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CAPTt BE or the axglo-llebel StEAVER dotro. j ?The British steai ship Douro, of Liverpool, j which was captured by the United Statea gunboat j Quaker City, commander J. M. Frailav, ott' Wil* | mingtou, M. C., arrived at thit port yesterday, a prize, iu charge of Acting Knsign Theodore JDeI.uce. The details ot her capture are as follows: At daylight on the 9th inst., when oti'Cape Fear, a steamer was seen standing to the southward. j The Quaker City immediately atoed towards her, ?iud soon discovered her to be a 4 neutral" British vessel, evidently a blockade runner. After a most exciting chase of over four hours the Quaker f'7y, owing to her superior speed and sea-going Miialities, overhauled her in lat. 88.41 N., long.' T7.(?2 \V. So great was the determination of the Jo itisli commander to escapv if j ossible that it was not until Commander Frailey brought his broadside ! guns to bear upon her that he surrendered. About ri.ty shot and shell were thrown at and over the v?->*el before she slackened s ul, and it was found t ut tlie crow were even then as courageous as *> hiskey could make them. Jt was d.scovered that but little damage was done by the missiles, as the c ew had made a series of protective embrasures with cotton b:.le?, under whien tliev took shelter when they saw the flash ot the Quaker City's guns. She proved to be the British iron screw steamer D uro, of Liverpool one hundred ami eighty-five tons register, with a cargo of four hundred and i venty-two bales of cotton, with a small quantity . I turpentine and tobacco, from Wilmington, bound to Nassau, and comm nded. by Captain Kenneth McKcnzie. She had several passengers on board, u ho were, of course, detained. Com uander Krailey ordered her to New York for adjudication, under command of Acting Knsign Theodore K. l>e Lnce. This makes the titth prize captured by the Quaker City under command of Commander Krai ley, i > ix :?two British steamers, JJela and Duro, brig >illa, schooner Orion. and < oufederate sloop Met. ury, having on board Major Keed Saunders,C S ' A., and the celebrated despaehes, &c., to Mason' and >l*lell. The Quoktr City brings a large number of pris-, oners and capt. red perno,a also a number of invalids, &< ? trom the various vessels ol the North Atlantic Squadron. I he was last ccmmiasioned at the Brnokhn Navy Yard in December, 18G1, and i sailed on a cruise in the West Indies, where ?he i .remained aiv months, and has since been succ 'S-! aivelv attached to the ICaa-'ern tiulf and South Atlantic squadron*. She received some temporary \ r?qwira at the rhiUdclphu Navy Yard in Scpteni-: * * .. A 1 4 . *1 ] tur las:, ami ua? tliice i>'en auacn.u 10 me 3<jn?ui on off Charleston. and ha* been anchored for! nearly one hundred days off Fort Sumter, and ( pa-ti ipated iu tlie celt-lush d encounter with the I relwil iron-dais Cfiiccra a d Palmetto Slate on the | iJl*t f January last.?A". V. HeruM of IU lb/A. A W ul ?'r im Cuaki-khtoX-?*J lie Charleston: t\>urier takes the following rather sombre view of : the prospects of secession. Charleston is 110 [ doubt a very gtw?d point jaist now fi.r making such a review ot circumstances as this : *' lhe continuance of this contest involves increased sntlcring. The evils follow in the t -rti t of this cahmitoHs \isitalion grow more every day. i >tber hearts than those now ach-: ing with anxiety and Weeding front bereavement | are rent wit-? rief. and the friend who syni] athiz< 1 with some afflicted one w-terday. to-day weeps! bitti r tears o\er his own sorrow. Tito iron is d i en deeper, and our burden becomes more and more It a**y. And though more than eighteen mouth* have j ,v?cd away since the strife was be jfmi, tl?: e t i ifeuis more ?iist<uir i.ian it appeared t ?