Camden gazette and mercantile advertiser. (Camden, S.C.) 1818-1822, January 20, 1820, Image 1

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THE PLBLIC HTII.L OUR G UIDE?THM PUBLIC GOOD OUR ?AZ>. lie***.* PUBLISHED WEEKLY! r_ JBV JOHN (JA.VilJKliJOE. uTcrma. ? three dollars per annum, pay* | . able in advance ; and in all cases where I -papers shall be delivered at the expense L mi the Editor, . the price wiU be Tftftk* r is fifty csnts. No paj>er g discuntined, but at tne option of the Ed J itor. u'ntilaU arrearages are paid* sAdvertiacment8 not exceeding twelve lines, * inserted three times for one dollar, audj tweuty-fi ve cents for each continuation. It no directions are giren with an Adv*r smentit will be continued till forbid. tiscmen wmm *. v l*?blic Sale. * WILL be sold on M^op^ay, the 7th Feb ruary next, before the Court House in Camden, the L* "tod Buildings in the-] lower part of Camden, lately owned by JosfrPH Thornton, deceased} adjoining the Lots of Joseph Micklk, and . Mary ' Kershaw, on Broad street* ? ALSO? The House and Lots in the neighbour hood of Mr, Lks's Brickyard, at present ?owned by 13. J. t ampbell, formerly the property of the said Thornton.?' The above property to be sold for cash, at the risque *ot the first purchasers, . J. Carter, Com* J?g* Cam. Via. January 13, i&2Q? 96?-99. Public Auction. r TuEjSuhsc l ibera will expose a) Public Auction on 1 hnrsday of present month, their remaining Uock, comprising a lurtftf aiKl general assortment of * ; v Dry Goods. Hardware Mrocerke. | As they are determined ioctose *ine*s, Bargains may l?e*j*c*ed, ^ : sale worthy the atteutfctfi of planters and merchants. ?-'< . :A The extensive Stores and premises which 1 the subscribers at preteg* ycci*pyt are of private sale* on a^uunodating | terms. /' ; vi^r Cotton at the Charleston price, , will be taken in payment tor the whole 04 any part of the above articles. Lj H? Levy it Co. Camden, JanuarjH&?|l&30^ ; 93- 96?. 1 Public Auction. T AT the Sigh of live 1 Clto$S IfcEYS in Camden, will be sold on Tuesday the 1 it>st. at VO o'clock. All the remain log stock of goods, belonging to the firm of Samuel Lop-kz 8c Co. As on that day a dissolution of the copartnership wiH lake placc. I'he stock consists 6i Pry Goods y Groceries, Crockery ? Sadlery and Hardware, ( suitable for the country trade. As the goods will be sold for cash, bargains may *e expected. vV - N .A AU peftons indebted to said firm,' are requested to Sortie forward and make immediate payment, as no longer indulg ence can be given. Those who do jiot Avail themselves oft' this notice, by the first of March, will find their a&ount* in {he hands of an Attorney for Collection. ? ? Jucfali Bftrfett. January 1820. W&Lfc 95? f FOR BALE. TWO and a half doien best Philadelphia Jitfe*. lames Clark. ^ Camden, Oct. 28, 1810. ? ? To lient THE Stow Rooms, at present occupi cd by ATKtN&ON k WORKMAN ? ' Alto if required, a back room with a fire place \n it, which will answer as a count ing room. Possession given the firs of January. Apply to the Subscriber oppo* sit the MisoqtQ Hall. Thoma* Warren. - He keeps constantly on hand a variety ut CABINET FURNITURE, to sell on Vie most accommodate > terms. * December *3,A * $3 ? 4 /* oil: UNSEED OIL* from North-Carolina, by -the barrel or smaller quantity. v ?Also?? , PAIM^S <ind?A[Nf BRUSHES o all kinds? For sale by ? . W. & S. Blanding. Camden, January 1, 1820. To Rent. 7 " ' *.?I * rV 4 ? " THE House lately occupied by I)r. Cxareft, in LogtoWu. For terms apply to ' ? ? ?' ' 4 .a . / ; " * 3K Carter. January 6, 1820. 