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ligation of pronations among regimental oUfcjt. in the Tenth Amj Corps, acknowledging our ob- ? ligations to snchlparties as have favored us with ! official lists. Adjutant* of regiments will greatly] \ oblige us by notifying its of say changes that may j * hereafter occur in their respective commands : 1 rnu uon tuiw atu v aituut. i Major Horatio Kogora, jr., to be Colonel of the 11th RbOde Island; Major John Friese to be Lieu tenant Colonel; Capt. Chas. \V. H. Day to be Maior: 1st lieutenants Charles R. Bravtoa am: > Atigitftttift47. CohreM 4? be Captains; 2d Lieutenant George 0. Gorton to be 1st Lieutenant and. Adjutant of the Segment; 2<1 Lieutenants George L. Smith and Martin S. James to be 1st lieutenants; 1st Sergeants Henry Holbreok, Henry H. Metcalf, John K. Burronghs, Daflrid B- Irwin, Joslah 17. K&binson, James Bible, and Charles H. Aidrich to be 2d Lieutenants; Sergeants Edwin V. K eerie and Edward A. Watcrhouse to be 2d Lien- j tenants; Privates Feaner IL Beckham, jr., Vi - j liam Siason, and Thomas IL Carri^ue, to be 2d j Lieutenants. $: " VKJJ rY-SIXTH PKXXSYLV.15I V VOLtfXTEEa*. Capt. Cyrus Dilier to be Major; 1st Lieutenants j' James 8. Book, D. B. lloagland, W. S. D.ller, Jo-j weph R. Findley and Charles Knerr to be Captains; 2*1 Lieutenant A- J. Marshal to be 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant; 2d Lieutenants, S. E. Ferguson, Alfred Hicks, G. IL Gwln, William Miller and 1st Sergeant M. Stambaugh to be 1st Lientenants; 1st Serreants X. C. Miles. Joseph IX. Keech. Joseph Cannon, Joseph Atkinson, W. T. Blots, -3d Sergt. A N. Stra?\ bridge, and Sergeant M^'or J. J. JdcCormick, to be 2d Lieutenants. Quartermaster. Sergeant A. Eeinoehl has been appointed Sergeant* Jdajor and Corporal John McNevin Quartermaster Sergeant. THIRD HEW HAMPSHIRE COLVRTCERS. u lit Lieut. J. B. Hines to be Begimental Quarter,master;2d Lieuta. Flanders, Libby and Stearns to be 1st Lcataosnts; Qnarte master-Sergeant 8 rain ard, Scrgeaat-MjQor Copp, and Sergeant Wards., worth, Co. "F," to be 2d lieutenants. Varnnm Hill has bias asaistad Ouiirt^rmail0NSM>M>jiit. nod L. W. Dedge, Sergeant-Major. i'JU.f FOMTT-tUaUTM HEW YOKK VOMTXTES**. Green to be LieuL-Colonel.; Capt. Strick-1 bind to be Major; let Lieutenant S wa. t*out to be Captain; Sergeant-Major George L. Smith to be 2d lieutenant. Wi.^-r.v. : ; } ? * * * ? ? i I fisctcmiKi Orfticsas Oaoeaxo to ruEta RmiMMrra. Uei. James L. Fraser of the Forty-seventh 'New frk fd ttolg. JT. SenwUof Gie New York Volunteer Engineers, baring been improperly detailed en recruiting service, have been order ?d to retain at once to their commend*. They will profcaMy rqjoin thoir regiment* on the arrival of the next eteamer /rem New York. Accidkxt.?Mr. Spieer, chief steredore oa the wharf at Hilton Head, met with an accident of a severe nature while in the performance of his duty on Thursday morning last. Stepping upon a oar in motion, he was thrown off with great violence J displacing the bonee and severing the muscles ol j .hi* ankle. /' ^ j rif Thermometric Table Jfor the week ending Thursday, Jan. 29th, 1863. giving the degree* sftempentore (Fahrenheit* a* four period* ol >f the 0%y. '"""Till I s i I ? i , IfciaialSlHlgJfr j Sonriw, 43 44 M | M 54 83 ? 36 j li M. 44 60 44 53 60 34 34 ; oF. M. 33 56 56 63 54 38 48' P.*. 