>? a tw.dvem ?i?rl? since. Hope alter hope has ' X'?ij out in darkneas. and expectations we hid I unity ch .-fished. have turned. out ti>b^ miserable \ delusions So often have we been disappointed a 11 dec ivu 1 n w ?K?r Uith reject* every prom- ' i* and t trn* a vay from every sign. Ottr Ibe ia ? -fi.e an 'mined, an 1 powerlul as ever he \v 4*. and itic A'z i?t tli it ui to c impel foreign \ p. intervene and put a i end to thin wicked And hif tmous contest ha> n?<t b en potent enough t > .tceouipHnh that end."' -- There a-e alarm inreport* from St. Ihmiin-' ? '. The inhabitant* in the districts of liitayubin r ui v( ?i,t i'ii isti have risen under tien Lucas de Is IVnt. Tr <ops have b.;cn * -ntfroui Puerto kieo ? i Iroin iti ig? le i id>i. and two bittalions had -ii oi\l?? * i l ? 117t m tfoe Wh tor that ?<!dti.i. Se.rra! vena !* ?>l ?ea? h i?e b ?? ordered ' i t anl there bid* f?i lib; 1 jraltlo Ituiu b:e irvwini; for tin* Sjarii>li je-ore.'tor* of <i. , . otitinzo. S ilt (iKM of rw Moim aix<?The ir.-tv f.-r.ii ?ry of Malei is *? >in|>-??*?<! ot the eastern Jtecti n r?refron 3'iJ tl?c west-Til part of |>acotah. ami i< rera rded t? the iuo?t b autitnl jxtrtion ol the: 'rear no;tii*v*t The name l i-ho, meant, it ia fcfij, tn Indian the of tbe M i ? In consequence of the seizure by the rebels of a U. S. naval signal book, a revised code signals is said to havo boon made and sent to ever/ U. S, man-of-war in commission. ? The Ella Warley was driven a mila and a half nearer shore by the late storm. As yet, the only property recovered from the wreck is the Adams Expresr safe, and some leather and tobacco. The Coast Wrecking Company have charge of the wreck. ? The reason'assigned at fire Treasury department for suspendifig-the printing of the postal currency 2~t and 50ce:ft' nbtes, it*, that there in already a sufficient amount'Of such paper in proportion to the other denominations, j lit facl'that there are counterfeits did not influence this action. ? A Murfreeshoro dispat h says Col. Minty returned Saturday from a seven days' gncteSftfitl scout through the enemy's country He dispersed several bodies of the enemy s forces, captured prisoners, wagons and camp equipage, and penetrated the enemy's lines at Shelbyvilie. 1 ?A serious riot occurred at Oil Springs C. W., I between the whites and negroes. The whites organised a torce, niarcbe<^ to the negro tjuarters, : ordered the blacks away, destroyed their property and burned their houses. The negroes tied to 1 the woods. 'Jlireeof the rioters have been raj ture . Several were wounded. , ? Among the charges against Col. I Ttasty, ot j the Garibaldi Guard, are (urging franks ol meni; Iters ol Congress and aching them t<? soldier- tor three cents apiece ; altering muster rolls; making | false musters; drawing pay for tietitious otlicers; and opening private letters. | ?The secret Provisional Government of Poland lias issued an appeal to all the Polish exiles and refugees in th? different parts of Europe, sum1 moiiinir them to return within six weeks, or to lose forever tlu-ir nationality. ?A revolting spectacle is now presented on the hattle-field of Antictaiu. The earth is washing away from the shallow trenches used for graves and bodies of the buried soldiers are appearing on the aurlace in various parts ?