9 5?tf Garden Seeds, Just arrived from New-York and New England, of the growth lb 1 9? And * for sale, wholesale or retail, by P. THORNTON, ( One door below Mr. J. JJoby'ity in the Store : formerly occupied by Mr . J, SiuirS) THE subscriber haying tried the roost of them,' will undertake to warrant, and say they are good? v ?as follows? Early Y ork Cabbage i Early Sugar Loaf do * Early Dutch do . Early Battersea do Early Penton t\ o Drum Head Win - ? * Large Scotch do Green Glazed do Large .English Sa voy do Late Dutch do<, lit urnlp rooted above! ? ground dp* ^ /Tt*r?ip rooted; be low do RedDutc Winter crook neck dilto ... ,i:;. Summer bush do Greenvutkey Cu^ cumbAs Long grem do Early do7 Prickley Gherkin# (for Pickles) Nutmeg Mellon Came lope xdo # Musk Mellon Large water meltons .Mammoth Gourd * Mamrfnpth Pump kins Squash Pepper tm\ w Turple Brucoh A Summer Savory Larly London Caulv- ! Cuvkl Parsley flower j White, Mustard Late do do 1 Brown do Early Spring T ur? Solid Cellery^ nip Garden Crese ^ Yeltow^o ? - ? ^-^Veget3ffile Oyiter Large Bo 1 lochs Ab- j Sage . eideen, or Yellow J Saffron 4- Scotch Turnip ? 4~?fcfiBer Large NorfolkTield ;6m> >*?* GrOpn top do Red top doL^. French or Hanover t ditto Yellow Stone do Yellow MaCta, (a [rtws Ea new ' and choice $ Dwyf do t _ Ilt(^fefl5 Wilson's' superfine early six weeks de;, iarl] Tall sugar Pea Prussian blue do Spanish Moratta do Tall Marrowfat do Dwart cluster flo Leedaman dwarf do Early yellow' bush -'Beans Early speckled do Early Kidney or Liv er do Early six weeks comfort do Pale Cranberry do S Hush do I Dutch Runners do < Lima do White Albariy bush Beans .*? Hilegoland do Windsor do * >. Early Bit az a gin do Lucerne or Ercqph Clover White Dutch do Red do Guinea Grass, - Saint -Foin r.r Holy Hay Orchard tir?*6 Herds do Timothy do English Rye do Irish Potatoes Blood Beet Yellow <fo Tf Early Scarcity do Swelling Parsnip )"? Early horn Carrot Purple do Salmon KadiipP I* Purple do Cartel do v , Short top do \ Early frame do White Turnip do < Long black Winter ditto / . Ice Lettuce Head do . - White coss d6 Cabhagedo ? Ercrlydo Imperial do Brown Dutch do Hardy green do Grand admiral dp . Red Onions White do Large lieotch Leeks Serpent Squash ; , Com. Porter'a do f " ' '/ ? a. ? ^ ^ ff ' r ? fc ^3 Pamphlets with directions for Garden ing, may also be had. t ' Those who may wish to purchase to sell again, will find it to their advantage to call and be supplied, as a very liberal discount will be made. A few small boxes well assorted, put up to suit families, with a deduction of twenty five per cent. N. B. Should any person, after purchas ing -any of the abote Seedn from the sub r.riher, find on trial* any of them not good ? , fciurning them, or ihe.empty bags, will ? ? oetve others in place of tliem, or the '#?? ' ' .1 ? "v ::J$W X%mdfiv Nov. 25^ - 89? ? 1 , Francis Allen, tailor , GRATEFUL for the writ* conferred, informs His friends and t)tc public, that he still continues tttdo bittiffefts in Camden. He has i red ,th? latest fashioffa by Mr. Le Koache, frora Europe,' fend is now qua!* ified to execute work of any kind in his line of business. Camden, Dec. J 6, 181$. \ , '92? PliOP0St?8 FOR Pl'UI.lSHING BY SUBSCRlPflOS In tl?e Tovcn Col.umb;a> C.J A W'KJRKLY MlSCRLLANf^TO ? K CALLER THE(-^r ?? ; ,'V- . SOUHKRJY LITERAR Y REGISTER, By Andrew &'?l^ne. THIS paper will b? pvtai pally devoted to History, Biography, Criticism,! Moral and Religious Essays, Poetry, awi the Fine Arts. 