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1 SOUTH. BE Joy hatvAY. JUxj 16AM. r" "TTT"TMifl r hljniifcJ^il^Hoc?. Chart?v BW8WI" * TT7n! vlilutjM^PR|i#i4t?MM with thoae from ether part* ot the South' i i*y a^yf^nduucler cultivation i? larger than for sonre yrafi poftf fro/W>e<i ?m plentifnl and of a fair quality; the /M * *? ^4*1* r haa been pearly enough'iA? uir the d?m -no. ' ** 'r bloasom on St Helen t inland, and pla&t** erf 4b&& So lftt? only ooefaar?fhe qaterpilia . Ii they aeoape tips ??t, * ?- reap Wge yield, confidently looked A gratifying fact nniver&dly noticed is the industry dt Ska fok>red people. This u 1 WtvWtooaUiu* Ihks than uue-JttyU' the col ored population^ did v>ne year Ag**. pring found them seeiin gftoflsy. in the fid b uvtead'of depending. ,nt) in yeure peak, "upon the 'precuriqhj "* ^'^idBwotfrf Mm* jnfct ; ?ven Of those remaining, many am .pni|tvaUi^ co^oi Vt V etfurms near town, going out in th* morning and return ng nt.Might. Oar metvhant* *ntsetpftE? f very heavy trjSe when the Sotton-picking- eeaaou * cc/thftfr-nr^n.' Preparations ere ?*ein? wiwiruhiiih wili hra^g tuple iuto riMit II f Won?hH' n neueh mflier than - hiwwttjfnei.; Bennett md ^ Water howewiU soou be able to begin ginning, hear ateeveral other -gentlemen who . Vm>I ii# wtoonx intm' urkiln \fr P?\L ~**K illlk^uart others are already prepared j ? . ^ ^.Th? Fcnwiy. *" TU* aXiuu baa ?tirred Q?> tMlbtok wonderfully < Mm* meeting* are I ny hnld al leaver the North, and pouring iu .#'Amw attaMBitffr*. W* ?re *orry to no* tioe th?^ ^ apparently, it can only rtsuit ic Aahl** to"the misguided, np en ' Iff tixt&PIMr lire* *M ; *"? "tahfil bv thS fMfeaMUinjf to be lionized io' "' tkegr&xt aitie*, jeiljeejctj^dlr Aatf # gfamft^p^^Piay are bring arrested * iivju t-ifle/ otiji&c North aii3 Last, *V?". Pr"i,|"it wr"' w vS)^-We hoard .h prnpdaiftaa haade ?Trt*Dd a few cUjs ago that ihoT o&iVUSr*hal)1to aHowM, After hoalatns thopah. * *<t ,*Hr??lto?4ocomiDeiioe leaning #19 welli of Sua? falate^pail^ ?Ag mt^n "da* tnigtit bt? cani^ ^ ; (iSan / *. SSuorflDtftet^M to*rthan*.t4? ^v'r.*9f -ay* of 7;ooo^$TinMPi tlw weeks *-eJet~ ?mo*fbted to 26,000 bale*. tJold at 41 % I " A jay-bird sat ou a hickory tokji jWr He wiukod at me and I wished akfe^ J Aj^tmoolh -faced stranger WroW BitJ^farlton, and *PlB|jQ*jU Vno the raieroas confiiWnJjjfi? oair ^ citnens. Re stated that he Singing olid, iluil piupeead lu .give tm5 coteBrtkf th^psoceeds to be divided be tween himsdlt tmcfihe ttiiisqpptlChoreb " " <? 11 a iL:__ ?ni l !? mnnt (virrppt h in the first steps towards having a good concert. Mr. Bird had his printing ll done at the nr.w Socth office?bB exc.l' taut example, which, we hope, wit. be ex" taosively imitate*!.' Then Mr. B. ason red the Episcopal chapel for his Cow t ?eit-all very proper, as the gni'elea* songster intended that the Cbarch shontd L ^sve half th j proceeds. -* One concert was given, on Tuesday ' itigbV jhot tb^ attendance was slim, and the .proceeds scarcely worth dividing.? .jl-be tickets were sold for the second eoneeii) which should have been given on "Wednesday. He collected what mo -nay-hfe conld. andjhen to the dismay ot the hotel keeper, the disappointment of the charcA, and^the horror of the printer, . .the Bird flew away, and opto the ?reseat haanevor come hack. Hvforgot j 9 *a pay his hotel bill, bo didn't pay the j printer, be neglected to band over hi*' ' ?o??t>si$4i JpnrQ- bets a thr* a\>le mocking hird, ; 4??uecjtfd rflh^ liavyog! bjigl in the poshtibiB two in the bat d. . The 8 ay L:iw in Alabaimt. A majority of tbe Snpretne Conrt of Alabama decided tbe first and eiffhtb section* ofibt; Stay triw, jnfrtpokitfR