South Carolina leader. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-18??, October 28, 1865, Image 3

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I / _ "_^ jj Tho Labor Movomiont. ? North and South ulikujirc Agitating thu pro hiern ot' labor. In thc qouth tlio controversy in ?till in ils elementary stage. There the ffucs tion relaten not to the duration of work bat tp tm i quality of thu workers. The North settled th' j question nearly a century ?go, by unanimously deciding that ?uborers to he profitai)]* mmtt b free. Forced to accept that solution by the re v nuits of the wai, experience will soon demonstrar, its wisdom to every reflecting mind in the South As, even in Connecticut, all doubts thereon hav been dispelled for years, we cannot hesitate t believe that South Carolina will presently ?doti it as au undeniable doctrincu of her social creed mid, along willi her, the rest of our recently rt bellions ?uni erring sisters. In the North, and especially in Massachusetts which usually lead:; ilse yuri in nil re fur lila tor movements, an i artiest etlort is in progress t diminish thc laborer's daily task to eight houri The result of this agitation, like the subject of i is merely a question of time. Whenever th laboring classes shall unanimously or generali demand a further reduction of their hours of b W bor, thc employers will not hesitate Jong befor s granting it. What the results of that concession jA\\ V must depend entirely on the conduct of thc li borers themselves. If, as the adv?cales of tli movement argue, na much work and a:; good qm lity, will be rendered in return for equal wage. ^ n* nuder llic existing system, there .will l>e ? " diminution of the amount of recompense allowe them. If not, nut. The rate of wages is not a ntbitrnry arrangement ; it is fixed by social lav 'as indexible ns fate ; it depends neither oil tl Viii nor wishes of the employer ur einployei 'Artificial combinations may temporarily into rupt the operation of the law which regulan prices and wages, supply and demand, but thu aro utterly powerless to contrail them perilla cully ; and in exact pro] >o rt inn t<) tho strong and length of tile recoil. These truths are cap hie of demonstration as incontrovertible as tl truths of mathematics or finance ; luit the erowN .ed and limited columns ot' a journal i- not tl proper place to elucidate them. We reitet conloi ourselves with stating them as axioms, and a vising our laboring reader.- lo study thom ?ti r their developments iii thc page? of thc ni as te 'of political economy. *As with tin; financial so with the social resul 'tif the concession demanded. lt seems to be a Ponied that the two hours saved furn* toil w .Invariably be carried tb the credit *f intel k'?"tu ''chlture or social enjoyment. Nfc sincerely hn| 'Ihni it will be so placed ; but thc working nu .alone can decide that matter. Kltig Arthur was the for oder of the eight-hbl ?system, lie divided his day inte three part-? devoting one to sleep ii nd the (.-'...H?IKHI^ nf li 'myal person; one tn governing the poop! whom be tilled so wisely ; sntl otic tn the eui 'vatinn of his mind, l?e eoub! tin it. Ile B lucky fellow. Ile was a king. Ii ti t the tit editor who arose foolishly disregarded the go< 'monarch's ex tun pie. Ile stuck his scissors in ?part, his pen into nrxrther, and tossed bis m-1 enp anti towels tutu ibu icm tining third; tin ever sin -'-, struggle they never so strongly; no er so bop. fully, never so long, no .journalist b been nhlu to net the three implciEouts of ? daily toil into any tither adjustment Soicotiiti indeed the editor succeeds in milking the nit litton in thu nucUiii order - but ii is to the d advtititngt of bis II ? g ht eu i>, nat vf bis .?tii.i>ot.s bis pen ! Wouldn't rrr lik? ar? eight-hours s\ .tern '. Tribune. IT*" Tilt Circus bas com.? rt -'is', and ii exhibit this evening, .'les.I rite tijlv?riisom. in another column, nf '}:<? ti't?Ty V?iiitcr ('.nts to be petfirtrird, ?iil? marvel hot, they vi ?ll -urely arct>mp)i?h all. Vocxo IOWA.- Mn-t hvi.rttlv (hi we coultra Inte th? onatuiit....,- .;, |.;,.,,,,] f.: ,.> .. < s... ]..iwi in Iowa on the nobb: trijinipu iY?- .. . ?? w on foi the can-" of Freedom '">'! 11u??:nn? Their'Stale Convention s'ev |: . in U?l?m party rinVuly. iiiires>i,,r\'ydly. rm the ,'. f. rm of isl Siiltr?ge Tor lqyid nien'jwi mit regard to Cohn : iib il ob tiri-eton' ft tl s lieiteti the suffrage bf the fj . >;>!.. Th' ir 1 pottom*, keeping the Democratic name and i; 1 ni/., it ion ?mt nf sight, livid ? ?fiilt?ri' : voil* Mon, and thor, by presented a t.,:ket headed (ten, Thomas ll. H -ilion '{ nr'phe*.