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treason. * o o * No ono can Lave kinder feeliDgs towards the peo[)le of the South than the writer of this communication, but not even President Johnson himself can be firmer in his belief that the principal traitors?the military and political leaders?should suffer the extreme penalties of the laws now re-established throughout the land.?Army and Xary Journal. Tlio following General Order was obtained by Dr. E. if. Bieber from one of the Union prisoners who lately arrived within our lines at Jacksonville, Fla.? Not only this order, but the condition of the three or four thousand poor fellows who have recently passed through this Department on their way home from the rebel prison pens, is an evidence of the " high civilization " of "the Christian people of the Confederate States." Imboden and McPhail were at the Port Iloyal House n few clays since with ctvtxr .iv c^YAntr nlhrrs?all snfferinc r>*4?vj v? O from the effects of Gens. Grant and Sherman ^ " civilization " process : Hrudqt'urrebs, C. S. Mil. Prison's, i "\VrsT of Savannah River, Augusta, Ga., Feb. loth, 1865.) General Order, ) No. 2. ) 1. In consequence of a recent meeting and attempted escape of prisoners from tho military prison of Cahawba, Ala., it is ordered: That, if any prisoner or prisoners of war confined in any of the military prisons in the States of Georgia, Alabama, or Mississippi shall engage in any meeting, or attempt by force t? escape, the guard shall instantly tire upon tho mutineers and, if necessary, upon tho whole body of prisoners until penect order is restored, and every prisoner found with arms in his hands at the time of any meeting or possible attempt to escape shall be instantly shot to death, and this penalty will in no case be remitted where such armed prisoners are overpowered by surrendering to the guard on the suppression of a meeting. II. The Prigadicr-General commanding directs that all prisoners of war who conduct themselves in an orderly manner hall be treated with that humanity becoming the Christian people of th6 Confederate States, who, notwithstanding the barbarous atrocities inflicted upon them by a cruel and merciless foe has not yet learned to forget-their own high civiliza ' * 1 ? a ii, .1 A? ~ : tion; !>Ut HC jsresoivea mat Iio luiuauiMu shall "be tolerated amongst the prisoners under his control. 11^ This Order will be published to those confined in the prisons of this Department, and their own conduct will then determine whether their lives are spared or not. By Order, (Signed,) Brio.-Gen*. J. P. Imbodem, G. W. Mr-Pin il. A. P. C. and A. A. A. G. Official : It. B. Thomas, A. A. A. Q. Hivjf-Qc.unT.sp, Dre'r of the South, 1 Hiltos Head, S. C.. May 10,1865. j ! oc;m r. Orders ) No. 60. 1 The following named Medical Officers are liere-! by announced as Quarantine Officers for the ?av- j eral Posts set opposite their respective names, ! and will be obeyed and respected accordingly: j Ass't Surg. J. G. Murphy, U. S. Vols., Port Eoyal Harbor, S. C. Ass't Surg. E. K. Hogan, U. S? Vols., Tybc-e lto.ids, Ga. Ass't Surg. Alexander Lelong, U. S. Vols., Fernandina, Fla. Ass't Surg. E. D. Bnckman, U. S. Vols., Charlesten. R. C. By Command of Maj. Gen. Q. A. GILT.MOItE, T. D. Kodgf.s, C'apt. 35th L\ S. C. T., [Odci'iLj Act. Ass't Adjt. Gen. IIead-Quabtkrs, of the South, ) IIlltok TIead, S. C., May 13. 1805. ) tfcneral Orders, I No. CI. 1 I. The Districts of Hilton Head and Beaufort i - xn r\r>f\ s\ H/? bnAn*n n ' itiv VVN? vuv| i'/ i/u nii^ki JI the District of Port Royal, with its Head-Quarters *t Hilton Head. H. Brig. Gen. E. H. Potter, U. R. V.,is hereby assigned to t!ie command of the District of Port! Royal III. The following General Orders from tho' War Department arc published for the iivforma-1 Moa and government of this command1 war department, i Adjutant General's Office. jWashington, May 1, ihG5. J General Orders, ) No. 79. / For reducing the number of General, Field a/ul Staff Officers. It is ordered by the President, tl