University of South Carolina Libraries
During Col. ?Jaqtles s stay in Richmond lie visited the prisoners at tlie Libbv and Relle Isle. He was very agreeably disappointed to find our nu n comfortably situated, and as well cared for as w.w? possible under the circumstances. Desperate eases of our wounded are retained in the hospitals of Richmond. Oar brave boys * were bearing up cheerfully under their sufferings, and were receiving all needful attention, and everything possible was being done for their recovery, by surgeons ana attendants. I his will be cheering news lor many anxious friends throughout the North. As might l>e supposed, Richmond only suggests thoughts of war. Its streets are almost deserted. Women, cripples and soldiers alone give life to the thoroughfares of the rebel capital. Many stores are, however, kept open, and there is some business but nothing in comparison to the activity before the war.? Everything looks warlike, and everybody intent on the great struggle now in progress. Colonel Jaques, during his visits ; had several interviews with Judah P. ! Benjamin, Seer, tary of State, Mr. Ould, I the Commissioner of Exchange, and with other rebe^ dignitaries and authorities.? From them all he received the kindest attention. As he took his leave of Davis last Monday, Davis took Col. Jaques's; hand in his, pressed them warmly and cordially, and said that leaving out of view the present struggle, that lie had the1 highest respect for the Colonel's charaea u,..? n. rv.i auu limiuii v/n jiuuikm v\u? . Jftques and Ins companions returned to Grant's headquai ters, and eontinuedl their journey to this city. It is under-! stood that Col. Jaques will soon publish an official account of his visit, ;?nd the! object connected with it. and whatever' may be thought of the Colonel's proposed means of conciliation, there call be no doubt either of his honesty or loyalty. ! The Dead Picket.?On the field, yesterday, on the left, near Tilton, where i our cavalry engaged the enemy, a beautiful garden, clothed in all the loveliness1 that rare plants and Southern flowers could give it, attracted my attention, and i ] was drawn to it. The house had been j deserted by its owners, and the smiling magnolias and the roses seemed to stand gnard over the deserted premises. I entered through an open gate, stopped to pluck a rose from the bush, when 1 discovered one of the enemy's pickets, lying partially covered by the grass and bushes, dead. He was a noble looking man, and upon his countenance there seemed to rest the remnant of a smile. The right hand clasped a rose, which he was in the act of severing from its stem when he re-1 ceived the messenger of death. In the i afternoon the cavalry dug a narrow grave, and with Federal soldiers lor pall beared and the beautiful tlowers for mourners, lie was laid to rest, the rose still clasped in his stiffened hand. Nothing was found to identify him, and in that lonely grave his life's history lies entombed. No sister's tears will baptise' the grave among the roses, where the re- i 1^1 f1 v? rfnm _ i UC1 ]Mb&ClllCU- Villi VM.II. Ik p LAMS," "CLAMS," "CLAMS," IN EVE- ! \j ry stylo can be obtained at "The Eagle, j Otstkr asd Ktrni*HMEJ>T Saloon." in tin- raar of the Post Office, Hilton Head, 8. C*. N. B.?Nortliern Oysters, per next steamer. I FITZGERALD .V HONEY. | Proprietors. TO THE SAILORS AND SOLDIERS. By the existing laws of Congress, all soldiers who have sen" d two years, and who have been discharged from service by reason of disability, contracted while in the line of their duty, are entitled to pension or bounty. In many cases, also.! * sailors who have sen ed in the Navy, have claim* for prize money and pension. That these claims may be properly presented 1 the U. S. Sanitary Commission liavo oHiaonsuen i a Claim Agency at Washington, D. C., and the undersigned has been appointed Special Agent for the Department of the South, nn.l is prepared t o prosecute