University of South Carolina Libraries
Ber.nett, ca^t ii. I> Lcavitt^Capt. W. E, F. i Brown. Wvundei?Adjt. If. u. Webber, Sergt.AlajorG. 1\ McCabo, Sergf. B. Cuiumiugs, Cor ?. L. Miller, A. H. Fenn, C. P. Ainneson. A. IJal!, C. F. (hrnme'l, P. Gammell, P. Greenwood, 0. P. Huasconib, T. llazen, J. Aobin. E. Poor, jr., 2<1 Lieut. Goo. Taylor, Corp. Horace Hunt, Thoa. Alois?, B. it. Pratt, Kergta. L%wr^nce and Lymington, Corp. Dodge, Henry Da\is D. KiOboIs, G. N. ~ ~ ri j Page, C.ipt. J. U. House, Corps, j. n. mrns aaa M Bowls, s. Applebee, J. L. Currieo, C.'llall, D. Fettengill, A. A. Smith, F. "W. Sleeper, Lieut. Wm. CI Knowlton, Corp. J. H. Caldwell, L. Emery, Geo. W. Berry, 0. (J. Burtt, II D. ILivris, J. M Kenneston, J. G. Sargent, Geo. \V. Stevens Joseph Stone*, i,orp K. O. Farrarnd, (B. Abbott, lieorgo W.Elliott, Charles Stevens, Corp. M. V. B. Pcikins, J. C. Bickford, M. IIms n, A. L. Litohlielsl, liobert Als>p (!. Dudley, W. Went worth, A. Wentwortii, J. Walch, F. Dunn, G. W. Hiphy, G. E. Buzzell, P. Iiaaghey, J. A. Hand, Satul. L?owniug, J. Perkins, D. C. Brown, J. A. Welch, (J. F. Smith, P. Maguiro, 1st Lieut. P. C. Ham, Sergts. J. W. West, J. A^Westand ,J. A. Jacobs; Corps. ii. A. Bridges aim M. II. Ta h ; J. I. Colhath, J. tiooley,White, Capt. W. W. Aiues, 1st Lieu*, i It U'.?r*v?vt?r Avonndi>J ?nd misstrwi Sereta. \Y. V. Spanieling find F. Lovajoy; Corps. W. 1. Spanlding, D. W. I lay den, an I O. Robinson ; C.E. Ariin, J I*. Bills, A. K. Bhzrell, M. II. Brown, 1). E.( nverly, J. H. Chase, W. B. Dow, B. F. French * .1. L. Garland, 0. A. Hale, Warren Lewis, J. M. # Ladd,G E. .Marshall C. ILOrdwav, Win.Stevens, Kufns Ward, J.iuut. P. B. Bryant, r- crgts. Ratchel dor and Brown; Corp. ('. A. llowell, W. 1!. Bixby, Patrick Brown; Liont. L. W Fogg, Sergt Hadley, George liainy, Josiah Gage, Albert Gummctt, Paul Whipple, Jos. York, Levi 1 itnan Misting Corp. A. 1.. loss. W. P. Heoiy, F. Ingerson, J. Xione, J. W* White, D. Fowle, J. A. Stevens, \ Chas. Newell, J 1> Meacne. I. Hays, J. B.Hall, L. (iould, D. A. Davis, C E Baily, LII Cuunuings, Geo Vincent, 1st Lieut V II ('ale (supposed dead) lM Lieut A G Lane, (suppo-ed dead) Sergts G -M Chase, E A Bruce, I) F Hinkson, C A Brown, Clark, J L Corliss, H J Gile, I Luccy,C F Leo, C i '1 ?* o?,?iL n rt c O T is genius, u i? oumu, r, JI oiaiK, Aergi .1 1- uusnu, Dorp. Harvey W Martin, A M Hand, A A Bnslieo J Clearis, It W Colby, C Grant, M McCono, S A Wood, 2d Lieut II W Baker, Sergts A G Stearns, Coo W Haven and Jos II Teal, L F Connor, E Daggett, Geo Gilm m, John Clancy, M K Kimball, B H llolmes, SamLMchlery, R Nolan, I) Pilchard, 1, (i Raymond, W Campbell J Colan, LE Edgerly, Ji Whidden, II W Willey, T S Voting, Corp .) N l'orkins, O Abbott, A J Berry, .1 C Howard, K C Head, F It Hoyt, W W Mayo. J C Morrell, F W Nelson, F B Robinson, J C Relation, Lieut, ( has. Cainscverebv, Sergt C K Mcpherson, Cerp M Mu?1 gan, W C EUiott, W H Farmer, J II Gregg, C B Hodgman, M H Hawkins, JII Smith, Saml Thompson, Albert W Wfecester, Hugh McDosle, t liarles l^Aulf T A?an?A U A^ /VAMil \iai?