CAMDEN J.V Jt MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. You 1V.1 CAMDEN (8.C.) THUB6DAY, APRIL 6, 1890. ' [No. 207. THE PL B LIC WILL OUR GUIDE? THE PUBLIC GOOD OUR EAI). PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN CAMBRIDGE. "Term*. ? three dollaus per annum, pay able in advance ; and in all cases where pa;>crs snail be delivered at the expense of the Editor, the ^ice will be thru*. bollmTs and fiktytihts. 73 o paper (Uscontined, but at the option of the Ed itor, until all arrearages arc paid. vfj vcrtiaemrnt* not exceeding twelve lines, inserted three times for one dollar, and twenty-five cents for.eatfi continuation. II no directions are given with an Adver tisement it will be continued till forbid. . GEOKGii FOUBES, Han junt received an assortment 0/ BOOKS AN1) STATIONARY, In addition to his former assortment, which he w?U seil on v?ry reasonable terms? \Vhcre nifty be had. ? Almanacks for 1820. ROOK-HINDI N(i executed wiUi neat ncss and despatch, on low terms. - ? r ' Cnlnden, Nov. 18, 1819. 88?*' - 1 -* 1 Jto rite r tain men 1, Jit the sign of the Buck. THE subscribers have taken that large j and commodiou4 MOUSE iately occupied by Cap*. Hai\is, and tender their services to the public in the line of their business. The buildings have recently undergen - acomplete repairs, ? They pledge thtm .sclvea to keep constantly on hand, every ar ticle necessary to the coi^fort and satisfac lion of those who may be pleased *0 call on them. They therefore solicit share of the public petrouage.jt ' .. ? WEK8H 8c SM YTH. Camden, Sept. 30, 18 1#. m " jjl-t?? jfcn Bstray . -fflE Rev. jnflN gttfSSELL TollT btfws Vft, a Sorrel Horse, about 14 hands and one inch high, seven years old, a Star in hi* forehead, roach mane, docked tail has saddle and harness marks 1 he is In tol erable good order, appraised' at sixty-five dollars, this 12th day of January 1870. Francis L. Kcnnffiy, U. Q^; Black River, Kembert settlement Sum ter District/ ^ 5 H M V'1 The Eagle Tavern, THE subscriber respectfully informs liis friends and vhe public in general, * that he has opend, jfey ' * A How to of Entertainment) At I^mcastev Court- House, at the Sign oj the Eagle, formerly occupied by \V. Dickey . Frqm his long cxjrcricnce in the line of his business, he flatters himself (hat he will be able to give general satisfaction to all*\ho?e who n>ay call on him. , His House is large and coriVcnieht for thd ac commodation of travellers? his Table and Ifer will bgj'Tumifthtd with the best the cWintrv can afford? his Stables ar# large and furnished with the best of provender. Call and judge for yourselves. ^ 4phn Davidson. Lancaster, f?4t. 2 1 , 18 Id. 84= ? ? 1 1 ?*,. 1 ? ? tVaterec Plantation for Sute ?J. 'ON A LofodRufcOIT. Tills Estate, fcnown by the name ol ? Hock f Branch, consists of 1851 acres of LAN D, ascertained by re survey, situato on : the \V ateree River, eight mile* above Camden, having nearly five hundred acres of cleared Land, and aboirt tl tfty of an excellent qtwll Cotton, remaining uncleared. This situ*, ationis remarkably healthful* and has on it one of the best Orchards in South Caroli na. ? Persons disposed to purchase, will make their applications to % ^ ' J.Carter. Camden District. Camden, MarcliS, 1880. \ 202? tf , ptT? 1 hare are few situations in the Carolines^ so eligible as the above. It is admirably watered, and as well fitted for a gentleman's residence, as any in the &t*te ; U may be made to. unite the advam tages oi gan, Joseph Loc k hart and Sutton. The terms will be a crcdit til! the 18th day of November next, for haif the pur chase money, and - until the 1 6th day of November 1821, for- the other half, with interest from the date.? -Pu? chasers to give a mortgage of the property, and