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0 l.i. Tlie Opening oi Trnue. < The following new orders in regard lo tho opening of trede have recently been ' issued: . I Headquaktebs, Dept. or the Sovth.JI | Hilton Head, S. C., MayS, 1805. J i rj A? an/1 /MM 1 k VHUUM \MUVi9t I ] No. i I. Tifd following General Orders from , the "War Department arc hereby publishe4 for the information and government of this command: WAR DEPARTMENT. Adjvtant General's Office, ) Washington, April 17,1865. j General Orders,) No. 70. J EXTENSION OF THE MILITARY LINES OF THE UNITED STATES. Ordered: That the military lines of the United States be extended to include within them the States of Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, North Alabama and Tennessee, and that all military restrictions upon internal trade within said lines are annulled except in arms, ammunition, gray cloth, and all articles from which ammunition is manufactured, locomotives, cars, rail-road iron and machinery for operating rail-roads, telegraph wires, insulators, and instruments lor operating telegraphic lines, which articles :ire contraband of war, and all trade in, and importation thereof, within the limits aforesaid, is absolutely prohibited. By order of the Secre:ary of War: W. A. Nichols, Assistant Adjutant General. "WAR DEPARTMENT, ) Adjutant General's Ojtick, v Washisotos, April 2S, 18?**5. ) Grkerai, Okhee-s ) No. 74. j EXTENSION OF THE MILITARY LINES OF THE UNITED STATES. General Orders No. 70, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, April 17th, 1860, is amended to read as follows: Ordered: That .the military lines of the ; United States be extended to include within them the States of Virginia and Tennessee, and that all military restric- i tions upon internal tr.?de within said < lines are annulled except in arms, ammunition gray cloth and all articles from ( which ammunition is manufactured, locomotives, cars, railroad iron, telegraph wires, insulators and instruments for operating telegraphic lines, which articles htc contraband nf w#r. nr?d oil froao ; and importation thereof, within the lim- * its aforesaid, is absolutely prohibited. > By order of the Secretary of War. W. A. Nichols, Assistant Adjutant (t*neral. If, From these orders it will l>e seen that the regulations upon the subject of; irade hitherto in force in this Depart-: mcnt. and published in General Orders Xo. 2C?, 37, 38 43, current series, from these Head-Quarters, arc. still in effect i ?nd are to be obeyed. By Command of if ij. Gen. Q. A. Gilt.mobk. T. D. HoiXiEs, * Capt. "35/a r. a r.. A't. Ass I Aiij. (itiX. Tl?o following order has l>cen issued by the President: tixr.< rm'2 Oham^H', \VA?Hr?GTo:?,) Saturday, \ j?r.l *20, I860. ) Lxi>a iivk OnuKr..?JVing desirous toj relieve all loyal oiti?_'??s and well-disposed , persons residing in the insurrectionary: States from unnecessary commercial re- j strictions, and to encourage th'Mn to re-1 turn to peaceful pursuits, it is hereby ' I ..rdercd, First: That all restrictions upon inter-1 nal, domestic and coastwise commercial j intercourse be discontinued in such parts j ?-f the States of Tennessee, Virginia, 11 North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, .Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and s<. much ol'Louisiana as hes east of the Miswissippi ltivor, asshall be embraced \v itiaiu the lines of the Nation d military occu pat ion, excepting only su-h restriction* j \ as are imposed by tin* acts of Congress, j and-regulations in parsuauce thereof pre- g scribed by the Secret uw of the Treasun j and approved by the 1'resident; and ex-' cep ing also from the eft'ut of this ordei j the following articles, c litrab ind of war. to wit: Arms, nmnvmition, and all artides from whieii-aiaiiiuniiioii is manu. factored, gray uniforms ?ud e!, locomotives, cars, mil road ir >n, and maoUin- ( ftry for operating railroad*, telegraph Inaniat-?rs# vol i ntr.raoTO* fbi * operating teiegrupijjc hues. Second: All existing military and naval j orders iu any manner restricting internal, j domestic and coastwise commercial in- i tercourse and trade with or in the locali- j