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Kf THE NEW? SOUTH. I Vol. 1, No. 47. PORT ROYAL S. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1,1863. Price Five Cents' I THE NEW SOUTH. ~ I Published every Saturday A fowling by | JOS. H. SEAES, Editor and Proprietor. I Piuck : Fivk Cents Pkr Copy. F Advertisements, fifty cents a line, each insertion. Terms: invariably cash. | OFFICE: Phoenix Building, Union Square. * * ?! ? liu KIABRIO IOI Aiin UASUALIILd UW munmo iolnnu We here give a complete list of the casualties in onr forces at Morris Island, from the time of the tir*t attack on the Island' on th? morning of July I Otb, to the afternoon of the 22d. It must be borne in mind, however, that these fists were obtained from the official r. ports of the Adjutants, vent in as soon after the different engagements as practicable, and therefore the lists of missing con tain many names of stragglers, who have never been near enough to the enemy to, be taken prisoners, and who will continue to straggle as long as they remain in an army where battles are fought, lor there are Y? ry few regiments which arc not more or less iufecied with stiagg'ing. In some of the regimental reports very few, if any correc tions co.tld be madet in others there have been large acknowledged "gains from luiacing" since these documents v>^T3 it ii-lnapo-'oWe rfn-va* to get the names, and therefore, in order to give the list of prisoners lost, it is necessary to publish these official statements. In regard to the wounded, it should be remembered that the official reports contain the oames of every person wounded, while some of the wounds are so slight that the parties have never been off duty at all, and in many other instances will very soon return to duty. As stated last week, the number of serious casualties, ?killed, taken prisoners, or wounded so as to bo kept from duty for any considerable time, will not ' coiuc up to one thousand,although the a much larger number. With this necessary explanation wo give the lists, although we regret our inability to sift out the names of cowardly stragglers lrom the record of those who have been captured while bolorp lighting at the Jront; J u$Y 10.?76th Fexstlv^ni^? Wounded?Wm. Tarty, John Rainy, 86/gL J?H. Nulton, Corp. Alexander Lyon, Chas. B. Meredith, Henry S. Cypiicr, Jacob Irwin, Isaac D. Luther, Benj. F. Feit, 'J hos. Bridget, Reuben Stough. 3d R. I. Artillery.?Two men each lost both arms at the bombardment of Morris Island by the promoted discharge of a gnu in Camp Seymour, July 20. v v r?, Fvr.rvKRRft?One man. name not lit 11 ? VM. ?? , learned, killed by a shell which struck him on the head, at the bombat dment of Morris Island, in Camp S ymonr, July 10th. Ora Maixk.?Killed?lames Kmery,Corpl. Lewis Jordan. Wounded?Andrew McGraw, John Brett, Charles Sealing,SylvanusW. Fogg Orlando Savtelle. Aaron W'ithain, Sergt. Win. Fogg, Corp. L. F. Wynvan, Calvin Chreaves, W. W. Harlow, Henry Wayuioutb, Lyman 0. Hill, Co*p Alfiel B. AVickerson, Curp Thomas K. Holt. Miming? Benjamin W. Peabody. Detachment 7tu Conx.? Wounded?