University of South Carolina Libraries
ft / / / / . ' if, Wii t? - CASUALTIES ON MORRIS ISLAND Concludedfrrrn l<uloctek\ to?v.? -i' -nT~.~J.A rAl "VV 71 R?r , 'tor II I UKDl. rp U? r(UC(* vva? i r -? , ton, Sergt. liobt. McKelier, Privates James Hall, James Brady, David White, Peter Nolan, Francis Cummeiford, Joel Amos, John Nolan, John Holahen, John Lewis, Patrick Smith, ueorge Carman, L. .Mccarty, Oapt. Noro A. Pill wing, Sergt. peter W. bmith, corp. Freeman Atwood, Privates Wm. Brown, John Holton, Thomas MoGarry. W. McCloud, Charles Travis, Thomas Van iassel, Adam AVeisant, Robert Maxwell, chas. Scott, Sergts. Frankenberg, Lawrenec, Schultz, Corps. L. Bond, -J?0 Brien and Warner, Privates Bondy, Betts, JDeuissey, Gorman, Osborne, Ryan, Jonu Smith, "IT. Mason. M. Carroll. Ai. Sullivan, John 0 Brien, Capt/ Jkiiies 0. I'axton, 1st Sergt. Patterson, Sergts, J. G.Abbott, A. Lippencott, Corps. L. Primm, Christopher Haibison, T. White, privates E. H. Croasdale, D. Euimons, J. Groham, W. J. Howell, T. Jones, Timothy Moon, J. Spear, E. Souder, H Stiles, J. Zeinriek, 1st Sergt. ceorgc Morton, Sergt. Sweeney, (Jorps. James l)uun, Edward Johuson, Bugler \Y. Andrews, Privates Andrew Evans, W. T. Mayor, D B. Kumsey, C. Smalls, Thos. Walters, George Dcgaruio, William T; Mauley, Frederick Post, J. B. Kayuor, F. Taylor, A. Vreeland, Wakefield, J. Hanua, Capt. .-anti. Swartwant, 1st Sergt. Hutchinson, Corpls. Ouderkirl*, L. E Lyon, Privates M. Bower, J. H. Deacon, W. Furniss, J. Motteshed, D. ilcManus, H. McFarland, M. Nolan, J. Kyan, E. Shendan, W. TuttK;, L. Vorheef, capt. W. L. Lockwood, Lieut. James A. Barrett, lstborgt. Edwards, bergt. Sparks, Corps. W. \V. Luyster, Privates Burr, riurfi*KVcmnsLn.nrovcs. A.ilavcns.Hall,Johnson. I Charles Limmey, Lynch. Laxy, Mackey,JE. Miller, Powles, H. Walling, J. Zerks, Lieut. A. F. Miller, 1st Sorgt. U Bible bey-; Wounded or Mining? Sergts. John Smith and D. Johr son, Corporals A. ilillicker, A. Ellison, M* Westcrfleld,. G. J. Oregovy, Benj. Seward and J. Brower, Privates N. S- Ackerly, W. Bouton, M. lbf-Conklin, W. H. Conklin, (J. F. Conklinf- Frankjjt'onklin, II. Dingeo, William Hess, J. J. J ohh*on, Thomas Kelley, Olias Mills, James McPherson, J. S~ McKee, P. Ostrauder, Luke Hose, Wm. S. Scudder. Horatio Terrell, Wm. Vance, M. VanerkeB; Missing? Lieut. C. E. Fox, Scrgf. T. J. Carman, Corps. Vmien burg, Jesse Smith, Frivates Patrick Brady, it. M. Cann. Patrick Dnrmcgan, ffeinrictTLimburg, Wm. McCormick, James Larkm, Daniel Nelson, Walter Smith, Luther Ketchim, Cornelius Cadmus, . 