ALLEN COFFIN, Editor First the blade, then, the ear, after that the full corn in the ear/'-Pani. FOUR DOLLARS FEE ANNUM. Vol. I. CHAELESTON, S?TUEDAY, OCTOBER, 7, 1865. Nd 1. SOOTH CAROLINA LEADER. PUBLISHED ON SATURDAYS, WEEKLY, ? At 430 King Street, Charleston* S. C. BY T. HUELEY Sc CO. Subscription Price :-Four Dollars a year, inva riable' in advance. Kates of Advertising: For one Square of Ten Lines, one insertion, $2 00; f r e ach subsequent insertion. $1.00. A liberal discount maje to yearly, half-yearly, and quarterly advertiser?. Advertisements conspicuous lv displayed b>- special agreement. PROSPECTUS FOI! TUE South Carolina Leader. A Weekly Journal of the Times. THE LEADER will be devoted to thc interest of Free Labor and genera] reform. The Federal Government will be sustained at all hazards: and we hope that its ultimate policy towards this .State will ensure peace, prosperity, and domes tic tranquility. That self-evident truth, contained ia the Dcclara rr..:i of Independence, "'?'hat all men are created equal," will bc steadfastly adhered to. Ju matters of local concern, it will give its earnest gasport all important public measures and praeti c tl improvements. While fearless in irs advocacy of the Right, and fiank ;u its denunciation ol the Wrong, its columns will never be made a channel of coarse personal j lt v.-iil deal with principles rather than men, j ;i:.?> long adored, fu ; ruy that wrong and outrage cease. N. .\v let the pen Uesume again : .. r mind and heart ?ts regal sway. Ft) ( ure the blind, To tcacli mankind ih.w. w" ere, to find i?Vs latter ?*?V ; Tn right the wrong, T? swell ti ic throng Win, know the right and dare maintain^ TH! far and wide, ? ?Vr hind and tide, .Janice and truth and peace sliall reign; Till men shall know Thal tiley who^OW Tin- wind shall reap the whirlwind fruit; That right is might, And truth is light Ti at hears no tinsel substitute. All history long lias rampant wrong i ?n-cd human weal to human woe* Anti all the years Arc wet with tears ,;: anguish in perennial now; Ami yet to-day We shun the way ??.' peace that Hes through righteousness. While (iud und truth. And ?ove and ruth Can gi ve no more, and take no less. -American Baptist. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, BY GEO. II. BORER [Extract from a Poem delivered before the harvard : .. Beta Kappa Society at its last anniversary.] N . in y i.ur prayers forget thc martyred Chief, ' n for the gospel of your own belief, ^erc he mounted to thc people's throne, for your prayers, and joined in them his wyn. :*w thc man. I see him, as he stands '?. sifts of mercy in Ms outstretched hands ; sillily light within his gentle eyes, 'as the toil in which his heart grew wise ; ? ?.:.> Italf darted with the constant smile * kii lied truth, but foiled thc deepest guile; N ' a i bent forward, and his willing ear iy j atient, right and wrong to hear: ' in his goodness, lmnfble in his state, ^ ai his purpose, yet not passionate, :. his people with a tender hand, ?..von "by love a sway beyond command, ?nnoned by Jot to mitigate a time razied with rage, uw^rupn?cAis with "crime, bore his mission -w. Ith so meek a heart it heaven itself took up Iiis peopled part ; . when he faltered, lie?pcd him ere he fell, his efforts out by miracle. king this man. by grace of God's intent S .something better, tVceman-MPresident? ?^wwre modeled on a higher plan, r; himself, au inborn gentleman. ? ^ v ays seem dark, but soon or late Hicy touch the shining-hills of day; the evil cannot brook delay ; ' ' S< -od, it can afford to wait MISCELLANY. PRIDE AND HUMILITY, Pride and humility are always relative terms. They imply a comparison of some sort with an object higher or lower; and the same mind, actual excellence exactly the same, and the same comparative attainments in every one around, may thus be either proud or humble, as it looks above or looks beneath. In the great scale oftociety there is a continued rise from one excellence to another excellence, internal or external, intellectual or moral. Wherever j we may fix, there is still some one whom we may find.superior or inferior; and these rela tions are mutually convertible as we ascend or descend? The shrub is taller than the flower which grows in its shade; the tree, than the shrub; the rock, than the tree; the mountain, j than the single rock ; and above all are the stin and the heavens. It is the same tn the world 1 of life. F rom that Almighty Being who is the Source of all Life, to the lowest of His creatures, what innumerable gradations may be traced, even in the ranks of excellence on our own earth! each being higher than that beneath, ? and lower than that above*; and thus, all to all, objects at once of pride or humility, accord ing as the comparison may be made with the greater or with the less. Of two minds, then, possessing equal excel lence, which is the more noble :-that which, however high the excellence attained by it, has j still some nobler excellence in view, to which \ it feels its own inferiority ; or that which, hav ing risen a few steps in the ascent of intellectual and moral glory, thinks only of those beneath, and rejoices in an excellence which would ap pear tc it of l:ttle value if only it lifted a single glance to the perfection above ? Ya this ha bitual tendency to look beneath, rather than above, js the chat acter of mind which is denom- ! mated "prided" while the tendency to look I1 above, rather than below, and to feel an infer?