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The transport Fulton arrival at this port last Tuesday. Her delay was occasioned by her being newly coppered. The news is important. An immense plot has been made known, through the Governor General of Canada, by which some of our lake cities were to be burned. We give full particulars below. The Johnson's Island Plot?Developments Rosoecting the Conspiracy to Liberate Rebel Prisoners of War?Buffalo * and Ogdensburgh to be burned?Honorable Conduct of the Governor-General of Canada, &c. Washington, Nov. 12.1863. It has been ascertained on inqniry at the proper bureau that there are now over two thousand rebel officers on Johnson's Island, Sandusky Bay, together with forty-two others, classed as guerillas. Eighty officers, recently captured by Meade's army, are now on the way to that piece. Several days ago there were indications, or perhaps suspicions, that the rebels on that Island contemplated a sombined movement for the purpose of making their escape, and, on this information being communicated to the authorities here, the requisite precautionary measures were immediately taken, includingthc ordering of a gunboat to the vicinity to prevent it Therefore the prisoners could not leave the Island were they to make the attempt. Whatever apprehension may have existed on this subject is now perfectly qui ted. Washington, Nov. 12?Evening. The facts contained in the despatch sent from Washington this morning with regard to the rebel prisoners on Johnson's Island, wore obtained from official sources. But since then additional Information, authentic in its character, has been obtained, by which it appears that the Governor General of Canada has given notice through Lord Lyons to the Secretary of State of rebel plots hatched in the British provinces, to deliver the prisoners on Johnson's Island, in lAlce Erie, and burn Buffalo and Ogdensburg. Adequate measures to defeat the nefarious enterprises have been promptly adopted. The comity and good faith of the British authorities are highly appreciated. It is not apprehended that anything serious will grow out of the affair" as the government was not unprepared for the disclosures mode. Buffalo, Nov. 12, 1863. The following was received here to day:? Washington, Nov. 11?Midnight. To the Mayor of Buffalo:? The British Minister. Lord Lyons, has to night officially notified the govornmeni that from the Governor General of Canada, there is reason to beliove that there is a plot on foot by persons who have found an asylum In Canada, to invade the United States, and destroy the city of Buffalo; that they propose to take posession of some of the steamboats on Lake Erie, to surprise Johnson's Island, set free the prisoners of war confined there, and proceed with them to Buffalo. This government will employ all means in its power to suppress any hostile attack from Canada; but as other towns and cities on the shores of the lakes are exposed to the same dangers, it is deemsd proper to communicats this information to you, in order that any precautions which the circumstances of the case will permit may be taken. The Governor General suggests that the steamboats or other vessels, giving cause for suspicion by the number or character of the persons on board, shall be arrested. You will please acknowledge receipt of this telegram, and oommunicaie to this department any information you may now or hereafter havo on this subject. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. It is understood that other lake cities have heen similarly warned by Mr. Stanton. The information to the gofernnient came from a high source. Buffalo, Xov. 12, lrtf>3. Mayor Fargo has received a second despatch from Secretary Stanton, stating that Major-General liix has been ordered to Butfalo to adopt measures for the security of the frontier. The Mayor has taken steps to guard against incendiarism. 'Hie Mayor is also in communication with Governor Seymour In relation to military affairs. 7th Re?t. Conx. Vols., Port Royal, f November, 1(5, 18(53. )" To (he Editor of the Xeio South : Pear Sir:?I should be glad if you would pul>lisli the enclosed letter from the honored President of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. It may tend to direct the minds and acts 01 other regiments to care for the interests and funds cl' that noble charity. Very truly, yours, H. L. Waylaxd, Chajdain, 7th Conn. V. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. x New Yor.x Agency, *23 Bboadwa}*, i New York, Oct. 23, 18(13. j" 7>r. IF. L. Wayland, Chaplain llh Conn. Vols, My Dear Sib:?We are most gratefully affected by the receipt of the contribution of ($130,) One Hundred and Tliirty Dollars, from your Regiment to the funds of the Sanitary Commission. Ten times the amount received from persons taking BAcond-hand testimonv. could not gratify us so much. It is our joy and pride to merit the confidence and affection of the sohliers themselves. Your generous expression of esteem for our work and its agents, in your own Department, have touched our hearts. Please make our gratitude known to each and even- officer of the 7th Conn., and oblige me, Rev. Sir. with renewed esteem, most cordially and faithfully yours. II. W. Bellows, President % SALE OF LAIVDS FOR UNPAID DIRECT TAXES IN INSURRECTIONARY DISTRICTS. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Notice is hereby given that the several Tracts or Lots of Land situated in the State of South Carolina, hereinafter described, have become forfeited to the United States by reason of the nonpayment of the direct taxes charged thereon, under the act entitled, " An Act to provide increased revenue from imports, to pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposed" approved August 5, 1861, and an act entitled, "An act for the collection of direct taxes in insurectionary districts within the United States, and for other purposes," approved June 7, 1862, and that the same will be sold at public auction, on Tuesday, December 1st,'1863, at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day, at the Custom House building, at Port Royal, Hil* ? "?.i t?i.? a c* t vitra'a "pnrielv Tte.anfnrt Dist.. i hju iltuu uiuuu, ui. uiui, u 4. r anil state aforesaid; and that the sale of the same J will be continued from day to day until all of said Lots and tracts of Land are finally disposed of. The following is a description of said lands forfeited as aforesaid, together with the valuation of the same, and the amount of the quota of said tax and penalty charged upon each of said tracts or lots of land respectively : IIILTOX HEAD Island, St. Lukes Parish, Beaufort District, South Carolina. No. 1.?"The Point." including "Bob Island," said to be, or to have been owned by Win. Elliott; bounded North and North East by Broad llivcr, South East and Solith by Fish Hall; South West by Seabrook anil North West by Skull Creek. No. 2.?"Pint: Lands."?Owner or owners unknown. Bounded by " the Point," " Fish Hall," "Grass Lawn," "Cherry Hill," "Marshland," "Honey Horn," "Fairfield," "Cotton Hope," and " Seabrook." No. 3.?"Fish IIaij.."?Raid to be or to have been owned by General Drayton. "Bounded North East by Broad River, South East by Coggins j Point and Springfield, South West by Grass Lawn, North West and North by "The Point." No. 4.?"Coggins Point" and "Springfield." ?said to be or to have been owned by Wm. Pope. Bounded North East by Broad River, South East 1 by the Atlantic Ocean, Soutii \v est ny u-rass .Lawn, and North West by Fish Hall. No. 5.?"Grass Lawn."?Said to be or to have been owned by llichard Pope. Bounded North East by Springheld and Fish Hal!, North West by Pine Lands, South West by Cherry Hill and Matthews Land sometimes called "Number Four," ;uid South East by the Atlantic Ocean. No. 6.?"Matthew's Land," sometimes called "Number Four," said to be or to have been owned by Frank Pope, bounded North East by Grass Lawn, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South West by Marshland aud Chaplin, North West by Cherry Hill. No. 7,?"Cheeky Hill."?Said to be or to have been owned by Mrs. Pope. Bounded North 1 East by Grass Lawn, South East by Matthew's I Land, sometimes called Number Four, South 1 West by Marshland and North West by Pine ,Lands. No. 8.?"Marshland and Chaplin*."?Said to be or to have been owned by Jos. Wells. Pounded North East by Cherry Hill and Matthew's : Land sometimes called Number Four, South E:ist by the Atlantic Ocean, North West by Pine Lands, I | and South West by Gardner and Leinington. No. 0.?"Gardner."?Said to be or to have j been owned by Stonev. Pounded North East by Marshland, South East by Proad Creek, South West by Otter Hole, and North West by Honey Horn. No. 10. ? "Lr.MiNr.TON*."?Saul to bo or to J ave j 1 been owned by Joseph Pop*. Bounded North Last 1 1 by Chaplin, South Last by the Atlantic Ocean, ' . South West by Hiii Place and North West by j | Brood Creek. No. 11.? ' Hfli. Place."?Said to be or to have ' been lands ot Samuel Lawton. Bounded North I East by Leminston, South East by the Atlantic ' I Ocean, South West by Brickyard and North West I by Broad Creek. No. 12.?"Bp.rcKT.vKn."