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< tie, comuiunued by Capuun .Phi.lips, arrived ut three o'clock or. Monday morning at Milneburg, having left Fort Gaines 1 on Sunday morning at half-past ten o'clock. Everything was progressing fa vorably for our cause over there. PORT MORGAN TO BE OBSTINATELY DEFENDED. Bv the arrival of deserters from Fort Morgan Admiral Farragut is advised that the rebel General Page, in command there, is determined to make an obstinate I defence of the fort, and will not surrender it until lie is forced to do so. THE IRON-CLADS AT WORK. The Monitors and the rani Tennessee have been engaged alternately in shelling the lort at intervals, but had not succeeded in provoking a reply. "When-, ever they cau see men apparently w?<rk-. ing, they throw a shell and scatter them, thus keeping up a continual annoyance, j THE ADMIRAL CONFIDENT. , We understand that Admiral Farragut is confident that success will crown our arms, and that we will have all the forts, j and Mobile too. in due time. ?Wc must have a little patience, and hope that the noble efforts of our army ami navy in Mobile Bay may achieve all that the country can desire. ARRIVAL OP DESERTERS. tv 1 i 1 <u?? T>?nl,, he lulllcimauu turn UlC vamcn uiuuc i brought over twelve or fifteen deserters i from Fort Morgan, most of whom have i taken the oath and have been released. , the tecum8eh. A letter from eight of the survivors of, the monitor Tecumseli states that " as i far as we can learn there have been twelve more of our comrades saved; i eight are in the fleet in the bay and four are prisoners in Fort Moig n.'* The Condition of the South, le1tir from gen. seymour, lately a prisoner of war. New YoRk, Friday, Aug. 10, 1861. To the Julitor of the Xeu) York Times: ! I have just received the following most,, interesting letter from Gen. Seymour, ] lately released from "under fire " at |, t'iiarlestou. As an old West Point officer, |, with (Ten. Anderson at Sumter, and sta- , tioned many years in the South, he j knows the Southern people well. He is ( a brave, true soldier, devoted to the ] Union, and, although, at the time of the ( unfortunate battle m Florida, he was ac-1 eused of lukewarmness by those ignorant1 ( of his ehurueter, he has proved, by bis , action on many a battle-field, as well as , by his plucky talk to the rebels at Gor- j Uv'usvioe, wnen captured in may List, ' j that he was every inch loyal to the old 11 liag. Yours. Ac., \ W. E. D., Jr. ,, < WiiJiIamstown", Mass., Aug. 15. 18G4. j< My Deak Sir :?You ask for my im- < pression of the present condition of the : i .. L O C..A ... ,?i ' DOUllieru v.i?xiirucn?i;j, ?uu ?uu ouou > have them. For the benefit of our cause 1 wish they might be impressed npon eveiy soul iu the land, that the confidence begotten of my three months' observa-' lions in the interior of the South might be shared by eveiy man who has the .ea>t connection with the responsibilities , of this struggle. And 1 uui sure that these opinions are not peculiar to myself. Every one of the fifty officers just ex- j < hauged will express the same?every one ( of them, whether from the jails of Charleston, or the j>eus of Macon and Anderson- j ville, will confidently tell the same story.! The rebel cause is fast faiiiwj from e.r-1 hansiu.n. Their two grand armies have | been re-enforced this summer from the last resources of the South. From every corner of the land every old uiuu and every boy capable of bearing a rifle has l?ee.i impressed, willingly or unwillingly, 1 saud hurried to the front Lee's army was i the first so strengthened. It was at the ] ttxpense of Hood's, (J-ov. Brown told the 1 tirjth with a plainness that was very bitter, but it was none the less the truth.? ( Let me extract a few prominent state- f lueuts from his proclamation of July 9, i .addressed to the " Iteserved Militia of j <Georgia j j "A late correspondence with the President of' ] the Confederate States, satisfies my mind that j ,Georgia is to be left to her own resources to 8apply, the re-enforcements to Gen. Johnstou'sarmy, | , Wtiicli are indi-<pensable to the protection of At-. J ihvntAt.and to prevent the State Ironi being over-1 i run by the overwhelming numbers now under command of the Federal General upon our soil. "But there is needoi" further re-enforcements, as will be seen by the accompanying letter of Gen. Jouuston. * * * * And it becomes nn ! duty to cull torth even" man in the State able to 1 bear arms, as fast as they can be armed, to aid in i the defence of our homes, our altars, and the I graves of our ancestors. " If