- bf Cid 1! hon,) himself ri professed ftcjiuhlicnh, who been State Superintendent of Ivdiientinh, lia ^ood lliilifliry teeord, an I wa- evfrv v. ny e.! luted to run'woll. The tieb't wits marte ni rt i ii 1 y "f such as lc, with th" lonsl pi, i s's L'nppvtliend taint, and iiie platform, had jblllk -No Nrgro Solfia.?;..'? Cd. Stone, . ?e.vhd the Repiiblii'tih ticket; rr >V. tie . qii?tcly by tile hoi tts, r.vnw'.??f hirhsell t". rocnlti of Impartial Suffrage, and ?*kiiig 1 port on that ground ; and lu?.ir? v?. leitet 15.000 majority while the iesit'lr.e if th?! ti will average '?0,000. Iowa ha?, thu; p/i's't dend-phint, nod hus liol bing t.? dr She has taken ber position on I'liViciple Hight, and need tin mon.' titead the influent: vulgar I'lejiidice and grbviA'iiif? Meanness, nil the West, ber binnet float s big*1, est and r dont, and the honor able prominence. hi fairly and bravely won will be if membered pride by her sons in genera timi* vet tb be. If the Opponents of K.JMII Hight s cnn any comfoil fiom these figures, they ii ch ?me to it.- .V; 1'. VrArnie. Sivios'S Wu ?.'s Mot unit.-- A friend j? . t rel ed from New York tills us a pr-tty good 1 of an lllinoisian who was stopping nt the 1 hotil. Cn Sunday, the Western man bei ni ?itou? of beating several of th- more fa pulpit orators of the mcltop iii?, went tn morning to Dr. Chapin's chureli, but he stranger preach from ihfl text: .. Hut Sit wife's mother lay sick of a fever." In the 1 hoon he went to Ileechcr'a Plymouth ch anti heartl the ?ame discourse from thi preacher. Going in the evening to Dr. Usg church he found the ?am* cletgy'rnan ?in same theme? " Simon's wifess moi-hci is of a fever." The next day thi patient 1 of the thrice-told discourse was crossit Brooklyn in a ferryboat, when thu atarn in the park agitated the air with tts great s of lound, anti a man behind him inquire! that bell was tolling* Looking up bc sa' now familiar countenance of the preschet was prompt to reply ; "I think Simon's mother must bo dead. I heard three time tcrday that she was sick of? fever.- Prar Journal Thc Memphis Argus has an editorial < colored suffrage question, which ia strongl lured with radicalism. It says: Rut HS soon as it is evident that negrc .flitnlifled to play thc part of freemen in tin , spirit and true sympathy with the whit' rt linn rho spirit of our liiws absolutely their enfranchisement, since it is eviilei .every real and competent power, ?ir soi power, should have its influence in the j. mein of which it is n natural anti ititcgri For the rn\\ power of the whole is cbnipi all thc Teal sources or individuals cornhill! if the central government represents its i members in any degree imperfectly, false tinily, or in excess, it is liable precisely degree, to become at any moment nn ir and tyrannical government. The rep sphere of government must bc rounded n feet, composed of ajl, representing all, i rcnl degrees and conditions. Items o?' Special Interest'. In Iiis forthcoming message, tho President fully recognizes thc manhood of thu negro ; but would quiilify und limit bip right of suffrage by education or properly. When proved to btr possessed of either of these, Mr. Johnson thinks Vie ought to be ollowcd to vote. A Freedmen's Aid Commission waa organ i it cd iti Philadelphia lust week. The following appears in " Flake's Bulli tin" (Galveston, Texas,) nf .September 2'Jth : .< We leiiVii that John H. Reugan, lute Postmaster General of the so-called Confederate States, has written a letter which will, no doubt, astonish ?onie of his associates. Among other tiling?, he favors negro suffrage," A tight between white and coloTcrf troops oc curred in Washington one day last ..Vee>., in which muskets, pistols mid biyonetti VVITC -j ned. One ti?a-n was killetl, and several were votirtd ed. The disturbance, hov? ever, waa noon quelled. Sctgennt Wm. II: Carney, thc hero of Kort Wagner, wan married in New Bedford, Mas?., on \Vcdhcsdny. A lipcrnl pile of greenbacks was made up ff:'r him on the ocean:V:1.', and now grecnbr.eK weddings" arv talked of as the next wrinkle. General (irani will make Washington bis permanent residence. {six thou'ii nd colored persons in Washington liAv? sV;ni d a petition asking for equal suffrage. The election returns from the south-western ' part of the illari? of < h-or-i.t she <* that the ?b l.. gilles to the State f.'oiivojrti?n, from that sectr?Ti? I are alnio?t unanimously Union. fien Fisk, Superintendent of the Freedmen's U ream announces that after the passage of bili? by i!>-. ditfereiit States protecting tli hegrbca in ? (be courts, he will abolish itt his department all IR r.t !r r s connected with the civil status ot i)u; negro. (?i'll. Bank- snys ;u a letter, just published: In answer tb inquiries presented to me I have the honor to say that I nm in turo-x of ..rarum;? the tight of sn I fr a go to colored nen. I rj ! - \ . this tnea-nio tn be neee.