?Said to be or to have 1 | been lands of Ficklin. Bonnded North East by Hill Place, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South West by Possum Point, and North West by Broad Creole. No. 13.?"Possum Toner." Said to be or to' ' have been lamls of Wells. Bounded North East by Brickyard, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South West and South by Point Comfort, and North West by Broad Creek. No. 14.?"Point Comfort."?Said to be or to have been owned by Wm. Pope and by Beynard. Bounded North East and North by "Possum Point," South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South or>/1 RrmtVi Woct V?v T nwtrm nnrl Vnr+Vi nnrl North "West by Broad Creek. No. 15?" Lawton Place."?Said to be or to have been lands of Mrs. Lawton. Bonnded North and North East by Point Comfort, Sonth East by the Atlantic Ocean, Sonth and South West by Braddock's Point and NorthWest by Broad Creek and Calibogue Sound. No. 1G.?"Braddock's Point."?Said to be or to have been owned by Baynard, and formerlv by John Stoney. Bounded North and North feast by Lawton felace, South East and South by the Atlantic Ocean, West and North West by Calibogue Sound. No. 17.?" Spanish Wells."?Said to be or to have been Baynard's. Bounded North by a creek caljed by some "Muddy Creek," letting in East fro m Mackay's Creek opposite the mouth of May River, Easterly by " Muddy Creek Place," Southerly by Broad Creek, and West by Calibogue Sound, or as sometimes called, " Spanish Wells River. , No. 18.?"Muddy Creek Place."?Said to be or to have been Baynard's. Bounded North by the Creek called by some Muddy Creek, Easterly by Otter Hole, Southerly by Broad Creek and Westerly by "Spanish Wells." j ' No. 19?"Otter Hole."?Said to be or to have been land of Stuart, and formerly of Stoney. Bounded Northerly by "Honey Horn," Easterly by Gardner, Southerly by Broad Creek and Westerly by Muddy Creek Place. No. 20.?"Honey Horn."?Said to be or to have been Graham's and formerly Stoney's. Bounded Northerly by Jarvis Creek, Fairfield and Pine Lands, North East and Easterly by Seabrook, Pine Lands, and Marshland, Southerly by Otter Hole and Gardner, and Westerly by Marshes, extending to Mackay's Creek. No. 21.?"Jen-kin's Island." including "Hog Island." Said to be or to have been Frank Pope's Land. Bounded North by Skull Creek, East by Fairfield, South by J;irvis Creek and West by Mackay's Creek. No. 22.?"Faibfield."?Said to have been the plantation of Dr. George Stoney. Bounded North West by Skull Creek, North East and North bj Cotton Hope, Southerly by Honey Horn, Westerly by Jenkin's Island. No. 23.?"Cotton* Horn."?Said to be or to have been William Pope's. Bounded North West by Skull Creek, North East by ScuLrook, Southerly and South West bv Fairfield. No. 21.?"Seabbook," including lands formerly owned by Wallace, 'Jailbird, Fylcr and Currel. Said to L>e or to nave ueeii mure reeeunv uwueii by Seabraok. Bounded North West by Skull Creek, North East by 4 The Point," South East by Pine lau<ls and South West by Cotton Hop* and Honey Horn. "Pikckxkt Island."?St. Luke's Parish, Beaufort District, South Carolina. Bounded West and North West by Mackay's Creek, North East by Broad River, ?k?utli East by Skuil Creek. ? *5 s ^ i I ? j "S I g j | ; | 5 ? K So. 1. U*? *!? ? i S" e? i 1 . ?'120 ixi " 2 1000 4000 .. 80 00 .. 40 00 ... 120 l?0 " 3 1300 5300 ..1(4 00 .. 52 00 ... 150 00 " * <W? T*> 1 k I *L\ Ktk lfl? im ? 5!!.. ?>J0| 2100 .. 43 00 .. -24 (X) ... 72 00 ? c,[ 400 1600 .. 32 CO .. ](> 00 ... 48 Oil ?? 7 <00 1?W .. 32 00 .. 16 00 ... 48 00 $ 1N:0 4000.. SO 00 .. 40 00 ... 120 00 ?J loOO 4U(M .. SO 00 .. 40 00 ... 120 00 10 11(H) 4400 .. 8.3 00 .. 44 00 ... 132 Oo ? n 1100 4400 .. 88 00 .. 44 00 ... 132 01) 12 11?M? .... 4400.. SO (?/'.. 44 00 ... 132 ou ? ii. 1000 .... 4?HHI .. SO ?H) .. 40 00 ... 120 00 14...! 1<X? 4'HX) .. ft) OO'.. <o 00 ... 120 00 ir, 13)) .... 7200 ..144 00 .. 72 (Hi ... 216 00 i(; 1003 4000 .. 80 00 .. 40 00'... 120 Oo i; (?00 2400 .. 48 00.. 24 00 ... 72 00 18 700 2800 .. W (Hi... 28 (HI ... 84 00 < 1.J 900 360) .. 72 00,.. :25 00 ... 103 Oy '/') 1000 .... 4000'.. 80 oo'.. 40 00 ... 120 00 300 .... 1200 .. 2) (Hi .. 12 CO ... 36 Oo 22 ">!? 1400 .. 28 Oil .. 14 (? ... 42 01 23 1001.... 1600 ..32 00.. 10(H)... 48 Oi) 24 1300 6000 ..120 00 .. CO (Hi ... 18) 00 Prarfuiey 2'HIO .... 8)00 ..160 0:) .. 80 00 ... 24o (A) i i k T\ OAffTTT w/e. wonuisa. \YJL ULNUV BRISBANE. Direct Tax ConimlKaioui-ra. For the District of South Carolina Fort Royal, Oct. SI. 1BG3.