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Supervising Special Agency of the Treasury Department. FOURTH SPECIAL AGENCY, BkaUFOBT, S. C., Oct. 30tli, 1SC3. The following Local Rules are issued for the information and government of all parties concerned, under the Acts of C ingress of July 13th, 1861, May 20tli, 1862, and March 12th, 1803, ami the Regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury *- >, nartienlarlv those of Seiltomber 11th. Ill {Hirniiaiitu UIV4W, A-<~. .v ... 4 1X?:$. Purchase of products of the country, and transportation of the same to market. I. All proper and loyal persons may apply in the prescribed form to the Supervising Special Agent of the Treasury Department, at his office at Beaufort, S. C? or to an Assistant Special Agent designated by him and who will there be on duty for the purpose, for authority to purchase for money other tliau gold or silver, cotton or any of the products of the country within the liues of National military occupation in this Agency, except when prohibited by order of the General commanding tha Department or other special military order, and to transport the same to market in the loyal states. II. Planters may in like manner apply for authority to transport the cotton and other products raised by them, to market in the loyal states. III. Applicants for such Authority must make and file with such Agent an affidavit in the prescribed form, and if not themselves the planters of such native crops, must make and execute a bond as prescribed by Section XX of said Treasury Regulations of Sept 11th, whereupon the I Agent, if be deems it expedient, may auiuonze U1C 1/UUCVtVt i of Customs at Port Royal to permit, on payment or security of the prescribed fees, the purchase and transportation of products as applied for, except articles prohibited, IV. For the purpose of securing the rights of the laborers on the crop no application will be entertained by the Agent for an Authority for the transportation of cotton raised this year within the Military Department of the South, unless the applicant produces and files with his application, a certificate from Brig.-Gen. Saxton, Military Governor of said Military Department, that he consents to the transportation of the cotton for which Authority is refinested. V. Upon presentation of such Antnoruy tq xne i^ouecior of Customs at Port Royal ho may issue a permit for the purchase, transportation, and sale, of products specified, in pursuance of the terms of the Authority, but before delivering it. he will cause the prescribed fees to be paid or security therefor to be given by bond as prescribed in Section XX of the Treasury Regulations before mentioned. VI. If any person obtaining a permit and paying the fees therefor, shall purchase or transport no cotton or other merchandise under the same, or a less quantity than is permitted, the fees paid or the proper proportion thereof shall be refunded on application and due showing to the Supervising Special Agent. VII. The fees prescribed for permits, by Section XLII of said Treasury Regulations, are For each permit to purchase cotton and transport the same to any loyal State, four cents per pound. For permit so to purchase and transport tobacco, two dollars per hhd. c\v* so to wnrchase and transport other products, five per centum on the sworn invoice value thereof at the place of shipment. A fee of three dollars is also proscribed for each Authority issued by an Agent. Internal Revenue stamps are required by law to be attached to all affidavits and bonds herein mentioned. VIII. All ports and places except the Port of Port Royal in South Carolina, on the seacost of South Carolina and Georgia, and so much of the coast of Florida as is included .within the Military Department of the South, being affected Dy the existing blockade, it is not competent for any permit to be granted for shipments of produce or merchandise on private account from any such ports or places, with the exception aforesaid, whether such ports or places are or are not occupied by United States forces. IX. Authorities and permits to purchase and transport products expire thirty days after date. All such authorities and permits are liable to revocation by the Secretary of the Treasury or the Supervising Special Agent, as the public interest may require. X. All vessels, boats, and other vehicles used for transportation, violating Regulations or Local Rules, and all cotton. toliacco, or other merchandise shipped or transported. or purchased, or sold in violation tnereoi, win o<- lontu to the United States, and any neglect on the part of the person permitted to purchase or transport, or of any one acting for him. to comply with Regulations and Local Rules, and with the conditions of his bonds given under them, will work immediate forfeiture of all rights under the Authority or permit, and any property purchased or translated under the same after such neglect, shall be forfeited to the United States. ALBERT O. BROWNE, Supervising Special Agent Fourth Special Agency. Immense War Fleet in New York Harbor.? Never since the-organization of the navy of the United States, has there been so many American vessels of war in the harbor of New York as at the present time. There are no less than sixty-two carrying 444 gnns?a larger force than that of the ?