(o. A. Private Aliuon N. Keeney ; Co. B. Wounded? Private Ch&s. F. llicox.; Co. I. Wounded?Sergt. Marshall Decker, Private Horace Bill; Qo. K. Wounded?Corp. oHver M. Mason, Private Marcus Emlott, Jacob Lovett. - . 48rn New Yobj:.?Killed?Capt. L. Il.-^ent, Piivates Wra. Ferguson, A. Foss; Wounded? .Sergt. Couklin, Corp. D. Cletcher, Privates i\. A. lisher, Ja3. Morgan, J. 0. Johnson, Jas. Bartloy, Corp. Geo. Leonard, Walter Smith; Co. C. WonnJed?Sergt. Lawrence, Corps. I. J. Warner, L. Bond, 1st Sergt. Acker, Privates Bitts, M M. Demsey. T. Ryan, Co. D. Wou/,ded?Privates T* McDowell, (since dead), J. P. t'roasdale, J. L.:Wilgu?, J. Konke, Corp. A. Cole, D. Bosv. orUi} t'o. 1\ Woundi i?Privates J. Trernay, ? , P. McGuinness, J. Krahera; Co. C. Killed-?Private Dan'l. Kane; Co. K. Killed?Private Cbas. i A. Liefsbmen; Co. D. Misting?John L. Wilgus, , b2d Ohio ?Wounded?Sergt. Jaiies Muney. 1 6th Cox.v.?Wounded?Private Michael Lynch, j Corp Geo. W. Sobbins. Private Charles Kyce Pri; vate Henry Smith, Corp. Leonard lyon, Privates j C has. Gan^ left, August Sehutt, ifttin Gordon, ! Geo. Menitt, Corp. Geo. P. Powles, R. T. Sperry, ! Killed?Private 'Ibos. Johnson. 8d New Hampshire.? Wounded?Lt.-Col, John Bedel, corp. Frank H. .Evans, N. P. Whitmore, A. P. Dame, PrivatcsJ. D. Leavitt, J. J. Locke, j Sauiuel W, Abbott, Warner L. i>earDorn, ira r. George, !>.-1'. Leaver, Elisha M. Kemp.on, George I F. Youngmau, Chas. A. Brown, corp. Titos.. Entwistle, Thus, Rattery, Hiram P. Pierre, White Pittro, George M. Phelps, Sanford Colburn, M. P. Ilorton, Charles P. Hill, Richard H. Foss, Wilber H. Choate; Killed?Corp. Jarafca M. Chapman, Private Nathan B. Hoyt, James J. Locke, Joseph Wilson, Wm. Henderson, Charles H. Farnsworth, John Barrett, Tojin Crofby. TthNewhampshire ?Wounded? G. W. Elliott, S. P. Reed, Sergt. Peckham. July 11. 7tii Connecticut Detachment.? Wounded?Lt.-Col. Daniel D. Redman, Corp. Geo. E. Cartle, Suther L. Archer, Edlvard C. Bla eslee, Salmon C. Clark, Corp. Cbauncqy A. Bacort, Edgar H. Parsons, Frederick Griswfld, James Ilehan, Corp. John .T. Cochrane, Henvy M'Lcrm, Philo Bailey, Corp. Joseph Goodell, Ilenry L. Bennett,, Albert ?enson, Geo. Chamberlain, Allen Darby, Tbomoi Elliott, Andrew Howlet, Theodore Mason., . Valentine Cham4-'Jin. Sergt. Chester H. Kiley, SehjTA, Hill, Corps. Jos Rns/iell, Thaddeus R. Butler and Sc h E Barnes; James H. * _.u?_ a Hums fivnrofi Railnv. Marshal F. AllllCl, UVUIVII y9 Balden Joseph Bowen, John H.Carter, FrancisG. Churchill, Wm. II. Clark, Walter D. Cook, J??hn W. Crabtree, Wm de Witt, Horace Gray, Eugene W. Gr&wold, Edwin L. Hartley, Geo. F. Lewis. Albert W. Pierce, Di^ale B. Russell, Frederick Sanderson, Henry N. Sperry, George A. Htarks/ 'Lewis Terry. Horace A. Yollcs. Geo. N. Trorabridgo, Fred C. l:p>on. Edward A. Ward, Henry M. Walker, James S. Willard, Capt. Theodore Burcuck, Li nt. John A. Wilson, Richard Bidwell, i Edgbert Dart, Theodore