vesications of General, Field and Staff Officers will be received until the fifteenth of this month, at which date the Adjutant General is directed to commence mustering honorably out of the service all the General, Field and Staff Officers who are >.r.onvT,inrn,i op u-nose service is no longer needed. }ty order of the President of the United States. W. A. NICHOLS, Assistant Adjutant General. WAR DEPARTMENT. Adjutant General's Office, ) Washington, May 3.18R5. j General Orders. \ No. 81. j With a view to prevent accidents, Commanders j of Army Corps, Departments, and Military Divij sions, will immediately take the precautions necessary to ensure the discharge of all small arms and cannon, including those captured from the enemy, bq?nre being turned over by the troops for storage or shipment By order of lie Secretary of War. ' W. A. NICHOLS, Assistant Adjutant General. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant Glxebal's Office, l Washington, May 6, 1865. j i General Orders I No. 82. J ; For reducing the number of Company and i Staff Officers of Volunteer Regiments. I By direction of the President, all Company aud I Staff Officers of Volunteer Regiments, absent I from their commands on account of physical disj ability, or by virtue of leaves of absence granted ! them on their return to loyal States as prisoners j of war, will be honorably mustered out of the I service of the United States, of date the fifteenth I (15th) instant. I Said officers will immediately apply by Utter, to the Adjutant General of the Army for their muster-out and discharge papers. In case of physical disability from disease or wounds, the letter must be accompanied by a Medical Certificate of the usual form. The post office add ess of the officer must be given with care in all cases. By order of the Secretary of War, W. A. NICHOLS, Assistant Adjutant General, i Bv Command of Maj. Gen. Q. A/OILLMORE, i * [Official.] . T. P. Hodges, | ^ Oapt. 35th U. S. C. T., Asst. Adit. Oen'l. | " The PrinterS oil A Strike jor I higher WnGcS. \\e Have concluDed tO j jsEto-r own tYpos in fut Ure! Jt Li | : aAsy enOrtgh." Keoroaxization or the Army.?The Union army after its permanent reorgani-mtinr? will consist of four arrnv corns of 40,C03 each, oug corps while volunteers, and two corps colored. The four organizations will he complete in themselves, with cavalry, artillpry and infantry in proper proportions. VREELAND & STEVENS, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Orders left 1 at Woodbixe Cottage, near Theatre. 19 i Or Address Box 78, Post Office, Hilton Head. FOUiNTh?ON TEE MOENINCx OF THE Mth of April, during tbo excitement of transferring the passengers from the Steamship " Arago" to the Steamer "Delaware," off Charleston Bar. a very fine OPERA GLASS was L 1 -rvltisiH thfl AWT? n /\oi> IiailUCU U?C uiiurmj^uv.u ?uivu n?v v?mi vau have by identifying the same and paying for this advertisement. LESLIE SMITH, Capt. 1st U. S. Infantry, Commissary of Ifus- j lera, D. 8. New York "Hr.nAt.D" will please ins^ t 3 times i and send bill to office of this paper. 31 3 J STEEL & BURBANKS, j .(Late Douglas 1 Co.,) No. I!, MERCHANTS' ROW, Hilton Ilond, S. CM nr_vu:ns in* MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING. axd FURNISHING GOODS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS j LTO., ETC. i SWORDS, SASHES, BELTS. GOLD I,ACE ' SHOULDER STRAPS, FIELD GLASSES, | GLOVES, GAUNTLETS, < ETC., ETC. [J DUN3ARS & FRANZ, < No. 10, MERCHANTS' ROW, WHOLESALE au.l RETAIL DEALERS t IN t GROCERIES, CAN GOODS. DRY GOODS. < ' FANCY GOODS, and SETTER'S GOODS or every description. 