0 Sergt. J. R. Depcw, Corps John Gardner, Sidney, Wadhams, Isaac J. Mason, Alexander Ilyers, Goo. Tucsdcll, Privates Martin Coil'ee, Johu Coti'ec, John Curtis, Danl. Dycknian,* John Bonaghy, Danl. Madden, John Vannaess, William J. Owen, <'ari ltoDricnt, .losepu silver*, mm. k. amiin, Jsaac Tileock's, John Wild ay, Becker, Fenwick, King, Lord, Levy, Larkin, Marshall, J. A. Smith, Sturges, Nesbiti, Ilibson, Sergt. G. W. Crammer, ? orp. L. 0. Chnrch, Privates D. Basworth, J. B Bechtel, D. Clifton, J. Clark, C. M. Cole, J. D. Ladge, C. W. Monnee, A. Mason, A. Palmer, H. Smith, Corps. Geo. Gardner, Chas. llaincs, Caswe.l A. Bates, Privates K. Anderson, J. Burton, J. Brown, James Do Jan, Robt. Dougls s,F. Gil mere, AV.' Hawkins. Clias. Messenger, R. McNally, P. Smith, C. Smith, AV". B. Terry, T. A'asey, Vangaut, Corps. J. A. Hyatt, R. (J. Williams, AV. B. Howard, Privates AV. Burns, H. AV. Killogg, M. Limage, T. Lcwerv, J. Murphy, M. McLinehan, L. Bobbins, Sergt. Clayton, Corp. AA'alling, Privates Jeremiah Allen, Joseph Allen, Cormell, Church, Clarkson, Ford Givcrney, Jloft', Leo, Morlin,Nichols, Pease, Payne, Pierce Stebbings, Wilson, AA'ithcrspoon, Zorasky, Job Limiuy, Steigler, < apt. Fred, liurst; Killed?Lieut -Col. James M. Green, Capt. James parrel!, Lieut. Robt. S Ed wards, private Hani.Kane, Lieut. Joseph Taylor, Privates J. F. Fonday, AV- J I. Foley. bru Maine.?Killed?Private A. AV. Avcrill, Musician Amos Hanson; Wounded?Col. Saby.e Emery, Adjt. James K. Shepard, ijeigt.-Major iin.a fa t fliavlo<t A - Brooks. 1st Serarf. 11. Beverly, .^crgts. Geo. Burby, Wm, Fencll, Henry Hopkins, Privates A. Stanhope, W. Stanhope, ltcrry, Corps. G. W. Smith, A. Mclnkch, 0. U'edm^uH Davis, L. T. Jtoso, ("apt. Alfred F. * Lieut. It. F. Whitten, 2d Lieut. G. B. M^^^Hver^t. J). K. Coomes, Scrgt 1). M. HoyHM^cian G. L. Cobbcte. Privates James If. Bennett M. M. Dontz, W. J. Barren, A. J. Alexander, B. F. Virgin, TV Hunter, Lienf^^B Kmerson. Sergt W A Gumboil, Privates 41 Brown, Geo Covey, Leoman Austiug, C CJH H I) D Anderson, G L Blair, 11 Clerk, John ? ??* ?fn v i\JM H Miuchfield, J M Preseott, M 11 Welch, B 1 ^ .1 A* hadwick, Dun Fee, (} W rairbrothei%|5JB tB| S .Mill. (' A Eastman, K(J Farr, (r () Xeia'ry^^M _ Morrell, L A Wcleh, T W Tread well, J L del, Alwood Young, D. A Kowe, W W ^ T .1 llanaford, D T Wanen, "Willard Hall, T l|^^H V.'ia l-eub.'u Andrews, Daniel AthV^H ( Pavid Morrison, Hugh Monroe, John Codry, C B Fish, Jerry Foley, F B Lord. Corp J II Sweeney, C H Clark, J W Leighton, John Morrisy, L D Smith, John Bark, J D Norcess, Louis Kent, L H Mayi, G W Hichardson, HC Armington, John Fitzspatrick, J Harmon, Ardell White, H Chase, J Smith, G Williams, G Grove, J Manchester; Miaring?Lient. A N Goodwin, Sergt E E Collins, Privates W penton, J Morse, G Stoples, W Crookcr, J G Bowker, J Wood volt, Corp GH D -mem ore, Private Alfred Sava.e, Corp L E Derring, Privates M L Page, J E Cushman, H C Barrows, Sergt G W Harris, Corps Geo P Nnll-ng, .Win Campbell, CaptChester B Shaw,Corp WHH Merrill, Privates A Williams, R Greenlaw. ? 