H f POUT Of the lomwutUe ou Internal Jm ytortmcnt. t Th? romniiitee on Internal lm pro^BfenC to.tfhoro wa? if fern <1 the' report of the I o*r?l of I;nMu oris, ami ?o much of Hie trover u ^ ^ ^ |o Internal lieajitftflfulfy Report? ?*ve devoted#* the suh to them, all lite *fen? ant* so jntrty , merit " of informal ii>n wkl offyhe committee, has them to take as pM*bie, ill the Uitni. The teport of ISwa the house pot being so full ami explicit on some points, as could kave been wished, the comroitjee jrtfiieattd* additional information, which was cheerfully and promptly ?? furnished; /awl w here* ith submitted. % Tbelorm in whkh the ai ire presented, both hy the hoard ant, the comptroller general*, require ver\ attentive examination io order to lie understood ; nor can it be ascertained ; witb precisioii^rt in tbuK iiceounts at what particular points the several **> ^toeil^hi^iei^ct, an abstrrtfr^as IPrll made out and is herew ith sub* L ^vSSSS& 2$ viewi exptessed in relation to the tublfc ^Ihcmselvw bound bmJw ? f?jjt tbJ 5f '?&&&> TWH'4u\e-Uw?tm ie?Ht?ram ? ~.iy "4| --3 yl itrs ltfwlr callae tof com!!Ialnre hut^ Aall I , ?"M v*?u?h> o% compfawn; t>ur ttiat] ?* " 1 WHI|yiPHn ) "HI (11(11 touch the greater porno., ot I he pub Ipku^wlbt-r .to tyjwfr ^tf?wapt?WP mmM* the.r insliuctioM^or b?w neglected thnr (Itiiy., 1 he coutr*ctor? have the -2S?W mm& #>-?* on* rome* nect m*ry thnt the lep*1ature should not otfljt/ild ' |irhralf fitirr ' prise, but aeT an' example to it* ctli zena w or thy of their imitation, in undertaking and acti mplWihi^ I work* of permanent utility, rather ' tliau of great, immediate profit. If no oilier advatrtsges were to re sult from the pnht op< raiions of in ternal improvement, your committee are of opinion that tin* state baa been to a considerable, ^legree com|>ensat Kw its ex pencil lure, by the intro [datpon and naturalization of many; [industrious white laborers ariSl roe [charms ; by (lie accurate estimates we are now enabled to make of the coat of any works to bf undertaken in future? by lift* impulse which has 4wn given to private enterprise, by ramiliarishig the inhabitants in the neighborhood of the works, with the motUjjfif couductingtbem, and the practicability of overcoming obstacles heretofore considered insurmountable, and by the discovery ot materials, heretofore hidden, not only of vast utility in prosecuting the work- itself, but of gicat intrinsic value as to many objects of domestic economy. ? y TtHtt committee are how over far from cons id e ring these aa the only benefits tohe derived from tlie public works*. AU those which have tieen commenced, if prosecuted and com ? pleted, aflfe calculated, in their opin ion, to be, at ao very remote penod. of extensive "utility. Jbay ing' out iff* view for a moment, the Improvement* of agriculture awl th* increase of wealth and population consequent on tilt increaaeishfeciUtiea of tians|>ota? tion, the attraction and concehtradoi) of the comment not only m a large Hud wealthy portion of out own state (now loat it us). but a very valuable,' portion of a sister state, are objects 0M00 much political importance. tU lie hastily arid. inconsiderately aban doned. , *v , v i* J*U :? ft v 5 IK ? Jtty tbe abstract be seem tlmt - ? rtilrli have b ?&*? lMWMhe w i mr pgTliat the**. work tifijfer* mST cfijppi mittee ha pf opinion, they ahould be proaecu W *t ? toittWr Annual expenditure than obi mmmttoe '4mm aV I , ? of this great a ltd valoa le undertaking: but ttiey do most "X* doubt the propriety or Bolt nT bledgiug or se^ngajntrt ?UBtifc;' j|?ii i, ??samn?!V, tte;b#? |>$NMl^'i^||contiraciH entered prospectively^ toonnta, ift'tfJU opinion, lu an implied doubt, either of the corret'U#f^8TO our own plans, ; or pf the liberality and -Ifiteltfgeuce of cur likteworH, , , prosecu tion of a new amp extensive Svstrm mcnt, if ill nntnral lo W-n fori amliiopttfecinrta wtll| discov ered, ami ? if t, ap|*ars hr wwur couunktoe o^t ad viable to teaap U in fm power of' ibe legists-' tore annually to examine and correct 1 all cb defects aa touj be vreitJ iVlufeb of the imViivtiiitme and dis jcppdii/nicut etfpcrfclKttd from (he (M?t operation oi tlie BjMeiiiLhas in fv,mrrnn^' (;t**wi^'hfttiiig pnt*ucd ft ditfrreiit policy ) binding im . to pursue itaHr. plans ami fultfc their contracts, irirt witliHtanding any lie might discover to chatige tk one or rescind Xh* V-l* 3H ?"!? the opinion' ?><" your committee, the prominent dejecta of the prfjfcni system are the follow ing-~ I'm m, IIiai lit |jvti to tlictflWn of Hublii. Works ton great discretionary pow eia in relation io forming ci.iitr?ct?. electing lit# p?inta where the work* ?rdr In^J M09W?irP?* i^nNsew-i^W-l much h^mI' t^i o icitftg ioowntaaioit ers with cue principal mid on* amis Unt eogin?erv*Ut MfuHy adequate to the discharge of the duties of tlie end of which, a N more Of H*e sutn^ftwohu! m* ??ence. w? mil inajtund enty UinotartMl dollars ate- already which they have heretofore m?d?