ; ?turk faithfully the alloted ? H Int i j lind iv lien th:- is ovci return m vour I. ,.:i.e*( glltltoi y.cu fa m I ?les m..und y,m. und t?:ih il., ri iel of yntfi nhl tiiusters, itu pi ove your iiiii.i!-, atul ti' yoursflv.is to exercise m due time the puliMcld piivilegos ??lr,ch voil ure de . I' u- ot cunstitutuutiug. Kutti and fiieudly lei lings toitvliids, yoiii old hui*ier!i cannot take li ?va y o">- jot ol t oi;r tights .md ptivilt g. -. ; mill n> t inn- o illiterate.- t'.e.- ! i mimai Us, you ??ill feel pion I th.:!, iu.-leai) ol abusing th- huon ol ftte th,Iii, you h ive Ov?ll it .1*, ll s ute 1 hei KugCi Wi..ii i'oiiipej ?h.- tirent, lifter tin- Uti tl le of rliiils.il a, |?. I l-i I". ;>p\ al.d 0:1 thc Lim -V s a s fiori f, ii h. tii-iith the dieitgi i> of his tr. ludicrous fin te!-, ?? ho , h i ! I -f: with lum -t I ??:'i. hiin. -stnid to ?viv th,- Inst honors to one ti h)>! hilil lit idhi the itlUttl to imperial i':e-at . Why. tirijie hu: hi-, faithful frocdihiih l'h lip, ??h,> ?jiu!herytl nj? iii.' tt?od on the shore (after '.he habit of tl. lt >:ti lui.), h tir iii tie- h ely of Iiis OM-, gn-nt m i*', t. hiked i.ii;eiher Iii* ii-hos. und, d?p.i.*it:ug t hein in this ilteaiy sput, erected to hi- u., nuu y ti i ud - stone, uphii whick he ili se:! ,- I tl.o-e Winds, ?? h.. h. thtiueh iltie to the illii-dlinus dead, dit? imiiioitul honor to the ("iii .ht..,!,'- le ar; ami head - II. ??'lin ,!> -er?i .1 lu.u.ituu-tit eau now searer fun! a t ?.in t>. Kuti tu. S r.ti M i i : v i III-. S, (' . Dee. 27, 1 *.....".. In tl: I'm t m: Slit,- -I have souled myself iii tv I ile too ,-i lett' hil iii hup,'* that you ?titi lind r.iuui for tlieui in your paper. 1 ?..ive not inlicit expiiriciicti:in tvriliiig, Mini tun i?ill ?.I. a*,- cor* reid all mi-take- .\ ?-Vt u.n l* tha: I liav?L* to relate to you may interest sollie. M my of our r< - inent hilve hiten a iscni limn um' thar vtjfes mid liitle ehililieii for iieiir llirpe y?ai-. and tve lotti: to o.-i hack a-.un :,. thc cnjuyuictii nf holm- and li ?end*, ami the hles-cd freedom which mut hcloli;:* Io u- alt,I out lanulic*. ll ll.etc is une mau thal will conic lu- ward; '".*' dial v. c hate not oheyed nil the iirtli'r.s that han- hoon pitvii to u-.. ihtotuli eu ,i|| ot .nu marelii.-s in the Si.ile- ni l-'iotida a d .South Carolina, then. ?\, uill no! a*k hu a it nun c ?it it i le-,ttliitii ?teare liir.stert il out ol sei vice. We Inijie to show did ?? hiles id South < 'andina that the hincks eaii take care nf ihi-tos 'lt i--. I'm' I kiiow Iii.il before the rebellion thc black mau hud tu make his otvii grub, mid thal id' iii* master, al-o. mi l lr- m?s li r's children tn maint.un, though hp h ul ,,,, (,,?,. i's lo pay Hut t.i\, - lt ill not be lilli- lill willi thc privileges ol freemon. I am very thankful (bal die I.oui has been so -nod io II* ami nil of tin- Union annies. I pray mat the I.?u,l may h.iv- this State MI