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THE NEW w SOUTH. Vol. 4, No. 33. Beaufort, S. C., Saturday, June 16,1866. Whole Wo. MO. _ ~ 1 u 1 _j : j _...j j -Jr,:...rvT^7^5r>?v $hf gjeuj $oufh. | jmckd rvr.KT lArrmruT mnn my { L Thompson, Publisher and Proprietor, j " PBICE: o** oqi% ..Jr.. riva onu $3M Turn Mouths........ uftd OsrYhjji ...tuft r>' AD VAN CPAd vracTuxifKVT*.?Tea ccwta a lute for Ant lnw*fi. a ; tobftqwat iaerrttoue bj wrr*mrnt. THUMB CA8H. Qfice eww of* ami J? strut*, adjoin??#g Hit Mor* of J. 0. Thompson & lb. StrTtotie+t at Maruaoim end dkath* inserted t 90 cento each. ?? i-i ' Oerrit Ami ill on Davie. Mr. Ot rrit Smith has addresasd a letter to Mr. Chief Justice Chase, urging thai there exists ho Coartitutioual right to try Jeff* won Davis for treason. He ? . i'i , says: " Your Conrt administers the CuUatitntion?not the law of war. But neither Jefferaou Davis nor any id his fellowrevolutionists are under the Constitution; nor have they befcn, since the contest they embarked in became a civil war.? Tliey are nnder the law iff war? nuder the law of the conqueror -as exclusively an would be Mexu-o, were it *be, instead of the South, that we have conquered.? In saying excinsiodg, I do not forget that our governmental actum in to the contrary. But this hybrid action?this weak and cowardly vacillation between the t'-oustitntion and the law oi' war?thin dealing with the rtonth now under the one Kiwi now under the other? proves nothing bnt itn own absurdity. Tbe 8ont?, it* peace between her and the North is re. anwd, i* again under the Conatitntinn. If it in not restored ^and her non-rep refutation in Congress and onr troopb iu the midst of her are uzuong the things which prove it U not \ then is abc still under the Uw of war. l*udir this lew let her I* punished for her violations of this 1 ? <?? nn* M ftw |?%W?|? VI 9t4IMlU^ VVi* ?. w? twuMiunat ing onr President, or for alaugb<? the battle-field Our Horr*tid?r?-d primmer*. Under thta law, if Ihey part*, ipated in any or then* ta fanes, let ^ves hrr fkviaet and Serpbeasm and Lee* h? triad by any other than a military court" The South m a conquered nation accord ing to public law, and w ho treated by the Government during the war. A civil war ie una thing; an act of treason, oogni^abie by the count, another* To try Da via for treason after four years of war, would be to call in Question our victory, to ootng* humanity, to violate the spirit of the Constitution, to alienate or to sad* >>. 4ia friend# *11 over the world, and to sacrifice that hope of a restored Union which rest# on impartial justice to all men. Slanders, issuing from beantifnl lips. ?r?*4iike spider* crawling from the blush. rg bart of a r > * Congir?tonal. .. Wakhikoton, June 8, 186T>. The Seiate's reconstruction resolution pa?ved that body to-day, by avotuofyeao j 33, nays II. The nays were Cowau, Da| vis, Doolittle, Guthrie, Hendricks, Johaj son, McDongall, Morton, Eddie, 8aula[bury and Tan Winkle. The fallowing I were aUent: Brown, THion, Neauith and i Wright. n :-rt. , The final report of the Reconstruction Committee setting forth the reasons for ; the netion Of the majority was mad in | both Houses to-day. [ The conclusions ol the committee briefly are as follows: ' That the people of the South proved themselves ihiforgents and traitors, and forfeited all their political rights and privileges: that the so-called Confederate ; States are not entitled to representation in Congress; that ere allowing it, adequate security should be required from them, ! and this can only be found in such chanj ges of the organic law as shall determine | the civil rigbta and privileges of the citi - * At i i;_. kL.t _ i IHM Ml lUt palXS 0> U)r xu'pouue; mm, i presentation should be on an equitable lamia; a stigma should be affixed on tr?ason, and protection given the loyal p?o11ile against future claims for debts inrorr? d in tlie conduct of the rebellion, and fur slaves emancipated by the war, togej tlier with an express grant of power in Congress to unfon e these provisions. To this end the Committee advise a joint resolution, amendatory of the Constitution, and two separate bills designed to carry the sauic into effect* i I The committee maim in conciwnou that theee bills mv remits of desire ftir e. mediation and eom*ea?!on. ' The Rrport i? eigned by the Republi can ?i< mbera. , The di***ntant* are 8* Jubaeon and Reprenentatire* Cinder and Rodders. .4 ? Ntatiaiic?