100th New York.?Killed?Sergt Chas L Henders. Privates Cohrad Lite, Victor Rocksich, Segts Robert Kirk, Jno L Hegel, Corp. Chas Dayton, Private Fred LhefTer; Wounded?Major D D Nash, 1st Sergt Byron Buston, Sergt JasL Gay lord Corp Nicholas Sbutr, Privates F L Arnold, John Beauchupt, John G Fega, Peter Kelly, Wallace Shirk Weather, Corp Wm Gerreck, Privates Abram L Wood, Musician Aleush, 2d Lieut Michael Fuday, 1st Sergt Benj F Hughson, corps Qnincy A. Lerbard, Esra N Hoag, Charles Reardon, l;onald D. 31cKay, Privates Patrick Corcoran, Geo W 1sdale, Geo. Langemeyer, Fred Luckman, James McKeener, August Rochansen, Muiane L Waus, Geo. J Webb, John W Whaples, panl. Campbell Richard Hughes, Henry Matthey, Wm H Mason, Andrew Morey, Richard Welch' John H Williams, Qorp Wallace A Tonsley, Privates W C Bates, Isaac T. Mossop, Henry Slidell, Hiram Ellis Sergt Patrick Lynch, Corp W H Conroy Privates ,,T * ?* *? T Innna (Ihirlogtun I >Y A AUDUIIj liUKVJ y ?V/tlU4 I Lester Seversey, Gilbert S Pater, Ernest Phillips, Julius F Skinner, Andrew Mirter, Capt Charles II Kenert Eergt August Giebler, Corp John Mangold, frivates W C Barthauer, John H Brownley, August Dryer, II C Ellsworth, John D Gartnin, C ijhimmerling, John L Kloeberg, Geo Long, chas Laty. Fred F Main, C Miller, C Richeimer, Lewis Venderlip, liobt Younglone, Sergt Geo Morgan, Corp Lewis A Whitney, Privates Michael Baker, James P Bailey, Andrew Ball, W C Brown, Ernst H Frrman, Fiank Housted, Barney Hoister, John Savory, John Locnart!, All red II ^Villard, Sergts Paul Everts, C JTSmery, Privates John Allen, B J Dougherty, AGarrsite, It Henderson, M Shephan, J Sinanphet, Thos Warton. F Melvm, Capt tVarren Granger, Sergts Pratt, Frank Davy, Corps William H Stacy; Henry II Henshow, Privates Bobt Abrahams, James Allen, Luther Damron. John BHandfast, Henry Krauser, Geo Xewland, Fred Nader, Phillip Ritaert; Mining?Adjutant HII Haddock, Corps Clark Dicker man, Jnstin Semur, Privates C Rhf?haIL.Iohn Presbv, John Stintmana, 1st Lieut. John McMann, Corp Henry Dressing, Privates Lawrence C-dlahan, Geo Kilborn, Muuaner Mathews, Michael McGuire, 2d Lieut. Cyru9 Brown, Sergt Chas Pettis, Privates Daniel Bryce, M Bricc.* Paul Hanard. Wm Mitcher, Barnard Smith, P Pranks, W H Hicks, Andrew Snyder, Felix Eysmaun Chas Gesty, John ityer, Lewis Standler J G Brock. Max Garclienheen, Lewis Kiter, Edger Strickland, Corp John Laxown, Privates VV Eggert, James Williamson, J G Borneen, Denis AHubber, Johrt E Memer, 1st Lieut James Kavanaugh, 1st Sergt E N Clark, Private Fred Coster, J Kimble, L Datterson, II Bouts, D M Murahaven, W Can, C Hurst, W Meenley, N. Piper, E Townsends, Corp T J BufTora, Privates M C Baker, Jno H Gibson, Adam Kirsch, Orlando Moore, Paul Liebert, Wm. Tutterling, Meritt Wakes, Ebenczer N White, M B Ackroyd, Lewis Bilchofi'er, Valentine Kail lieuben Moore, Geo Kuss, Wra Tuttleberg, Ernest * 1 tr"" 1 \\ are,.iacoo t* lmeinui, ?2d Lieut Cbas H Kiencker. 6nr Connecticut.?Wounded?Col Juhn L Chat field, Sergt.