Camden gazette and mercantile advertiser. (Camden, S.C.) 1818-1822, April 13, 1820, Image 1

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CAMDEN GAZETTE AJSTD MERCANTILE ADVERTISE Voi.. IV.1 CAMDEN (S. C.) THURSDAY, ^RIL 18, 1820. THE PLBLIC WILL OUR GUIDE? THE PUBLIC GOOD OUR E * ? A M [Nft 808. PUBLISHED Wj&EKLY , BY JOHN CAMBRIDGE^ Terms . ? thkkk dollars per annum, W9* able io advance ; and in all caaes where papers sball be delivered at the expense of the Editov the price will be trbki dollars and fifty csnts. No paper discontindd, but at the option of the Ed itor, until all arrearages are paid. - Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines, inserted three times for' one dollar, and twenty-five cents for each continuation. If no directions ate gi*en with en Adver tise men tit will be continued liH forbid. Hi . i, ii i i .1 * r ? . CfEOROfi FORBES, / Has jut received an assortment of ^00K8 AND STATIONARY, In addition to his former assortment, which he wiH sell oft vary reasonable terms? Where may be bad, Almanacks for 1820. BOOK-BINDING executed with neat ness and: despatch, on low terms; Camden, Nov. <8, 1819. ^ 88? ? Entertainment, At the mg* of the Back. THE subscribers bavd taken that large and commodious HOUSE lately occupied by C|apt. Havls, and tender their services to the ptjbllc in the line Of their business^ The buildings have recently und ergon ^complete repairs.? They pledge them selves til keep constantly en hand, every ar public patronage. WELSH MMVTH. 30^M^wlBr> 8 1 -tf? . I, . ? i .. I I I I III ?! ' 1 i 1 ' . " An Estr&y. vl THE fcev. JOSH RUSSELL Tolls before ma* a Sorrel Horse, about 14 hands and one inch high, seveo years old, a Statin iiis forehead* , has saddle and erable good order, appraised at, doll?jrfctUU iStfa iMMM. Francis L. Kennedy, U. Q. "liver, Kembeu settlement SutriV i ? , "<?> ?-> *ii|- tftff' -i- -m ? Js. 77 m-m-m Tavern . ;tHE subscriber ^respectfully informs his friends and the public In general, -that lie- has opend *y How* of Entertainment,^ M Lancaster Couft-House, at the Sign q* I the Eagle , formerly occupied by IV. it. | Dickey, From his long experience in the line of bis business, he flatters himself i he will be able to give general sat " to all those who may ?cell on , House is large and convenient Delation of travellers? his ill be fumllhed with ||he best' the can afibrd^hts Stabiee are large tished with the best of provender. Cat atid judge for yourselves. John Davison. J , . Mtijpw,, dctjlj tyi9. . 84?? mi xne nself that" lUsfactiotti Wateree Plantation for Sale OH A LONG CREDIT, v ^ THIS Estate, known by the name oi Rocky Branch, consists of IfcJl teres el I, AND, ascertained by resurvey, situate on the Wateree River, eight mile*. above : Camden, hating nearly fcve hundred acre* of cleared Land, and about the ?tme quan tity ol tn excellent quality for the culture of Cotton, Remaining uncleared. This situ ation is remarkably healthful, and baa on it one of the beat Orchards in South Caroli na.^ Persona\liapos?d to purchase, will make theirapplicationa to J. Garter. ? ' Com . E<J. Camden District . Camden, March 9, 1820. 302 ? tf Xy*Thtt* ar* few situations in the Carolina* so eligible aa the above. It it + admirably watered* and as well fitted for a gentleman's residence, aa any in the Stjte ; it flftay be made to utiite the advan tages of planting, with those of farming for a sale of the products ot which, it hit the market of Columbia and Stateburg, (distant about So miles,) as well aa that of Camden. Its situation on the River will give it etery advantage to be expected from the opening of the Wateree new about to be rendered navigable from the Mountaina to Camden, by the Portage being formed at Rocky Mount* and, ft lies near Where the road will in all proba bility be marked out to connect Camden andiCharlottet N. C. The ?ditora of the Charleston Couritr is requested to insert the above twig# a week, for three months} and the Raleigh Register, weekly for the same time, and send their bills to this Office. In Equity. William Ballard, "J vs. .