CAMDEN. THUHSDW. OC I'QBKH 1819. From the Spanish Maine. The editor of the Baltimore Pat riot has been favored with the fol lowing intelligence communicated in a letter under date of r ST. THOMAS, SEPT. 13. Since your departure there are no arrivals from Margaritta, and we are apprehensive that place is still block aded ? part of the Spanish fleet having left Porto Cabello for that purpose. Yesterday we had an arrival from Santa Martha, which confirms a previous account w e had received of Boliv ar\s success. Having heat Sam ana in several severe actions, he took possession of the ^ity of Santa Fee, and was well received by its inhabitants Samana escaped with only two followers; our victorious general l>olivar, following up the blow he lias already struck, has since taken Papigan and Mourpox. and no doubt but he has ere this . hoisted the fla% of liberty on the walls of Santo Martha. _V ' The old English Admiral, Camp bell, returned from Laguyra on S a turdny Inst, with the Spanish schoon-a er Josefe under convoy. A It is saltl tbey have between them fine hundred thousand dollars in specif besides indigo, and ? great jr.anv Catalans came in the schooner. * "We arc led to think that General Paez has heed at work again. *!t is said befell in with a division of Morilto'a troops, about four or five hundred and not one returned with the information. ? The Taking of Manta "Fee was not ^hnown in Caraccas, when the lialis bnrv 64 sailed. Morillo no ?? donbt will feel a little om>W*ant when lie hears of this. | should not be sur prised at his quitting the province of Cararcas altogether, and to embark for Carthagena. The flour market in this place still keeps good. By the cargo, B8 1-3 ; to-dsy, retail, 9 itr-thef* Irf not much here, it heins> bought tip for ? Barhadoe*. We have several ar rivals here since your departure, 'principally assorted cargoes. , By Captain Denny, of tb? schr. James H. McCnlloh,for8t. Thomas, the editor of the Patriot has been put in possession of the following memoranda. He received it from Qaptain Joseph Jf King, commander $Mhe regular republican brig of war General Urdaneta,* who boarded him off St. Thomas, on the 30th ** August. - ?0n (he Hth of July the squad ron lef i Margaretta, after having em barked (he British and Gorman le gion, amounting (o altout 1800 wen. On the 10th (he troop* were landed a few miles to windwarrf of the Moro, for the purpose of taking the city of . Barcelona ; on the morning of the 46th they marched for that purpose, nnd the sam*day about 11, A. M. the fleet weighed anchor. and sen( * in boats about 150 seamen to land on the shore, to attack the heights of the Moro, who were attacked and fired upon while landing, by about 60 in fantry pf the efiemy, who immedi ately retreated as we fose (he height. The |riftce was taken by us, consist ing of about six regular batteries, with 8 or 4 of temporary defence., mounting a number of 18s, 24s, and small brass picces. Our loss, ? wounded (not mortal! v) and h num ber of the enemy killed, 40 prisoners, and 150 deserters. The city 6f Bar celona was taken without any loss. On the JB8th the forts of Moro were blown up, guns destroyed, and troops embarked. 80th, sailed for Cumana; on the 2d of August land ed the troops a short distance from Cumana in the evening, and on the 3d, A. M. the fleet got under weigh, and shortly after commenced a can nonading on the flecheras and batter ies, which wan continued H days by the most part of the squadron, des troyed three of the enemy's flec-hcray and silenccd several of their batten gjjns.