-Major (recently commissioned 2d Lieutenant), John King, Missi/.g. Co. A.?Wounded?Sergt George Bellows, Corp Hiram L Grant, D H Crandall, A il Bosworth, \V. S Perry, Privates Frank E Morse, Byron H GouM, John A Collins; Missing?2d Lieut Marshall J. Tourtcllotte, Sergt Albert Hoar, James Dunn, C F Hill, Hugh MoChinc, jr., David C Palmer, and Martin If Shu bora t o. B.?Killed?Corp Ira D Jones, Private Edmond Lodgers; Wounded? Privates Phineas L Squire, Franklin J Atwaler, Win Sullivan, Win Ershain. James McBrien, Patrick McNamana; Missing? Privates Thomas Irwin and Moses S Halt. Co. C.?Killed?Sergt Gustave DoBocge. Corp Win Glisman, Privates Valentine Blencl, B Gin" ' ? VT.iuot* PS .Mcisser ana Augus IU3 liuooo | rr v?i?Michael Stark. John Daniker, Privates lair, Jacob Ernst, Gustavo Fritche, ler, Felix Wieprcht, Mathias Wieser; orps Andrew Winter, Charles Kinston ts Frensel, Ferdinand Elmer, Edward Wni Lenscber, Augustus Scholboth, rank \7bite and Musician Louis Da?eL -Killed.?Private W A Morehouse ; 2d Lieut ilartiu Stattlar, Corps Wm s McGee, Egbert Jackwood, John GraMct'eeloy; Mining?John A Miles, Co. Ei?Wounded?(.apt Edward S Hudson, Scrgt Wm Berkeley, Privates Abbott Peck, Wm. Dougal, Albert M Scott, Hngh Laughlin Thomas Ca/y; M ssing?Geo H Smith. Co. F.?Wounded?Is: Sergts W H Stole.-, H ! W Donis, privates Edward Pierpont, Phillip Suihluerville, Andrew Cadwell; Mining?Corps J C Anderson, Benj Terrell, John F Lriscall, Private George E Badge. Co. G.? Wounded?2d Liout Walter Fitch, Corps Carnes Cummin, s, W Hassfall, Privates L P Cook Julius Frank. Martin B Eddy. Michael Roberson, Marshall Dowd, Matthew McMahon; Lining?Merritt A Loomis, Wm Susaman, C'has Griffin. Co. H.?Wounded?Sergt. Edwin Ortam, Francis Buntley. Gustave Schmidt, Frederick Spean, VattKiau Vl^s<u.p lnlinq Atinan. Wm. Shultz. .lohn Trelber, Oscar Gerbcr, Daniel Kichord, Bochus Hortuny, Otman Pfeift er, Geo. Kelterer, Fred. Meyers, Win. Hebstock, Geo. Ketzal. Miss ng? Lieut. Rudolph Kaste, Sergt. Andres YTnu , Corp. Jacob Schrotf, Corp. Fred Kuden, Edward Sapt. Co. I.?Killed?Lieut. S. S. Stevens, (on Gen. , Gillmore's Stat!'). Wounded?Lieut. 1). J. West, Sergt. Chas. H. Grogan, C'orp. Joseph C. Bar.den, Corp. Gerritt Piatt, Ge??. W. Hutckings, Edward B.Taylor, Isaac S. Taylor, David W. Hodge, Mi sing?Woolsey Abbott, Patrick Deary, 31 icbaeI Fliun, Alonzo Phillips. Robert C. Rich, Albert TV. Stacy, Geo. W. Warner. Co. K.? Wounded?Sergt. T nomas S. Sillctt, Corpl. Wm. L. Williams, Corp. Ambrose Crockloft. Missing? Corp. Joseph A. TYouster, Art raus Fousley, Wm. held. 64t4 Mass.?Killed?Col. P. G.bhaw, Geo. TV. Street, AIL ed Green, Jessee Brown, Morris Brown, Kobt. J. Semnions, iiogan. Wounded?Major E. N. Hallowell, Adjt. G. TV. Jatnes, (japt. E. L. Jones, Capt. Geo. Pope, Capt. C. J. Bin-sell. Capt. J. W. M. Appleton, Lieut. K. H. L. Jernett, Lieut. W. II. Homans, Sergt. Whaker, Cordis. Morris, Rankin and Plowdin, Privates Chaney, Hopkins, Kinnard, Prater. Prasser, TVillmore. Ar