settled that et eryhoily mat. if they will, tn ike their own slip ?i,nt by- their hibur. Von will-ee. ?oin-ell, that spinet liing cnn he made of the black niau, as has been ?II oi,.I. lt mal. . a gre.tl many while peo ple m.id t,. see ?hc color,.,1 m.m gil straight ho ward bu- hi* rights. .May we live in soe our coun try uh!e io give us our rights, am) so 'itt? in this wui ld ili.it ilie world tillich -hall conic after death ni iy he jileaSatll In u*y .uni enjoy thc celes tial ho..I' ?mr I'u t lier and Saviour .lesus Christ. This is my prayer. Amen. Sergt. .SIMON Storr, Co. I. .loth C. T. Si:.M.Mi.i!Vii.i.i:. Si . Pec. 20 I"1' ' |)I;AU "Sin,- Print mu * few lim's iihutil tli?* ?"51h Kejfl lt ha- n cai I vii iii'- l't-i I'liui. ni timi wa? III Iii'- liiM, lull it lia- -'iii -1 - i ntl) li siini.' il lia- In-i ll in vain]'. Wc uni-! put our Irtisi in iii. I .Hill, wini h lji.il u- inti "I* many ti lilli SS. l'ut' We have stltlclcd 11111 < -11 lu?' nur color ?II (lui just, and still Ivel il"- curs? ul .?a-- . !. (??ici?p?s. 1 Ii< iii* st ly thin!; thal too i'ntiircd j. ?di' iii Smith Carolina rai ?lu?iv a- lair -;"'' i liiiitis ni Innitiniti as ? - : i ti tumid nt tin- I tut''I Stall's ll h.is lu ? n - nd hy a iv hit?' niau that oin hiijc <-"u ld in \ n t isl;,'lint U h o e j hi oe i od * fiUyv 11. i - -i -11 1 IK-lt> I vt' w, -ha I h it, i ijl ni cuti* i huai I -. ahm e th-' cnodiiinti of d.'iyerv Tn" ti'h white Ill ili ni.iv tin n Iii.' jinnr. < Mir . .?iiiilii lil h i- h. eli ill iu.iliy ii.'h's. and in-t Ul m tn ll hu! -'. iii "I tllciil -nil live :il .'. an- (iii pat . '1 I" do tii'-t'- h ? ll-- tor lin- iigdi! I am lum ti'ar t u int v--l| ii' n-us ,,(' a". . .ind i.yiiiip long iiupv tu he a iii;' ciC./vii nt Ile I nil. I State-. I )t|;tv lu. th- l.'-t I fur ..ut- n-lit- .ind 1 ! . I t:..u tin- ' i.uid iylii !". il ?th ll- a.- In..:: its \\. lt vii I. MU: l .IAMI'.S ' u li . >'t rilli 1 '. Ti Secession Gleams. awaiti'.! 'h - i.r au I l.ili'lt lili; i'lii.-ay-i IN itu: MI iiipni.sI 1.1 I-. it'll flit It'll SOt 111, Y'ltlK Vtl.l.l., s. C . Jilt. J S : II. I M*, i ; Till. HU "I NATIONAL THANK-ut \ IN .t - t - -li.i.low in- tile niillu:i w nu th.- " liillii. i. .?I pi?? phi-cy." Kv, n ll iiiip iiiiini: iii r? iii i i. p >'.-. d m his liib.si .?i t.. slii tl pail ipti? ici?i*. t>v< i .!? t u -.1 -t.. il. . iiiiihiissiiddi ol' lin- 1'lllicO nf P ice il ?Viii? i'd lei' Iii i illu>-dy Illili into the stol til i.l li'itile,'or in:.i lin ilpily, d?li?tes ..I' th. forum. \i:;.e Snoiild s?idioiisly poiiii tl.e ej'i iif the ?ni!.-.,. !.. the el..'.dy pillar til P-..v:d- .. .1: :!:!;::". iii?. 'ii'4 ii Uli tin- .. ii? i Iiing-j .' s ot M .nu: /...it," au 1 len .'ii j jj ll.? I...-: ty " triumph ..ipi ii.n-.ly." Kipiii tin.- nenil .-ut vt y ti\ your ? ye on one spot, the lull ?if Cniitui Stat. s. und inqtiiie what [ e-iiioti tin y rn ?