43 1 48 46 ] 56 43 33 1 36 ?i a-... DEATHS. ' Patrick Kee?, Private Co. ?, 97th Regt. Penna. - Tola , Jan. 29, ceogcstivc fever. John Goehdng Artificer of Co. D,N. Y. VeL Yp? Jan. 25th, Dropsy* .vTSsery M. Buekminster Private of Co. B, 8<1 N. 1 A# Volnnteers, Jan. 24th, of putrid sore throat. Horace E. Hamilton, Private Co. A, 9th Regt. 1 .Maine Volunteers, Jan. 23th, consnmptloe. % * vkt . ^yiuu ot. r;: 2^53P*^^^^HHH - (fi\ 0tirt> Mr-fluyH^^H^H^ritfflHMflii^HuijttMiBr j or Lotl of L*n&ei! &??* IMfe of jlH^l f'Arntin* fiiiim[^B?" - ^aW'"-Vlilr run r increased revenue from imports, to pay interest on the public debt and for o&cr purposes,11 approved Augusta, 1861, aod an act entitled, 44 An act for the collection of direct taxes in insurrectionary districts within the United States, and for other purposes,11 approved June 7, 1802, and that the same will be sold at public auction on the 3d day,of March, A. D., 1863, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Custom House at Port Royal, Hilton Head Island, St. Luke's Parish, Beaufort District and State aforesaid; and that the sale of the same will be continued from day to day until all of said Lots and Tracts of Land are finally disposed of. The following is a description of said lands forfeited as aforesaid, together with the valuation of the same, and the amount of the quota of said tax and penalty charged upon each of said tracts or lots of land respectively: HILTON HEAD Islani, St. Lulu's Parish Btaufort District, South Carolina. No. 1?"The Poixt,'* including " Bob Island," .idiii t.. ha h.ifn huun itivna/l Kp UTm IT IIS/a ft 3alU iV VI IV MA* V VVVU V n UUV VJ IT UI. liUIVIVj bounded N and N ? by Broad Hirer; S ? and S by Fish Hall; S W by Seabrook and N W by Skull Creek. No. 2?P?* Lamm.?Ownjr or ownera unknown. Bounded by " The Point," " Fish Hall," 'Gran Lawn/' "Cherry Bill," ?Marshland," ' Honey Horn/'" Fairfield," ? Cotton Hope,"and ' Seabrook." t No. 3?hFjsh Hall."?Said to be or to hare been owned by General Drayton. Bounded N E by Broad Hirer, S E by Coggins Point and Springfield, S IF by Gnus Lawn, N W and N by "The Point." No 4? * Coqgixs Polar" and "SrnniGriELD.' ? aid Co be or to hare been bwned by Wm. Pope. .Uiunded X E by Broad Hirer, S E by the Atlantic coan, S W bv Grass Lawn and N W by Fish Hall. Xol 5?"Geam lawx.'VSsid to be or to hare been owned by Hichard Pqpe. Bounded N E by Spring.ieid and Hsh Hall, N W by Pine Lands, S W by Cherry Hill and the Matthews Lands sometimes called " NurnLsr Pour," and S E by the Atlantic Ocean. No. 6? * Matthew's La*?," sometimes called " Number Four," said to be or to bare been owned by Frank Pope, bounded N E by Grasa Lawn, S E by the Atlantic Ocean, S W by Marshland and Chaplin, N W by Cherry Hill. No. 7? 'Chrrrt Hiiju"?Said to be or to have been owned by Mrs. Pope. Bounded N E by Grass Lawn, 8 E by Matthew's Land, sometimes called Number Four, S W by Marshland and N W by Piue Lands. No. 8.?" Marsuaavd axi> Chaplin. '?Said to be or to have been owned by Jas. Wills. Bonnled N E by Cherry Hill and Matthew's Land some, times called Number Four, S E by the Atlantic Geean, N W by Pine Lands and S. \Y\ by Gardner and Lemingten. No. 9.?"GAEDXRR."?Said to li<> or tn tiAVP keen owned by Stouey. Bounded N E by Marshland, S E by Broad Creek, S W by Otter Hole, and S W by Honey Horn. ;t 't No. 10l?*' L Jtxi si ore n .''?Said to be or to have been owned by Joseph Pope. Bounded N E by Chaplin, S E by the Atlantic Ocean, S VV by HiU place and N W by Broad Creek. No. 11 v?<Hxu.Pi.ACs."-Said to be or to have been lands of Sam'L Law ton. Bounded N E by Lemington, S E by the Atlantic Ocean, S W by Brickyard and N W by Broad Creek. No. 12.?"BaiCKr AEn."