good per sonal security, and pay lor titles. J. Carter, * Com. Eq. Camden DUtiifct. March 23. SQ5? ^ tin Equity. John Foster, ?!' x js. > BILL, John Stewart, etaL J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Martha Latta, Samuel Latta, Thomas Latta and Sarah Latta, reside without th? limits of thi*|State, it is there fore ordered that the said Defendants do appear to the said Bill, ion or before the first day of June next, or an order will be made, that the said Bill be taken pro con-, fesso as to the said Defendants. J. Carter, ? ... Com. Eq. Camden District. March 23. ^ ' 205? tf ; ? . P j ^ , ? Notice, .f * fe & ? ' * * ALL Persons having demands against John Cook, jun. late of Kershaw rily. Also ior sale a likely Chan HOHSL. Dcia-as 6i Villatle* ~ M*rch33. .us? ti A Dozen WINDSOR CII.lIRS, Plu iactcipnia make. Appi) to Jauies Clark. December ?3. yo-it FOii 8Ai*E. TWO anu a halt dcaen best Jfkitudelfhiu liijles . Jauies Clark. Camden, Oct. 28, 18?9. IN THE CUAiMON FLEAS. * Sumter District. Israel G. Mathi ?, 1 . vs. > foreign Attachment . James Delicts J WHLRKAS tne Plaintiff *n this case did, on the 16th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand cigl^t hun dred and nineteen, file their declaration in the Office of this Honorable -Court, against the ^Defendant, who is absett. from and without the limits of this Slate, and has neither Wile nor attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said de claration! with a rule to plead thereto with in year' anda day, might be served : It is therefore Ordered, in pursuance of the Act of the General Assembly in that d twenty, other wise final ami absolute judgment will then be given ami awarded against him. 1. G. Mathis, C> C. P* Office of Common Pleas^ Sumter District, October 16, 1819. ' ' ' i *' ? ? ' ? ' " ? I ' '?! ? * IN THE COM v ON PLEA8. Sumter District. Georg& t. A4'Cauly,y Mat hew F. Nutter, / Foreign Attach vs. f ? . ' nient. Jame ? T)Vationy J ? ... ?WHKRKAS the Plaintiff's in this caie did, on the 1 6th day of October, in the yea< , Ale their declaration in the umceof this Honorable Covrt, against the Defendant, who is absent fVefin and without the liwitarof this State, abd has neither wife nor attorney known within t;?e. sarue, upon Whom a copy of the said de cl a ration, with a rule to plead thereto with in a year and ia day, might be sc? Vied : It is tfoerctbrfe Ordered, in pui%uance of the Act of the General Assembly in thiseatfe made and provided, that the Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration* ot>. or before the I^th day of October, which will be in. the year of onr Lord rne thou sand eight hundred and twenty, otherwise final and absolute ju?*fcment will then be given and awarded aj$*inst him* I. G. M ATHI8, C. C. P. Jff * Office of Gommon Pleas, Summer District, October 16, 1819. IN 'the COMMON PLEAS T. If T. Mien, } ??. > ate in Atlnthmtr. t, ' Jerome I.orlng, J I 7" HERE AS (he WaintHPs in [ VV thU case did, on the 26th day of July, in the year of our fx>rd*one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, file th^ir declara tion m the Office of this Honorable Court, against the Defendant, who is absent from ami Without'tbe limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the sard dec L laration, with a rule to ptead thereto within I a year and a day, might be Served : It 1 Is. therefore Ordered, in pursuance of the Act of tht General Assembly m that case ' made and provided, that the Defendant do appear and plead to theeakl declaration, on or beferp the 27th day of July, which will be in the - year of our Lord one thousand eiftht fyundred and twenty, 6thei?riae final end absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against Mm* THOMAS P. EVANS, CrC.P. Office of Common Pleas,. Kershaw District, July 26? 