3ft ; r.TFCrTIVE CHiMflEB, Washington, \ SitnrJxy. April 2j. 1-55. i l j \ / / ** >r -y > ?4 n r Y f r T YT T1 1 1 I " W ill bilJ-i-. i-I YiV' AT THE ^ "OFFICE," 1-1-2 MERCHANT'S ROW, HILTON HEAD, S. C, HOT JOINTS from 12 to 2 o'clock COOKED TO ORDER, &C? Boaf Steaks, Mutton Chops, Veal Cutlets, Pork Chops, Sausages, Fresh Fish. EGOS in every style. Green Peas, New Potatoes. Radishes, Lettuce, Spring Turnips, Ac. SPRING CHICKENS, and every thing in sectionBENJAMIN HONEY, Proprietor. N. B.?No connection with any other House. Bills of Fare on every table. None but the best of WHITE COOKS and Waiters employed. We take Grrmlacks, and not " Go-cnmml Raient" in payment OmcE of Lighthocse Inspector, I Hiltox Head, 8. C., April 22, 1SC5. J Notice is hereby given that the Light on Amelia Island, Florida, will be re-lighted on the first day of May. The Light is a Third Order Revolving Light, having an interval of one minute and a half between the greatest brilliancy of the dashes. It is 101 feet above sea, and may be seen seventeen miles. By directionof the Lighthouse Board. CHAM. O. BOUTELLE, Act'g Lighthonse Inspector, 6th District. COOKING STOVES AND HOLJArtV WARE.100 STOVES, large aDd small, suitable for Restaurants, Messes, and Families. Also PLANTATION HOES, wholesale and retail by JAMES G. THOMPSON k CO., 28 Beaufort, S. C. RIDDKLL & MURDOCK, wholesale and retail dealers ik SUTLEK AND NAVAL STOKES, DRY GOODS, ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, dr., dr. No. 5 Merchant's Hot, Hilton Head, S. C. w. c. riddklll. h. j. mvrdocx. In a few days the extensive alterations and additions to onr buildings wiJlbe completed, when we shall open an immense stock of the above named goods, bought for cash in New York on the late fall in prices, which we offer to Sutlers and Traders at Wholesale and to the public at large at Retail, at prices which defy competition. 2i? A few Reasons why the g WAT SCH! ? 73 t-e O {^r 5 18 THE BEST. It is made on tho best principle, while the foreign watch is generally made on no principle at ali. The foreign watch is mostly made by women and boys, by hakd. While their labor is cheap, ! their work is dear at any price. Such watches arc made without plan, and sold without guarantee. Thoy are irregular in construction, and quite as irregular in movement They are designed only to sell and the buyer is the party moat thoroughly sold. Those who have kept "ancres," "lepine.-,". and "Swiss levers" in professed repair lor a few years will appreciate tho truth of our statement THE PLAN OF THE AMERICAN WATCH. Instead of being made of several hundred little pieces screwed together, the body of the American watch is formed of SOLID PLATES.? No jar interferes with the harmony of its working, and no sudden shock can throw its machinery out of gear. In riding, or any business pursuit, it is^ill held together as firmly as a single piece of metal. It is just what all machinery should 1st. ACCURATE; 2d, SIMPLE ; 3d. STRONG : 4th. ECONOMICAL. ? U uui UUI) ncturv oy OUT system, I but Quality. Y.'e do not pretend that our Watch can be bought for less money than the foreign j make-believes, but that for its real value it is sold i for one-half the price. OUR SOLDIER'S WATCH (named Wm. Ellery) is what its name indicates?Solid, Substantial, and always Reliable?waranted to stand any j amount cf marching, riding or fighting. OCR NEXT HIGHER QUALITY OF WATCH ' (named P. 8. Bartlett) is similar in size and gen-1 oral appearance, but has more jewels, and a more J elaborate finish. OUR LADLES' WATCH, recently brought out, ! is put up in a great variety of patterns, many of | them of rare beauty and workmanship, is quite small, but wan-anted to keep time. THE PROOF of the merits of ourwntchmaybe found in'ihc fact that we now employ over seven ]. hundred workmen in our factories, and that we ire still unable to supply the constantly increasing demand. OUR THREE-QUAP.TER PLATE WATCH is thiner and lighter tlun the others we have Inscribed. Its fiue chronometer balance is deli :r.te;y adjusted to correct the variation caused by j1 jbangea of temperature. These watci.cs are the 'raits of the latest inventions in chronometiy, in:l are made by oar best workmen, in a separate J lepartrucnt of onr factory. For the finest time-1 rceping qualities they challauge comparison with , he best works of the most famous English and ! Jwiss makers. '' KOBBIX3 k APPLETOX, Agents for the American Watch Company, 20 182 Broadway, X. V. Fur Sale by 3TEIXE a BCR1HSK. Xo. 11 j Jcrcha-iu' Row, Port Royal S. C. r * C 6 T T O N. GJL N 3 For Sale bv GEO. Ty. ATWOOD & C.. ttASITABY. LIME! LIME! LI?.FE!!! 800 caaks best quality Thoruaston Limo. suita bio for bricii work, plastering, white washing, or for sanitary purposes. Jnst received direct trout Thomaston, lie. For sale by DUNBARS tc FRANZ. 