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'' ?"*** p. ; * THE HEW SOUTH. Jos. H Sears, Editor and Proprietor. PORT ROYAL, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1863. OUR RELATIONS WITH ENGLAND. The report of Messrs. Aspinwall and Forbes, who have reeently arrived here from England, is said to be not very satisfactory. It is now apprehended that the rebel fleet wiU be permitted to sail from the British ports, in spite of all the agents of our government. Who doubts or has ever donbted the policy of "perfidious Albion with reference to ourtrou blej?r And who doubts that this great upheaval of the "Spirit of the North" is aught else than the commencement of a series of conflicts which, in the hands of the Almight y is to go on extending, , till the Circle of a true and holy freedom shall surround the downtrodden of every Christian land ? The brutal slaveholder of the South is no more an oppressor than the landed and titled Aristocracy of the old world. Their interests, their sympathies, their sentiments are identical?"keep down the masses,''?"the few were made to govern the many Ac.," Why should we be surprised at the course the English Government is pursuing in our matters ? We must prepare for the worst. We must be re-baptised in the high and holy fountain our fath ere were?the spirit 0/ *76. We must gird up our loins and prepare our armor for a conflict the like of which the world has never seen. But out of 1 this great trial shall arise A Nation,?a People such as God will delight to look upon and bless. Then we say, no tmce to rebels, no truce to slavery. No peace movement in the Cabinet or among the people till Man, in all the splendor of his God given attributes, shall gain the lofty-summit of his destiny. Sighal Officers Wounded.?We have before alluded to the efficient services rendered by the Signal Corps in the operations on Morris Island, bnt we have inadvertantly omitted to mention that several of them were wounded, none, we are happy to say, dangerously. Lieut. Townsend L. Hatfield, on Gen. Seymour's Staff, while with the General at the front during the severe engagement of July 18th, received a painful contusion in the right leg, from a grape shot, having a narrow es. cape from worse injuries. This was just before Gen. Seymour was himself wounded, and Lieut. Stevens, his Aide-de-Camp, killed. Lieut. Edwin H. Hickock, on the lamented Gen. Strong's staff, was struck, early in the engagement, by a cannister or grape charge, which riddled his coat, one shot tearing the collar and several others passing through the front of the garment. He received only a severe contusion in the arm, but his escape r from death was almost miraculous. Lieut. Paul Brodie was on the Pavrnee, when the rebels attacked her so furiously with a field battery at only 350 yards distance. He was wounded m the shoulder, bat continued the performance of his duty, andtb connection with Lieut. Cross, who was with the land forces, was of great assistance to Capt. Balch and Gen. Terry, in effecting the final repulse of the enemy. IMO Ice.-^^ uiant's stock ot ice nas given out, but w^^^^^por long. A cargo left Boston 35 day^^^^Ha has not been heard from ; another car^^Bffeady due here. We miss the ^ ice, and pray for a new supply. j PflWsr Marshal at Beaufort.?Capt. R. GB Greenleaf, of the 4th New Hampshire, so long _ vost Marshal at Beaufort, has been ordered mB| Morris Island, where he is acting in the samel HKl^Lapacity. He was temporarily relieved at Beau^ l^^^Vfort, hv Major Stevens, of the First Massachusett s Cavalry. ^ L Thi Nkw Wharf at Bat Point.?A few days since we were one of a party to visit Bay Point, where we were kindly entertained by Lieut. Goodwin, of the 8d K. 1. Artillery, in command at the post, Mr. John Pitta, naval sutler, and others. * a ^A at a Among the most nonceame matters at uie pusi, is the new naval wharf now nearly completed, and in regard to which we have learned some facts. The contract for the wharf was made with Mr. Alfred Lee, on the 14th of January, 1863, by the Navy Department at Washington. On the 4th of February Mr. Lee arrived by the Jr'ago, as the contractor Cor the Navy at Bay Point. He promptly gave notice to the Admiral, but the Engineer of the coast survey was absent, and did not make the survey until the last of the month, when he found the ground was so much different from the plan, that the matter was referred back to Washington. On the 7th of April Mr. Lee came back again, but it was then decided that the wharf was too low, and a new grade must be established. On the 13th of May Admiral Du Pont directed a change of the grade to sixleet above high water mark, and several days afterwards Mr. Lee got his orders to proceed. The original plan was for a pile wharf of eighty seven rows, and built in the shape of a T. The main stem is 521 feet long by 42 feet G inches wide, and the top of the T is 201 by 42 feet 6 inches. make the plan complete, to the original was added a pile bridge 1200 feet long and 12 feet wide; and at the date of the notice to Mr. Lee to commence work, the timbers Ad piles were growing in the woods and the hot season rapidly approaching. The bridge will now be completed in a few days. The wharf is within some ten or twelve rows of the top of the T, and vessels drawing 20 feet at high water can then come alongside. The piles are zinced to keep the worms from destroying the timber, and all parts of the wefrk is done in the most substantial manner. The zinc, iron and plank comes from the North, &pd a large part of it is already delivered and ready for use. vopi* UUUlCUtj iU UAO ivyvili IV IUV UlfOlU VI ^VU* struction at Washington, gives the contractor great credit for going fifteen miles back from the coast to get the yellow pine for the wharf, while all the wharfs bnilt for the government in this section are composed of loblolly pine, which will not