the Confederate Government will not send ! the large > avalry force (now engaged in raiding and repelling raids; to destroy the long lines of ( railroads over which Gen. Sherman brings his { supplies funu Nashville, and thus compel him to retreat with the loss of most of his army, the people ot Georgia, who have already been drawn upon more heavily iu proportion to population than those of any other State iu the Confederacy, must at all hazards, and at any sacrifice, rush to the front. * If Gen. Johnston's army is destroyed, the Gulf States are thrown open to the enemy and we are ruined." There must, indeed, have be in desperate weakness, when Georgia and the Southern cause with it, were so neglected that Lee's army might be made equal to the task of holding Grant to the Potomac i or the James! and the people of the South are intelligent enonglito understand, and to appreciate the fact, and they have lost i heart accordingly. The following is from a letter written by one rebel to another, that - accidental)fell into the hands of one of my fellowprisoners, and for the authenticity of which I vouch : " Very few persons are preparing to obey the j iate rail of the Governor. His summons will meet with 110 response here. The people are soul-sick, nid heartily tired of this hateful hopeless strife, j They would end it if they could : but our would- j be rulers will take good care that no opportunity I be given the people to vote against it. By lies, by fraud and by chicanery this revolution was inaugurated ; by force, by tyranny and the suppression of truth it is sustained. It is nearly time that' it should end. antl of Hheer depletion it munt end , before long. We have had enough of want and of j *oc, enough of cruelty and carnage, enough of j cripple* and corpse*. There is an abundance of; bereaved parents, weeping widows, and orphaned 1 children in the land. If we can, let us not increase the number. The men who, to aggrandize . themselves, or gratify their own political aiubi- ] tion, brought this cruel war upon a peaceful and prosperous country, will have to render a fearful, account of their misdeeds to a wronged, robbed and outraged people. Earth has no punishmentj sufficiently to meet for their villainy here, and bell will hardly be hot enough to scathe t hem hereafter." There is certainly a no small proportion of the Southern people (despite the lying declarations of their journals, us j we had good cause to learn,) that not only favor the progress of our arms, but that daily pray that this exterminating war may soon be brought to a finality by our complete and perlect success. They 1 have hail too much of despotism?not 1 /? i. . i. - 1- _ 1 A.1 enougn 01 me iriumpn pruuuMJu mem. Many intelligent Southern gentlemen j So indeed, express strong hopes ol' their I ultimate independence, but such hopes | rre not shared by the masses. Disap-, pointed from the first in not having l>een : icknowledged by foreign powers?more ' bitterly disappointed in their expectation that northern cowardice or dissention ivonld secure their ends?but a single :'hanee remains, and that is the result ot aur next election for President. If a j ivnocrat succeeds to Mr. Lincoln, they pa>feS8 to feel Are of negotiations, and ?ure of their Confederacy. They believe i democrat will be elected, in Jir. Linjoin's re-election they see only subjuga- , :ion, annihilation, tor the war must then continue, and continuance is their failure j and ruin. In military affairs it is an excellent rule j 3ever to do what the enemy desires?is it j lot equally true in politics ? Certain it is j that the only remaining hope of the J Sonth lies in Mr. Lincoln's defeat. Now, I am not enough of a politician ' to know whether the election of a democrat can result as favorably to the South is it anticipates. The wish alone may i t>e parent to the belief. But, us I assured ill who expressed that belief, that the Sortb, hs a mass, are as united as the South?that no democrat could bo elected jn a peace platform- -and that any presi- i lent who would inaugurate any measure ending to peace on the basis of Southern ? J J IJ 1-- *1? I uuepeiiueiiu/, wuuiu ue |iiuu[iur uuu^, > by loyal acclamation, to the lain posts in :ront of his presidential mansion. However that may be, if we are bnt! true to ourselves there can be but one remit. What ice noio ne d is men?only men?not substitutes or hirelings who >o out for any motive but the country's ; >od, and produce but little beyond dejreciating our armies?but men?such as really constitute the state, and boast of being freemen and