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J ; \ . 1 /. * fe, THE NEW W SOllf W Vol. 3, No. 41. Port RoyaE S. C., Saturday, July 22,1865. Whole No. 145. SHic gtfn! ^ouih. I'UULLSHr.d every saturday MORNING by J. H. SEARS, Editor and Proprietor. P li IC ?: One Copt, Five Cents. I'er Hundred $3 5u. " u 5i). THREE .HOMHN ONE Ykab 2 00. INT ADVANCE. * Advertisements.?Twenty cents a lino for first insertion : fifteen cents for second, and ten cents for each subsequent insertion. TERMS CASH. OjVc, Pho'nix Building, Union Square adjoining J 'n.<t Office. .\. X'rnyer. I ask not wealth, but power to take And use the things I have aright; Not years, but wisdom, that shall make* My life a profit and delight. I ask not that for uic the plan Of good and ill be set aside, ..... .i.?, n,/. ...tmnion lot of mail I>4< t III.ik tuw w....... _ He lioblv borne and glorified. 1 know I may net always keep My steps in places green stud sweet. Nor find the pathway of the deep A path of salcty to my feet. List pray, that, when the tempest's biva'li shall fiercely sweep my way about, 1 make not shipwreck of my faith In the nuhottomed sea of doubt: And that, though it be mine to know How hard the stoniest pillow seems, tiood angels still may come and go tin the bright ladder of my dreams. 1 do not ask for love below, 'Slut friends shall never be estranged; 15nt fur the power of loving, so My heart may keep its youth uuehanged. Youth, joy, wealth?Fate, 1 give thee these; I oave faith and hope till lite is passed: And leave my he art's best impulses Fresh and unfailing to the last. For this I count, of all sweet things. The sweetest out of heaven above; \iiil loving others surely brings The fullest of love, J. I!. S, ( '<>1 i oil. A London wilter to the New Yovf; 'J says "the cotton ?j:i'Ki-cji i< far from settled V'"l. and the y.real doiiht as io American production hinders all ealcolation. Rcfoie tin* u at* England paid Cis.tX 0.000 a Year lor cotton, of which e-Jl.tHM.O.H went to the I liited States. Now for a half Kiipply she pays nearly d<>ahle the ainouiil say Cli0,tiu<),iM)0. China, Japan and India, from which so much was e\]HCt<?iU arc practical faili res. The best they ean do is to supply in limited ipiantities an inferior article at double the price. Kgypt docs a little better, 1 ?:it not enough. If lab >r can be r -organized in the South so as to produce cotton i 1 former ((Uantitics ami at funnel* prices, Amerim may again liave i lie monopoly and supply of tin* world: 01 bv laying a heavy export duty 011 the raw material, have a monopoly of the manufacture. Cotton was created tr 1 lothe the world negroes were created to raise cotton -the country has the best negroes for raising cotton, the most no? . . - :i 1 41 >A 1 .A-ill ?rru?*s llj lillM" 11, .Will luc in fi ..... machinery to mnmifactnre it, can cloth, tho world, and make it cnmiueiviull.t tributary ti> pay for it. With proper man agenient, England and France can U placed farther in the background by thimeam than bv any war, however success lul. [Communicated. Pri'Oflom and Unity. The nation has passed through the onleal of civil war triumphantly and gloriously. The rebellion has been sup- j pressed, treason has been crushed, the Union has been restored, and, on the! National Anniversary which has just passed, the whole country united in j thankfulness and joyful celebration in I honor of these events. There is no j i longer a cause for the bitterness of feel- j ing which so long existed between the North and the South, and which linally culminated in civil war. Slavery, the, festering clement in the body politic which caused an estrangement between j die two sections, lias been eradicated, ! and its fruits?sectional animosity and hatred?should no longer exist. At tin's point it is well that the people should take a calm and intelligent view of tkcj present position of the nation, and care-j j fully consider the course that is best adapted to its future prosperity and !greatness. The war is a thing of the past. Those who raised the hand of rebellion have been taught a lesson in I 1 1 " I loyally wuicn iney ne\t*r can aim !ii repetition of their treasonable experiinent