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mtS ^SM&ISkB :;<- ;*'v ~ ^MPrHf^''"':'?>:> * IS11 ^" I 5 VOL. 2, \0.2i). WHOLE Afl. 71 POUT OOVi??yiKH|^^^HH^^^^^B ^ *?'?!??^P5?5BHB9(!{v ^^'Si ; * *" i l * B-i'(^(tt>f'0c. ~THE NEW SOUTH. , Published every Saturday Jlfoming by I JOS. H. SEARS, Editor and Proprietor, j Prick : Five Cents Per Copt. j 1 sfs" xdyf.rtihkme.nt*, twtextt-fivk cjmu wx' i/kk, ^ for each i^kektio*. Terms: invariably cash. '< OFFICE: Phoenix Building, Union Square, j, [Written for The New Koith.) MinNlRHT REFLECTIONS. AN ACROSTIC. | J Quiet reigned all round, end Suinpter's shapelesa wound, Under the silver moon. loomed drearily; 1 li'i breached and batter'd walla, the traitors' self-made palls, Nt ver again shall rise 'gainst Liberty. Charleston, thy doom's sealed! the avengers guns have ' peakd, . Even now they frown, ominously; Ye traitors, why not kucel, wefore the rod ye feel. And vcQgeanoe have its way, full sternly ? Mvide ys would, ye base ungodly brood. And eHRbfdx therein a monarchy; < liay soon the hour arrive, when those who madly strive Shall see their way to right, and loyalty. Cove honor to the brave, who died their land to aare, in midnight's wild assault, so gallantly; ( J?t their iuem'ry never fade, tho' lowly they are laid, r ??itioi, niinu h# mi'nvfd 'mid our chivalrv. Mi) those who battle still, with Fate's unflinching will. Onward their course pursue, right steadily; Remember, Northern men, when noxt you charge again. Each patriot's watchword's, "Union and Libertj!" . P. W. Condon, . , Post Headquarter*. Morris Island, S. C. i -Jta...-!.UI 1 -1 J..1? L' Anecdotes of President Lincoln.?An E nglisli cor" i respondent ol a Loudon magazine is giving some lively sketches of American life, and among oitier tilings relates the following anecdotes of Presieeut Lincoln's convert*- j ' t. jual manner, as he saw the President recently in a small I p my iu Washington : " l'he conversation, like that of all American official men I have met with, was unrestrained in the presence of < strangers, to a degree perfectly astonishing. Any remarks mat i Heard mads as to tiie present state ol affairs I do not ' ieel at liberty to repeat, though really every public man lure appears not only to live in a glass house, but iu a ( isverWrating gaJlety, and to be absolutely indifferent ax to , who sees or near* hiin. There are a tew 'Liucolnania*' ' however, which I may fairly quote, aua vruica ww suow i -ine ftyk of his conversation. Soiuc of the party began j a.nokiug, and our host remarked. laughingly, 'The Prew. oeut has got no vices; he neither smokes nor drinks.' -* mat is a doubtful compliment,' answered the President; * I recollect once being outside a stage in Illinois, and a juan Sitting by me offered me a cigar, I told him I had no w.ces.' He said nothing, smoked for some time, and then < u runted out, * it's my experience that folks who have no \Vioea have plagued few virtues.' Again, a gentleman prcs?< ut was telling how a friend of his had been dr;ven away .Irua *ew Orleans as a Unionist, and how, on his expulsion, .when he asked to see the writ by which he was expelled, | .the deputation whieh called on him told him that the I \VToverumeut bad make up their minds to do nothing illegal, and so they bad issued no illegal writs, and simply meant to make him go of his own tree will. ' Well.' said Sir. Inncoln, 'feat reminds me of a hotel k.epcr down at 8t. jl<oui3, who boasted that he never bad a death in his hotel, tor whenever a guest was dying in his house he carried j ** "" a 4 anattiibHrno rntlVPP. I ium o;u 10 oie in iuti sirwu ? nation turned up m the discussions as to the Missouri compromise, ami mi cited the following quaint remark from the j President: 'It used to amuse me some to find that the | slaveholders wanted more territory, because they had not room enough for their slaves, and yet they complained of sot having the slave trade, because they wanted wore slaves for their room." ? A young man recently presented himself for examine- , dion as Assistant Engineer in the navy. Among other qucs- f trous the following was asked of him : "Suppose yon had built aa engine yourself, performed every part of the work without assistance, and knew that it was in complete order, 4 -? 