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3 i Hi oririinizution of ^Military ! >?. -! part motif s ami Divisions of f ho I 'nited States WAR DEPARTMENT. ) j A1X1 FT A ST (JKSEI5 M.*s OKFIC I', J Washington*. June "J7, 1 I C' ln ral Orders J So. lis. J [ F.Xl I5ACT. ] Tiic President directs that the I'uited States be I divided into Military Divisions, and sub-divided into Military Departments, as follows, viz: DEPARTMENTS. 1. The Department ol the East, Major fit neral: 1?is. IfooKr.R to command, embracing New Eng. j land Stabs, New York and New ?Head quarters at New York City. 2. The Middle Department, Major General W, ! S. Haxccck to command, embracing the state of t West Virginia, Maryland (except the counties of t Anre Arnndt I, Prince George's. C'alveit. Charles | and St. Mary's.) The line of the Ohio and Baltimore Railroad in Yirgiuia. Delaware and Pennsylvania?llead-! quarters at Baltimore. $ ^ $ ? * * $ m. The Department of Virginia, .Major General' At fkei) II. Tebsy to comma to embrace the i .State oi \ lTgtir.a, texceimijg ramus * onm/ uiki lie line of the Ealtimcrc and Ohio Railroad)? Headquarters at Richmond. The Department of North Carolina, Major < ;< !:< ral J. M. SrttoFTF.i.b to commands to tMI tru e the State of North Carolina?Headquarters i at Raleigh. * f . J; It). The rei?ar ir.rr.t of Sonth Carolina, Major tteueral 0- A. ?ni' to command, t.< embrace j the State of South Carolina?Headquarters at1 Hilton Head. f >? t ? 0 ,? DIVISIONS. 1. The Military Division of the Atlantic, Major ( fo ut ral Okoeoe G. Mkape to command, to emirate the Department of the I'ast. Middle De- ^ ]>art:neut of Virginia, and Department of North Carolina, and Department of South Carolina? i Headquarters at Philadelphia. * * o . * , |( All officers hereby assigned will proceed, on receipt of this Order, to take command of their ;, respective Departments or Military Divisions. All Officets relieved by this Order wit', on i Wing relieved by the proper officer, report, by , U tter, to the Adjutant General for orders. By order of the Secretary of War. (Signed i K. D. TGWX8EXD. Assistant Adjutant General. Ui."vks. Mir.. Divis. ok the Atlantic, I July 7, j |t tibial Copy.] S. F. BAP.STOW, } I . Assistant Adjutant General. Mil.. UlVlS. 0?- HIK ATLAXTIO. ( pHii-crri rim. Pa., July J, 18C.V, ] Central Orders. | ;i No. 1. { ( I. In olicdieiicc to (initial Ordure, No. 118, current Series. from tin- Adjutant Central's office, Major Central Meadi: alliums command . t the Military 1 :ivision of flu- Atlantic. ! II. Tim following ('dicers arc amiouncid a* tin Central Stall of the Military Cnisioii, viz: 1 re\ti Major Central Hon. |i. Ktooio. I. s. Volunteers, A^xi^tant Adjutant tidn-ral I . S. AI IJM . Liivrt (n'litrl S. F. Mrjor ::iul As- , uMar.t Adjutant General of Volunteers. Urcvet Majnr-Geiioral A. s. Wkiib, I . s. Volunteers. Acting Inspector (uncial. Brevet Major C. D. I jiory. Captain I'th T' S. li.taiilry. Acting Assistant Inspector General. Colonel 11. X. 11.vuhku>!.k, Captain ami A. ?j. U.. I*. S. A. Bievet Colonel J. t . l:u i>Li\ Major and A. A. i?. P.revet I.ientenant-Cc!ouel 1". M. IJ.uhk, Cap- '< tain 14tli Infantry.A. 1?. <.' Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Miudk. Caplain and A. 1?. (J. III. I TpnniJH III l Ollllliuiiuvi.f mil ?" ... i l.cse Headquartcra, with the least possible delay, i.mpletc rein)us of their several commands, 1 in^ the incntim of posts, and the number ' -nd designation Of garrisons of each, with such 1 other details by letter, as may be important for 1 the information of the Major Central Command- 1 it f--' ' by tYominei.d of Maj. Ocn'l MEALT.. Geo. D. Evcclfs, A.sistant Adjutant General. j tllhualr ? 4 / I:i accord mee with the foregoing Gen. Orders No. lJSfrom tlieW":vrDepartment, Gen. Orders No. 1, from Maj. General Meade's Headquarters, (which it will be seen are at Philadelphia.) General (iii.emore assumes coniiuand ol "THE DEPARTMENT OF SOUTH CAROLINA,"' in the following General Order, No. 1. IIlIADqt'ailtf-ItS, Dkit. ofSofth C\noi.ina, Hii.tos Hfai>, s. Cm July 18. Ueiicral Orders. ( No. 1. ) i. In compliance with General Orders, No. 118, current series, from the War Department, Major General q. a. gn.r.MoiiF. hereby assumes command of the Military Department of South Carolina, comprising the State of South Carolina: Headquarters at Hilton Head, s. n. The following named officers are announced as the General stnft"of the Department: Brevet Brigadier-General s. I.. Woodford, Col. lWld V. s. ('. t.. Chief of Staff. Major w, l. m. Bi'EGKK, Vols., Assistant Adjutant General. Capt. t. d., 3."itli 1*. s. c. t.. Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Brevet Brigadier-Genera! c. l. Kiuunx. Col., and Assist. Com. (Jen. Sub. i'. s. a., Chief Commissary. Major C. W. Tiiomas, 1". S. Vols., Chief Quartermaster. Lt.-Col. M. Cl.ymer, U. S. Vols., Medical Director. Brevet Major Geo. E. GoritAcn, Tapt. and \. 1). C.. Ac ting Assistant Inspector Iteneral. I.t.-Col. B. W. Thompson, tttd I'. S. V. T., Provost Marshal Ocn. Brevet Major C. It. Sited, Capt. I". S. Eng'rs., L'hiet Engineer. Brevet Capt. I. Arnold, Jr.. 1st Lt. U.S. Ord., t'hief of Ordnance. I.t.-Col. M m. Ames, 3d it. I. Art., Chief of Artillery. Brevet Major Leslie Smith. Capt. 1st U. S. Inf., Lonnuwsar>* of Musters. Major A. V. Elliott, Add. Paymaster, U. S. A.. t'hief Paymaster. 1st Lieut. C. M. Bwley. 6th U. S. Inf., Acting Bulge Advocate. Capt. Jesse Merrill, Chief Signal Officer. Capt. JamKB K. Gilmore, A. Q. M., U. S. Vols.. stij>t. Military Telegraph. Capt. IIknry M. Bragg, Aidc-de-Camp. Capt. GARTH W. James Aide-de-Camp. i i<.t iiivikt S. Leslie. V I ? , f lJy Command of llaj.-On. Q. A. (ilLLMOHE, \V. ii. M. Bi rcjkb, |011iciu).j .Vfs't Adjt. Geo. The State of South Carolina was, by fif 11. (iii.i.Mop.r's Special Orders No. lfel. (which we here re-publish in full,) divided into four ]>istriets. These will be continued, but with the following changes, which have taken place since the order was issued: Uric/, (ten. Jamks i>. Fe.sslnb>.n takes command of the District of Western South Carolina, wiiu Headquarters :tt W.nnsbcro, relieving brevet Brig-Oen. VanWycu, whose IItadqiiui ter> v. ere at Alston. 1'ar. H. below). Col. J. 1). (iPEEX, (itli I . S. Infantry, lakes command of the Ihstlict oil'oil Uoyal, relieving Brevet Muj.-Geu. K. K. Potteb. (See Par. 4, below). Those portions of the State named in Par. "> are now added to the command of Brevet Major Central !. P. Hatch.'i akiko* i'te i uk xhj: sorm. > Hilton Hi:u?, s. c.. June18U;. j S{H cial Orders, ( No. 101. i The State of South t urolma is hereby divided into ftiiir Military Districts as follows: ?-? The Mil it; nt lhtlri<t of Eaiinn SVk/.'i 1'itmliua, comprising the Districts of Otorgitown, Horry, Marion .Williamsburg, Marlboro'. Darlington, Sumter, Kershaw am* Chesterfield. Brigadier central Bk\i.k is assigned to the command of this District, with his Headquarters at Florence. His force will comprise his own Brigade, and a Buttailion of Cavalry, to !>< designated bv Brevet Major-General J, p. Hatch. He will establisli.a Depot of Supplies on the FunUe river, at the crossing ..f tin- NorthEastern Railroad. Ud. The ihti in'j District of Chart?* nit, comprising tiir Districts of Charleston. Colleton, Orangeburg. Lexington, Barnwell and Kirhland.? Brevet Major-General J. P. Hatch is assigned to tho command of this District, with Headquarters at Charleston. :U1. The Military Ttirtri'l of Sn'th , Carolina, comprising tho Districts of Jaincastep rainiriu, * ursirr, 1 iatm, iai^- 1 held, Abbeville, I.aureus, Spartanburg, Green- j , villi", Anderson and Pickens. Brevet Brigadier* General VanY.'yck is temporarily assigned to the j command of this District, with his Headquarters at Alston. His force wi.'l comprise bis own lteg-' j iinent. and, in addition thereto, one Regiment of Infantry and a Battallion of Cavalry, to be desig- j uated by Brevet Major-Gencral J. P, Hatch. 4th. The Military Dirtrict of P^rt Royal com-. ! prising the District ol' Beaufort only. Brevet1 Major-General k. l. Pottei: is assigned to the command of this District, with Headquarters at Hilton Head. I .">th. Those portions of the District of Charles- j | ton and the District of Western South Carolina, lyj iDg contiguous to the Savannah River, and now j occupied by the troops of Brevet Brigadier-Gen-1 era! Mouneux, Commanding the District ol j .Northern Georgia, will remain under the com- j mand of that officer until further orders. 6tb. Brevet Major-Geueral J. P. Hatch, Com* j . manding District of Charleston, will at once esetablish a Depot at Orangeburg, of sufficient ca | pacity to satisfy all requisitions tor commissary i | Supplies, for the Lhtrirt of Wrxtern South Corn- j | Una. ' 7tli. Brevet Brigadier-General VanWtck will : at once organize and put in operation a supply train between Oraugcburg and Alston for his I own command, making requisition on General ! Hatch for necessary transportation. ! The Chiel Quartermaster will assign a light draft Steamer to ply between Charleston and the | Railroad Crossing of the Santee River, of suitable draft to take the inland passage. This Steamer will be under the control of General Beale, and ' will not be interfered with by other Comman- j dcrs. : By Command of Maj. Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE, \V. L. M. BrnoEK, j Asst. Adjt. Gtn'l. j Ollicial: The following important orders in regard to the Sub-Divisions of the District j iof Port Royal?the establishment of! ; I'rovost Courts and the recovery of personal or real estate, and of claims of all j kinds?are published for the benefit of all concerned: Headquarters, Pist. of Port Roval, t Hilton Head, S. l\, July la, / GeneralOrders ) No. II , i In onlc-r to carry out the requirements of; General Orders. No. 103, Current Series, Depart-1 meut of ihe South, the following is hereby proi luulgated: i 1.* The District of Port Boy&l is hereby divided ' : into two Sub-Districts. 1. The Parishes oDSt. Luke and St Peter to ! comprise the Southern Sub-District with Head-' quarters at Hilton Head, S. C. 2. The Parishes of Prince William and St. I Helena to comprise the Northern Sub-District1 with Headquai lira at bcs u fort, S. C. If. The icilorcing named Olfto-rs and Troop-are hereby assignca to duty as follow a: 1. To the Southern Sub-District C?.l. ?i. \V B.UfcD, 32d 1 . S. T.. as Coin mamling Ofhcer. 'apt. ). W. <iH .MaM. i'th Colin. Vet. \ ol?.. ( .Assistant Provost Marshal. ('apt. S. M. Smith. :Wd 1 . S. c. 'i . as \*sistant Provost Judge. The 6th V. S. Infantry, the VIIt Conn. \?.| . tin :t2d U. S. f. '1'., ami that portion of the 26th 1'. S. C. T. which is now serving in the Mnitht-rn siiUDisfriet. 2. To the Northern Sub-District: Col. C. H. How vBl>, I'dxth s. c. T., a- Commanding tJiticer. i> 1 MivflVC Instil t . s. ( . 'J'., us As v *' ? sis.ant Provost Marshal. Pol. W. I>. OiTKSSFY, 2Clh r. S. C. T.. ar" A.--1 sistant Provost Judge. The 104th ami l Jath P. S. C. T., lottery <;, ad F. S. C. T., and that portion of the "26th F. S. <\ T. which is now serving in this Sub-District. | III. 8nb-Pi.->trict Commanders will at once i organize within their respective Commands Su-, perior Provost Courts and Circuit Piovost Courts in the manner prescribed in General Orders, No.i 102, Paragraphs II, ill and IV, S., Department of the South. IV. For the guidance of the Courts to l>e organized tinder the preceding paragraph and the information of the inhabitants ot this District the following extract from < Ordi-rs. liri, ( ('. !S., D. S.. is herahv published, \iz: # # ?f: * * & V. 1 ho Courts aboved nanus] shall have power , to try all oases between citizens, and betweeu j citizens and soldiers, and all crimes ami all vio! lations of military orders and the laws of the United States which do not come within the j jurisdiction of a Court Martial, and to issue the i usual process for tin- attendance of witnesses.' ! ami decrees lor the jmesessi m <?f prv perty, and | lor tlic payment of debts, damages and costs. ! The decrees will go only to the of pu?se> j sion, and not of property. luey may impose , j hues not exceeding one hundred dollars (fluff), and imprison not exceeding two months. I Offences by citizens requiring a severer punish| uient will bo tried by a Military Commission. They will appoint their clerks and other officers. ! shall keep a record of their proceedings subject to the revision ot Sub-District ai d higher Commanders, and will adopt rules and forms of procedure. which shall lit* as simtile ?s is.ssihl. Citizen members of Courts may be a .owed three dollars for each day's attendance. The fees charged will lx- merely sufficient io pay all e\peuses. VI. Appeals from the Proves t Courts will be had to the Sub-District and District Commanders under such rules and on such terms as the District Commanders may provide. VII. AH parties to suits before the Superior or Circuit Provost Conrts may employ counsel. But ail persons bringing suits or ap|>cariiig as counsel before said Courts, will be required to give proof that they have taken the oath of allegiance. Vill. It is the duty of the military authorities throughout this Department, when called upon to do so, to aid the Assistant Commissioners and Agents of the "Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Imids," in the execution of their duties under