>f tluvt vast graveyard. ?A serious accident occurred oo St Patrick's dat at the steeple ehaae oj the Irish Brigade, ol General Hooker's Army. |>r. P#\on, Surgeon ol the 9th Mass., and the Quartermaster <>) the aanie regiment, while t iding at the top ot their speed towards e ch other, in attempting to puss, turned in the the same direction, and a colli.-.ion ensued, by which both horses were instantly Uilh'd, and both the officers were thrown thirty feet in the air, and prob-bly fatally injured. Tiie Improved Connirto* of hie Army of the Potomac.?Gen. Stone man, now in command ol the cavalry of Gen. Hooker's army, an officer formerly among the most devot d to the fortunes ol Gen. McClellan, in a private letter recently. Judging from what I see and hear, I ahould have no hesitation in saying that the Army ot the Potomac is improving every day, and that it was never in as good and efficient condition as at the I>resent time. The study of the science of war is not permitted to do away with the necessity of a knowledge and practice of the art of war. I think the three requisitet to constitute a good military organization, the physical, the moral, and the intellectual. are now in more happy accord than they have ever been before, and I trust and pray that they may remain so: ard that this army has ce i? 'd to be an engine with which to expe irnent and test tienerals. or rather men. to lind out it they could ever become tienerals. ' THE COQUETTE. W ?ih?* vwwad ttv-day, Krr a wse. bad pu^edfeway Shs'd rrftiw uw! And I h?r xtcpa pamie ? f ollow still -sud londi* wouf 5o!?<'*nus me! Jf ulie lov4?a m#?it were kind Jus: to Uftrh 111* hut own mind ? Irf-t her lo#e rue! I'??r no mure I'll iu>tdt ber "id* licr favor?her pr?d?>: Sfi!-*vn?f' ni4?' If in kit*. va^-liapUv. bhe can ?-a*t ni>lf c ?*iv, Ami Ui>i? " ?" NtfcBux Jor'a fl'-k!* heart ^ ^? bb iti 1 xri?v?- aiitt So -?\?*lliMi m* I l.rt h-r frown?frown* i* ?er kill; 1?; U-r it'iu bit if k)>? willHat* -abuae miKUiiU 1 bead n*^tli her aniio\ ' Betid?aud make ni> heart her toy? No!?ei> Urw mat : .arra-i-L..--.:.; .-jl .. . t* ? We hare from various sources some further facts and rumors about the condition of attain near Vicksburir. Special dispatches from Memphis I announce that the \ ay-o^i Par* esice'tif'Orf h'aVt Uiet with a check. On Friday lait the C'bi.'lhiothp eh-' couriered a rt'Tiel Lottery d the jntielion of the . lYallabfoh* aftd Taflihafchte i ivera. rlhe fight: lasted all day. Orte shot from' the buttery entered * a jx/rt-hole ol' thd Chiiiicuthe. killing fotir persons * and wounding fourteen. The ChiHieotbe received t?4 sht U and was damaged seriously* The fleet consisted of'fhh Chillocothe, DeKalb. five small gunboat* of the-Moaqaito fleet and 18 transports. Ik'^i les the Greenwood - battcfy, the enemy are . taki to be strongly fortified at Y?oO City'ami' _ Manchester. The fleet at hrst accounts was three miles above the junction of'tbe Tallahatchie aad" Yallabusha rivers, 200 mile* from Helena and liV/ I' irom Vatt?o City. Dispatches of thV 11th say thar' the Lake Providence Carnal is finished, and water' will soon be let in. ? Richmond papers stffte fh reference t6 the I late tight at Port Hudson, that ?1i.e bombardment' '; commenced at '1 o'clock on the 14th. At 12j in the night a desperate engagement took place,the enemy attempting to pass our butteries under cover of the da: knew Tbe tiring wji terrific.' One gnuboat passed in a damaged condition. The " F. S. sloop of war Mitsuiij.pi was burned