need not be expected. They acknowledge that their scheme has proven ! a complete failure, they admit that the Confederacy is dead beyond resurrection, and .they now manifest a disposition to take their old places in the Union, and atone for secession by becoming true and ! I loyal citizens. It is evidently to the in-' 1 tercst of the North, as well as of the! South, that the bond of friendship between the two sections shall be cemented ' quickly and permanently. Iliis harmony i is essential to the advancement of our; national greatness, for internal disscn-i sious and sectional bitterness are shackles' upon the prosperity of any country, necessarily impeding its progress. Therefore*, since we have buried the past and commemorated tin* event in the grand' nation ii jubilee which has just occur.ed. the next duty dearly i> to start out upon the future in such a maimer as shall W 1 best calculated to give renewed vitality t>? tin- mitiouul life, and place the country more tlriid\ upon the basis ol treedoin and unity. ICoMliiUllii-atei). I 'I'll** >?tiiiOi ( 'iiruliuu (iovi'i'iiui'slii|>. Cm!. r.KNJAMIN' F. I'kkilv, who 1:U ; jllSt been appointed i'rovisinmd Governor ot South Carolina, is tin* representative of , a class of men, few in iiumlicr, who may !?* called the soil11il?-st of modern South 'Carolina politicians. He ii from the Greenville District, where for so many I years he published the M.nihfitiruer. a t journal of controlling power and healthy influence anions the jieople of that re' - " - 1 l... i, , m<?U. 1 110 1 llion semu::em 11.i-> uccn much stronger there than in any other - part of the State; the only Union man ; | vet timed to the last South Carolina Legisi latnre, fleeted before the war, wu-? s.-nt from there. 4 Colonel Pekjiy was a delegate to the famous Charleston Convention of 1SG0; and when the secessionists bolted, to break up the session of the body, he alone of the South Carolina delegation refused to join in the movement. He remained in his place, and continned to act there as a South Carolina representative, although a heavy pressure was brought to bear to induce him to withdraw, and make the action of his State undivided on the side of secession. His j linn refusal to do so drew upon him the vindictive hostility of the secessionists, i who crowded the galleries of the Con-1 veution Hall to hiss him whenever he voted or spoke. Since the war has been in progress a letter from Col. Perry, in favor of pacification on the basis of reunion, was published and copied extensively into Northern journals. There is scarcely room to doubt the sincere Unionism of a man whose record presents such evidence as his affords of fidelity to that cause. His selection to take in cnurge me execu-1 tive affairs of South Carolina is, on this score, by far the best that could be made from among the live persons recommended to the President by the delega. tion from that State. Mr. w. W. Boyck, the ablest man of the five, and perhaps now a reliable Union man, has a bad secession record, although not of the j worst stripe of the South Carolina men. Mr. Aiken* has neither the good Union: record of Cob Perry, nor the ability of! Mr. Boyce. Mr. Manning, another of the five nominees of the delegation, was not a fit person to be named in such a ?/mnoMinn: and their recommendation VV4*M>.v ?-? j ? of him is a most unacconntable step on the part of the committee. Jie was a rampant rebel, anil served as a volunteer aid on Beai:regard's staft' when Fort Sumter was taken in 1801. The other j man of the five, McOi.aha.vy, has no moid in national or State politics to' make his name much known outside a very limited circle. \ cy i't) 11H l'.iye. The Speech delivered l?v Heury Win IcT Davis, a short lillie uiru.e. at Chicago, :i clear, elaborate and liio-.l lorcioir statement of tlie negro ilocttim* .ineern ing negro suffrage. The p. sition v, hich Mr. Da\is occupies as apiomiucnl and intliicutial leader of the Kepab!i?'