-** The upper fort at f^umana was at; 4 a. il n4\ part i>f the troops, who, after a waim action tot* an hour, re trented, not being able to take pus cession of the "same. The rest of the troops tell iu v*ith a party of bpaniards, who intended to join the enemy, and. out of about 300, 40 escaped to tell them the news. Our! loss in killed and wounded, on shore, was about 10 ? in the fleet, about 3 wounded, not . dangerously, 'the place was evacuated in consequence of the difficulties attached to mount ing battery guns on the heights ; and the troops are marched to Angostura. v On the 44th August arrived at Margaretta a part of General l)*Evc reux's command, consisting of about 500 men. ; There are several men of war on their way out from England to join the squadron. A 7*> named tlie General D'Everenx, a 44, % fri gates, 4 corvettes, ami 3 brigs, which, ere this, in all probability, have ar rived. Tlie subscriptions have bcetf made to a great aiuouut in Liverpool and Dublin, supposed about two millions sterling." k' ?, It is calculated that 200 hands by machines w ill spin as much cotton, a* twenty millions could have done 40 years ago, with the common spin ning wheel. The work now done 'in Great tirituin in this v.ay would 'require sixty millions of hands in [the old way. It Wfuvther calculated 'that tlie manufacturing machinery of I all1 kinds, in England, does the w or^of hundred millions of ar tisans, without machinery. in w^iu - ?*>? mtm** Mr. REYNOLD'S SCHOOL WILL commence on Monday, the 18th instant. Camden,, October 14, l&l . Auction. Jit Liberty- Hill, & C. on Monday, October 18, 18i?> HENRY KOafettlVON ResjiectfiiHy, Informs his friends and tbr public, that he will jeithibit his stock on hand for sale at Auction, and dally contin ue it uniil completed. It consists of tlie prirtieTC~l?uvop?an assortment of Dry Uood^Jfa rdwmrc, Cutlery , Crocker} ami - Medicine, ever expo^ d lor tale in this ,couutry. 1 He fan? fully assures the public, ithat in selecting: these McicUandisfrs, he has displayed his best tan c and Judgment, and paid for oil in Ba*X JV6&* ? t herefore, his tc ms will be Cath. He will dispose or at private tale* V\ *1 neat Plantation , Near C?*dar-Creek, containing i acres. For salubrity or air, purity ofwater, inrf fertility of toil) it cannot be companioned in this State. T here ia a sang M anaion and Oqt-Houfcea thereon, and all ready for im mediate occupancy ; Al%o^ three robust Negroes, viz t Hunt, Blair and Bush. Tenn* for these fellows, one third Ca?A, and Bankable Notes for the residue. For the l.andt punctually endorsed Jiptes at nine months. N. B. Country Store keepers will find it tneiip peculiar interest to attend, fr>?- no pitfTrr* will he at a// allowed to fitt/tf 1 ? -mmmmJbrnt m ? i Battalion Order*. w Camden, October 13, IS 1 9. A Battalion Court Martial to conwat i?! Jive members, wiU convene at the Court House in * amden, on Saturday the 23d inst. tor the trial of all defaulters at the Battalion Muster on th* Oth Inst. t aptain Thomas P. Evans, President. Capt. E. Cureton, \ Lietlt. Spradlty, f Lieut. J. W. VVhitaker, 1 ; Lieut. U. Blackman, J Ensign VV. E. Johnson, Judge Advocate. Lieutenants Cusak and Minima, will at tend as supernumeraries. JL^ James VV. Major 2d or Lower Battalion . An^ person HAVING the fire Bucket ? Nos. 2 k 5, letters J P. are requested to leave them at l^atta Ik fcilgore's Store. r. Gamdon, Oct. 14, 1819. &3-ft5-~ Committed TO the Gaol of Kershaw District, a ne gro Fellow about 30 years of age, 3 feet 5 or 6 inches high, his left foot and ancle is Hore, calls his name LONDON. > ? jllso ? JINNEY, a negro woman, he says it his wife, and that they belong to Benjamin Lee, neat* Orangcburgh. The owner is Vr quested to come forward, prove property f.iay charges and take them away. William I-ove, ?, k. n. I C^jnden, Oct. 14, 1819. %3-tf? 1 State of South-Carolina . I HY HIS KX.CfcLLk.NCY Governor and Commander in C hi$/\ in and : over the *uui Mate. . A PKOCLA M A* f ION. Wkeiias by ft Verdict of a Vury of In quest, neldon the seventh day ot Septem ber last, over the body'ot captain GtoKet I Bkown, iu Chester District, in the btate atoi esaid, it was iound that the said captain ? George Brown was wilfully and cruelly' murdered by two persons unknown, who have since absconded, and are about to e\adc the punishment due to the enormity ol their otfence against the laws and the security ot society : Now, Theiefore> I deem it proper to issue this my l'roclanifctiou, calling ou the officers and other good citizens of this Stale, to be active and vigilant in the ap-j prehension of the persons who committed the said murder ; And I do herehv offer a ? reward of TWO HUMMED and FIFTY j L)OL LA H .