GAZETTE IJV TILE ADVERTISER. [Na 4. ?TJfS PUBLIC GOOD OUK ?AD. ? -f -g vr "HLJ?T- i-xm - PUBLISHED WEEKLY 15 Y JOHN CAMBRIDGE. Terms. ? three dollars per annum, pay able in advance ; an^l in all cases where papers shall be delivered at the expense ofc the Editor, the price will be thukx dolla h s and fifty cents.. No paper discontinued, but at the option of tlie Kditor, until all arrearages are paid. jii!\'tftutcivcyit* not exceeding twelve lines, inserted three times lor oue dollar, anil twenty-five cents for each continuation. If no directions are given with an Ad vertisement it will be continued till for bid. ^ Garden Seeds 1 Just awived fyom New-Fork and J\Tew- England, of the growth of I SCO, and for tale, wholesale and retail , by i*. Thornton, -jj At the I'QMt- Office* Camden. 'Which is removed to the opjxisite side, Two doors below James S. Murray's, Jsjbjtows : Early York Cabbage do. Sugar Loaf do. do. Dutcii . Vto| do. Battersca do. do. Penlon 'do. do.; Amsterdatft do, , (a new and choice Kind) Drytfn Head winicV , f Cabbage Scotch Kale f IS ; ffl do. Purple Broc( $3mh lioodor .|ga?wer^ Mammotn Croen Ti m V I fcotiS Early ^ foMPCkjctV Nutmeg Mellon Cftiiifek>pe do ^'^11 i !? ?'"?? r T Clutter f ndo ttrfdo iy Yellow Bush eaifr:'fj |pP?f: SpecklccV do Kidnef or Liv er _ if BIX week com fort Heaps :;j3pj ?le Cranberry do q ! Bush do I Dutch Runners do ? Liinm do j White Albany Bush Beans i Helegolaftd Be|ns WindsotH* Early Magazine do 1 Lucerne 5P French I Clover' ; White Dutch CfM [ $ er ' Red dfe I ! Guinea Grass , i Saint Foin oMfofl U?? : ?SX ! English Rye do f Buckwheat Grain ?P^ - ? "fei-; Irish Potatoes* AND ' I^Seworleans indigo, 1 Of a tvfierior quality , WHOI.E&ALE AND RETAIL. -4*1* addition to ibc above* the ftttb?criber |1>*? recwNw'trif the growth of i8go, a I L !L stable ay un ion to them, and endeavor jeHBMccofnmodation in trust will entitle them gjfjtflr Patronage. ? ? ? H P|p#& Drakefofd. . , 18, 1821. 3?? 16 Gazette, Columbia, Ad a, and Observer Fayette ited' to publish the above ifend their accounts to tins otice. ber intends to leave rend of this yeaf^ and se his business. All n by liote or open ac and make satisfactory iediately and save cost. William Niton. 43- ? (f scribers request all person* in hemi to come forward im roed nake-such arrangements for th f their accounts, as may be sa|is JWurray Robinson. 5, 1821. notice. sons having any demands against gf Samuel Laughorrty c'.cceased, Kt*l (o render amounts duly I lft*?n the tiWie prescribed by law. ! lebted 1 6* said estate, are request- j e immediate payment. Frarifcis All un^JJdrh'r. A Laughochi dtreasnl , 1 S, 1 83hj. ' Leather for* Sale. ? i ? ? [ . 700 pounds Skirting good quality, Bridle, Hole and U|)|mt do. I Wholesale or retail, at reduced pri ces for cash, by ? Clark & JWICenzip. April 47? LNWtqUITF?( lamden District . February. Tirm, 1821. Robert Cunningham "J <^tnf.p.S.B|iley,dec. I neliff Smith k others, J * , persons having any demands the ejftate of the late Dahikl S. , deceased, arc hereby notified to them by legal proof, before the oner of thrCotrrt of Equity, on ^ first day of June Term next,' r receive their dividends of J. Carter, Com. JSq. C (linden, Much 8, IBS I. 45? . , New w>ods; ^ Thesjibscribers have just received a part of their supply of SPRING G O ODS consisting of the following articles : 6-4 Cambrics, - ? 6-4 Cambric Dimity, very fine, Corded Dimity, low priced, I 7-4 aud 8-4 cotton Diaper, I 6-4 Carlisle - Ginghams, 'J amboui cd Robes, - .4-4 and 6*4 Jaconet Muslins, plain and Ttonboured, r 6-4 Tamboured Lenoes, $-4 ? jdo \ t book Muslin, 4-4 Superfine checked Gingham, 1 4:4 Striped , i ? ? Notice. ' ' : AH persons having Jfemands against Patrick Maxwell , deceased, late of Cam den, Tailor, are requested to render them according to law ; and, tho*e indebted to him to mike immediate payment to ^ ppy~--?tDroc> ?dm'r. 7 Notice. ALL persons indebted to Reusr* Hamming; deceased, are desired to made I immediate payment and, those having demands against himtO render them to me according to law. 