last more than three years. A railway is to ran from the end of the pier to a high and dry sand bluff three-fourths of a mile off upon which is to be built the depot for Naval Stores of all kinds. The piles for this road are already in and the superstructure nearly ready for the rails. Mr, Lee, Mr. Smith his assistant and all others connected with the work are certainly entitled to great credit for their energy in having accomplished so much, when surrounded with so many difficulties. We must not omit to mention that Lieut. Goodwin's guns were in perfect order and everything nKnnl hi. irrnnnrla oa nnat oa a Tkin Ul/VUV AAI9 VUUU0 (M UVUV WU H Promotion's.?Lieut. Israel R. Scaly, of the 47th New York, has been promoted to a Captaincy in the same regiment. Lieut* Sealy came out as a private, and has earned his promotion, through all the gra les, to the rank he now has. He has been for some time detached as an Assistant Adjutant General on the staff of the General Commanding the Departmeut, a position for which he has more than usual ability, and in which he has, by his courtesy, faithfulness and industry, won the respect and esteem of all with whom he has had official business relations. ?2d Lieut. Fred. Sawyer, of the same regiment, has been promoted to a First Lieutenancy. He is u .t. . J x. x? n_i J: n - I O OOW atiacneu 10 me sum 01 crigauier uenerui aierenson, as Brigade Commissary. His many friends will rejoice to bear of his promotion. Prize Captured bt the Abago.?On her last i trip North, on the 21th ult., in latitude 33 degrees 41 minutes north, longitude 70 degrees 13 minutes west, the steamer Jrago overtook and captured the steamer Emma, of London, Capt. David LcsWilmington, N. C., bound to Bermuda, ' 1^, rosin and cotton, and two passen-! Lirris of New Orleans, and H. S. Hi i, on board. t.?Lieut. H. V. B. Richardson, of has been appointed Assistant Cornier*. a position for which he is well 0 1 I Jack's Idea or Dignity.?The following joke; *x-Vii/?Vi moo nornpfrfltod nnAn nnr fir?f nor nnatinn of Morris Island, is too good to be lost, either to the local or general public. It will be recollected that four boat-howitzers, manned by Union tars, preceededGeneral Strong's brigade, as it crept up Folly river to the right of the enemy's position. After the landing of Gen. Strong's force had been made, and the enemy routed from their batteries and camps, the sailors having an eye open to the general results, began to take unto themselves whatever pleased them. One of them caught a secesh mule, and the thought of a ride on said mule having forcibly suggested itself, Jack immediately confiscated a rope lying near by. With this rope he contrived a bridle, and, mounting the mule, he took position upon the animal's rump. The mule neither fancying the bridle or the flanking position which Jack was occupying, began a series of stops, starts ami kicks, which every moment threatened Jack's equilibrium. While this equestrian performance was taking place?the mule elevating himself in every direction and Jack trying to maintain his scat with nothing but a fath< m's length of rope to help % him?a naval officer hove in sight and volunteered the following advice '< Jack why don't you ride amidships ? you will manage him better." Jack taking advantage of a lull in the mule's operations, saluted his officer, and with a full consciousness of his rights replied :? j ? This is the first craft I ever commanded and I think it's d?d rough if I can't ride on the quarter aecK: ?It is barely possible, but not yet probable? that we may be obliged to suspend the New South for one issue, on account of the non-arrival of paper, ordered several months since, and long overdue liere.We had made our arrangements for a full and constant supply, but for some reason we have been disappointed. We make this announce ment that the public mind may, in some degree, be prepared for a possible realization of the great calamity which seems to threaten, in the non issue of the New South, for it is well known our mUifra sooner be deDrived of their rations than their newspaper. Matters at Morris Island.?We have nothing new of importance from Morris Island, later than is contained in our correspondence in another part of the paper. The rebels continue shelling us, with little interruption, but doing us scarcely any damage. Everything has a favorable look, and our troops are very hopeful and confident. When the rebels are so afmid of Gen. Gillmorc as they confess themselves to be, it is not surprising that our troops have the greatest faith in his plans. Hot Weather.?For a week past the weather has been very sultry, with no showers to cool and purify the air, a sea-breeze every day has been or.r comfort and salvation. As we write tbc themome ter indicates one hundred and live degrees above in the shade, and one hundred and twenty-six in the sun, and it is not the hottest part of the day. Still there are no signs of unusual sickness, either among the troops or civilians. The sanitary arrangements of the post are good, and we do not apprehend a very sickly season in the three mouths to come. Svtlf.u's in* tub Trexoies.?Our Morris Island correspondent informs U3 that several sutlers have l>cen arrested, and convicted of selling liquor and cheating the soldiers. Lieut.-Col. Hall, the Pro vost Marshal General, sent-them at once to the front, to dig in the trenches, carry shells, and do other drudgery, under a fire from the reliels, day and night, which they did not relish at all. After serving their country in that way, till contrition came, some of them were sent home, and a few were allowed to remain on probation. Port Commissary.?Capt. F. C. Ford, the Depot Commissary is home on a leave of absence rendered necessary by illness. He has been relieved by Capt. Henry E. Lord, the efficient Post Commissary, and the latter by Lieut. Dandy, of the 100th New York.