CAMDEN JUVD MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. |i l| i 1 I 11 III I I ? Ill ? n ?? ? 'i (8vC.) THUR&DAT JULY 1, 1819. _ - . [Na 168. ?geg??e ?m- , 1. . ' THE PC B Lie WILL OUR QUIDS?THE PUBLIC GOOD OUR EAD. PUBLISHED WEEKLY * BT JOHN CAMBRIDGE. Terms.?three dollars per annum, pay 1 Able in advance ; and in all cases when papers shall be delivered at the ex of the Editor,' the price will be tbsm iDOLLAH S and FIFTY CENTS. No ptl itor, until all arrearages are paid* "SMveriivemrnia not exceeding twelve lines, Inserted three times for fcfee dollar, and twenty-live cents for *ajch continuation. II no direction^ are gj*en with ah Adver tisement it will be continued till forbid* ALL persons indebted to the lata ton* cern of Goocifc CtJ.KMiy*HAM fc Co. are requested to call at Liberty Hill*n4 settle, their account* with Mr. James Duren, (as hj*receipts only will be good against the Books ot tb* concern,) ?C the Notes and accounts are daily making, payments alone will prevent suits Those having demands, ato advised to shew them "without delay. , John Gooch, Joseph CitnnittglMm, . 3 osenh McD. Garlick. Liberty fell, Mxy 19. 63-?8 |lii i I. ~ ? ini' i hi Hiii m >? m ? JVOTICE. TtfE Subscriber having Administered on the estate of DAniel Dumw deceased; he hereby notifies ftU eersom, having any property belonging iu the said Daniel Uuren, to deliver litolftaigon or before the firnt day of August next, in torcfer that he may make a settlement with the credit* drs of said deceased. AUpDtinjns having 4femanris art required to vender them, in gtoperly aUsuttti, and, all indebted, are rt* Guested to msK* promt* payment. M C. WICiClNS, J4m9r. June 3. * 64^ 11 111 till li I ii n I < || i|?"l? W I JYQTIVE. URIAH BLACKMAIL Informs hit friends and the publib, lie Mill continue* to fceepAHPV31? OF EN TERTAINMENT, in Camden, lately under the firm of filackman. Sc Dye) and hopes by his asiduity and attention? to faerit a share of public patronage. March IL . - ? ? ? ??? ? ? SALE OF Escheated Lands. ON the first Monday In July next, will he iold at the Court-H^nse in Camden, Mx Several tracts of land, bach containing \*y the original survey 5Q0 seres, situated in KerahaW District; three on Little Ijyiiches Creak, two on tipe Tree Creek, a|id one on the Water* < f Black divert being the same originally framed to En ward lions, Esq. deceased; and ordered to be sold aft escheated property; These lands will be iold on the murrey in smah tracts to suit purchasers. On oft* of those e prepared to , march to the PresbytArian Church in pro* cession at \6 o'clock, to hear an Oration to be delivered by JOHN C. CAKTEI1, Esq.?Every member it required 16 fur nish himself with fifteen blank cartridges, fcjr Order ?f Captain CanteV, William, OrCaid. O. S. June 24. e7?| 1" '* ' ? i ? ? i ' i TO THE PtJBLlC. 1*HE Subscriber respectfully irtforma ? his friehds and the public in general, that i he has Commenced the # Tailoring Business, at the Office lately occupied by Meters. BbANniNo Ac Holmss, where he will ex*, cute all orders in his line, with nea'nens and despatch, on the most reasonable terms for cash. Coata made for 50, Pantaloons & I T5, Veats dittrW June 24. *7?* BOOK B1NDNG. 'I'HE subscriber respectfully informs the -L citizens of Camden and its vicinity, that be haa just comroenced^fe* above bfaftch of Business in the store opposite Co). Nix* on% where he wiU execute all kinds of Binding with promptness and precision, he has also an assortment of Books and Stationary ? For sale on very reasonable jerms. George Forbes. . . Janusrv 7 i .tf ? j m Committed TO the Gaol of Kerahajr District, a Negro FeJlow of a dark complexion, about 5 feet 6 inches high. 22 or 23 jears of age, ha* been very much btirnt, so that he is lame in one hand and ohe foot, with a large tear on his breast and one arm.. He says his name is SAM. and that he belongs to Reubin Picket '? Fairfield District.-** The owner is requested to Some forward, prove property, defray drtfet and take him away. William Love, g. k. tv. June 17. i ^ 65?tf ^ m ff tip, ? i.Mj ? !.,< Committed TO tbe Gaor of XersSsw DislrTcV, a - w - ? ? ? ?mmm m MW| VI ? dllPW 4/ i V- I ) * ? Negro Fellow, about S* or io years of sgev 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, btout built, saya Uisnariie is. ?T scipimh and belongs to William fjnll in Barnwell -District* The owner is requested to come toward* prove property, p#p charges and take him awnv. * William Ixjvc, g. k. d. April 8 '-~7 ?? ?'? " 1 ? . mmmrn^mmkmrnimmmmmtmrnrnm To Rest. THE House belonging to Mr. BKoai> ras, in tbe upper pail ot Camden, lately occupied by Mtfc Rai.^-Iw UWm *pply to the Printer. March 4* to rent:, A Store Room with back Rooms belong in?: to the house that Mrs, Hcbccca Ral lied now bccupies. For terms apply tb Clmrlea J. Shannon. April 8, 56?4f mmmmrnrn.