'm ^ Busannah Flemmiug, ? j JidnfrXm JR. jFlcmrning . I ? 1 ? Mtf 17. vV: ?? ? Notice. All pe rionsTITkl eb ted to tfre subscribers, are r guested lofaake immediate payment as no longerjmdul^eixe can be given. , John- While % Co.. Camden, May 3, 1821. ^ 50 " ? Notice ? I hereby forewarn any person ffom buying nr trading for ? promijify Note for five hundred dollars, made payable the )6th of January last, given to Furnifold Jurnigan, as the same has been fraudulent ly obtained, 'and I am determined not to pay the same, unless compelled by law. Hairtwell Hertford. March 8, 1821. .1. . ~ . 42? tf ^ : Notice' ~9: I i v ' ? \ Samuel Lopes 8c Co. bave. deposited their demands with me. Notice is hereby given, that if immediate payment he not mide, suits will be instituted thereon. JtL Billiard. & .. September 7, 1820. # . 21? LAW! l.EVY fc M' WILLIE, having extend ed their Oo-Partnerahi|>, wjll continue to practice in the Court? of L&\y fie EQUI TY, with renewed lUujence; and may at all tiroes be found at thelF respcctfvO Offices,, in C amden and Co|tif?t?ia December 7, 183?. , / S3 tf I ? - - * - " ????-' ?? ? " " . Notice. . Persona IndaRHed to the estate of John Walker, are again it-quested to makfc payment* a? 1 ano desirous of closing the aAHnistration as s6on as possible. . CHARLES Jf. SHANNO*i, , V , ddrn'r J. Walker. February 8. , 41? ?? ? '?? ? """? 1 ' ' ? < Thoapas Warren, t RET^mtfS hit thanks to his friends and l^e public, for the liberal encourage ment he has received shfce hia commence ment in Husfftess, and itiforffla them that he has lately received a large stock of the best Mahogany and other materftlls for car rying on the M Cabinet Making Business. > He therefore flatters himself from his own knowledge In tike business, and having employed the best workmen from the North, that he wUt be able to supMT public with all Pmof KurniturdB best quality, newest paterna aiul oril most reasonable terms. flfe*Kere] .hopes by assiduous attention, to merit a continuance of past favors*. October 26 ' ? tf JOHN HENRY SPENCER, TAILOR. Respectfully informs the public, that he has reduced his ptices and warrants his work done in the neatest mannar, ami shortest notide. First rate Coats, 5 Dollars l)o. Frock do. 5 do# Do. Pantaloons, 1 50 Do. Vest, 1 50 < N. B. Also warrants to fit in every arti cle: in his line of business. He will cut out any garmnt for those that wish to make them at home, and at a low price. Camden, April 12. 47? -f * To Rent, . . - The HOUSE formerly , occupied by Mrs. ftay-r-For terms apply to James Clark . .. U- May 3, 1821. rj.f 50? i '<> For Sale or Rent. A Tfraci of liitul oil Swift Creek, adjoining JVlrp. 'Hopkins ahd Mr. Ueap' land-? containing 212 acres, original survey;,' The above land belongs to Joseph A^irithrop, esq?> and whereon lie jmphly planted,? ? For terms enquire W. \ LEWIS ClfLES. Camden, April 13. 47? tf In the Common P^g^ ' Willis Alsohrook, ""J . ^ * . , !>?? > Attachment* Arthur Bqpker, J Vf. WHEREAS the Plaintiff in this case did, on the I4tli day of June* in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty, jllfe his declaration in the Office of this Honorable. Court, against the De fendant) who ia absent from and without the limits of this State, .and has neither wife nor attorney kiiowfti wjthin the fame, upon whom a %opy of th$ sai(l declaration* wh a rule to plead thereto within. a year and a day, might be served \ 1 1 is there Or dered in . pursuance of v the, Aci of the General Assembly itjkthat case made, and ptovjded, that the..Wefeodant do t ap'Jjear and plead trj ihi> : naid rW.lnrtitinri) ..nivW before the 1 5th day o^ June, which wiy be in the Jrear of our f-OWl cine thousand eight hundred and twent)wne,. otjiecflue final and absolute ju^meirtt will thefjflb &iven and awarded against hira.