> Rebecca Ballard, J PURSUANT to an order of the Court of Equity in this case made, will be sold before the Court-House in Camden, on Monday the 17th of April next, a tract of land belonging to the estate of Lewis B allard* deceased ; situate in Sumter District, oa Beaver Dam, waters of Black River*. containing 200 acres (more or less) bounded by lands belonging to James Lo gan, Joseph Lockhart and Sutton. The terms will be a credit till the 1 8th day of November next, for half the pur chase money, and until the 1 8th day of November 1831, for the other half; with interest from the date.? Purchasers to give ajmortgage-of the property, and good per sonal security, and pay lor titles. J. Carter, ?\ * Conj. Eq. Camden District* : March 23, , Jrj* ?/ ;.;205 ? 8 1 ' ' ' ? "? ?" In Equity. Joan ^ ~u9' John Stewart, etaL J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Marthavl**tta, Samuel Latta, Thomas Latta' and Sarah Latta, reside \without the limits of this State, it is there fore ordered that the said Defendants do appear to the said Bill, on or before the first day of June neat, or an order will be made, that the said Bill be taken pro con ftsso as to the said Defendants, , fife* ^ ^aner, ^ Com, Eq. Camden District. Notice. ALL Persons having demands against John Cook, jun. lat&o? Kershaw district, Ovcrseer,arercquired,to rander them ac-i make immediate payment to John M'Caa, iqt'f. Jo/in Cook, jun* dewed* ? March 9, 1820. 203 Notice. THE Subscriber has this day dectifwd the factor *ge and Commission Business , in favor of Mr. OQTAVIUS CRIPPS, on his own account.' He feels greatful to hia friends for the liberal Support they have for many years part fav&ed him with, and is highly gratified with the confidence. Ihay at all times reposed in hitn, in the, disposal of their Crops and other property, for which he returna them his most sincere r thanks, and flatters himself liis successor will endewvor to merit their approbation, by theatrictest pun&ualityand attention tot their eomniaftds, shoukjghe be honored with them* ? gU ^ FRANCIS G. DELIESSELINE. Charleston, 1 4th Feb. 1 820. ? ; . ? . ; ? v ? JN QtlGC# - S | THE Subscriber will hereafter conduct the factorage and C ommUiion Business , lately famed on by Mr. F. G. Delikbsk hne> and will be thankful t6 hia friends for the eontiimtnce of the same liberal pat ronage and confidence bestowed on him, and topes, to merit th<e same, by his punc tuality and attention to business* OCTAV1US CRIPPS. Charleston, liln Feb. 1820. r^-.-r Notice* ALL persons having any demands a gainst the estate of Dr? Johw John sow, de ceased* ere requested to present their ac counts properly attested within the time prescribed by iaw*-Thoae Indebted to the estate will please to make immediate pay ment. Jane Johnson, Mm'#. Lancaster* J art. 6, 18)0. 96? Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Janes Blakbwey* deceased ; are request* td to make immediate payment. And those Jping demands s gainst him^are request ed to render them Itifally attested, with)n the time prescribed by law, to Thomas Pi Evans or myself. Mary Illakeney, ?4dm*rx. J a met Blukcney, dec, January 30, 1830. *97? tf ^BLANKS FOB BALE AT THIS OFFICE. Selling Off. THE subscribers informs the public that they have taken the Store opposite 10 Mr. Catonnet, where they offer for tale their stock, consisting of FANCY GOODS. Persons desiring to purchaser by whole sale, will find a great bttgain, as we in tend to leave this place siwrtly. -Also for sale a likely Chair HORSE. Depras & Villatte. March 93. 205? tf ~~ FOR SALE. A Dozen WIADSOR CHAIRS, Phi ladelphia make. Apply to James Clark. December *3. 9 3- ft V FOR SALE. TWO and a half dozen best Philadelphia Rifled - James Clark. . Camden, Oct. i8, 1819. * . IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Sumter District. Ara ,*wra Jamet WH did, on rear of foreign Attachment* 'V . ? j* VV .. __ ?? . 7 --!? EAS the Plaintiff hi this case ? 16th day of Ocjbb&r, in the rlLordone thousand eight hun ? I, file their declaration in !is Honorable Cot who i% absent its of this w^fojior attorney k , y> nwght toeacrved: His Sd, In pursuance of tfc* General Assembly In that cm* provided, that th* Defendant d& pd to the aaid declaration; iX'StS?