\j iiuuguoi. in n. u.?Killed?Adjt Alvan H Libby, Geo 0 Piper. Hounded?Col John 11 Jackson, LieutCol John licdeil, George Fogg, Win H Kcaruey, Geo E Johnson, Gideon Goty, Wua H Huntress, Capt Th<>8 M Jackson, James McGuire, Adna S Turner, Elbridge G Locke. Henry A Reynolds, Corp James Calvin, Wra Baker, Timothy O'Conuell, Peter Pelker, Peter Smith, A J Pettengill, A M Woek, J E IKrnsk, John Abbott, Charles West, Geo P Dolgu; 2(1 Lieut E J Button, Albert II Miliken; Corp Geo 0 Sceggell. James Il.McCrillis; Oapt Henry II Ayer, Corps Edward 11 Ay?r and Edward Cotter; A N Lockwood, Corp E Whito, Dav.d H Pelkey, Patrick Mansfield ; Sergt p.miel Elbridge, CorpChas Clement, John Place, Clark Scrutton, Isaac Tabbetlu Misting?Sergt Luke W 0 H Brown. David R Daniel, W P Scott, Luke Hallijan, Wra H Lang. 67tii Onio?Killed?Copt. J C Alberts, Corp IIu I r /iW.:? nr a D T.Vl raill nmrVj tUflS IT uglier, iTWUUiaa Aimienyv, 11Uward Hillman. Wouuded-~Col A C VorLs, LioutCol Comtnidger, Adjt Geo L Childs, 1st Lieut * harles Stevens, Capt Henry J Crane, 2d Lieut Elijah Whitmoro, Capt JohnB Chapman, 2d Licnt Geo N Harsons, 1st Lieut Vm Nixon, 1st Lieut George Emerson, Sergt-Major Lm.lee Kampans; ?Sergt8 Harvey L Aldrich and John T Bailey ; Corps Henry A Thompson and Jacob Hurcach; Samuel Bays, Peter Brady, Edson Edwards, Frederick Foster, GeoGillford, Samuel Green, Joseph Hughes, Thompson Kcth, I Ross Edward Roth, Samuel Shefl'er; Color Sergt Samuel McDonougb, Charles D Lucy, Wtn Baker, F M O'Callahan, Vrefol La Paint. Georze Baker. Frank Burnham. ^ol omon Raighard, Scrgt Chri>tLan Gartz, Sergt William Snyder; Corps Christian Schwartz; Emanuel B Boune, Alonzo L Fret, Wui A Starkley, (christian Schneider; Scrgt Geo W Russell, James De Sanbry, James McManus; Scrgts Charles E Miner, Oscar F Nicholas, Alexander Gordon and Win Gorge ; Corp David Boyd, John Gaiss, AUr guste Winter, John Grubb, Saml Reed, John Sculk, Sidrey I Varaey, James O'Brien, William Donahoe, Sergt Sam^al Bowers, James Bowersocb, Har+y Adams; Corps Qoo Top 4 per, Feter Coiton Win Shnttfc Francis White. Saml Dancan, Win Devlin, Frederick Heasicb, Daniel Hallctt; Sorgts Henry IlCartT, Jacob D Hunter, James Collin, Hobt .$ Davidson, John Sheppard, FiedHartman, Sergt James Shoemaker, Lewis Hebenthall, James 0\ran, Corp Alonzo H Hopkins, James huney, Daniel Beiss, George J Brewster, Win Stebbibs. * ?1st Lieut Geo Emerson, Henry Bailey, Thus Girclhand, John McDonald, John A Smith, GetSib?!, YTraStrahan, .la nes Lobriog, John Uagratfa, Corp J Kiiuely, J II Milter, Michael Sullivan. Corp Dayton, Crompt>n, J L Grant, Sand Lang, Jamas Coley, Francis Cotton, Co p 0 B Adams, (color corporal) Albert Griffin. Cms B Todd, Matthias Gay, Sylvester Ells.vorth, Ilanivon North, Philo B Wedner,Marion Jeffries, Ilirani Murdoc h. 7Crn Pexxsylvaxm June 1 Q.?WoHwied?Privates Fraco J). White, (since deadi, Samuel llerrick; Killed?2d Lieut Seth Thompson, Wounded ?1st Sergt. W. A. Asliton, Private -Thomas Bice, Samuel Dasher, Thos. Hoover, TJios. llowery. John A. Klemcr, John Hamlin, Caj?t. Harry I,. Rice, Private Lcvania Buck, W. II. Mmpson, \Yilium Conrson, Nil van us C. Corson, joint Love, Lieut. Jos. II. Ensign, Private* Reuben SntU, Corp. CcorgaJLZoigtear Private Jos^h Evanp, George French; Hissing- Z^fxJoW Go x, Dan h H. Stockman.?2t. " 02? Ohio, July 18.? Wounded?Lieut.