^ . Tliomas P.JBvans, q. c. W Office of Gorarnop PleaR Kershaw District, June 14, 1820. ?.w,_ . . lit the Common Pleasf ' r j ^ John Gooch, 1 Vv.k vt*;\ v Attachment . Jesse Hood. J .? * ? WHEREAS the PlaintifHn this case did, on the 14th day of June*inthe y&t of our Lord one, thousand eight hundred and twenty, file his declaration in the Office of this Honorable Court, agajsst th$ Defend ant, who ia .absent from and without the of livnitf of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the tame, upon whom a copy of the said declaration,, with a rule to plead thereto within a year and a day, might be aery^d: It ia therefore Or dered, in pursuance of the Act pf the Genenal Assembly in that case made and prpvided, that the Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on ov be. (ore the 1 5th day. of June, .which will be in the year of our Lord otfe thousand eight hundred and fwenty-onfc, otherwise final and absolute judgment Will then be given and awarded Against him. Thomas P. Evans, c. c. *\ ?? Oflicf x>f Com mop PleaS, . Kcrshattr District, June 14^ 4 820. ?,? . ? * - 1 / Ranaway . f*KOM the Subscrib er pn the 15th Dgeem ber laat, fioar (pRFla* Rofck above Camden, a Ncfcro Fell&v named riKJv, , about $fcet 4 or 5 inch high, 28 yearrf, oldj "black and well built, he lia% lobt a f>ci?e of hit right ear, some large scars on hi* back, stoppage in | bis speech, si y fookf be may follow wag om into North-Carolina where he came from, had On 9 new woolHat, broad cloth Sartotit Coat with a lerge Cleric to it* 7'he Subscriber wishes the earliest f Information ff he is caught or lodged in ntf <5 i63t. To Boarding House and Ho* , ? tel. Keepersj[flH|| " , . FUB.t4AL&, ~M ?? [ ' ^ 4 1 '?y ? THE Premises, situated . on the Cori ners ot King and Market and York and MarketStreets, Camden, recently occupi ed by >V? V,sughan, lisq. They are close to the Public OfficeSftond, would be well suited^.: for either a Private Hotel ; org a Boarding Mouse* . . ^ Frame is fKvjt ready to be evicted j .so *s to afiofd every possible; facility to a purchaser, < Who has either of those ob^eqts in v^ew. yhe \vhole> i Prppertyr&hewing three fi$Hls~, frith evcjry v 1 necessary out building, and, among them* an e*celU^t Brick Store House, Smoko House, &c. would be sold on favourable* Terms. Apply on tbe Premises. . Camden, December 1 19 S3 tf '? hjyS. Good Pap6r would be taken in parent. . ^ ?ALSO-? . f). v.% v i A Tract of 250 Acres of Lsi)d, withinf three miles, of, Camden,*, well calculated for any onfttacomiqg thep^rchasrr of thai abpve property ; apply wmf-- * ? ??|P>?e. M ,T) _ m . Francis tyfotherriiesd of this pi strict^ tolls before trie a grey Horse, a' ill 4 f^et 6 inches high,, 12 or 13 yesre .old, lias lost? his left eye, trots B\d racks, no visible t>t$nds appear? ^Apprized at Thirty Dol lars.# 3 William JohvRon, J. P. itujasteTOistpct, Msjr 3l 2? i '.i i in * Jin Estray Tolled before fnfe by Sinclair Limbackrr ?f Sumter District, a BAY HOR6E* with black mant and tail, about *ix yfcars old,' fourteen hands and a half high, rubbed on each side of the neck |rith the bridle reins, a star in his fice.? -Valued st forty dollars, 1.0. Mi this, V. Sumter. District, April 5, 1 82 1 . ? 49? Strajed or Stolen^ .From a farm near Rocky Mount, on. the 1 8th of March5 mst a dark ft A t MAfcE, *bout thjrt&j hands hiffh, and si* years old. , M tbtt is white, about tyf }* a .mart spot, of >h? size of a jMIIim on ttie off aide ne^flter shoulder, and a few scat tering about her face, occasioned 1>y the ctiafeing of tbe halttr., . She has a k awich^dlrand a thick black mane, of which i a little on the under f>ai t has been cut oflD^ The hair about her leg* is long and al.aggy,* ancl ahe has ntver been */iod ; (she is strong* ly formed, being partly of the Canadian breed. Any person who will deliver the saidTnareto Zachnrlnh GHtton, liyingnear Hooky Mount* Fa'rfield District, 8011th CaroliAa, or who Will fciT? **y information tlut may lead to ihe tli^ovcry of her, shal^ rcoeive an ample ?.nd s'af la factory reward? f March 33, ? ?? a '? * ujs ,