- !1 ority. therefore, which others perhaps do not 1 perceive, is the character which is denominated 1 " humility." Is it false, then, or even extrava- j1 gant, to say that humility is truly the nobler; jr and that pride, which d. lights in the contemnla- i; cwn ui aojrci a oj .TVS rrcneaiT., IS truly itself! more | abject than that meekness of heart which is j * humble because it has greater objects,and which - ir looks with reverence to the excellence that is ? x above it, because it is formed with a capacity of j 1 feeling all the worth of that excellence which it j reveres r * * * The accomplished philosopher and man of j ' letters, to whom the great names of all who have ? ' been eminent in ancient and modern times, in ali the nations in which the race of man has risen to glorv, are familiar, almost like thc names ' of those with whom he is living in society,-who has thus constantly before his mind images of ' excellence of the highest Older, and who, even r In the hopes which he dares to foi rn, feels how small a contribution it will be in his power to ] add to the great imperishable stock of human wisdom, -may be proud indeed ; but his pride will be of a so;t that is tempered with humility, and will be humility itself if compared with the j ' pride of a pedant or sciolist, who thinks, chat, in adding the result of some little discovery which he may have iortunate4y made, he is al most doubling that mass of knowledge,in which it is scarcely perceived as an element. Pride, then, as a character ?f self-complacent exultation* is not the prevailing cast of mind of those who are formed for genuine excellence.- - He who is formed for genuine excellence has - before him an ideal 'perfection.-that semper melius aliqziid,-which makes excellence itself, however admirable to those who measure it only with their weaker powers, seem to his own mind, as compared with what he has ever in his own mental vision, a sort of failure. He thinks less of what he has done than of what it seems pos sible to do ; and he is not so much proud of merit attained, as desirous of a merit that has not yet boen attained by him. It is in this way that the very religion which ennobles man leads him, not to pride, but to hu mility. It elevates him from the smoke and dust of earth; but it devates- him above the darkness, that he may see better the great heights above him. It shows him, not the mere excel lence of a few frail creatures, as fallibly as him self, but excellence, the very conception of which is the highest effort that can be made by man : exhibiting thus constantly what it will be the only honor worthy of his nature to imitate, however faintly ; and checking his momentary pride, at every step of his glorious progress, by the brightness and the vastness of what is still before him. May I not add to these remarks, that it is in this way we are to account for that humility which is s'? peculiarly a part of the Christian character, as contrasted with tho general pride . which other systems either recommended or al- : low ? The Christian religion is, indeed, as has been often sarcastically said by those who revile it, the religion of the humble in heart; but it is . the religion ot the humble, only because it pre sents to our contemplation a higher excellence than was ever before exhibited to man. The proud look down upon the earth, and see noth ing that creeps upon its surface more noble than themselves ; the humbie look upwards to their God. . * THOMAS BROWN. Gossip is one of the meanest, as well as one of the most degrading crimes that society tol?r ?tes. FJREEDOM. For I have sworn upon the alter of my God eter nal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.-THOMAS JEFFERSON It is the inalienable right of every sane, sober, and sensible human being to do his own think ing. Not only this, but it is his duty to exer cise each and all the faculties of mind of which he is possessed. It 13 as much his duty to exercise his reason as his vision, His devotion as his hear ing, and he is a complete man only in propor tion as he ex?rcised nil there is of him. If he be wanting in Firmness, he is so much the less a man. If wanting in true moral courage, and in the power of self-defence; in dignity and self reliencc; in kindness, justice, economy, inven tion, music, affection, method, memory, imita tion, sagacity, or of energy, he is simply unfor tunate and incomplete. . Nor is he capable of being "free," in the fullest sence of that term, if he be not capable of maintaining it, defending his rights and protecting those dependent on him. If he be dissipated, he is in bonds