'Agricultural, Medical, and other articles, which may be thought of generai interest, win likewise be admitted, together with such Ulster of wit and amusement as may be judged Useful or entertaining^ A general Summary of Politics will be added each ftcek, and a Monthly List of New Publications at the end of every fourth number. ? . Y:r < ?????? ?-! The- inducements which have led the J editor to issue proposals for a publication < of this nature, are such'a^Ke believes to bo of sufficient weight a;K. importance to war rant the undertaking: The wealth, refine ment, and literature; of the southern states ; the genius imd eruditi?n^ numbers, who either hold important pfifcep under govern ment, or are at the heaSofthe literary in stitutions established artkonyj us; and the rapidly increasing taste mr learning and the arts, which it sprea^nAmeug all classes of people, arp the profy evidences of a | flourishing and in ipron? state of society, and afford him ab uncial! encouragement to hone for a sucessfuimvaecution Miftt + *1: . * ? a I W|V? ~ long aelnjsu, auu inni. wuiw, ill \$Wf- 4*wtancea, out dally newspapers have1 attempted JO blend literary articte* of in terest and merit with tfce dry detail *nd confusion of political matte*, no one should > have thought of separating' the two, and establishing a general repository for the reception and circulation to useful and? polite literature. Aa for as the editor h*s the means offcrtbrmatioo, he is acquainted with no paper published south of Baltimore which bears the character of the one he has in contemplation ; and as Columbia is nearly the cenmriMnation bctWC y* North Carolina and Georgia, tETsT^ piece - cm ^ braces superior foc#T advantages to many others, and particularly favorable Jo the *ide distribution of such a . paper through this 4>th1 the neighboring atatea. 7 ^ , , In prosecuting this work it will be the editor's constant aim to ftirm&h it with auch matter only as m*y be of general utility, 6f interesting and important on account of itM ability and merit which it may display. He will firmly resist any importunity from private friendship oV individual worth, (whatever importance he may otherwise at tach to these considerations.) whenever ^ subject presented tor publication shall be deemed unfit for the peges of the Regis ter. A constant regard will be had to the moral tendency of every article, whether ovi,*.nal or selected; and however striking the wit and Imagery of a writer mty seem, tiuse wJl never be considered ns making up for a general looseness4 of expression, or a want of fitness an^l propiiety iu the management of his subject. Party dis putes, either in religion or politics, will bo is carefully avoided. < 'CONDITIONS.* : ' The Register will bo published every Ftiday, on a fine supcr*royal sheet of po* per, in an octavo form, each shert to con tain sixteen pages, at four dollars per in* num, if paid wtthin thirty days after the delivery of the first number, ibur dollars and fifty cents if paid "after that time and within twelve months, and five dolloty if not paid until the year has expired. Attho end of every she months a title page and index will be added, for the ac commodation of those who may wish to have their numbers bound into volumes. Advertisements will be inserted on the two last pages only, at tfo oanal totes* , No subscription will be received