-siiry to tie- settlement of the ntf ur? of this country, and h?ve full co:-- : tideiico that it ? ill In- ?d?pt. ;',. Gcncinl Fisk I ?poi ts from N'a^nullr, Tenn. . ..Th - desire on the par! of th. colored people to be educated i- indeed mar v. lon-. Th v lit.-r- ? nl'.y billiget und thirst foi knowledge, ami in ? many places themselves contributing liberally for the support <>f schools. At Greenville, the' horn* of President Jr?hn?on, his colored neigh-! hors hsTe raised sixty dollar? p>.r month tt> ps?y trnehets. (liie bf tiic colored female graduates tris-.-, i Oberlin thi- your was born in Washington, hired . her tiiur. bought bet freed,bili and prepared for college in IV-.v : lonee, It I. Cen. lb.1,, rt I*. I,. - took tb- regular amnesty ! oath H. t. 2nd j iwejiriug f'-r th.- second lime to { support and defi nil the constitution of the I Hi-- I Cd St;o--; I A liijl ?l?oii iiig negro testimony to lie, olTored >P >!>e S'hil.bits wa? piis'srd w'.terd.iv in the j T.-II:?. - f-watc ly iK- .-!."vote othilie to tel'. An o?r fte: 'item. G her si ..rant, issued (),-;. ;i reo ti; in;; - th' rirmy '.?- gnrri .oiling (ile Nomi rrr. feiT' ?',?rt .rjrlt-.r1 iroun? ail.I ti... Knhih.-.-n .villi negroes ; ins ii i? - ?ia. c -- o.a\ a'.r. i i-: Ol tho M S-?-M;??';. r.r. I> imdtllg the rbgll-j ter .iv.i'rv -mito i i.iv.-riiir em .-de? nf anni ?.:?.. do-- ii lid Ot iiipiit 'it- are gobi ; on r> ny week The ??cus "t nee ar- rihund.inti TIirHUTfcJ OF HKSl KCT. At a O?r-etib? i-'fj the Brotherly Me'ehnnies *lilah, V---M .-r Tht?rs?ay afternoon. Oct; the 1Mb. it ^:?s itrititiimousli resolved; That ai i; bas pleased Almighty (.?-1. in Hi.? > se prbvid lice, to ri-move frurf, >n--si ii' by ?oatli our ? .?-".hy ?i?rrrihah and Vice iV-r'-rv*. '?MIS KV Wi: .WK ?.fctt, that we el.. !-rw tt> I*ts ?ill in a sense rt" i'iir own ni?v'?rthV- j nesi i knowing thai Ile Iocs it to remind its bf J Ills ail 'i.-. f--: eye .-rr-4 e~...-,.-<-.. ntr.ongst cy /.'. - .., 'iiat i" thc death of .lames F.J/cc.j tin; Brot be i; Mi 'harlie' ('biblias sustained nil j irrbpaniblo lois. As an blHCcrlic was ever ready t to do ail thal Would avail his elith and to dis charge the duties involved upon him. /i\ ?.i'i. ri That ?ir llb odor nur'si'iiipntliy with] hi? bereaved widow and motlier iii their tifepar? j ab!.- |...s Mi4'aihed by his death. /,'...,'? .i/, 1 Sat ire ilevStc A p.ige in our mi nit ti' book to hts id'etr.c.ry ; aptl, rt our next eiiter" tiiintnent to ?.::r a bat? ge nt nft?'iirKing <u uir left ai in- ; and that a copi of tin- ?ibov,- be far iushod lin- fainilv of thc deceased, and that i: be ir?.M?>s(J ?o ihe f^owth Carolina /...;./.. .- 1-l.i-truct? l's,m tli<- Minuit's. FRANCES T ?.F.K, (Jct. ??- .t-* Secretary H. M. C. T?ie UiistbnCbit'iW?"nw?'ii\th i- to ftViicu disnp pointed at the result Of the election :ti Conntctt cut that it gives utterance ttl th'e r* flifiwihg: - They used to tell of n pedler Stn'e Where the inuit were MUH ll and tbs wit? wete gf??t. ! Thc -pice merchants there increased their hoard; Not ns board of trade; but by tindo of board, lint those "nutmegs" now have lust their mean ness. And thc V* tink ces there have lost their keenness. For the stute is iu>w mealier. And greetle-r. And not a bit keetu'T, Than a mun who has been by a robber attacked. And whipped him with powder and bullets in fact-, And then caved - nntl bil hi? casu nose off : Because it was blacked ! ?RAriATlO ?HKACHING. Pt. John Brown, of Kdinburgh. is a loyal | son, always speaking in high praise of the learn ing and eloquence of his father. Ile give? the following sketch of a ?rrtnon from lum in dra matic forth, which style he often practiced with great power : - I am in Rose Street, on the monthly lecture ; the church crammed, passages nntl pulpit stairs, l^saet to n moment, Jatne> Chalmer-, the old ! soldier nsd beadle, slim, meek, but incorrupti ble by proffered half-crowns from ladies who tims tried tn gel in before the dotirs opened - appear*, and all the people in that long pew use up. ano he, followed by bis minister, erect ?nd engrossed,walks in iihmgtt.o ?at, mid they struggle Up to the pulpit. Wc til Knowwluu] he is to speak of ( he look* troubled even to distress; it is tho matter of I'riah the Hittite, lie gives out the opening verses of ?he Hfty-Hrst ? Psalm, and otfeilng up a short and ?btupt pray er, Which every one takes to himself, aiiiioiinc ' ing his miserable ami dreadful subject? fencing it, us it were, in a low, penetrating voice, durinf, any of us to think un evil thought, 'lhere was little need nt that lime of the warning.