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> THE STUEAJI OF LIFE. Bubbling, oozing, long del lying, By its mother fountain staying, In amongst the reedlets playing, Springs the stream of life. From the quiet shelter gliding, Down the grassy slope now sliding, Underneath the shadows hiding In a silent p>ol. "With the marsh drake and the mallow, With the ducklings, weak and callow, Now in (leap and now in shallow, Plays the little stream. Thfb-n a pent!? fall now leaping. Passing flelds and hamlets sleeping, Swelling o*er, onward creeping. Seaward moves the stream. Quickly to a river growing. BriMider, deeper, onward flowing, Htateiy Ships upon it *"ing - Krer to and fro. Six r too rapid grown for trading, By its banks uo vessels lading,. . Through the foreai's darksome shading, Hasten It to tbe ral!%' Whirling, foaming, darting, lashing, PusBi&g, rushing, liruviug, crashing, Ou tbe rocks forever dashing, Faster runs the tide. 8ome waves over, some waves under, H tiding otifer waves asunder. With a roaring, as of thunder, Headlong falls the stream. "Varieties. Gun-Cotton is now made into ropes for storage, and kept under water. Wiieu an 1 order is received at the manufactory, u few nonrs su.rices t? semi tbe eottou ou its way. It has been found that by w.aking the ropes with many air-channel* thio'igh the mas*, the cotton explodes almost instantaneously, ami is jus violent in action as the strongest fulminates. A fLocK of alpaca*, parch used some years ago by the Austrian Governniiut, was mjihI in Jam'* The Government discontinues the experiment of breeding and mchniulicn, and it now passes into priate h ?nds. The results are a. rid to be sjit. isfuetory: the uiihials increasing rapidly, and being in a healthy condition. . There are 1,057 National bunks in ope? i t * ration, ?or the circulation of which, the / . : I . . ' . government holds securities uumuntn.g to $321), 100,700. Securities for the United Stubs deposits in banks designated us public depositaries are ul.-o held, alncuu ;*?,? <? v-bt :',.ib a(H). . ' t t ?A National convention of Teachers h is just dosed in New England; a National convention lias Intel)' been held in Philadelphia; a Radical convention wilt j k. on be held there : a Nation J convention of soldiers meets iu (.'hicago on thr j 37th instant; u National convention of; Progressive Heloruiers (Spiritual i.->ts have an interchange of spiritual sociabiii y at Providem-e, It. I., next week 'v - end a Natijual Labor convention meets in Ba tiiuoro in \"fe-w-duya. Surely, this is n year of National conventions. The Oiccnsborowjh Shield, a prominent Democratic paper, says, in a leading article advocating Democratic principles: " We have never raise,1 onrh md against the South in her straggle for her rights ia the Uiiion or her iuJ/pend -nee ont of it; ami wo repeat now what we said during the war, that before we would take up aims against the South we would suffer our right unu to be severed from our body. * Wo are perfectly willing [ t? tike them (Conservative Union men) into our Church?as our Methodist brethreu receive members ?on six months' i trial. If tkey eorvluat themselves [r >perly, ! a?d sftotc signs of re/wit'oice, we will then receive them into fall fellowship. They j must be praying members for one year, before they can hold office or pray in J pnblic. Their .privilege to vote dates jfrmn the period they are admitted into the pirty: but thev are to have no pirt in getting np conventions or polling the , wires. * PrQut seats reserved for j O'd Line Democrats?those who have; [stood by the party in i's adversity es j well as proeperity. Confederate sohlieis I fre*-" i / Obituftipy.w Died, on Sunday. August 2t:th at 1)^ o'clock, P. M., Lewis Thompson, aged 59 years, late Alitor and Preprietor of the New South. After sixteen years uf intense suffering, borne with great patience and meekness, he has passed I away to that peace for which he so longed. His ! prayer for many years had been " Lord Jesus, | come quickly:" and now bis spirit, purcfied in the furnace of affliction, has received the rew rd promised by our Lord when he said " Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." I ' Died in Savannah, Ga., on the 23d nit., of Congestive chiL's, G. Williams Dcwhnrst, formerly j of Exeter, N". H. LIST OF LETTEIts remaining in Beauiort Post otflcj, August 31, lKnti. Mm Muri-rae. A F. k Co. Coming U?