1 ^ waiiI/1 Tint/lnw \ralor but waeu pui mw a *e:x>t-i |iuu^ , what would you do 7' The young man promptly replied : j ? I should go to the side of the vessel and ascertain if there was any water in the river." ? In raris, not long sine*, an artist painted a portrait af Mr. J , who was noted for his frequent libations. The artist invited the gentleman's friends to see It. and they Inspected it and prsnouneed it excellent One of them, who was rather n ear-sijhted, complained of the light, and approached it to change its position, when the artist exclaimed, * Don't touch it ; it isn't dry!" ' So use looking at it then," replied the g?atle*nin; "it can't be my friend i if H iea't drr" The Amnesty l>>cu5ujh#k r; Vrr.orNi.i.?A Cincinnati journal of the"1?fi; Igw the following j relative to the feelings of the citizens and soldiers ' in llebeldom, on the Aninestj Proclamation: ? 4 *An intelligent gentleman, just escaped from t Central Virginia, where he has resided since the breaking out of the rebellion, reached this city I read the amnesty proclamation in ine Kichmond papers, mounted a horse, passed., ( through the lines and took the oath. He says that " - 1^- A-l -X i| Ol.i. I one-third of the people in ins secuuu ui iur own? ( will escape if possible, and, relieved of the bayonet, | the vote to return to the Union would carry a clear . t majority in Cnlpepper and contiguous counties, j t He passed through a portion of Lee's army, and i lays that such is the dissatisfaction among North 1 J Carolina and a portion of the Virginia tnx>i>s that j t they dare not trust them 011 picket duty ill front He estimates Lee's force at 35,000, which may be increased by conscription to 50,000. When in ' Richmond, in the latter part of December, green- f backs were worth fifteen to oac, aud gold thirty to t me. Confederate money. j The rebels talked londly of success in public, . but privately admitted there was little hope. It is his opinion that oue campaign will settle the bnsi- j1 cess and wind up the rebellion. It is also his im- j 1 pression that Richmond wonld be evacuated and ] * concentration made in the Southwest to recover l'ennessee and Kentucky, so much needed for the sustenance of their armies." ^ m m* ] A Kiss fob the benotfr ok this Saxitart Commission.?At the Ladiest Fair recently held in Columbus, Ohio, a pretty Indian girl was observed , exerting her persuasive powers to their utmost j tension, trying to induce a ofrtain military4 'gent," < who njnks as a captain, to buy a head basket, or ] some other ornament she IlivaTti her possession. j ( As the gallant captain had spent his money freely j i during the evening, he demurred; but, thinking to startle the nniiden, said, jokingly, 44 Don't want to i i buy your triukets, but I'll give you five dollars for j i a kiss." The maiden reflected a moment. She j < was laboring in a noble cause, for the soldiers'1' good; so, in a twinkling qf the eye, she said, j! "Done, sir!" and, as he expressed it, she gave h him a 44 whopper" right on his cheek. He drew !; back, abashed. The crowd saw it and laughed. < lliere was but one way of escape; he pulled out i bis somewhat depleted wallet and presented a i j * * " Tr- mt ctnira and . i * >. xxl' men rusitcu ununvu.j , drowned his sorrow in a flowing bowl of oyster souj). The maiden in the meantime, maintained i her accustomed tranquility, and yet survives, a ] fitting monument to woman's patriotic spirit? ( Western Exchangt. A LETrEK FBOM IiltHMOXD.?" KlCHMOJTO, De- < member 29, 18J3. rn ,1. t' /i/ /la Ifr*i\lnn Pnrf " 10 ine r/nuna *>j *.rj ? . "The enclosed was intended for the Erami/itr ' of this city, but as 1 feel convinced that it will not 1 be admitted into that journal, I send it to you for publication. I truly describe my condition when < I sign myself A poisoned rat in a hoi.e. 11 * When Davis and his crew came here, Ail look'd out for a year of wonders: We little thought that their career Would end in such a heap of blunder*. For circunupict, l?ok and see What's happen'd through these precion* km-ea. Our negroes 'us who now are free. We whites remain the only slaws." * j ? The Richmond Whig baa a synopsis of the report of the ' rebel Secretary of the Treasury, in response to a resolution of the Senate. The funded debt is $'297,871,000; call certifl- : . eat?B, $s9,WW,600; interest-bearing treasury* notes. $102,000,- 1 000; uon interest-bearing treasury notes, $72O,Oix>,O0Q?less ' I ,v? of treasury notes on hand, $207,000,000. ? Up