jndgment on anna T> >r iWetdetifchlths, coaatitotional. T? oorXmd^tfgrd and fourth j >e*tionaOFK#MOty ydlevtiun of jndg } ment already rend?red before tbe pas -age i of the Viw, ancoustitutioDal tuid void. The sixth section relating to sale* under mortgages wiL*trts(?de6fctritf eokl Merf 'f DM. Considerable ,4ynqseinent wm created j yet tbe Hoane lust we**k by a resolation ( in trod need by Mr. Clark, of Ohio, that the recent successful i iva?ion of Canada, to frhe Fenians, entitled thai body to the thanks a id respect of Congress, and that , they , were entitled . to be recognized by the government as a belligerent power. |'the labels; | as belhg :i #ate *vt fljt commencement I ,mParopK|"9??? fo*r>iifi? Mil Bfcfon ?picn?d 1 the common ide^ of the time, when be tefte?i23"irc".i; I ??Tfce tnse lojde pi jfcrope. E*arv loan * merely speculative bit, * LmHMWtntinn .w nnknlita a thrnn*." **r, forhotti!i-' | He* once oommentH Ni will involve most I j of the uatioues >viii be conducted on ? fcrinciple practically new in this hernia* Bnre. Fi.rmer contests have been paul fcri** Id?this will hare to be carried j gpwitb preenbagks. Already there is a lMpension of specie^paKieflts, vd ? large issue ol paper aoruflP in 1 Lai The [ ?uSSfthe new mesber7h iva ncm b&eM elected y< t Wil&un fche J nnr rata, wnnlrt ?Qju war agniiist liefimJirR, without nskiug the Legislature for its sinews??m?ney. For three years he has collected4l large public' rsrenoC.without Le^UU-Ve authority for any oue tux. In war time topay aHiSjBdTJgTsrhiittroopsirha , will follow* the example ut America and , issue greenbacks. And, if PruasJa does this, Austria wl'l do' the: sauir. Hence- 1 ? k? 'tti mn kj anJ Risnma Will bnvft, Virtn illv, no voice for peace or ^ *3 li HWlfjr burdened with debt as the En1 ropean Statea art, war must plunge them all deeper into iu vol Yemen t. When the at rife ia owt and the coat is counted, the parties engaged will be nearly bankrupt. The moat of the German powers will repudiate thoir public debts, which now ate wast overwhelm the pi, and the westward course of empire will be hastened? fchoagh the greatness of this country 1 does not depend upon the nnion of foreign sfcala.?Press. . \ vin ?^ m> ?-? _ By Telegraph. i. ?~J . Later from "Europe. , Dates have teen received to June 2d * Austria, Prussia, Italy and the Ger i man Con federation hire agreed to send delegate* to the Congress. Austria re- ' loses all propositions to cede Veuctia. Prance hopes that all powers>Ao have ' Agreed to be represented at the Cob- 1 gresa will suspend warlike preparations. ' Marshal Eaiaine h?s received order* to concentrate bis troops at Mexico, Ori baza and Paehla, and to be ready to send' tb ee-foarths of bis army to France oil the firat of October next The London market closed on June 2d with TJ. K ftve-twentie* at Con bo'.s at 864. i *m + * - ( +9g- iDoings in Cbngn'Mi. 1 Ou the 12th the House proceeded to * the consideration of the Constitutional 1 Amendment as reported1 from the Eecon- 1 atruction Committee, which was heretofore pa*aad in the House and amended 1 in the Senate, referring to fl e b tsi* of re-11 presentation and repdtliaUoh of the Confederate debt Tbe previous qoestiou was | demanded, and the amendment passed by* bf MOyeas t*32 nays. It no* goes to the fftates. Mr. Stevens has offered a substitute1 j fyr the Ri?festrt?km WM/ia which be < proposes to admit Tennessee if ahe w ilCI before the first1 of n<*t Jahftary,, ratify .j the Constitutional Amendme nt - jnst | passed, and extend- the wnflrage to all , classes. ' * " * "' ' * ; .i - - , Ou the Utb ips\ M;. Harris, of Mary- j .