University of South Carolina Libraries
\ * .Y.igjflfi j a -* ' ? iT. - f_ J i OUTWARD BOUND. Hi DiSAH mamah kcu>ch. . F*r upon the unkno%rt deep. Where the unheard oceaua eound. Where the un?f n iel&ndn alecp. Outward bound. Ii>l?wfnp Mward the rib at West, ? O'er the horizon's curriag rim, ' T??*th?.?* Islands of tfe4 Sir ?t? Be with ine, and I with hun? Outward ta^nnnd. Xothing hut a speck we accm In tne w??te of waters round; Floating floating like a dream. Outward bound; V. tnlUfatthiil^y two brave hearts, with one acc trd, Vast all tnmult. grief and wreck, L^ik tip calm and praiso the Lord? Outward bound. Wisdou rnnjc Mowtkbquikt:. ?The doctrines of the preut French publicist, M nitwqaieu, were the stndy nf the f??oi iters of oar governiu'tnt. Here is some of hip wisdom, take n from a chapter npon * How dangerous if. is in republics to be too severe in punching the crime of trea. pon," which is good for present nse:? ' As soon as a republic has succeeded iu destroying those who wanted to subvert it, there should bean end of terror*, punishments and oven of rewards. Great punishments, and (souafeqneutly gr?r ? changes, cannot take place-without in:"wstiBg soroo citizens w*th an exorbitant, power. It is ther? fore advisable in this case to exceed iu lenity; rather than iu severity: to I tumh bnt few, rather than many; and to leave them their e tate*, ?i i. Btcad ut'making a vast number o: oonfisc-itjoni Under pretence of avei.gijig the r public's cause, the avengers wouh- j est ?i.lish trrannv. 'I'be business is not t<> destroy the robe!*, Jmt the rebellion. Tin y onght to return as quick as possible into the Usual tra. k of government. in v hich every one's pr t^eted by h" laws and no one injured." A enriouH item of st^tistica iu the J French pftpcro illustrates the supers tions of Parisians. It iff observed that 011 Friday* the omnibus travel of Paris diminish** in the proportion < f2> percent, ?u> strong is the ?iperstitious avoidance of doing anything that can be helped on mat ''unlucky" day. . " " ;.. A Prknchman, on going to England and j; ;"v vitudfag hirawdf utterly unobserved, no *" asking hw passport, no policeman dodging V* *tcps no payor demanding Wt-Kaii tuu\ lonely end ex- J ''-dtotmrd thai be triw tofri n t?o m< >r* not ice i '* * o^ti^n irhe^-aa n little dog. cvnawjzi hufi beta di-sCj^erud ha a [ ' ' bidden con?r of the uatbedrai ?t Erfurt. j An old carpet, nprftttfifnif the legend j of Tristan and Isolds, was diecoTeted it j (fo<>3 pre*er?*tl?i, .and appear* to ht-f loJig tf? ih? tonrteeiith cenfcnry. [ i? ' | _ Ik one of - Wifliaui Wirt'a letters to hi* j fhughter,. iKicure this beantftul passage ^. <^Ti8irsn^n.t;{ *T - wuoijj : .-*arid wpnW torve joa M^if yotj ?av% , - ** ? two nafcw c*** ^ evejT one, j ' " '- - tbetetaav^elM.**xtoOUf for n$fr, 1 . l?v aU>*iiig Uisiii whfti St$jtoe aoiuppUv -; .' t-; called t^e email cotuieiiee, in which there 'is iid par.ide^'haae voice fe too ; '" '- skill to tease, and which manifest them* wcHer -by tender and affectionate look.