University of South Carolina Libraries
~'^ll^?SBp^^^Br^S6S3^P^^alw^^ ?t?ind I X^PKff ?SS 3 I U0l. KC?ru, ?. mftgth, HBp^IHIHRW# " >- - *WHWpf' ?:?. 4 Wf?, IHr Send fior tbecoloife! to come hertf^nnodfilte^S j$? My own filave can never stand guard over maf 0 it'8 a d?d outrage ; no gentleman would .stgunrt EL Laughing in his Reive, the dork-faced sofiLat promptly called out, 'corp'l de guard.' The! t dignitary appeared, and presently the colonel * followed. Alter listening to the wtttherner'si ; imposioned harangue, which was full erf iure^ i thee, the colonel turned to the negro with, , gk it :u' Yea,eok>nel.' 4 You know this gentleman, do you ?' / ' ? . '.Ob course ; he's Massa B., aqrf has big plant*^ tion in Alaham'.' . Well, Sam, just take care of hiaa to-night!' and .the officer walked away. As the sentinel again paced his beat, the gentleman from Alabow' appealed to him in argument. 'Listen, Sambo!' , ' You hush, dor; it's done gone talkin' to you now. Hush, rebel!' was the negro's emphatic command, bringing down his musket to a charge bayonet position, by way of enforcing silence. The nabob was now a slave?his once valued negro his master ^ and think you as he sank back upon a blanket, in horor and shame that night, that ho believed human bondage was a divine institution, ordained of god ? ^ ?VI- ~ gST The lineal Reporters hare their Jests and tan as well as other people, and here is a sample record from the " local" of the Memphis Bulletin. As the various insurance Companies, strings banks. State officials and missionary societies are making their annual reports and publishing long columns of figures which are of the most intense interest to the reading public generally, the Memphis local reporter gives his for the year 1W53: Report. Time*, j Been askea to drink 11.393; Drank 11.392 . Requested to retract .\ 41(1 Didn't retract 416 Invited to parties, receptions, presentations, Ac., Ac., by people fishing for puffs 3.333 Took the hint........' 1. 33 Didn't.take the hint ,; S,30u Threatened to be whipped. 174 Been whipped 0 Whipped the other fellow 4 Didn't come to time 170 Been promised bottles of champagne, whiskey, gin, bitters, boxes of cigars, Ac., If we would go after them.... 335 V Been after them n I doing again 0 Been aaked " What's the new* ?" 300,000 : Told 13 J lMdn't know 500,000 I Lied about it fitf,s;87 Been to chnrch 2 Changed politics. . 33 Kxpectcd to change still a 33 Cash on hand * $00 Save for charity $5 ; tiave tor terrier dog $23 | Sworn off bad habits 722 , Shall swear off this year 723 Number of bad liabita o | A SxRiors Abubk Pbohibitzd. ?The Secretary 1 f the Navy has issued the following circular, pe:. i mptorily forbidding a practice which, in tbe i wases where its existence lias been discovered or suspected, has brought much discredit upon the public service. The circular, we believe, is called forth by some recent developments in the j DrooJtiyn ->avy iora "CIRCULkB. " The diareputab'e practice of giving and receiving pres- i jut* or graiuiiies from interiors to superiors, or from the employed to the employers, without the previous sanction ?f the Navy Department, is often a method of extortion practiced upon the workmen that it disgraceful to the receiver, and is strictly torbidden ; sny person violating this ' dflfcerder will subject bun so If to l>? summarily dismissed. (Signed^ "Gxoao* Went as, " Secretary of the Navy. "Nnvy Depeitweat, Janasry oa.1M4." ^p(Se bftbi I " *"' mUMBBP^ ^'ov B*Ygn I ----- JC?