the law* of the United States and the orders ot Die ( ommiaaiouers of said Bureau issued in accordance therewith; and. when there is 110 such Assistant Commissioner or Agem upon the spot, to take cognizance themselves of all violations of such laws and orders. All cases of such violation may he tried before the Courts hereinabove authorized. IX. All cases properly coming within tan jurisdiction of these Courts will be brought to trial promptly, and all unnecessary arrests of citizens will lie avoided. X. The existence of the Courts hereinabove authorized wili cease whenever aud wherever the functions of the officers of the civil laws are restored to operation by proper authority. * _ =* * * ? * V. Sub-District Commanders are directed to provide, whenever practicable, for the education of the children of the poor within their commands, and for that purpose they are authorized to detail regimental Chaplains, non-commissioned officers and privates for teachers. The education of the children of lreedmen and refugees will be relinquished into the hands of the Assistant Commissioners and Agents of the Freedmen's Bureau, whenever they are iu readiness to take charge of the same. VI, Sub-District Commanders and all others in authority will give this order as wide a circulation as possible by Order of J. DURELL GREENE, I'AI r.tli I* C f+ PoTutuoii/lino V WA. UlU V kj# iUWUliJf VVUIiUOI?(III^? j. w. Cle*, 1st Lieut. 6th u. s. Inl v., Act'g Asst. Adj't Gen'l. headgcaktees dlst. of poet royal, | Hilton Head, s. c'., July 14, .'860. i General Orders, J No. 13. I Pursuant to instructions from Headquarters Department of the South, the people residing in this Military District, which comprises the parishes of St. Luke, St. Peter, Prince William and St. Helena, are hereby informed of the followiug: I. All claims for the possession of property, whether real or personal, in temporary use by the military authorities of the I'nited States, in this District, will be adjudicated by the Court* established by General Orders, No. 102, C. S.. Department of the South, and General Orders. N'o. 12. C. S.. from these Headquarters. In cav,of a decision adverse t<> the claimant by the Courts and Local Authorities, an appeal may be had from this decision through these Headquarters to the Headquarters Department ot tta South. II. Special attention will be to claims for personal property- such as r.trriages. Harness, X1U1BCV, CM i III. The Government does not desire to reUui possession rtf the property ofioyal citizens when they can prove their claim thereto IV. In the adjudication of these chums, ths Courts w ill be governed bv the tollowln? principles: AUanJohtd IVo^tit^ is denned by the 'Rules and Regulations concerning Commercial Inter course." etc.. Washington, July 20, 1364, to be that which liu- been, or may be. deserted bv the owners. or when the lawful owner thereto shall he voluntarily absent therefrom, and en gut;? d. cither in arms or otherwise, in hiding or encouraging the rebellion." Property, there lore, is not abandoned when the owner is present, whether he is loyal or nol. fa/ tninl I'li.y-;I ty is defined by the same au Uloril\ lo if**: " i xiai which ita* iiecn, ur i-i*. seized or taken from hostile possession by the military or na\.il forces of the United States." 'I he mere fact that proj city, in the possession of its own<-r, is foutul at?- place which was oiuc within the lines of the enemy, does not render it raptured property. Cmi/itcoih Property is defined to be: "That w hicli is liable to confiscation under the Act 01 July 17, lbC4." Conclusive proof of disloyalty is not needed to authorize the seizing and holding of property as confiscable; but, on the other hand, property cannot be seized or held on the ground (litti ill*: Ottuvr ma\ wc a iciati. A pi ima farie case of disloyalty must be made out, aud, il the owner has taken the oath of allegiance, there must be good reason to suspect that he has taken it fraudulently, or is not within its provisions to authorize the withholding ot hi* property. Property in military possession will not be delivered to claimants is ho belong to one ot the excluded classes, in the last Amnest.s Proclamation, until they have been pardoned h> the Executive. V. Sab-District and other Commanders w <11 distribute copies of this Order among the inhabitants of this District. By Order of Col. J. PUREED GREENE. J. \\. Cum, 1st. I.ieut. Cth IT. S. Inf*>. Aet'g Aslt. Adjt Geri'l.