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r arjZH- agpjg^rf'jar - 1 wwu?? yPvgJHr/1 vyjHWB^^^^^^H8^mBBK3Siiy. were placed on the CosmopofU' , for tr : r)oi-tatioh Id Hilton Head. Last night ?r men were at wodci on the defences in front f Jacksonville, enemy may possibly follow as up, but, it ia believed he will not venture so near our gunboats. At any rate we are ready for the advance of the enemy to this place, and we are quite sore he * will meet with disaster should he exexcise the temerity. We have been largely reinforced in front of Jacksonville. EXPEDITION TO "WILMINGTON ISLAND. ora TKfKVPS WITHIN YIY2 MILES OP SAVANNAH? caftubk of TWENTY EEBHLS. On Saturday last a small force of troops under j command of CoL Howell, left Hilton Head in > transports and proceded up the Savannah river to Williams' Island, arriving at that place at about dark. A company of men under Capt Greenleaf, landed in small boats and made a reconnoisance,! in the course of which they met a small body of the enemy, and a smart musketry firing e .sued. ' We had four men of the 85th Pa., wounded, The enemy's loss greatly out-number ours. Tew tfds j morning Col Howell withdrew his force, arriving at Hilton Head Monday night, bringing with him twenty of the rebels which his men captured on the island The reconnoisance was highly successful, and reflects much credit upon those who luurticip^pd in it. PaxsEXTATioy.?On Saturday the '20th inst, Lieut C. H. Miller, late Orderly Sergt of Co. E, 76th Pa. Vols., was the recipient of a handsome bword, sash end belt, from the members ot Co. K, as a testimonial of their high esteem for long and faithful service with that Com* .7. The presentation ay each was made by Cot&ral Walter H. Fah^estocx, and was respond*"too in a happy and felicitous manner by the young Lieutenant Capture qf a Rebel Privateer.?We learn by a private letter written onboard the U. S. Supply Steamer Bermuda, dated Key West Feb. 13th, that that vessel had captured a reoei privateer a lew days before, in sight of Fort Pickens. She had just taken on^ of our trading vessels, and put a part of her crew on board; but when the Bermuda hove in sight they separated, each taking a diflferant course. After an exciting chase they captured the Privateer, but the other made good her escape. Tha name of the captured! rebel craft is not given* GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 27. _ Headquarters, Depabtm isn't or the South, Hilton* Hcad, S. C., Feb. 2*2, 1864. {[. Lieut CoL Chas. E. Fuller is hereby ancounted as OJiief Quartermaster of the 10th Array A'ogM.MUi Department of the South. Ail Assistant and Acting Assistant Quartermas4om in the Deuartment will immediately report to iiiio, by letter, their address and the nature of *licir JJ. h'o mueh of General Orders, No. 5, current series, from these Headquarters, as commutes the *eatence ^ to he shot to djuth," awarded Private Philip I). Atkins, of Co. F, ifftli Mass. Vols., bv jbe General Court Martial, convened at St. Augustine, Fla^ pursuant to Special Orders, No. 623, elated deportment of the South, Headquarters iu the Field, Folly island, M L\, November 28, 1863, is hereby countermanded. The sentence is suspended, until the pleasure of the President of the Cnited States can be made known. L>t Comjuxv or Mx/.