all such claims FREE OF CHARGE. Claims will receive attention on Saturdays of each week at the Sanitary Commission, Beaufort, and at Col. LrnXEDlELD's office, Hilton Head, alternately of each xvftjk. All discharged soldicu^cau receive information ' about presenting their claims at home, Free. j Notice will be given w hen claims can bo made out at Fcruandiua, St. Augustine, and all other J posts. m. m. march, Agt Sanitary Commission, D. 8. Approved: j. p. Hatch, Brig. Gen'l Com'd'g Disk j Approved I J. o. Fostvk, | 90 Ma i. Gcn'l ^om'dl'g Dept. South. ! ;::. j ; WE HAVE I | I JUST RECEIVED I II ' ] !i i A NEW ] j 1 I ASSORTMENT M I i V OF |! i i ENVELOPES, : I C A r AND \ ( Fancy Goods ; i i j OF j ii I * ALL DESCRIPTION ' [ . jf AT SEARS. IJ 11 C-r* 1 - -1 \ $ 10 a Day to Agents. * 1(> Maps i'or X 1?The United States and Canada, from surveys to 1SW, mounted and varnished, with rollers, 5 feet lar^e, colored, in ; tuuuucm, nuuwiiig ?*#uvuuu iuwiip, ! poat-offices and railroad stations ; the whole engraved on steel at a cost of #100,000 and two , years' time?all for #1, cr in sheets at 50 cents.? j #10 a day to man or woman. Printed instructions how to canvass well sent to agents. Send for a sample eopy before ordering largely. Money returned if not satisfactory. IJoyd's Map of the Mississippi River, giving every niuu'a plantation and name ; Lloyd's Map of the fifteen South- J em States ; also, State Maps of Virginia, Ken- j tueky and Tennessee, and Lloyd's (ireat Map oi j Georgia, engraved for the War Department, showing every hill, and used by General Grant j and Sherman ; same size and price Also, Lloyd's Telegraph, Express anil Railroad Map is now ready ; five feet large. Price #1.50 mounted, or sheet edition 5u cents. Any one calling the attention of either male or female to tliisr who will net as agent, will receive a lull set or our Maps gratis, by writing to Us. Also wanted, Wholesale Agents with a few hundred dollars capital, to go to Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati, tioston, Canada, and m every Stale, to open an office and net as wholesale agents. Can make nionei fast. J. T. LLjJYG, American Map Publisher, No. Courtlandt street. New York, and No. 1 Strand, London, England. Any person going to California with U. S. Map could readily get #5 a copy. Evidence of the Coihiectness of Lloyd's Mafs.?Lloyd's new Map of the United States, mounted on Rollers, und var lshed, is the best i Map of oui country ever published for so low a [>nce as #1. It ought to be hung up by every tircnde to illustrate tue daily progress and incidents i?l" the War lor the Union. [Horace Greeley. LLOYD'S FARMERS', TELEGRAPH, EXPRESS and RAILROAD MAP will be of great scririce to us, and we have stlbscribixl IIYE HUN-; DICED DOLLARS to show our several Express Lines. We deem it a very useiui Map, and recommend it to business men. ADAM'S EXPRESS CO., By W. ii. DINSilORE, President. We think highly of LLOYD'S FARMERS', rELHGlCAPH, EXPRESS aud RAILROAD MAP. IVe have subscribed ($500) FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS to show our Telegraph Lines. AMERICAN TELEGRAPH CO., Per C. LIVINGSION, Secretary. J. T. Lloyd, Esq ? Sir: Send me sample copies if your Map of the Mississippi River, and your price per hundred copies. Rear-Admiral Chas. tl. Davis, commanding the Mississippi Squadron, >k authorized to purchase a supply of tnem for lse of his squadron. GIDEON WELLS, 100- Secretary Navy. X UST RECEIVED AT THE UNION 'J Square Store, next to the Poet Office, the' oliowiny military publications. Wc are conaiitly receiving new books as fast as they are issued. Orders lor books promptly executed. Patten's infantuy tactics: Compiled agreeably to the latest Key u laion from the War Department, from standard nilitary authority. By Lieut. Col. tieo. Patten. Papers on practical enginveriug. Official report of the siege and eduction of Fort Pulaski, Georgia, February, llareh and April, 18<W. By Brig.