= I - SOftCS AND 6AYINCS, I ? or Mile* O'Rlley, Private, 47th N. Y. Vols., Fibelndhig the famous " Morris I^mnd Song," rung by the ' fpoopa during the afe-go of Forts Wagner" and " Sumter," end tor which, hot the siege, bat the rhymes, Miles suffered imprisonment in tbs raoroirr ovakd-hoCsx,?where there Wmm hows, not e*?n a tent to cover him?a 24 pound kill and. chain thlt weighed 48 pounds In-fore night and then did tot go off; with a picture of the author mounted ozt lus WAB HOME "PEOAbUS." . Thjirtory ?f Mile*' interview with pRmnoKST Lmcou>? The unhappy song of Mile*' next friend Ll'KK (.iAKK ? Mhos'pardon and off'r of "A SEAT IN THE CABDtET." ;r-rAll for One l^ollaiVG^ ia ZQAXTLT BOl/ND. Which can't be had without a subscription, aa the edition I is limited on accpunt oi the scarcity of paper and nn1 teriaL The following subscriptions have already been received | from Officers oi this Department, tor which Mueo offers hul 1 thank*, as he is much m need, and his ration* ate small, [ and tna . I ^ "TAX OX WHISKEY'' is rerioualy affecting liis spirits. Maj.-Gks. Q. A. OuJJtos*?(rest his souli, T** Coras. ; Ar. viral DaHlgben?(good luck to him}, Twklv* Genlbal A. H. Tekbv?(may ho live long). Six " f Gj:n. T. SKTMorn?(with his h? rt as big ss s mountain,) - '* - Six M , General SnvESsok?{the bowld soldier), Six General Tcbnkb?(and its a big gun he is), Six " Colonel UowKLL?ithe. fine ould g*ntlemau),-l*!x M Colonel Hall?(an its him I'll never forget), b:x ? ** Gxx. Gillmokk'm Starr?(and they bold a deal), . ... S Twextt " ! Colonel Moo be, for the olfirers and men of the 47th X. Y. Vola., ... Two Hundred 1 Miles would add a hundred for his own acuount, but is afraid the Regimental k uud won't hold out. fir A- few more subscriptions will be received, but Miles would niloini his inends uxst DIuJL?lY* >4KM! X?.M.VGEKOMJS, which after all is the whole morsl of liis song. Subscription book at the Othee of THE SEW SO ITU." Send your Dollar and you'll gel the book when it comes. the MILITARY STORE. Douglass a co., no. 11, sutlers ROW, would can the attention 01 the people ot llui> department to a large and uc?iraljlf addition to Uicir stock oi iaiuuu-.v aim Naval doming, Gold and Stiver. WolUuuu (Am.; Vannes, Henry, solid. Fine Gokl WatcQ (J ha ma, tud a general aaroiuneui oi goooa adapted to the wan a ot the Army una the Navy. Jan. 3olh, 1804. vi JjoLoLa* A Co. FLORIDA HOUSE TO LLASE, and Furniture lormle, Apply to O. X. Parr, Proprietor, St. Augustine, Emt%1ariciu. an AMERICAN WATCH AGENCY?MILITARY STORE, No. 11, SVTUtB'a Row. oan. 30th, 1804. * ti DouclaA a Co. AX ELEGANT ARTICLE Of STEEL SCABBARD SWORDS and BELT'S, im; be found at Uia Miniiani SlolUC, 11 sctiait's Row. Jaii. 30th, 1&c4. 73 Docgli* a Co. THE FINEST MILITARY CLOTHING ever offered for SjUJC iu thia Depart my nt, may be purcli&t-ed at NewYork Prices, r.tthe .uilix.vET stoke, no. 11, Simla's Kow. Jan. oOth, 1864. 1i dol'oLa* & co. DR. W. M. WALSH, Office No. 13, Sutler'a Row. A full supply of Drug*, Chemicals and Patent Medicinca. August 2V, 1863.-U *".* ?*> m '.vn ..nvurrtnril T-T v-/-> Tn iirv'iia uuuu^, ruii.i, un.\.\aa4iaii ii.ivhia xm.aua, jj 16 Ac 18 K, stcmpud, and warranted, suiUbie lor present*, at the Miutabt bvnnt, No. 11, Satler'e Row. Jjd. .10th, 1804. 72 Douglas It Co. VVeTALLIC-COFFLXS, for sale br iYi C. W. Dmnh & Co , ? >'o. 4, Futlar's Kow pwrtiuen*, from standard military i uthorttJraBKifce . i> Cot (ko. Httett. Ortkiai report of the siege end reducn<j98r*I*!|e<t? ki. Georgia, February, Aiarcli and April, lflSS. By Brig.| Oca. y. A. Gifimote, U. H. Vola. Prartice1 of Court? M^P CapP s!' Ordnance Department* U. 8. Army. *r RUDIMENTARY MILITARY SERIES of the ,5>:jM u*e of Field Artillery on service, with especial reference to that ?r an Army Corps. By 'faubcrt. \nvmi. nir ivtcrvit. iinys fwti KEG 't'LATlOSfr FOB MKN'-dltWAH. By Com". fcVLivy. V. H. N. W ' SYSTEMS OF MILITARY BRIDGES in use by the United States Anuy. By Iirij.