tis, Coggswell, Davis, rnoroas, fiagcriy, r,vans, Fisher, Griffin, Gillraore, Lloyd, Mills, Milton, Harnes, Fow*er, Prirc, Jacob Christy, .none, Rag'.ns, H. Tiptin, H. Watson, li. H. Williams, W. Smith, Sergt. Whiting, Corpb. Augustus, Brady, and Lyons, Privates Burgess, Freeman, Gaines, J. Johnson, 8. Johnson, Manghs, Pillow, Stoner, B. Smith, fchornwbnrg, A. Watson, Watt, E. Williams, Woods, Sorgta. Allen and Monroe, Corpls. Lane and Gardner, K. Caldwell, Halo, Williams, Goner, Jones, Sergt. Benton, Cross, Brady and Aikens, Privates Bancroft, Hill, Eamilton, Glover. Livingston Nettles, Perow, Patter, B Smith, Townsend, G. Wilson, Halsted, A, Willis, W. Wilson, Taylor, Porter, J. Willis, Prnym, Sergts. II. W. Carney and fcatnl. Layton i Corps. Geo. Delatren, Jas. Hosbrook, Neison^ Benton, and A Ivan; F. Tarrence, Lewis A. Fleetwood, Eli Franklin, Ira lluUeyi Geo. F. Lewis, John Scott, Geo. Prill. Nathan Young; Sergts. Morgan and J. .It. Wilson; Corpl Blondin, John A. Barker,.Wioey, William Ellis, Charles Body, Jas Cotfiian Corry, Chas. Clark,Benj. Grinace, Garrison. Howard, Hedgpath, William Meyers,-John Miller, garrison Mickcls, Chas.-Robertson,^Chas. Stanton, John Stephens, William lyier, wiuiam unaerwood, Sergts. Gulsey and Ja?kson, PrivatesBriggs, Band, Cosamer, Deforest, Dean, Gibson, oco. Jackson, Knipe, Kcsler, Reason, Whitson, A. Richardson, Sergt. Menimer, Geo. Hall, George Keal, Samuel Xcal, James Cole, Jas. Nots. Win. Hill, Solomon Wagner, Alfred Lee, P. C. (.'ooper, Bennett, Russ, (arter, Miles, Grover, Ifanes, Washington, Howley. Mitswg?Harrison, Gillespie, Albert, Burghordt, Inguu, Pord. Garrison, Hincs, Hallcnback, 8. Jackson, J. B. Robinson, Lamb, Pierce, Waison, Whipple, Smith, Anderson, Sergt. Morgan, E. Washerbciber. Clias. Williams, Louden, Granger, Joo Anderson, John "* - " * 1 ik00l{8, lico. A1I15IM , ?#. uaiiar, cauii. Saral. R. Wilson. John A Crewd;n, Geo. Grant, James Eletts, David Keilcy, Wm. Kiggs, Geo. fionucil, A. Woods, Corp. lYoctor, Lopemau, Weeks, Butler. Anderson, corpl. Chas C. Green, Privates Joseph T. Hall, Cornelius Denser, Saral. Johnson, Tredtvell Turner, Jos. R. Campbell. ADVERTISEMENTS. UNITED .STATES ARMY AND NAVY NIGHT COM PAS <en. Patented May 6th, 1S62. The advantages of these Compasses over all others in um are. that they can be read distinctly at night, without the aid of an artificial light. For reconnoitering the petition of the enemy, night movements, Ac., where a light dare not be used without t*'* iwatpst dancer, they are invaluable. Used by Major Generals McClellau, Hooker, Bnrnside, Hunter, Pops; Major Meyers, Chief of Signal Department, and others. Every Officer and Soldier should have one. Phi z : id, H, f*. $2 50, *2, and $1 25. For sale by JOSEPH Jff. SEARS. FOR SALE.-?A fine lot' of Matched Dressed Ponrd, Timber, Doors, Sash, Roofing, &c. JOS. H. SEARS, # The N"tnv South 0(K?.e,