10 Merchants' Row, 29 Hilton New bakery and confectionery es TABLISHMENT AT BEAUFORT. Wc have the honor to inform the residents or this Department that we hare jn3t opened a Confectionery Establishment and hrst-class Bakery in Sr.m. A. Cooley's Building at Beaufort, which we are prepared promptly to lili any orders which may be forwarded to 113. Special atl tention is paid to tho manufacture of Ornaments, Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, aud Elegant Pastry for holiday or festival tables. McMANUS k MURRAY, CIGARS! CIGARS! CIGARS!!! BY THE THOUSAND OP. BY THE BOX. Why pay Irom 15 to 25 cents a piece for Cigars when you can buy a box of 100. equally good for $4.00 to $5.00, or from 8 to 10 cents each. Call and try them at BOBBINS k CO., 29 No. 14, Merchant's Row, ASSOKTME N X fej. JUST RECEIVED BY SCI1B. " JOHN RO?tE," DRY OOODS and FANCY ARTICLES, comprising more than two hundred items, which we believe, makes our assortment the best in the Department, and which we will sell at a little above cost. bobbins k co., OO Vrt 11 MnmOinnto' P...V i Notice of the Afssecsment'of U f"?. IXrect Tnxo* in Frince | Williams Fnrish, S. C. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, United States Direct Tax Commissioners for tlio District of South Carolina, under the several Acts of Congress relating to direct taxes, approved August 5, 1861, and June 7,1862. and Arts amendatory of the same approved Feb ruary 6, 1863, and March 3, 1865, have completed the assessment erf direct tares in Prince Williams Parish, Beaufort District, South Carolina ; and that the said taxes are due and may be paid at their olhce in Beaufort in said State at any time vrithinsixty days from and alter the date hereof. Dated at Beaufort, South Carolina, this eighth dav of April. 1865. WM. HENRY BRISBANE, W. E. WORDING, D. N. COO LEY, I*. S. Direct Tax Commissioners for the District of South Carolina. DRY GOODS rty the I*iece ROBBIN3 i CO. No. 14, MERCHANT'S ROW, HILTON BEAD, are receiving large lots of DRY GOODS, which they ott'cr to, the trade at wholesale at greatly reduced prices. Their facilities for purchasing in New York are unsurpassed by any house cither there or eisewhero. Also BOOTS .? SHOES, Cutlery, Yankee Notions, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Ac., Ac., at wholesale and retail Their long experience in the trade at P rt Royal, enables them to order the styles of goods most desirable, seasonable and satisfactory for the market. Vraeh kr auahv i-Aon< l tkrJl * * VO?* I * I *.u vt? tiuij ? rff.-K*. 20-3m CILLMORE'S SUMTER, JUST RECEIVED FROM THE PRESS VT D Van Nostraxd a largo lot of Maj.-Gkn. GILLMORE'S NEW WORK Eutitlod, ENGINEER .WD ARTILLERY OPERATIONS AGAINST CHARESTOX, and THE DEFENCES OF CHARLESTON HYRDOB. fYiinnrir.iinr flip :lp?f?pnt nnnn \fnrHo TjIihri the demolition of Fort Sumter, the reducLoa 01 Forts Wagner and Gregg. The above work can bo liad at the Xtw Sours Bookstore. SELLING OFF AT COST. IMMENSE STOCK. (tl C A r\C\r\ worth of Merc hand ice to be -old IMMEDIATELY insisting of: " 30 Tierces Hams, 300 Barrel* Flour 100 Barrels Sugar, 150 Cases Boots \ Shoes. 50 Boxes Coffee. 1,000 " of Ale, 500 " Raisins, 150 Barrels i 150 Barrels Walnuts, Filberts and Brazil Nuts. 1,000 Cases Peaches, Tomatoes, Chicken, Tucket, Ac., 800 Birr els Cakes and Crflekeea 50 Barrels Molasses, 150 Cases Tobacco 200 dozen Shirts, 1,4000,000 Segars, Also a Large and Extensive Stock of Yank, a S'otions, Stationery, Hosiery, and many otiit: loods too numerous to mention. Sutlers and merchants call and examine before tending your orders to New York. C. W. DENNIS k CO., So 4, Merchants' ltow. iota Hilton Head, S, w. %