*! ^ijund^tDd twenty; . absolute Mtaicnt will p.. 1 Office of Common Pleas, Sumter ^istrict, October Id, 1819. j: IN THE COMMON PLEAS. s - v 7- ?? ?' % . < ?. V- < ? ' did, on the 16th day of October, in the I year of our Lord one thousand eight htm* dred and nineteen fife their declaration in *ha Office of this Honorable CovW, against the Defendant, who is absent fironUand without the limits of this State, and hat) neither wife nor attorney knowiiwiibH? the same, upon whom a copy of the Mid de claration, with * rule to plead thereto with* in a year and a day, might be served : It is therefore Ordered, in pursuance of the Act of the General AstemblV in this cafe made and provided, that the Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration* on or before the lftb day 6f October, which will be in theyesrof our Lord one tbon* sand eight hundred and twenty, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him, , ' . ' I. ~ J I. G. MAT HIS, C. C. P. Office of Common Pleas, Sumter District, October 1?, 1819. i , ! IN THE COMMON PLEAS. T. V T. MUn, ?) vs. V aee in Attachmen t. Jerome Loringy J xkrHEUEAS tlie Plaintiff's in W this ca?e did, on tbe 2?th d?y of July, year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, file their declara tion in the Office of this Honorable Court, against the Defendant, who is absent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wifenor Attorney known within the j same, upon whom a Copy of the said dec laration, with a rule to plead thereto within a year and a day* might be served; It is therefore Ordered, in pursuance of the Act df the General Assembly in that case made and provided, that the Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on | or before the 27th day of July, which will be in the year of our Lord /one thousand eight hundred and twenty, otherwise Anal snd absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against hitp THOMAS P. EVANS, ?. C,P. Office of Commbn Plea*, Kershaw District, July *6, It 19. ? ^,'1 IN THE COMMON PLEAS. John Carney, 1 t vs. > in Attachment. James B. Berry, 3 WHEREAS the Plaintijfjn this case did, on the 15th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and nineteen, hie his declaration ia the Office of this Honorable Court, against the Defendant, who is absent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said de claration, with a rule to plwi there*? with in a year and a day, might oe seived: It ia therefore Ordered, ih puisuance of the Act of the General Assembly in that case made" and provided, that the Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or be* lore the 16th day ol November, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be givco and awarded against him. 7 Thomas P. Evans, C. C. P. Office ol Common Pleaa, Kershaw District, Nov. IS, 1819* IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Join ^ Jam* Callahan , m9n4' WHEREAS the Plaintiff In this case did, on the - - year of Lore. and t*ea??kfile his declaration In the tft&Ce^of thia Honorable Court, again* the Defendant, who is albeerft from and (* tt tfck State, and baa er wife nor attorney known within the iretowithm mm ku aJ 'T? IB Ordered, m pursuance eC the 1. a wembly ih that caie *r^p Defendant do declaration, on January, tfhieh Lord one thou* Hi other* Witt then Souifa!8Z<Mi??Lanca*tar Dittrict. ~ THE COMMWTLEABL , vs> V v Case in Attachment. 1 Matthew Hoed. J . WHEFtEAS the Plaintiff in the abore I case, having this day fled his declaration [in the Office of the Clerk of this BtmorSbltf I Court, against the defendant , w ho is absent I from and without the limits of thia State, ? ^Mm^ofpettoro^foown peii whom a copy of Miff .Jth ffhtte to* plead there* FSviriUiln a yeit end's day might be served t It is therefcra 'Ordered, That UKe said defendant do appear and plead to the said irmffiT! ****&?&!"* ** our Lord J twitety? ot mem tlU be hich will be In the year of ;h< hundred anil utejudg ~?gai?* Clerk's K^er C. C. P# trict, WW ? Benjamin S. MasrijgT""?"" and Henry Mawey,' ' r Attachment in ??. , /* Jta*umait% Archibald Couaar. J ^ THE Plaintiffs in thia case, having this day filed their declaration in the Clerks Office, against the Defendant, who is ab sent from and without the limits of this State, and hath neitfcar Wife nor Attorney known within- the same, upon a copy of the said declaration, with a rtile to plead thereto, within a year and a day, might be served. It is therefore osdored, that the taid de fendant do appeai and plead to the said de claration, on or before the22d day of May neat, which will be in the year of our fx>rd one thousand eight hundred end twenty j otherwise judgment will be, given and a warded against hiMli **,- i i t WM. M'&ENNA, C. C. P. . Office qf Common Pleao . i Lancaster District y May <1 1,1819. yaffil ' " -- ' " 1 * ' Just ttcceived, - AND for MUe by tbe Subscriber 2S do*, best NEWARK CIDEfi. C. ?. Catonnet. March ?S. ' ' * 305? tf