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' THE NEW w SOUTH. Vol. 2, No. 52. Port Royal, S. C., Saturday, September 3,1864. Whole No. 104. ?he ^outh. j puuushkl) kvkuv 3atui1day mo un in it 11y J. H. SEARS, Editor and Proprietor. p u i c E : One Copy Five Cents. Pnit Hcnmkkd $3 50. Ttu.EE Months, U 50. TERMS CASH. Advertisements Twenty-Five Cents per line fo each iinsertion. Office, Phoenix Building, Union Square adjoining j fntl Otho The Bayonet Charge. Hark to the batteries disputing in thunder? Shell over tree-top and shot rattling under, Noiseiiy cover the path of the foe Down through the forest aisles, lofty and large. There's a ioof on the face of our leader I know, And I wait the dread order ; " Fix bayonets? Charge!" Am I less brave for a moment's quick shiver? Hearts of oak yonder bear light leaves that quiver, I look down the line?there's a lip turning white, Set the firmer for that ; there are fixed gazing eyes Intent upon something, but not on the fight; | There's a swift glance ilang upward to pierce | 111C UlUt Wirni While the thunder rolls nearer, distinct through it all I catch fragments of whispers, as " Boys, if I fall; Or thus, " Should the worst come, write home to my mother; " Tell my sister, my wife, that I died like a man." " You'll find in my knapsack, friend," nmrmurs another, " A line I scrawled when the battle began." Our Colonel sits ffrm, witb that look in his eye, ha (Tflllint. I.ike a sworu jan uuwuuivu, w e ly by. Should he fall?made a mark for the sharpshooters aim B / Ins gay epaulette, with its golden encrust? There'll be trumpet-loud voices to herald his j fame; But I am a private?the commonest dust! For fame do I fight? Lord of Hosts: does not he ! Who battles for right ever battle for Thee? There are graves trodden level that love seeks in ; in vain He'.d in honor by angela. Alike in thy sight | The poorest who craves for the red stripes their' stain ; And their leader who falls in the van of the fight They are coining?they cone! Shirting sunbeams reveal Their way through by the glitter of steel They swarm through the light, through t e treeholes they swarm Out from the forest aisles, lofty and large. Our Colonel turns ital?,drops his beckoning arms, J But hark, boys, the order: "Fix bayonetscharge !" -- ? --Advice to YoiuigExecutives. Iu this journal for Octolfcr 31, 1803, i the phui was piopoaed of giving: to our deserving petty ollicers and leading se;iniun a ?' nn/wl /voi/Iiia!. AArilfiejltp." cft!lpd 1 in that article " continuous service certificate " ; to be neatly printed on parchment, and to be analogous to a forward officers warrant, or the commission of an1 officer of higher lank. The suggestion was such a good one, so practical, and altogether so desirable, that there is very probability of its being adopted. Hut, in filling out these records of a ( cruise, there must be exercised the most careful discrimination, lest the uuworthy gain the honorable distinction, and the vnliifl of the certificate becomes denreci- i ated, as we have seen in the ease of the present ** honorable discharge." The commanding officer must necessarily refer, in a measure, to the opinion of the first lieutenant, and the latter cannot consistently rely upon his memory. He should keep a i4 conduct book," to which he may refer at all times with confidence, or,?which is of equal importance?he may turn over o his relief, should he be exchanged before the expiration of the cruise. But whether the good conduct certificate be issued or not, the conduct i book is essential to the thorough carrying out of the duties of executive officers, and, advising all young and inexperienced officers to adopt it, their attention is commended to the following remarks by the Into f!ftr>toin Knvd. R. N. : " For the purposes of drill, the watch and station bill may be sufficient; but a conduct book, alphabetically arranged and judiciously kept, is almost the only source from which can be derived a correct estimate of individual character. It would relieve the first lieutenant from i much uncertainty, and perhaps injustice, it as much of a seaman's history, occupation, antecedents, capacity and conduct, as could be collected irom his certificates, <fcc., together with a true record ' of his behavior?good and bad?while attached to the ship, were entered opposite ' his name. Cases will arise in which < are involved not only the granting i or withholding of indulgence, out the i issue of those certificates on which much i of a mun's prospects depend ; and