ties abote named, be and the same are i 1 ' 1 1 lU.i ? urreoy revoKuiij <uiu wuu m> uinuai^ v naval officer in any manner interrupt or; interfere with the same, or with any boa's j or other vessels engaged therein under! proper authority pursuant to the re'gula- j dons of the Secretary of the Treasury. Ajipiuew Johnson, j According to the above orders, so far as they seem to be understood in this Department, matters remain about as they were ninety days ago. Trade permits must be obtained through the proper military officers until farther instructions are received from TVasliington. Headqiahtejis, Dept. oe the Sot*th, I Hilton Heap, S. C., May 5, two. / General OrpersI No. 5G. J I. .\11 ambulances, medicine wagons, horses, mules, harness and other fixtures, appertaining thereto, within this Department, are licrebj placed under the control of the Medical Director TUnat>ttii<xnt of thf* ftnilfn. U1 lite 1/C|'?ntu\ in v . WW...? II. Captain f. Bell, V. K. C , is hereby announced as Chief Ambulance Officer, and will report to Lt.-Col. Meredith Clymcr, Medical Director, D. S. By Command of Maj. Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE, [Ottic'aL] T. D. Hodges, Capt. 35th U. R. C. T.. Asst. Adjt. Gen'l. Heai>-Qi-arTkrs, Dept. or Tnr Sotm, \ Hilton Heap, S. ('., May f?, lt*G5. ) General Orders,) No. 67. j The following dispatch from the Provost Marshal General is published for the information of this command: WAR DEPARTMENT, Provost Marshal General's Bcreac, ) Washington, D. C., 1 :3u p. M.. April 2i?, 1865. j The Secretary of War having directed that the recruiting of men in the loyal States for the Vol- J nntecr forees be stopped, now directs that the recruitment for the volunteer forces, of all crsous, including colored men, in all states, be embraced in the order and their eulistmeut be discontinued. JAMES B. FRY, a Provost Marshal General. To Major General Q. A. Gillniore, Department if the South, Hilton Head, 8. C. By Command of Maj. Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE, T. D. Hodges, r Capt. 3oHi U. 8. C. T., Act Asst. Adjt. On. HKAr.<JTTARTERS, DEPT. OF TF1E SOCIH, 1 Hiltox Head, S. C., May 6, lxfa. j general Orders, \ ISo. o$. J To enable all men absent from their commands to bo properly mustered out of service at the expiratmn of their term, the following regulations will be strictly complied with: 1st. Whenever enlisted men are separated from their Companies on furlough, detached service, or in hospitals, they will he furnished by their Com manning Oltieers with descriptive lists, on which will be shown ail the date, affecting their pay, clothing accounts, Ac. 'ill. Commanders of regiments, battalions, or detachments, in this Department, will immedioatiur. /loaomnfii n 1 i (it of 011 on lint o>l mm now absent trom the Department, as prisoners of war, on detached service, or in hospital*, to | he forwarded direct to the Chief Mustering Officer of their respective States, and in case one was furnished the soldier at the time he left his command, the copy herein directed to be furnished Pitch Chief Mustering Officer will I.? marked across the face " Duplicate." Jtv Command of Mnj. Hen. Q. A. GILLMOItE. T. I>. Hoooks. Cept. :1.1th I*. S C. T., [Official-] Act. As-jJ. Adj't. Gen. | VREELAND & STEVENS, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Orders left j at W'oonnrxE Cottage, near Theatre, 1? , Or Address Box 73, Post Office, Hilton Head. . SJEEL & BURBANKS, (Iaitc Douglas k Co..) Mo. II, MERCHANTS* ROW, Hilton Head, ftl. PF \I.KR3 IS 311 LIT A. RY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, ANO furnishing goods. vatches, je'y, fancy goods ! etc., iwords, sashes, hf.lt3, gold lace shoulder stoats, field gl \s3fm. ! gloves, gauntlets, etc, r.ic. DUNBARS & FRANZ, no. 13. merchants' how, wholesale ana retail dealer* j* irojer1cs, goods. pttt goods. fa scy goods, il sutler's good<of &'.?