-u j y in the ititetplay id the a h.els ol Tn.v d n. : A- a family of the ti. lili.it. U: I Uti tl lili}' Ult a llii-tiioii lt) e..illino ll iv i ii the iy her hi .muli. s. tie h in it? ow n spli.eri . l'ftti.r.?Hr.?lht?tuod, *?.d ::... --'..::!,. n.i>>'? -nell . lil'-: f.. . , . ui un UK! pend -nt. and in a comm.?tl circle ol hihor. Winn, then, is nuts: lathi S of:. ;.: play a ulihurdilillte putt to one id l?tese p?tverS : or dui-s -he ]iu--L'-- independent littriblitis fltlt'tli. . jil.;: Itel lot lin ind-.'pv'.'h'n' olin'. : III" MO itexhtiu stuhle iigiieidiuiid I teil s ti rc* ??li i Hi i-c it-oil il ihlhauils, ibid winch an depo-:' d in tm ollie, spot finn. p.-le In p'de- Tue. tv. ie a heiiigii billet' to he eoinmis.-.'ii ia: of ni itikind ; j line, tn the Uiupuiury Mi-petisi ni nf th?stj sup i ph. -, prticessino - of uni-In e :.n 1 i; li ii I In t: stag gtl t: inti.'h die -:t.et- of N. w Yolk lii.il:n. h t lui ?ul; trill , -i.ii>- ari: lotting in the -.eli, j ut Hu? ope nie i i tum ! mg for tv ult, with lt ii tit; fy, i ?i it ? s le for.- ihyjr oyes inor? ebne innis io re in.t- them j tin. , tie- splendid itlpitul of ilii; I United Staten tilli'?tly b. g'.t-.s tit fulfill tin' pro phecy : "the cot moran: and the bit'erii shall j puosess it ; t he. titi 1; il bo, mid the lav?ii -1..'.. ihn ii in il ; m; I !.. -hall stn ti lt h'lit iipt'jl tn ; Lue ot I'oillll-ilin ami ile- stiiiie's of empine s's ; ? tun, the eriiwii >n ul- of civiliza!iud ai. iii tl ? . u.iiy. t!ic foundations of two hemi-ph' i- , il, j with ilii: deii^li ihroe- of t'timtnei c?1',' tiiuliiticicht Ct'tiis st?iid agi,asl a?- the prnsptctiv picture <;>f a nal; i d ami hungry tv interj yet I t to a s uh. lime aspect Hf iiiir position. . * * Cotton ii. k?iig. ? ? ? . Ti.e (1 ijtun States occupy ti position -.till iii'uc commanding. Across th-ni nins tilt' hnakwatci bi P .pal ami pngi.n ii^jr iii: The titiije ship ficigliicil willi t'..i ir wealth, hecoiiu, a winged - ti ti 'Jiti it r y catting bil les and misti?n, ai...- lo every land ? tliy iiiiiiiufactOry pi ;. '.! 1 by ililli pjoljt ti t hvt's ihe tt lb of; tin-socijil ?j. tit ic ; and t'e v 11 H. b t nf the pres, ttii iied by ihm springs of niibistiy throtvs tilf i-liur -l.es j ililli colleges tjtlll colussid i 'tellccts. The cotton I ti lde keep- the ll.hie nm] tl;e ptcss tllidi-r till! j ciiiitrnl >?i l'i olest inlisiih Disc.iveiy ami cou'i}tii.'St, language att i litera nue, have lidded domains to the king hun nf Christ; hut tin |i- ld, of ibe South have bil il ii the bulwarks of /.ion, eiplipped inissioiiiti'es, et'aiigcli/.' .1 Africa, touched II thnusuiid springs o? ii n, ytili nee, .'iii-l gathered ? itItiit lije ho- un nf the i hu I Hi inexliiiuslnl)!c reset t .,:i- of wi iibh and pawer, blight thc South, and Christianity f ills puru))'/.cl in her altars. Knfapturiiig t mt.s bi eil k on the ga/.e of the pruphct, mid stiatigely tltK-s lie connect the trimiiplis nf tlje gtispci iv j th