^ ... ? f I a?m> ? Stephens Creeky Edgefield. FOR Sa' c, a valuable tract of Land, consisting of 500 acres, more or less, situ* ated as above, and bounded on lat\d gHntrd to Hugh Rhse, Jacob Mott ami Robert Starke. Esquires. The Title is tjnexcep tionable, being from the original Grantee. For term*, apply to the Editor of the C aim lien Gaactte. and Augusta Chronicle, are desired to give tbe above 4 insertions, and aetyl the bills to the Camden Gatette Office. April 22. 58?tf *l'f ? ? i ? . i i ihim A nr'itm ii i 'i . Tobaccwf^fi Prime Chewing Tobaccd. ?AI.SO?? 370 Pitcei of the EigefqHI mad* SUm* Ware, consisting qf Water Pitcher* from 2 quarts to ? gallons, Pickling Jars from 2 flo. to 6 dfct Jugs from 2 do. to 9 do. Chums from Sgalloafto* do. The first of the kind, (tnd superior in quality to any) ever offered here, for ssle by HF.ftNY ABBOTT. > May IS, 61? tf CAMDEN KIFLBCOMPANY, Attention! *? . * kir v., Y0U are |requested to parade in uni form, but without arme? it the coin party parade ground, on SundiayHhe 4th of July next, at to o'clock A.' JR. in order to march in procession and attend Divine Service: and you are replied to appear armed and equiped according to IftW, for the purpose ot muster and drill, at ten o'clock on Monday the #Ch of July } on which day, after the pamde, the eothpany will attend to hear an Ona-no* on the An niversary of Americsn Independence, to be delivered by JOHN C. CARTER. Esq. snd sftfcrwsfds pe deposited in the hands of John C. Carter, Esq. {Attorney at law, by thefitatolSfrUgut next, for collection. Samuel Lopez & Co. ~ June 10, 65?70 Notice. t do hereby forewarn all persons from trading or pure basing a Note of Hand ditwn iif favor of Thomas T witty* for the sure of Sixty Dollars* payable the first day of January 1820. As the sum was g i " " ? 1 ???? An Estrajr. CAPT. JOHN DUBOSfc tolto before i*e a Sorrel Horse, about 14 hands high, 8 years old, blind of sn eye, has no visible brand j appraised at ten dollars. Said horse has been in the neighbourhood since last fall* end is subject to fits. Joseph Mkklr, J. o. SCIENTIFIC. ??*" MOM Tltt COLOMBIA TMLMSCOrM. MINERAL SPRINGS, Mar Fork Court-ftouse, in the State of South- Carolina. i ?? % ? , , ?; *? At (lie request of R. Clendinin, Esq. 1 have drawn up tbe following account of (tie M inernl water, in the vicinity of York Court Houae, lately brought into notice and not yet pub* licly known. My sources of infor mation are (be annexed letter of Mr. Clendinin^ and an analysis of the Water, made by Mr. l/Herminier, a truly scientific cheibist, who was resident not long since In tbe city of Charleston, and whose removal .from oar state we ban touch reason to regret Although I have hot lmd an opportunity to examine this water, my knowledge Of the skill and in tegrity of Mr. L'Berminier is such, as induces me to put the utmost con fidence lu his statement of the pro pertiea, and therefore to recommend it to tbe attention of ay fellow citi xens. - . ' , . ' v Had Mr: L'Heiminier remained in Ibis state, there would have been no occasion for my taking any part - in this business; hot aa the detail of the wImm of hi*analysis, although very interesting to scientific charac ters, would not probably meet with general acceptation, I have conclu ded, with the concent and by tho desire of Mr. Clendinin, to make such a summary of it, as will answer (lie useful purposes for which it waa intended. copy or tin. clbkuihin's Lfcrrw. Fork C. If. August ?9,1818. i)akr Sir.?By (he recommenda tion of my particular friend, Mr. Jeet R. Poinsett, of Charleston, 1 have taken tho liberty of sending you, th#OUgh (be hand 01 Major J. W ilson, two bottle* of miheral wa* tsr, the prodbctiM of a opting in (he vidnity of this village, two and i half miles dktantl The spring Warm been brought ifcto notice, until the present summer, aboht one month ago, since which time great advantage* hare been de rived from it. It is found to he * strong; tonic altd powerful diuretic; in some instances emetic and In others cathartic) and it baa been, proved, in general, to be a remedy for chro nic rheumati*ty, cutaneous diseases, ulcers, ftc. From tbe almost unequalled heal thiness of this villigr, the cheapness of livings and in any other advanta ges, together with the mineral apriog, it is certainly an eligible retreat for tlie citisens of the low country j for their benefit, and that of stranger* generally, it is desirable to have an analysis of its water published.? Will you have tlie goodness to send me the result of your analysis as soon ss convenient, and in proper form for publication. Signed It. CLENDININ. MR. L'HE?inNIKR?? Rfet*I,Y. Charlrgton, Feb. 11, 1810. Sir.?1 )mve the honor to tend you the approximative analysis of the gaieoua water, near York Court House? I regret much that it is not a* accurate at it might hare been, if I had more *f the water and* fewer Avocation*. At any rate, botoever, this firnt observation will, no dotiht, lead to more extensive re?enrches.?*~ I wish you to believe, air, that with renewed pleasure 1 will always en-v deavor to apply my knowledge of chemistry to the advancement ttf the prosperity of t^ia state, and that