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r / f > Thk Sk*s from Florida.?The Boston arrived from Jacksonville Tuesday. The negro troopa had driven the rebels some eight or ten miles outof town. Gen. Finnegan had assembled a brigade of Georgia troops, and bad demanded that toe "Van kees" should evacuate the city; hut our forces ' couldn't see it." Ou Monday* according to tho Savannah Republican, an engagement took place between the Confederate light batteries and the Federal gunboats. The Republican says: "V\re have no particulars, except that there was no loss on our side, aud we poured the shot and shell into the enemy tor a considerable time, it is hoped, with j good effect. '* ?The Republ can of the 25th has also a leader upon the receut operations ou the Georgia and 1-lorida coasts. It says: ' From tho negro raid into Florida we look for nothing serious. Wej ouly hope that the enemy will take it into their I beads to concentrate their entire force of ' Amcr-, ican citizens of African descent' at Jacksonville. It will prove a great convenience to the owners ol j those deluded victims. They will then have some prospect of recovering their stoAi property, pro> ided they cau be got lar enough flU-oui the gunbouts to be caught. The idea of tranr doing any scrious fighting against w hite men is simply ridiculous. We hope Mr. Thayer will succeed in hi.s scheme ot Florida colonization, and that he will accompany his colonists, in order that we may bag the w hole party, white and black, without going 1 too far to hunt for them.*' The fond hopes of the Savannah editor above quoted are not in a very fair way of realization, i So far the black troops in Florida have decidedly | the advantage of their enemies. They have had !. several skirmishes with Finnegan's forces, driving them on every occasion. Instead of ? bagging the i whole party, white and black," the valiant Hori- ' .is i 11 1 ............ I v ?.. i. _ ! ' Uiaus uaic iiiumu ocicioi ijt men iiuiuuci i%j uc , killed and wounded. Not only this, but the Boston brought up George W. Clinch, James A. j Plummer, John Drysdaie, Bartola Geneva, and Stephen Bryan as prisoners of war. They were inarched from the steamer to the lYovost Guard headquarters on Tuesday last, surrounded by a guard of negro soldiers. From tuk Mississippi?Admiral Farragct 1 Passks Fort Hudson.?The news from the Mis- 1 sissippi is not so bad as our latest Northern papers ' appeared to think. The Natchez Courier says i That on the 17th the flagship Hartford, with Admiral Farragut on board, dropped anchor in front of that city. In the afternoon the Admiral sent a< small boat ashore under a tlag of truce, with a note 11 to the mayor stating that if he was tired on frotu the town or by guer.illas on the bank, he should :, bombard the city. He was uot molested, aud on = ihe next morning went up the river in company ; with the Monoiigatula. I < i' ? ? ? ( Laresr jrjtom Kosjtcaa>s' Aemv.?A rebel dis- j< patch from Chattanooga, dated last Monday, indi- ' cates pretty clearly a disaster to the Confederate forces on the 20th. It reads as follows: "Morgan; had a tight at Auburn, Cannon county, Tenn., on > Friday, with an overwhelming torce of the enemy. He fought gallantly, and killed and wounded a ' great number of the enemy, but was at last loreed to retire before their superior numbers." ? . ? 11 ? At * <5n*piaJ Mitetin? of the Itarton Dramatic 1 ... - w1 a ? Association, held in the Green Hoom of their tliea-1 ter on Cockspur Island, Ga., on the 9th day of j March, 1862, the members whereof are soldiers 01 j the 48th KegL M. Y. Vols., it was by a nnani. | tuous vote of the Association, Resolved, That this Association, having heardr* with extreme regret of the acceptance of hie re- 1 j aignation of Lieut. A- W. Goodell. Acjjutant of the 4eth N. Y. Vols., and believing that the same will ! intluence him to take an early Lave of us, desire ! to tender him an evening's entertainment at their theatre, as the only means within their power of' expressing their regret at losing him, and their sincere heart wishes for his future prosperity. Resolved, That a copy of tb* above resolution . be published in Tax >iw Sotrii. r S "V Webstkh's Akmt and NaVy Pocket Dictioni tit* M i /\t i U?