.in pat ty, entitles his political declarations f" greater consideration than those ot tin I'hillips class, tor lie represents a l.nt'e , influence an I cannot be charged with, fanaticism. The germ of his doctrine, however, is the same ;ts that embodied in the late utterances of Phillips, and other radicals of e\ cry degree, lie makes negro suffrage tlie great panacea tor all the ills of reorganization in the South, and draws a frightful prospective figure I of the consequences that, in his opinion, must ensue without it. In this view he falls into ihe same error which Inn char notorized all the oth? r expositors oi tins doctrine?that the negro element would j keep the latent rebel element of the South in subjection, ami wield the bal ! anee of political power in favor of North-1 . ern ideas. Aside from other objections, i (it would seem to require but little j ' thonghttulncss to see that the i'liec t ct' such a policy would clearly Lie to aggravate the evils that are complained of, rather than to eradicate them. This feature of the question turns upon the point whether the mass of the Southern negroes would vote for or against the late policy * of their late masters. Unless the negro nature underwent a remarkable transformation when the shackles of slavery were struck from him, he is, in ignorance, one of (lie most credulous ot the human family; easily deceived and imposed upon. Now, suppose that negro suffrage was established throughout the South, what would be the result? Evidently the negroes would be "as clay in the hands ot the potter." The masters for whom they labor would have but little difficulty in moulding them, either by persuasion or threats, to their own - i ^^.,1.1 purpose ; aim nonuer.i imiueuee cuum not reach them to coumeract this impositiou. If Mr. Davis d sires to make the benefits of negro enfranchisement apparent to the people, he must first indicate sonic encouragement i; the present mental status of the negro. This subject he studiously evades, with the exception of a single reference to the fact that they fought under Yankee leadership, and would probably vote in the same way.? Cut Yankee leadership is uot practicable in the case of voting. How can they receive Northern influence when not one in live hundred can read ? Herein is an illustration of the importance of making them intellectually capable of voting before giving them the franchise. If they were competent to read, they might be influenced by Yankee leadership, or at least know what they were putting in4"% Knllr.f 1\av Thn cnpf'ph fif Xfl#. ? IUC UiUllH-UV/A. X uv UJ'VVVM v? ?>?> Davis, like the emanations from other leading radicals, is strongly denunciatory of the policy pursued by President Johnson with reference to reorganization, although his language is more closely guarded and devoid of abuse. Its delivery at this time, in the West, is doubtless intended as an opening of the suffrage issue in that quarter, and as a part of the programme for agitating this subject into political prominence. JOS. H. SEARS, AGENT FOR THE SALE OF r-3 0 u. S. UONDS, "THE NEWSOt'Til " okfick, roitr ROYAL, S. C. MAPS. WKHVVKoX SAM-:. t . S. COAST KHIiVKV Maps of the roa-t of Suitli I'atuluia and (inir^ia, with thr-St?u i^hiudj correctly delineated. Also .tti Assortimut of Maps of other points >I iatfiX'.-U ;t!oti|; tin > ui-.l. " SEARS/' New ^outh book Store, .Neil td the Post otiice. ? >iHce, FJorl lic.ynl, ?* . (J. otti. ? Honrs iroui 3 A. M. to 5. P. AT. oil Sunday from 9 to In A. M. M.:it for Mivannah, ?.Ja . ?.it t: daily at a. M. Reautort, S. c . 3 P. 3i. " " Charleston s c , " " C P. 31. Mails* tui the Aortli roll close one hoar beforo tin inlvertieed departure o< tio- steamer. No ri*;M-urctt letters will be received or iuol< > onle rs drawn on tne day A th. departure c-1 the Noi Ho rn mail tin- oflie.- will !.. open for such business until 3 I'. M. on tin* day previous to sailing f>l the sft-ann r. :a; <\ H. IMAVTON, P. M CILLMORE'S SUMTER. .1ST RECEIVED 1ROM NIK l'BESS OK D. J \'<n Nostras i> a lat-f- '.>t of MAj.-orv. (tir.LMoK: *s m:\v work Entitle. i: \ i; i \ i E i! AMI uiiiLLum OPERATIONS AOAlNSf CHAUESTON, AN'l) Ar /irr H)T TOT. A* TI ? OOATJ 1 Xir? I >E*r r..^ ?'I v.i n \r?DVik. Comprising the descent upon Morris Island, the of Fort S.UUler, tile reduction of Foi Is Warner and Ois-s/g. The a' work <mii b lud ut the Nkw Soi'xh l'.r. k tore.