sons of freemen. If thesa fail to support their country's cause u h^r hour of peril, they are unworthy ??f continuing lie. men, and sLo ldolnsh p ever to exercise a freeman's piirileges. Hut if bounties must be paid, let it be j t! in Southern land, not in Northern gold ; n and armies i f eraegrauts, \vl?ose sons. tl may aspire to even the rule of the nation : 1. will cross the seas to win the broad acres v that disloyalty has forfeited to the State, it To every intelligent soldier who has a fought through all these indecisive cam- a paigns on almost numberless indecisive e fields, the question constantly arises, with li touching force, why we do not overwhelm I our enemies ? b Tens of thousands of lives are lost be-1 e cause our array of strength is so dispro- e pertionately less than that against which u we battle. Everywhere we meet on near ly equal terms, where we might well have , 11 lour to one. The cost to us in blood and1 e treasure, of a prolonged war, can hardly o be foreseen?the economy is iulinite ofc such an effort as the glorious North t should put forth. p The south will fight as long as the ti struggle is equal ; it will submit to such si preponderance us we should show in I every field. j si Glance at the summer campaigns. If p Sherman had but 50,000 or 75,000 more j U men near the South would be lost, be- a cause Hood would be annihilated. If | .Meade had moved in the Spring with tl 75,00.) or 100,000 men, Lee would have ; a: been hopelessly crushed. Even at this q moment a third column of 40,000 or a 50,000 men rightly moved, would give ti unopposed blows to the Confederacy tc from which she could never rise. j a< What folly then to struggle on in thisway, when we can send to the field live j times the force already there. What weakness to think we cannot conquer T the South. Behind the James only boys i and old men are to he seen, while here .. men buy and sell as in the olden days of quiet, and regiments of able-bodied citi- hi zens crowd the streets ot our cities. There is but one course consistent with ; * safety or honor. Let the people awake j ei to a sense of their dignity and strength, |la and a few months of comparatively trill- ^ ing exertion, of such effort as iilone is > 0*| worthy of the great work, ? and the re- fi bellion will crumble before us. Fill this j' draft promptly and willingly, with good V( and time men : and a few spare thous- i ands over rather than under the call, ; ai and the summer sun of I860 will shine > upon a regenerated land. 1 c There are some who speak of peace ! , o Of all Yankees the Southron most scorns ' y< those who do not light, but are glad j ^ enough to employ them, as they do their d( slaves, to perform their dirty work, a Peace for the South will be sweet indeed; j? for us, except through Southern subjuga- ^ tion, but anarchy and war forever. The j ti Pacific, the Western, the Eastern States d< would at once fall asunder. The South ]11 would be dominant, and the people of ^ the North would deserve to be driven a held under negro overseers to hoe corn ! ir and cotton for Southern masters. But no faint-hearted or short sighted J policy can set aside the eternal decree of the Almighty, who has planted no lines = of disunion between the Atlantic and! the Western deserts?between the great h, lakes and the Gulf of Mexico- that sig- o nify His will that we should be separated; l' and unless so separated peace is a delu- ^ sion, and its advocacy a treason against the wisest and holiest interests of our ; country. It has been with a trust that renewed hope and vigor might be given, when vig- j or and hope are needful, that I have written, undyon have my consent to using this as you please ; and I am, Very truly yours, T. Seymour, j rt Brig.-Gen. U. S. Vols. ? To W. E. Dodge, Jr., Esq., New Yoik. | hj REBEL* NEWS. |_ (From the Richmond Despatch, Aug. 22); Nothing of importance nas occurred on the north side of the James river, below Rinhmnml ciiir?A t.hp r?'nn7innisK!ince nil ; Thursday. The two corps sent over by Grant, it is ascertained, have re-crossed 1* to the south side, leaving only the divi-' in si6n commanded by Foster, which has l>e<n at Deep Bottom for some time past. ^ The tiring heard on Friday evening last di was the entmy's gunboats shelling Howlett's fields, a position in which they sup- fo posed4the rebels had erected a ba tery. > it was without eft'ect, save an useless ex-1 leuditnre of the iankee amuiMiition. Northern papers ot the 17th assert Lat the object of the movement on the orth side of the James was to destroy he rebel pontoon bridges