<tn<l nudfl an extraordinary SDeech. iH which %e maintained the ri^ht /f teeeC*';, mrni, and Raid the South had excereised j ] th?| right and were now foreign States. * That althoagh their standard had been i ] l*w*ed the. Southern pride was as high as ever. He said that the feet that tfc* hones of 300,000 invaders in 8ontha soil was not calculated to lower their >. He alsifBaid that President Joht>~ 3 son was illegally PT?Wkmi beamne he 1 WHS.a.'dtizen-ofa foreign State. He like- 1 wise deuounced the military trial and execution of Mrs. ftnrratt, 1 Thin insolent speech created a great i sensation. 'J 1 ? 9 8*hato* Habrir, on the 7th of June, presented a petition of citiEens of Florida, who represent that they were forced into the rebel army; that they purchased Jjfcses fo|T*&h tfty Mve |hi(|r Botes; nt the atnouB of AeseAotes afrntopped out of &Atr pnjf an# thaulhf are nfw sned^by Be hqfeerwf thake no tea \ ? for a *ecA?d ^ayrnibt. 'XTbejS&sk Congress VO prtsra-feiw for thair-pmtOction. V ^ The Wm A*t The merchants tx. /1??tAinnaii KilVit filtlk. nil a i" \;ntviuu?iii uu'v - n ROribed $758,000 to the SfraigEt Line Steilthem Ihiilrotid, *hich is tobring that r great ir? '*infHCturing and industrial city in A direr * rftihoud oommunication with every par. of tha Sooth. The subset iptions, v f it i, confidently Rtnted, will reach a milhot. m?? ?1 *v .About Jeff Davla " Ii the Hoase of ttepraeentudvev, on thel'th, Mr. Boutwdl offered ? msoln- ' . ...4jtg i tion r questing that so long a* the charge of eon 'piracy in the murder of Mr. Lincoln regained against Mr. Duvia he honld not be relented. . { "* Judge Underwood has refused to grant i writ of haLeea ourpus for llr. Duvia o* ' long an he remained a prisoner of war. \ This antject wfli bebrvught before the V^, Quhiuet this week, and wfTl probably be - ~ decided. It ia siulcil BJ1 Washington ^ papert that' n minority of |he Cabinet \]S at in f.iTor of Jeff -Davis being paroled ^ *?-?NM9n to *' Wheat mid other Crop*. The wheat crop in this and the adjointoff oonntia*, U about ready for the tc_) the, a d we are glad to learn that it is Mttly an average crop. Tbs corn is only tolerably good ao tar. There baa been too mnch rain for it. A-great deal of it looknyellow and nickhr.?Allut.ta S*ic ?ra, l2rA. ' . m * a EDITORIAL AND UTUKV ITEMS. General* Steedman and FnJlerton have ? ported on South Caroliua. They \ raise 1en?ralt$eoU'Mud?unialrMtioii of sffiira, * ? I.I? J I... .. mo propone iom uie man imkhus uc limed to the former owners wben the; ihall have paid tbe negroes for their improvements us tide on tbe property. REtTBNfrfront Oregon indicate ?be el?-eion of tbe Republican candidate* by * majority of one thousand. Probst, the murderer of* tbe Peariug family, war bang on tbe 8tb inst. A xew weekly Republican paper, print-d in the Scandinavian language, was ivmed iii Chicago last week by MestirR Langeluiid A Andeisoj. It is very Kadi ??m am la/luai a. * -V . < % , Tab Fenians, iu a mooting at Coojvr institute,denounced the President tor iis neutrality proclamation, and declare that tbby will never support hiw. a Tiis National Typographical Union is low in session at Chicago. The five per cent tax oh cotton hns l>rorght out remonstrances and protests from *11'pahs of the Sonth. Northern men a: d United State* officer* regard it J: tM is & rufnoni meiwrol* to odUod interest* Th. w*tere aVe Everywhere receding in U>ur?i*ua, 'srid'ther^is tt*> f^nr of further food* this yeiii^ fiuHhe people in the immeuse submerged country are terribly Stressed. Relief is going out from New 4 3rlw? daily. ~-oiUnm A Saa ?Francisco dUpatob announce* lb* departure of MiuiHUra Bi'kxxsoakS tod Vax Yalkj JtBiruo fur China and Japan. *t ? ** ' ? * " l c