% to any person or persons, who shall apprehend and lodge in any G.ol in J this State, and prosecute to conviction Ihe j said offenders. %'?' *' ' ! Given under my band and the Seal of the State, at Charleston, this ei? lit day of October, In the yesr ofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, aiia in the fsity *fourt!i year of tjie sovereignty and ; ludependencnof the United otatcs ot America* ^ * * * JOHN tiEQBES. By the Goveinor, ? ^ ,jg\ ^ UEAur on the first Mon day in November next, and the day fol lowing it, before the l'ourt*House in Camden, within the legal hours, of sales FOUR NEGROES, levied^ as the property ot Thomas liallaid, at t Tie suit of tlie Executor, ol the Executor of Jonathan Belton deceased. ? * i -JU$? 1 One Negro GM, levied on as the pro perty of M*vy < unningham, a. the sttii of jobeph H. Howell* % 7 va -r-jllao ? ' One Mare, Saddle ar.d Bridle, levied on as the property of J"* Campbell, at the suit of Gray & M'Whot ter. \ ? vj/f & One Negro Girl, * to satisfy 4 mortage My ?" '?)> J uath&n Uuh'U \\i favor ol /ohu G.Ballard. " M. All of Uuriah B^ackman'a household and kitchen FurnHt leVied on at the suits of William B1 a tiding and i-thera. 'The *>v>ve sale ot Furniture to take place ?Jt the house """"?--j*.,. I One Horse, one Filley, two Silver Watches, sundry artii Its 'of Merchandize. Household and Kitchen Furniture, and Clothing:; levied on 'as the property of /a met Esmonds deceased, at the Mitts of James K. Douglas & Co. and others. , Two head of Cattle, levied on as tlic pro perty of Charles Robinson, at the suite of Samuel Mathis and* others* "?> 'i also?* y " -i ' On the second day of sa)e* at the Fiat Rock Creek,' two Beds, one Bedstead, and Household Furniture* levied on as the propeaty of ttartlett Milliard, at the suit of T rapp, Patterson fc Co. v t\ ? ?vita*? >% v\ ' On the sccoori day of sale,* one Cow fend Calf, levied on as the property of Lemuel 1 xak, at the sui' of Wm. and James Brown. Conditions of Sale, xash? Purchasers to pay for Sheriff's Tit'ea. ?< \i. C. Svigpna, s. k. o. " Camden, October'! 3, 1 8 :9. Public Sale. BY Order of the Court of Ordinary, for the- District af Kershaw, will be sold, bn Tuesday, the second day of November next, and the days foflowing~ AH the Stock in T rade of Mr: Joan M'C a?ts, deceased ; , the same being a general assortment of, such articles of Mtrxhandime^ as are suit able for the Country Trade ; jfUoy a large Looking-Class, a pair of Card Tables, half a dozen Chairs, a +r\c Board* and a large well broke gentle Chair Horse. The Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. at the late residence of the deceased, in Camden. Terms, all purchases undft* $20 cash-? of $90 and upwards, purchas ers to gives Hood payable in twelve m^ptbs, bearing interest from the day of sale, with approved personal security . James Clark, Rx ecu tor John ATCcftfi, deccaird. Camden, Oct. 14, It 19. ^^#3-8 5? Notice. " ALL persons having demande against Mr. John M'Cawts, late Merchant of Camden, deceased, are hereby required to render them duly attested ; and all per sons indebted to the said John M'Cams, are desired to made immediate payment to the subscriber, or Royal Boll a an, Eso. James Clark, * Excet it or John AT Cant*. ! Cajndenj Oct. 14, 1819. 83-83?' I ?