al>ove Fort tailing, as they call Drewrv's Bluff; liile papers of the lbth are quite as pos:ive that it was only a reeonnoissance to scertain the strength ot the Confeder tt s in that quarter. We do not believe ither of these stories. It is much more ikely that it was a feint to draw General iCe's troops from the front of Petersurg. But whatever it was, it was a misralile failure, and adds one more to the atalogue of Grant's " brilliant moverents " (over the left) in this campaign. One day last week the Yankee pickets a the neighborhood of Dutch Gap opend tire on our picket line, when two of ur gunboats being in the vicinity conluded to take a hand. Consequently, hey commenced throwing shell pro romiscuously in the direction of he Yankees. One of the missiles truck the enemy's pontoon bridge near )utch Gap, and set it on fire, burning everal of the boats of which it is comosed. This Confederate salute seemed } cause considerable consternation inong the Yankees. The enemy is still engaged in digging re canal across the neck of land known s Dutch Gap. To those who are ho uiuuted witn its topography, mis win ppear to be a work of no small niagninle, but v.nletts some plan ran be devised > put a stop to their operations, it icili be camplished. HKAixvi'AKrKH.s U. S. Forces, 1 District of Beaufort, > Beaufort, si. C., Aug. 29, 18C4.) a the Freedmen in the Dept. i.t the South : Iu a time of plenty and prosperity, a wise man ys up in store out of his abundance something ir a time of need in the future, that he may not s found like the foolish virgins without oil in is lamp. In these days of your prosperity, when )ur iieids are fruitful and cotton brings almost fabulous price ; when colored soldiers receive ill pay and rations equal to that which our Gov nrnent gives to her bravest and best; when .rge bounties are paid to those who were lately aves who now enlist in her service, and the umblest laborer is acknowledged to be worthy l his hire, it is your duty to provide against a iture time of need in such a way as to sustain le Administration which, under Providence, has rought you all these blessings, and to prevent our families or yourselves from ever becoming tax upon its bounty. To accomblish this end ad to enable you to have a safe depository for our money, I have appointed Capt. J. P. Low. . Q. M., as President, Lt. A. P. Ketchnm, A. I>. ., as Treasurer, aua Mr. ?. J.. narns, tumiT f a Savings Bank lor your benefit. All the funds ou deposite in this bank will be at once invested i safe and valuable United States Government pcurities. You will thus have a secure place of pposite for your money, where it will yield you lair rate of interest, and will at the same time idircotly aid in sustaining the Government bieli is doing so much for you. The South arolina Freed men's Sav.ngs Bank is located in io to wn of Beaufort. All the colored people who I'positc their money in it will take a receipt from ic Treasurer for the amount, a d can feel asired that it will be returned to them again with iterest when called for. The Superintendents and Teachers of the Freed:en, and all others who feel an interest in their elfare, are requested to explain this circular so ,r as possible to those undsr their charge. R. SAXTON, Brig.-Gen'1. j Military (to vera or. .Notice.?The next regular meeting of the Palmetto Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1," will be eld at the otlice of Capt. John Hays, A. Q. M.. u Monday evening next. Sept. ."?th, 1804, at 7 . M. A punctual attendance is requested, as usiness ot importance will come before the meet ig. GEO. W. CRANE, Secretary. 1,000 Onjlons Keromme Oil in ve gallon cans. 5,000 lbs. Bacon. Xj."> bis. Pillot Bread. For sale cheap. CHAS. W. BELLOWS. No. 8, Merchants' Row. FOli HALE. A Three Story Frame House, containing three ?oms. House situated on the New Road, this ile ot the General Hospital, Hilton Head. Buildg in good ord.-r, and suited lor a store. For irther particulars apply on the premises of MRS. CAROLINE NOLLAK. Headquarters, U. S. Forces, i Hilton, Heal, Fort* Pulaski, i St. Helena and JTvbee Islands, j Hilto* Head, tht'., Aug. 23, 1864. \ eneral Orders, i jf No* 28. L All Shops and Restaurants at this Post will 5 closed at 7 o'clock P. M., on and alter the 28th iftt. II. Soldiers and Sailors found on the streets afr 8 o'clock P. M., without proper authority, ill be arrested and confined in the Guardhouse iring the night. The Provost Marshal is charged with the eurcement of this ortler. By order of Br;g.-Gen. E. E. POTTER, w >l c. Mannino, f'apt. and Act. Asst. Adjt. tien'l.