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AroLOGETic.?We were compelled to suspend the publication of onr paper List week owing to the large quantities of work we Lad in hand from the various departments. An apology is due to those whose patronage we were obliged to decline, from the simple fact that with our limited assisj. l J ,i.. Lillll'U \V?5 CUUiU IlIllUIJ puuinu \JKiL nut'f t illlU UU the work for the. department, which latter must ia all oases take precedence. We hope to be able, row that we have, during the past two weeks, cleared off a large pile of work, do ever}' job promptly and satisfactory to all of our patrons. The Stobm.? Last week Jupiter Pluvius and; old Boreas seemed to have everything about as ! they wanted it. We are at a loss to know who had the best of it, but not at all particular to have j the same repeated. We learn that the storm raged seriously up ami down the coast. Hie Lightship off Charleston broke from its moorings and came into our port; also the Light Ship at the entrance to this harbor suddenly left its anchorage and paid us a visit, much to the annoyance of those "Who go down 10 the sea in big ships." The Alice Provost, a coal-laden vessel, struck on the bar, and sunk almost instantly. The captain and crew had b.irely time to get off" on a Pilot boat which was near hr . Mayob Stueg s, of Chelsea, is now in this Department, as ag at appointed by Gov. Andrew to pay tho soldic1-. >f our 5-lth and ootn regiments the sums due them for the difference between their pay and that of white soldiers. The whole amount due including arrearages, is about seventy thousand dollars. Of this they have made allotments to tho amount of thirty thousand dollars, having forty thousand dollars due them, which amount he t arries to them. Thanks to Gov. Andrew for re commending aiul to the Legislature for so promptly enacting this measure of justice to our brave soldiers. Shot fok Desertion*.?John Kexdall, Co. G, 3rd New Hampshire Volunteers, was shot for desertion on Wednesday last. He left his regiment, and after wandering about in the woods for two days, suffering from hunger, he made his way into one of our camps on black Island, and represented himself as a deserter from the rebels. lie told a vtry plausible story, and the oliieers of the regt. were about to administer the oath of allegiance to 1dm, preparatory to sending liim to the Ilead, when lie was suddenly recognised. A Court Martial was shortly convened, he was tried and sentenced to he shot with musketry 44 within forty-eight hours from the pomulgntiou of the order." This makes the second execution by the military authorities in this Department. [Communicated.] A CARD, To Captain Johnson and Officers of U. S. Gunboat Cnadilla?Of Fori Pulaski in the Savannah Hirer. Inspected Sins : On Friday last, the 4th instant, I was very unexpectedly made the recipient of a beautiful Flag, from you. 1 deem it a duty therefore, I owe not * * ^ tmoTta enmn /Inn only to niyseiJ, inu ui > mi, ?.v? uluu< acknowledgements for the same. Rest assured gentlemen, the Present, is duly and feelingly appreciated, and I feel under many, very many obligations. At the time of receiving the Gift, so generously bestowed, I was taken somewhat unawares, and therefore could say but. little. Rut, while my lips were dumb and seemingly, for the moment, refused their humble duty, my swelling heart was full and spoke, in tones of silent eloquence. Never in my life, did I ever receive a ~ * * * TV i i r i _ x .A present. I so highly prize. \ amen, ior wnan it is, -?The Flag of our Country. The Emblem of Freedom: containing the .Stars of Liberty, and stretching forth to the World, its stripes of welcome.? Under its folds, the oppressed find refuge; the downtrodden find shelter, and the exile, a home ; revered and respected wherever it floats, and looked up to by nations abroad, as an emblem of power : loved bv the true patriot, and feared by the grovelling traitors. During the past three years it has gone through many scenes; it has been torn down and trodden under foot, in the heated moment of passion, by the heartless traitor ; and has been the winding sheet, and shroud, of many a hero, who has fallen in its noble defense. It lias passed through defeats, and victories ; and there has been times, when its very existence appeared to be waveing. Combinations abroad, and contentions, at home, have caused it many severe struggles, but that which has seemed to diminish its glory, has only ridded still more to its lustre; and 10-aay, ic noais proudly aloft, and is looked upon with feelings of love, pride anil adoration, by its millions of defenders. In conclusion allow me, gentlemen, to add the following sentiment: "Our Flag!"