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Tliooghtc by eminent Thinkevs.; Custom is not only a second nature, ; but it is continually mistaken lor the lirst. i ?A man that is young in years may . bo old in hours, if he has lost no time. ?Suspicions among thoughts are like hats among birds?they even dy by twilight. ?Wealth bears heavier on talent than j poverty : under gold mountains aud! thrones, who knows how many a spiritual! giant lies buried. ?What is extraordinary, try to look ! at with your own eyes. ?As if you could 44 kill time," without injuring eternity! ?There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil, to one who is striking at the root. ?A man is rich according to the litun-i ber of things he can afford to let alone.! ?Unhappy is the man for whom his own mother has not made all other! mothers venerable. ?If my jacket and my trowsers, my I hat and my shoes, are tit to worship God in, they will do, will they not ? ?Confucius said : To know that we know what we know; and that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge. .? v e* i _ . ?in otmng 19 so mncn ieareu as iear. j Atheism may be comparatively popular ' with God himself. ?In declaring politics insignificant, ; Jesns revealed to the world the truth; / that country is not everything, and that1 the man is anterior and superior to the \ citizen. ?A ruler who appoftits any man to sin I office, when there is in his dominions1 another man better qualified for it, sins | against God and against the State. ?Some circumstantial evidence is very j strong, as when you find a trout in the ' milk. ?To reform a world, to reform a nation, no wise man will undertake ; and ?Society is commonly to cheap. We meet at very short intervals, not having had time to acquire any new value for each other. The value of a man is not in his skin that we should touch him. ?He that seeketh victory over his own nature, let him not set himself too great nor too small tasks ; for the first will % moke him dejected by often failing, and the secc nd will make him a small proceeder, though by often prevailing. . . ^ ^ ^ ^ The World Within.?Glorious indeed, j is the world of God around us, but more J glorious tho world of God within us.? | There lies the land of song. There lies j the poet's native land. The river of life,. that flows through streets tumultuous, ' bearing along so many gallant hearts, so many wrecks of humanity ? the many ! homes and households, each a little world ; in itself, revolving round its fireside, as a central sun ; ail forms of human joy and suffering, brought into that narrow coinpass ; and to be in this and be a part of this ; acting, thinking, rejoicing, sorrow-! ing. with his fellow-men ; such, such; should be the poet's life.?Longfellow. i INFANTRY TACTICS BY BRIG. Gen. Silas Casey, U. S. Army. rp HE ARMY AND NAVY POCKET 1 JL Dictionary. By Win. G. Webster. A~ BT)AT~FOK "SALE. INyUlKK AT THE The Eagle Refreshment and Oyster Saloon," . in the rear of the Post Office. rpHE ARTILLERIST MANUAL J_ Compiled from various sources, and adapted to nervice of the United States. Illustrated by engraving. By Brig.-Gen. John Gibson. U. S. Vols. : \ICAXP4T, OP TKTP.RN 4T. WT'T PS' \L and Regulations lor Men-ofAYar. By , t orn. U. S. Levy, U. S. X. HISTORY OF WEST POINTT AND! its military importance during the Amer- j icfcn Revolution, and the Origin and Progress of , the United States Military Academy. By Captain { Ad ward C. Boynton, A. M. ^ Military dictionary of tech j nical definitions, and law. Government, Regulation, and administration relating to bud i forces. By Col. H. I.. Scott. Seamanship illustrated with numerous original and selected de- i signs By S. B. Luce. T.tent. Commander. T*. 