-Col. C ! '. Steele, Adjutant Daniel C. Liggeth, Sergt.-Maj >r Shoops, Capt. Wm. Edwards, 1st. Lieut. .T \V. Farkerton, 1st Sergt. BufusP. Stokeley, Sergt. IV. II. Stoneburner, Calvin Woodruff, Milton Driggs. Jacob Ilarrop, Dan 1. Kinly, Wm. Pitcock John Bambo, B. F. fctorrer, Joseph Wiley, Perry Wiles; Missing -Sorgt. J F. Slid'Corp. Wesley Mai tin, Dan. Somere, Joseph King, Isaac Driggs, Grafton Uarrop, N. K. Pettil William Robinson, J. W. Wcller; Wounded?1st Lieut. A.J. Fouts, 1st Sergt. J. C. Morriaun, Sergt. Wilson Fouts Corps. L. P. Deval, Z R. Clancy, 1 riirates Berry Hall, E. Harris, W. J. Fangs, J. N. J unnington, Minian Mc Bee, Nelson O. McDonnell5 F. M. Christy; M;sting -Sergt Ilothbuck,. lorpls. J. F. Bell, Clias. McCarty, Privates E S. Rankhnrst. Nathan Wade, Charles II Laoghndge; Killed?2d Lieut. G. S. Browuell; Wokided?1st Lieut. L. B* Lar- 1 rimer, 1st Sorgt. Gravy W. Clomc^ Sorgt. John Monart, K. H. Douny. Oorps. T.J.Brown, M. Kishl r, P. P. Lucas, Privates W. Ammerman, W. T. Collagen, William Dicken, John Green, M. Jennings David Spohn ; Muting?.Tames Leman, lames Horahan, Daniel Leaman, Humtlton Nichols, David Oaks; Wounded?Corporals W. B. Stulfz, John II. Johnson, David Wcltz, Privates Marfiu Auspatch, WnnAcher. Harvey Patson David Guj'ton James H. l'arrott; Musings- 1st Sergt. A. T. McNaughtcn, Corp. A. S. Stultz, Privates William Fmery, II. Prestage John Saftell, Lawrence W. Hobba. James 0.. Complin, W. E. Iludson Craw* ford Riley, Wi liaru Johnson, Henry S. ( Lark, Thos. Starbuck 1st Lieut..P. B. Johnson; WouauUd? 2d Lieut. S. D. Iloffer, 1st Sergt. Thomas Wilson, Corps. J. L. Hadsull, William'H. Cater, C'bas. Bidenham, Privates S. 11. Blaney, Leeander Wiley, Alonzo Ilobbrt, Lawrence W. Hobba, William S. ^ T I Cftln a \V Hirst. Corns. H. UJUgfc, fcjvig.o. ?. ?. , V-. , r MuiWolewg^UsrretLSd Lieut. J. N. Starr, Sergt. Z. E. Smith, L'orp^, P? ). Boston, W. L* Hedtiilr Privates Richard Busey, John carter,- Andrew Brown. II. M. Hcndershot, J. W. Starr, James Russell* Killed? 2d Lieut. Henry C. Knoop, Corp. John cassel; Misting?lit Lieut. William Bradling, 1st Sergt. Benjamin F. Sapplee, Privates E. Nutter, J. Smith, 1st Lieut. J. M, Paul, Privates Colton Ackley, JohnBankhurst, Squire Carpenter, J. W. Caveuder, Adam H. Flowers, W. A. Ilam-. Hammer. James Pierson, Noah Robinson, Ira Goodwill, Harrison Burlingame, Sergt. Wm. Hodges ; Wounded? 1st Lieut. Henry E^zelton, Corpls. James Spencer, S. Hoy. Privates N. Wood, S. Stoots. 2d Lieut. J. C. Edwards, 1st Sergt. Edward H. Shi.