?Proudly she waves in glory? majestically she floats in triumph?and through all the vicissitudes of the past she still carries with her the honor and dignity of our Country. Feeling sensibly the many obligations I am under. and wishing you every success through life, is the earnest wish of your humble servant and sincere Friend, Gordon Youno, Capf. I'. S. Picket Gun-Boat Mo>j-b!ovctr. Tort Royal, Dec. ISCtJ. GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 111. DrrAETMENX OF THE SoVTH, HS.VDvil'AUTEIlS IN THE FIELD, Folly Island, S. C., Dec. Htli, 1863. I. Before a General Court Martial, which convened at Morris Island, S. C., pursuant to Special Orders No. 345, from Headquarters U. S. Forces, "Morris Island. S. C., dated Dec. 1st, 18G3, and of which Brig. General Thomas G. Stevenson, U. S. Vols., is President, was arraigned and tried : Private John Kendall, Co. " G," 3d N. H. Vols. Chabge.?44 Desertion." specification 1st?In this ; that the said John Kendall, private of Co. "G," 3rd N. II. Vols., did desert from his Company mid Regiment. This, at Morris Island, S. C., on the night of the 28th of November, 1863. Sf-c fixation 2d?In this; that the said John Kendall, private of Co. 44G,"3rdN. II. Vols., did desert from the camp of his Company and Regiment, on Morris Island, S. C., and did there declare himself as named " Thomas," and that he was a deserter from the enemy, intending thereby to deceive the military authorities its to his true name and character, and with wilful intent to desert from the military service of the United States. This, on or n!>out the 28th day of November, 1863. To which charge and specifications the accused cleaded as follows: To the 1st Specification, "Not Guilty." To the IIJ Specification, "Not Guilty.'* To the Chaege, " Not Guilty." finding. The Court after mature deliberation of the evidence, find him, Private John Kendall, Co. "G," 3rd N. II. Vols. Of the 1st Specifier lion, "Guilty." Of the 2d Specification, "Guilty." Of the Cha&gf^ "Guilty." sentence. And the Court do therefore sentence him, the said John Kendall, private Co. "G," 3d New Hampshire Vols., two-thirds of the members concurrim? therein, To be shot to death with musketry at surh time and place, as the Commanding General may direct. II. The proceedings and findings of the Court in the case of Private John Kendall, Co. "G," 3d N. H. Vols., are approved; the sentence is confirmed, -1 -o 1.-* .. 1a,1 (nfrt ovnontmn limrlov ana Will Ut" UtUJ IIUHCU iuiu e^wuuuu, uutm mv, direction of Brig. General A. H. Teery, commanding U. S. Forces, at Morris Island, S. C., within forty-eight hours after the receipt of this order. By Command of Maj.-Gex. Q. A. GILLMOP.E. Israel II. Sealy, rript. 47(h X. Y. Vols., Act. Asst. Ailjt. Gen. ? m m m [fob the new south.] FORT PULASKI. Both at the Fort and on Tvbee Island we are pursuing the even tenor of our way, holding ourselves in order for inspection, drill or fire. If the " reb" rams desire a game of butting let thera run down and rally us, we need a little pointed service to keep up the full tone of our nerves. Still, live practice is no novelty to ns. Perhaps we have been anchored here to enjoy a little calm and to hold fast to that which is good. The three acres occupied by this fort are hardly broad enough however to satisfy our ambition while the front is to be pushed forward at Charleston, and while Banks, G rant, Hookeb, Bi*rnside and Meade ar? hurrying the insurgents to the glory of their "last ditch." V/cll, we will endeavor to be patient, taking some clear exercise at the outside batteries, and in gathering wood on Tybee, and keep Savannah blocked till its military forces shall consume its strength and life. But what disgrace will next attach itself to the chivalrous confederacy ? We had thought the cat alosrue of its shames, crimes and abominations was incapable of enlargement; but a new boast of unmanly, meanness and contemptible littleness lias been added. So great and glorious is the chivalrous confederacy that, unable to preserve themselves from gaunt starvation, even in their own national capital, they permit the very government against which they are madly warring to feed and clothe their prisoners of war! What a chivalrous page of history? Ah, this is the "last ditch" of honor! Verily comedy has a new historic subject. 