<if Emigration. By the re tarn made to the Cotnraiwalonr ra M Emter&C.on by Hr. Cmwerly, ! General Agent* it appeat* that the naml*r of alien emigrauts who arrived at this port, mostly Ironi Kurope, dating the k*tm<>uth was 40,019 In n? corr.*?I ponding mouth in several y?*r* has t o nnirdier of these arrivals been an large, i l b", following are the returns <>t aliens only who have been landed bare sine; the 1st of J*unary, 1866. Number of alieha arrived In Ian. 10 1M Number of aliens nmved in Feb... *6,<36 Number of aliens arrived hi Match 14 831 Number of aliens arrived to April 17,Mi Number of alien* attract in May 40,040 Total Rince January l*t 8ft.710 th. ?h?t? aa eaugrantawbooame Vr* daring loot mouths of the year, exctoitthg M-v, was 58.1&1. In ire month* it waa 92,300. ' ' ' ?*> -'l> ftr I | The following i*a ata'.ement of the emigration, nearly all aliens, of the ftitt ft?. j? ?.tha .. icivO. ? *fv ; I January ...? 5,319 FeoruAry 2,46G March ..6,171 ApriL 10,818 May ...28,48! |( ! .ToUl from 1st .Tiinnary 48,225 ! Arrivals from 1st January to the , ! 31st of May, 1866 .92,300 < i i i Increase in five mouths of 1306 44,125 j The total emigration of 1855 was >196,347. Iu 1854, the year when the i heaviest emigration look place, the arrivals numbered 819,347. LOST, OX the 14th last, e'tber in Mr. FjW? store or Mr. fMnsoti'a aak?>n, a SMALL, OREEX UMBKKLLA with a bsrnbo handle, turned ' end. The Safer wl 1 be LlttLK lLLY KKWAKlV >J> by rwturiiiug it to the XEW SOUTH office | ^"crWILSJN A CO. BAY STREET, .? ff .. ft ' HEM) OF PIER No. 2, U ni . Continue to supply to their customer* oa | more extensive *?a|# rh?n form*?ly LUMBEP, 8HIN6LFA I DOORS, BLINDR, I HASHED i And Building Materiel* generally. Aleo. I GROCERIES. nor\VT?tTnlVa i j 8HQRS. ,j ^tc. etc. etc. | J%rtkiitf?r attrition will b* j*i<! * kewofri* J ^IREfM ftF BIILD1\G\ j All k1ud? 0/ OM-peater wvrk fat* wi;h d* t fmtttL. ii TO *y U 11 ?rwEwm?eoT * B0*ia?ABT c r? i IS Merchant'* He*, Hilton Ifert.S.C.! i mm tailors, i TKTOCL? caU aCMBtte tn their larjre and *aH Vf Mtecttid atork of KR4t?Y-M \Dt j Clothing, - ! Boots and Shoes, i: --Hats and Caps.| } Alto, AlargaaaefrMnent af CLOTH*. i'ASJH- i I HEMES and S.iTlSKTH ?n lUnrt. i Olothinj niad* tn ord'r, and warranted to At. j , Also, *im atock of r.APIWI' CLOAK* and ! BASqrER ' >9 8.* j g. wXter h OUSE j WHOLESALE AND BKTA1L MULStXf - '* ^m?TWNMmiES| BooMRBdMioea, II ^ I ' 'Ul^lf 1 Vmrpennf,rnwi???, prMI! Puppi > JMftef. He * ?i. m* NO. I.BAV ?1HMT.1 NO 'i* -T . 7, JNATHJNAl* FREEMAN? SAVINGS iwn ? ' TRUST COMPANY. CHARTERED BT ACT Of CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1*55. Brmnrh mi Mtmmfmri^ A. \ rtti DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR ard npwarfl.s nMivol . i " * . These .Tepopitm ct\h be x>r4Wk oci riffiKKVFja TIIIS DRJ-OHITO* chooms*. Xnmbor of Depmd.ora, ., 1025 Total Depute, .? 4JJ There has been paid to Depositors for Interest, 4,f#W 30 Seven-thirties and Comjxmnd Interest Notes and Specie taken at thsir rains at date of deposit. i . t , . , AH huvMttf'iit* iivulr in Vnit*d .Vntfv Srci'rifi**' Adrifto?j CoflwaJtiM. Grn Kulnn S,ixton, Wm. T. Reed, i -i r>?pt. Ja*. P. Ijirw. Robt JtaMington t*?p?.A.P.Ketchain, Peter White, MkJ.W; H. P*nfleo?,J. J. Wright, Mnj. M. R. DeUny, John Hjunilh >, C*pt B<?brt 8mnll, John Heeeock, K. 0. Dndley. J-*iioary By thew. .od. 4 George Gage, Ahma Hcott, 1). O. Wilnort, IboimeiMiutmob*, T. E. Ruggiew, Fnmk Barnwell. Kit Green, Ben William*, Demiui WiMhington, Iwtac Garrett, H. G -JwM. Diofc Wright. Kristin#* (iant, > . E. G. DUDLEY. Cbdrrann, 8AM L. HARHIS, CW^?r M. T. HEWITT, rr<mH*ut, Li LANSING LAttfciiVT, Scc.witoj': fharipAl Qfice, X?>. *7, C?4?r afltoc^ vAnwrtou Kxebaoft Boat Baiidiag, Ntir ?oA Citr i lll> , i l??M II l l I LOST! B07K BOOK* Of JOHN HttO**; So. * . WSl> LIv* ..Ji\NlvK'. No. W*. Mid CAH1> of UdAKLM SKtiAK. No Whoevet- ahkJl. twtarn either or then* to t?? Pnedroen'i *aviug? Uoui will be taiilebl; warded. AAtf L HAKRtfi, Osoftltr. / Beta fort, A C. Mev -M, Ifttt, uiay M 3m. naniiiwiik or DKhmi of ?eti3No! VKF?o?rr. AI4Q * Bin wvjr n# liwve n?itmv a* ? ?tot1 M?B Mm* of twm to unmw E*K*toiuunrtj?ocwiiito?itoWj > mtf ninT jit it-.' ^ rwRElkriogar O??bwami? SB ilfeK WAWUN* ^flCStf 'sfii mm <* Ma* toth#?w5S2b?^??^1,1 AfWf c~ ** * ,7 > . km.L B^rjs.cvitofer. .*?S. 'fcft ^ ..... t