-he il? fused his own intense, pure spirit into us ?H. He then told the story without note or com ment, only personating each actor in thc trage ?dy wttah^v-t(riy^rt?i,''',ry manly, loyal, siinpie-ht-sned soldier. I cari recall thc shudth r of that multitude, aa of one man, when lie read, "Anti it came to puss in the morning, that David wrote a Ic tier to Joab, and sent it by the hand <?f Uriah. And lie wrote in the letter, saying, Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest baule, and retire ye from him thal he may be nm i I ten mid die." And theu, after II long and utter ?.?lenee, his exclaiming, " Is this the than afier (Jud'a own heart r Yes, it is; we mu?t believe I hit both are true," Then came Nathan : uTheri were two men in one city, the one rich and tin: other poor. The rieh man had exceeding many flocks and hirds, but thc poor man had nothing Kaye but. .nc little ewe lamb - - and all thnt ?quinite^ that Divine fhble, end ing like a thunder-chvj.., with "Thou art the mah '." i'hvn carrie the retribution. ?o awfully exact and thorough.-(he misery of the child's death; thai hrief tragedy of the brother and sister, more terrible than anything in Aeschylus, in Dante, -,r in Faid ; then ihe rebellion of Absa lom, with it- heinous dishonor a ti ri his death* ami the Ving overing his face rind crying in a bind VHce, "Uh, tny son A bsnj?m i '. 0 Absa lom, my son. aiy ioi.'. " .and David'a psalm - "Have mercy upon me, (J (jud, according to thy loving kindness, according unto the multi- ! lude of thy tender mercies blot out my trans gressions,"- then with .? Yes. * whVn lust has conceived, it hringeth forth sin '; and sm. when it is tinished, brihgeth forth death.* Do not err, ria not strriv, do not transgress', my beloved (?reihten ; it it fir?t * earthly, the:-, -rn ? uni, then devclish.' " ile then ?hut thc book, ?nd sent us allaway; terrified, shaken and bum bled, like liiniielf. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE r pi Hi P. Ti WI 1.1. NOT UK ANY KF.RVICK * ?t /.ina'sI horcli tr? morrow, .-utclay, Wth Inst., by ot 1er til till'Trilltce*. fer Order, (let. as-:t * F 0 ? N D - \ pocket I".'i'? coiilalnilli* m.-ney vra? fon iel In ition ? t'liureli at t be clo?.'of tie- mass nieutih^ tn WI ? in thur*.lay . ullin,! laut. Tin* owner Ci ll burr t he (.aim.' I.y ; r.o m,- prupertr mel paying for thin adTt-r tl.-ein.-iit Oct 2h-If-I - . -. . - . --rr-s- r- :- -r- I /OKI IS' -reat picture of A RU ? HA M I V l.lM 'H.N'. ilie gn'at Liberator of onr rare, ? -ill t.n esjrlblthmi at ILHI'KKANCK lt-A tx, j IGli|* -ti? - i ,0?, Miiucay afivrtioor ?t l*.v*7 o'cbyi?. * ni-?i.,a TKU CKNTS. Lex ?ito ste irrt? ptet?r? while it i- herr. ? Oct. 2s.--tf-I S A M UKI"] MS'ci. / 'liAlJI.I'STuX luyyfR GUARDS.-'-CON? V - I'A.VV (.',- ?Vim are tM-rel?v summoned t; r.ti-rrnJ s nu-tin;, nf y. ur Co nipan; ott .'ill I .VI JA V. the lilli, >.? ll>< mi rn' i li.tll, ),rei'i-"ly al ' o'clock, on bu.hum of rmpurtahrci Ter order! I\ I.. MILI.KU, <). . Vt UH-tl I. LKiTlliks AM) MUSIC. 1 lie Laities nf the " CII AHhESTOIV SEMINO CIRCLE" j in\ .? iuTfiio*fei1 for thc promotion of ? OF SIX LECTlKKiv Vor tho Bonolit of thoir Fair, PM tie hutt] during next ( iiniKTniM it i. I n lirbalf i?r Inc ?St Misiio-i Prcibyteritti Church and Congre gation f'?h'he Street) to ??il the ?..mic In securing'? pernia N Uli DU. A Lt Hint Hollie ot vVorstnp, at mc 003j J- - -- fit.. Philip Street. _ :?r I.KOrti liB. on Mbii-iay evetiliia; .Villi Inntant, I ?t r : l O'cluck, br lt?* vi K J. Ailinn?, recently Mi? . lonari in Wi'St A ?rie?. Subject-" W EST A KHICA, irs rK?rhK. AMI KI I I IIK.'' ?jii.l f Vu Mond iv ei min.;.Nov. fi, til T l-l o'clock, by ' ?l-v; H i' ll .lintot ph Subject - "THE I'l'KITAN A Ntl I AVA t-IKK IN A M Killi A" 3rii. ? in Vr.ii< eterunR.Nov. lt at r I i nVli.ek, t?y Kev. r. Cordon?': Subject r-V MAUTIS LU Ttl Kit A N-ti nts i IMV:S." s:?. mi Uendiy evi*nhn*,N"?v?'-*0, nt T l l o'clock, by rtiV.f; ,L "Chili -s.ul.jeet-"OVR KL'Tl."llKi" Sf?tiJ 'Oi Montis rveiilttg, So?; '2?, at 7 l l o'clock. I *. Mr i. hirli*s rfoHiiVay. Subject fttli. on MOP.UT evenlne, Dec; ?, at ' 1 \ O'cfoek, by lilt ~ ft. il!-.'. {sifbject MRS. T. W. CORDXrZO \V il! f P'.sii" nttln- euell Lecture,accompanied Ky .?iii-p.-t.n'. vu. a! pcrfortiien. Singlo Tickets '.15 cents, six (for t*. e course: $1. Til kel? in i v ?Iso be purchased at tlc door ; ami cl ; St.-?r? iioi'.-it |{?svariS, 100 "Calhoun Street; l*??l I'uiiisett, H.- Combi? Street , Kev. K. J. Adams; ll I Charlotte M r?el ; .lohn lloiii?m, .'?lin Street; ('lill Sp j Thorn. M 11 mir ie tts street ; sn.t il Hil? Offln' liol i SI. tf-l Oil EAP AS Eb3E\Vr?EHl2. ron SA LR, , ; Oak and Pine Wood ; | ALSO. GPA7FX AND BRICK. A Pl.l' '.: JAS II HOW WD Knell rAiiiriiti.n WI?.KI*, ; >'oot of L-JHirni* Stn rt- \ 1 ni- 1 ? Information Wanted i ARV Mio liavin*; infornmtlon concerninR the ?t>*rr ; i ?liu'uts?f i liarles Heurs Willi? and Js^*?