-lt, Corpls, J. ]), Nowcombe, Privates Gro. o. ni..9iu? Thn? u> Rlftr.kbnrn. Oliver Kinsev. James Harris, Elza A. Dye, E. R. Parker H.. Daugherty, Cayt. Henry R. West, Sergt. W. A. Davis, Corp. James Brown, Corps. August Weigle, Jacob N. Ketclnua, Private John Hoop; Missing ?.ITivates Tiios iicMioima, H. H. Sands. [Concluded Next Week.] FOR SALE.?A fine lot of Matched Dressed Hoard, Timber, Doors, Sash, Roofing, &c. JOS. H. SEAES, The New South Office. UNITED .STATES ABMT AND NAVY NIGHT COMPASSos. Patented May Gth, 1W52. The advantages of these Compasses over all others in use are, that they can bo re.ul distinctly at night, without the aid of an artificial light For reeounoitering the position of the enemy, night movements, Ac., where a light dare not 1>? used without running the greatest danger, they are invaluable. Used by M^jor Generals McClellan, Hooter, Burnside, Hunter, Pope; Major Meyers, Chief of Signal Department, and others. Every Officer and Soldier should have one. P&t'.'K : fG, $4. S3, $3 60, $2, and $1 25. for sale by ^ JOSEPH H, SE.UIS, . r-*. - * .. ?? .? . * C/^tr- TCib revn.a. Y&rST, Murri: Unnd, July M, UXX FAilur Xr<* %?tih :?U ha* been lay plensntv to pc?iv.v your excellent paper ever since its first edition; Mid, wuh. * all your patrons, have always hailed its appearame with delight, as we have always known it to be a true expositor of pausing event and a truthful reeer J of all transactions in the department; yet I. as a member .1 the TClli Ptnns. ? .!. V..4 n M :? -.4 ?1./A toitA' t. AitA*> A t ft A A.. >013., C?UlU)l uui uir t*\ u?..aciuu i?i mi ?< _ count of the assault on Fort Wagner a.? fttfnisbed you by ono of your correspondents on this Island, which account proves one of two things, viz: that Uu* writer is very ignorant of the truth, or shows [fmalicIOu.s desire t6 vilify a r? gimcut that did all that brave mca^ cin do. I shall bo as brief as possible nn-.l hop" that ym will pnbliah an nuvar. nLshed statement of facta as witnessed by one who we s there. As ant* who is prou I of Iridium a commission in the United States service, and haTing a omini :nd iu*the 7Cth Fcnna., I request permission to vindicate my own honor in defending my regiment. I would not detract from ^e mmts-of the Battallion o f the 7th Conn, as shown in its conduct thatjaoming. Itdid nobly and was Irrt by a brave oficrr; but. in reporting the ' events of thJit rngagoracut your correspondent seems to have forgotten?if he was there to lea.-n?that wliat the 7th did on one angle of the worfc, did eqnallj well on ?h?<adiotafnir aide. As we rrcMTtftBo order forfiam the flash of the artillery was seen over the Iraoli at the foot of the glacis. We kt.eit and permittod that charge to pass over us, thereby saving many lives. The ncx t instant vre started forward with a yell that told ther were few cowardly hearts in the work. While ascending ttic glacis our ranks were' thinned at every discharge of musketry and artillery, yet we reached the moat and laaav crossed it and fell there on the parapet beyond. It was only after the command to retreat was given, that we retired, leaving on the glads and ta the niofit one hundred and tuirty men and Ave officers. We lost comparatively few In the retreat, as we separated for the sake of safety, and all who fell wounded after we lefl^tlic glacis, were brought off the fleid. Onr casualties were one hundred and ninety-eight out of three huadrr-it and fifty engaged, and yet your correspondent, in a