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fer^" iPW m^.. ^^^KSSjajM '*'V^^pc* Vff1' To ihet that twa parties exist amoag oar i?u?eIfaia reafevs, as wel at amoogtbe people at large, re^ectiag the eonfoct of the war, capnot be deaU er ijpcced. Bt ta uwi tbaa there is a yawa1 lag chaaaa of opiates, widening and deepening aa . (feem either aide the war of words is waged. Our - fisatnat dsagri lies in dissensionsamong ourselves. TiwUttmesaof political coahowiy arrays onehalf our force against the oilier, divides oor strength ?sr _ aad paralyses our efforts. The one great object of ?a all is the suppression of the rebellion, and from J* this nothing should be permitted to distract our energies. So far as we are able we shall support the national government; but we believe we shall best urroaiplish that object, not by indulging in the - discussion of exciting political topics, but by inciting the courage and fortifying the endurance of our country's defenders. Their business here is of a military rather than a political nature; and while they are batting against the results of discord, we shall sow bo seeds of discord among them. Faithfully to record the operations of the trocps within iheowMHlh chronicle every real of interest lo gamdflpr camp, to speak for ocr gallant soldiers and sailors rather than for any party or eUqaey are the objects aimed at in the publication of Tnn Niv Soith. If anything that eonM Kjr any possible chance bo of serrfoe or of gratification to the enemy be withheld, our loyal renders will not opppism Thus far oar efforts . hare met with signal favor and encouragement, and ^ by continuing as heretofore? we anticipate a cor. l dial support from the Tenth Army Corps. New ubironwa^Uoi. straw nrMge'g 'Keystone Zouave?," tbe 70th regiment of tansyhunia Vol; unteers, made their appearance on Tuesday in a new uniform, which for neatness, brightness and - comfort surpasses any other in tbe Corp?. The (men are clothed in fight Mue browsers, dark-blue jickets with crimson Irimmingajiaaty fes caps, and close fitting ieggina. Their new dress has all the conrenieuce of the dashing Zouave oostnme, without the coospicaous brilliancy which too often wakes a target for the enemy's marksmen. The Zouave? were reviewed on Thursday afternoon hy Gen. Terry. A large number of staff and Hne; officers and many civilUans, among whom were several Indies, witnessed the review, and expressed themselves delighted with the appearance and bearing of the men. Tax Tsaunki Qsqbob Washington IThkd oh at tbb Rebels ?Last Tuesday morning, as the steamer Otorgt Washington waa on her way from HUT OB HCM N ion ruowu, a jarvj w nivva dm a battery of field piece* and eoat> meoced shelling her from Chimney Point, opppoMe Jenkin's iaknd. The shots from the Coatederate srtfilery fell abont fifty yards short, bat were of sdmlrsUe range. Captain Campbell, as soon as the state of affair* would permit him, tamed his boat toward the shore and answered the rebels with the fire oft James rifled gnn, landing three ? shells In the midst of the enemy, who limbered up sheir gnns and scampered away at fall speed. No fllff was injomi w war iiag. A. .'?i m m m< ;rTo>SxrvM to Ksy W tau?The 9jth Jfeew York Yqhmtecia, Go). Jot. 8. Morgan, htt beta ordered teak to Key Wet^reHering Col Good's commend, who are to return to Beaufort. They left, yesterday in the Mat atees. I the fk:t {iWf'tACfci. person than j | Serf! W *4#, ^^p^^lflraHK^ogimani. was j ed froe tte^SSPEtd^ltes Infantry, and who ted since then eratedaO efforts to trace his whereabouts. The Information was conveyed to headquarters by one of die officers of the Third New ' Hampshire Volunteers?Captain Maxwell?who at the time of the alleged offence was a member of Sergeant YTade's Cdllpany. The matter was subsequently referred to Department headquarters. On Monday last Lieutenant Hoggins was sent for by tte Provost Marshal, and the accusations of bis former comrade were read n his presence.. Th. L enteaant at once acknowledged his guilt, and with scarcely a word of explanation, took off his ! coat, and ripped off his shoulder-straps. He was I ankiuiiuaitlir nlaoul in f>nnflni>ITll>nt. and la now ID the Provost Marshal's custody, awaiting the action of the commanding officer of the regiment from which he deserted. -There are many'palliating circumstances con. nected with this sad hfair. At the commencement of the present war Mr. Buggins, or as he must be hereafter known, Sergeant Wade, w s among the first to turn his soldierly attainments over to his country's service. B/ acting as a drillmaater in New York city, he contributed much to the efficiency of several metropolitan regiments, and at length connected himself with the Forty-seventh as an orderly sergeant. His merits were not kx^ in securing his promotion, and in De. ember, 1861, he was commission^'! as a Lieutenant. In the campaign en James Island last year he bore a eon spfcnoas petty distinguishing himself by bis personal bravery m a skirmish with the rebel fo oes ?