thc products nf the soil. . . Th,- S.nith lay- h. r lit si ft nit-- on the altar of Christianity, and lier institution is the garden j of thc b ul. . * (iud hh'sscd the land, und gay? lo M un the privilege ol mitigating Ins curse by spread ing Idllislialltty with the ?abor of his hands. , Simon of Cyrtni! b oc the cross of Jesus. ? The eminence of the Sooth is the result nf j her d.unes!ic slavery, thc feature which gives j ebano lu to her history und which marshals the . mimili J events univ at walk foi her defence and perpetuity'. Polln tt ing the guidance of Provi ..1 1 ?M ll ti ll ll IPI III t.-t tl > ctiu.c it. icp.i.iiin'.. (.. ! v..:. .i-f FX ii nt il-.n-.f. v?iui?;i?.?' bis ii ut. : bl it?! tv- ry ut jtt?iiptto atioli-li il.-- ut.-'dtutioiis pl' lite S mt h, tiiiti Itt-a tc hiitiiiot.intis niMpliy un j .1-p-n 1 ciicc itmotijj ililli.ni?. tin.) iii'iip l'ti::>t: mity fut ?lill lil:--:tiil-".:----< ". U'-. ?>'. ..".-II xl. J villi . ! illili til ?: t ' tlu It 1 I'iift Suinter tittil if-'-rtcl lier .tt l. ?i?ml-ti'.-?-. A.i '. wiiui ti.e iitvaiitir wi.li . li ?>\\u? mu? sun ?. .-ot-, rame tu ?Si.\t?io! "v\, ! tiiivw ij?wii civil t !'. ntt'd ni"! tili iii will; evin ' *t:ilk%" - Op' amp ; in \'..>' id-idd lucille.! tu thv ' ft A ji. 'i*:i "?r.;hij tinny " tidv.mee.l tri Mali . ussiis; with Inicie uni bu me i util b.ih'piot; l;tfii.iy;iti? lui-ire i: \yi ll-; uf iiph au l nr. lil .bay nt. i - ; chivalric I. ii ;lj? lit.? ii ntl i .;ut. pis Caii giWsttit'.'i.'and i; ill mt liladiS nul -ja? Wutiivti Uii-iiin. i: I." At ^lil.batii .stuuis-1. ll il-li iitu-.| i-.- l v.. tot j an 1 lil-lli'.v.l/yt'b bi . i ii mus jiu .. li tiii iv it i j.!', tl i?.k" i !>;. ni td I ir iii' lire tl isheil :1? ? .r< uh: i .. hi i ? ii,. 1 lil,) illili' n Mill 1 id Si t V ti Ili lli, I i l,\ pi.v.ir ; tiny i i-nt n.iu s. < i i. -t.t.i ' '< '?- . jiu piero* till' . ii my." .. I' .? v -aid. I it'd; ? ur.. j Mle. I Hill oveitlll.o. I V. lil .?IV; 1, ll... .; "?1 . I tn y bid shall be. ???stie.i pit: tlici??Vi 1 Will'tli a Vt ? tut* stt'iiid, ie y I.ami sh di ; 'M.ruy iliitui 1 ii? . n ih.lst lilliw ti .?h thy win i. an.I the ?a covet. : . tin ir. ; they sank u> le i,I in the mighty witters.'.' j Ne,il wc furth, r ]>i....f nf ?MI?I\* i?r?)vhii-?jei.'. , that our cause j* j-i-t t tittil th'*.-. South vt il. tit ii ut ph . * * " i'lie triumph*, iii I Chrisll'lliity r> tl i* vt ry hour.un ..lavet t ; mill I stave i y il;? poad*, np ?he tiuiui| let id ihe South. I The h >i. 1 ol" i hui luis sevried this im*inn i v perpetuate this iusbtntiiin, ""1 iidbeiius j i dieial jiiiiii..liiu,nt on u people who have ut iciiipW'il tn vb i liil.i* ! .1 enc - .' Mun sibil! be a hon.l''i. ni." The war is tin? Sci vant ol' s lit v's try? . - * . * If SI..in Iptt'O 'Iii' S .it ...ur. alni Jitphi th established lu- kin; lom. r ;. 1 ?: fu Hun td li "her ut tl'." luili.-iiititit. Incapable self-pb >. t v iii. II. i... pi .