^x-viiof.iro the outbreak of the rebellion. DEATHS, Alexander Monroe, Private, Co. K, 115th N. Y. Vols.. Oct. 10, chronic diarrhea. Milton Greenfield, Co. F, 97th Pcnn. Vols., Oct. 11, chronic diarrhea. Allx'rt Spaulding, civilian, late Private Co. C, 4th N. II. Vols., Oct. 10, chronic diarrhea. Itol>ert MeKinstry, Co. C, 1st U. S. Artillery, Oct 17, chronic diarrhea. Isadore Hagle, Civilian, late Private, Co. C, 07th Ohio, Vols., Oct. 22, chronic diarrhea. John Doyal, Corporal, Co. G, 97th Penn. Vols., Oct. 25, chronic diarrhea. Jacob Kerr, Civilian, late Private Co. F, 97th Penn. Vols.. Oct. 27, chronic diurrhea. David H. Birney, Sergt, Co. B, 97th Penn. Vols., Oct. 29, chronic diarrhea. Edwin It. Fish, Private, Co. B, 3d N. Y. Art'y, Nov. 3. chronic diarrhea. John McElroy, Civilian, Quartermaster's Department, Nov. 4, typhoid fever. - . SALE OF LANDS FOR UNPAID DIRECT TAXES IN INSURRECTIONARY | DISTRICTS. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Notice is hereby given that the several Tracts or Lots of Land situated in the State of South Carolina, hereinafter described, have become forfeited to the United States by reason of the nonpayment of the direct taxes charged thereon, un| der the act entitled, "An Act to provide increased revenue from imports, to pay interest on tiie public debt, and for other purposes," approved August 5, 18G1, and an act entitled, "An act for the collection of direct taxes in insurectionary districts within the United States, and for other purposes," approved June 7, 18C2, and that the same will be sold at public auction, on Tuesday, December 1st, 18G3, at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day, at the Custom House building, at Port Royal, Hilton Head Island, St. Luke's Parish, Beaufort Dist., and state aforesaid; and that the sale of the same will be continued from day to day until all of said Lots and tracts of Land are finally disposed of. The following is a description of said lands ' 11 ?vfAlnofmn forfeited as aforesaid, togemer WILLI LUC VOiuauvu | of tho same, and tlie amount of the quota of said tax and penalty charged upon each of said tracts or lots of land respectively : 1IILT0X HEAD Island, St. Luke's Parish, Beaufort District, South Carolina. No. 1.?"ThePoint." including "BobIsland," said to be, or to liaYe been ownedb^Wm. Elliott; bounded North and North East by Broad River, South East and South bv Fish Hall; South West by Seabrook and North West by Skull Creek. No. 2.?"Pine Lands."?Owner or owners unknown. Bounded by " the Point,"" Fish Hall," "Grass Lawn," "Cherry Hill," "Marshland," "Honey Horn," "Fairfield," "Cotton Hope," and "Seabrook." No. 3.?"Fish Hall."?Said to be or to have been owned by General Drayton. Bounded North East by Broad River, South East by Coggins Point and Springfield, South West by Grass Lawn, "Vnrth West and North by "The Point." No. 4.?"Coggins Point" and "Springfield." ?said to be or to Lave been owned by Wm. Pope. Bounded North East by Broad River, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South West by Grass Lawn, and North West by Fish Hall. No. 5.?"Grass Lawn."?Said to be or to have been owned by liichard Pope. Bounded North East by Springtield and* Fish Hall, North West by Pine Lands, South West by Cherry Hill and Matthews Land sometimes called "Number Four," and South East by the Atlantic Ocean. No. 6.?"Matthew's Land," sometimes called "Number Four," said to be or to have been owned by Frank Pope, bounded North East by Grass Lawn, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South West bv Marshland and Chaplin, North West by I ru 'Mill VUC14J ***" No. 7,?"Cherry Hill."?Said to bo or to have been owned by Mrs. Pope. Bounded North East by Grass Lawn, South East by Matthew's Land," sometimes called Number Four. South West by Marshland and North West by Pine Lands. No. 8.?"Marshland and Chaplin."?Said to be or to have been owned by Jas. Wells. Bounded North East by Cherry Hill and Matthew's Land sometimes called Number Four, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, North West by Pine Lands, and South West by Gardner and Lemington. No. 9.?"Gardner."?Said to be or to have been owned by Stoney. Bounded North East by Marshland, South East by Broad Creek, South West by Otter Hole, and North West by Honey Horn. 99 rSO. 1U.?*'LiEMIXGTON. ?Oiuu to uu or 10 imve been owned by Joseph Pope. Bounded North East by Chaplin, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South West by Hill Place and North West by Broad Creek. No. 11.? ' IIill Place."