-, j *ud little acta of afi&ction, giving others ] i he preference iu every little enjoy mt nt, .t* th" ??' le. !i the field, walking, fitting or Bt*?ding.M LMM4 NEW SOUTH. f yiuting '! ~A K! POSTERS, CIRCULARS, JOHAHIMQi ML BILL HEAD^, LABELS, CARDS, BLAflKS, ? % r *'' ' ' NOTICES, CONTRACTS, TICKETS, . Etc., Etc. Etc-, EXttftTEI) IK THE BEST STYLE A NX) WITH DISPATCH. MfLLSllOUSE, Meeting Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. THIS HOUSE HAH BEEN THOROUGHLY REPAIRED and FURNISHED, and cannot he excelled by any in the South. JoHoph Purcoll, 17 PKOPRIKIOR. SAM. A. COOLEY, Licensed Ahe ti ?*err. HAS had experience in the busimm* North, Coniroiaaion low. Office, Beaufort Hotel. S C. may 19 tf SAM. A. COOLEY, TO WJT MARS HAL, I OFFICE AT TH* BEAUFORT HOTEL i.? tf " ? ?I Cooler's Photographs, PROM CHARLESTON, OP ALL THE HEA 1SLr AHps, TO ST. AUGUSTINE Over TWO THOUSAND different negative*. Ovd, Htareoaroplc aud Urge 11x14 view* takes , for the Goxenuueitt. Alao, a km aiutortruent of AlboiM, Put Paatooa. Cmm, rnunea, *c. for M1^, ch^ip. AT THE BKAITORT HOTEL. Ja 1 tf ' BREAD. Przsh srkao, buns, sponge, pound X WASHINGTON, tad all bade of CAKEat the BEAtJPOHT HOTEL BAKF.KY, - Mrfr* .Wmrminf, J*.i? ' ; ... ' ^ V j FOR SALE CHEAP. The Jjot and Buildings OJJ HKVKNTH STRICT, adjoiuiog D. C. Wit. owViMn. opposite tbe AiwmI, birtug on it? PORTABLE BlTXJ)T}l(*. 9$ by 40 tttt. ' 8. C. MLLKTT, on dwelling hob*, Intb^SroP r?fpdlr,w1th a large lot Of littd pteBtod *ijfc:fnut trees, Apples Terms reasonable. A Urge portion of tbp purchase money may remain on oortstge Enquire of . E. 6. DUDLEY, Bay street., Bee ifort, S. C. aj* 6 ti o t4 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J e. THOMPSON t CO. DFALX&a IN STOVES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Opposite I*ier No. I, KEAUJKO&T, S. C. plows, plowsT AMES No. 1, With extra point*. " No. 2, " ?? No. 10, i.. " " " Donble Mould For wile by J. G. THOMPSON A Co. TWO ARMY WACONS, 1 SMITHS' BELLOWS, ANVILS, | GRINDSTONES, "sorted. FOR SALE BY ?T? G. Thompson & Co. j FTP WATER COOLERS, AND ! ICE CREAM FREEZERS, FOB SALE BY i J. C. THOMPSON ft CO. ptp , , CARRIAGE, SIfiX 4 HOUSE PAIMlXfi BY J. M. RICE, BAT ST., OPPOSITE PIER No. 2, Beattpost, S. C. ^S^Painte, Oila> Varnishes. Spirit* of Turpentine, etc., constantly on hand. &p it .?uip L7s.~LANGLEYr 13 M ? I ft TA 3C ? 1. Kffpt oontuntly on hind HERMETICALLY ! SEALED COFFINS Mid COFFlN8of ail and j prloM. AIM, ZINC LINED CASKETS for exhuming and forwarding Um? dead. Corny of 0 A Seventh streets. BEAl'FORT, 8. C. # W. FULLER, Ag?ni. may 5, tf. 0 ' wu is ^?n* r?r TA*K "I Photographic Pictures ill k?*uai mu, mcLvii >o CARTES DEVHUTES. PORCELAIN OR ALBA* TYPLR, AMBltOTYPES, STi REOSCOPIC VIEWS, ETC. They hkr* for Mk, Mnglj or by the donn, a vnrie* of ovur TWO HUNDRED STEREOSCOPIC HEWS, including Plantation Scsiira, Street* of Beatlfbri at>4 Public BuUdinga. ALSO CtHJOTANTLY ON HAND NEW YOU* PAPERS, of the lab "t date*. and all the 1L USTBATED WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PEKIOIRIAL*. . AT THE PMMfBK: 1M) *EIYS DEPOT i OPPOSITE PIER NO. I, BEAUFORT, f*. C. |ii ? . ICED CTEAM SODA From MATHEWS Cotofantcd FOt&TAlNR, at M. M. KINGMAN'S BAY STREET. mmi .nifljma : -1 Wpt*r ^'rTEBTMND OF HVRCPS^'1^ BEAUFORT HOTEL. J? ? ? ? *T"T 7Z FOR SALE, IV1HB SUPERIOR YACHT COMMODORE, with X ?w Mil nnd rigging complete. Enquire of , K *. OJUVHI * CO. fc Je? !tt I . , 'v < f, ?. . " - < ' ' ' ! 1 1 i ~. jjf 8TATB OF SOUTH CABOLINA. [ Town or Bbaufokt. ) AN OHDINANCE TO RAISE IMMEDIATE SUPPLIES FOR THE USE OF THE TOWN. Fmrr.-B* it rndaihed by the Intmdact and Wardroa in Council assembled. That a Uk for ? the same, and it the maauer uieutinned, eb&Q be rained end paid Into the Treasury I of the Town, for the use and service thereof? | that in to nay: seventy fire cents ??n every hundred dolls re of the value of every hotue, buildin#, lot, wharf, or other landed rotate situate therein; I'i nritM, That no tax shall bo imposed ! upon any property ordinarily exempted by law I or custom from txatiou. rvF-ouNO.?This tax on real estate shall be paya! bit by the persons who on the first <h?> of llty I in tun present year are the respective owners or I repretieirstivea thereoi, for the year ending Anglut 1st, lstfti. ltatified In Council, this lfith of April. 18?. E. P. HUTCH ISNON. Intends t?? (Tme copy.) D. L. Thomson, Clerk olfbnndL Tax Notice. AH persona interested are hereby notified that an assessment having been made of all the taxable Dal estate (houses and lots) within iba town of Beaufort, and an ordinance having been rati tWu on the 18th iuntant, Axing the rate of tax** ?t seventy-five cents on artery hundred dollar*, /or the ii*c*l year ending lad of August next. The Tax (Collector viU open hlabuukat, and receive taxes on the 1st day of May, and continue tor thirty days, when bis books aril! be closed, and executions issued against all detank era. His office, for the present, will be st the rnv tosI Court room, open from a o'clock, A. M. to 1 o'clock, P. M., ami iruni a to & P. M. I). L. THOM OK. Town Tax Collector. Bean fort, fl. C? April 20th, l#5*. ap27 tr CHURCH RECORD or rax FIRST AFRICAN J4AFTIST CHURCH. BEAUFOBT, & C , May 8th. 1*M. TIE Find African Baptist Cburch, situated oo Fifth street, wiD rommenee its eenricee every Somlay morning, at 10S o'clock, A. v., and at 3>. and 7J. o'clock, r. u. '? By Rrr. A. WaDDKLL, Pwtor: noTTcbi. 1 There is SebKtth School attached to the First tspCiiil Church situated, on Fifth sin-**, which will be had i? the church on every Sunday mo. nJiK, lrom 0 o'clock, a. If . to lm>t, ,\. v. This *ch<?)l is lor the b-wOi uf nil chhuren who wiU .tUrlli] . | . ISRAEL J. COnFN, Snpet 11. tenant. op 13 tf I f ~ FOR ClAltLISTlf" A WO SiniNAH, Bf?Cf The fine *e*-geing Steamer EMKI4K, HAVING handsome accommodation*. will leave Charleston every Ttlt'HSOAV, at ly P. M.. touch uk at Beaufort ou Friday, at * A. VI. R?Hnnlu wilt Lie. nurv 111 lVT? lT^I > V M , touching at Beaufrvt at 1 p. V.- ' FULUM?JLKt, Agent*. j?9 Ijr , Baj stmt. fUtWllUtfS, ' : ' AND , SAVANNAH. jm9SS? The fine new U. & Mail Steamer KATE, tor* THOU. J. LOtXWOOD, WU1 leave Savannah, foot of WeM Broad street, very THURSDAY MORNING, via Hilton Head i ud Heartiort, arriving in time tor the North RETURNING. Leavee Chariaatnii (#Ttfjr SUNDAY MORNING at 6 o'clock, touching it Beaufort and Milton Head. Leave* Savannah every MONtUi" MORNING at $ o'clock, (or Paiafka, FM., touching at all the landitigs on the St John Klwr. F?r Height of^paMaga, apply to M. J. FRENCH, Agent Beaufort, 8. C. may 2? ly P5S5HSLT BURKART & SPEIDEL, AT their MUX on SEVENTH atraet, near tha GOVERNMENT ICE HOC8R. Are prepared to furniah to the public, at the ' * Av ' Tiiweit Rntoa. ALL KINDS OF GRITS, MEAL, HORSE FJcuJ&P. 4c 99* OSDKRM flllM with prouptitade m& Ai?p*tch. T'*' i#o 3^,