Camden gazette and mercantile advertiser. (Camden, S.C.) 1818-1822, January 13, 1820, Image 1

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PUBLISHED tWtiEK JJf V v BY JOHN CAM BRIDGE. 7Vrm?. ? Three dollars per annum, pay able in advance ; and in all oases where if papers shall be delivered at the expense the Editor, the price will be *'?**? pollaes and ritrt cuts. No yaper discontiued, but at the option jrf the itor,1 until all arrearages arc paid; Jdveni*rtitnta not exceeding twelve lines, inserted three times for one dollar* and twenty*fiva cents Cor each continuation. II no dircjAo* a*e given With an Adver tise m^ntit will be continued till forbid^ l?Bceggara. 1 i " _i x? . jl. lujiiiiim ;:At in C amdefv a dissolution of th ? place. Thi stoc1 U (he rem?(Ti;. proctor)/, trade. As the eiy jojh. # f of a large iKh, tfitlv* saxsras e>? containing op 5d acpe^rear two: IffSStsa: (bout two thousuitl pais the, premises is an excc ?Supple Orchsr^of LINSEED CXL%^ from North-Carolina, by the banc! or smaller quantity. PAINTS ami PAINT BRUSHES o a)l kinds? For sale by . a* ? w. & 8, Blanding. , Camden, January 1, 1820. ? ? ? Vw 1 " To Rent. THE. House lately occupied by Dr. C a?t? *, -in Logtown. For terms apply IK ? J. Carter. ^?fr -? '? r r 7 * ? i <*7>' to* 1$ j-* * ^ . beeas, ,-,.3 ^.SsiMteaa*? 'w^w^toS?Tl'ct=ai7i)y"? Wk'% THOItNTQN, mm ( One door below Aft. J, Doby'a, in the Store I Jfirmerty occupied by Mr. J. Bta ?>.) I THE subscriber 4 having triedffhe most of them,, will undertake to warranty and. say they are good-*, . EarlyJtor^ Cabbage i Winter crook i>eck Early Sugar Lor! do { ditto v -C Early Dutch do J Summer bush do V ?I- rln ? Am>?A f. ?/uvvn vv ; j uwuiinii UUMI ?w. Early Battersea do *! Greets Turkey Gu tvarly Pentondo ?^WMSaepfc ^sril ?"wte Qfeen Glared? \ (fofPiektea) Late Putch 'do;* # j|. M Uftfc Mellon miv uu >?'? mnwit I u rnip rooted abovey Large water ltiellons . ? ^ isassisv %uasl* Pepper Rabbet note do i ^ Mil J ? r .# fV; I urmp rooted t>e : low do Red Dutch do Otisdn Culled B?*?' f<rtlA - ,'ViA el tow Matta? ^a ?a* ^ ' #'?' ? ,S loo^JH elloif do trly Scarcity flo I . jUing fhwn# q bpmCariWj. ffiAdi* Purple <k>K* 1 V ; ?*i Scarlet dplfe!? Short eaH^ Mme do J* White Turnip fl<tf ?| Long black winter ? >?': %??? % llf*' |33SSSUW M?t% green do (d admiral do Qpjoro He ?l?f? I Large Scotch Leek* Serpent ScrffTf Cona* Porter's do f* ",uv f ~>h Moratta do Marrowfat do h 83? ? Lpediman dwarf do btish do ?pr d6 l#jrorU*u Eariy iS* " woeka 1/?' comfort do ? J"?] Pale Cfant#rry dp Bush dcifc|5fe 4^ Dutch Runner, do fee^ibwyhfcb jslkami ? -ifiJraVrf M Hilcgoland do Windsor do > , E?v(s Matagin do Lucerne or French ] White Dut^ da riuVn^Gn r<?p Of HoH OrAard GMtk -M Herd* do?fflff#$j Timothy do ???? ?* 1 i Ep?U?h Kyc do nri?hJotntojL Pam|>hk*? with direction far qarden tog, may #? ** had. / xkd ? : r?, !^n^tf.ss5s8l bEk: supplied, M avery ttbtral dtartmnt pint* ;?v?.u A few araall box* well aborted, put up to auit families with a deduction of twenty 4,N^ SlEw a*y poraon, after WW*** inK any of t%?l>'ll?