*. it VT as ^ iMfl 7 lfnii^L.? cfpunt Aftl ilVO? vauu f ?UV/I VU1 OlICVlj New York, have just published a valuable aud convenient work with the above title, which we cordially re< -oinuaend as meeting the want not only of the people at large, but of every aoklier and sailor in the service. In addition to " A Vocabulary of the more important words of our language, ' the book contains a carefully prepared Vocabulary of Military and Naval terms, with their definitions, and with pictorial illustrations; and also the following Tablet, viz:?Kauk, Pay, &c., in the U. S. Aruiy; Insignia of Kank in Army (with illustrations); Rank-and Pay in U. S. Navy ; Rations in Navy;; Rlsignia of Rank iu Navy (illustrations) ; Marine Corps?Kank, Pay, 4tc.; Table# of aioney, Weights, and Measures; Proverbs, Words, and Phrases from other language#, with translations ; Mottoes of United States; Flags of Maritime Nations (colored illustrations.) The price of the work, iu flexible leather aud marbled edges, is 75cents; tucks, gilt edges, $1. The Steamer (Jeorgiana.?Capt. Hudson and mate of the steamer Geofgiaua, with Mr. Hape, a passenger, aud a boats crew, went down to bulli vau'a isuua Saturday moruing ior tue purpose 01 visiting the steamer and trying to save if possible a portion of the cargo. On their arrival they were kindly protfered assistance by Capt. flaskell who joined them with a detcahment ot men from his battery and oue gun. Tim party proceeded along the beach and discoveied four of the blockading vessels close in, and in such a position as to be able to rake the stranded steamer with their gunsUpon seeing our men approach, the blockaders teamed up and commenced tiring, most of their shot striking around and upon the wreck. Capt. Haskell replied, but was unable to reach them. The enemy succeeded iu completely riddling the Georgiana, and ail h. pes ot saving anything, We belie*e, have been abandoneu. A crew of six men from Capt. Haskell's battery, w ho left to visit the wreck on rriday night, are reported missing, and it is feared have been captured bv the enemy. ?Charleston Courier. Famine Fkices in tub South.?From a recent number of a Kichmond paper we learn the following, which the editor pronounces to be "stern facts:" Cold rose on Saturday to $2 GO cents premium?that is, the price of a gold dollar wa*$3 GU in paper, .butter was scarce and in demaud at $2 75 per lb. Beef. none of it first rate, commanded froM $1 to$l 25 per lb. Corn meal $5 a bushel. Let us talk no more of the depreciation of Northern currency and of inflated prices after read ng such accounts as these. Other articles iu the Richmond papers arc headad, '-Blockading Prices," and "Do our Farmers Plant Corn." It is discovered at last that cotton is not king, but that corn is in the ascendant, and that his rule will be more despotic. These "stern facta" speak volumes. They show more torcibly than me moat eloquent language the miserable condition to which the rebellion has reduced the pejpie of the South. GENERAL ORDEltS NO. 26. Hkadqcahtkk* bit*arrmisr or the South, ) Hilton Port Royal, s. March 'iu, 1S6S. j I. All deserters, contrabands and others, who MHV COllie vnunu UUI mirs uuiu niv cuvui) inn Ik; immediately forwarded under guard, to the l'rovost Marshal General, Hilton Head, S. C.. ac?ompanied by a statement ot the Post Commander sending them, setting forth the ciicumstaucos under which they entered our lines. II. ('apt. Arthur M. Kinzie, Aide-de-camp on the Staff of the Maj.-General Commanding, is hereby i:harged with the examination of all such deserters, xmirabands and others, with a view to the piopcr collection and arrangement of all such information as can be obtained regarding the enem v. The Provost Marshal General will notify Capt. Kinzie of the arrival under his control of all jh-isons coming within the provisions of this order, and will hold them subject to Capt. Kinzie'* orilers, until they shall have been duly examined ; ifter which they will l>e held in safe keeping until further ordeis from these Headq larters. III. Lieut. Richard Skinner, 10th U. S. Infantry, acting Aide-de-camp, will assist Capt. Kinzie in the duties herein provided for. By C ommand of Maj. Gen. Darn> Huntik. n i II - a..4 iJH n,n O II AS. VT i 1 Al^n.i i>9 %,j#??. Obituary. - Wc are pained^Iearn of the death if Mm. I axgdok, wife^fiflg 5in L. L. [.angdon, if CompawJH, 1st M^Kniiates Artillery. She iTeOt IU,autWt-a*-irTeWI-i.?sterday morning, of i>illious fever. * DEATHS. Corporal M. R. Muaselman, Co. C, 176th Penna. Cols., 21, typhoid fever. Private Jolm P. Ray, Co. I, 62d Ohio, Vols., March 23d, double mumps. Private Jerry S. Weeks, Co. B, 3d X. H. Vols , March 23, ulceration ol the bowels. \W w* lu GENERAL ORDEKK, NO. 24. HfADQVABTEBS DEPABMBNI OF THE SoPTH, ) Hiltoii Head, Port Royal, 8. C., March 20, 11*63. j I. All able-bodied male negroes employed by the Engineer Department on permanent fortifications, are exempted from the operation of tiener| al Orders, No. 17, current