?Said to be or to have been lands of Ficklin. Bounded N E by Hill Place, S E by the Atlantic Ocean, S W by Possum Point, and N W by Broad Creek. No. 18.?'"Possum PourT."?Said to be or to gWsTj^W^^W haSmMOMbSSS. bv ifflTE6tiBMi6l^^^& . ^9H to lnro boee owned tf l^iM^ Md foivwrly by -Hjp^ hare been Baynard's Land. Bounded North by a creek called by some "Muddy Crede," letting hi East front Maekey's Creek opposite the mouth of May River, Easterly by " Muddy Creek Place," Southerly by Broad Creek, and West by Calibogue Sonnd, or as sometimes called," Spanish Wells River." No. * Muddy Crick Puce."?Said to be -? " or to hare been Baynard's. Bounded North by the Creek called by sonaj Muddy Creek, Easterly by Otter Hole, Southerly by Broad Creek end Westerly by " Spanish Wells.'' Va 10? < Att?p Ham '? Coirl in h? nr tft Ktra been land of Stuart, and formerly of Stoner. Bounded Northerly by "Honey Horn," Easterly by Gardner, Southerly by Broad Creek and West- J erly by Muddy Creek Place. No. 20?" Hoxet Hoax."?Said to bo or to # have been Graham's and formerly Stoney's Land. Bounded Northerly by Jarvis Creek, Fairfield and Pine Lands, N E and Easterly by Seabrook, Pine Lan Is and Marshland, Southerly by Otter Hole and Gardner, and Westerly by Marshes ext.nding to Madcay's Creek, No. 21.?" JejWt Islaxo." including " Hog Island." Said to be or to have been Frauk Pope's Land. Bounded North by SkuU Crook, East by Fairfield, South by Jarvis Creek and West by Mackay's Creek. Ne. 22.?" Fxiarciin."?Said to hare been Hie plantation of Dr. George Stoney. Bounded N W by Skull Creek, X K and N by Cotton Hope, Southerly by Honey Horn, Westerly by Jenkin's Island. No. 23.?" Cotton Hope."?Said to be or to ll.trn kuil Vm Dnnn'. Dah.,UI V XV k. Clrnll uaiv i/vvu vt iu? a v^rv o? i;vuum.u *1 m ?rj uivm* Creek, N E by Seabrook, Southerly aad S W by Fairfield. No. 21? "Siabeook. " including Uoda forroerir owned by Wallace, Talbird, Fyler and Currel. Said to be or to hare been more recently owned by Seabrook. Bounded X VV by Skull Creek, X K by ** The Point,'' S E by Pine lands and S W by Cotton Hope and Honey Horn. ?PacK*ar Island. "?St. Luke's Parish, Beaufort District, So. Ca. Bounded West and X W by Mackiy's Creek, X E by Broad River, 9 E by Skull Creek. ! S 7 | : -2 I ^ ? S& s 3 | 3 S ?5 ? * I > K II g I I \r" No. 1....1000.$40U0 00!$ 80 00*40 U0$120 00 Xo. 2.... 1000, 4000 00 80 00 40 00 120 00 No. 3....1800'1 5200 00 104 00[ 52 00 150 00 Xo, 4.... 900 3600 00 72 00 86 00 108 00 Xo. 5.... 600 2400 00 48 00 2* 00 72 00 Xo. 6.... 400 1600 00 32 00. 16 00 48 00 No. 7.... 400 1600 00 32 00 1G 00 48 00 Xo. 8....1000 4000 00 80 00 40 00 120 00 No. 9....1000 4000 00 80 00 40 00 120 00 ^ No. 10....1100 4400 00 88 00 4 4 00 132 00 No. 11.,.. 1100 4400 00 88 00 4 4 00 132 00 No. 12....1100 4400 00 88 00 4 4 00 132 00 No. 13....1000 4000 00 80 00 40 00 120 00 No. 14. ...1000 4000 00 80 00 40 001 120 00 Xo. 15.... 1800 7200 00 144 00 7 2 00 211 00 Xo. 16.... 1000; 4000 00 80 00 40 u0 2u6 00 Xo. 17.... 600 2100 00 48 00 21 OoS 72 00 Xo. 18.... 700[ 2800 00 56 00: 28 00 84 00 Xo. 19.... 900 3G00 00 72 00 86 00 108 00 No. 20....1000 4000 00. 80 00, 40 00j 120 00 No. 21.... 300 1200 00 24 00 12 00 38 00 No. 22.r.. 350 1400 00 28 00| 14 00 42 00 No. 23....1400 1600 00 32 00 18 00! 48 00 No. 24.... 500 6000 00 120 00 CO 00 180 00 Pineknry 2000 8000 00 160 00 80 00 240 00 Uaal I . A. D. SMITH, W. E. WORDING. WM. HENRY BRISBANE. Dim*t Tax Ommlwdocw*. Port Royal, J?n. 91,1*?