University of South Carolina Libraries
The following extracts of General Order, No. 77. is re-published for the benefit of all whom it lui'.y concern. HEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES, hilton head, fort pulaski amd tybee island. Hilton Head, Port Royal, S. C., Nov. 2o, 1803. rvnt\r?-nc1 \ OEM-bKAli UJttx/jxno, \ No. 77. J I. AH passes of any description now in the hands of civilians within the limits of this command must be presented for examination and counter-signature, to Capt. Lewis C. Allen, Jr., Provost Marshal at Hilton Head, within one week from the date of this order. Failure to comply with this direction will be punished by the arrest of the offender, and the expulsion from the Department II. The strictest compliance with the regulations established for their government will be 1 exacted from all person* residing here. Violations or evasion of orders will be visited with the severest penalties known to military law. By order of Col. WM. B. BARTON, Geo. 0. Gor.Tox, 1st Lieut. 3d R T. Art, | Act. As'st, A{ljt. General. Important Intercepted Rebel Correspondence.?Among the papers recently captured with the blockade runners Robert E. Lee, j the Comubia and the Ella and Annie is a letter from E. De Leox, a rebel agent, addressed to Jeff. Davis, dated Paris, October last, from which the folio .ring sentences are extractedJ " It is useless to disguise the fact that the men around you do not inspire confidence, and chaos would soon come were your hand withdrawn from the helm. Military ability of tiro highest order j rmr revolution has produced, but of diplomatic talent it has been most singularly barren. There has been, and is to-day, as little real intention of' n speedy recoOTition by Prance as by England." " I am working hard and incessantly personally and by proxy, and am enlarging the sphere of my operations for the exigencies of the hour demanded. France wants money literally, and not figuratively. They are a far more mercenary race than the English, and we must buy golden opinions of them; if at all." ?A private despatch from General Bnrnside, received in Louisville, and dated the 19th inst., from Knoxville, says that his forces are 44 al1 right," although the line is still interrupted be tween Cumberland Gap and Knoxville. Up to that day at eleven o'clock General Bnrnside says that nothing was heard from the Gap. A despatch from Parson Brownlow, dated at Barbour Hill on the same day, says that fighting was going on "all about Knoxville." It is evident from these despatches that, although General Burnside's army is secure from immediate danger, he is still surrounded with difficulties and annoyances from the enemy. The President's Message.?A dispatch from "Washington to the Herald, says it is whispered " * ii -i ii. - among tne Knowing ones uiut lue^jnutuimu^ Message of the President will exhibit *. disposition on his part to act independently of the radical clique that has presumed to run the government machine and dictate the policy of the administration. It is hinted that the recommendations in the Message will show that Mr. Lincoln is not unaware of the intrigues of the leaders of certain factions, and does not intend to be involved or committed by them. ?A large quantity of important rebel correspondence was recently captured on board the blockade runner Cornubia. ?It is sad to hear that Gen. Robert Anderson's health will 110 longer allow him to continue in the service. ?The English iron-clods don't amount to much. The Prince Consort, in trying to get from Plymouth to Liverpool, tumbled about like a drunken man, and was obliged to put into Kingston leaking, and half full of water. 'Well done," is what President Lincoln said when he heard of the gallant exploit of our boys at Rappahannock Station. SALE OF LANDS FOR UNPAID DIRECT TAXES IN INSURRECTIONARY DISTRICTS. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Notice is hereby given that the several Tracts or Lots of Land situated in the State of South i Carolina, hereinafter described, have become forfeited to the United States by reason of the nonpayment of the direct taxes charged thereon, under the act entitled, "An Act to provide increased revenue from imports, to pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposes," approved August 5, 1861, and an act entitled, "An act for the collection of direct taxes in insurectionary districts -within the United States, and for other purposes," approved June 7, 1862, and that the same will be sold at public auctjpn, on Tuesday, December 1st,'18G3, at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day, at the Custom House building, at Port Royal, Hilton Head Island, St. Luke's Parish, Beaufort Dist, and state aforesaid; and that the sale of the same will be continued from day to day until all of said Lots and tracts of Land are finally disposed VI. The following is a description of said lands forfeited as aforesaid, together with the valuation of the same, and the amount of the quota of said tax and penalty charged upon each of said tracts or lots of land respectively : HILTON HEAD Island, St. Luke's Parish, Beaufort District, South Carolina. i No. 1.?"Thf.Point." including 4'BobIsland," said to be, or to have been owned by Wm. Elliott; bounded North and North East by Broad River, South East and South by Fish Hull; South West by Seabrook and North West by Skull Creek. No: 2.?'' Pike Lands."?Owner or owners unknown. Bounded by " the Point," " Fish Hall," '' Grass Lawn," *4 Cherry Hill," 14 Marshland," "Honey Horn," "Fairfield," "Cotton Hope," and "Seabrook." No. 3.?"Fish Halt.."?Said^to be or to have been owned by Gen end Drayton. Bounded North East by Broad River, South East by Coggins Point and Springfield, South West by Grass Lawn, North West and North by "The Point" No.4.?"Coggins Point" and "Springfield." ?said to be or to have been owned by Wm. Pope. Bounded North East bv Broad River, South East a lonfiV rtepAn. South West bv Grass Lawn, KJ > lUV' iHil.w.v w , w and North West by Fish Hall. No. 5.?"Gbass Lawn."?Said to be or to have been owned by Richard Pope. Bounded North East by Springfield and Fish Hall, North West by Pine Lands, South West by Cherry Hill and Matthews Land sometimes called "Number Four," and South East by the Atlantic Qcean. No. 6.?"Matthew's Land," sometimes called " Number Four," said to be or to have been owned by Frank Pope, bounded North East by Grass Lawn, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South West by Marshland and Chaplin, North West by Cherry Hill. No. 7,?"Ckebby Hill."?Said to be or to have been owned by Mrs. Pope. Bounded North East by Grass Lawn, South East by Matthew's Land," sometimes called Number Four, South West by Marshland and North West by. Pine Lands. No. 8.?"Marshland and Chaplin."?Said to be or to have been owned by Jas. Wells. Bounded North East by Cherry Hill and Matthew's " i T-i rv ll tn x Land sometimes called rummer r yur, noma j^asi by the Atlantic Ocean, North West % Pine Lands, and South West by Gardner and Lemington. No. 9.?"Gardner."?Said to be or to have been owned by Stoney. Bounded North East by Marshland, South East by Broad Creek, South West by Otter Hole, and North^JVest by Honey Horn. No. 10.?' 'XflSMnfGTON."?Said to be. or to have been owned by Joseph Pope. Bounded North East by Chaplin, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South West by Hill Place and North West by I Broad Creek. No. 11.?" Hrm. Place."?Said to be or to have been lands ot Samuel Lawton. Bounded North East by Lemington, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South West by Brickyard and North West by Broad Creek. No. 12.?"Brickyard."?Said to be or to have b^en lands of Ficklin. Bounded North East by Hill Place. South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South West by Possum Point, and North West by Broad Creek. j No. 13.?"Possum Point."?Said to be or to | 1 # havebeen lands of "Wells. Bounded North East by Brickyard, South East by the- Atlantic Ocean, South West and South by Point Comfort, and North West by Broad Creek. No. 14.?"Point Comfort."