style of description that would do credit to a blood and thunder tale of Utopian fields of carnage, gives the exclamation of an excited and wounded man a place in bis description, as if, in that one hasty expression, were summed up the whole cause of fkllnre. All honor tPthc- brave man who led lis, bnt, to provo that your veracious correspondent was greatiy mistaken, permit me to say that Major Hicks was wounded while the regiment we* yet advancing. In yonr correspondent's statement it is made to appear that "Major Hicks press* 1 forward with a fev' bra\e icjjow*" and fell at a point the regiment did not lpacli. in giving .1 list of the casualties lie ui\justly accredits to the 7Glh Pi., anil 9th Mo," many stragglers who will yet turn up." of all those missing, not one of the 7Jth he., yet turned up." He loses sight of the fact tint, while endeavoring to describe the fight in a style of puerile sentimentality, he ha* done very much toward blasting the reputation of our regiment raid crushing the ambition of those of us who iu.-.y at any tiuie he again taken through the fiery ordeal. Ot.r reputation as a regiment lost, and indvidual honor periled, what is there to stimulate unto do. our utmost in the future? We all know the result of the assault of the lgtli. If a 4oit? regiments cannot take a fort after it 1ms been incessantly bombarded for ten hoars, is it vsdl worse than injustice t.e anything derogatory ih|ei regiments, and a bat.alii>u who aasault thr tame fort and or? repulsed after one of the advance regimen^ and the battalion have lost over one half their oificers and men.? It must also bo home in mind that when the 7th Conn,, 9th Me., and 7Cth Pa., assaulted Fort Wacner. we were literally-j&vfc&at regiment*, as through somol)pdy'e neglect. our haversacks which had been left in the boats by order, were not forwarded to us, % and we had fasted for thirty hours previous to the fight Yours for justice, WAL. S? DLLLEIt, Caj.t TCthPa. Vols. ADVERTISEMENTS. JUST RECEIVED AT THE NEW STORE, U.SJO.v Square, next to the Post Office a large lot of .vtatiouar), iiooks, &c., in part as follows : Fine letter paper of various qualities. Fine note paper of various qualities. Fine billet paper of vanous qualities. Envelopes, white, buff, cream, straw, fancy,, pa riotc, Ac.,.,vc. Ink, black, red, carmine, Ac. Pens, steel and gold in great variety, * Blank books, in great variety, Wafers, sealing wax, law seals, Ac-, Mucilage, court plaster, lemon add, Ac.. Penknives, pcqaet books, purses, Portfolios, bill books, etc. Pencils, caayons. etc., of various colors Pipes, briarwood, china, gutta percha, Lava, boxwood matchsafes, tobacco boxes, bags, fee., Novels, song-books, hand books of various kinds an i: moot of the late publications of the day. Mans of Charleston harbor and vicinity, and ofS.iv m n&h river ALSO, ft lino lot of Military books of late issues- lite best selection ever brought jjere. LITE CAPERS on arrival of mails. The Xjkt, published, by us every Saturday morning. JOSEl'H H. SEARS, # PS:ftnfv v ?- uv* UiA 4/M & t-ff-'d-f yf /!/),/?o Buy Son I f z6 T&*.(977] y