>se, Proctor, Frederick dn^4u ^ sample polite, george Fields, Saliie ' Kved. lieiij. liibmtu, iOchuiond , 1.eaves, Lewis Ives, Ge<rge 12. Simmons, Marcus aldington, 1'uoebe Simiu>iia. clirisaa l.ewis, junat Taylor, O. W. Monk, Wui. J. Wiutiuker, 1. L, .viueiUou, DaiiL .. J. R. VEitLlLB, P. if. ciivinmgxe Duixkebs.?We leirn that thirty millions ot boit-ts of chamjtaoiie are annually sold and tuus d.8Uiuuitjd: Africa consume* baf 100.000 ot* these; Spain and Portugal. 000,000; Italy, 4UO.OOO; Belgium, 5'JO,OjU; Holland j nmcn; Uennnuy, l.oOO.UOO; iius-ia, 1 000,000; l-'iaiice, 2,500 000, thirty Lij^luud, 5,000, *00; lutll.t, ditto; and North America, 10,000,000 bottlesi'ueSH figures refer to the consumption oi wine really grown in the cna.upague couuuy. ami by no means include tiie -*-* ?M t. f Uoi ?I..A *? ' . a, t .Oi . ? i |? ItJIIfi OI milllUliB Wl lUMVirn ui ((Wiorun;, rhubarb, and other"vnl.tinous compounds annually sold and drunk as the true mid genuine produce of llie Eperuuy vihe8. Is* the beginning woman consisted oi t hiniile rib. How sue is ail ribs from her beit tu the rim ol her petticoats. The Editor of the Bowling Green Gazette objects to the jegi.lar transmission to him of agricultural c.rc liars. He says: "We i re no auimai propugatist ? fcursist we are uot?as a euwist we make no prt-teusions?a?u sheepist we claim no honors?nod we are h* gist to a very limited extent." Th quantity of blood in common-sized men is twenty pinjs. The heart btntskev i eaty .time iu p. n>ifiuu\ ana at encu Dtat j throws out tour t ible-spoonsfi'l; tiiat is I two ounces of blood; therefore there pa->' ses .hrougli the heart,and troui it through the lungs, an amount of blood every twenty-lour hours, vqual to two thousand I gailons. In croup, water, as cold as ice can m ike J it, applied freely to the throat, neck, and : chest, with a sponge or Jloth, very often j all >rds an almost miraculous relief, and j if th s lie followed by drinking copiously i of the same ice-cold ehin-.nt. the.wetted: parts wiped dry. and the .-hi I'd be wmp-' pad up well in the bed-clothes, it falls iuto a delightful ami life-givlug slumber. j Horn's Jocbnal says: The unpleasant! odor produced by perspiration is often a j source of vexation to persons who are j ! roubmd with it. Nothing is more sim- j ;?!e than to remove this odor much more) I ?u i... ?i?? . e v. 1 t!llrUIU?4IIT tU HI Vf < uc uil'MJ "| ni|i u [ untfuen.s and perfumes ?s are in coin- j niuii use. It is only necessary to procure I s<?iue of the compound apirits of ammo- j iiia. and place about tw.r table-spoousfnll J in a basin of wafer. Washing the face, j li mils ntul ttrius with this, leuv. s :Jie skin ; as clean, sweet aud fresh as ??ue could wish. The wash is perfectly harmless and cheap, 1 ' 1 The Cow flicr with Doubt.?It is ao awful moment, w hen the soul .begin* to find that the props on which it has blindly rested so long, are many of them rotten, and begins to suspect tliera all; when it begins to feel the nothingness ol many ot the traditionary opinions which have been received with implicit confidence; and in that houihle insecurity begins also t > doubt whether there be anything to believe at all. It is an awful lipiu?'et biin who has passed through it say how awful?when this life has lost it's meaning, and seems shrivelled into n sp<?u; wlien the grave appeals to be the nd ot *ilI human irnodness noil,iff but N *? n " - . " . o , a name, and tin? any "above thin r. u. Terse a dead expause, black with the void fiom which God himself lias disappeared. iii this fearful loneliness ?.f spirit, when those who should Imvo beeu his friends and counsellors ouly frown upon 1ms ruisg;villus, aud profanely bid hiri. stille doubts, which, lor might he ku>>ws. uiay mise from the fountain of truth itsell?to extiirguish, as hglare from bell, that which, for aught he knows, ni iv be I ght from heavon?and everything seeurs wrapped iu hideous uncertainty. I know Irot one way in which a man may ouue forth from his agony sea tlr less: it is by holding'hist to those things which he knows to be ttue. Hollowat makes 31 ">0,000 per annum hv his pills." Why? lkrcause he pays 3125,000 tor advertising- Surewd judicious is llollowiiy. !Q*Vi JjaitlUUdllGU IWT. LENGNICK & SELL . < * <, i / ? * / yj i. Qn Importers and Wholesale Dealers in MILLINERY, STRAW . AND FANCY GOODS, NT. E. cor. MeetingtV IMarhet Hi Charleston, S. C., / j Invite the Trade to examine their fall and varied assortment of BONNETS AND HATS, trimmed and nutriuiim-d. r RIBBONS of all descriptions. FLOWERs, FEATHERS, NETS, DR SS CAPS, RUCHES, CORSETS, ? f N ; ^ "VEILS, of tMe newest designs, LACES, SILKS, CRAPES, SKIRTS, Etc., etc., etc., etc., fctc. THE RIVER ilOE- MILL Can now famish, in quantities t<j soit, a superior article of Horse or Mule Feed Consisting of Corn anil Oats ground and mixed. Also, at ail times, a iiicer.i ticle of Wh'te Homijy and Meal Which ure off 'ltd to the Trade at reasou-tble rutes. , G. WATERHOUSE, bay ST., Nil VK PIER NO 1. JUST KJiOJjiVEI), NEW BUTTER, LARD, * POTATOES, ONIONS, Ac FOR SALE BY ' M. JL KINGMAN, ' Ecy Street , Vp I Urm , 1 Fron iie A RMTLLT FOR SALE CHEAP AT THE BEAUFORT .MACHINE SHOP. ? FEKR1*. r- r "| COTTON. I [ Highest Cash price paid for COTT0X BY M. M. Kingman, BAY STREET. scp 1 tf G. B. CHAMBERLIK, No. 153 East Bay St., Charleston, S.C. m COMMISSION MERCHANT, Df.AI.RB IX GROCERIES AMI PfiOYISiOXS, SUGAR, MOLASSES, BACON, HAMS, PORK, FLOUR,, RICE, CORN-MEAL, Ac. Ac. Particular attention given 1o tiie purI.iiiibC Hlid SilCUl COTTON, RICE & NAVAL STORES. 'Liberal advance* made on conxi^n airiu?. j? <? out M. WEtOER? & CO. fEAUFORT, S.C. i t5 Merchant's Row, Hilton Head, S.C. HIM AM TAILORS, WOULD call attention to their targe and wellreu;et?d Ktix k. <>i HK.VDV-.UADK Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Also, a large assortment of C/jOTHK, CASHlMEHK3 and S.v'flRUri ou hand. Clothing made to order. and warranted to lit. Atao, fine asock of LY1>U>S ?.'XAiAliti and BASQUES je 'J Hw SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK will )w famishe'l ;.r the SAVINGS BANK without charge for any amount denied, aultf SAM L. H A URLS, Osdrier. MACRQWA HQTEb, above well kuovrn establishment . i* tor SALE or to LET. It is u Log* t\vo story buildinp, in thorough repair, * wj;h two story extensions suitable for Billiard room and sleep.Dg looms above. It is situated 011 the Bay, about time , minutes walk from the Steam boat landing. For further particular*, enquire of" jy 21 tf ; H MAYO. * ; UUm^JTOH-S OFFICE i v s. iNTF. ^iAi^ur.vLNr:-, Itstbict sorrn Csmhvia,), Aug US, JtSoc. The Taxes on the | Annual List for 1865, t c??npri??nz anxmnty dee on Incoir.o Lionces, ; Bili ard T?bi<? kept lor pn7?tt;- tt>y, .Ormges, Piano Fonts, Plate, Gold Watche? and Yachts. ARE NOW DOE. TFe-e tuxes icay be paid by persons residing ' in Bcuufi>tt Lietrict at BEAOFoBT. (at c/rnerof A and 8th streets) cn I the l<hh and 14tU of September : I At HILTON ttrKAD, at Cn?tom House) on ;h?! 17th ?> d lftthot SeptvraVier : f At GILLISONVII.LE. (at r?eid<m.-* of T G. I Buo|ci?er) ou the 24rh and 2-Mh of September. ! AtGKAHAMV'ILLF. (at store of Lmoe ,v tin. | cneiiniu) oo (Ue 27th and 'Ahh of Septimlier, 1 ?05, jo WILLIAM THOMSON j Unless pai l hv that time the Law attach** adi diU'inai amounts to (he tax. ! ' No notice except this will Vie issued without FREDERICK A. 8AWTER. . . S 1-St Collector 2i D?t. *j. Ci. ETMLSt " ' TVMbloUorjTS nrtfXOTSin Uy.T^rt S. C at \ri prices, or will bs ot-.v.n vi ! >r Cv?>a PUautiooj. Eo|Uire ituii up1.4: