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; JFvr the New flouth. A Planter'* ViewK :* - < lO iff A ft ift w<# known tha^s{daring the picking ceuon kffcyear, nwny planter, in this vicinity suffered severe losses at the h* daofthi vs. Iu soiae cases whole. j bales of cotton awaiting shipment 'were carried off, and so ski'f-illy that all attempts at tracing the thieves were unsuccessful. Cotton was stolen in large and y small qnAnthlee, fprmi the cotfcm barn*, in *1 the seed and after gicning; and although it was often easy to designate saspeit. d peisous, it was generally quite impossi< - hie to find evidence to c? nvict. Stealing from the field* was practised to a great exteut, and so common, became the steal* , iug of coltou, that many began prcpara tions for this year's crop frith grave apprcbensions df lose. Unfortunately, for . 'the colored population, in almost every ease the thefts were charged upon ibem. Th .re iV-little doubt that nine tenths ofl t ? * S i - I M. I * the thieves were negroes, men or women. I It is not difhenlt to account for thejroi^d.;ffdl)y developed proclivities' for Mealing m tuifeeted by the ex-slaves.? They-seem to have been moved in former times* by the idea th it to get au) tuiug. from the white people, without the return of ilieir sweat or th-ir blood, wab h c]?i? v ' "The lam) will forgit we poor black,';; N) septus to have Befell a ooverigu balm for] t tMeir consciences, whenever wonnded i Many who h ive lied extensive experience | ^ among the negroes,, say, thai no negro , ever forgoes au opportunity lo steal.? j However, thai may be, Iain not one f those who think sncli a state of things' can long continue. But if such a state of ] . things exists, or if we Uhve an approxi-1 luuUt.i) thereto, vigorou*. efforts should U tun le by ail enlightened people to iih? prove the character of a clan* so largely ! iu Hie fnijorily ati the negroes. The principal difficulty, vre meet is, I &ifl4 J|ct& (fc l^k?f grueHty,,^ course,) the absence of a respect ib public sentiment, honorable iudepeu-1 deuce of mind. The negro who is koown i to be? bud man, a thief, and an idle ] tbrifUesa fellow, it received as aeoiupanina, by people of aia owu color; aud serine i to be Admitted to all toe privileges oi j their socirty. The j>n blic sentiment does f But, as if. aboald, place a mark upon him ' ' Jed deny him a&urfttuiice Among those w|to pro lefts better thiug*. H ? Ou the Set I?d*ndH, there is it is s ud, more mental ami moral degradation,] ihiin is generally Jound among negroes] in the South 1 > .. j The j in dependent* of mind scarcely j < xi?t* aiming thenT which allows a mtti to denounce another, even a ueighbuf or friend, when he is found guilty ot a crime, or which impels a wan to join in detecting the author of any rascality. These seems to be ah apathy on toe part of A*, blacks, to the baseness of law-breaking, and instead uf an . eai desire wot* justice, by detecting wrong-Ami/ * degraded, clanuuh instinct tweius to | possess them, to baffle enquiry, and to aid f f Wf w auco wets mtuTbr rewiwd, and by (be* '* ? il|^#wggr5?h? ?v. .. pqrtaat advancement can be made by tbe; ? ~ j - /? . | i *... i._ *. i *i r]' Justice, however, demands that we; ' * should ?/ty oonfMeratite improvement' ran be see? already, in some lunUnceag, and mdivMual r*<en .are not wan ting, | ' Vb?f4iU< sMtrtiofainkM .b!e elf rts have been put fbrtii in the rights, reuioo. i Two Children In One. Hfed3ntiy, the w&ofUr. John. ^orijhardt, residing in Union town, was differed of acbifd wniob foa gfaat ctmositj to its way, almost ont-iivalKng the Siamese twins. "Hie child baa two perfect heads, well covered with tjair, and are i beautifully featared/ four arms, the boj dies beirg united just * e ..W them, two < spinal columns which unite in one pelvis , t \<f b/enst borref, but otdy ope pair ot ! well-harmed legs. The physicians who j have seen this wonderful freak of nature ' a e under the opinion that there are cer| tainly two hearts, two lungs, and that i perhaps a portion of the digestive organs are also donble, the two bodies not apparently losing their individuality until they TencnThe' peYvfr, and evotrafc* thin j point, - where jUn^parea4>d*; J?dv in ! mule, thewv-iii soiae aign that the other is >? !?'?& fkiUi^aiwuaiiaBfc. ypy f y| kur 'e^ewblance of a female, and of tbe other a male. One of tBe'boMe^, or ttttlietone ?:de of the body wan born alive, and lived | some tune after birth, nut the other died (in tbe birth. Thin is tbe fhpt product 01 ; the marri ige of the parties The mother Lie a.yumnfc and healthy woman, ?>f about ''twekty >aare 01 a&C.i orn the neighborhood of Lynchburg, Va.. and the father u J^nafive of 0?rmauy, abont twentj-five or twenty-six ye irs of age. The father was in the army and served in the neigh1 hood of Lynchburg; where he married the mother on tiie 14th of August last. It has not been definitely determined as to what disposition will be m ide of the bodies, but at present they are at Dr. ftpodej's embalming establishment, where a?? V* ? Wo Leon nla ~..A In oU.Unl VnA lurj uaTc u^cu piocru iu rivjuvi, I^UJUJ withstanding the bodies are fnlly developed, arid measure nearly eight inche* I across the shoulders, the mother is doing | rem trka'jfy we^i ? PKUcl Ledjtr. I It is reported that Louis Napoleon, in \s conremtirm with the Austrian Ambassador, alluding to VcnetiA, desired tliat Ans'ria would consul to-Aome eoncessions for a suitable Consideration, and i thns remove one of, the greatest obstacles , bribe maintenance fiS peace. The Aoa' trian Ambassador is said to Knve disagreed with his view of the tuutter. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in Beaufort Poet Uflce, June 15, 1W& Aftdri-w. John Jonea, Allen A darn i, Char lee Jenkin* Jack Bl- oJ. Itrie Jamee, Mr>. Cumber Bririgroria. Wm. Unlaw, Eaeia Blancbard. Lieut A. ; Laraagar. Charlotte Circopuiy, KlleoJ. Levy, Rebecca Circopt ljT, Capt Francia Lyon, Frank 9bmc*?qv mit'r, Dillon. Rli'herd Middleum, LydU Prayer, John O'tteyan, LitOt. C. M. Pngger*. Enoch Powell, Hector Donnia, Can*. W H. Polite. London Daogett. cSpt- Hiram P*V*. Le^rft 3 r.g|U^al Fortn?t,-.Abi?e? 7 , Sngron, maua Fiahtnan, t'a.-l ' * SmHh. tnbdh II. ** nil.. IV...1J O leV . Tt. a r miLMllII. I.1Y Ml QIIUHI, IMTIU /?. Frlt?i)y, R^r. Win. Aaull. John ato? o ( Jtfngjsiw Jaol (?J Hngeu. Margaret N. watkina. Leon Hnrtaon, Jntfltfr ? Whitney, I. P. mkat^istss T R. VEKDIEB P. M. BUILOINJ LOT FOR SALE flSttSffe 5J3TM JUI&. AW a PLANTATION Of 100 acres hlT*wWchV^rtrttafl**, laud hating g?T?l tepwmepl* for nine Awihe*. cotton Ihmim. *e. The place in ou POKT ttoYAL laland. aqd auy ope de-iron* of purchasing lands In this v*intty would do. wailtf anstntee it. Tortjmern of Hoperb cotton on it n'.w. * * Al?o, ?t*M' b * bat a First e't t rMidance. in appl pie ord- f. in Beaufort. 8*mI pUoe baa an t..j ?ua,liauae? of aoa forte ?Md'>na ground#, ?0>??7 gvy n, j^u* a^dnui-bou-xM in yartnt In relation to i)u? abort inquire of . h. a .turn. Beaufort, 9. C. June 16th, Utf* > W ? I STATE TAxST rpHE subscriber hfiKby flree notiee that the 1 time far rofwrujt Returns will be exte.ded ' to gdtprdtf the &ii qt >iu?, artfr 9rhic? hjs books Wilf positively rbb closed, *4l al who ball have failed to make return* will be liable ' to a double tax. , Pay moots of tr.xee will be received an til Saturday', Juty 1 t'. ' Bean fori, H. 6., Jane l?h IX*. J J" i H. M. STTAPT, A jel6 tf Tax Collector, St Helena Parish. LOST A BLACK-COVERED MP.MOlSOJck BOOK, name inside O. W. DKwf&itft. The finder shall be rewarded who lea res it at je 16 It ? STORE. t_ ..'i.Ti.uTrxa TOWN ordinance. 'hit* ijf Suulk Caruina, I Town of Beaufort. ) AN ORDINANCE to create the odkaaod define tar duties 01 the Town Jfyntiki-f^T * db it ordained by the I n k-ndalit Cld" Warden*. I in Council fcn-vjnliied. Tint there shah be aniiually elected by the Cwunyij *ti Officer to be known ' a* the Marshal of Tow*- Of) Beaufort, who i aiiafebelor* euU rin* upon fhe duties of hie of ttceTuke the followiug oeth or alkrniatiou in the. picaoiic^Coun.-i^ to wit: 1 do solemnly 'iveefi that 1 will well and trulj serve the town of Beaufort in the office of Msr* [ Ah*I, according to the heatot my nkili aud ability, and without favor, fear, prejudice, or partuhiy; that I will obey aud execute alUiafii) ordets to uie given, aud will report to k tldcfl all ndolatiouH of Town Ordinances that may come to my ' knowledge) and ihgtl wr#i not take any fee, gift, or gratfhty, except tl may tkralJowed iuo by law, for auytnuig to be done by me in virtue ot toy . aaid office. No help me Ood. It shall he ttwihuty of the Marshal to devote I bis time and sttejiUou to the interests of the 1' iwn, and to obey aud execute all the commands and orders of the Council, or of the In * ? te a?iv mwtihF Ai? thincr in iraumw < 7 ? ?wo ? which til* Town after. In any way, be cogogrued: tojeuforc* aud curry into e fleet, to tie utmost or , hi* power, all Town ordinances; to be vigilant 14 detectinganv tpiringeuieut. violence or breach tUereof, to report all such notations to the Internum aa aoCin aa..(bey shall raaw to hi* know' ledge, and to make a duplicate feport of tb? same to Council at its luixt meeting; to attend the trial Jogjll ofeadentrAormi byjaiun and Jo use all, 4 la wliil gii^ini lir Jh*ir effectual br<4e<?itfun aud conviction; ana O) penortu-att alb* aivtx appro-' prute dutiakA qaa tg> -pmgeribed to Imu by 1 1Wtslikfl tPtff tin til ?l whenever ordered by Council, or the Inteudaht, or by any two Wardens, to remove, or cause to be removed. all offensive suuataucea, and to abate, or to cause to be abated, all offensive or dangerous nuisance*, in whatever building, lot nr place witblu the iftuita oftbr Town, the sain* may exist. Aud In order that the dangers arising buoi any oi these causes may be, as much as p<)*?ibir, ohi>M|?.-d,,tti?JJystud sliad be ot>li ed, immediatei AyjttTmrWg mmf n<Mapprehension 1 Umrevt, to maktobe ume known to the Inteudsut. and to QieVmMeV in whose vanlpny such uinsauce may exist, and he sliatl at ail times have I the right 10 enter up?>ii any premises wltlun the | l'own lor the purpose of examining into the condition of the aaiue. ?, 4. JtjhaUbe the duty of the Marshal, nuder i ucll rff uiatioka as Hay hem^fteg b^guescribed | by CovMcu'tMiavo ffie chargf nndxaie of all eirta and ami^ds t^t may^ b^pflrt liawd^by | CioniicU fur tne nsu oiw jv?i,?iu uj m iu<? < they are property en^wl in removing rubbish , and filth from the utrwtn, or otherwise employed to the advantage of the Town. H? shall also'ex- j amine constantly Uie condition of the town. pumps, drains gitf other vubliu works, and shall; j report to the Intendant, wheneverthe same nifty ; [ need any repairs, (-leaning or repairn. | 6 It shall be the duty ut the Marshal to bars ' * charge of the Council room, to keep the keys I thersof, to s.-c that the lamp* are proper lv filled ' j and trimmed, tnd that the fiooui U at tha pan*] j per times suittblr prepared Jbr the ineetlug* of j Coaucil It shall also be bgidaty to be in personal attendance upon Council at its masting*, to auiiiuiwii thereto, wheneverdt. acted, all per- -o.ia wboee presence may be desired, and to see i I (W^rr^Y^tslned in and near the 1 - uauAl yooujfunK ?mn mwuu*?. fi. n ?hhil be the Marshal, when ?,? t : oruered by CVmhiii, to ras?uv* or to i?um to be1 {i mowdonee*eboF*te fMphnpMfee t.1 me.of i : ptibIk ground* ?>t the Towtylbd*11 Obstruction* ! TnatsiiWSL. M .;?J J flue* tuid foneitures that may liffuwr due to the Town, ipti to levy, in such manner i? shall tcradMef b?%}>Jp>jddMl all lax executions lodged pp Marshal sty 1), within two weeks ; altar bis al^wtt and beftife \U eiite a upon the. i duties of hif office. fire a bond flriwn pay abb to | : the Town (Japed! of Beantort, n etf souesasora; ( and assigns, Ui the ?ami< ffirae nnpdred doi-; lan, (|3oo.) aonditiouad for tha ti tt? aud laithAti j discharge ofths duties of Ma office, aa reupirrd i by law; wtdra bend ahali be exocuu-4 qnw1 aursu- a to !> boaad PTWSHM^ Ttctimmln of ftibWbJf ?olM* PV*U? qoarUrlT wbkt ! SteS 2V&z&sr*'z?~'? (uttt'.'.tl ytczt,p n potato-wlw shiD ofetfcoct tk? Twm ! kiinuBw tf tbvdutiM p??enW w ulta by ?ay i i*w7tw3'itivD or erdiaaoo^sluU ?rirtt*?4 C' y to Iowa>* ?* Jw fr*rw? ttM ! ?# Co?-cU. * t ?. P. iiriCHISSOS, IottacUnt ; I Tr 4t J*?D &- T?0*?S. CW* ?? j ! * *T^ ? ' ^ t j# *- ?*' ALE, WINE, BRANDY, flt^'-SAALD-QMINGO BITTERS. nvr ni it mix a? dd i \ m """* i Mb ULU IMIU.II. IIII.viui, For medical purpoMw. CLARET, RHINE WINES. SMITH'S BOTTLED ALE. FK Oil PIIIIADELPHJA. A NEW SUPPLY RECEIVED AND SP* SAL* AT M. M. KINGMAN'S. BREAD! BREAD! | Twelve Ticket* for ONE DOLLAR. ' TUIESH warm roll* delivered at tha re*'denc* ! i of hoc cheapen every tuonuag, by leaving J their addre*!i. either at the otBo* oftfce HAKKltl. coruar of Ttfi & C am. ?r at tbt BEAUFORT ; HiiTKL. j JelTtf SAM. A. COOLEY. TAX NITKET IWfTJ.atteud at Hlhoii Bead ou the following day*, via: ' ' THURSDAY. Qlat June. FMIDAY. 2*J Julie, SATURDAY. Ahl Jul*. To recaive Taxaa |n addition to the ami meat*, two dollar* per Dead on all mala reefcteule fn the State between tha agent of twenty-on# and _ afxiy yeart; aiity ceut* on factorage, employDieuta, facuhie* and profeaaton*; twenty eeuta I nnou everv hundred dollar* of tha amount oi ??k?t of gooda, vim and merchandise, which any person shall have made from the Aral day of May IMS, to the first <L?y of Jauusry, lHCd, one dollar per bead on eaob and every dun of avrry kind and description in the State, ou the flint j day oi January, 1866, or brought lit the State beI tweeu that time and tbs date of payment of ! Taxes. Persons having Freediuon iu tier employment will please make their rettrts for them. The Kreednuu are requested to be prompt in attendance, those who iiava no Agents, in signing return*. J. B. a JAUDOH, T. C, 8t L. P. 2d June, 1W6. jel* tf 6REAT GIFT ENTERPRISE. i 200,000 GOLD 4 SILVER WATCHES, | QLTS Silver Ware, Diamond Seta and Itlng*. | O English Silver'Cruet Stands, butter Coolers, ; Dinner and lea Korrice, Pianos, & wing Ma ' chines, Vest Chains, bracelet*, Locker*, (told Peuetta. Seta of Jewellery, Ac. Ac. TU BK MILD AT ONE DOLLAR RACE, WITH. OCT RHOARD TO VALUE. And mid to tm -pc'ii for till yo ? Lvov tafcw yea are to rtctir*~ fftffffofire jiW RICH ASI) VALfAW.K ARrltLK* AT 0\? do i lab bach. 1(10 hue Hold t?hruiin?netar Watch** each $'JOO liki Fiite Hold LitKbitli Lever Watch** l&u i 300 Lame*' Oohl Enameled Bijou Watcbea, 15o dOO M*!id silver hunting l>ver Watche* $40 to 8k *300 Silver Dinner Set* loo to l.'.u 150 Silver Tea 8*t* 100 to l?u 3,000 Silver Prnit Urna 15 to CO 3,000 Khgiiah Silver Cruet htauda V0 to .'0 I Silver Batter Ohuler* 30 to 5.000 Silver Qubk'U, Hold Lined. 15 to 20 10,000 tiuldPeas, Sliver Venal <W*... .8 to 13 ! 5,000 Dozen Siiver Tea Spoona. 15 to jo 5.000 D?a?n SUv-r Deaeort S|^xiu?.... T) te s<i ; 5 000 l.arxe Sue Magi<- Spring Locket* 10 to ? 150 VtriitClaae Hawing Macuinea.... 4U to ? All the kltove Uet of gooda will be void for one dollar eiK-ii. Certiflcata* of all Ah* vartoua article*. atatitigwton^oacb one am have, are fim pnt into envelopes, maled op and mixed; and, when ordered, are uken out aitfciiut r> g*rd to choice, and Httf by mil. Una giving alia lair "?"M an 1-MviDt of the Can Am* yon wili m? \?b?t j on can hate. aud tUra iX la at you* op > tttm to antd one doiiar and Ukt tit *rttcLc ar Out tvrt .ftcata imt obtain fcm.% <*trt WateL, S^rrtcf of ittw PLrtfror asxjoibfrrahut> ^rgpaat V>HLBE SO BLASE*. Oat ended envelope, containing aa Jt4* . lor mm of fee valuahk- articles ou our 11m, iriLi ue wnt to auj addreaa, on receipt of it en** 6 for Sl.OOrW fbr (2 00; At. vrttfc premium tw*. f&O*. loo Vtib premium a*?hd surer Hnotic* tw Watch. . Pedte<*attei<*c'ion guaranteed bt ail wi. ".friedayt* DMm1Q? tbr laate or i>f our. c atuxxirft trfU fWpiMttf free AfteJta Mid otbfra un* *30 cent* on each certUl'tffc otdrred by UML .providing a<4 leu than fte* are ordered at a time-. Agrnte wth collect U cat# for each c. ?iftoaU_ and rewtt K> c *ut? etch to nr. Addwwa all order* to KEI0H FELY % OtA. 9. ? Gtrt1 Nassau and Ana St*. Sts fork. Areata Wanted Everywtiara. may <jtt feu momn sale. W&. * Jny ,? th? UliiiwlM (KAmJIWDu BOLnOO*. *0* *>, L ? SW^iF^tsHe 5o. 8.M6 fcitbyi*. MM* So t, UA 9m ?y ut ?M So 1. SO Wt by H B**y t?orehc a* 45 4m Mr|9. FOWC* !. *?. I. 1* M by 4". '* U_ W. ? till M K? ? ?*.?. ftwN.Ko.A WfrobrSu. NMn*Sto*In t*i by 20. StiHiUM, Mbl k, 44 fc-t b> ?.*. Btotohonee. So. t, 40 bT J8i T?m? OMh is UaU*4 out* fa^. Sow to be Mitmacd ttom4?T todaj vitlloU to noid. ' " *' ?* JOMMB K1FS. Copt.-U. 8. btoouc)-A. A. Q M. Jot ?. I I