f Aiits blUH'l HELP WAS URGEI MTLY NEEDED GOOD I0EA F( THE 1 )R ANY TOWN j TOLD OF KIT( ? .ancaster news, lancas IHENER'S DEATH? | FIRST ON TER, S. C. AMERICAN STAGE | m Tue? aking Diamonds. j * i. ..ii i.hmin in day, March 14, 1922. "AcrantWiU'iit or worJtlnif , loft ontirolv to tlip urrn> Darky Evidently Had Own With That ' Partner Shoe Two negroes, Salv King Agrlppn Johnao IXfUJitil Hwainp went f one (lark night. A atru'-k. and the doj Salvation, being the I Troubles of His Example Set by "Possum" His | Library Might W ik Down. Othnr Con atlon Jones and Were you ever 01 n. living near the peak? It In about 1 'possum hunting air. un-1 some peop warm trail was torn and eog railwu l?s soon "treeiL" difficult. The pint hotter elimher. Tihetans live?It i> Newark Publle li.tei u(tic?g C or II be Copied by Appeared in imunitlea. Engli n the top of Plke'a Lady Angela 4.500 feet up In the Memories uml le, in eplte of mo- tliut Loru Kitcln lys, find the utu-eat | spiritualism, and enu on which the edly not only t ten tlmeM as hla llexer in It y That Has Recently "Beggar's Op< Book Published by troversy W ish Author. at Ne Forbes in her book. The first H:i>e Details," says Upon the An ncr was Interested In Becgar'a < >pei that lie was undouht- WUh produee? interested, but a be- theater In N? i A eoiisideralil t< WHH .11 tra" Caused Some Con- who kuoiw hen It Was Produced ttticlnl ny. which MsJoi-iih I at the NnsMitu Street with the ele ?\v York 171 yearn ago. It to n miiiJi e proportion of the It).- explosions iljonill, !?fl IlillljlM ? Ie?l in |>r??? <11- fifteen < ? ? a sensation at I lie time. hours s < heats a piece of cnrhfve I ?anuof w etrlr are, tnul tli?*ri submits 4 11. m.. den pressure <|e\elope to nearly incredulous ma> ift. in "Ivlin," spoke denee, hut enutu a swallow's neat iii|t>f the roof of tlie ! "Count llama his soul after his Kitchener's, ami 1> blue illfK." seope had. appal sterlouN land, and that his death v\ ago almost an un- hut that lie need ii, lietter known a* i 'Ml people Hi ii story wliuh to the iHtion of New only appear as eoinel- ' foriwinee, nit I I fail to lie Interest- few who proi less affair" :i n wus n friend of the law on ii in reailliiM his horo- i Tlie Mnrra enlly, always t >111 him hand of route oulil he a sudden one. [ York from I' not antiei|uite danger I slhle for the ii eoinprlslnc the pupil- Amounts to York iittended the per- pressure- of lioujrh there were tint a muss of em le-ded UfMinst til*' "jjotl- mieroseople ud threatened to "have lest- for di; \\iiv first to \ A. Kenn eoiiipuny. a 1 r? 11 and tli dintis who went to Now under jrrea hlhohlphhi. was respon . rhetnist's ? produelion. It was a jM'ent Ileal s J>. ' lmtir for tlie : hours a day." nprovcment on B.injo. Itiitijo is spn-ially ilit* r?M|iiirpin?'iit of (iatu'C orstajp* p??r forma noes aial pluyir^r hulls. Tim liaiijo. 11 I In* held or ha held nn exhibit of K. wont abroad. ;s TilictHD things war olihe, and J hrotigh the happy blue \a so, whin missionary of un- him as a mascot and (tie museum always Kept it 01 ihit is supplement- fount II. if tin and pictures tend- ?"??Uld do for In re understandable oitlitry. 1'lic coti his Ih u typical ex- tlve, Inn K. toll - - tlill.ar I .o noill.l itl?