3RD 11. I. II. AKTIT.LECr. Fori Pulaski, Ga., Fee. 1863. TRADE DISTRICTS AND TRADE STORES. Supervising Special Agency of the Treasury Department. FOURTH SPECIAL AGENCY. Reavfobt. S. C., Dec. 5th, 18C3. The following notice is issued to all partios concerned un] der the Acts of Congress of July 13,1661, May 20th, 1862, and J March 12th, 1863, and the Regulations of the Treasury D<| partment in pursuance thereof, particularly those bearing ; date September 11th, 1303. THADE DISTRICT. I. The Island of Hilton Head; and the group of islands I bounded southwesterly by Broad River, northerly by Whale Branch and the Coosaw River, northeasterly by St. Helena Sound, and southeasterly by the Atlantic Ocean, including among others Port Royal Island, Paris island. Ladies' Island, and St. Helena's Island;?all in the State of Sou?h Carolina ?are hereby designated as a Trade District. TRADE STORES. II. Persons of well ascertained loyalty desiring to continue or to establish trade stores in said District may make application in writing to the Supervising Special Agent of the Treasury Department, or to such Assistant Special Agent as he shall designate for that purpose at his office at Beaufort, setting forth the locality of the proposed trade store, and transmitting with the application the affidavit prescribed by Sec. XIV. of the Treasury Regulations of Sept. 11th. The Agent will inquire into the character of the applicant, and the circumstances of the locality, and if deemed expedient will authorize such applicant to sell at said trade store an amount of gocdi per month specified in the Authority. If such Authority shall be granted, the Trader shall before receiving it, execute a bbnd to the United States as prescribed by Sec. XIV. before meptioDed. ILL Lf the locality of such Trade Store is upon the Island of Hilton Head the Trader shall hie a copy of his Authority with the Local Special Agent wiiose oincc imi me ^uswm House at Hilton Head, and if such locality is upon any 000 of the group of islands before-mentioned, the Trader shall tile such copy with the Local Special Agent whose office is at Beaufort. Thereby said Local Agents will be authorized to give to the Trader certificates amounting in the aggregate to the monthly sum specified in the Authority, upon which certificates, goods, wares, and merchandise not prohibited by Regulations or Local Iiules, may be permitted by the Colleetorof Customs at Port Royal, (Hilton Head) to be transported to such Trade Store. IV. Traders thus authorized elsewhere than at Port Royal, shall not sell goods to others to be resold by tbcm, but shall sell only to persons for their own individual, family, or plantation use. V. All authorized traders shall keep true accounts of their sales, with the name and residence of each purchaser of goods to the amount of more than Jive dollars, and the date and amount of every sale, and shall file and preserve all cancelled permits under which goods have been transported; and their books, invoices and accounts shall be open to the inspection of the Supervising Special Agent, or Assistant Special Agents under his direction. VL If any authorized trader shall violate any Regulation or Local Rule his Authority will be revoked and his stock in trade seized and forfeited to the United Statc-3. VII. Certificates of L<xal Special Agents recommending permits l'or transportation, shall expire thirty days alter date. Permits for transportation shall expire ten days after date; and all authorities, certificates, and permits will b* liable to revocation by the Secretary of the Treasury, or the proper Supervising Special Agent, as the public interests may require. Mil. The following fees are prescribed by the Treasury Regulations of Sept, llth. For administering oath and certifying affidavit, ten cents; for each Authority from an agent, three dollars ; for each certificate of a Local Special Agent, ten cents. Internal Revenue stamps are required by law to be attached to the affidavits, certificates, and bonus mentioned in those Local Rules. ALBERT G. BROWNE, Fvprrr'ting Sfcial A gen', Fourth Social Agennj. Agreeably to the correspondence which took place between Heuj.-Gex. Saxtox, Military Governor, ami a committee on behalf of the colored people of this Department, and also that tfyey may have an opportunity of being present at the presentation of a testimonial to Brig.-Gen. Saxton, to which thoy have contributed, the people of this place, relying 011 the never failing kindness of the Chief Quartermaster, have resolved to meet at Beaufort, January 1st, 1864, x in flifl f-xorcx&ps nronosed and mere 10 jwnn;i|'aiv ... * * adopted by the Freedmen's Central Committee. Rev. Abraham Mubchixsox, Pastor of First Baptist Church. King Thomas, ] Ben j. Williams, John Williams, { Committee. E. BmRorGHs, Ai>a>i Gr?ex. j ^