?Said to bo or to have been lands of Samuel Lawton. Bounded North East by Lemington, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South West by Brickyard and North West by Broad Creek. No. 12.?"Brickyard."?Said to be or to have been lands of Ficklin. Bounded North East by Hill Place, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South West by Possum Point, and North West by Broad Creek. No. 13.?"Possum Point."?Said to be or to \ have been lands of Wells. Bounded Nc - >. East by Brickyard, South East by the Atlantic ^cean, South West and South by Point Com.ort, and North West by Broad Creek. No. 1-i.?"Point Comfort."?Said to be or to have been owned by Wm. Pope and by BaynarcL Bounded North East and North by "Possum Point," South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South and South West by Lawton Place, and North and North West by Broad Creek. No. 15?" Lawton Place."?Said to be or to have been lands of ilrs. Lawton. Bounded North and North East by Point Comfort, South East by the Atlantic Ocean, South and South West by Braddock's Point and North West by Broad Creek and Calibogue Sound. No. 1G.?"Braddock's Point."?Said to be or to have been owned by Baynard, and formerly by John Stoney. Bounded North and North East by Lawton Place, South East and South ^y the Atlantic Ocean, West and North West by Calibogue Sound. No. 17.?" Spanish Wells."?Said to be or to have been Bavnard's. Bounded North by a creek caljed by some "Muddy Creek," letting in East fro m Mackay's Creek opposite the mouth of May River, Easterly by " Muddy Creek Place," Southerly by Broad Creek, and West by Calibogue Sound or as sometimes called, "Spanish Wells River. No. 18.?"Mcddy Creek Place."- -Said to be or to have been Baynard's. Bounded N^rth by nnllnrl lv*7 OAmfi PrPAV iuc ViCCa v.aucu i/j ov<uv by Otter Hole, Southerly by Broad Creek and Westerly by "Spanish Wells." No. 19?"Otteb Hole."?Said to be or to have been land of Stuart, and formerly of Stonev. Bounded Northerly by " Honey Horn," Easterly by Gardner, Southerly by Broad Crct k and Westerly by Muddy Creek Place. No. 20.?"Honey Hobn."?Said to be or to have been Graham's and formerly Ftoney's. Bounded Northerly by Jarvis Creek, Fairfield and Pine Lands, North East and Easterly by Seabrook, Pine Lands, and Marshland, Southerly by Otter Hole and Gardner, and Westerly by Marsues, extending to Mackay's Creek. No. 21.?"Jenkin's Island," including "Hog Island." Said to be or to have been Frank Pope's Land. Bounded North by Skull Creek, East by Fairfield, South by Jarvis Creek and West by Mackay's Creek. No. 22.?"Faiefeeld."?Said to have been the plantation of Dr. George Stoney. Bounc! -1 North West by Skull Creek, North_ East and No:: a by Cotton Hope, Southerly by Honey Horn, westerly by Jenkiu's Island. No. 23.?"Cotton Hope."?Said to be or to have been William Pope's. Bounded Xoi ' West by Skull Creek, North East by Seabrook, Southerly and South West by Fairlield. No. 21.?"Seabrook," including lands formerly owned by Wallace, Talbird, Fyler and Carrel. Said to be or to have been more recently owned by Seabraok. Bo'aided North West by Skull Creek, North East by " The Point." South East by Pine lands and South West by Cotton Hope and Honey Horn. "Pinckney Island."?St. Luke's Parish, Beaufort District, South Carolina. Bounded West and North West bv Mackay's Creek, North East by * O 4.1. TV... 4. U? CI,,,11 fVJ. jjroua xuver, ouuui x.uac uj ua.un v>1Ctn. "T- l~T:ra^ 2^ * %5 . O ^ i f I i 1 II III No. 1 1000] $1001 .$ 80 01 $ 40 00 .. *.2U 00 " 2 1000!.... 4000 .. 80 00 .. 40 00 ... 120 00 ? 3 1300 .... 5200 ..104 00 .. 52 00 ... 156 00 " 4 900.... 3600 .. 72 00 .. 30 00 ... 108 00 " 5 600.... 2400 ..'48 00 .. 24 00 ... 72 00 " 6 40).... 1600 ..'32 00 .. 16 00 ... 48 00 " 7 400.... 1600 .. 32 "00 .. 16 00 ... 48 00 " 8 1000.... 4000 .. 80 0U .. 40 00... 120 00 ' 9 1000 .... 4000 .. 80*00 .. 40 00,... 120 00 " 10 1100!.... 4400 .. 88*00 .. 44 00 ... 132 00 " 11 1100 .... 4400 .. 88 00 .. 44 00 ... 132 00 " 12 1100' ... 4400 .. 88 00 .. 44 00 ... 132 00 " 13 1000 .... 4000 .. 80 00 .. 40 00j... 120 00 ? 14 1000 .... 4000 ..??0 0O .. 40 Oo ... 120 00 ? 15 1800 .... 7200 ..144 00 .. 72 Oil ... 216 00 " 16 1000 .... 4000 .. 80 00 .. 4U 00 ... 120 00 "17 GOO.... 2400 .. 48 00 .. 24 00 ... 72 00 " 18 700 .... 2800 .. 56 00 .. 28 00 ... 84 00 " l'j :?JU .... O<I<ai .. IJVU., ?v ... i-jj w " 20 1000 4000 .. 80 00.. 4" 00 ... j>0 00 " 21 300 .... 1200 .. 24 00 .. 12 U) ... 36 00 " 22 a'rfl .... 1400'.. 28 00 .. 14 00 ... 42 00 " 23 400 .... 1G00 .. 32 00!.. 16 00 ... 48 00 " 24 ;. 1500 .... COOO ..120 00 .. Co 00 ... ISO Oo 2000 .... 800o|..160 Ooj.. 80 00 ... 210 00 A. D. SMITH. W. E. WORDING, MM. HENRY RlifSBA^, Direct Tax Commissioners. For the District of South Carolina. Port Royal, Oct. 31,1863. if |