-iien. (j. (iillnore, U. y. Vols. a treatise on military law, ljl and the practice of Courts Martial By ;upt. H. V. Benet, Orduan# Department, U. S. rhe artillerist man ual ! Compiled from various sources. and adapt- J U to scmco of the United States. Illustrated by I ngraving. By Brig.-Gcn. John Gibson, I", s. >'<>1b. j mtanual of internal rules] LtJl *nd Regulations for Men-of-War. By : loin. U. S. Levy, U. S. N. History of west point, and its military importance during the Amer-1 can Revolution, and tne Origin and Progress of ! be United States Military Academy. By Captain j id ward C. Boynton, A. M. i Military dictionary of tech nical definitions, and law. Government! tiegulation, and administration relating to land; orces. By col. R. L. Scott. ^ e a mans ii ip illustrated; O with numerous original and selected dc- j ligns. By S. B. Luce, Lieut. Commander, U. S. j N'avy. ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY, COM piled for the use of the United States Miliary Academy. rNF AN TRY TACTICS BY BRIG. Gen. Silas Casey, U. 8. Army. rHE ARMY AND NAVY POCKET Dictionary. By Wm. G. Webster. ^BOAT FOR SAUi. I>QUIhE AT THE "The Eajjle Refreshment end Oyster Saloon," u the rear of the Post Dfllcc. A treatise on military Sl'livcying, theoritical and practical. By G. H. Xendeil, Oapt. Meiidell, C'apt. tngiuec-rs. Regulations and instructions for the Field t-ervice of the U. 8. Cavalry 111 time of War. By Geo. B. McCleliau, ilajor-Geneial U. S. Army. Squadron tac'lics undkr Hteam. By Foxhall A. Parker, U. 8. Navy. H ? If I'I'IWV ,vl t Ds! OOVt'MXll'I V | | xuxxaxi JL XU.1X U lVL on baud at the Fancy Store, Union Square. PHOTUGKAPalC ALBUMS IN great variety at the Bookstore, Uniou Square. , Photographs of the presideiit and Cabinet, and Military gentleman at the Union Square Store, North of Font Olticc. STelling books, arithmetics at the Book Store, Union Square. Gillotts and washington Medallion Pens at the New Socth Stoke, Union Square. DrInking cups, tooth Brushes, Toilet and Pocket Combs at ShAltS. Dime novels and song books in great variety at the New South Store onion Square. INEN KERCHIEF'S OF THE FINest quahty can be obtained at SEABS. Hun tee's night compasses at the New South Store, Union Square. Glass inkstands of all pat. terns, at the > ew South Store. AliNOl.DS CELElili A'l ED WiUTiug Fluid iu a mall bottles, pints and quails, at tuu New South lioua Store, Cuiou square. Pocket looks of all kinds the New South Store, Uuiou Square. Hakpek's select novels at at the Uniou Square Store. Military wokks of alldescriptious to be fouud ou the Shelves at saw South bookstore. A VEIL LEY MAGAZINE, AND Tv all the New York Illustrated papers at he Store North of Fost-Oilice. White cotton gloves in large quantities at the Union Square is lore. Harper's magazine?service Magazine, and Continent*] at the News i-inporiuin >urui ot Jfobt oiuee, luwu square. Phalon's night blooming Cereus?a celebrated perfume for sale at lue Nkw South Stole. Lubin's extracts and perl'umery of all kinds at the Fancy Store iu toe Xfcw South liujiaings. Meerschaum pipes, plain, and figured, Briar Wood Pipes, and all other Kill art to be luuiiu at tile Mure ia luc k\v b^iiH buildingH. LETTER RARER ?NOTE RARRii ? plum and (jilt Edged to be Jouud at bails' i> 11.011 Square Store. Mathematical instkumenis of tlie finest quality at SEARS'. DAVID'S CARMINE INKS, EBONY rulers, Pcu Holders, Scaling'\Vax, le tter iuas Portlouos, Plotting Paper, etc., at SEARS' Store, Union Square. All orders for military works received and executed at short notice. MET ALIO COFFINS, for sale by C. W. Dennis & Co., No. 4. Sutlers Row. I~~NSTRUCTION FOR HEAVY ifRtillery, prepared by a Board of Officers for U1C UBC VI buc AI US T . The ordnance manual for the use of the officers of the U. 8. Army.? By Brevet Major Laidley. Sears. Dufour's strategy and tactlcs. Translated from the French bjt W. P. Craighill, Capt. U. 8. Engineers. ' Sears.