for less . \than a year, nor discontinued until all ar-1 rearagee ahall be paul. The first sheet will be issued as soon aa 0 sufficient number of subscribers is p^> cured to encourage its publication. letters addressed to the editor, post paid, will be punctually attended to. Subscriptions receivecf at this office, by the different post-mpsters throughout the state, and the publisher's agents in the principal southern towus and cities* ^ Detemhcr L# * 90? - if Pub Lit Sate, BY permission pi the ordinary of Ches terfield District, wltl be sold on Wednesday, the 26th clay of January instant, at the late residence of James BUikcneyy Esq. deceas ed, on Lync h's C reek, all the "personal es 1 late of the said deceased, consisting of 35 Valuable A egToes, Stock of Horse!), Cattle, Hogs, Sec* crop of Corn, Fodder, kc. and Household and Kitchen Furniture, on a credit of six months. Purchasers giving notes bearing interest from the date* with approved personal se curity. : 'V - Mary Blakeney, ^chnWar. Jo nits Blakcney, deceased. * 1830. " ^ 93-07*? GEORGE FOHB?9, fibs jtuitgSkvcd an assortment of BOOKS AND jCTATIONABY, In addition to Jus. fontldr assortment, wldch lie will sell on v^ryireasonable terms? Where ma\ be had,^~ Almanacs for 1820. B^OK- BIN DING executed wkh neat ncss and despatch, on Tow terms. Spate! Mi Gawtlen, Noy^ 18, 1819- * ^ ./ '*8-? IN THE COMMON PLEAB, i Lancaster District. [' Benjamin S. Massey, [ and Henry Masseyv . tr?: !V i tv H* feasor Attachment in ' Jif umtit* ' v ' \ ?'? A rc 1 1 ibal d C on saw THE Plaintiffs in thfs case, having this day filed; their declaration in the Glerks Office, against the Defendant, who is ab sent from and without the limit* of this State, and hath neither Wife nor' Attorney known within the same, upon a copy of the said declaration, with a wile to pie*#' ima year and a U . . ? wmm ? * for, J thouw^J k&* ; otherwise fadgment wm be given ftftd ? warded against blta.^- '?$ - ?-V ' ?? <7 V A > t ;( ^WM ;3r KBNMA* C*C. P. ? of Common^JPlea*. ' - Loncattcr XMitHct, Aftg2l,l?lt>. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. T.l? 7'. ?*//?.,") 'A ' ?''' ' I -**?%.? \ V Cdrse fn Attachment. Jerome Loring , J 8 the PUW#lyn lulyr 1 in the year of our Lord one thousand eight I hundred and nineteen,,' file their declara I tlon in the Ofl^cebFthia Honfcra^Te Court, against the Defendant, who is absent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known Within the same, upon whom a copy of the said dec laration, with ? rule to plead thereto within a y$ar, and a day, might b* served i It is therefore Ordered, in pursuance of the Act of the General Assembly in that case made and provided, * that the Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on of before the 27th day of Julyv which will ty in the year of our Liprd one thousand eight hundred and twenty* otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be. given ainl awarded against him TiipM as P. b van's, c.c.p. , Office W i ommon Pleas, I Kershaw District, July 26, Iftfff . M'atiie. "Si THE ^bbsoiber has for SA or Rent, * House ?nd Lot in the villager** Lane as ? tsrvilkMthe House is twotttrles high* in it are six Rooms? there are on tjie Lot, a large ? table, Kitchen, Smok^l louse, Corn Crib and a good Gardea . ' v Y^ltowl Adam*. |0 November 18, 18)9. 88? ? ...... .< ?