\ Jus! ht?foit? l.onl | |???rn?? ! ' 'III! II. went lo til** ! who |mvs..||;i!I v. showed Iiiiii j| little , rllbcns :iml !i In* IIIHI iiid'I' furiiiiini'i' . Illl't t >1.1 ll i III t III! t lie , ?'\er .It S I.". ii *lie liihle. ||?* asked I'li'i rot ili.tit iti- WHS :in.\ tiling lie i I 'oils;* tii' wen hi I . for.' lo* lift tli?* i moiiis lic? we.lit replied in tin* iieim- | Tin- t'.oL'^it Iiiin there was one pnpnl.i- and .1.. r i iioinns l\?':in. : to ' |\ < on tin' It'ildine i)io <1 vo|il ilcki'ts. Tin- por nieiulllc s nml 'Tin* Pnmki-n "While il . pr< - inoil ii*> "I'liloriiiin pM.tcrt hi! n tin* in-ts." Mi'ii'tiini ??f . i Mn'i ii" ?'! ? Ion- ||, .|M|?n,." s > hii?* <>l itUnix jm* -tHI ^ w lut lull? 1 I "I I ??\* 11:11?? * mio-Torui oritiruir.x ntriion >??-, ju-? li.inu.iit! f. without m \? r.. | ni ? j fhroti^'li Id Labor in Japan. '"'I irre is ;i liuv |n I 'I lalmrt'l'v tln?r?- is no re- II lti?> ? hi k lin'irs t>f adults 'Ids r i iiit- iit iHi. A iinni, from tlie 1?j?? between the ?| Ixinrri, passe* the triune of tin* instrument \ s tin- ? ntlre \nlume of sniiml ti e hail. \ second hoard lie hack < ! the instrument, cnlj in f. -f. tlif \oluine of ,t. by vjii'iitioi ? jr, construequi tity of tope ?an be cc?D? mi t St.e.-iiil tirrtwn an' lit "Naw, stili." yollo wantN > lp yo' hot* him?'" years ugo there wii il Agrlppa. "Ah of Colombian thini town an' help in* another Interest lip, ?Judge. land. ? ? ! (Mrnrtor lbtnn I ER IN AFRICA brarv s,'"n,d "seir; i men and not restrl . _ i vountr ladv readei K ( [ nil* ewil TK * " nustiMl chief. John petted to liiiu In* Leslie's. A (few At the \er.\ liotn s h Mitnllar exhibit fount llm js- Colombia being - r'M,U1 *'* his hmisi miiiI liiiM'cewKibie ''inl ?f which \vi ; securely imlhsl >elieves that n II- ' reason at alt it itself to business mlltht have U*n let its activities to i fniitrt Mauum y s of fiction chit- i something hud ,,,r * nii.tiiiuifi !?!? | would *ri\?* 111111 H si^u. j ulil t l" \\ r tli#? Hampshire went ; ''ear rli.irnit r iiK'ii ??nc j us ii inrve liHtclimciit. to the wall. I-'or no Vic fell with it crash. ami The \ Icturi cleft In two l?y an ax. ' 'lie ^t l.iiwro instantly tluit 1 '"'it tuilly kn hn|n#?Mici| to Lord "it .'sir hrhlc itit i-i Imt w iTf i'ii;!i. r .lour | :toria Bridge. .1 ulii !** I ri?lii?? n?T un*' not * 1 who recently re- , bvi'k* "n'1 - ,uun*,r after spending ! * library la pi tleally unknown """'n* librarians f i. la author of bu* '',e sorl Wl wi? moiiater that i he Creat fulls of he. led old gentlnoen. i Kitchener, and. J constructive force , pr?n?lse?l sign.** fe of the conituu- 1 mere collection of BUT HE GO ig place. The New- ? petty well known And So a Wll] ihout the country. sian Bacheh i?rk It does Is not "Kill Off ally ns It might j Necessity has tlmt thl* niUMt In* the "VI I. iIm ' lift f \\ si fiirimilly VII ('Iihii prl T DATES MIXED 't,,, u ii> it I*I 11, Unscrupulous Rus- 's!l' ?r Was Forced to 1'ii 1w?- 1t hh? " His Family. ' ? Victor! ? or of (Jiiii ii sliHr|H>||o?l the wits Ire I i 1 <117. r Qu?'t*ii Vlrlin*iii It opened by Kbit; Kdwurd lH nee of \VhI?"<). I titlitilnr bridge ??? r??utile*, or brliltc built in on the p'prs of ili?