- Inn. ?iu) irbinincr hr hU MlUntrr and admirable tact, the good opinion of bis entire brigade. Throughout his connection w ith the Forty-seventh be has borne ao admirable character and maintained an enviable reputation; and the disgrace to which he is satyected by the ?rp?M of his error of the past ndt only shocks but grieves the numerous friends tt) whom, by soldierly abilities, gallant conduct, ah? eminent social qualities, he had endeared himself. The offended majesty ol the army regulations is appeased; but the Forty, seventh loses one of the best officers of which that regiment could boast. In view of the fact that Sergeant Wade's best eflorls siucc the outbreak of the rebellion have been given to its sop-' pression, we trust that his Excellency the President 1 _ a ? i *_ %_ I win grant miu an tae leniency vmcd u w ma privilege to exercise in a matter of ao serious a character. Paroled.?Captains Hudson and Prouty, of the 6th Connecticut Regiment, who were taken prisoners while scouting on the main land opposite Port Royal Ferry in October last, hare been released on parole, and at last accounts were at Annapolis, in charge of about 800paroled soldiers. They will doubtless be exchanged. ii A Rebel Raid Uros Dawrcsxis.?By signals from Fort Pulaski we learn that a small party of rebels made a raid upon Dawfoskie Island on Thursday night, for the purpose of carrying off the negroes. But one escaped, reaching Pulaski in a small boat vesterdar morninr. ~ * ' r _ Acriva Asnsnxr Coxitis* vav.?By * special order from Departtaeot Headquarters, Lieut. F. A. Sawyer, 47th New Fork Volunteers, he* been appointed Acting C. S.,' with order* to report for duty to Lt. Col Morgan, Chief Commissary of Subsistence. - V? ' . m "h&MK thk Oonosu M?P-we leans thai Hflranolaance in force was made against Fort jtcAllister in the Ofeechie River on Tuesday Wst. pawn and fi'^kickon, the tug Dnjfodft ever, a sharp fight of several hours duration w j? indulged in, when, the character of the fort and the native of the channels having been definitely ascertained and a thick fog coming on, operation* were suspended for a time. "' . Fort McAllister is a casemated work, covered with railroad iron, and mounting thirteen guns. The practice of the rebel artillerist was perfect. Their first shot-?a ten-inch solid shot ?struck the Montiuk in the bowjftd during tbp engagement she was hit uo less than sixteen timet, with no other effect^than to demonstrate her to be entirely invulnerable against any ordnance which the rebels can bing to boar against her. In retnrn the ponderous missiles of the Mont auk told with fearful effect upoi the rebel stronghold) dismounting three of its gm.i. The attrition of tho rebels seemed woolly direcU i against the Moniank, which occupied the let ding position in the line and afforded an excellent target for their heary guns. The latest intelligence from the Ogeechie is that five contrabands?one the pilot of the NathviiU? deserted from Fort McAllister on Wednesday nighty secreting themselves "in a small row-bait among th? reeds, where they were discovered and taken off by one of our gunboats. They were so chilled through by the night's exposure as to render it necessary to lilt them aboard. One of these contrabands was the master of the rebel tag) sad assisted in removing the piles from the channel when the Naskvillt went into the Ogeechie, and subsequently replaced them. 11 is knowledge of their locality and of the proper way to extricate them will be of great value to otir forces.' ' Twenty-five hundred men from Savannah reinforced the garrison of Fart McAllister on Thursday. Complktcd.-The organisation of the First South Carolina Volunteers has been completed, and the Kegiment turned over by Gen. Saxton to the War Department. A second regiment of blacks will soon be formed, Colonel Montgomery, of Kansas, having been commissioned by the President as> its commander. The oflleers of the First Ontith hfit-A wj>ir?H thefer commissions from Geo. Saxton. Bksiosatioxs.-?TUe.rerigaauionaof the following officer* in thisDepartment have been accepted during the past week: Captain S. J. Foster, 48th New York Volunteers; First Lieutenant J. S. Corej, 7th. Connecticut Volunteers; Second Lieu* tenant John Armstrong, 97th Pennsylvania Volunteers. i V >w Piavah Iff ixuii _Th* Pnrtv.?<>rAnttl New York Volunteers has been relieved from Prev6si Guard duty, and has gone info Camp. Lieu*. Col. Hall, of the Vol. Engineers, succeeds Leut. Col. Van Brunt at Provost Marshal, and outers upon the duties of his new position to-day? , > , A Fust Coming In.?As we are going topees* the steamer City of Bath, with troops on board, has arrived. The Gsftsvfcr incoming over the bar and a large fleet of transports is anchored outside, waiting for the fog to lift before entering the harbor. i \ mi ? Nsws mom hi Noem.?Majok-General pita John Porter hae been found guilty of the charges made againat him, and in accordance with the tentence of the court-martial in his case has been dismissed from the sendee. -J?There were rumors on the 22d of a desperate battle between the forces of Uunuide and Lee, in which Gen. Hooker was reported to hen keen mortally wounded. - . . J v i a