*pliu?.WlUts; j ! rlillilrfa, of Cm- nail Caroline Willis, furmerly with I ( jp;. (i.Wanl Tabb, on .North Uiver, Mstbewp t enn ty, Vii?0>ta, will receive tin? thanks of the ilirtress*st father .ml motlier bj aditresiinc CA KOI.TN F. wu, I.IS, eoriicr of tlr?ait and .Nlc-e-uiig Slrefts Charles^ ton, S. C O-t.VS. JSiVi. tf-l lt. i!x filors". 7Kf\t ?? :Vnii (*?s.m: ATTKiSrTIO?" T? ?IJT^ ! ("S ll.iiJiRT VV?LKl?lt i? prepnrrd t,o receive T ?nd ?ell sll knut* of COUNT It Y rUODUCl-i ?ml Hiiy ?ml Ship good? of all dc?cr?plions to .?.ny t??rt n( this Stale willi promptness and dr>pateh. Ailment. Ul KHK KT WA I.K Kit, Charlesion I*. O. Ilefcrs to Charles Wilder an t Israel Smith. Coliirh Wa; it. C . <K-?* ??**-. WIGO & CO., lf?-, 6t5 Market Street. CiiarletstoiTL, S. C.J J Where theTuhlie will alway? rind on hand, got up to order, every variety of Dishes at th" shortest notice. .1. Fl. Wino. 1 A. lt. Wtoo. ee {Tr-(live na ? Call, and you Will ttrvi e?t Tenn? anorl O cr?tr 3 m Vb*. I 5.W "I ?1 I? C MUSIC AND ?ANZING. HOPKINS his e??ine ?i;ain with Ina usual tuiie? ?t admired ?Irn. Ile may hr loun.t at hi? obi ]4at Nb. j; lt KN KI ETTA ST UK KT. I'rlce ?? usual. .?0IIN Ti Uti,'KINS, . A Colored I'rofes.sor I'ltAHl.criTox. O?l? til. lm 3 <l tl NOTICE. Application'will be idade at the next ?erndon of iel! I.eijlMaUlrb for ad Act to Incorporate tho L'NlT.D Kl UK CO M l'A N T OK C0I.OKEH MEN of thc tty of Charleston, S. C. H Oct ?l-l THE Stone, K?sston & Murray's CIRCUS COMBINATION WILL EXHIBIT IT CHARLESTON, ox CITADEL GREEN; ron One Week Only, COMMENCING Saturday, October 28, A TTE RN O ON AND EVENING. AT BEAUFORT.NOV. 6 AT HILTON il KAU, . . . NOV. 7 and g AT SAVANAH.NOV. 10 A BRILLIANT G A LL AX Y '?F Equestrian and Gymnastic . | CELEBRITIE S PROFESSOR HUTCHINSON'S Performing Dogs, Trained Horses', Dancing & Trick Pontes. Den Stone's Comic Mutes I CoiUoUdtlt-f! , lr. .C?NK Etlini'lTION for ! ONE PRICE OF AD>HSSR)N ron iLc Season of IfJG-?. ?DMlSsib^ First di ass scats . . '. ? Second cl?.*.s seats .... Children. . . ' . 50 FREE EXHIBITION! cr T ii r. G Y M N ASIC MI 1?. A C L E or Il?? OSCILLATION!: ?Tiying iii tn? Air fcVfclU' ?FTKRNO?N ?T ONE. P. M. By the intrepid Ptincrulist, ^?ERDIlSr?iSriD. I ?\T Doora ojien, st 2 and 7 r. M. P'r'orrri alicea c\imrrie:'cp ?* *iel:-past two and half- j past seven, r. M. j October 28. j rpi IK ?MK?HC?S I??ST? COMPANY ANfj X . " AtiKXCV, No. 57 Broadway, Now York, wflVr. it? Agency tu owners of ?and o? every detcrle it??t> r>ptvlally lu.the .Soulhrrn .Stairs, anil to North - ! ern and European capitalista, emigration .pel?tlri and conductors of eraWratlon, and In indi> iduals, , ; f:irin<-r?, mechanics and oilier?,) iletirou? of trans ferringIlliiVr lr.i;or and -till lo 11>: S<?itU. It tle'ij'n* to .aid, tlirwuglt .thc means offered hy a I centra! ??Ti>.-cin New Vor?, mid its branches elsewhere, in thc. prrai.u n?V of |hc social ariel eeenomlcal reor snni^.i-oM '..f tl iv i Soot li, cy bringing together thc owner? of plantations and. farm? seeking purchasers and induamnl divH'-ptrrrnt- on tin- ?MU- hand, with tltose who command tin-capital and Utiprahd skill on irre olkST hand, lt xiii devot?: ilsclft-? thc work of acratiiixlatitii; >ml methodl/.illj; Information und stat ittl?a, u-efiil fi>r those who may, oji grounds of peru niary profit, of business cnlt;?*Jirr?e, ?.f j>atrioti?ni or philanthropy, desire io contribute, through rt?e reor ganization of industry, tn lin: inaicrisl Heans by which th< >->ntli bc restored, its people of every condition made pro?pennis men and good citizens ; mid Its ??jtniiiunitici brought to ink>- their sln?rc in prntriothijj' thc welfare of lite Whole country. ?0r\li,?r~i^cfn.^ :in<1 hy thc I.ron I landa of the .S<>uth now open for ititi tirai , tillie to frrc I.-. i.. >r. but ?hos, owners and occupier.? ! .-ire sufTcrin,: hutu thc Waste of w-;ir. It unite.? th?! utlcntion of lite public, ami is prepared ' to ente- immediately on thc transaction of business. ' Thc ufftcrrs arc : - .1 Oil N A. A NI'll KW, President, -\ ? Kit AX K K. HO WK. Vice-Prciidcnl anti I v. Agent North, ? g l.'^Civr: W. W'txcit K.ST Kit; Treas lirer, | V: O CO KU K CA HO I' WAHI), 2 i A I; Flt KU GA ITU KM, 1 ' M. X. WTSKWET.L, General Agent South. ! Orri CR i H OOM s ll ASO 12, 57 Broadway, New York. i let. 'Jl-|U s ROBERT STEVENS, FAMILY GROCERY, 444 King Stroot, Wishc to cull tin- attention nf thc poetic fo >,1? ?'.tie stfick -f Kiwi.-., They will al?vavj t.r<.\ \ Iaj-g.- assort mein -ii hand, which will be sold lia M-a-unai'le a? at any oner hou>e in ihr elly. < ?iru us a ra!!, \n-i r*r -he stuck I'rouipt attmtivn tisM ?6 ??H. ?.' tit. li. if. T. W. CARDOZO, C'Veap Family Groceries; llr.ftniKTTi ?.tu Ku*. * orr II STS , Whuletalc and lietuil, T. y '*- bas cn hand a f-ill strpj'dy Cf Cnoleest <?ro- \ tr?rft at rea?ou*r.