* old H M tcl\?n the nfl'u iiil name 4.jj ii tiibiilnr bililm* In Ihui Victoria'* diamond Jubl- Si1' It 1r Mill popularly ? > A District General Agenl and adjoining territor; litn;i 1 Lite Assurance ('omj usetts, whose annual state] of $72,219,112, insuran 'IK iiiki HIIII t for Ijancastrr, H v for the State I )any, of Mussa inent shows as- H ice in force of H i ~ ~ the Orange river. It and a neck ten feet Imttree. It seizes the draps them under wit ?*n 11 it "Kjinon." r with n hourly up- i II ilirnniP, IntllKM'd tll#> Ti^.lc t lie Imuso committee i| to clve him n ccr- MOrty lie vv?s married. In ? tired h double rut Ion. >r?r. a* ttf Victoria I $ ;o Real Estate tit :age On Real I ,M; Estate \ B " , "'"1 MM* | r I f I I I I I I I I 1^ vidmids ;111< 1 most liberal ji 11' schedule of divide >t of insurniiee in this eom r lowest. A real opportuni m to make a most profital tit all assured income for tit annual m olicv contracts. H iids makes the M pany as low as H v ty for the right I dc connection., H e future. If in- | ers to see the mon He writes: "At the tlves I sow Hotnotlil ?n?l sinuous swlmniln the current In the The monster kept Iti under water. hut the visible. The monster very gigantic pytln It was of hn Incredihl II.v Mtn.. I... II a ster If possible, slr.p of tin* luirbor. cries of the iih- divine bell was em I rig black, buge, iniicliiue whs dese c rapidly against casinu the men swirling rapids, sides saw in the g * enormous body light a strange slg neck was pJalnly The water benei mar have been became alive with m. but If It wirs very tisli, which le *l/.e. This rep- thither in their eff i _ -- 1 ? In the work a hlg >,,nn ms mm* ployed. When this hp ent " m"* eliding on one or- '* I.liter a seated around It* t,l,s flefltlnii* ui la re of the electric to "ddltlni ht. milt. I'nfortiina nth them suddenly n,,x''?l "F1 ?nd ? thousand* of *11- ?' three rhllf darted hither and n,ontI>* 'orts to escape the Investlgiitl - - which mi niildoi innry wne ien in ami nr'! on the strength I 1 huby I'flinf to \ dnQ III lion. an LOUIS SHERFE General Agent, Greenv |H?.siti f?i uin'xpi'cieii rapiiVli aching It In size In diving under thi have lived that hut us It descended the bottom, the fe Satisfaction. bo, , a told th. Kl* 1 ,, Hl/" " . , . . . the sea the men e thoiisuna of the spi ret hla flrst pro. pniIlMll|y mttrurt^ ser\ (e. light that Is used messenger. On? ______ y. s>otne succeeded ? ... e edtfes of the I,ell. fmn,,;v' wl,1u/h CJ I nearer and nearer [*" M" wl w Inches of water ,,f'U' bov- . thick with the fish. 1 11 ? ,,r"* sted on the bed of ,f, "MV< captured nearly a off rats. The fish were H*ftro 1 "r,s' I by the electric In audi a bell. Story of a F ? An esteemed irrlad a way, Inside of fa. two daughters ami == ||||||||||||||| ?1fnl niHssStTf on pa- s: f??l ilia physician. who zsz tad.?J. Kessel In I>e amous Old Timer. EE i-iii rastiiiiith'iit r?M-:i1l? ~~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiraiiniii: )ur Job lllllllllllllllllillHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKill Printin Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllnlllllly s i day he happened to 1 find saw about thirty over tallies. "Wluit are they di "They are tHk'pi' for promotion." h ' you want to try?" If they were tryli.j on M. <). Chance of their hlnlT. ?