> liirtiv l il; o e in pill} be bio'ulit "Mt uiider tho eui l ine? of u siipi-. rior'ri?cv. Yet e. i- sri iibnttiieil ?itu t'.. in nmphs til' th.- chun ii. t ; ! :, t the daughter "I Atrita i-, tin' " beluv. I " ot the S? .m.e. .> I mn Mark, but beiititd'ul. O ye thiii^litiis o! Jerusalem, a? th,, tin'- of Kediir, as tb, rtir tain, of S d onoii. bool; nor upon me Incut., I nm blurk, b c ilise thc .un li.ith lo ,k-. 1 upon j me ; my ino:lu i's cluUIteii ? , i ii n ? i y ? lilt mi ; they noiil ? ni" I he k . pi ; nf ti., \ e t ?lois ; Ino I mine own viueviiiil ha ve I not kept." )) it ni en of higher prclcnsiutis s.-oin nu ?geilt so humble r MISCELLANY. G MN lu D K VI-: NS AND THOMAS KIMS. u- \\,i- oil. t.f tli? f?u;i'iv.? slaven lin- '-.' i' ">f it->?,i rt fur law, ? i 1 r.i .-?.iv iv. Ci.iirlsa i. "i l i.- ? s-.,t,.s M.ir-h.?l who ii .nf uh ! f.?rnInion of Suns. . 1 llbwin^ lellirr : - . i ii .pi :. i . : \ st \ UI A til ! I.D. >il -:i r - w !.. ? i slavery proi.'ucc 1 : ;| ,. l,t mi.,,',, -, ..^ I ? . . - V .11 .. lits |l.>t|.l 'I . . ; ? i i' iiintry, ...?IHK.? ly? "Ii ..-.A "i ;i H. .i : iUsiisirous limn ms l?-..v . n Iii. ii iv .,f the liuifl .v.. -ji i,, ut ii,- ?i ",,,-?. |l( New i .. for i i s I II ?:iH ii il II .st ?iii u ... lin, I ii .> i i ' v is frubied ri . - '. ;hnt of p.iisuMiilii' (hu .;:. ? ni 1 - nj?i ... i.1 . .os ?licit uni un. : i ?;- Hi^: i .u tin's i-itiiltct of du . \ ..-ir ii.' ::i if '.lo y fun pre . i ?. i?*'.%.'. uti'.r itv l.i.v siibeitdi ':. ; i-i i, . lower '. lW, th ra jh with tliJ} uri; iiiei ty ?i tfOriilili^ li C vii ur.ii on.- tomat kilbie tuso of ti.i? ? ils - o: its iiiot ii inilucnee I v - lu li i i .ii !. ."- nu : in ii ti I ht .': bi ;. .i i-, H fi; -i I shi.vcd me 1 . . 1.1- > . i.-, i xhiessiiii; ritt ti'uM 1... u. tom. Ills u.'Ua i !.. o ii ii i.aitiatiit fur ii.: sim. i liiti 1 nie?! tn i.use> i . . : rs, oiiisi ?f. itu'iii' iq ubi - i i., ;;i: iii i ..i t ie rendition of I is vi tie uris wv red ; ii th' nilibili-, m.. lu- Him. J ?hu ? i- M ivor ul Hi-toil ul thu -iii- ,.'. v 'l.-jt.i.-. 1 by tit it .!:. Wlt'i mi ?J). ililli Mj'tis ? : , i . x .:: a . i ni oi th ..' Iii ii' hui t iv- s'ieh u coin sc. A shun t: -il the*;- iip'.-r?ii'ihs, I WUH loll i.v.:. ' tiu'e itoin Worcent? .MV" Uii vor y ! ?.otto,,,. .. ti : 1 -.. o !.. ?n i thtit you oro :. iii s l . 1 i-.'ii TilOtlliis Sun* 1: int have tu .-ei veil nu}' crin tri . i lorn thom to tie-1 iloiloi?, us 1 ' l* Sill M :i r ! .. Vu"ile.-peetrully, Un Ai?. Df.tRSS* -j st. ' ...a to Ii. H. ii..i..: uiy n|i|iltt'iitiohii, I li?t! chanced to "j .vit!.!..^ Mu I'.v, tl.HM-ii 1 k he yy lie1 Iii J ii ct ci i us I'.ii. Miu-hul .i: tin: inti" iii the rendi ti'lii bf Slubsi At'coiitill^ to hi- t. ip:, st. I re tii.t.eil ti..-eot?ii'.iii?