8. j Navy. / i I < ? t N. SEARS' FANCY STORE. UNION SQUARE, IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW AND FANCY GOODS FROM NEW YORK AND BOSTON : BLANK BOOKS, LETTER. FANCY AND PLAIN NOTE PAPER, FOOLSCAP PAPER. BILL PAPER, ENVELOPES OF ALL SIZES. ARNOLD S WRITING FLUID, MAYNARD AND NOYES COPYING INK, CARMINE INK. EBONY RULERS, GITTTA PERCHA AND MAHOGANY RULERS. LEMAN'S RED & BLUE CRAYONS. CARPENTER'S PENCILS. ANDERSON'S SOLACE TOBACCO, BIG LICK SMOKING TOBACCO, CIGARETTES -TURKISH. PICTURE FRAMES, ALBUMS, PHOTOGRAPHS, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, HARPER'S MAGAZINE, CONTINENTAL. I NOVELS?PAPER AND CLOTH. SONG BOOKS. PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS. I PLAYING CARDS, FANCY NECK TIES. LA DIES CiX T7VTT/F.TT GLOVES, WHITE COTTON GLOVES. PLAYING BALLS. POCKET AND DRESSING COMBS. MATHEMATICAL IN8TRUUVYTW JL ? 1, | CHESS BOARDS,CHESS-MEN?WOOD AND RONE. COLOR BOXES, * TOOTII BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES, WRITING PADS, POCKET KNIVES. GOLD PENS, GiLLOTTS STEEL PENS, razor and razor straps, hunter's night compasses. clothes brushes, charcoal paste, room powders, MUCILAGE. 6M ^ : THE I NEW SOUTH, i PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT i PORT ROYAL, S. C. I THE FIRST PAPER PUR t LISHED IN THE DEPARTMENT. ESTABLISHED MARCH, 18G2. ESPECIALLY DEVOTED TO Till : 1X1 EE EST OF THE SOLDIERS AXI ! SAILORS. | % In connection with the above, we hav< a fine assortment of JOB TYPE, nn< EXCELLENT WORKMEN. All kind* of work neatly and promptly executed. J. H. SEARS. | $10 a Day to Agents, S lO Maps Hor $ 1?The United State and Canada, from surveys to 1804, mounted am varnished, with rollers, 5 feet large, colored, ii 2,000 counties, showing 300,000 towns, villages ' post-ofiices and railroad stations ; the whole en graved on steel at a cost of $100,000 aud twi | years' time?all for $1, or in sheet] at 50 cents.I <2111 a dov tn tnon nr u*nmnn_ Prifltpfl itlntPlir tiona how to tanvMs well sent to agents. 8on< for a sample copy before ordering largely. Mo ney returned if not satisfactory. Lloyd's Map o the Mississippi ltiver, giving every man's plants tion and name : Lloyd's Map of the fifteen South era States; also, State Maps of Virginia, Ken tucky and Tennessee, and Lloyd's Great Map o Georgia, engraved for the War Department | showing every hill, and used by General Gran j and Sherman ; same size and price Also, Lloyd' Telegraph, Express and Kailroad Map is nov I ready : live feet large. Price $1.50 mounted, o sheet edition 5o cents. Any one calling the at j tention of either male or female to this, who wil act as agent, will receive a full set ot our Mapi gratis, by writing to us. Also wanted, Whole sale Agents with a few hundred dollars capital, U go to Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati, Boston Canada, and in every State, to opgu an office anc act as wholesale agents. Can money fast J. T. LLOYD, American Map Wtffiyasr, No. 2 Courtlandt street. New York, and NaT 1 Strand London, England. Any person going to Califor nia with IT. S. Map could readily get $5 a copy. Evidence or the Correctness of Llotd'i Maps.?Lloyd's new Map of the United States mounted 011 hollers, and var is lied, is the bes Map of oui country ever published for so low 1 price as #1. It ought to be hungup by every fire side to illustrate the daily progress and incident of the War for the Union. [Horace Greeley.' LLOYD S FARMERS', TELEGRAPH, EX PRESS and RAILROAD MAP will be of great ser vice to us, and we have subscribed FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS to show our several Expresi Lines. We deem it a very useful Map, ant recommend it to business men. ADAM'S EXPRESS CO., By W. B. DINSMOKE, President. We think highly of LLOYD'8 FARMERSTELEGRAPH. EXPRESS and RAILROAD MAP We have subscribed (*500) FIVE HUXDKEI DOLLARS to show our Telegraph Lines. AMERICAN TELEGRAPH CO., Per ('. LIVINGSTON. Secretary. J. T. Lloyd, E*q. ?Sir: Send me sample copie< of yonr Map of