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THE NEf SOUTH. > i Jos. H. Sears, Editor and Proprietor. PORT ROYAL, SATURDAY, SEPT. 19, 1863. Thx New South can be obtained of the following persons. H. Shears, P. M., Beaufort. J. W. Allen, P. M., St. Augustine, Fla. , "VY. C. Morrill, P. M., Fernandina, Fla. J. B. Hodson, Fort Pulaski. - Chaplain Hill, 3d New Hampshire Tols. L. R. Brooks, 89th Illinois Vols. Edwin D. Doolittle, Vol. Engineers. J. A. Demcth, 85th Pa. Vols. serqt. t. s. UAY, GO. M, 1SI M088. Lav. Giles Alexander, Co. 1,1st Mass. Cav. Other regiments should send in their orders early. Gen. Gillmore's Visit to the Hospitals? 9 Very suddenly and unexpectedly Gen. Gill more, ^ giving himself a short leave of absence from his Headquarters at Morris Island, anived here on _ Friday morning, last week. After visiting the Gen. Hospital, and taking kindly by the hand the wounded soldiers and speaking to them words of encoungement and comfort, inquiring into their wants and treatment, he made a flying visit to Beaufort, where he was received with a salute and other appropriate honors. While there, he visited all tne hospitals in the town, and had a general word of comfort for every patient His visit had a good effect on the patients. Their eyes * grew brighter; their spirits, cramped and low, i seemed to have imparted to them some of the * glow and vivacity of their visitor. Every one ? i ? _ . 3 1_ _ 1 _1 l!i? * ll seemed to nave gained a new noiu on me, ana ail signs of depression and despair passed quickly away. Such acts of kindness directed to each and every one, on the part of Geueral Gillmore, are worth a thousand tonics. It shows to the poor sufferer stretched upon a bed of pain, and necessarily to a great extent, without the cheering presence of a friend, that they have one in the Commanding General who has a care for and interest in their welfare. And in this is found potent medicine?a mysterious balm that carries with it a power to reanimate the drooping, cheer tho depressed and awaken in all the brightest and mcst sunny emotions of the human breast. We hope that General Gillmore may find time in the midst of his arduous duties to frequently ?repeat the pleasant visitation among the wounded of his command. BhiO -Ge*. Stevexsos.?Gen. Stevenson who has for some time, been under the weather, obtained a leave of absence, on 44 Surgeons Certificate of disability,* * and sailed for New York in the McCI ell an, Capt. Gray, on Wednesday last. Gen. Stevenson's absence we trust will not be of long duration, as we cannot spare him at this juncture of affairs. Gen. Stevenson's Brigade is one of the finest in the Department, always to be depended upon and always ready for duty. It will be under the command of CoL Hawley of the 7th Conn., during the General's absence. Capt. Robert Claik and Lieut. Fred. A. Sawyer, Aide-de-Camp, will accompany Gen. Stevenson North. We wish them a pleasant trip and an agreeable visit among their kindred and friends. ?" Justice" writes us that we were in error about the torpedos taken in Folly River. He claims that they were discovered and taken out by the crew of the U. S. S. McDonough. O K as long ?s they're out, keep a sharp lookout fof more of the same sort* A Real Blessing. The Sanitary Commission have been doing a glorious work in this Department. Each regiment on Morris Island has been supplied by them with tanks of ice water, the ice furnished regularly every day. Large quantities of tomatoes, onions, and potatoes, (new crop) limes, lemons, curried cabbage, (an excellent article to prevent scurvy) and other articles not to be had of the Commissaiy, have been distributed among the regiments. Dr. Marsh?the active and humane Superintendent sent North and procured 300 barrels of pure cider vinegar. This is made into wholesome and invigorating drink by the addition of water, ice, white sugar and Jamaica Ginger, and all who require it are supplied. Gen. Gillmore fully appreciates the labors of the commission as will be seen by his Gen. Order published by us last week, and our noble army of soldiers, lighting under the scorching sun on the hot, barren sands of these Sea Islands, will always re member with gratitude the United State* Sanitary Commission. The New Naval Ordnance Officer.?Among the passengers in the steamer McClellan, Captain Gray, last week was commander Daniel Amnion, U. S. N., who has been recently appointed Ordnance Officer of the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron. Capt. Ammon is well known in tl is Department as commander first of the gunbuat Seneca, whose gallant services have passed into history, and more recently as the commander ol the Monitor Palapsco, which bore so gallant and important a post in the brilliant attack on Fort Sumter on the 7th of April last, under Admiral Du Pont. In his new position, to which will / be added lor a time, the duties of Chief of Stall', Capt. Aiumen brings a thorough knowledge of ordnance, a wide experience, lino professional at- ^ tainments, and a warm, genial disposition. Ue I cannot fail to become a popular and valuable ! officer. Departure of Lieut.-Col. Hall for the ! North.?Among the passengers by the McClellan was Lieut.