-nis 1 hud ree?ivi'd I und, m iii i tint; '.o ti iihrc h titi ; 1 ii.: irme, i h i iii of tin Ililli price ii H. iii l - l. IL- replied thu*, tlie siiiii iv ni? sut.j et t?j H,y iiu.it w believer I chose to t!! for i'. I le ?iiit: ot ind finition which I fiiriii',1 li' h t i lipiiilsi I..ui iviis ehiiiieed to res pect iiiiil .i ? iii. r .i 1111 tl ; tm', when I virote tn hint ! i ii i'i 1 II I' r t: i :t friini m villi him u little ;l.',V < i -:ii' rely si} inj; :li.it. hf Ivtllinded ?il'' <.! thj S/iiiil.ir .ti '. Unele l'uni." I':,eu v. :e itn? >! nu nts in the wny of coin m i:.', 'ittitiii willi 1 . 'Hei- Sun?, mid before thu -.: '.v ttriutiip'd tie- oiitbietik uf : i. _-'i' il?; i m? with S'lUth'.'i tiers ?iiptiutieihk'. Mi. 1' v-iis, though well eatub li-htil ns ii l.i.t Vet, iii.til.' Lately Vu I tl ll let red Iii i s. iv.-, s f .i the il f. nee of tht! eiMioiry. un I re . i . I i m i .i - , . ,. n ssl on tn? u ti >.'. Andrew. ?I is ?tili iii tlii .iiii.'. h.ivttii t i i^ht hr.ively .hi Ut Ml . vs 11 . ll ?is s. Vi ie.y wotltiJeilt .it Fur iii-is. :i", ! iii titi ut Ch iiieell.irsi'ille.Hiiil tn ihi-n?ioiis b t'Al - Ii i- fully e-itiiv-d li.s precut rank ul brevet m ij ii: g merni. I u ii 11.* ce nt '? tte: ti> me, he wt ilea : " Ii is a h r -ii . i :." tint 1 hive hil J a I CiiSOlih-bl J iie'.ive ?liri :n :!.- -r. it rtrtlgj;Vc which ha? re-, sn ! tte ll ii. the eiiiuii ijiiii m nf all th? ?.Inves. 1. ii^i?e ivi:h jon thai t iitft uti^L: lu Le^-ver, . i the ?.. tM-i -, tit ' u". with eeiiiin re>:iii't;ciiss i- t . . ii i* : u. . h.* s in: ? tesl rteiions lieinif a ji pi, til tu ?ill ? t.;: . u. :i \v;i!> shill vote' hereafter. I:, hhi-rtj i.i ito i.i.jii fun bu safe if deprived oT tit - i ; t? t .- i ia ?'. Inj ist'.ee,. fojlu.wed hy civil .. : a, uni h" ;:i .v.iiiMv result of snell, il '1 ?1! . i l'.i ut.' ' i .'.lilli.- >i:t.s iu:ii-iie 5 niter he wn&rcttirnpd . ' i>liiVi IV, un 1 when the L"nited Slates antijy titiiveil ta ti.;- i'leiii'.ty. he unlit rived, to convey hti?j? If, M.fi' iui.1 . hiltl into their ?tiir.ji. Wh^ti. he ne un iiriivoii in Massiielitisctts, (len. IV'V.eii& s- ut him t* r.ni^h tn..-, e. ?jr-. set'.t ot $100, to. a?~ s>t him till he i'oitld '?vi into liu.siness. 1 ealL :.. u.an i tfiie hero, in thc liiglii'tit anJ l)t}*K -' use .ii the tin:, i ?un? 1 titi ilk. nil your readers mil a ?re.? with nie. I . MA ft ht CHILD. I?:-'-. 1 -ii! Johns i-i seilt a t!isp.itelj to a frica i .i' S'.ishvitle, 1 ntu, "ii tho 10th, virgin^ thc pis- of t h ? u ".! i : i?s! i n iiiy lull. in.1, s iy io? : . . I : is t<) !. ? t -.;t I 'hf lite L-.'u'ishittire h is us j.i tak ;. ti' -'j' ii;ilibitii>e> tit it publie senti iiieii: .? nih vt ipi ;ti "In' riijht ilirectitin." The [ii i -t J m i. , - n . -, i i pies about tl.-1nj" his mata 1 ? .'. . i. ivitli h,s s millern liieiidii in favor tiC Seeritiiry S.'wiir.l by order of '.ht? Vresiilenc sent di-jiitel - ti th? Provisional (iovcrn or Anil.li i ritoreh et df South Clirolihn, sitni ; ir tu til i-e ul.ir. s-,il to the sn mc ollie i ala in Alahamti ami (?r?r