it cannot but be a great relief to a conscien- i tious officer to have before him a body ol i reliable records, from which he may in- ] ler the probability of a case perplexed by . the coniiict or insufficiency of evidence, i hound us the hrst lieutenunt is to lay be fore his captain the grounds on which he may arrive at a just decision, it is ol great moment that he should have the means of collecting the general tenor of a man's life with the particular olfeuce i charged against him. It is true the of- , fence may tie in direct discord with ante- ] cedents, Out still, when testimony is contradictory, inconclusive or equivocal, he cannot go much ustruy it he east t_e entries of the conduct book into the scale and conclude accordingly. For all these uses the conduct book is too important a register to be entrusted entirely to the care of a deputy. Its value consists in its thorough honesty, descrimination and inipara:., i:*.. ,* 1.,.^ : muiiv9 auu 11 iu? mvuriuuij \\iiu | these features, would be felt by tne crew ( to be infallible, The master-at-arms may be au upright man, but he is not far re- j moved lroiu the men themselves. He ; gets his leave in turn with the ship's company ; he has ins linings and disnkiugs ; Ins favorites and fancies. His sense of right and wrong may be blunt and dull, or warped?unknown to himself? ( by minor considerations ; his estimate of character may be based on au undue ] value for some qualities, and as undue a depreciation ol others; his prejudices j may be more powerful than liisjudgment, ] and his temper may be of that stem naf 11 en 111nL*oo no u 1 I Airoia ao fnv ^vt vn VUic n uivu uiUAvo uv/ uiiunaiiv,^ lux c-Aiia- | ordinary circumstances. All this may contribute to render the conduct book : kept by him a very imperfect, if not un- < fair, picture of the morale of a seaman.? i Iu the hands of the first lieutenant the j case is different. From position, educa- j tion, and habits he is not likely to be tinged in his estimate by unworthy considerations ; he has seen his men under all circumstances, felt their natures in moments of need, marked their zeal in the hour of (Linger, and read them thoroughly on occasions which strip the disguises oil' the most artful. A record of conduct kept by such a man diligent and j conscientiously, and uncolored by the i touches of a subordinate's hand, would probably be found not onlj' one of the best aids to justice, but one of the best promoters of good conduct that an officer could command. " The right management of men is difficult under any circumstances, but specially so in such an artificial world as a ship. Ther interference of the executive must be constant, it must be vigorous, and to be tolerable must be judicious.? ! The superiority of prevention to cure is proverbial ; but, as it is only the close observers who will detect the early stages of a disorder, so it is only the skillful hand that can apply the efficient remedy, and only a thoughtful student of human nnture who can administer it so adroitly as to make it almost imperceptible.? Lord Collingwood complained in his day that 'some endeavored to conceal by ' great severity their own unskillfulness ' and want of attention, and that the men were beaten into insubordination.' " The desire to rule upon principles of commingled justice and kindness, is as widely separate from unhealthy "good " fellowshiD " as the " loudest democracy " of popularity-seeking could wish." There is one other snbject to which we would invite the attention of those likely to be called upon to fill the office of executive, and th*t is, the absolute necessity of observing a regular system in carrying on the duties of the ship?be it large or small. Cultivate system, for a want of it will certainly neutralize the most perfect organization. If a systematic administration does not come naturally through the "bump of order," it is advisable to prepare a routine table for self-guidance. An eratic and whimsical first lieutenant is the horror of all good men-of-war's men. ?Army and Xavy Journal. Return of Mt-wrs, Ivirk and .Taques, from Richmond. The following is a Washington special iri the Philadelphia Iruniirer: As the James Hirer boat* arrived it became known that among its passengers were two men who 16ft Ricnmond Monday Inst. To have an interview with the distinguished travellers was, of course, a desire which immediately possessed the ttnxiuns. Hardly had they landed before the rumor was telegraphed over the country that two United States commissioners