< I I A ..... . I.. ?_..! look into a room y people heading "Shoes at i The cum oin of tli dIiir?" he asked. 01,1 aflel' an examination ?*ltwhen they j was told. "Don't 01 when I wedding Journey la K to play a Joke of stretches i Illinois he called k'uiidnj;. Some thh assault and ia a t i fit** uinniiiy k Wedding." | two little stories _ ... >in, tim. Ihivld rowing one or nn>re . .... , . , ottier <>ni<-i:il <| le bride or groom , , . . . . . tluit of inifnstei go to church to be . ,, . . ,, ,, . . ... Iiv President Po they sturt on their * .. . . flee five \ears, so old the memory .... * . \N lien it \v:is lot back to Its he- . . ... the future govet nk it represent- an lln|s Ml lingering trace of ; ml|lM,.r u, ,v of tint eminent Ohio- z= To.I. who. iiinotju his s: istin.'tlons, till tnhotod zzz jo ltray.il, appointed * ss: Ik iiml holding tin' ofliaised Hlxnil illllollC sEz uor's old fio ioK and ~ * lilt ho liarl Im-oii mado ?? hl/.il, OIIO of tlil-lll Is fur jm'? ?-an? h??\v luuks w1 niiiiiship ?j?lo who are particular. T1 their stationery ami other (10 don't know i?ood paper ; when tliev sec it?-don't a Iio.sc who don't == printed matter' " =? ind *;ood worki?l?reciate irood S?* I ir rin IU, KM'K Nixi Inter whs told I only mil' promote*]. "I t* !I ymi, I felt i # * ' ?Jh ifil i'ustiiiMMer ( tlie tirno. "until they others hml taken the promotion to .Sl.dOO l?e*'ii tlie onlj one tr Inntlon for promnth W'ashh'iL'toii Slur. lll?- t-MIIIIIIUUIHU ? that he was the j ?'?irr> Inj: ?wuy the j others think that relty proud," de- aiteieiit Ium of esc 'ha nee. recalling tlmt It former told me that the rend?*r h> the pore examination for , nutn..rit\ mer and that I had referenee to ? take the e\atn- mentioned in the K no to $1 .otto."? tenotomy Me read t er of a dead man r . . 1 "? i ilnixvliMl -Will, i bride. hy violence; ... , . '.. ^ IHi>e II make a It Ik ii relic of the .... . ... . , \\ lien Mini-it* iaiiKe or purchase. % le1v,.(|., lv, ly Implied the sur ; My I.ts Of nil dominion J ,.Ilip,.r?r th.? ir ?l??WK,|fr. M ,.nrrvillK oUl ?f ? Jewish custom ihle. Thus in I ?eu , ni.,(.r ||i(I lint when the hrotli- mine " efused to iintrrv his ..." . nil I p>t t<> sn\ is that ~ ihi'ol of ii minister!" r Toil oftlriiillv intorIro II in Hio Janeiro, ? intiT|>r?-t?T: ' 'l oll the as In1 will hurry up tin* ~ that riipiost I iiuuh* ~~ mi ;t cur loail of the 1 SS I run I my pooph- ran i ~~ If IIII \ also (lit* cii.stuii) ii ''I to tla* IiiiaI) llil nniAfil hl'M 11 III I II ^ 11 i.Tl-r.i.r f-?>t In | iii* shoe." It whs 1 | >? ??|?-r >f the middle Hge? ___ und's shoe on (he 1 I vouch iu token of I P?ris lienut \ [ riitlizii'K in the i le??>. Two s|>e< itor Paint. i |??jx ur#. \v 1111111 Id rooms of the f|?. *\yi. ?/ Woi if m i-itrv ul i i*ii.*tlv .* ? t. .i... i_ I 1IM-II III IIHI. I III* III* -oil. CU'vt'liiiiil I'lain s; ut Next? = iti it'Ts are now reforming ?f woiiiou'k . ? alali?t? in itin* la lip fnine l?y reilnHnp 1 ?infliV iitiaIi's j?*:11 H' llrl'l r.ili r their printing because 1 lid mi tlu? quality nf the \> they know thev = fork this offire EE Tried Cardui.?I Wat Surprising." Fine, Becanu and Hea Springfield Mo.-?'l *?.. thiii ? miles* >?J? AeSUlt ile.