-Ocii. George V. i C'ullum. ' HISTORY OF WEST POINT, and its military I importance daring tlic American Revolution, and It Origin and Prugrww of the United Suttee Military Acat eniy. By Captain Edward C. Boyntoii, A. M. THE ARTILLERIST MANUAL, compiled from ' r . various aouiuea, and adapted to Service of the United States, Illustrated by engravings. By Brig.-Gen. John Gibbson, U. S. Vols. SEAMANSHIP. For the use of the United States Naval Academy. By S. B. Luce, LieutenantCommander, U. s. N. MILITARY DICTIONARY: comprising technical definitions, information on raising and keeping troops; "actual sei-vice, etc. By Colonel H. L. Scott, Inspector General U. S. A. RIFLED ORDNANCE.' A practical treatise on the application of the principle of the rifle to guna and mortals ul every calibre, by Lyn&ll1 human, I. K. S. STRATEGY AND TACTICS, liy General 0. 11. Dufour. SQUADRON TACTICS UNDER SffiAJI. By Foxhall A. Parker, Commander, U. S. N.^ INSTRUCTIONS FOR HEAVY ARTILLERY, prepared by a Board of Officers, for the use of the Army of tnc Baited States, l8$i. ELEMENTS OF MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE ; adapted to the use of Volunteers and Militia. By 11. W. lialleck, A. 11. Mjyer-Generai, U. 8. A. CAVALRY TACTICS. 3 Vols. Printed by order of the War Department; 18G3. INSTRUCTIONS FOR MILITARY SURGEONS, on the examination of rarruite and discharge ol soRber*. By John Ordrouaux, M. D.( Proieseor or Medical Juris* i prudence in Colomtea Collage, New York. J NAVAL TEXT BOOK AND DICTIONARY: For the use of the Midshipmen of The U. & Navy. By 13. J. 'A'ottcn, CouimaiKler, (J. In Navy. HAND BOOK OF ARTILLERY : For the service or the U. s. Army and Mihttt; with the Manual of Heavy Artillery, including tiu.1 oi the New Iron Lai ruga. \ By JoMpn Koucrta. THE COMPANY CLERK: Showing hour and whan ti.T<?k? mi ail tetania. retioitt. luda. and Other /papers; and what to do wiUilneiu. By Capl. a. >. JvautZ. A SYSTEM OF TARGET PRACTICE: For the um of troops when armed with musket, nfle-tnuakek, rifle or cailore. prepared pnuciptlly Jroiu lite i rcncl*. By Henry beta, captain, 10th Begunem 0. to. Intentr>. CAMP AND OUTPOST DUTY FOB INFANTRY. By Daniel Butterneid, Muj. Ben. of Wis., U. S.Arni}. CAY alky drill. and sabre exercise cxemplined, fcgrecsiile u? the latest lic^uiatiua> ot lite I War Department; irmu Standard Alihuiy Authority. By George Patten, late of the U. 8. Aiuij.' MANUAL FOR ENGINEER TR00P8. By j Capt J. C. Duane, Corps of Jvngiueers, U. 8. Armr. i A TREATISE on THE CAMP AND MARCH: \* ith which is connected the Construction of J>ld Works and Military Bridges; With aui Appeu >x ox Artillery Binges, lor use ox Volunteers snu Jiiiitis in the Uiuted States. By Henry D. Graiton. the field manual for evolutions for the I . hue; tor the me of otneers of the C. H. .nrsntr/. By Capt. Jtietiry tuppee, 'manual for quap.termarters and i COiiilLSSAHltS: Containing uuuucUons in the prepj ar-tiou of Vouchers, Attracts, Beturua, etc. By Captain It. r. liuuier, u.ic ?1 uic I., o. miuij. CAMPAIGNS OF 1862-'G3: Illustrating the 1 Principles 01 Strategy, by JLnnl Hcli&lK. THE WAR IN 'iHE UNITED STATED. By Ferdinand Lrcomte, Lien t.-Cel. btum* coulsderatioi.. ANNALS OF THE ARMY OF THE CUMBER-. UXl>. by Jolui Frtch. ABMY l'AY DIGEST, and Beady Calculator, or. .Hegimeiiul Pay tabic. by Jiqor jtm Webb HAND BOOK FOB ACTIVE SERVICE: For, t e ase of Volunteers by. Egbert L. Viels. I MODERN WAR : Its thoo^ and practice, illus- 4 trated from celebrated campaigns and buttles; with . ; maps ami diagrams. by Jbtucnc Szabad, Captain,. > l. b. Army. We ba? e also on hand a good assortment of Perfumer) from Pbalon's and bazin'a. Photographs of the President. and (Jabinot; of the different Generals and C'ouuuaudsrs j in the Army and . avy. Novels bound in paper and Cloth;, I and Esncy Goods in ttUum: Note Paper, toogress Latter,, S.? fi cL?aau > Eavclopts, rto, (wa***? ' "">* '~':l .. > . # f- r ; - - * -v'- c K'w3b .