}r,rate?. Oirr tarjllticj for ?tuet?.*'- ' in? pods i-r<-ct ffoir. Nv;? S.erV will enable us to.<c?! asci-tp as tin- whole liai: h ou sc* in thr city. Orilen frtnnthe country, ?Viii etty filled promptly. , . j Ali asa?r?en?'">t eiT Croclcery Is expected ia a f-?w | du ? * jrl ar IH Ire sold cheap for caali. 3 me. Oct. ll. J Pansier and Farrar. 4-60 King St. 3 Doors above k.Tohii. A VK Ocmsta^iy on hand % hue , assortment of Groceries ami Ka nor j; cod?. P'rij'm na thc puh (I lan bc sappi (cd Wjth tile rho|cej> : teas, su^ar.cau mit?, IrortCT, lar.l ?Vd Hour of tin- vcrr t.e<t rpiali t-s, si?emeats in jiicJ.|e from thc Northern .Markets b weekly ?neunter*. Herc cnn MISO lie lound the cele baud Trenton I'MCKCM, in rjtiaiitit!eu to sun v?r, ca-jr?. All those who ?.TC roml of gcttlitfj tip nice prir-, will, dis ?yell to'give .dia call be??rt purcliai i-f? ||<wwite*-c. . S'.H. OuriVric?a are as Ilc??o-nablr as any in tn'*? ?ly, O'HEAR & ?'ENWICK? ^actors and Commission Merchants; it P. lng erected a Tresa on IVrr'pfs ,*Vharf (net r X. ,. hrjj?t.) we afc prepared J.0, Hals, rcbsl?. apd l'ick roten and damaged Cattor.s. All cottons reccl?eJ 1)1 tie aittmded to v?Sta dranalch. Wt truat, frr>m long ?raperichee; to give general! tliffsrtion. . i. O'Hj?AR, C. KKNWICK. IISRLKSTON,S, C., Oct., 7lh. leVl.V \. Man of a thousand. A CONS?MTiV? CURSO "^t . It. ,1 A M K S . a retired physician of f:rt.-.\ Ambience, discoTer?d, while 111 thc East Indica, e .rtiin care for Cotisiimptloii, Asthma, nronchiti?, aujlts, Cold?, ansi t?cnernl l^ehility Thc remedy asiineoTcred hy h i njjjft ht- II bis billy CJilldadau(flitt-r M liven up tn die. His Child was e-i ed, am] ia iyo?nd well. Desirous of benelitlhg bli? frfin? mor ils, ewlU send to those who the rctiipe, )iiti?iin?( full (Hrerlions tor makinv and sitcewstully ainv?lie remedy, free, on receipt of their ontocs, ith sm stamiis t*>j>ay espenaug. There la not n-.lisymptom. *i I'oiiauipilon ;)...! il doc? not at ncc ike bold of and d Us I pate. M?I>? sweats. p-ee?ish ?ss,rjiiailon cA thc n et ves, failure ?if memory: hoeir expcctorailoo, ?harp pains in th? hillas, sure, iroii rhilly sensations, nsiisea at the stotnacli, In iMol(f thc bowela; "AStlhg away of thc in us ck-?, ?&thc Uritcrwlll phase state the name of the ia*r ir? Icc this ?dvertlstnent in. Address ;"" piiAni^K k co., 1M2' Itsi-o Street, rhlladelphla. Tenn. ? Hm, LLAYITT SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, n.NcrACT' Krna or IM?SOVED SEWING MACHINES. Originally Eit?blithed in lb?3. .., ' . ..-?T7-"* ? . ?it.f ?. ot tn? nest.-IH? liest la tba C?ic-altest. The Stitch teilt not Rip or jlaicl, and ia alike on both tides. Kt USU TU NKBDLt, WoiCttX'C, TtSTICitLY. T.hea? rrvicb?ae? are manufactured by authority of a license .'coin EMA s flo WK, Jr., (and other*) the orlKi'iil Inventor uf Sewiug Machines, and embody sil i ur esbcutlal principles of h i n lu vast iou, to which ?rc added several valuable Improvements, important to thc |JM-iirtj.ioD of M-wins Machines, secured exclu sively to trna Crnupauy by ample patents. THE FAMILY MACHINE lu superior,iii all thc qualities of a pracflc'r.lly useful dpate?itic.muchMse. iq soy other? yet presented to thc public, lt is simple acd dur*VU: vi construction, working without noise, or full |f nc lo Hie operator ? using, with cquul facility, ellie, cotton, or llucu thread, ID all varieties ut family. Sewing, from the Kehlest muslin to thc heaviest cloth They arc minis lu. every variety of Inlsh, to meet the warris una taste- o-f a?. Tito-faithful friend of thc hard-working seamstress.; th? elegant, useful ornsnrcnt ot thc Indy's bo^ud/itr,, ?ml tb-o oue n*dls pcass?K- Diing to a well-kept house. THE MANUFACTURING rv??cPlN?, For Tailors', Conch aud Harness Makers, lioot nnd dboo Manufacturers, Kubber C ..ods, icc, &c , performs more and ilian a.<y other. Espccisl attention ls call esl tu recent IM.IT.OVK MZSCTH lo the rn?chj-ies, ptrtlculsriy lmp*oruct ki thc m sSn facture OT Heots awl Shoes ; nrnonif whick, ls the fact that aumuller r red lc cnn be ?sai! Lhnxby any other, thc value of which will nt one; bi appreciated. I'lirtleniar, attention lias been devoted to this branch of ninr?fs.'Hurt!, and, it is ew>ce?e4,.wit<i unrivalled succors* ^specially for Slioe Ult?fS?ujgi au-i Kine Si Ucl? lng ot. 1'a^vVi LciUhcr... . . ..... ?. Th? Cuuipitny ?utter tli?in.??lv?s Hint.thc result of twelve years' experience in the niunufiictur-e of Sew ing Machrpys entibies rtrcm to prcacnt a umclUuc pots? J FrSS i lit; nv- ile: tiiiiJ Utes ol a fir 11-c!:i - B inn', lt i ti C. to ; greater extxut.tlnsn.?ur other/ lu the wurlJ.. ... , Information in r?c'""' le 1'1C tna?hlncn cnn be had by Sp p ly i ii g- t o T. irURItKY, iji?.ii-i.t.