had just returned from Richmond, after transacting most important official tmsiness. But rumor in tnis case was in error. The travellers neither transacted business in Richmond of an official or important character, so far as present re- ; suits are concerned. The gentlemen: who have thus succeeded in visiting Richmond are C !. James F. Jaqaes, j 73rd Illinois regiment, and Edmund J Kirk, of New York, the well known author. Col. Jaqnes Las been in the army al-1 most since the beginning of the war. He is forty-five years of age, is pleasing in address, though somewhat reserved in manners. The report that these gentlemen acted in any olficiai capacity tor our government, or that they were in any respect recognized, either here or in Richmond. as agents, messengers, envoys or commissioners of the United States, is an true. They went upon a mission perfectly and wholly distinct from any connection with our authorities; and again, p the object of the mission was not present in its natuie, but altogether ulterior and depended on contingencies which may hereafter arise. Although it is not officially known here, the object of the mission is understood among those who claim to be specially informed, that it looks to the restoration of peace. It is stated that Col. Jaques, with whom this idea originated, proposed nearly a year ago, that ne should be allowed to visit Richmond and represent his views upon reconciliation to the Confederate authorities. Permission was granted him,and he proceeded on his mission as far as Petersburgh, when he returned without material success as he did not visit Richmond. Last week, with permission of the president, Col. Jaques^ left his commandin the west, and again" essayed his mission to rebeldom. He received from Mr. Lincoln a letter of personal recommendation to General Grant to pass him through his lines, and otherwise forward his views. In no other respect did he receive any support from the President; neither was there given to him by any ot our authorities any warrant whatever for official negotiations. It was simply a private enterprise of the Colonel, with which the President saw no reason to interfere Accompanied by Edmund Kirk, the Colonel proceeded to Gen. Grant's headquarters, and having been permitted to pass our lines, they started for Kichmond by the northern bank ol the James river. They found no difficulty in entering the Confederate lines, and in fact courtesy was kindly extended to them, as they journeyed towards the capital which they reached on Saturday last. As soon as Col. Jaques arrived at Iiichmond, he re 1-? Kti n!a/>o<f nTi11 PY i^UCMlCU klliU> iiU ii|i^uv w . guard, which was done, sdthough the entire freedom of the city was immediately extended to liim. He was assigned elegant apartments at Spottswood House, the best hotel in Richmond, and duiing his stay of three days he fared most sumptuously ; his table groaned with the choicest ol' the market, und the most savory viands were laid out in piofusion belore him, all kinds of meat and vegetables were served up in the most recherche style, and brandy at six dollars a bottle, and wine at fifty, were not wanting to complete the richness of the entertain- ? ment. Gold spoons and forks also added by tbeir glitter to the board so festively spread. His bill lor three days was over five hundred dollars Confederate money, but he found it impossible to give the ~ii.-i.f/ir KTiph distineuished hospitality. Col. Jaques Lad two interviews witn Jeff. Davis in Lis office in tLe Custom House. De fully explained his views to Davis, uud endeavored to press them upon Lis consideration. No official report, Lowever, Laving been, as yet, given to these interviews, it is unknown wLat success attended them. We opine, however, that Mr. Davis cannot, at present, be argued into the consideration of any terms ol peace which do not Lave as their cardinal principle the recognition of the Confederacy. Jeff. Davis, notwithstanding all previous reports to the contrary, looks hide and hearty. His health was never better than at present, and the in ideations are tiiat he will live uuu imco score and ten. He sti 1 remains blind of one eye, but sees very distinctly out of tlie other, which is quite evident from the manner in which hu has managed the rebellion. He who waits for the rebellion to cave through the demise of the rebel 1'rehident had better cease such ' ""'i inin the Union army, as a HUpCOj (tuu jvm _ _ __ speedier metliod by which to terminate the w;ir. [tJontinucd un Fourth J'cje.]