-i.n,led. For tli \ /* a il ' 1>*- IIMetl wll Got Along wl(h tlle wa? volj > Normal ! i,i,|n,s ?Mi i pose Is tlio nnlluur Jthy. I p:iint tlint Is used i boon fount) that tli ' h tint siirf:t< o littvln Vfv hnrlr wna an i mission I t ? _ '--j ....... I ririmiiK me they are properly ( hH\e imt. as ils purpose a pHint | it*, en, v? .?ii? of iU-Ii will harmonize | the ? ' ? of >01 jrlnns. Mini one of 1 utmost tearfully tlntihle for this pur- develop In this < y HiinitHrv. tint wall . upon walls It has _ shoot Cat ese paints dry with ; Telephone am] a hitili heat trans , itti i'ortlaiiil ai ?r lieatini; efllelenev . ? ;r in I II?* I'HII. I Ill>> | s ' V . found u way ;?? taWr 1 I ' (imvli'i.'x mid soim* id ZZZ I r'rty. tl't'iv itr?? lni|dii(i ss flint ? llflMlill IC wlli = lirwtiun 3=r >le Over River. ^ I | re^ coinuiuid' iillon , ? n?; points >is i.u iinitli ' ZZZ he Pric Is n<> l?i^i - in soiin :e icr than others charge for ii instances less. We nierel itVrinr printing ~ v fhnrtro wliat == weak I could hardly would have bearlngwaa not well at any B. V. Williams, wife farmer on Route 6, kept getting headach< CO to bed," continue describing the troub she obtained relief th CarduL "My husbai of Cardul, proposed g stand up, and I ' wi ll sis fur decu down pains and nro llierefore to :? time," says Mrs. of a well-known this place. "I Support *s and having to At tin* installa s Mrs. Williams King 1-VimiI of It a >les from which left undone in pr? rough the use of pimrc nwesMiry fo id, having heard j(1 j|M, eoftntrv of t ettlng it for mo. | .,.1 ration, those paint, j ?" .? rr? MiiiiMi-iulril. | -f ' ?!itm i Mrpttnii, llty across iht> |-1 of Royalty. VNJ'S attached a I lion ceremony ,,f : A projectile v k nothing; hitil heen I" llu1 I'.ieili MlllclllX flu- iitmos j -Trlpli ruiujiiuix. r such nn occasion i the win* uas lie III' Caliph* of ftnif I ~;'l' '""I all en * I lUipiwv i >ii r?'?-? 111j> (i\- iiif nrt I In* Shim iatn ri\?*r. in Hi v\:is ri*st nlt'il arms- a Iini f,...| UTfjiMirv rniilf pullnl SEj ! =. ~ (11? joli is t <1 Is * * ll'SS. r worth. W<' <1?? not want m< FHF ?iv and will not == i ?w arter tacii ... that I was lmprov was surprising. I fei parson. "Later I suffered and weak back, and I I did not rest well at natrons and cross. I ha would get me sorr ha did. It strengths; doctor said I got alon good healthv rnrrtlfl ng soma Cardul lng. TTie result uf sl,,||>iii 11 mlsed "Won't |?;i> um anil bore it 11 \vu.\ "N"iis?'n>?.. ^ II IllllJt it lid". Tin I'll |H?r v ' seat w as pimple [ "Not fur n ' linn i ili'n' U ]w tli. I I Ot!l-\iJli- ('onrn Lich Cut Out EH mi | in I'liiMkvillP ;s lie ulijt'i i loi iililr f, ,ii ' ill rsiti ?'f?iilini!e to flit." HE li||-lnll'l|t?- v|y.>\."? s: fl sli'lll'l :)! I * LANCAS PR If \ HER NE\ JTCHOP ivs I! ay too much for it" Thousands of womr aa Mrs. Williams desc found relief from tbf Since It has helped hould not hesitate t troubled with woman Fbr sale everywhere *0 ivm? * MMiUUk I ~ j iii Rtoni'll < n have Buffered porth Srotrli whl :rlbeg, until they nsnnHrss. Imtihisp i i use of Cardul. iHlvrrtlstMiidit iiim! ?o many, you j,u\r hoped f1 ** (iuurtliMii. - - -vi ; >f h (Inn tlint o\ sky. It *|,n:i In- Rad tn rlie most ii|i-t1 m il 11