-1-i.', H. C. WILLARD II SMALLEY. (Late Of 0. S. Navy.) AUMY ANO NAY* BiVAhing & ColIeitioH Offices. 20 Sui te St:, New Ytfrlt. Routines, ? umt.uitrtiiirf-. cf H?tions for PrUaner? of War, ninl fer Soldier* Cn .furlough. i'r've Mom-y, Mounties;' and Pensions secured and p.-oil. t'av, A'ceoTurfh, S6d Allotments cashvS. Ko '.Ary iv&lic uni ?.^cnir'.ssVivuK? of Deeds. Certificates of >>on-iiHlclitcitt?rs!,4rr*H-Mtxwl.. yj~ All (JoveriiincHt, Claims proiuplly(:,n*Ltysj-*e*. Communications by mt 11 *?!ll r?tc'.vc immediate at tention. KMIlliEMS. IIUil.l v KtC, tur ATTtnTtoN or Masons, ^tasinic Lodges Chapters, Coun cils, Encampments, etc, ls called to our lari;? and and carefully af-?ort?-<l stock of all ii A sb IST io v3-ot-r>s: JEWELS, EMltLKMtil, ETC. fonstairtly <m band, or mad.- to birder al lile shoVteat no- i -.icc, ami In thc bes! maimer. CURTIS & WOODBURY, 1 flit ll CEO. L- STEARNS A CO., Mi..iii.(u?trj or 1? a ton t IMPKOVKD LEA D PIPE Pur? lilock Tin Pipe And S/.tet I.nui, ll.SO, rr.iMiu -H PIC AND BAR LEAD, COPPER AND IRON PUMPS, j HYDRAULIC RAMS, A.C. ?20 Milk Street , t?:?i?tr\ BOSTON. DENTAL NOTICE. X?*?Y I- rli" time 'ur Ihofc ?ho arc wtarlljp A.rt?iV-?ai > un H ~U trr AW?v?t, Milich th-*, ocscrvt it-?-, tn ci- ' riuui'gc "lien; f-'. a set tlui.ean i..c. on :?u-. Vi i.< AVTI i ?lA?-r.. Ttfth K.rtvnrtfi liytV.c NlTHOCS < .HM, K run: | vaCULOItOKOHM ;i.i*r*?v>/j-trifnnift fai? -A'--, 7"-?;/. v.>.i?. craned .-uni r+?-r i-r- in rhc- lieut bianiu r. p. H. E^?rtET^g, ICC 10 Tremont P.ovr., l?oston. 1 .la bANIEIi JOHNSON ?Sc CO.; _ srinas is , V.iK & HenifocK v(?i? Lcftttt?H FRENtH i ANEKICAN CALF SK?NS; j IMA*, k)l'\ SPLIT LKATIliz? ?Ic., j No. 09' Mille S tree r, BOSTON. II. UKI! MO Ml, MAM i ?<:T?ktp. iii" Itlchuioud^ fonir fritters, No. M Cunniierrinl ?tl cet, cr?iia.CasK: IiOl/TON. l'dti if Brewers ol' T^hycv 33?er; H'?CK KD. 1 F RAN k LIN ST., (or!. WAS HINTON ST., WrST'ON. I ager in Hhls.. Ilnlvcs, Quarter.? und Sixths Mils ; so, in Cinurt, Pilli, ninl Hall-pint 1? rt cs, lor Ho ls and Family un-, ilollvered ut any part ol' the iv. free of expense. Orders left tu above Will be menially attended to HENKY Tl-A FT S ( M.: ?h X' ' rr.-mX-Hn St. cor?or Vl'aililn?tsn Sf. DENTAL GARD. )f.d. R. DILLIN?HAM; No. lil V?ltiter Sfreot, STO-IT. Villi tttfnt!/-t,\rcf yiixrs ex|>crlcrice ?*s niMre nrmri 1 iNseastis o? Hw Toefl), snd tlieir- cilles,, performs i.pesatirtus Up*a ll>? nutnra'. orjgsfl . lu- a in.ninrr to ure their preservation, and ?kllfnliy ?t?p'pt?es artlH?liil .stltiitcs. ..... . . Nitrons Oxyd &as, or EtVer, disoluto purity, administered with iinfatlliiK success I security io thc pnllents. , , . jnsT CLASS OrKnATiO.vs Pr.iiroaiir.D. FTICK HOVSS ? BOM ? A. M. TO 4 P. M. 1*1 "Winter ?|r#el. Gi G?EENLEAF & C0\T fyiMM ff?&M fcM s: NO. (t)4 C?TJRT STREET, tvir? cjotS4, If ?Uln&i.Cf )'** .Tlorto?* >Us? Parlor tlcrMiii, Blrrl Caarv?, . R"lotv?r Sladdu. Vire Jfentleris, Family Ar?tc?os. Every description of Wire-wcrk triade rb ?rt?ef\ -A 1.8 O DEALER IN C?N?IiV B?I?DR, GOLD Hsi{ oc3o AND GLOBES. am TUE MATt.tio.-ow irtrnETr, for thc, cure of Rheumatism, Piles, Neuralgia, ?sorel, ?j-ulnei, jSpraliiK, ?tc, lite best ?od cheapest Uni? rncct th Mut. Von?*,1.*, hr ' ? *? * L2\ O?'.O DruggWt.?? Harrison ?Tctfac. . Pat ten ? C.ii-ir ??u? unrtnttxjU EHerml KATUK^Ii wurrauteil LM aU..(?BVB to extermf] oat? cit?se roost loathsofrUB., pesUi,>. bedtwii and motliB i under carpets or Hmong woolens it is a sure) preventive,., lt,will b?t injure thc finest fahrte. Made said for tate br , i. . * ; ./. i I..&AH.TLKTT PATTEN', i o o W 17 Harrison a v?cue, corner ?caoh rtroc1. ?. BARTLETT FAIREN: _ Druggist and Apothecary 27 liarrisdri Averiue, otro (corucr Heidi street.) rr>>.?TTATIO.N BITTERS. ?,,,',. J. : ' A irre??? marty ejde hitsjire ^riB.rnadp al tho PlantalrojJ Hitlers by t p>ip"c of tup, djajntete-.stxd,friends wli*) have. endeavored to liiiUa'.e or counterfeit them. It's all of no use. T^c people won* V^oitgTmpos?d upon. Th? I'lantatior. fitters are hrtteraitnp; In ute stnK poflnlarliv ever}' day', ?.ud "that's wear's the uralter." Th cr arc lr. saine, ftUe bottle, and made Just ac they were al Orst, ano ? Ul continue lo be. or we khaJI stop malting them. Itf T>.r Plantation Hitters purify, strengthen and Irvlovr at?, j.?. , . iu'-v??'?'ii They creare a hesiffre aupctite., , . ,. . ,. They are an antidote lo change o.' water and rtlet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hour?. They slrenglheu the ?ystem aud eidlveu the mind. They prevent mir -matte, and intermittent fevers. They purify rho ifrearti and acidity of the stomach. The? eure rtynpepsia Mid cc/t*ti pattons They cure dlarrtea, eUoiera tvo-rt citolera morbus. They .cure My-er conl'pYstVnt and nors-ous headache- 4 They tri a ki: the ire'.'ik strong, the rV.njrulei brtlKant. affc. are uxliauy,>:d ^a?urc>. freat realesrer'. Xbt' Tflpz ?