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THE NEWll? SOUTH. VOL. 2. NO. i i. WHOLE NO. G1 FORT ROYAL, S. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1(1,1803. PRICE FIVE CENTS. TEE~ NEW SOUTH. Published every Saturday Morning by JOS. H. SEA?v3, Editor and Proprietor. Puce: Five Cents Per Copt. Advertisements, fifty cents a line, eacli insertion. m *??/>? 'nhJti frtoh ? cr/rcv (N(/u/ vwww OFFICE: Phoenix Building, Union Square. Twilight on Sumter, Aug. 14, 1363. Still and dark along the sea, Sumter lay: A light was overhead, As from burning cities shed, And the clouds were battle-red, Far away! Not a solitary gun Left to tell the fort had won. Or lost the day! Nothing lrat the tattered rag Pphi'l fl'lT. And the sea-birds screaming round it in their play! How it woke one April morn Fame shall tell; As front Moultrie, close at hand. And the batteries on the land, llound ita faint but fearless band Shot and shell Raining hid the doubtful light! Rut thi y fought the hopeless fight Long and welb (Theirs the glory, onra the shame!) Till the walls were wrapt in flame. Then our flag was proudly struck, and Sumter f.-ll! jVoic?O look at Sumter now. In the gloom! Mark its scarred and shattered walls, (Hark! the ruined rampart falls'.) There's a justice that appals In its doom: For this blasted spot of carfh "Where Rebellion liad its birth Is its tomb! And when Sumter sinks at last From the heavens, that shrink aghast, Hell will rise in grim derision, aiul malm room! ' _ [ From Ur.rp'i 'sfor P.w/iilcr.] OUR NEW ENGLAND LETTER. Th? Weather?The Turf?Heenan and King?Recruiting ? Frauds against the Government?Almost a Tragedy? California Damsel?Municipal Elections From Our Special Correspondent Boston, Mass., December Gth, 1803. There is nothing startling to write about in all New England, and this letter, at least, must be tame and common-place. All our excitement here is on topics from abroad?ibe army news one day, the vasodilations in tbc gold market another, then the New York City Election, and now there is positively nothing local to lead off with of more import anco than the weather. Are yon Port Royalists stiil sweltering in shirt-sleeves? ami is Diamond B now inbibed for its cooling fleets or its wanning finalities? "Winter has come in with us like a lion?not a wild, savage one, but a menagerie style of leoninety, growling a good deal, but not biting very ravenously. We expected Winter in on runners, but he came on wheels, with his skates among hfli baggage, and his sleigh a station or t\y? behmd^'ihe boys arc skating, back Tountrv, many a Connecticut, New HflPPfciire and Maine rivulet % and pond, but the ice is not safe enough, hereabouts. We have had not a spit of snow, yet, and here it is December 10th. A horse-race, of considerable importance came off at Sanguis hist Tuesday. It was a thousand dollar match la tv. ecn the celebrated trotting stal lion, George M. Patchen, and a roan gelding1 called Capt. McGowan. McGowan comes from Kentucky, is of running stock, and is probably 1 the fastest three, five or ten miDute liorse in the country. But mile heats are out of his line. lie has an unfortiinate habit of getting excited in company, and running away. Another vicions I practice to which he has become accustomed is j the slaying of negroes. No gentleman of color 1 can approach McGowan. He has already slain : twn vjfthlo hostlers, and threatened the life of many more. Last Tuesday McGowan worked well enough till he was started in the first heat, when he got crazy because Patchen kept nearly up with him, broke and run away. There was no stopping him, and after he had run over a mile ! lie was declared distanced There is considerable interest in sporting circles ; in the international fight, in England, set for the i j eighth, between John C. Heenan, of America, and j Tom King, of England. There is great confidence ! among the friends of Heenan that he will prove the victor, if his hand burst by striking a stake in the Morrissey fight, does not prove weak. A Boston man the other day completed forty-one hundred dollar* that he has put upon King, of which SI GOO was at the odds of 8 to 10, $500 even, and I the rest at various odds. Private sporting circles i here have information that the fight will probably , occur about to-day or to-morrow, earlier than an-; nounced to escape interference. Tho news will probably arrive about tiie I7tb or Ibth. Recruiting goes on very slowly. New Hampshire will probably conic out at the top of the heap, with her quota first filled, without drafting. At j every rendezvous in that State volunteers are rapidly flocking in, to the great joy of numerous 1 t people. In Connecticut and Rhode Island a mo! derate business is being done. In Boston and ?11j burban cities recruiting committees have been appointed in each Ward, who have erected bnildj ings* especially for the purpose, and get a few ! ' recruits daily. But there is one noticeable fact? | that the recruits now obtained are not to the high j standard of our first volunteers, when men enlisted ' from patriotism and not for money. There have ! been many sharp practices by the substitute bro1 kers and professional enlisters, not redounding j very much to anybody's credit. Cripples have been passed off as sound, false teeth have been l palmed off on credulous examining physicians as j ' - ? ? a -l? nv,._ _ii j v??. j j of natures own aennsu-y. xue wucr uuy u ^c?Yorker, who will probably be discharged and enlist {again, and who is over sixty years of age, was doctored up with rice-water bandages, paints, hair-dye, a fonr-dollar wig, and some stimulants, so that he could manifest the greatest agility and did not appear of thirty. After the agent had got j his five hundred dollars or so, from the City of ! Concord, N. II., he told the story* himself, and ! bragged that he had sold the wig for within two dollars of what it cost him. In a final report to the IT. S. District Court, j here, the Grand Jury the other day reported seven indictments, all either fi.r fraud in the j enlistment of men, for enticing them to desert, or for kindred offences. Such crimes have become : very common. ' ?- C?Mn,. mnvninn c.wflril nfinnla llld n VPTV \Jll 1 uuaj uiunmin ? .?J , narrow escape from drowning, at Scott's Poiul, 1 j near Providence, P. I. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher I A. Day, and Mr. A* Mrs. Henry Baker, had ntteu-' 1 ded a Thanksgiving ball at Cumberland Hill, and 1 i were returning to Providence in a hack, when the , ! driver drove down to the poncl to allow his horses 1 to drink, they got into the quicksands, floundered | about, and finally took to swimming, giving some ' ' bold strokes out into deep water. The party inside had a very narrow escape, and barely saved i I ii.. -' 1 -'>'> itmnuTiinn iliu irinilnwa nf f!if? I lUL'.USCDt'.l nmu.Juiujj iuu -> ***.?*-..? w. , carriage, and crawling through. One of the J couples was a newly married one;?their honey-, moon was a decidedly cool one. The celebrated trotting mare California Damsel, reported purchased by Senator Spraguo of lihode Island, but really bought by Mr. Amasa Spraguo, 1 of Cranston, for $11,000, died yesterday from an . accident. Speaking of Senator Sprague reminds me of the following conundrum which is going the rounds: "Why is Senator Sprague responsible j fur the tightness in the money market ? Because , he has the sole custody of Secretary Chase's first issue." Many of the cities all through New England are to elect municipal officers next Tuesday. There will be but little party politics?citizens nominations will generally prevail. Observer. ^ m m Tete Lord's Prayer.?A fiiend tells us an anecdote of Booth, the great tragedian, wiiich we do not recollect to have seen in print. It occurred in the palmy davs of his fame, before the sparkle of l: * 1.-.1 lvirthaf V,or.a 1113 UitWJiV CJ D JLiaU ULUii U-1I.U1X1UV4 "J luuw lurtMAv of genius, strong drink. Mr. Booth imd several friends had been invited to dine with an old gentleman in Baltimore, of distinguished kindness, urbanity and piety. The host, though disapproving of the theatres and theatre going, had heard so much of Booth's remarkable powers, that curiosity to see the man had, in this instance, overcome all his scruples and prejudices. Alter the entertainment was over, lamps lighted and the company re-seated in the drawing-room, some one requested Booth, as a particular favor, an4 one which all present would doubtless appreciate, to read aloud the Lord's prayer. Booth expressed his ready willingness to afford this gratification, and all eyes were turned expectantly upon him. Booth rose slowly and reverently from his chair. It was wonderful to watch the play of emotions that convulsed his counten- * anee. He became deathly pale, and his eyes, turned tremblingly up* ards, were wet with tears. As yet he had not spoken. The silence could bo felt. It became absolutely painful, until at last tho spell was broken as if by an electric shock, as his . rich-toned voice, from white lips, syllabled forth, " Our Father, who art in Heaven," Ac., with a pathos and fervid solemnity that thrilled all hearts, lie finished. The silence continued. Not a voice trao lio-irrl nr muscle moved in his wrant audience. until from a remote corner of the room a subdued sob was beard, and the old gentleman (their host) stepped forward with streaming eyes and tottering frame, and seized Booth by the hand. "Sir," said he, in a broken accent, "you have afforded me a pleasure for which my whole future life will feel grateful. I am an old man, and eveiy day from boyhood to the present time, thought 1 had repeated the Lord's Prayer, but I have never heard it before, never ! " You are right," replied Booth; " to read that prayer as it should be read, has caused me the severest study and labor for thirty years, and I am far from being yet satisfied with my rendering of that wonderfu' production. Hardly one person in ten thousand comprehends how much beauty, ten aerness, ami grauueur uun uc wuucuscuuit o^i?.u so small and words so simple. That prayer itself sufficiently illustrates the truth of the Bible, and thus stamps upon it the seal of Divinity." So great was the effect produced, (says our informant, who was present,) that conversation was continued but a short time longer in monosyllables and almost entirely ceased; and soon after, at on early hour, the company broke up and retired to their several homes with sad faces and full hearts. +rChicago Tribune. ? A letter from Chattanooga says hundreds or deserters from llrngg's army are coming into our lines. In one night thirty-six, from different parts of the rebel lines found their way through to ours. There was one North Carolina conscript among them, who said that the late conscription in liis State had raked hp every man who could carry a musket, and that, icithout a single ucrpiion, they icere friends of the Union. ? Foote one day dined at Richmond. When the landlord produced his biil Foote thought it very exorbitant, and asked his name? "Partridge, an't please you," replied the host. " Partridge!" said Foote ; "it should be woodcock, by tlie length of your billl". ? The brothers Godard are about to make a balloon to contain 14,000 cubic metres (f gas, whereas II. Nadar's 44 Giant" only contained GOOO. ? In Richmond good whiskey sells at $5000 a barrel, rebel money. An inferior article can be Itad for $2000. A glass of brandy commands five dollars.