* t 'j^'op. 1n3 " WE STILL LIVE"! AT THE "OFFICE," 1-1-2 MERCHANT'S ROW. HILTON HEAD. S. C. I HOT JOINTS from 11 to 2 o'clock D ii . COOKED TO ORDER, &C., Beaf Steaks, Mutton Chops, Veal Cutlets, Pork Chops, Sausages, Fresh Fish. EGOS in every style. I Groen Peas, New Potatoes, Radishes, Lettnce, Spring Turnips, Ac. STRING CHICKENS, and evert/ Ihiny in season. ' BENJAMIN HONEY, Proprietor. N. B.?No connection with any other House. BUla of Faro on every table. None but the best of WHITE CpOKSand Waiters employed. We take Gretribarkt, and not " G*~frnm*ui Eaiont" in payment. ! Office of Lighthouse Inspector, ( Hilton Head, Si. C., April 22, 18?5. > Notice is hereby given that the Light on Amelia Island, Florida, will lie re-lighted on the first dny of May. The Light is a Third Order j Revolving Light, having an interval of one i minute and a hall between the greatest brilliancy j of the flashes. It is 104 feet above sea, and may I be aeen seventeen miles. By directionof the Lighthouse Board. CHAS. O. BOUTELLE, Act'g Lighthouse Inspector, Sth District. COOKING STOVES AND HOLLOW WARE.? 100 STOVES, large and small, suitable for j Kcstaurants, Messes, ana rutin in-". | Also PLANTATION HOES, wholesale and rc! tail by JAMES G. THOMPSON & CO., 28 lleaufort. 8 C. |riddell& MURDOCK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ! SUTLER AND NAVAL STOKES, DRY GOODS, B(X)TS AND SHOES, HATS AND GAPS, fuiiflemtna Fv milking Goctls, dr., dr. No. 5 Merchant's Row, Hilton Head, S. C. W. C. r.IDDLLLL. H. J. MVRDOC*. ! In a few days the extensive alterations and additions to our buildings will^: completed, when we shall open an immense stock of the above named goods, bought for cash In New York on the late fall in prices which we offer to Sutlers and Traders at Wholesale and to the public at large at Retail, at prices wnich defY comnetltlow. ?? A few Seasons way ti.e ' >. g nvat 2 cm w r-i p ? .xo is the test. It is made on the best principle, whifc- the foreign watch is generally made ou no principle at nlL The foreign watch is mostly made by women and boys, by hand. Whilo their labor is cheap, their work is dear at any price. Such watches arc made without plan, and sold without guarantee. Tney are irregular in construction, and quite ! n? irrotniliir in movement. Tlicv arc designed only to sell and the bnyer is the party most I thoroughly sold. Those who have l?ppt "ancres," iepines," and "Sw iss levers" in professed rei pair for a few years Will appreciate tin- truth of I our statement THE PLAN OF THE AMERICAN WATCH. Instead of being made of several hundred liti tie pieces screwed together, the body of the i American watch is formed of SOLID PLATES.? I No jar interferes with the harmouy of its working, ; and no sudden shock can throw its machinery ! out of gear. In riding, or any business pursuit it is all held together as firmly as a single piece of metal. It u just what all machinery should heist, ACCURATE; 2d, SIMPLE ; 3d, STRONG : 1th. ECONOMICAL. We not only secure Cheapness l>y our system, , but Quality. Wo do not pretend that our Watch | can be bought for less mouey than the ton-inn ' make-believes, but that for its real value it is ?o!d for one-half the price. 01 R SOLDIER'S WATCH (utmed Wm. EUeryl is what it3 name indicate*?Solid, Kubstmrliil, and always Reliable?waran ted to stand any amount of marching, riding or lighting. OIK NEXT HIGHER QUALITY OF WATCH (named P. 8. Rartlett) is similar in size and general appea>ancc, but has more jewels and a more elaborate finish. OCR LADIES' WATCH, recently brought out, is put up iu a great variety of patterns, many oi them of rare beauty and workmanship, is quite small, but warranted to keep time. THE PROOF of the merits of our watch maybe j found in the fact that wc now employ over seven : hundred workmen in our factories, and that we | are f-rui unaoie to supply toe constantly increasing demand. OUR THREE-QUARTER PLATE WATCH is thincr cntl lighter than t4#a ottwr* we lutve described. Its fine ehronmfceter balance is delicately adjusted to correct tho variation caused by changes of temperature. These watches are the fruits of the latest inventions in chronor.ietty, an t are made by our best workmen, in si separate department of our factory. For the finest timekeeping qualities they challange comparison with the best works of fhe most famous English and Swiss linkers. KOaBIW A APPLETOJf. Agents for t'uO American Watch Coirp'Ujr, SrO llj'd Rriadway, N. Y. For Silo by STELLE St li?RP\>iK, No. ll , Ware's in**' TTo-t. frt RorsJ S. 0. C O T T O N "G I N s For Sulft !