-b^ lull clrcu;*r|^reH?r??*t?d each hotHjp'., . riurj^vnteis mer. chants, and pt-nit's ?vli'JyC sondentary ft&bttji Inqupe weak ness, lassitude.' rn'pltntlon of UittbnrkM/VftSk of appet1ie._ distress after eating, liver complaint, coaat|pa!iou, etc. will Und Immediate and permanent rei lei in (hese Mtiers; Hut anoTe ?T., tncj. are reco?uri' to -?c.U abd cHJ? cate female and motlier?. ,.. They are *"\A by all respecta, merchant?.! See ?hr.*. each Ijr&lcJfyM ?rar c?rvate,l.'iiU Stales .?'.amp over e*s cork and sn el nlatc .Ode iabef. . , ? ih.w?rc.vf rt/tllcd ~oi*.W?- ?iee hat'.thc stampba* biif beer lnii>]-ried ?vlthS. Any per. fi prut ending to .sci". I'lantatlon linters by the gallon ls. a sw indler and Iripo* ter, and should b<- Immediately reported to ti?. ? r. II. 1)11 A KK ic CO., X. \\ rt-ojrrtctors. Eastern tr i le supplied by ^ r.ICIIAItDS. oclt? ."m lit rVamtiierclal street. Uostoo Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; fir. T?O: rtAi'in CITO: <??.' Cfoufffe?, Cold?; laliueozaj j??qra^^e^a.jG'rtvtpi, ^Btvjnoh.itisi Jnc^picpl .??i>t<?mT'tiori, r?ud for tb>o relief of^Cy>n9.yr5ptiyef Patienta in ad vanc<-'d ctftKC-3 of the disetvoo. , ^ ... SC rrtdc ls tii?- field cf its n?efclue*f and so muterons sr* the ?ascs ot tts cures, that aluiurt every sci try abounds in larsons publicly knowp, who Uave bc? stored from alanninj: mid even ojeiperutr, iliteaw'' f,r "J? ung* by its usc. When once tried, iii nue'',orili' over ererv other eN|>vctornnt is t?u apparent"c:il"- observa; lion,'and wherv ks vlrtu.s ?re fe.?-, the public no h-r^ei hesitate ? hat xntidoU to -'"V*'* ?,,r -??trcssliig and. . J_affection* ?> ''": 1'ulnionary orgaas that arc mci ?TTv^**J oar. ejinaie, \Vbile ma ny interior n-incdies dirusl uiK-nlhc T,iK;"h>ref;,to| aiKj ^ jjj^iyj U(ji hius galnnl fricnJ.? by ^.Ty ^ ftn "". afflicted they cai. ,i?yer /?, ^ in,, rurvn t<K) mrr.-as und too nrrnarltaWe tv" K^,,,^^ We eau only as-jr'.- the nubile J.. I. ". ' uiry v-e^! ur. m Hje K- ... h ever har beer:, *?J? V,'^ '. ^ br relied es to rt o fr tli-.-ir relh-f r.t! tftxt lt hai^V- ?cite.' Great tr?:r.ber.- i/ <"r?rsymeii, l'hytiioiarrf, 5t?iw_,^r' r?',? en.iuen: pecooaage:, .'.ave Jeni their naen:.- to certity i\.c pa--aU'-Jtv| ufcftttpMH vf our remedies, bm space here ?ai not permit die insertion of them. Thc Agent* below named tarnish sra tl.- our A rr mci s At.M?.vicln wlilch they arti (riven-, w->.h also fell dfscrij".lerrti of rfct cwtioHaltiH thes L-urc, Those ?ho rcqntre an nUcrndre tm<li;:?i t ta imrify toa :d.K.d will find .In:!'? C-oitc. Ksr..?jr.s?l',itaiu the rem :dy to u.?..-. Try it one?, aol you <.. iii know ii* value. Prepared by J, ? A Y Ell <? Co. Uwell, Mass., and sold ry all lirtiggUli and Healers in Medicines. v<>* dil 2?, REMOVAL. IT Fallir N. DEXTER, Sign, mid Fancy Painter, ?mis el (tm 1 ?-jlnit-D SrreH, tt. 3W !?:? n'adjioftu Siret? <JVKU Ti-*. IV KS?! 'it V'S UOOK STO?tl?; Aprrlhecar:-- anrl <Jracer's Ku'rnitnre and Ware ?rt ?.' netitly labelled. tf H. ti"Aj?RINGTCr?? is co. lob and Card Printers' NO. ri* WASHINGTON STItEET. (ri* s T .tuts.) II. >V. HAKUINOTON, JOHN. W,.MIhL. BOHTOX. ni; If ?^5. ARMY \VATOi'<.:s ^ " .. .. tsi-iiS. ^ ^r'nll -l.MOTfmenf of till C?ru????i, MI ifi*. I.os??-*t ('uah I*rlc?*a ity S. <Sr .T. MY?ERf=i ?f. H.. Qitrjiiace of b?sliiens eb s?M o-l f ate.-d.-ry H?r->ngh? it th* year. ?niocl.KI ISTor.e arl?i S.tooT?; Br?ker, , eii i ?'MA^f?r AVsBJfwJE? ti r? fit'IIE l?tlFCMATlSM.-,V<M JU! one half pint ti I w ater ? vi lnr-gls** roll of Hit. T.It. TA I,HOT'S MED* ATEO I'lNKArTI.t. CIDI'.lt, and tike evvry nrteee, mites.. Apply -hot. ??et Oanrtcls tr. the-part* tiffert'.d. d a sure cure will billow in s> short time, for ssi? evcrvwhrre. . . . . ' H_T. HAFTHTT, f-ole Agrrd. s.\?io,?T,t?3.7u,7? and74 Washington *street. New Yntk itt. IHTSTKIt'S BCI?K REM CT) Y FOR A SPECTA?? lt \ I>V.-Pent by os pres? or mali everywhere, tn ejy toalcd packages, secure from ro~ pt oV the price fir niall. Prlfe W.OO pul- r>iWM>. Ad-* Dit. H?NTEii. V?ix i'-Ct, Heston. |*t)?t Olaee. ttit Dr. M attisons Stire R?r?'?diea .. .. -- ron -? ? . ? ' .i P 13 G I A I, MA Ti A OIKS. ySetli by Express eeeri/se'rfr?; ip closely.sallied pack . * ?ci'.ut f frum. ahiyrrntinv, on receipt ot me^price^bj ?ti r./iCirctilarsj^.vltig full information^ with ?Jttfqifjii 'r'Umouinl* ; also a Pamphlet on, (jpC$\]ri Al<ltnd?M Jrep. hy e.iiclnij|ig or;c ,ilamp, tilrecled to PK. MATTI-" V, l>K0\ il?ENClf. R. t. ii273m rVTBW XOl?f/V. lie neatest am', most cnmiinet article for Pm?krr?; Isa no?ly piten ted little com nf a Pipe rallen ? N'eiv Idra." for sal? by II. CAItKUTli A Vt).? in Hai)ortT slrevt. 'lTl? (<