\ Oolumt>i*f ind the loek* ; at OfAB^yliflrt'tHar {he balance be ap plied by the board in complying the bridges ami tnusfway^pii tbOse R aN A W A\T frond the | ?*tftc tent h of $kp? ? irmb et tent, ? yctow Nrgio Fellow Ir tht 9 name of H AM II. I ON ; *> or tfrmf-tfere* years' of hiM* with gray b*i k n^myon'M trpp** fews D ap*k?? 4o, Is* a pleafcan* JJjwf kbov*,*t*?iu and a|l' eik*? bo paid to itiy ?ebevr|FF HotettMHi WHdwift. luteliifitq5$S^Ttqilwt* ***** fc* 4 toward their t^cc^Ua to * Ottce, Georgia, for i># - T> ht'y\ yt'^Mr'WT * 1 '*?? * ? A. , t ? ? > Notice* |,1*a of 100 #& o. Al*bet?lte biatrki, grimed uuhtoft. in f ihc |*#f7l7fi6' Mr or oifi.er haa appeared. age, a tnidcln Wftci and b*a courtc?,*nc Bounty, $Pl tbVa ib itoftfcQ* fc? 1.? - CAMDEN THURSDAY* DfctKMUFR *7, ISBN. In consequence of arrangement* whifh | have been made fer the iitopraveOMtt ok our paper, it s publication was unavoidably delayed last week-- It will be pufctiahed tin* der its present title until the 6 rat of Feb Aiary, m order to supply tboae numbeta which have bailed, alter which, ita title Will be tbo Soutu-Carouma Hkuod. - I the Legislature I Having been jjngaged in, business all adjourned ywevday morning about I o'clock. ' They passed during their ting; twenty-seven acta. i At tbia titnW, we have barely an opportunity to give their captions. Hereaft# we shall no li ccjiicm more at large. * + [,*Afler (he business of ,tbe legisla ture wns dosed and im uetHatelj; pre vious to the adjournment, the follow ing resolution was unanimously p*i* ] ed by the Senate : jif ^tyeaolved uoanimooslroHhiat the' thanks of the Senate be tendered to the Hon. ' Benjamin Hoger, for the able; indefatigable and impartial dis charge of the arduous duties of- the chair, during the term lie has presid* ed ovtt the deliltefations of thisbotty, ^ jPyg^jj >J-* "?* ~ The fetling, ami in mi etegaat.and< fled manner acknowledged (lie ?$ menta of the house towards hii ? "e cannot presei our renders with * cop\?jf It. j-Mjl About the same time hi tbe House - Representatives, the followi resolution wis offered : 4 * j ; wjkesolved unanimously, That i thimks of this House be presentei to Patrick ^Tlobte,, Esq^.tSjie for the " side and? imiMrtial mi S*ith which he has discharged 1He srr j duons duties of the chair; in which Station he baa so happily combined , accuracy of judgment, *itit amiable- j ness of temper and courtesy of.* " oer. -*v Loomed h? seat fattemen tinued kin J'feel entresi^oa to thanks. - m SJP . l|.a ?nsTnhr ^tianiianir^ nfr *eaiou8rwcnar?e of - m jVjHH ituw -- -feafrJi. ^ UKlevmltng cppfttflfet . out M| a iMtlum ?rrwl palifmlm,^ I I,, period M? riaifr arrived, when ' ijie commoti bond which heretofore curry with me Ut my rrieiHhi.^ And to yotf, 1 ?m sure, will your coiiiTi tueats **m\ the Well Mined ap. which i* elwiye beetowrd H|?on mi upright, indent and enlfefttHted pofttjl that inta for kg ?MiMiMht iamtas& , lie lore Ihid you adieu, wrnut ed ackiww h-dgmeui*, Mid tekhjdore Matrtiea our ua, to roi.ducl' Vm ki which And their a{prO|irt|Ue re?i dtnce in the domeatk circWv ? uafi* acts. An act making approprfrtieba for ike year 18*t, and tur oUne the election oi iW;>lQa fli; j raprenetH said districts, and for other purposes therein mentioned, ah act to provitle more effectually against the 1 offence of harboring ne gro slaves. . l' ; Ail set /to rewevt the inhabitants of certain islands oil the sea coast, .from the opetttifc) of the road laws in certain particntafo* t An set to prolong the sitting of the Cpurts oilommon Fleas aud General Sessions, for the districts of Hichland and Lexington, and to fix Mhe holding die t>urt of state in th* ei^lilrentli Ccn^rrns ! uf die United Htnies. An act to prevent fraudulent co n.' frsskm of judgment* ; ami to facili tate ths cou(eMion of judgment* by the conseut of parlies. An act to authorize the erection of suitable buildings for m lunatic asy lum, and a school for the deaf and dumb. ~ An act respecting the matter and commissfcners in TSquitjrf and for other purposes. [\ An act to give to the commission ers of the poor of Peudlelon* Ker sban^Lsncaster, and Georgetown clistriH die power to purchase land, and build, poor-honses thereon, for tbc maintenance and support of the /.andJforW<*r porpbfs ^te la mentioned. ' An act to vest in Elisabeth We* ibuMiid m (n ad to ve?t in the City Council of Charleston, jwwer to grant li censes to- retail grocery and persons the John's IMnnd Soofetj. ? ^ authMbhlg another regi ment of mHitia to be raised and or gs ni zed in the district or ?srti#ell, and for other nur|Wi?i J* ? An act to HuthorizeJUkhanl Henry Wilde, Robert K. Meidt, and others, I to i>rs^iai in the Courts of Law afcd 8PM-. rk'' ' Axiintmeiil* ?#pp ?M the'followin# rewlutiw. u> wJMMf Off Uepnpenlaiive* of ifo