Welton* Edwin L. Hall, Lyburv Ilills, John Marion. Saninel Quintal, Wm. Rodgers. Horace M. Smith, Randell B. West, Henry Watson. * Lieut. Elmer E. Jordan, Corp. Thos. Tappan, Giles Jame, Charles Brown, Stephen Cogswell, Phyieas Dowd, Samuel Jackson, Keeler, Charles Lewis? Bernard McBrjdc, James M< ore, Wfiti&Q} M..Keeves, Oscar srann, vvimam amun. Frank Smith, George Sanderson, Sherman Ya'entine. ('apt. Jerome Fourtellote 1st Lieut. Wm. E. Phillips, Sergt. Israel P. Summer, Charles Fogg, Augustine Barrett,and Henry G. Henry; Judson Aldrich, lVm. P. Bates, Herri Barrett, Daniel Bridgewater, Merrill Gleason, John G. Harrington, Geo. F. Holbrook. Giles VV. Lamb, Albert Pierce, Knfus W. Weeks, Monroe Warner, ?z a Chamberlai . c'd. n. n.?Killed?James Ingerson. Wounded ?George II. Shaw, July 12. MelvidC. Howard, rorp. Perry Long, Joseph T. Moore, Jeremiah Hall, James Cassidy. July 13. Joseph lilood, Joseph E. Hartman John E. Ellis. Orii Maixe.?Killed?Alex. Mellen. Wounded ?John MeRermott, Daniel Fletcher Oliver H.McKeney, Andrew Witherm, Orlando Lovelette, Sylvanus Fogg, Mason Prescott. Henry A. Pierce, Benjamin Spencer, Winfield S. Walker, Sergt C. W. ButtcrCeld. Gurner H. L< rd. Sergt. Clough, I fSerpt.'.uower, n m. ouuma, uuuu ut?mo>,? ....... , ! B. Fish, Corp. Alphcn. S. Colson, Corp. William j P. Stevens, William Smith, Corp. John S. Merrills, Henry S. Dame Missing?Corp. Cyrus M. Baker, John McKeney, Obed l'eirce. Isaac-P. Whither, Edmund Thorne, Geo. P. Corniel, Rufus Badger, James \V. Crane, John Cun Matthew Badger. Co.E, 3d U S. Art y.?Matthew O'Regan, Chas Aul-iorn. W. Kipling, Win. O'Boughlin. 7Gth Pennsylvania.? Wounded?Major ,T. W. Hicks, Sorgt. Major Reinochcl; Scrgt. Henry A. A. Ferguson. Corp. I avid Allen, Daniel McVay. Privates David D. Shoemaker. Richard Sneyd. John R. Martin, Robert Ford; Missng?Sergt. j James G. Coudcn, Corps. Christian Seigter, Joseph * W. Lebendelfer, Privates Samuel L. Boston, Watson Bise, Harrison Gordon, Jasper H. Harden, John Hauna, Philip Huff, David Montgomery, W. J. Mitchell, John M. McGorven, Joseph A. H. McDowell, Jacob Warner; Wounded?Sergt. Thos. Mounts, Corp. J. L. Reno, Privates William J. Bebout, Peter C'urrie, Harry Messenger ; Musing-? Capt. David B. Hogeland, 1st Lieut. Martin Stumbaugh, Sergts. L. P. Leinbergcr, G. W. Winnell, Corps. Adam Delfln, J. M. Parker, F. M. Philips, Private# James D. Butler, Spencer Briggs, E. F. Bennett, David Keasloy, Josiah Hanson, Daniel Kelly, Hugh Mose, Samuel Quinley Charles P. Wep; Wounded?James D. Davis, Washington L. McKeehan, Franks Matks, John TV". Dasher, W. Ling, John Lace; Mitnng?1st Sergt. Geo. W. Crnise, Sergts. Stephen McCartney, WHliaag R. Mowry, Corps. Thos. D. Nelly, William champeno, Privates Robert Howe, Ebeneza Kezerice; Corp. Henry Miller, Privates Jacob Lcchner, John Nolan, William Reichenback, Franklin Roberts, Charles Lawson; Musing? 