-Col. James F. Hall, Provost Alarshal General, who is about to indulge in a short leave of absence, to gain much needed recreation, as weu as iu uueuu iu suiue nuponaui uusmcss connected with this Department. Col. Hall, has performed his arduous and delicate duties as Provost Marshal, eminently well and to the perfect satisfaction of all, always excepting the evil-doers, and they cannot with truth, complain that even justice has not been done them. We but express a universal wish that the gallant Colonel may soon return, his health renewed, and his stock of good spirits replenished to the maximum standard. Illness of Capt. Moore.?We regret to learn that Capt. John H. Moore, Chief Quartermaster in the Field, is now confined to his quarters on Morris Island by an attack of dysentery, which has considerably sapped his strength and vigor. He,, however, in spite of his illness manages to transact his business as usual. We trust that he will speedily recover from his indisposition, and regain his full physical powers again. He is quite too valuable an officer to be spared in these stirring umes. Col. Shaw's Monumkst.?A special effort to raise money for the erection of a monument to the memory of the late Col. Shaw, of 64th Mass. Reft., will be made in the colored Baptist church of this place, on next Sabbath, 20th inst., at 11 o'clock, A. M. A discourse will be delivered by Rev. James Lynch of Baltimore, Missionary to Freedmen. Subject:?The colored man's hope and responsibility. ? The Fulton left for New York last evening, taking one hundred rebel prisoners, who are to be placed in Fort Columbus. They were all privates,! the officers are still retained here. Another Prize.?The Clyde built side-wliecl steamer Jupiler 184 feet long, 19 feet beam, formerly a passenger boat on the Clyde, was captured by the U. S. S. Cimarron (formerly spelled C'imerone) at half past three o'clock last Sunday morn. ' - - -- .? . .1 n?i l _ :_j . ing in attempting to run me oiockuu-j mu? Savannah by the way of Wassaw Sound. She has a well assorted cargo of liquors and medicines among the latter a good quantity of quinine, t-lie had for passengers four officers of the Royal Xary, (English, d?m 'emj an agent of the Confederacy named Weaver, and a commercial agent. Also Nassau and Savannah pilots. She is now hero and will be sent to Philadelphia in a lew days. ? Major II. G. Usher, Paymaster U. S. A., arrived here last Thursday, on the Bermuda with nearly a million and a half of dollars for the troops in this Department. If our brave soldiers are no< promptly paid it will be only for want of a sufficient number of Paymasters here. We ought to have several more im r.ediately. Morris Island.?We are again without our usual letter from Morris Island. Matters are, however, very quiet and there is little of interest to record. The late Southeast gale must have been very severe, causing, no doubt, another general pulling up of stakes. Honorable Appreciation.?A day or two since, two Captains of the 100th N. Y. Vols., although never having received any assistance directly or indirectly, gave to the Sanitary Commission Fund, ten dollars each and expressed an intention to do the same thing on each returning pay-day. The Surgeon of the 39th Illinois also gave tive dollars. Others should go and do likewise for the Stfhitary Commissi" n is doing a noble ana heroic worn lor our soiaiers in the neia. Battle Flags.?'1 he two rebel flags sent to tho Governor of Maine, by General. Cillmore were captured by Privates Moses Goodwin and David Hoyt of Company I, 9th Maine Infantry and not of Company C, as stated in our last issue. Company I, was commanded by Lieutenant Billings Brastow. Death of the Widow of Admiral Foote.? The widow of Admiral Foote died in New Haven on Wednesday evening, September 2, after a long illness. Just two months, to a day, have intervened between the death of the Admiral and bis wife. She retained the full vigor of her mental, powers until within a few minutes of her death. DEATHS. JohnE. Kimball, Private, Co. B, 1st U..S. Art., Sept. 8, remittent fever. Lorenzo D. Lane, Private, Co. A, 4th N. II. Vols., Sept. 11, typhoid fevo.-. N. D.Chase, Private. Co. K, 9th Maine Vols., Sept. 13, typhoid fever. James Allen, Private, Co. B, 2d S% C. Vols., September 11. John Shumshet, Private, Co. H,. 100th N. Y. Vols., typhoid fever. Jefferson Smith, Prisoner of "War,. Cist N. C. Vols., Sept. 8, wounds. E. Devall, Private, Co. F, 85th Pa^ Vols., Sept. >12, wounds. Elijah Lyon, Sergeant, Co. B, 144th N.ew York Vols., Sept, 5, typhoid fever. Wm. H. Marquis, Private, Co. C,.85th Pa. Vols., Sept. 12, wounas. Isaac Gard, Private, Co. E, 3d U. S. colored. Private John Hubbs, Co. E, 127th New York Vols., Folly Island, Sept. 8, typhoid fever and diarrhea. i r>.v V v x nvaio uuuaiuau a* iicuncit9 iv j*i u? Y., Vols., Folly Island, Sept. U, chronic diarrhea. Corporal Peter D. Warren, N. Y. Ind. Battalion, and on detached service as 2d Lieut. 3d S. C. Vols. Hilton Head, S. C, Sept. 17, of congestive fever. . 2d Lieut. E. A. Swain, Co.. F,.3d S. G. Vols., on Morris Island, Sept. 14, typhoid fever. LOST?At Morris Island, on the 12th inst., a Morocco Bound Pocket Memorandum Book, opens on the end, fastening with elastic band, and containing various memoranda- and documents of no value to any one but the owner. The finder will confer a great favor by leaving it at Col. Hall's,. Provost Marshal, Morris Island, or at the Provost Marshal's Office, Hilton Head,.and will be liberallyrewarded for his trouble. J. W. 1L.UILL. /