and a slave to his appetite: if a spendthrift, a prodi gal, Le comes uuder bonds or obligations to others. But if he be developed in all his facul ties- of sane mind f.nd sound body-so culti vated as to be able to use himself, he may be FREE. Freedom is the normal condition of man. Slavery-be it of body 0r mind-is abnormal, unnatural, and is contrary to the laws of God and nature. Whoever places trammels on the minds of men, or legislates to keep them in ig- j norance or to hold them in subjection, violates a. God-given law. Foreign war is bad ; civil war is worse ; but t'avcry, to a human being, is thc very worst ?ondition to which a man, with thc attributes of Grod in Ins nature, can possibly be subjected. Next to this in the consequence of slavery, is its iemoralizing effects on those who assume to .ule over the slave, lt begets in them a domi neering spirit, which necessarily ripens into yranny. lt also begets idleness, a disinclina ion to labor, habits of luxurious living, und hence a larger license to the passions, and a esser regard for human law, human life, or h li lian liberty. It prevents the full and free de velopment cf thc slave,. fr^mrbw?r:rT."r', ?1 v/i cftir?cfxsiifp; ul LO regulate ana take care ol limself, and tends to keep him perpetually in nental childhood. Thus the infliction of one vrong begets others, and the mfr?ngememt Of j ?ights brings in its train a curse on all. For the fullest development of ali our powers ve heed freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom to act, freedom to grow, freedom to do .ight, und freedom to worship God. MR. FORNEY writes a conciliatory and earnest ippeal to the Union party to unite and not di- I vide on any present issues. The temper of this j appeal is the best, and the motives of the writer j ibove suspicion. I?e thinks we have come to a . halt, that the battle is over, that nothing more is left to fight for, and that our future is a con stant enjoyment of victory. Is there not a law ; of progress : Are we not always moving on -going from better to better in the endeavor to j reach the -consummation of national peace and prosperity r It may be the cause of the politic ian to close tli2 eyes and refuse to sec what lies in the immediate future. It may be very charm- j iug to He like lotus-caters on the luxuriant j sands, and look forever on sea and beach and j sky. But we live in a living world. There arc battles to be fought, prejudices to be overcome, frre?t duties to be fulfilled. If we rest we stag rs nate. The world moves on. The life of the Union party is active, honest thought. When God created tile heavens and the earth, it was not the work of one day, nor did ile rest uut:l many breathed. For us there is no rest. Let us have kindness and harmony and the joining of hands as brethren but no halting. Our course is unward, steadily onward, in the path of justice and principle. A good soldier never wearies of the march. ANDREW JOHNSON, in a speech at Nashville, Tenn., spen his nomination for the Vice Presi dency, according to thc New York Herald's correspondence, made use of the following lan guage on the status of the Slave : " Addressing himself to any black men who mi^ht bc within the reach of his voice, he then told them that " they were set loose and free." They had been admitted into thc great field of competition, where industry and energy alone thrived ; and advised them that, if they were not industrious and economical, they would have to give way to those of such habits, and that they would be driven from the field, if they did not work. "Freedom." he said, "means liberty to work, and then to enjoy thc fruits and products of your labor. This is the philosophy of it. Let ail men have a fair start and an equal chance anthe race of life, and let merit be rewarded without regard to color." He was for cutting the negro loose;.and he believed that in freeing the negro wc were emancipating the poor white man from a no less degrading slavery to thc aristocracy, which he again alluded to as " this infernal and damnable aristocracy," and whick he declared hirfiseif in favor of breaking up. "And in thus freeing the slave, thereby commitj ting ? great right, you destroy aristocracy, an| thus abolish a great wrong." j One cf the saddest things about human nij titre is, that ? man may guide others in ? path of life, without walking in it himself; tte'j he may be a pilot, and yet a castaway. i I LET GIRLS BE GIRLS. There are a great many be?ple who, in some j way or other, are always regretting and com plaining that girls are not premature old women. Tliey would have them full of wisdom and ex perience as Solomon or Prince Metternich: they would have them drilled into the hardest work pf the house and fenn, until they have lost life j and vivacity, and unfit for anything hut the com monest routine of domestic life. In the first morning suulight of existence tiie gravity of gray hairs is expected, and the silent profundity of an old hig-eyed owl. They must have the power ot reflection,that belongs to an