1st Lieut. Charles L. Bittenwger Sergt. Jacob Dock, Cprps. ChristopherRynicka, Abner Ausand, Privates James Hughes, Claries Heist y, Thomas Horan, Moses Keston, Joshua Knedle. John Miller, James Miller, Jacob Morningstar, Wesley Wagoner 5 Wounded?Corps. Jacob Cypher, Artemus Bennett, Private Henry Burket; Missing?Corp. Jno. W. Boehm, Private, James Duffy, \\ illiam Riseling, William A. Corbett, Erancis Eckels, Jos. Fetter, John Fetters Daniel V. Foor, Christian Packert, Earnest Ronsh, Seth S. Smith, Matthew Spidcl, William Washabaugh; Killed?Privates John Boyles, James GilUtid ; Wornded?Corp. W, Aiken, Frivate Joseph T. firovru, Daniel CLrk. Gvo. Miller, Edward B. Matthews. W. H. Wayne; Missing? 1st Sergt A. C. Green, Sergts. F. L. McGlathery, Thomas W, Morgan, Corps Enoch Hinckson, Levi Fry, Henry A. Miller. Cornelius Walker. Privates JamesM. Ayers, Henry Buell. John Conness, John Detiviler, Geo. Empfield, Wiltin Gray. John M. Knox, J. L. Kinsel, David Kounsman, Geo. Laferty, Graham Meadville, John Morgan, Findley Stephens, Levi vVeirbangh; Wounded?Sergt. John Gibson, Corps. John C. Brown, James Ly McCandlcss, Private David L. Hamill; Misting?Sergt. John Snodgrass, Privates James J. Hughes, Michael Alfred, Jno. C. Campbell, Burton Drake, James C'. Riglcy; Wounded-Capt. Charles Knerr, Privates Bryon Flacherty, Thos. Madigan; Misting?1st J Lieut. Win. Miller, Privates Patrick Clark, Louis Decker, James H. Decker, Charles Deihl, Alfred Green. Albert Gisner Patrick Hunt, Ju'ius 1). Hamlin, James Johnston, G. W. Posey, Henry Waltermeyer, Wm. W&mbaugh, Joscgjb,,Canden; Wounded? Privates Daniel Litchtenbergcr, John Loncl> es; Missing?1st Sergt. Harrison Staiu, Sergt:* Klias Spangler, Robert Smith, Silas M. Smith, Privates James E. Barnity, W. II. Carlington, I John Cook, Edwar.i C. Duncan, Francis Duncan, Andrew B. Frey, Daniel HefTroan. Calvin Harris, Edward Keister, Kudy Kinard. Samuel Mcetlow, J, Scott Patterson, Daniel Sloat, Geo. Schenberger, Eli Wichelue, Geo. White,Geo. Deity ; Wounded?Capt. Jno; S. Littefl. Sergt. James H. Hughes, Corp. Horace B. Deiiavcn, Private Albert Purvis, John Wagoner, James K. Davis, Peter Doctor, ' Augustus Durprafer; M asing? 1st Sergt. W. II. Bradshaw, privates Kobert Purvis, 1!. Gilbert, Isaac Davis, Franklin Mosea. July 16.?James Island.?54m Mas a?Killed ?Joseph L Wilson, Elisha Bnnkctt, Charles Tammell, Joseph Proctor, C Kimbletcn, Lockard, Ev. x eison, Geo Street. Wounded?Peter Yogelang, John Cavis. John Williams, Henry King Samuel Wills, C J Johnson, John Filey, Martin Wilmor, William Henderson, Corps Palmer ana nanoway, John and W Kinibleton, Phenix, Nelson, J Wilson, : haw, Wearer Sergt Merrman h'ichardson aud two others. Missing?>'ergt Walter Jefteris, Cor]? Ainstead Williams,/ Henry Kirk, C J Williams. Eiios Smith, W J Dickinson, Johu Lotheman, Fred Wallace, Jas CaUlwell, Win II W.ortbington, Wm II Hanson, Geo Connsell, Lemuel Blake, .Albert Walls. Corp Friends, 24th Mass.. killed, and one in ui in the 2d S.C wounded. 7tii .new hamrsiiirk. July 18. Killed?'Jol. IT. S. Putnam, Lieut. Ezra Davis, Lieut. A. X. [Cdnlinut'd on Fortrt:> Papr.y '