to tho i water's edge in front of our latteries One large vessel was completely ridd.ed, a third badly crippled and ihe rest driven back. Our victory was i complete. There were no casualties on our part. ! Thnty-slx men and one midshipman ut the Mitiisiippi were brought in by our cavalry, aouie of ! theiu severely wounded. Farragut's dag-ship went down the river disabled." ? Among late rebel news wehave the following t Fort Femberton, at the mouth of the Tallahatchie, , was botubai de<' on the 13th ; rebel loss nut heavy ?only a lew valuable gunner*. 1- our of Kosecrans brigades attempted to corner Van Porn at puck ; river o* the 18thr but he escaped. Three British steamers are re, orteJ to have got into rebel |>ort? I teiyr w ith valuable cargoes. A battle is expected at or near Tullahonia; tlie?e was skirmishing on. i the l!lth. A new iron-clad has appeared off , Ovaries on. There i* tv rumor that the rebelsi attacked Belena, Ark., on the 9th, result not - known. - From Souther* papers we gather some interf eating (acts, (iold seils at $4 a $4 '2~> in Kich: ruonc \ silver, $4 a $4 19; bank-notes, $1 iftfc. ; For a two-years substitute $1 oVU is offered. 1 he 1 liicbhjond papers admit the defeat of Stnart in tire : late cavalry encounter. The Exomiiur says that , 'the destiny of the Confederacy is staked np<?n : the struggle c t the next three months." A bill is before the rebel Senate to confiscate the proj?crty i ot the American Telegraph Conrponv. v t ... j-i l 1 .. .? _ ,.\.l i ?ijt'ui.^vi. ? nippie 01 ine iv?m Wisconsin captured a small l><?at attempting to run the blockade < n Elizabeth Jiiver near Norfolk. She bad ? about $2,Out) worth of contraband goods ou boaid., Three of the men were arrested and takcu u> >.or| folk. ? Jotm Trimble, the great Union ma/i of Xaah' ville, has made his slaves?thirteen in number?a, : present of their freedom. This excellent man and, liis whole family are, and have been, unconditionally, i loyal. AI?VKRTisKVK\V?r " OFKll'KKS li.OTHlNli ASI> Fl'liKitjHISU GOODS vMih a Urge aasottmeni of Bouts and ; Shoes at J,C. JONES 4 fO.'S, under the foal Office. RKGL'JLUt SEMl-MUMiMlbX ntEICiHT LINE BLTWlEX, SEW YOKk AND VO?'ii t(OYAL, 8. C.? 1 he ulUoVi -tinned have e*tabli?Ucd a regi|af.-^S. jf '^ke.U betweeu Nt-w Vork u d llillou leaving eachport twiceanjigptb^' J. N. FAG AM A JoHXplTTS, Agcuta, Bay, Point. H. Q. * ! BTXHY A CO.. 66 Ur<?awisb. and 371 Washington Streeta^ New York. For freigtAor; parage apply on board. 1 f KTALI.lC BURIAL i'ASfc>. for ntleltf ; jl KXCI^UM, U^Nkia & ..ichakmos, i'ori Royal, S. C. NOTICE.?GEO. W. A'lWOOD. A CO.. deaira to avail thauofwhea of tb^a uirtlpxl. to iuforni their friupdaand, the public at Tort Royal, that they ara now loading the ?ch<.>oiicr Jes'tc A. in New York, with a iarge and ! well-aelactad aPK-k of Mrrc-bandift adapted to the want* the Military, N'%vai. and civil (>optiiatioc of tin* district, *ud aa a large proportion of them ha\? been purcba^ad a^ ^_atft*tt?waJe^;a?h, ibtt* r?-?j??i ttul'.r mvita attention to thair a.'ock. x JUST HLCFlVhD ak the atore under the Po?t GtTke, a freak lot of hue letter and note jwpeia, e-ntclopea, pana, u.k ??A Aekaw alan.<i.aev il ilitai'V kuu.ka I^AVa] a in .rr aat vate ' UlU 4U ft. ; , "!* ely, kmvea, pip??, ) v"U*h?>*. and a flue lot of Kugliati FivucU CHovea and oih?r i'uruiahuig (iouda for th? Army nid Navy. The lataat daily and pii-Wia) ]*apara for ?alt c-l e?cfi a* . rival from iui" Nonh.. Ai?o, T#s Maw gol'ldararVSaUidaj > uouuUtaH( <*r<: eft ft f / i L K.' '? A, -1