-Gux'l Q. A. GILLMORE. En. W. Smhv, Asst. Adjl. GtntraL O.flcial: % IsSAZL fi. TCALT. Captain 47th N. Y. Vols., Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen'l U-aum/w ?Private DiVTtL D. WflllXOCK. Of 1 ? Co. F, 48th Bsgt N. Y. Vols., to be 1st lieutenant in the 39th Regt. Y. Y. Vols.; with rank from Jan amy 7th, 1804. known in. I I dajg, Ate' attempted caused her with the propeller, which ci?6umstance tendered the latter useless end a* e Consequence the vessel itself unmanrg jable. In Uncritical condition of the vessel, the only chance her Captain, Wilcox, had of saving any .portion of the cargo was to slip her cable aid let her drift at?the mercy of theses. Daring the night*.the bredkfers carried her ?distance of two miles and ran her ashore on the beach close in on the southern side of the mouth of St John's river. Capt Wilcox cut away her masts aud adopted other necessary expedients to lighten her. At high tide the breakers dashed completely over her deck. At low tide'die was nearly high and dry. The Omoral Burnsiik carried three guns, all of which Capt Wilcox got off the vessel and placed in position on the beach so as to defend himself and vessel in case the enemy should at tempt any hostile demonstrations. Ihe Transport Steamer Boston, from Hiltdn Head, having on board General Turner, Lieut.-CoL Jicxaon and Lieut.-Col. Mo roan?all of Gen. Gillmobe's Staff attempted to cross the bar early Friday morning, but was unable to succeed, neither could she offer any assistance to the Qtneral BurnsiJe which at this time showed a signal of distress. The Boston put back and ran into Fernandina, occupying eight hours' time in the passage. Saturday afternoon and night Capt. Dr.vrov, Chief-Quartermaster, at Jacksonville, sent a force of men to the Qtneral Bttmshle to take out her cargo and make arrangements for its transportation up the river. This they succeeded iu doing. And by Sunday noon all of the cargo was placod on the beach, about one-third of it is ruined by the water. The vessel is a total loas, no blame can be attached to the acts of any party as the cause of the unfortunate occurrence. United States Steamkb Hcbon, Dobot feocND, Ua., Feb. 8th, 16G4. Ed. JYeic SouUt : I have once more the pleasure to briefly announce ! the capture on the 4th instant of the Anglo-rebel 1 blockade runner Dtfy-XasMu, from Nassa i, loaded j with Salt, Ac., with the design to run out again ; with a load of Cotton. , j This makes the third prize taken within two months, and about fourteen in two years. Yonrs, truly, Pbizk-Fighteb. $fr~The Fulton arrived Sunday at 12 M. She had a very rough passage. The news brought by her we are compelled to omit as our dispatches from Florida takes up all our space. Purser McMaxus, has our thanks for late papers which ! he sent to us m good faith, but failed to reach ns. j ' Arrival Fbo* the North.?The )Fe6*/fr arrived Wednesday morning, bringing dates to the 20th. Captain Deering has onr thanks for papers. We extract the-following from the Herald of the 19th. GjuOUcksttb, Mass., February 18, 1864. A lire broke out in Sawyer's block at three o'clock this morning, and it is estimated that sev-1 enty buildings were destroyed. It has swept' I Front street entirely on both sides, and is still j i raging furiously. t*o.ue eight or ten buildings j 1 1...../, kaon vilmrn nn tn fctnn it. The Pnfineh can- ! un,r uvv" -r ? ?o not be worked, it i* bo cold, and the men are used up. szcosd dispatch. The lire commenced at half-past three this morning, and is still raging with unabated violence. ? I ^mnn ' ' ?The firt|H||V^S|i^'J -^W^SW9^- ' -';?. Advertiser office,* jhe . Magnetic lelcgraph^ofa^^^i^lyWr^DC^ The Post Office and Custom House stayed the . ' fire in one direction. Tt is difficult to estimate the loss, which cannot fall short of $400,000. The Ha\erhili, Home, Hartford, Springfield and numerous other insurance offices are sufferers. Owing to the absence of vessels, the loss of shipping is trifling. The arrival of the steam fire engine from Salem was.most opportune. Hie telegraph lines are being operated from a building overlooking the ruins, which cover half of the principal streets and wharves of the town. Hxadquaiteks, 1/ept. or WssrxuT Vibodoa, ) Feb. 13, 1864. ) From reports of deserters and refugees, it is evident that the rebels are making extensive prepa * is * a .