antiquated cow, and the faculty of doing twenty things at once, known only to the mother of fourteen children. Tliey must lia ve an ardent admiration for science and phlosophy; they must like drab high-necked dresses, and wear their hair combed straight be hind without ornament. They must like calf- !; skin shoes and dyed stockings, and glory in hard, la-own hands and a sun-burnt complexion. They must look with uncompromising hostility on aU nice young men, and never flirt the least bit in : the world. They must read Locke,. Bacon. Sir ; Isa>e New iou, and .study the peculi?uti?s of ?pi-. j ' ders and beetles for recreation until they look. 11 themselves like the fossil remains of the British " Museum? It is no use-?irisViii be girls a* long as the < world lasts ; they will commit a thousand follies ; they will get up undying friendships, which xviii ] last sometimes a day, sometimes a week, some- ! ? times a month, sometimes a year. They will ?j have several attacks ^of the affections, just ?s i children have thc whooping cough and measles, I j during which time they imagine they shall never ' survive, and they shall die. But they don't; they j live to become quiet, industrious, sensible wives ? aSd mothers-generally a great deal too good for \ the individuals who own them. Thank goodness, < tliey will always wear pretty dresses whenever i they can get them : it is natural, and* just as s pro-per as for the flowers to take different If?cs. Those croakers who want young girls to dress in } brown and drab would extinguish the sunlight, ( would have the sky always a dull lead color, > would burn up the fresh green grass, would wither c the leaves on the trees, and extinguish the bril, c liant_tints of .the flowers. ^ able; and gentleness, delicacy, and the absence of whatever is coarse or revolting, forms one of her chief attractions to man. Are not the ideals of c man soft-handed, white-robed angels ? It is onlv > sometime after they arc married that they assoc!- 1 ate them with ?hilling calico and peeling potatoes., Then let the giris enjoy their illusions and dc-** i lttsions as long as they can. They wj-Jl wake soon 1 enough to life and its realities let them flit and t flutter out their brief hour of butterfly existence, ( which has its own charm and even use, both in contemplation and in retrospect Time will dis cover to than what it expects of them. 1 THE NIJSTE BEATITUDES OF ST. c TIMOTHY. t A remarkable manuscript, bearing unmistaka ble evidences of antiquity, has recently bern brought to light in this city, and'placed in our . hands for nspection. After careful examina tion, we lavj been unable to trace its date or authorship. There are certain passages in it which reniind us of eminent personages now living. Take, for instance, the following . . chapter, which we extract from the manuscript, ? called "Tlc Nine Beatitudes of St. Timothy," ^ to each pa'agraph of which, we ?r?ve appended the name (f thc person Whose "stylt!' it resem- j bles. Pena ps some of our Northern readers will bc abe, through it, to throw some light up on the oigin of this singular document.' We <; quote- j. 1. Blesfd is he whe does not make a cent; I for he shal have no i-ncome tax to pay.-Jolcn- I. i son, 2. Blcsed is the bald-headed man; for his ; wife eanmt pull his hair.-Brkifnall. o. Blesed is the homely man ; for the girls j shall.-not holest him. Yea, thrice blessed is he ; fer Wien he shall ask a lady to dance, she j-: shall ans vcr Mm, saying, "I am engaged for the next ti-"-Clapp. ' 4. Blesed is he who polishcth his boots, but j' not Iiis nurals-who improveth the outside of j lils lead, jut not the inside thereof: for all the ? girl; shah rise up at his coming, and pronounce . him BeiutifulJ"- b iggin. ( j 5 Blessed is who hath little brains, butbrass in abundance ; for he shall be the la die' favorite. Selah.- Gould. ? ? Blessed is the man who giveth many and colly presents unto the young ladies; for great shll be his re\vard--in a horn.-Jf4bsfet, ' ,. Blessed is the man who. is always ?at toke; for no man saith unto him, "Lend me fie dollars.":-Fields. m ? - |8. Blessed is the boy John ; for unto him no ?in ?resenteth a subscription paper.-llacdon k j 9. Blessed is the Artful^ for when he is ask ? to contribute to a "good cause," he answer . Rh, saying, "Spongers!" and straightway the Philanthropist leaveth him, and George goeth ; JU his way rejoicing.-TJvoM'm. ' ' ii . ' j j How RACE'S DIE OUT.--The method ia which lower races fuse into or escape from the higher is li mystery in its causes, but weil understood in lits result. The lower race loses its productive [ness, and dozens of extinct tribes, like the ex jtinct generations of animals', attest this. ? The red. Indian of America, the native race of* ?id the aborigine's of Australia are living examples of this rule. In fourteen years in Tasmania, a living traveller says, the aboriginal inhabitants, although numbering upward of a thousand, did not give more than fourteen .children. We may rest assured this rate any class of beings will soon exhaust itself. -^--_ J^.f , m - . j j j j ? ? ? --~ ^ ^- ? I minn MIXING THE RACES.