* 8?ed? from *he *ub m >. I, or, find on by returning tbain, or the ertipty hags, vn\l, receive others in rrtace of them, or umM ^eLjr? ? ? ff - 3 ^ * jr. _ m Allen, ft fTORATEFUL for informs his friends and the public* that he I Still continue? to do business hi Camden* He has received the latest fashicrfb by Iff r. Le ft oache, from Europe^ and is oo^fcqual- 1 i{ied to 6|pcuie-work of any kind in his lipe of business. Camden, Dec. 16, 1819. ' , ? . *$$ irwiru^AU) ^ v >; F0H PU BLI SH INO BT SUBSCBIPTIOII 1? rte 2Stt*' Columbia,'^ aj : AWBWLLT MISCELLANY, TO BB O Al?LBp f * % - ,v? TT ? VS.. ?,& n iN" * "" < '?/$*& . ? -V '?*, fi?v *8kS$ 80UHBS#l>ir?H.1ltr RZdUiTBR, By Anuuv.w J. CiwJgS ? THIS wpcr will l>e ft Hisiott, Bio ?**?. < and, RHfpous Ark &? 5 ?spi Wl$i such matter of wit and> amusement t may be judged useful or entertaining. ^ general Summary of Politics will be addcu. each week, and* Monthly List -of New Publictfctiona at the efltt of etery fourth number. ' ^ The inducements which have%4 ib&< }i editq\- to issue proposals for a publication^ j&f tbisj nature* are suob aabe beHaves to \>c of sufficient weight auid importance to war- f rant the undertaking. TKe wealth, refine- I ment, and iHcra^ure o$ the southern states ; 1 tl>A trArtuia stwl "?* ",L" , iwciiv) , yr *** M oriflc mcraiy jn Stitutipns established among us ; aftd the rapidly lhbreash^ taste for learning and the gart^v hich $&??% kofneonte. arc the 0 and impiwed *fc*e and ?ifford bitfc aUurf^ffi etlcourage^nj; to hop* % i aufce*4Cjrt prt**cution of >ia plan, ittyiiQt-'a litUe-wit>ftrk*We> >ur attemptto blend jiiei^, v- fi ltered and merit with the drjj^ detail aaifc "? 0De Ml establ .the two <,?d | general repository "for the _1 . J *.???_; 1 _..t -55aaf5.a -d^jSr Others, and particularly ^de d^rib^VfN' d !a?gy?. ~ wiiftl c. nug 8WlOJi jm. I _ ? ? orK&iprill bo, MJjff* constant aim to furtk^ft matter only as may be of general ut o? Interesting and important on a$crtrtt of l~tfce ability and merSVhich it display.* fle^iu finmt* fesist any btifcortunity from ferlnitf ,Y^a^d#u^or dMivi<i?al worth, (whatever importance he jajiy otherwise a* FBS3feh^ ' ter. A constant Regard, will -be bad ? [?moral tendency of, f*eryai^cle, whether I th.? w? o.,?V cMMmd ? Lutf ^up for a general loo??ne^of ex predion, or * want of fitneps a.d propriety in the man^j>rmaiit . of hk ^fubjeAv . Panjty di B putes^ either in religion or poHtktyifcill ^?? cawfullrivnidedi^^v ' '' u' k' '<1? ^e?Hter wiU be p: Friday, on a fine lnj^er-roy . icr^ii an octa?o form,1 each uin sixteen Mni% at |ou? " delHrtty of cbe first number, four dol and fifty cents if p*)d after that time fe,#?,' ^ ' " trfarery J* Will be adde^'frfr :ion >of those irbo may i nnmk^tv bfkuiwf llilft - Will beit^rteddtfiU I rived foigUla I ImU klUiw ] soon as t prn>ri|.?l abttt I fc, AlnAiimkAa Q office, l>f i^Nout llW its 'A the cities. ;t, willbesold f January iust | 4? O P //* !? AM A 18, 1819. is caseJTia^ iort fe-the fend^n^wl l and without tbaJijrniltlc L tietihptvffl* *$$0* ao ;ifcs!Ss t Act of thi General' At and absolute judgment wAl ther and an aided WKaimthim- o|! November lJ,W !???}>? V i ? <? ?. L.II ????!. W ?ubneriber wpfcctfolly inform, hi and the public Hi gener* that CUlatedfor IjifTheir Stock w faint ctni be oik owmtf<i?>d,.trrf to ?0 CWDts p#ya m i 8hli ilihg?, |1#,' HE? rou, r Ho Bit.- y^m H. Lkj f ro. *- ' r "tV *rj?? 1r*- - ii i jinr^ -wrrV rMin ''' Men's Sho? do. Men'tiHata JfOBMAUiAT