1819 IN THE COMMON PLEAS. John Carney, ) vs. >Case in Attachment. James B. Berry, J YVKLKLAo mo Plaintiff in this caso diu, on the :15th uay oi November, in the year oi our Loixi one thousand ei^ht hun dred* and nineteen, hie hia ueciarauon in me Othce oi this iionoiabic Coutt, against me Deienuant, who is absent irom and without the limits oi this btatt, anu has neither wiie not attorney known within me same, upon w horn a copy oi the saiu de claration, Willi a rule to pttad theieto With in a year ana a ciaiu might be set veo : it i* ihetcioie OrUereSJui pursuance oi ihc Act oi tne bemm Assembly in that ca^e ir.aoe anu prowucu, that the Deiindantoo appear I aha pleau to tne saiu declaration, on or be rot e the 1 6th day 01 November, winch will | be in the year 01 our Loru one thousand eight jiUiiUrtU anu twenty, otherwise hnal unu absolute juu^ment wni then be given and ...warden against him. 1 noma* P. Jbi\atis5 C. C. P. Office oi Commoii leas. Kershaw District, Nov. 15, 1819. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Jixor.SoM M'Canu, AMtAr Jamt Callahan, 'J.- mrBt* WHLKKAS the Plaintiff in this cast . did, on the 2oth day oi January, in the yearol Lord one thousand tight hundred and twenty, 6 it his declaration in the Office of this Honorable Court, agains the Defendant, who is absent from and without the litmits of this State, and has neither wiie nor Attorney known withii the same, upon whom a copy oi the said de claration, with a rule to plead thereto within a year and a toy, might be served : li is theieto re Ordered, in pursuance of the Act of the Generai Assembly in that case made and pvovided, that the Defendant do appear and plead to the said decoration, on or befoi t the 2 1st day of January, which wyl be In the year oi our Lord one th6u santi eight hundred and twenty-one, other* wise fetal und absolute judgment wilt Ihetf be given and awarded against him. Thomas P* Evans, C. C. P. Office of Common f leas, Kershaw District, January 20, 1820. - - XI ?- - ' TTT. ?? REMOVAL. Globe Tavern . COLUMBIA,. At the Sign of the Golden Ball * THE Subscriber solicits permission to tender lo his friends and the public, his thanks lor the enCouragftfrtent extended tp him, and Informs them that he has re* moved from the corner opposite Mr. W il liam Purvis* store, to the north*west conic n on llkch&rdson and Lady streets, the brick house lately occupied by Mr* Isaac. Ran dolph. It is well adapted to the purposes of a tavern, being oeatlv finished. As the subscriber is now permanently fixed, he tenders his services to siicb persons as may faror him with their custom. His house is well furnishnd with elegant bedding and furniture, of every kind necessary for the reception of getitec! persons, every other department attached to the establishment, Is equal. Of these assurances, con it and judge* C. E. WILLI AMSON. N. R. The Charleston,' Augusta, and Northern stages, stop at the Ciiobe Ta vern. Columbia, Jan. 11, lijfp. 97? tf STBjIFED Frofa the Subscriber iu Camden on the- 15th of Febru ary bit, a BAY MARK4 al>on% four fe^t 1 1 inches high, blaze face, one gits* eye, swab tail, shod before. The man from whom f got her lives with in & miles of Georgetown, the man who owned her previous to him had lived near Marion court-ho^e. f ? Any intelligence from any individual will be thank fVilly received. W. C. jlill. ' March 16. ? m i '? '? i ? P ? ? i i .11 i ? 1 ? ^ast Received, v AND for fc fe bv the Subscriber 25 doz. best N KW A ? I DER . 0. E. Caftmnet. March 23. *- 305? (f ? i ?>???! i * i n i if * ? ? To Kent. THE Room occupied at present, hy Atkinso* 8c Workman, opposite 8c Smyth's Tavern. For term* apply to / Jeliji Workmnn. March 2. 203? tf