to the middle of last Mar our armies had lost only 55 per 100 a year of the whole forces. The English army j suffered in the Peninsula campaign an annual loss of 265 per ' 1030, and during three mouths in the Crimea 511 out of 1<nj0 perished, mostly by disoase. I 1 ? A youngster on coining home from hi* first term at a hoarding school, and on briug asked what he had been fed on, replied. " Multiplication tables hashed. and stewed sub- j. straction." j' ? The number of sea-going vessels lost in January t*as 55, { and the total value of thu property destroyed vai $1,927,606. ' , Of the vessels lost, throe were captured and burned by rebel , pirates, three weev abandaned. at wa yid tbur wars sank. ( <-f>on^Editito-m8wEW'8^a .1^3^ o tbeS>6^^p '' **m?\lA&$OWXED. ' % A*b>* <j?* We Lave received intelligence from the block- ** ^ 4ing fleet off Charleston, announcing the loss of y ^ ....... 77.-...r. rf,. ,. /" ... 1)i/.rrrnr>-,, nn ilc n tbk v(*j'ii jl " qr-'1! ,?*w^ uit Thnralay afternoon last, tlie 18th inst., by a rebd orpedo. J We have no particulars of the way the catastrophe occurred; whether the torpedo floated tgainst the vessel while at anchor, or whether ihe ran over the infernal machine, while in mo ion herself. We only hear that she snnk off leach Inlet, and that two officers and one man were lost; the balance of the officers and men >eiug saved. C. O. Mczzey, Captain's Clerk, and EIazlxton,Ensign, are the officers lost. Reported Escate or One Hundred and Ninr DlTICERH FROM TBI PRISONERS IN RICHMOND.? Latest from Washington. * Washington, Feb. 14, 18W, A gentleman who to-night arrived from the \rmy of the Potomac, saw before he left there a Richmond paper of Thursday, found on the person of a deserter who Ame into our lines, in which appears an articlo stating that one hundred and nine li.uo ofi/iatuA Crnm fVi<? T.ilvVi\? nrlo/yn Vlv '??'* ? Ain T c COVO|A U AAVU^ vuv u* |^?s.rVM ? [ligging ft tunnel under the street for tliat purpose. It is supposed the prisoners have been engaged upon the work for at least a month. They were missed at roll call, and forthwith troops were despatched in various directions to capture them. Four were ove rtaken on the Williamsburg and Hanover Court House road. The others, it is suspected, were secreted in the neighborhood of Richmond. The guards were arrested on the belief that they were in collusion with the prisoners, but were afterward released, the subterranean mode of escape having become known. V/iol Haw irno r?r?f tmnnv I lit" N4J> n umv x^cui l -wn ??! ? siw the runaways, bnt was probably waiting to accompany the next batch. The deserter above referred to says a large number of hie regiment, the Fourteenth Louisiana, are barefoot, and that the daily ration consists of a quarter of pound of meat and one pint of meal. Among the officers recently escaped from Libby prison are Colonel Streight, Colonel Tipfen, Major John Henry and Colonel Rodgers ; bnt it is not known yet whether they have succeeded in getting ftlear of the re el dominions. The rations issued to the officers in the prison consisted of a quart r.f rice to sixteen men every eight days, a small piece of corn bread even* day to each, about fonr ounces of very poor fresh meal once a weeK, ana sau turn yjiic?iu- nucn. Acting Assistant 8urgeon Kollock, who feigned to be ill w ith the smallpox, has deserted frcm the Fnited States steamer Jirandifwinr. 5 Captain John F. Porter, of the Fourteenth New York cavalry, arrived here to-day overland from IJichmond, having escaped two weeks ago from Libby prison. He left the prison in a rebel uniform. having secured an abandoned one, and remained nine days in Richmond w ithout exciting suspicion. ?The Tliirty-.'ixth Ohio regiment ha* presented a munificent aword, costing seven bifhdred dollars, to General George Crook, now commanding a division of cavalry. ? The Legislature of Wisconsin has ordered the Governor's message to be printed in the German, Norwegian. tv^ioVi ir^iiami *ml Bohemian Lmcuares. ? J. S. Hay, who was mobbed recently, in New Brunawici, for expressing eympathy for the North, throngh hi* [ournal, the St. Croix Herald, ha? emigrated and become a citizen of the United States. ? A aquad of Confederates who cniiated from Bourbon county, Kentucky, have deserted and rethrned home. Thoy anifered grert'y in getting through th? luounnga* to tb? Uriea* line*. ? vf