>v GEO. W. ATWOOD & Co. g A N I T A R Y. * ? I.IMK! LIME! LIMF.!!! 800 ranks ln-st qualify Thomaston lime, suitaI ble for brick work, plastering, white vaulting. or ' for sanitary purposes. Just received directiroiu Thomaston, Me. Por sale by DUNBAR* A- FRANZ, 10 Merchants' Row, 20 Hilton Head. hi EW BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY E.Srl TABLISHMENT AT BEAUFORT. We have the honor to inform the residents or this Department that we have just opened a Confectionery Establishment aud first-Ciass Bakery in Sam. A. Cooler's Building at Beaufort, | which we arc prepared promptly to fill any orj ders which may be forwarded to us. Special atl j tcntion is paid to the manufacture of OruameuU. Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, aud Elegant Pastry [ for holiday or festival tables. MrMANUS k MURRAY. CIGARS T CIGARS! CIGARS!!! BY THE THOUSAND OR BY THE BOX. Why pay from 13 to 25 cents a piece for Cigar* ; when you cau buy a box of KM), equally good for I $4.00 to $5.00, or from. 8 to 10 cents each. Call and try them at BOBBINS k CO., | 29 No. 14, Merchant's Row. j ANHOli T ill K IN' T 8* . JUST RECEIVED DY STHR. "JOHN ROSE," DRY GOODS and FANCY ARTICLES, coui| prising more than two hundred items, which we ! believe, makes our assortment the best in th? | l?opartinent, and which we will sell at a little I above cost BOBBINS & CO., 23 No. 14, Merchants' Row. N"oticc of lite AssessJiiKnt of 17 H. I>irpct Taxes in Prince WillinmM Parish, S. O. NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned, United States Direct Tax ComI missioners for the District of South Carolina, uu der the several Acts of Congress relating to dim t j taxes, approved August 5, 1861, and June 7.1862. j and Acta amendatory of the same approved Febj ruary 6, 1363, and March 3, 1863. have completed ! the assessment of direct taxes iu Prince William a I Pariah, Beaufort District South Carolina ; aud ! that the fuid taxe* are due and may bo i>aid at 1 their office in Bean fort in ?aid Bute at any timy> [ within sixty days from and after the date horeo!, 1 Dated at Beaufort, South Caroliua, tliis eighth i day of April, JCCo. WM. HENRY BRISBANE. W. F. WORDING, V. N. COOLEY. i T*. 8. Direct Tax Commissioner# for the District : of South Carolina. DRY GOODS the I?ieo? ROBBINS i CO. No. It, MERCHANT'S ROW. HII.TON HEAD, are receiving largo lota of ! DRY GOODS, which they offer to the trade at | wholesale at greatly reduced prices. Their fa! ciltties for purchasing in New York axe unsur-. : passed by any house either there or elsewhcac. Also BOOTS jc SHOES, Cutlery, Yankee No tions. Clothing, Rata and Caps, Ac., Ac., at ! wholesale and retail. I Their long experience in Ihe trade at Port t Royal, enables thetu to order tlte styles of goods 1 piwt cleeirabJe, ?asonaole and satisfactory for i the market. 45 Fresh goods received by c\ cry vessel. 2o-aui CILLMORE'S SUMTER. lUST RECEIVED FROM THE PRESS OF D. J t'.v VrtCfOiVn o t/\+ <\f MU.-Gks. OILLMORF/S NEW WO UK Entitled, ENGINEER A.ND ARTILLERY OPERATIONS AGAINST CHARESTON, AND ; THK DEFENCES OF CHARLESTON HARBOR Comprising I be descent upon Morris Island, the demolition or Fort Sumter, the redaction ol Forts Wagner and Greg?. The above work can be had at the Ni.vr .v>uv?s Bookstore. SELLING OFF AT COST. IMMENSE STOCK. <kl KfN rNrNrN worth of Meivhandice '<> be sold IMALEOLATIJ.X consisting or 30 Ticrcea Han:?, 300 Barrel* Flour100 Barrels Suirar, 150 Cases Boots x tjfcoes. 60 Boxes Coffee, 1,000 44 W Ala, 600 *' llaisins, 150 Baraga *4 150 Barrels Walnuts, Filberts.and Bauil Nuts. 1,001) Cases Peaches, Xonut jus, . Chicken. Turkej, AC., 800 Barrel? Cakes and Croakers, 60 Barrels Molasses, 150 Cases- Tobacco, 200 dozen Shirts, 1,4000,000 Segjirs, Also a Large and Extensive Stock of 3anke? Notions, Stationery. Hosiery,, and mtay other . Coods too numerous to mention. Sutlers and merchants call and cxncilne be^or* xending vour orders to Nam York. C. W. DENNIS- fc CO., No. 4..?<4archanhi' V.c** Jilltta H*"!. S,V ~ ? ... ?. /