* - vrs _i_?. J m rations along tne line 01 me Virginia ana xennessee Railroad, either a prehending an advance from ns or preparing for an offensive movement themselves. Guerillas are Active in the Kanawha region. Old Dan Dusky, of Calhoun county, West Virginia, and seventeen other prisoners, were caj>tureJ in Webster county, by a detachment of the Tenth West Virginia regiment Dusky is probably the most notorious guerilla character in the State. At the breaking out of the rebellion he * raised a guerilla company, and took to the mountains aud woods with them. Among the number were his three sons and daughter Nancy. In 1861 he robbed the mail and Post Office in Jackson county, for which he was tried by a Union court and sent to the penitentiary. Some time last year, through the interposition of friends, he was pardoned by the President, upon conditions that he would be a loyal citizen ; but instead of that, upon being released, he took to his old habits, and afterwards became more active and vindictive - v i # rt i Tr .11 j tmui lie was ueiore. crenerai jveney, no uouui, t will place him where he will not do rnuctf injury for some time to come. "mXRTNE LIST. ARRIVED. Feb. 13th, schooner* Elizabeth English, Sams re, Phil*.; J. L. iiabcock, Higbec, Phils; E. B. Whcatuin, Adam*. Phil*; Marietta steeiman, Steeiman, Phil*: Ell wood Doran, Jirvit, Phil*; James W. Van na man, Sharp, Plnla ; Jessie L. Leach. Endecott, Phila; E. Clark, Clark, Phila; Yorktown, Oris wolil. Sew York: Brig Mary Cobb, Duncan, K Y ; brig Lincoln Webb, Lloyd, Bath; schooners Abigail Haley, Bobbins, Phila; Bobbie W. Dillon, Ludlaw, Phila; John Oilvar, Bigelow, Mono, S. C.; Moan tain Home, Smith, Stono, 8. C.; Bacbel 8. Miller, Baker, Phila; Feb. 15th, steamers Boston, Taircloth, Jacksonville ; Feb. 16th, steamers Cosmopolitan, Crooker, Jacksonville ; Dictator, Shaw, New Orleans; achr. Artie Garwood, Godfrey, Phils; steamers Promethus, Bates, Alexandria; City of Bath, Sears, Alexandria; schooners Calvin S. Edwards, Garwood, Phila; Niagara, Webber, N. Y.; Feb. 17th, Dwu Chester, Norwood, Phila-, Mary E. Mifflin, Croaley, X. Y.; Urur Karuali, Kissam, N. Y. ; schooiMts B. D. Bitts, Casscn, Stono, S. C.; steam tog Liza, Allen, Phila; Feb. ltttli. st'hoouer Samuel Castner. Jr. Kobwson. Phila: bark Harry Booth, Chipman, N. V.; schooner Elijah Shoedlm. White, N. Y. ; steamer Dudley Buck, Baitiett, Phila. ; fe I j. l'Jth, schooners Samuel Eddy, Dal ton, Georgetown, D. C.; Grace Girdier, Crie, Georgetown, D. C.; A. R. Weunore, Ldwards, Georgetown, D. C.; Thomas Wiuans, Todd, N. Y.; K.*M. Dyer, Rich, Georgetown, D. C.; J. Paine, Uayo, Alexandria; Col. Salterley, Smith, Alexandria; Ligbtfoot, Bigelow N. Alexandria; Feb. 20tn, shipL. L. Sturvis, Williams, S.Y.; Feb. 21st, steamship Fulton, Wulton, New York;Barkantina Scotland, Sinailey, N. Y. ; schooner Sabwa, Jasper, Georgetown, D. C.: Bng Bush, Harrimsn, N*. Y.; steamer Wyoming, Campbell, X. Y.; schooners Francis L. Steele, Baker, N. I.; Pocahontas, Berry, Alexandria. CLKABED. Feb. 14th, bark Petra, Hall, Phila ; schooners Aim Carle?, Perkins, Baltimore; David s. siuer, May, St. John, Fla.; steamship Atlantic, Eldredge, New York; Feb. loth, brig Titanio, Godfrey, Ktono, 8. C-; steamer City of Bath, dears, New York; Feb. xyth steamer Proioethos, Bates. ' Washington; sch . I-ewis Chester, Norwood, Fernandina; schr. Helena F., Smith, Jacksonville; Feb. 20th, steamer Dudley Buck, Bartlett, New Orleans; schoouers Eliza *. i Pot'cr, Potter, X. Y.; Samuel Eddy, Patton, N. Y.; adella Kelly, CUase, K. v.; A. K. Wstuiore. Edwards, N. X.; Once Girdler, Crls, I'hila.; Yarmouth, Baxter, Jackson, Title; Feb. VSd, Marr C. Miflliu, Crualey Jacksonville: I KxpreM, Couant, JackaonvilJc; B. B. Pitts, Carson, Jaofc' sooville; steamship Fulton, Wot ton, X. *. t