/* Come and pay yottr Accounts. Tut subscriber ^mteitiA for favo*s h$ has hitherto rcceivid,M*i?pectfvhy informs his customeis generally, thai frt*m the re-' cent situation of his business, he is com pelled to call on them to come loi ward and make immediate payment ot their accounts for the year 1818 ? and such of them who haveaccounts standing for the p eseyt year, will be nleased to make such arrangements as to be able to give their accounts as quick a discharge as possible. Those who neg-1 Icct so to do, will find their accounts in the hands of a gentleman at the bar. William M'Gill & Co. Flat Rock, Oct. 13, 1819. ? i ? ... ISolice. AT an Election%eld in Camden, on the 7 th instant, TIIomas La no, Esq. was elected Intendant, and .Doctor Acfkf.d Brevard* a Warden for said Town* - In consequence of their declining to serve, an Election will !>e holden at the Court*House on Thursday the 2 1st inst. for the purpose of filling said vacancies. * Chaklks J. Shannon 8c *Hvgh M'Call, Esquires, will act as Managers. By Order ol the Coun^l, William O'Cain, Recorder* Camden, October 14. Kecon ? IP * F l ist of Letter ?#, Remaining in the Post -Office at Lancaster Court- House, s. c/on the 30th day of September, 18 Id. A ? William Allen, John Archer, Philip Arc ant. B? - Daniel S. Bailey, Thomas Bow den, John Btmc, 2 : Dr. Y. D. M. Boling. A C-? Msrgal-et C. Cantzen, S j Sarah Creign, 2; Nathaniel Clark, 5; James Cauthen, Stephen Caudle, James Clancy, John Cams, Jirza B.Craig, William Cas ton. t 1) ? Cranger Dukes, Izreal Davis* ? James jfcfliot. ? V'-., . I |Nr-Galc Fusel, Thomas Fail, Wiley [Faner. .J CI? John Craves, John Gallyss, John lou^e, John Gayden. * H? v. ililam Hamilton, 2^; :Ab*olum lunW, John Herman, Benjamin Haile, J John Henson, Abram Hagler, Henry Han k 1-^Ordneringrartt, Stephen T.Jones, 7; William Johnston, Richard Johnston, Hen* ry Ivy. < ' ^1? ^ K ? James Kirkpatrick, John Knight, Jart>< s Killebrew. ? L ? Samuel t-ove, -Thomas Lewis, John Lane y, Jesse Lewis^ M-f- William MePft esq. James Moore, James Maddor, \ John Mick le, Andrew M'Cain, Stephen D. Millet) James M r row, John Mass*, Jtf' ^ v N ? Jonathan Nelson, Sarah Natramore. ^??Kliial* perry, 3; Robert Pettegrew, RaaRcbeaha Robertson, John R titled ga, Thomas flobinson. k , S??Jbhn Scarhoro, Thomas Stevens, Eleanor Scot, William Steel, Timothy Sullivant. I I ? James Tubble, Edward Terrtll, tpantel Tharp, y illiaxn lemjl, Jordan Thompson* ?MWS W? Randal Williams, Jamet Wilson 3 ; Lemuel Williams. Y ? Jamts York . J. Stewart, P. M.r MTOLEN FROM the Subscriber's p I ant atioh,on Wednesday night, the 39th nit. ah Iron Gray MARE, about fourteen hands and a half high, four years ofd, a white spot on each pjde of' her weathers, branded with E. p. on the near shoulder, Trots andCanters. T en Dollars will be paid to any person that will deliver her to Mr. R. Coleman of Camden* or the fUib Iscriber. Elijah Btttt. October 7. 83-;? 4 . | fublio &*/<"? )H| BY permission of the Court of Ordinary, for Kershaw District, will be sold on Satur day, the 30th day of October next, at' the *houte of Daniel Gardner, decerned, all the (personal estate of the said deceased, (ex cepting the neurrpe*,) consisting of Horses, Seattle, Sheep, Hogs, Geese and household, kilched and plantation Furniture. Sale to commence at ? 1 o'clock. ers Termwcredlvfor nine months, purchas s Riving notes bearing interest from the day of sale, with good personal security. ~ Tj ANE GARDNER, Adm**. September, 57, 1819. ] f k* Notice. THE subscriber intending to remove to the Westward, offers for sale, at his place ef residence, on the 1 6th day of the present month, it his Household and Kitchen JFURNKTURE, Stock of all kind, Corn, Fodder, he. Terms made known on the day of sale. tin Crcighton. October 7> 1 [ ??-83?1 >ost, BETWEEN Mr. Miller's Tan ya, land Mr. James Clark's Store, in Camdt a Gold WATC H KEY*? A liberal reva will be given Cor the same by John M'Kenzie. Camden, Oct. 7, 1819. 