-Tlie.PIorence correspon dentof The Tribune says: " We Europeans do not understand that antipathy which American affectation pretends^ to feel against the colored race. Alexander Dumas, the quadroon, was the guest.of princes in Europe; his father, themulat t?jWas a renowned general in Napoleon's time; his son, an octoroon, has just married the widow Princess Xariskkin. Count Puskin,thc great Rus sian poet, too, was a quadroon: so was Baron Feuchtersieben, Under-secretary of Public In struction in Austria ; and if we go back to older times, thc first. Duke of Tuscany, Alessandro Medici, who reigned from 1500 to 1537, was a mulatto ; and the Emperor Charles V. liad so lit- ' tie antipathy against negro decent that he gave his daughter Margaret in marriage to thc mulatto Duke. His portrait, with woolly hair and thick j lips, is still seen in'the public gallery of Florence j among thc Dukes of Tuscany; and it gives one ? always a peculiar pleasure .to show his dark face j to the Americans, who speak wjth horror about miscegenation. Had Messrs. Mackav and Sala I studied the question iu Europe before tljey went to the United States, they would not have made themselves so ridiculous m their correspond ence."- . Si Om Di: A D HERO.--Rev. pY.C??pi?,:m his liscourse oh thc dea'??? of our lafe "lamen ted Piv>i-, lent, said : ' ' ; j ' . "Think, think of thc load that rested on his j :iead. thc crushing-hunl?n of his. charge ! when j rou ancj. I slept safely in our cabins, our faithful j helmsman has kept thc deck fixing his eyes upon j :he stormy course he had to traverse, watching ! br the-first star to break the midnight gloom, i When we were quietly shelton! from the tem- ? >csf, he hared his brow to thc wind and thc rain. ! md trustful in God, devoted soul and bodv to his vork, had faith when others trembled, grew strom? j rer with thc supreme struggle, and saw our ban- ! ?er in the sky when all was dark to men of les- j ?er-starure." . . The reverend gentleman, rising io thc full leight of his great theme at this point of his dis course, repeatedly dieted applause, which it voulu be folly to attempt to restrain. Ile ?ontrasted herc -'that strong will, that mus cular energy of the mind belonging to the peo nore graceful, but far less enduring, attributes >f tAat ciiiv?lrv 'whose silken gloss so casilv f . * i yore oft) and that classic grace which warped and j )Cnt when hi^ unconthe.ness still steed firm and i^n'mehing.' Why should go to thc classic ?ccords of heroes ? Why amid times so grand in rial*-and, thank God. in virtues as loi'iy and complete as ever shone on earth to meet them ?eek elsewhere than in our most recent history for lie example^ that arc hereafter to animate the children of thc Republic in their efforts to make mr land the greatest and the'best among the na ions r WHERE "TARIFF*' CAME FROM.-Everybody mows thc meaning of the word tariff'-viz., a ixed scale of duties, levied upen imports. Let my one turn to a map ol Spain, and he will no ice at its southern point, and running out _into he Straits of (.i i bra Uar, a promontory which from ts position, is admirably adapted tor command ng the entrance of the Mediterranean Sea, and vatchhig the exit and entrance of all ships. A brtrcss stands upon this promontory called now, is it was also called in times cf thc Moorish dom nation in Spain, Ta rifa ;" the name, indeed, is >f Moorish orign. lt was the custom of the I Moors to watch, from this point, all merchant mips going into or coming out of the midland >ea ; and. issuing from this stronghold to levy j ludes according to a fixed seale on all merehan- j liese passing in and out of the Straits and this i ivas called: from thc place where it was levied, 'tariff" or " tariff,"' and, in this way, the word ! has been acquired. Tut: BRO KKK PEED^E.-A gentleman iii Vir- ; ninia liada boy Six or seven years old. who ' wanted to sign thc pledge ;a!l in the fancily had j lone so, biit tire father thought himitoo young ?ind wouid not let him. At last however, after much in treaty, permission was given him. Soon after the father went on a journey. At one stop ping place, away from thc town, he called for ; some water, lt did not come, so he called for rt again still could not get it; but cider was brought \ and, being very thirsty, he so far forgot himself as to drink that. When he returned home he related thc circumstance. After he had finished the little boy caine up to his knee, with his e\wes full of tears, and said, "Father, how far was you from James River ?' " Rather .nore than liiteen miles, my boy.'' "Well," said thc little fellow, sobbing, 'Td have walked there and back again,, rather than have broken my pledge 1" Oh, God bless thc. children j We have thousands such as these children, children who understand thc principle and keep to the practice. PRATER.-In the- very moment when thou prayest, a treasure is laid up'forthee in heaven. No Christian's prater fulls back from tneifcssed