?Said to be or to have been owned by Wm. Pope and by Baynard. Bounded North East and North by "Possum Point," South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South and South West by Lawton Place, and North and North West by Broad Creek. No. 15?" Lawton Place."?Said to be or to have been lands of Mrs. Lawton. Bounded North and North East by Point Comfort, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South and South West by Braddoek's Point and North West by Broad Creek and Calibogue Sound. No. 16.?'' B haddock's Point. "?Said to be or to have been owned by Baynard, and formerly by John Stoney. Bounded North and North East by Lawton Place, South East and South by the Atlantic Ocean, West and North West by Calibogue Sound. No. 17.?" Spanish Wells."?Said to be or to have been Baynard's. Bounded North by a creek caljed by some "Muddy Creek," letting East fro m Mackay's Creek opposite the mouth of May River, Easterly by " Muddy Creek Tlace," Southerly by Broad Creek, and West by Calibogue Sound, or as sometimes called, "Spanish Wells River. No. 18.?"Muddy Cp.eek Place."?Said to be or to have been Baynard's. Bounded North by Cr-oalr lwtnmfi "\fnddv CrCclv. EaStcrfV liAV/ ViVVA VUUVU Wj w i ii ^ - ? ? y by Otter Hole, Southerly by Broad Creek and Westerly by "Spanish Wells." No. 19?"Otteb Hole."?Said to be or to have been land of Stuart, and formerly ofStonev. Bounded Northerly by " Honey Horn," Easterly by Gardner, Southerly by Broad Creek and Westerly by Muddy Creek Place. No. 20.?" Honey Horn."?Said to be or to have been Graham's and formerly Stonev's. Bounded Northerly by Jarvis Creek, Fairfield and Pine Lands, North East and Easterly by Seabrook, Pine Lands, and Marshland, Southerly by Otter Hole and Gardner, and Westerly by Marshes, extending to Maekay's Creek. No. 21.?"Jen-kin's Island," including "Hog Island." Said to be or to have been Frank Pope's Land Bounded North by Skull Creek, East by Fairfield, South by Jarvis Creek and West by Maekay's Creek. No. 22.?"Faiufield."?Said to have been the plantation of Dr. George Stoney. Bounded North West bv Skull Creek, North East and North by Cotton Hope, Southerly by Honey Horn, Westerly by Jenkin's Island. No. 23.?"Cotton Hope."?Said to be or to have been William Pope's. Bounded North West by Skull Creek, North East by Seabrook, Southerly and South West by Fairfield. No. 24.?"Seabeook," including lands formerly owned by Wallace, Tulbird, Fvlcr and CurreL Said to be or to have been more recently owned by Seabraok. Bounded North West by Skull Creek, North East by " The Point," South East by Pine lands and South West by Cotton Hope and Honey Horn. "Pinckxey Island."?St. Luke's Parish, Beaufort District, South Carolina. Bounded West and North West by Mackay's Creek, North East by Broad Iiiver, South East by Skull Creek. - i $ . * ? ?- | ? -a 5? j? ^ ? I o 3 3 J ? fc Vol .... 1000 .... $4000 .?80 0o"|lo 00 .. $120 00 ??' 2 10O0.... 4000 .. 80 00L. 40 00 ... 120 00 .< a 1300,.... 6200 ..101 00 .. 52 00 ... 156 00 " i'"".'.'.. 900 .... 3600 .. 72 00 .. 36 00... 108 00 .? 5 [ 600,.... 2400 .. 48 00}.. 24 00,... 72 00 ? a" . 400.... 1600 .. 32 00 .. 16 00 ... 48 00 .. 7 40?J 1600.. 32 00.. 16 00... 48 00 .< 8 1000;.... 4000 .. 80 00 .. 40 00 ... 120 00 ?? o .MOO1.... 4000.. 80 00.. 40 00... 120 00 " no 1100 .... 4400 .. 88 00,.. 44 00 ... 132 00 <. 11 1100 .... 4400 .. 88 00 .. 44 00 ... 132 00 .Mo 1100'.:.. 4400 .. 88 00 .. 44 00 ... 132 00 .. io loot) .... 4000 .. 80 00 .. 40 00 ... 120 00 .. 14 1000 .... 4000 .. 80 00 .. 40 00 ... 120 00 .. 15 1800 .... 7200 ..144 00 .. 72 00 ... 216 00 ? i(j 1000 .... 4000 .. 80 00 .. 40 00 ... 120 00 .. i7 600'.... 2400 .. 48 00 .. 24 00 .'.. 72 00 .. 18 7001.... 2800 .. 56 00 .. 28 00 ... 84 00 .. 19 900'.... 3600 .. 72 00 .. 36 00 ... 108 00 .. .H) 1000 .... 4,>00 .. 80 00 .. 40 00 ... 120 00 .. 21 300; 1200 .. 24 00 .. 12 ?0 ... 36 00 .. oo 350' 1400 .. 28 00'.. 14 00 ... 42 00 ..o-i 400 .... 1600 .. 32 00 .. 18 ?0 ... 48 00 ? n. I/ami <2)00 120 00 .. CO oO ... 180 00 KSand? 2000, 8000 ..100 00 .. 80 00 ... 210 00 A. D. SMITH. W. E. WORDING, WM. HENRY BEISBANP Direct Tax Comrr1 For the District ^ . Fori Royal, Oct. 31, 18C3. -aaionera. South Carolina,