>,> I ?? ? "j '? I I > I. Hftll* The Eagle Tavern # THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public in general) that he has opend w ? , A Houm qf JEntn fainmrrrt, JU Littler Court- House, at the Sign q/ < he Eagle , formerly occupied by fV. JR. Dickey . From his long experience in the line of his business, he fl atters himself that he will be able to gi^e general satisfaction to all those wh6 may call on him. His House is large andfeonvenient for the ac commodation of travellers ? his Tibbie and Bar Wilt be furnished with the best the country can' afford? his Stables are large and furnished with the best of provjender. Call and judge for yourselves. John Davidson. Lancaster, Oct. 21, 181K 84**, v .St .t , ^ P- -Jl.-- , . - '??*! Alexander Monroe UKaiLFUL tor the e* tended to hu?> ID the line ot him business? presents his sincere tnanfcs to hit ti nmls and the public, tor the tavors air auy fc- . ceivetUvfro also announcejMhai *?V' taken : into copaiteroersfcip, Mt^VVlL* LI AM M'l fcnrop* * jeni v ??? . ?ww VU1W1I LIAIVI WLEUU, laicaj andtdat the T??i??ri.w, " earned on b the hrnrot ?4* ^ : W ~ iuonroe A ^I'Leod^ iWho suUck r?n?ge,_#Kl ^ de>* coritnktet wuh promptitude and ;ot the pub.x themselves, thai ?ui 1 th&n wili r?v?OTi*M%wv <mM having a correspondence with NMM and Philadelphia* by wa> of Charleston* they will be lurxiv?hed with the nf west J .fashions,? 'A he business wiU be continued in the house hitherto occupied by A* " MONROE. - , Camden, Nov. 25. *; >' [ JOHN HivNivY Vhilor Jrom /London , *??, ,^v ^ MOST icsptciluny liitoims **> friends, and the Gentlemen oi Camden, thatWgytij commenctd the jloiiowtig juuome&S) in all K* branches, ai the house oi 31?* 3$ , Browsqm, and warrants th we that will fa- . X? him with their work, that it shall" done in the newest tashiom. and at t! shortest notice? at he can Sk g\e new< fashions from Philadelphia, having a'UW "er with one of t^e best Tailors thore. 1 hopes from his assiduity and f*Ueutionr merit aahare of their custorsu Ju Camden, Nov* 25, 1*19. ? >; i* -,y . ? . <; <. 1 Thryl^?f?? 1 P"blic PaUonagtwEL8? k 1 C^?,SePt.30,L.?9. ,V?P. 'J |i''t'i> ^ " x .r v * , ' a 8501 ?t " ?'?? " 1 ... ,'? nV' ?' ? ? ?' f ""* : *w : 4t Jowea thrkea ^TeU> Storet 10 barrels Philadelphia "WHlSKEYj 3 hhds. N. E. RUM, '? ' 1 c - W1NJS and COB DIAL s 1 hhd. HONEW v < 1 do. VINEGAR, . Leaf TOBACCO by, the cwt. ims- ? jii8o ? .a Prime Inverness and Dundee *H . . Cottfr&' jtaegivgf VV^vJfi! ' 3*** Clark. Camden, Sept. 29, 1^9. ??;; >< ~ r. ' ? v ? A?fc . I .IT U the subscribera present determine tlon to close his business in Camden the years helves this method of m ling his fHAnd#and the public, that lie jttsit^ceite^ a new assortment oC ;*,y I -Dry Goods 9 Hardware Groctrie$, Together with his former stock, makes his assortment for the season complete. The above Ooetis are offered either hf jrholcBalk or retail, on very induced prices* ? Those* pfh-sons desirous of purr basing, * will 6nd it to tMfcir Interest to eall. N. B. Loaned or mislaid, a Book entiled the Com/fete Italian any person hsvmg life same, wilt confer a great frvor en the subscriber bv returning it. William Brown. December 23, IS 19. Jp- /Bj^H i \ I To Rent, THE HOUSE and LOTS belonging to I the eatate of John M 'Cants, deceased? consisting of a large Dwelling-Howe two | stories high, with a large Store -Room in front, Kitchen, Smoke-House, Back-St r<\ Cotton- House, Chsir-Houie, fee. with u | excellent W eH in the , yard ? ^Possession given immediately. Aprriy to Jatnea.CIftlkf Uxocutor Of the emote <>f John hf Canity dcaiwd. | Camden, Nov. If, 1819. i