83-84 ? | Sheriff's Sales. IN pursuance n. an Orde of Honor* | .? &.blc Court ot v oimiuxi I uus. 101 the \ District ot Kcishaw ? Hill 6c i&lily l>c ? fore the Court-t louse in Camoun, v m?in the legal hour*of sate, on the fii?t i\lon ! day in November next, or the lul ; io* ing it s 1% < FIVE hundred acres of LAND, be the same more or leta, lying on the Wattieo 'River, in the District of Kershaw, sutvty* ed tor James Gamble on the 7tb day of March, 1748, f^r five hundred and fitty acies, of which 400 acres was granted to him on the 30th March, 1752, und Uie re maining 1 50 acres to John Agnus, on tfco 9th July, 1 7 5U.? Bounded at present by . the Wtttercc L River . and lands ot Lewi* Ciples, Michael ttarnet, Mrs. Miller, and thfc estate of Robert Brown. ? ? ALSO? Three hundred acrcs of LAND, he the tame more or less, lying in the District aforesaid, on White Oak Cre ek.? Bounded at present by lands of Capt. John Hames, William DanieW .Thomas Thomas, Mit. Miller, and the estate of RobeK Brown. | The Laixls above described, wete sold by the Sheriff of Kershaw District, on tHe first Monday of September, A. 1>. 1817, under aq order of the Court of Common Pleas for the said District, as the ettate of William Archer, deceased, for the piuV ^se of making division of the same umongst his representatives? >and are now offered tor sale at the risk of the former purchaser, ho having not complied with the termsof sale, but has made default in payment of the second installment of ttie purchase money. ? ALSO ? One house and lot near the race ground* at present occupied by Mr. Elias Dean, anjl levied on as the ptoperty of said Elias Dean, at the suit of the Administratrix of Lewis* Ballard, deceased. ? A LSO~*bV Sixty one acres of LAND, be the t%mo more or less, lying en Flat Rock Crt ek, adjoining lands of Matthew - Li le and M'Doweli, levied onto satisfy an excutiun in favor of Agnus H. Shannon against James Hunter and H. M'Dowell. ? ALSO? One House and Lot In the town of Cam den, on Broad -street, numbered in the plan of the said Town, eleven hundred and nine* ,ty eight, levied *yn as the properly of Wit ; Upm Thompson, at the suits of William Robinson, John Held and others, and sold '' subject to a mortgagee ?? **r?ALSO"-** One House and Lot, lying in the town of . Camden, and known and distinguished in [ the plan of said Town, by the fiumber five, 1(5,) fronting on Broad-atreet, levied on ta the property of Uriah Blackmail, at th* tuitsof Ann Thornton, Executrix of Joseph Thornton, deceased, and others, sold sub* ' One third of * Lot of LAND, lying in the town of ('am den, on York -street, and lately occupied by James Edmonds, de ceased, levied on as the property of John M'Knight, at the suit of Jacob Barrett and Company* *** H ~ ALSO? Two hundred and thirty three acres, bo the same more or less, lyin^on the waters of Hanging Hock Creek, adjoining lands of Hardy Horton, Ivy Horton C-laihorno Horton, Abram Horton and Benjamin Haile, levied on aaihe property ol A loom Horton, under a decree in Equity, in favof of William Horton, agaiast Abram Horton, Hardy Horton and Reuben I. horton, re sold at the risk of the former purchaser. ? als6? Three hundred and thirteen acres of LAN D, more or less situated on Granney 'a Quarter Creek, near Lovts ShoJes, levied on as the property of William Burge, at thoiuit of Henry Abbott, and others, T erms of Sale, Cash? purchasers to pay for Sheriff's Titles* Camden, OctofPt, iltA in ii in i ? ? ? ? Regimental Or ci e r s. ? THE 6th Regiment of CAVALRY is ordered to rendezvous at Camden, on the third Monday of November next, equiped according to law ; there to be encamped for?* three dsys, for the purpose of being imtrncted in military discipline. By order of Col. James G. Spann, A. HODGES, Adjutant. September 30? 8 1 ? Id For Hale, M James Clarke* $ Jfew Store, in Camden, tiz: 10 barrels Philadelphia WHISKEY, 2 hhda. N. E. RUM, ! do. London PORTKR,(l dozen,) 90 barrele fine Liverpool SALT , WINE and COR DIAL by the dozen, I hhd. HOftEY, 1 do. VINEG\R, I^eaf TOBA< CO by the cwt. ??^/no Prime litvernea* and Dundee Cotton Bagging. Jarrres Clark. Camden, Sept. 39, 18 i 9. II. If ah will be given for Seed Cotton ?on rea onable teratf.