the Mississippi Biver, and youi price per hundred copied. Bear-Admiral Chan H. Davis, commanding the Mississippi Squadron is authorized to purchase a supply of tuem loi . use of his squadron. GLDKOX WELLS, , loo Secretary Navy. JUST RECEIVED AT THE UNIOS Square Store, next to the Post Office, tht ! foliowiiiii military publications. We are eon ! tantiy receiving new ttooks as fast as they ar< issued. orders for books promptly executed. PATTENS INFANTuY TACTICS Compiled agreeably to the lateat Regula i tion from tin- War Department, fruiu standart i military authority. By Lieut. Col. Geo. Patten. Papers on PRACTICAL ENGI ueeriug. fSflicial re\>ort of Die siego am retlnctiou of Fort Pulaski, Georgia, February i Man-h siiiil Auril. 18GJ. By Brig.-Gen. y. Gill | luoris, U. 8. Vols. i TtoSSS on military law ! J\- uul the practice of Court* Martial Bi j Capt. 8. V. Beuet, Ordnance Department, U. H ! Army. ; a rdnance and gunnery, com ; \ J piled for the n??c of the United State* Mfli tar.v Academy. I I I -f v W <xr. , ' \ . I A treatise on military "si kveying, theoritlcal and practical. By G. . H. Mendell, CapL Mcndell, Capt. Lnginecn. R egulationsan d instructions for the Field Service of the XT. S. Cavalry in time of War. By Geo. B. McClcllau. I Major-General U. S. Army. Squadron tactics undk11 Steam. By Foxhall A. Parker, U. S. Navy. Military maps constantly on lrnnd at the Fancy Store, Union ; Square. Photographic albums in great variety at the Bookstore, Union r. Square. ) t> hotographs of the presiJL dent and Cabinet, and Military gentleman i at the Union Square Store, North of Post Olhce. 2! opelling books, arithmetics I kJ at the Book Store, Union Square. , p illott's and washington ' vX Medallion Pens at the New South Stoke, Union Square. i t\binking cups, tooth - \J Brushes, Toilet and Pocket Coinlm at I btlAitS. Dime novels and song books iu great variety at the New South Store 11 tmon Square. Linen keechiefs of the finest quality can be obtained at ' 8EABS. 1 TT UNT?R lS NIGHX COMPASSES ? XX at the N*w South Store, Union Square. Glass inkstands of all pat. terns, at the > kw south Store. \ A KNOl.D'S CELEBRATED WJUTt J\_ ing Fluid in small bottles, pints and b qiidi ts, at the New South Book store, Union * Square. j 1} ocket books OF ALL KINDS g XT the Nbw 8outh Store, Union Bqmre. * > TI ABPEJi'S SELECT NOVELS AT j XX at the Union square Store. j if 1LITABY WORKS OF ALL DE, ItX scriptiona to be found on the Shelves at new South Bookstore. WAVERLEY MAGAZINE, AND all the New York llltutrated papers at , ho Score North of itoat-OJUce. t | TTTHITE COTTON GLOVES IN i ii large quantities at the Union Square Store. Haiders magazine?service Magazine, and Continental at the News . iuiiiporium North oi Poet Utnce, Union Square. i -pHALON'S NIGHT BLOOMING ^ -L CereiiB?a celebrated perfume for sale at cue New South Store. LUBIN'S extracts and perfuuiery of all kinds at the Fancy Store in | me New South biuluings. 1 Yf EER^CHAUM PIPES, PL-UN, AND : X"J_ figured, Briar Wood Pipes, ami all other 1 to Uc louuil at the Store iu the ^Ntw Sour it i ' tiUlidUlgS. LKTiJklt DADL.U?i\UTLl'Ai\Liiplaiu and (jilt Ldged to be louud at SEAlts' r trnun Square Store. i vr athematicAl instrument.-. ! X*-L of the finest quality at I __qEAKS*._ . DAVID'S CatMINE INKS, EBONY rulers, Pen Holders, Sealing Wax, Letter | faus Purttojios, Blotting Piper, etc., at SEALS' Store, Union Square. All ordees fob military n works received and executed at short in>1! ace. J|_ M?IAUU CUMM^h, ior suie oy C. W. Dennis & Co., - j No. i. Butlers Uow. 1 tnstruction for heavy ar jl tiller}-, prepared by a Board ol Officers foi the use of the Anuy. The ordnance manual for the use of the officers of the U. S. Army. r I by Brevet Major Laidley. Bears. Du four's strategy and tac tics. Translated from the French by . . P. Craighill, C?i>t. IT. X. Knginaers. Set-*. I