aerie*, IVow these Ilead! quarters. II. AH plantation superintendents, tradesmen. sutlers, land Holders, speculators, and others, with' in the Department, arc hereby c utinned against harboring, secreting, or keeping in their employ able-bodied male negroes liable to the draft. All negroes in private service, except those in the emi ploy of commissioned officers, as provided for in |tieneral Orders, No. 17, will be immediately rei ported to Brig. Gen. Ruftis Saxton, commanding ! U. S. Forces, port Royal Island; and none will ; be exempted except 011 medical certificate of dia! ability, to be approved alter personal examination i by a Board of not less than three medical oUicers, j who will be appointed by General Sax ton fioru among the medical stall'detailed by the Surgeon General for attendance on the co .tr*bands. All persons contravening the provieions of this order will subject themselves to a confiscation of their goods, and to be sent out of the Department by I the first vessel going N orth. III. Various complaints having been brought , ! to tlie notice of these Headquarter.*, to the efiect that negroes employed otherwise than in the public service, have been, and are, defrauded of their i just earnings, by the avarice of masters who take I advantage of their ignorance, all such complaints will heieatter be brought belore the Commander of the Post in which tlie employers reside, and will be investigated and decided upon by an otti I cer who will!>? detailed to this duty by sncn rost Commander, On the report of this officer, the I Post Commander will issue the necessary orders giving redress to the injured party. Ry Command of Maj. Gea. David IIcxtkr. ' Cma?. G. Halpikk, Met. Jdjl. Gen. GENERAL ORDE1W NO. 55. Hxadqcartkbs. Department or tub Socth, > Hilton head, Port Royal, S, March 11, 1803. > It having been brought to notice at these Headquarters, that the quarterly returns of Ordnance property, and of Camp and (iarrisou Equipage, have not in many eases been duly rendered lor the 4th Quarter, 18t>2, it is hereby directed 1st. That Commanders of Regiment* imniedi ately examine as to whetlnr the requirements of Wi it89 and 1421, Army ltegs., as to Kcturns of Ordnance, and ot HIT J.lCd, 1171 and 1174, a> to Gamp and Garrison Equipage, have been complied with by the officers of their Regiments responsible tor such property, it not, they wilL imnudiatcly cause them to be s<> made ont and torwarded 2d. On the 25th of this month, or as soon after i the receipt of this Order as is practicable, Con.| madders of Regiments will send in a report to their brigade or Post Commanders, giving an alphabetic list of their companies?the names of the officers responsible lor the ai>ovc>ineiuionid property of that company?whether either or loth : of the above returns have, or have not, I teen rendered?and,if not. why not; and where officers have failed to comply with those instructions Irom any fault of their own. they will l?eduly attested and brought before a Uoneral Court Mattial, for neglect of duty. yd. Where Field or Regimental Staff officers are responsible, instead of Company officer*, for such property, the requirements of laud 2 will I apply to them. j 4th. Tliese reports will he sent by brigade ! *l<HAt?.Ml. 1\J. I ?iwl liV fl)?tu I iini'u^xi tuiinimuiivin, "J- ...x ? i through Post commanders. to these Hc;td*(junrtci>; I and each is charged with carrvingoHc tull\ the j intention of tho>c Orders. oth. Similar iej>urts will W required at the ex' piration of tho twenty days allowed by ** 1171 i and 1421. Army llegs., at the end ?.f ciuli quarter, ' tor the rendering of such returns. By Command of Maj. fien. I>a\ in fUvriR. : ( IIAS. (r. HaLPIXE, .ill/. .idjt. (if ,I, ? The steamship ??r</go arrived an Tuesday morning. Our thanks arc due to c aptain tladsden | and to Mr. (irastegein, the courteous and popular purser of the vessel, for favors received. LOST? LIBERAL RKWA KIL Lost, at Hilton Head, or Bcnufoit, S. ('., on or al cut March -1th a pline single Cin-d gold watc h. The w atc h is a very old one and of hut little value. ; It is prized by the>scitl?er not t??r its mtiinsie worth hut simply as a souventer of the past. It baa been in the p. ssession ??i several lelut'ves, ami i has been handed down from one to another lor i nearly a century and a half. Should an> oUo l?e . so fortunate as to find itr I trust he will at once ! see the propriety of returning it to the loser, and ; by so doing confer an exceeding great favor. Jr i left at the ottice ??t" the New South it will U- proplerly disposed of. J. I'. 8AI-GER, / I 1*/ Lirttl. It/ V. V. .Artillery. /'